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From the
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My 2020-2021 reading list
I recommend the following:
Magazines & Books
(I read all of them)
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deliver value
under pressure
and at the pace
the market
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How the Covid19 Era
Empowered (changed)
ALL Individuals
• The GOOGLE effect: separation of humans and information
• The WHATSAPP effect: Free communications, death of distance
• The ZOOM effect: Virtualization of family, classroom & business meetings
• The WOLT effect: Virtualization of food delivery experience
• The FACEBOOK effect: Virtualization of human relationships
• The AIRB&B effect: Virtualization of short-term accommodations
• The LINKEDIN effect: Virtualization of specialized knowledge and employment opportunities
• The AMAZON effect: Virtualization of customer experience
• The WAZE effect: Virtualization and crowdsourcing of automobile travel
• The SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC effect: Personalization of music consumerist
• The INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, YOUTUBE effect: Virtualization of content sharing
• The YELP, TRIPADVISOR effect: Virtualization of Consumer Reviews
• Summary of the effects LIFE CHANGED
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What type of employee fits your DNA? Who do you hire?
Some companies shine, already far along in the
journey to digital maturity.
But all companies  (even digital natives and market leaders)
have to move faster and travel further.
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“You shouldn't hire someone because
they have a particular skill.
You have to hire someone because they
have the capacity to continue to learn.”
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Post covid19 (202X) organizations will depend more
and more on multifaceted workers, people with
skills that resemble the Greek letter pi (π).
This group will have a broad mastery of general
management skills plus (at least 2) spikes of
deep functional or domain expertise AND knows
how to, wants to LEARN
Which Letter-shaped will your Future Employees and Leaders be?
“T-Shaped” (20th century HR)
refers to an employee who
has a thorough knowledge
and strong skill-set in one
area, but can also work
beyond it and can
collaborate in numerous
other disciplines or fields
E-shaped managers
(21st century) have a
combination of 4 E’s
(Experience, Expertise,
Exploration and
Execution) that are
really essential in the
current business
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• Remote First Economy
• Data Economy
• Distributed (API)Economy
• Passion Economy
• Merit-Talent Economy
• Re-invention Economy
• Subscription Economy
• Innovation Economy
• Shortage Economy
• Implementation Economy (finally)
Post-covid19 has many names:
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• World economy’s problem was a lack of spending.
• Households tried to pay down their debts,
• Israeli government had no budget for 3 years and before it was “austere”
• Enterprises held back investment
• Enterprises hired from an infinite pool of workers
• Spending has come roaring back
• Governments have stimulated the economy
• Consumers having (what they thought) extra disposable income spent it on
technology, transportation and upgrading their homes
• The surge in demand is so powerful that supply is struggling to keep up.
• Enterprises are constrained by the shortage of available new hires
• Demand for electronic goods has boomed “causing” a shortage of
microchips (PCs, servers, storage, automobiles, appliances are in short
supply) CHIPS will available as before around 2024.
• Supply chain management (in Israel) was not implemented
The Shortage Economy
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Age of Implementation
“an econo-technological revolution”
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you've got to THINK ABOUT BIG THINGS while you’re
implementing small things,
so that all the small things go in the
A L V I N T O F F L E R : R E T H I N K I N G T H E F U T U R E
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implementation of these
widens the gap between
the best- and worst-
performing companies
(future performance will
depend on the ability to
implement these trends).
implementation of these
widens the gap between
the best- and worst-
performing companies
(future performance will
depend on the ability to
implement these trends).
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LEWIN’s change theory
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COVID-19 why Levin’s change theory today?
• Usually “defrost” is slow and time
• Covid-19 has effectively “heated” all
social & professional spheres that were
in “total paralysis”
• This has brought the possibility for
radical change (cook & implement ) in
“enterprise applications”
• Adaptive enterprises are THE solution to
the refrost phase (for both process and
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Back to LEWIN’s change theory (STKI version)
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"When tempted to fight fire with fire,
remember that the Fire Department
usually uses water."
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In a post covid-19 organization the role of the
technology leader (CIO) is:
• not to develop a digital strategy or
• embed personalized digital
solutions into the business
strategy in order to
Pre-covid Post-covid
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Genpact and MIT Sloan CIO
Symposium surveyed 500 CIOs
and technology leaders during
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A shift potentially as monumental as the movement of workers
into factories (Industrial Revolution) has swept the globe, only this
transition happened in months, and moved people in the
opposite direction (back home) at least part of the week
CO-WORKING Revolution: "creative” work environments
two very different environments should always coexist:
high-focus work environment and restorative activities
• If we never rest, we can’t focus,
• If we don't work with each other, we miss out on finding new ideas
Despite its speed, we’re still in the earliest stages of the
Work-From-Home Revolution 202x , and it could take years or
even decades of trial and error to get right.
