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Digital Engagement
of Discharged ED Patients
is a Must
Thursday, April 14, 2016
2:45-4:00 pm
Tom Scaletta, MD
ED Chair and PX Medical Director
Julie Danker, MSW, LCSW
PX Director
• Tom is President of
• Smart-ER owns the IP used in EffectiveResponse™,
which is distributed by
Edward-Elmhurst Health
Edward’s 12-Year Experience
• Contacting patients the day after ED discharge keeps
them safe and satisfied
• Engaging patients digitally (instead of by telephone call)
reduces cost and increases reach
• Workflow automation allows charge nurses and case
managers to efficiently intervene on wellbeing issues
• Built-in response module allows acknowledgement of
compliment and resolution of complaints by ED leaders
• Statistically-valid metrics and relevant comments drive
providers to achieve top-tier performance
Remember that guy you saw yesterday?
100 Million ED Discharges
• 4% “worse”
- >100,000 high risk
- >10,000 injuries/deaths
• 5% aftercare gap closed
- Medication compliance
- Follow-up obstacle
• 12% offer feedback
- 5 compliments for each complaint
- Generates great ideas
Original Edward ED Program (2004)
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
• Disruptive
- Caller ID hook
- Rushed answers
• Expensive
- 1 FTE per 25K annual volume
- $100K/RN and $50K/clerk (includes benefits)
- Plus supervision/space/equipment/turnover
• Bias/Inconsistency
• Asynchronous
- Non-disruptive contact
- Thoughtful response
• Automated
- Pop-ups and alerts
- Align to workflow
• Effective
- Consistent method
- Same reach, one-fourth cost
Smartphone Accessibility
• Three-quarters of all US adults
• Half of those below the poverty line
• One-third of those over 65 years old
- though two-thirds
have internet/email
Digital Connectivity
• Email address (65%)
- 50% opened
- 1% unsubscribe
• Cellphone number (90%)
- 78% texts delivered
- 0.5% opt-out
• Home phone (half are landlines)
• Some digital means (95%)
Power of PX
- Penalty v bonus
• High co-pays/deductible
- Consumerism
• Better communication
- Better outcomes
- Less complaints
What’s the best reason to focus on
providing a great patient experience?
a. Hospital employee bonuses are tied to PX metrics.
b. The biggest Foundation donor lives nearby.
c. CMS links 30% of reimbursement to CAHPS.
d. Patient loyalty improves the hospital’s profit margin.
e. Satisfied patients generate less lawsuits.
What’s the best reason to focus on
providing a great patient experience?
d. Patient loyalty improves the hospital’s profit margin.
• High PX hospitals have 25% greater Likeliness to Refer
- 10% increased retention = 50% increase in profits
• Drivers
- 2/3 = PX
- 1/3 = Cost
- 1/3 = Quality
• External: validate the “whole”
- Similar EDs
- Low n acceptable
- More of a destination
• Internal: validate the “parts”
- Individuals within same ED
- High n required
- More of a journey
Edward-Elmhurst Health
• External benchmarking
- Press Ganey (CAHPS vendor)
• Internal benchmarking
- EffectiveResponse™
• Rate the provider by the level of concern showed for
your wellbeing
• Very high (top box) = 60%
Typical Response Types
• Top-box
- 6 times as loyal as next box
- Rate the provider by the level of concern shown
(Very High/High/Average/Low/Very Low)
• Net Promoter Score – likelihood to recommend
- NPS = %Promoters - %Detractors
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Promoters Passives Detractors
• 37 service questions
• Low n due to length
• Results lag by 6 weeks
• Begins in 2017
Survey Fatigue
AAEM Position: Patient Satisfaction
AMA Position (2015)
Existence of a Relationship
• Accuracy
- Type 1 error: False positive
- > 95% accuracy (p < 0.05)
• Power
- Type 2 error: False negative
- 80% power
• Validity
- Internal: current setting
- External: other settings
Tale of Two Doctors
Mean = 57.8
SD = 6.6
2015 Performance
Required Sample Size
• Assumptions
- p < .05 (Zα = 1.96)
- Power = 80% (Zβ = 0.84)
- EPs get top ranking for PX by two-thirds of patients
- Standard deviation is X (delta)
- Change of 2X is significant (sigma)
• How many responses necessary to prove an outlier?