WORK REVOLUTION (21st Century) V2
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Work from Home is dead, long live Work from Anywhere
Work is no longer a place, it is what you do and how you do it
• Organizations learned to trust employees
work ethics
• Employees work where they “feel” most
• Organizations can hire the best individual for
the job not considering where he lives/ works
• Coworking Comes Home: new apartment
buildings include shared office space
integrated into the building’s common areas.
Work From Home” fails to communicate the changes it brings:
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Work-From-Anywhere Revolution
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What Is An Office (post-covid19) ?
CO-WORKING offices need to support:
connection, collaboration, concentration and culture
1. Stop thinking of an office as a rigid container for employees
2. Since employees can work from anywhere, the office has
competition and needs to be a place they want to go rather
than a place they’re obliged to go.
3. Should become a place that encourages employees to share
ideas, work, and innovate
4. Desks are giving way to open tables that allow flexibility in
5. Video is here to stay, so there is a need for video booths
6. Casual areas, openness is critical to collaboration, (NO doors)
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Unless you have just landed from another planet
organizations into a new approach and
ADAPTIVE emerges as the top objective
for the organization:
• Adaptive organizational structure
evolves from the more static AGILE
• Adaptive organizational applications
evolve from the more static old
application world.
• Adaptive real-time data management
evolve from the more static data
warehouse and dashboard world.
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Adaptive emerges as top objective for
Ad-hoc composable organizational
structure evolves from the more static
AGILE world.
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A sustainable competitive advantage no longer exists
Digital is the big equalizer dramatically reducing barriers of entry
An alarming 70% of our employees are not engaged!
Our organization’s design is over 100 years old
The COVID-19 pandemic taught every business one key lesson:
Everything can change quickly, and it has, with no signs of slowing down
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The time for a fundamental
redesign of our
organizations is NOW
embrace the CHANGE; TRUST your workers; enable the INNOVATION
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Adaptive organizations
generate more profit
Adaptive organizations
grow revenue faster
Adaptive Enterprises
grow 3X faster
than industries’ average
Adaptive Organizations
In Research
Adaptive Enterprises Grow 3X Faster Than Industry Average. Here's Why. (forrester.com)
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• Calendar-driven, rigid and detailed annual
budget and planning
• HiPPO decision making, leading to a very
specific management style:
• Command and control micromanagement
• Stick and carrots – Bigger picture is NOT for
• Hierarchical, SILO-based org. structure
• Manual waterfall SW delivery - 3-4 releases
a year
• Physical infrastructure
• Outsourcing
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Traditional IT
Dynamic strategic
planning & budgeting
How do we go from:
Cloud, Platforms,
and Automation
Organizational structure
& ways of working
SW delivery
methodologies and tools
Culture of Trust and
AGILE is not enough. It’s NOT about faster development teams, but
faster work of each department. The real change will only happen after
senior executives become an integral part of Agile teams.
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As 2019 ended, strategic planning teams around the world
were ready for 2020.
They had spent weeks developing strategic plans based on
their interpretation of the past and their best guesses about
the future — assessing global trade flows, energy prices, supply chains, the
competitive environment, customer demand patterns and staffing availability —
to set revenue, cost targets and plans for achieving them.
By the end of Q1, most of it was irrelevant
Planning Calendar-driven, rigid
and detailed annual
budget and planning
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Every research company has written about it
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Calendar-driven Dynamic Planning
• We can’t predict the future in a reliable way - there are
simply too many variables
• We still need plans that control the outcome - We
cannot simply expect plans to come true
• Instead of static plans - we need a strategy of discovery
and learning by disciplined experiments and short
feedback loops.
• It's better for organizations to forecast in a shorter
time range, updating scenarios as they get more clarity
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Traditional Planning
who had never seen
the whole picture
01 Jan 2021
31 Dec 2021
Rules-based and
hierarchical process
Real Time Planning
Emerging process. Teams who are going to execute
decisions are the ones who make them, based on
what's happening
1. Leadership team creates a big shared goal
2. Teams go through a process of understanding how
they will get there — what they lack, and the
landscape they're in.
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• All old rules do not apply
• We don't know what the new rules
• Dysfunctional shooting in all
• The pandemic doesn’t affect us as
much as the others
• We don’t know what the next phase
will be, so we cling to the known that
works for us
• Complete reevaluation of business
models & taken-for-granted
business assumptions
• A lot of innovative pivots and
entrepreneurial experiments
• You can't spend money you don't have -
Zero-based budgeting
Near-term Concerns and Shorter-term Budgeting
Source: Prof. Rita McGrath
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Zero-based budgeting
In one day, organizations got
Enterprises had little ability to identify which
projects can be stopped and which must be
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Traditional Budget Planning
While technology is quickly transforming the nature of business,
technology investment processes have not always kept pace.
How can CIOs rethink traditional technology budgeting?