30: The Statistical “Magic” Number
- 30 = necessary sample size for valid results
- Typical EP sees 300 patients a month
• 300 x 80% x 30% = 72
- Handel:15% of ED patients received paper surveys
and 11% returned them, for a 1.7% sample rate
• 300 x 80% x 1.7% = 4
• 8 months to measure performance (2,400 patients)
Performance Curve
%Very high concern for wellbeing)
Workload Units Per Hour
Turnaround Time
for Discharges
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
G.R.E.A.T.™ Coaching
G.R.E.A.T.™ Coaching
• Appear confident and unhurried
• Warm introduction to all in the room
• Carefully listen (paraphrase)
• Look for other ways to relate
- weather, sports team, clothing, profession
• Explain well (our primary service)
• “Do you have any other concerns?“
• “Thanks for putting your trust in us.”
Focus on ED Satisfaction
• Consumerism (due to high copay/deductible)
- Patients consider themselves customers
• Organizations compared based on satisfaction scores
- www.HospitalCompare.hhs.gov
• Bonus or penalty based on satisfaction scores
- Value-Based Purchasing Program
- EDPEC* (ED-CAHPS) expected in 2017
* Emergency Department Patient Experiences with Care
(EDPEC) survey is currently being tested by CMS
• Typical causes
- Poor communication
- Inattention
- Excessive cost
• Immediate and appropriate response by authority figure
• View as loyalty opportunity
- Apologizing and promising a fix may create turnabout
- Closing gaps makes future patients more loyal
Test Drive
• Enter V.GD/score into your browser
• Click the “SmartDemo” URL and enter email address
• Complete the survey and await a response
Survey Link
Patient receives
a text or email
invitation to click
a secure link
- How are you
- ¿Cómo te va?
- 你好吗?
- Jak się masz?
‫טאן‬ ‫איר‬ ‫זענען‬ ‫ווי‬?
‫لك؟‬‫حا‬ ‫كيف‬
First screen is a click-thru
acknowledgement that the
survey is not a substitute
for care
Question #1 checks on the
patient’s well-being
Question #1 checks on the
patient’s well-being
Wellbeing: “Worse”
• 4% “worse”
- “Pop-up” states contact PCP or return to ER
• Downward trajectory associated with missed diagnoses
and gaps in expectation management
- 1 in 25 “worse” instructed to return
- 1 in 250 “worse” would otherwise be claims (estimated)
• 50K ED, electronic contact mitigates 2 claims a year
- (50,000 x 80% x 30% x 4% ÷ 250 = 2)
Example: Knowledge Gap
25 F in rear end auto collision diagnosed with whiplash and
reports worse neck and back pain the next day
• Problem
- Patient unaware increased next day pain expected
• Intervention
- Charge nurse called patient to assure no neurological
- Patient pleased with the attention
- Unnecessary ED return avoided
Example: Follow-up Gap
9 F with extremity fracture, referred to on-call orthopedic
surgeon and refused since “out of network”
• Problem
- Medicaid HMO has limited referral options
• Intervention
- ED case manager reminded office manager about the
on-call obligation
- Next-day visit scheduled
Example: Averted Claim
25 M with diagnosis of “lumbar strain” developed fever and
• Problem
- Potential missed diagnosis
• Intervention
- Charge nurse instructed patient to immediately return
- Epidural abscess diagnosed on MR
- Patient had urgent surgery and regained full strength
• One-third of malpractice claims
- Average payout $500,000
• Commonly report “worse”
- Screens for downward trajectory
• Typical scenario
- Alert  Callback  Return (5%)
- 1 claim prevented per 20K visits Brown. Acad EM. 2010
Iglarsh. CNA HealthPro; 2008
Risk Mitigation
• “Worse”
- Immediate RN callback
• “Same or Improved”
- Documented stability
• Positive experience
- Demonstrates effort
• No response
- Indicates ED effort and
patient apathy
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
• Case manager reconciles
• 4% have issue
• Can send medication
issues to pharmacist
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
Top box score
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
• Creates an opportunity for the
voice of the patient to be heard
• The final screen can link to the patient portal.
• Helps achieve Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirement that
25% of patients access PHI electronically
• Half completing self-assessment clicked to MyChart
• 53% new users to portal from EffectiveResponse
– Higher rate than any other source
5:1 Compliments to Complaints
Insightful Comments
AIM Module
to AIM
A patient has
entered a
response to a
question that
triggered a
notification –
this is an
“active issue.”
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
AIM Module
• Categorizing presents editable template
• Sends response by same means patient used
AIM Module
Patents receive in-kind response (text or email)
AIM Module
The Call
Center is a
secure, web-
based module
that lists all
patients who
have not
responded via
text or email.
Patients are
easily sorted
by complaint/
diagnosis, visit
time, calls
attempted, etc.
The user can
attempts to
reach patients
or bad phone
of responses
will generate
notifications to
the clinical
This means
that clerical or
personnel can
serve as call
Responder Role
• A typical
notification text
or email will
look like this.
• Depending on
system rules,
access can
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
Solution Overview
Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16
Solution Overview
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Digital Engagement of ED Patients 4-18-16

  • 1. Digital Engagement of Discharged ED Patients is a Must Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:45-4:00 pm Tom Scaletta, MD ED Chair and PX Medical Director Julie Danker, MSW, LCSW PX Director
  • 2. Disclosure • Tom is President of • Smart-ER owns the IP used in EffectiveResponse™, which is distributed by
  • 4. Edward’s 12-Year Experience • Contacting patients the day after ED discharge keeps them safe and satisfied • Engaging patients digitally (instead of by telephone call) reduces cost and increases reach • Workflow automation allows charge nurses and case managers to efficiently intervene on wellbeing issues • Built-in response module allows acknowledgement of compliment and resolution of complaints by ED leaders • Statistically-valid metrics and relevant comments drive providers to achieve top-tier performance
  • 5. Remember that guy you saw yesterday?
  • 6. 100 Million ED Discharges • 4% “worse” - >100,000 high risk - >10,000 injuries/deaths prevented • 5% aftercare gap closed - Medication compliance - Follow-up obstacle • 12% offer feedback - 5 compliments for each complaint - Generates great ideas
  • 7. Original Edward ED Program (2004)
  • 9. Dialing • Disruptive - Caller ID hook - Rushed answers • Expensive - 1 FTE per 25K annual volume - $100K/RN and $50K/clerk (includes benefits) - Plus supervision/space/equipment/turnover • Bias/Inconsistency
  • 10. Digital • Asynchronous - Non-disruptive contact - Thoughtful response • Automated - Pop-ups and alerts - Align to workflow • Effective - Consistent method - Same reach, one-fourth cost
  • 11. Smartphone Accessibility • Three-quarters of all US adults • Half of those below the poverty line • One-third of those over 65 years old - though two-thirds have internet/email
  • 12. Digital Connectivity • Email address (65%) - 50% opened - 1% unsubscribe • Cellphone number (90%) - 78% texts delivered - 0.5% opt-out • Home phone (half are landlines) • Some digital means (95%)
  • 13. Power of PX • ED-CAHPS - Penalty v bonus • High co-pays/deductible - Consumerism • Better communication - Better outcomes - Less complaints
  • 14. What’s the best reason to focus on providing a great patient experience? a. Hospital employee bonuses are tied to PX metrics. b. The biggest Foundation donor lives nearby. c. CMS links 30% of reimbursement to CAHPS. d. Patient loyalty improves the hospital’s profit margin. e. Satisfied patients generate less lawsuits.