Discovery-driven Budget Planning
Project’s assumptions are made in advance New ventures are uncertain from the start
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• In the business context, we are probably facing the
most uncertainty of all time, in reality none of us
• The data does not exist. We'll have to create it
• This means formulating hypotheses, testing them
and validating or invalidating them very quickly
Prof. Rita McGrath
Budgeting Design Thinking and Experimentation
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Yet, 4 years later, most enterprises still have a
rigid, hierarchical structure, that has become a
major hindrance to adaptiveness
This is me at our 2017 Summit,
talking about - SILOs and their
negative effects on organizations
Organizational Structure • Hierarchical, SILO-
based org. structure
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Virtual Value Streams
• Working in value streams, even if only
virtual ones, has a lot of advantages
• Overviewing the whole picture
becomes much easier
• A value stream brings together people
from different departments around a
common goal using the same
Source: https://www.adaptive-organizations.com/from-silos-to-valuestreams/
Organizing in Value Streams
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Value Team is this small team that had to meet during
lockdown, on Zoom, in order to get the job done
‫אלה‬ ‫בצוותים‬
‫ביניים‬ ‫מנהלי‬ ‫הרבה‬ ‫רואים‬ ‫לא‬
‫בכירים‬ ‫מנהלים‬
‫רמב‬ ‫רפאל‬
‫ופרסו‬ ‫פיתחו‬ ‫ומיקרוסופט‬ ‫ם‬
‫מרחוק‬ ‫חולה‬ ‫ניטור‬ ‫חדשנית‬
‫בלבד‬ ‫שבועות‬
‫ע‬ ‫נעשתה‬ ‫העבודה‬
‫ומעורבים‬ ‫קטנים‬ ‫צוותים‬
‫עם‬ ‫ורופאים‬
‫הענן‬ ‫על‬ ‫פתוח‬ ‫קוד‬
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Our organizations are complex systems of human networks,
adaptive ecosystems with many internal and external individuals
Adaptive Organizational Structure
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SW Delivery
Methodologies And Tools
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Chameleon changes 7 colours
in only 3 minutes!
Leopard is the fastest animal in the world,
in danger of extinction
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Adaptive and Value-driven Development®
Heavy Business,
development, Strategy
Are we on the
right direction?
Bus Dev, Designers
CX/UX, Architect, IT ‫סיירת‬
Cross functional
developers, QA,
Organizational DNA?
Customer Success
After each step it can be stopped and thrown away
Breaking large projects into bite-size, manageable tasks
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Currently, organizations are facing multidimensional and parallel changes, which means
individual projects cannot be separated from each other
Interdependent Multiproject Environment
Interdependent Multiproject Management
How do we manage people, who are working (some of them partial time)
on multiple interdependent projects at the same time?
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Supportive Tools for
Collaboration and Transparency
As employees had to work remotely, we suddenly realized how
untransparent our working environment is
When the need for FAST Technology Delivery went CRAZY - there simply
was no time to gather relevant & updated data from a variety of systems
Most of the organizations lack simple tools that support collaboration
and productivity
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People (in the field) must update data constantly:
• For management so they can have an
accurate picture of what's going on
• Instead of using the data for their own purposes
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ERP for IT didn’t really happen
Budgets PPM
IT Plan
Service Desk
Traditional PPM tools weren't built for the AGILE, DIGITAL Era,
nor are they cloud native
Traditional PPM tools weren't built for the AGILE, DIGITAL Era,
nor are they cloud native
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Platforms and
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Culture of Trust and Transparency through
Empowering People
Team psychological safety - is the belief by its members that
interpersonal risk taking is safe.
Psychological safety is critical for building trust, and trust is
critical for high performance
Transformation is hard on employees. It pushes them out of their comfort
zone and forces them to adopt unfamiliar processes. They can feel exposed,
uncertain and resistant. Steps need to be taken to turn this around and bring
out the best in people. They need to feel motivated and inspired to stretch
their capabilities and try new things
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At the heart of Adaptive Organization is
upskilling, nurturing and empowering people
Within a responsive, learning
culture, teams understand that
product development is a
journey, where new learnings
are assimilated and embedded,
not a one-off project handed
over for someone else to manage
and maintain
Autonomous and
empowered teams begin
to make decisions on a
more regular basis, instead
of deferring responsibility to
Allowing people to take
risks, while minimizing the
blast radius when things go
wrong, is a defining feature
of an adaptive organization
respectfully trusted
organization, where
people are related to
organizational values
and want to contribute
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It’s not enough to excel at a steady state
• IT organizations also need to respond to
• A major disruption implies that what worked
so far is not going to work anymore and the
organization needs a new playbook
• It’s all about a shock to the system, not
necessarily predicted, that requires a new
approach to how the organization operates.
Disruption 2022 (Digital) Transformation
Disruption is that moment when your organization
was just punched in the mouth and needs a plan
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The ability to bring our lives together using bits. It is the ability of
people to represent, arrange, and process the real world through bits.
Learning how to work in a digital environment where processes, communication
and access to information are done through digital technologies and tools. The
backbones are data, automation, internet of things (IoT), cloud,
artificial intelligence (AI) and communication technologies.
Human-Machine Teams change the enterprise’s DNA by revisiting
INTERACTIONS (employee & customer) and adding value to them.
IF it’s just another project, it’s not part of the new DIGITAL DNA
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the major factor that led to
the development of
then the ability of
AI-machines to perform
human cognition together
with the ability of
Human-Machine Team
to learn and think together
is THE basis for the new
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MOST institutions were only “faking digital”
• Requiring same steps that were required in the past
• Offering the same products offered for decades
• Viewing the same customer journey (series of linear
steps on single channels).
1.- SAME_SAME was met: deposit checks remotely,
transfer funds between accounts, pay for goods and services
without cash or plastic and even open new accounts.
2.- The problem was: It is not like ordering a movie on
Netflix, buying on Amazon, having a meeting on Zoom or
listening to a podcast or music on Spotify or iTunes.
Pre-2020 DIGITAL
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Supplement or replace “basic”
legacy processes
business applications &
concierge-based services
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Let’s not confuse
Digital Modernization pre-2020 with Digital Transformation 2022
the practice of upgrading or adopting new
technology to meet the needs of today. Some
people would call it “Faking Digital”
that support the disruption in the
organization’s legacy business model and
changing DNA-culture at all levels.
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Digital Transformation 2022
is all about how management applies
ADAPTIVE technologies to deliver:
business applications and
concierge-based services
shifting to this model requires
organizations to adopt passion around
Human - Machine Teams
as part of the DNA-culture at all levels
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Digital identity, enhanced privacy and zero trust security
Open & Contextual Integration IT (APIs, microservices)
Hybrid cloud (operations, development and delivery), implementation of
SaaS solutions, hyper automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-based insights, predictive and self-service
Center Office , Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities (processes and
analytics), citizen develop tools
Final Digital (Personalized) Hop (FDH) Platforms, digital magic moments
Embed FDHs in personalized journeys of the enterprise or other partners’ journey/
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Digital identity, enhanced privacy and zero trust security
Open & Contextual Integration IT (APIs, microservices)
Hybrid cloud (operations, development and delivery), implementation of
SaaS solutions, hyper automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-based insights, predictive and self-service
Center Office , Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities (processes and
analytics), citizen develop tools
Final Digital (Personalized) Hop (FDH) Platforms, digital magic moments
Embed FDHs in personalized journeys of the enterprise or other partners’ journey/
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After a full year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first six
months of 2021 saw unprecedented turnover in the
Israeli IT labor market.
And with every individual that leaves an organization, a
ripple begins – affecting both operations and
professional knowledge.
CoE tries to safeguard organizations’ knowledge
and minimize loss from employee turnover.
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What Is a CoE?
Competency or capability center run by experts from multiple disciplines
helping companies to adopt new technologies and reach goals faster and more efficiently
CoE is an adhoc group of experts working on primarily on
projects, but part-time to establish organizational
• best practices,
• leadership,
• research,
• training,
• support for a subject area.
Neither a physical center nor a business department
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Why CoE?
The CoE's goal is to learn from mistakes and
missteps, find best practices, and share those
practices with other departments
In addition to employee turnover, most teams in
complex organizations work in silos without sharing
knowledge among one another despite the growth of
their skills.
* CoE should have a Knowledge Management tool
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Set an unify organizational
language on a specified area
Best practices, guidelines
and methodologies
Standardize and organize IT infrastructure
to aligns with business goals
Tools standardization
Define success criteria,
KPIs for projects
Use Cases Identification
and Prioritization
Oversee projects, leverage synergy
Forecasting, including training
guidance and sourcing
Including implementation
and change mng
Center of Excellence
CoE is an enabler, not a controller or a doer itself
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• Outdated infrastructure (software/ hardware)
• Outdated software (several versions behind
latest vendor version)
• ERP and/or CRM
• Core systems based on outdated
technologies (not in itself broken systems)
but are critical to day-to-day operations
• Outdated data management tools (ETL, DW,
• Inability to integrate applications or
processes (in-house or partners)
• Missing documentation
• Un-commented configuration
• Un-documented code changes
Maybe (only maybe) you have:
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Adaptive IT emerges as a top objective
for organizations.
Ad-hoc composable organizational
applications evolve from the more static
application world (with technical debt).
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ADAPTIVE IT might resemble a
collection of small systems and services
Composable Organizational Applications
driving adaptiveness, differentiation, resilience,
speed-to-market and agility
It’s a big change from the
static-business processes
(older front-end and back-end applications full of
technical debt) that prevented companies from
quickly adapting
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What is it? • Adaptive Composable
Organizational Application Platforms
are at the heart of CENTER OFFICE
• Shifting from a back office, order-
taking mentality to a center office lens
requires a shift FROM executing
transactions and tasks TO delivering
business outcomes and value
• Putting the customer/user at the
heart of everything and intimately
understanding their needs, wants, and
pain points is integral to the center
office shift.