  • 15. What’s the best reason to focus on providing a great patient experience? a. b. c. d. Patient loyalty improves the hospital’s profit margin.
  • 16. Loyalty AdvisoryBoardCompany(2016) • High PX hospitals have 25% greater Likeliness to Refer - 10% increased retention = 50% increase in profits • Drivers - 2/3 = PX - 1/3 = Cost - 1/3 = Quality
  • 17. Benchmarking • External: validate the “whole” - Similar EDs - Low n acceptable - More of a destination • Internal: validate the “parts” - Individuals within same ED - High n required - More of a journey
  • 18. Edward-Elmhurst Health • External benchmarking - Press Ganey (CAHPS vendor) • Internal benchmarking - EffectiveResponse™ • Rate the provider by the level of concern showed for your wellbeing • Very high (top box) = 60%
  • 19. Typical Response Types • Top-box - 6 times as loyal as next box - Rate the provider by the level of concern shown (Very High/High/Average/Low/Very Low) • Net Promoter Score – likelihood to recommend - NPS = %Promoters - %Detractors 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Promoters Passives Detractors
  • 20. EDPEC (ED-CAHPS) • 37 service questions • Low n due to length • Results lag by 6 weeks • Begins in 2017
  • 22. AAEM Position: Patient Satisfaction
  • 24. Existence of a Relationship • Accuracy - Type 1 error: False positive - > 95% accuracy (p < 0.05) • Power - Type 2 error: False negative - 80% power • Validity - Internal: current setting - External: other settings
  • 25. Tale of Two Doctors Mean = 57.8 SD = 6.6 2015 Performance TopBoxScore
  • 26. Required Sample Size • Assumptions - p < .05 (Zα = 1.96) - Power = 80% (Zβ = 0.84) - EPs get top ranking for PX by two-thirds of patients - Standard deviation is X (delta) - Change of 2X is significant (sigma) • How many responses necessary to prove an outlier?
  • 27. 30: The Statistical “Magic” Number - 30 = necessary sample size for valid results - Typical EP sees 300 patients a month • 300 x 80% x 30% = 72 - Handel:15% of ED patients received paper surveys and 11% returned them, for a 1.7% sample rate • 300 x 80% x 1.7% = 4 • 8 months to measure performance (2,400 patients) https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_the_ rationale_behind_the_magic_number_30_in_statistics
  • 29. %Very high concern for wellbeing) Workload Units Per Hour Turnaround Time for Discharges (minutes) PedsED MainEDandFreestandingED
  • 32. G.R.E.A.T.™ Coaching • Appear confident and unhurried • Warm introduction to all in the room • Carefully listen (paraphrase) • Look for other ways to relate - weather, sports team, clothing, profession • Explain well (our primary service) • “Do you have any other concerns?“ • “Thanks for putting your trust in us.”