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Adaptive Composable Organizational Application
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PBCs are part of the Adaptive Composable
Organizational Application Platform
Each PBC has a discrete set of capabilities that
can be deployed independently
Some PBC can provide more than one capability.
Others connect to several (one PBC might relate
to content management and another to analytics)
PBCs work successfully with legacy applications
by using event-driven integrations or APIs.
Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities
What is it?
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What do I mean when I say
“hyper-personalized” services ?
• Buying a whole record to listen a song I
• Buying many records in order to make a
personalized record
• Buying only songs that I like and playing
in the order I want
• Music as a Service allows me to hear
songs, I knew I liked and songs the MaaS
(AI) thinks I will like
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Examples of Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities
• Full business processes (not supported
by enterprise systems)
• Modules of business processes
• Querying DB for specific information
• Analytical computations of business
• IoT queries, etc
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CORE Business
Application A
ERP Application
Business Partner
Integrated Application
CORE Business
Application B
CRM Application
LEGACY SYSTEMS What do PBC applications look like
What do PBC applications look like
Business Partner
Integrated Application
Business Partner
Integrated Application
Business Partner
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services for
customers and
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“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we
are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important
aspect of the customer experience a little bit better”
Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon
A product-only approach will fall short because transformation
is about giving service to people.
Transformation is multi-faceted, and a successful solution will
combine technology and services.
Suneet Dua, CRO, PwC
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Pre-covid19 personalization had a macro impact
on the customer and employee experience.
Hyper-personalization expands to help companies
connect with customers and employees in the micro
(magic) moments.
Concierge hyper-personalization services takes
another step by offering and giving special services to
customers and employees. Now each of a company’s
customers and employees can have a unique
conversation and service.
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Journey part a
-”experiences that focus
on transactional
efficiency are no longer
main differentiators.
Solving customer
problems and
developing a hyper-
personalized service (at
the right moment) is
now essential for
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A new economic era (FINALLY) in which all
businesses must orchestrate memorable
events for their customers and employees,
and that memory itself becomes the product.
Commodities, goods including services are
external to the buyer, experiences are
inherently personal, existing only in the mind
of an individual who has been engaged
Concierge Hyper-Personalized Services
are customer and employee
“personal experiences”
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The Mobile Mind Shift (2012) :
from transactional efficiency to moments
processes & data
processes & data
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Delivering a Superior
Customer Experience
Concierge-based hyper-personalization services
are a part of a world where applications are
powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and
connected to a customer’s complete past history.
These applications can anticipate just what a
They are transforming the business world
with efficient, SCALABLE SERVICES
that are available 24/7 and getting
smarter every day.
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What is it?
helps companies connect with
customers & employees in specific
micro (magic) moments. allowing
them to offer each user a service that
fits their individual needs.
Users are not groups of
micro-segments, they’re
individual people with specific
Adaptive Composable Organizational Applications
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will assist users (customers or
employees) with personalized services
making tasks like:
scheduling meetings, car and home alarm
emergencies, shopping and meal (ecommerce)
recommendations, loan restaurant reservations,
arranging spa service, recommending places to
visit, booking transportation, lining up tickets
for concerts or special events, planning a
holiday trip, etc.
CONCIERGE SERVICES will do work for us
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1.Has to be embedded in the
customer/ employee journey and
appear at just the right “Magic
2.The app has to deliver a “hyper-
personalized service” which is
equivalent to what a concierge
would do
Two parts needed so that the “Concierge-based
Hyper-personalized Service” will be a success:
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• Kangaroos usually hop fast at about
25kph, though they can reach 70kph
over short distances, covering as much
as 9m in a single hop.
• Hopping allows them to move quickly
over any surface, no matter how rough,
steep or uneven.
• Hopping uses less energy than four-
legged running at the same speed.
• Kangaroo’s hop gives an amazing
ability to turn quickly! They can achieve
a 180 degree turn in a single hop.
The Kangaroo Hop
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The Final Digital (Personalized) Hop Platforms
(FDH Platforms)
• FDH is a “composable” transformation
• It is highly efficient and easy to pivot
• Integrates and orchestrates all
technologies that enterprises need
• FDH gives enterprises the ability to
deliver “FAST” and “efficiently” while still
using older CORE, ERP, CRM data and
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Final Digital (Personalized) Hop Platforms (FDH)
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CORE Business
Application A
ERP Application
Concierge hyper-
services application
IoT platform
CORE Business
Application B
CRM Application
AI Analytics
What does a FDH application look like
What does a FDH application look like
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EXAMPLES of FDH applications
EXAMPLES of FDH applications
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Example of Concierge Hyper-Personalized Personalization Services
Example of Concierge Hyper-Personalized Personalization Services
I walk nearly everyday (around 11
km) at the beach.
I leave home around 4:00 am
1. In order to leave the Moshav I
must open the gate first
2. On my way I speak (FaceTime)
with my mother (Miami, Florida)
Every morning when I close the
door and set the alarm a specific
micro (magic) moment occurs:
SIRI iPhone gives me a “service”:
sets the apps that I need in the
order that I need
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Beeline software embedded in real-estate apps links directly
to a user’s personal bank, employment and pay information,
tax history, and then utilizes machine learning to create a
“service” that gives Same day “purchase-ready” approval
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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Big iIT stagnation

  • 1. 1 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph From the GREAT IT “STAGNATION” to “OVERCOME & IMPLEMENT”
  • 2. 2 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph My 2020-2021 reading list I recommend the following: Magazines & Books (I read all of them)
  • 3. 3 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 4. 4 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 5. 5 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 6. 6 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph WE FACE THE TASK OF UNDERSTANDING AND GOVERNING A POST-COVID19 WORLD WITH : 21ST-CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, 20TH-CENTURY MINDSET 19TH-CENTURY INSTITUTIONS
  • 7. 7 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 8. 8 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph deliver value under pressure and at the pace the market demands 2022
  • 9. 9 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph How the Covid19 Era Empowered (changed) ALL Individuals • The GOOGLE effect: separation of humans and information • The WHATSAPP effect: Free communications, death of distance • The ZOOM effect: Virtualization of family, classroom & business meetings • The WOLT effect: Virtualization of food delivery experience • The FACEBOOK effect: Virtualization of human relationships • The AIRB&B effect: Virtualization of short-term accommodations • The LINKEDIN effect: Virtualization of specialized knowledge and employment opportunities • The AMAZON effect: Virtualization of customer experience • The WAZE effect: Virtualization and crowdsourcing of automobile travel • The SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC effect: Personalization of music consumerist • The INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, YOUTUBE effect: Virtualization of content sharing • The YELP, TRIPADVISOR effect: Virtualization of Consumer Reviews • Summary of the effects LIFE CHANGED 9 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 10. 10 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph CHANGES THAT HAPPENED IN 2020-21 CHANGES THAT HAPPENED IN 2020-21
  • 11. 11 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 12. 12 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph What type of employee fits your DNA? Who do you hire? Some companies shine, already far along in the journey to digital maturity. But all companies  (even digital natives and market leaders) have to move faster and travel further.
  • 13. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph A LV I N TO F L E R THE ILLITERATE OF THE 21ST CENTURY WILL NOT BE THOSE THAT CAN’T READ OR WRITE, BUT THOSE WHO CANNOT LEARN, UNLEARN, AND RELEARN
  • 14. 14 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 14 “You shouldn't hire someone because they have a particular skill. You have to hire someone because they have the capacity to continue to learn.” Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 15. 15 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 15 Post covid19 (202X) organizations will depend more and more on multifaceted workers, people with skills that resemble the Greek letter pi (π). This group will have a broad mastery of general management skills plus (at least 2) spikes of deep functional or domain expertise AND knows how to, wants to LEARN Which Letter-shaped will your Future Employees and Leaders be? “T-Shaped” (20th century HR) refers to an employee who has a thorough knowledge and strong skill-set in one area, but can also work beyond it and can collaborate in numerous other disciplines or fields E-shaped managers (21st century) have a combination of 4 E’s (Experience, Expertise, Exploration and Execution) that are really essential in the current business world. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 16. 16 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph • Remote First Economy • Data Economy • Distributed (API)Economy • Passion Economy • Merit-Talent Economy • Re-invention Economy • Subscription Economy • Innovation Economy • Shortage Economy • Implementation Economy (finally) Post-covid19 has many names:
  • 17. 17 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 2009-2019: • World economy’s problem was a lack of spending. • Households tried to pay down their debts, • Israeli government had no budget for 3 years and before it was “austere” • Enterprises held back investment • Enterprises hired from an infinite pool of workers Post-covid19 • Spending has come roaring back • Governments have stimulated the economy • Consumers having (what they thought) extra disposable income spent it on technology, transportation and upgrading their homes • The surge in demand is so powerful that supply is struggling to keep up. • Enterprises are constrained by the shortage of available new hires • Demand for electronic goods has boomed “causing” a shortage of microchips (PCs, servers, storage, automobiles, appliances are in short supply) CHIPS will available as before around 2024. • Supply chain management (in Israel) was not implemented The Shortage Economy
  • 18. 18 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Age of Implementation “an econo-technological revolution”
  • 19. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph you've got to THINK ABOUT BIG THINGS while you’re implementing small things, so that all the small things go in the RIGHT DIRECTION A L V I N T O F F L E R : R E T H I N K I N G T H E F U T U R E S T R U C T U R A L C H A N G E AGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 19
  • 20. 20 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 21. 21 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 22. 22 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph implementation of these trends widens the gap between the best- and worst- performing companies (future performance will depend on the ability to implement these trends). implementation of these trends widens the gap between the best- and worst- performing companies (future performance will depend on the ability to implement these trends).