  • 33. Focus on ED Satisfaction • Consumerism (due to high copay/deductible) - Patients consider themselves customers • Organizations compared based on satisfaction scores - www.HospitalCompare.hhs.gov • Bonus or penalty based on satisfaction scores - Value-Based Purchasing Program - EDPEC* (ED-CAHPS) expected in 2017 * Emergency Department Patient Experiences with Care (EDPEC) survey is currently being tested by CMS
  • 34. Complaints • Typical causes - Poor communication - Inattention - Excessive cost • Immediate and appropriate response by authority figure • View as loyalty opportunity - Apologizing and promising a fix may create turnabout - Closing gaps makes future patients more loyal
  • 36. Test Drive • Enter V.GD/score into your browser • Click the “SmartDemo” URL and enter email address • Complete the survey and await a response
  • 38. Survey Link 3 8 Patient receives a text or email invitation to click a secure link
  • 39. Multi-Lingual - How are you doing? - ¿Cómo te va? - 你好吗? - Jak się masz? ‫טאן‬ ‫איר‬ ‫זענען‬ ‫ווי‬? ‫لك؟‬‫حا‬ ‫كيف‬
  • 40. First screen is a click-thru acknowledgement that the survey is not a substitute for care
  • 41. Question #1 checks on the patient’s well-being
  • 42. Question #1 checks on the patient’s well-being
  • 43. Wellbeing: “Worse” • 4% “worse” - “Pop-up” states contact PCP or return to ER • Downward trajectory associated with missed diagnoses and gaps in expectation management - 1 in 25 “worse” instructed to return - 1 in 250 “worse” would otherwise be claims (estimated) • 50K ED, electronic contact mitigates 2 claims a year - (50,000 x 80% x 30% x 4% ÷ 250 = 2)
  • 44. Example: Knowledge Gap 25 F in rear end auto collision diagnosed with whiplash and reports worse neck and back pain the next day • Problem - Patient unaware increased next day pain expected • Intervention - Charge nurse called patient to assure no neurological symptoms - Patient pleased with the attention - Unnecessary ED return avoided
  • 45. Example: Follow-up Gap 9 F with extremity fracture, referred to on-call orthopedic surgeon and refused since “out of network” • Problem - Medicaid HMO has limited referral options • Intervention - ED case manager reminded office manager about the on-call obligation - Next-day visit scheduled
  • 46. Example: Averted Claim 25 M with diagnosis of “lumbar strain” developed fever and weakness • Problem - Potential missed diagnosis • Intervention - Charge nurse instructed patient to immediately return - Epidural abscess diagnosed on MR - Patient had urgent surgery and regained full strength
  • 47. Misdiagnoses • One-third of malpractice claims - Average payout $500,000 • Commonly report “worse” - Screens for downward trajectory • Typical scenario - Alert  Callback  Return (5%) - 1 claim prevented per 20K visits Brown. Acad EM. 2010 Iglarsh. CNA HealthPro; 2008
  • 48. Risk Mitigation • “Worse” - Immediate RN callback • “Same or Improved” - Documented stability • Positive experience - Demonstrates effort • No response - Indicates ED effort and patient apathy
  • 50. • Case manager reconciles • 4% have issue • Can send medication issues to pharmacist
  • 54. • Creates an opportunity for the voice of the patient to be heard
  • 55. • The final screen can link to the patient portal. • Helps achieve Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirement that 25% of patients access PHI electronically
  • 56. • Half completing self-assessment clicked to MyChart • 53% new users to portal from EffectiveResponse – Higher rate than any other source
  • 57. 5:1 Compliments to Complaints
  • 59. AIM Module 5 9 Login screen to AIM Module A patient has entered a response to a survey question that triggered a notification – this is an “active issue.”
  • 62. AIM Module • Categorizing presents editable template • Sends response by same means patient used
  • 64. Patents receive in-kind response (text or email) AIM Module
  • 65. The Call Center is a secure, web- based module that lists all patients who have not responded via text or email.
  • 66. Patients are easily sorted by complaint/ diagnosis, visit time, calls attempted, etc.
  • 67. The user can quickly document attempts to reach patients or bad phone numbers.
  • 68. Documentation of responses will generate email notifications to the clinical staff. This means that clerical or assistive personnel can serve as call center operators.
  • 69. Responder Role • A typical notification text or email will look like this. • Depending on system rules, access can require authentication Notifications
  • 75. Related Articles • A Better Way to Elicit Patient Feedback • Can you afford not to invest in digital patient engagement? • Timely patient satisfaction surveys: No longer an option • Best Practices for improving care with patient follow-up • Post-Discharge Follow-Up Isn't Just for Hospitalizations: The Value of Contacting ED Patients • Discharge Texting: The Evolution of ED Callbacks • Happy Meals for Everyone?