  • 23. 23 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 24. 24 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph LEWIN’s change theory Cook
  • 25. 25 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph COVID-19 why Levin’s change theory today? • Usually “defrost” is slow and time consuming • Covid-19 has effectively “heated” all social & professional spheres that were in “total paralysis” • This has brought the possibility for radical change (cook & implement ) in “enterprise applications” • Adaptive enterprises are THE solution to the refrost phase (for both process and technologies)
  • 26. 26 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Back to LEWIN’s change theory (STKI version) 26 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 27. 27 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 27 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 28. 28 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph NEW CIO "When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water." Unknown 28 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 29. 29 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph In a post covid-19 organization the role of the technology leader (CIO) is: • not to develop a digital strategy or vision • embed personalized digital solutions into the business strategy in order to FACILITATE and CREATE VALUE Pre-covid Post-covid
  • 30. 30 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Genpact and MIT Sloan CIO Symposium surveyed 500 CIOs and technology leaders during 1Q2021. ve source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 30
  • 31. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 31
  • 32. 32 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph A shift potentially as monumental as the movement of workers into factories (Industrial Revolution) has swept the globe, only this transition happened in months, and moved people in the opposite direction (back home) at least part of the week CO-WORKING Revolution: "creative” work environments two very different environments should always coexist: high-focus work environment and restorative activities environment • If we never rest, we can’t focus, • If we don't work with each other, we miss out on finding new ideas Despite its speed, we’re still in the earliest stages of the Work-From-Home Revolution 202x , and it could take years or even decades of trial and error to get right. WORK REVOLUTION (21st Century) V2
  • 33. 33 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Work from Home is dead, long live Work from Anywhere Work is no longer a place, it is what you do and how you do it • Organizations learned to trust employees work ethics • Employees work where they “feel” most productive • Organizations can hire the best individual for the job not considering where he lives/ works • Coworking Comes Home: new apartment buildings include shared office space integrated into the building’s common areas. Work From Home” fails to communicate the changes it brings: Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 33 Work-From-Anywhere Revolution
  • 34. 34 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph What Is An Office (post-covid19) ? CO-WORKING offices need to support: connection, collaboration, concentration and culture 1. Stop thinking of an office as a rigid container for employees 2. Since employees can work from anywhere, the office has competition and needs to be a place they want to go rather than a place they’re obliged to go. 3. Should become a place that encourages employees to share ideas, work, and innovate 4. Desks are giving way to open tables that allow flexibility in spacing. 5. Video is here to stay, so there is a need for video booths 6. Casual areas, openness is critical to collaboration, (NO doors)
  • 35. 35 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Unless you have just landed from another planet DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS have forced organizations into a new approach and ADAPTIVE emerges as the top objective for the organization: • Adaptive organizational structure evolves from the more static AGILE world. • Adaptive organizational applications evolve from the more static old application world. • Adaptive real-time data management evolve from the more static data warehouse and dashboard world.
  • 36. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph RETHINKING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Adaptive emerges as top objective for organizations. Ad-hoc composable organizational structure evolves from the more static AGILE world. 36
  • 37. 37 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Organization A sustainable competitive advantage no longer exists Digital is the big equalizer dramatically reducing barriers of entry An alarming 70% of our employees are not engaged! Our organization’s design is over 100 years old The COVID-19 pandemic taught every business one key lesson: Everything can change quickly, and it has, with no signs of slowing down
  • 38. 38 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph The time for a fundamental redesign of our organizations is NOW embrace the CHANGE; TRUST your workers; enable the INNOVATION Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 38
  • 39. 39 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 30% Adaptive organizations generate more profit 37% Adaptive organizations grow revenue faster 3.2 Adaptive Enterprises grow 3X faster than industries’ average Forrester MIT MIT Adaptive Organizations In Research Adaptive Enterprises Grow 3X Faster Than Industry Average. Here's Why. (forrester.com)
  • 40. 40 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph • Calendar-driven, rigid and detailed annual budget and planning • HiPPO decision making, leading to a very specific management style: • Command and control micromanagement • Stick and carrots – Bigger picture is NOT for everyone • Hierarchical, SILO-based org. structure • Manual waterfall SW delivery - 3-4 releases a year • Physical infrastructure • Outsourcing 40 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 41. 41 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Traditional IT Dynamic strategic planning & budgeting Implement How do we go from: Cloud, Platforms, and Automation Organizational structure & ways of working SW delivery methodologies and tools Culture of Trust and Transparency Adaptive organization AGILE is not enough. It’s NOT about faster development teams, but faster work of each department. The real change will only happen after senior executives become an integral part of Agile teams.
  • 42. 42 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph As 2019 ended, strategic planning teams around the world were ready for 2020. They had spent weeks developing strategic plans based on their interpretation of the past and their best guesses about the future — assessing global trade flows, energy prices, supply chains, the competitive environment, customer demand patterns and staffing availability — to set revenue, cost targets and plans for achieving them. By the end of Q1, most of it was irrelevant Planning Calendar-driven, rigid and detailed annual budget and planning Identify
  • 43. 43 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Every research company has written about it Beloved planning
  • 44. 44 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Calendar-driven Dynamic Planning • We can’t predict the future in a reliable way - there are simply too many variables • We still need plans that control the outcome - We cannot simply expect plans to come true • Instead of static plans - we need a strategy of discovery and learning by disciplined experiments and short feedback loops. • It's better for organizations to forecast in a shorter time range, updating scenarios as they get more clarity Event
  • 45. 45 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Traditional Planning Strategic people Implementation people who had never seen the whole picture 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2021 Rules-based and hierarchical process Real Time Planning Emerging process. Teams who are going to execute decisions are the ones who make them, based on what's happening 1. Leadership team creates a big shared goal 2. Teams go through a process of understanding how they will get there — what they lack, and the landscape they're in. Architect CTO CDO Product
  • 46. 46 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Panic Strategy • All old rules do not apply • We don't know what the new rules are • Dysfunctional shooting in all directions • The pandemic doesn’t affect us as much as the others • We don’t know what the next phase will be, so we cling to the known that works for us Re-evaluation Strategy • Complete reevaluation of business models & taken-for-granted business assumptions • A lot of innovative pivots and entrepreneurial experiments • You can't spend money you don't have - Zero-based budgeting Near-term Concerns and Shorter-term Budgeting Source: Prof. Rita McGrath
  • 47. 47 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Zero-based budgeting In one day, organizations got NEW CRITICAL, MEGA-STRATEGIC PROJECTS Enterprises had little ability to identify which projects can be stopped and which must be continued
  • 48. 48 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Traditional Budget Planning While technology is quickly transforming the nature of business, technology investment processes have not always kept pace. How can CIOs rethink traditional technology budgeting? Discovery-driven Budget Planning Project’s assumptions are made in advance New ventures are uncertain from the start
  • 49. 49 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph • In the business context, we are probably facing the most uncertainty of all time, in reality none of us knows • The data does not exist. We'll have to create it • This means formulating hypotheses, testing them and validating or invalidating them very quickly Prof. Rita McGrath Budgeting Design Thinking and Experimentation
  • 50. 50 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Yet, 4 years later, most enterprises still have a rigid, hierarchical structure, that has become a major hindrance to adaptiveness This is me at our 2017 Summit, talking about - SILOs and their negative effects on organizations Organizational Structure • Hierarchical, SILO- based org. structure Identify
  • 51. 51 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Virtual Value Streams • Working in value streams, even if only virtual ones, has a lot of advantages • Overviewing the whole picture becomes much easier • A value stream brings together people from different departments around a common goal using the same measures Source: https://www.adaptive-organizations.com/from-silos-to-valuestreams/ Organizing in Value Streams
  • 52. 52 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Value Team is this small team that had to meet during lockdown, on Zoom, in order to get the job done ‫אלה‬ ‫בצוותים‬ – ‫ביניים‬ ‫מנהלי‬ ‫הרבה‬ ‫רואים‬ ‫לא‬ , ‫גם‬ ‫לא‬ ‫בכירים‬ ‫מנהלים‬ ‫רמב‬ ‫רפאל‬ " ‫ופרסו‬ ‫פיתחו‬ ‫ומיקרוסופט‬ ‫ם‬ ‫מערכת‬ ‫מרחוק‬ ‫חולה‬ ‫ניטור‬ ‫חדשנית‬ ‫ב‬ - 4 ‫בלבד‬ ‫שבועות‬ . ‫ע‬ ‫נעשתה‬ ‫העבודה‬ " ‫י‬ ‫ומעורבים‬ ‫קטנים‬ ‫צוותים‬ ‫של‬ ‫מפתחים‬ , ‫מהנדסים‬ , ‫עם‬ ‫ורופאים‬ ‫הענן‬ ‫על‬ ‫פתוח‬ ‫קוד‬
  • 53. 53 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Our organizations are complex systems of human networks, adaptive ecosystems with many internal and external individuals SERVICE PARTNERs COOL START- UPs CROWDSOURCING FREELANCERS Adaptive Organizational Structure Offshore
  • 54. 54 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph SW Delivery Methodologies And Tools from WATERFALL BI-MODEL IS NOT ENOUGH 54 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 55. 55 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph AGILE ADAPTIVE Chameleon changes 7 colours in only 3 minutes! Leopard is the fastest animal in the world, in danger of extinction
  • 56. 56 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Adaptive and Value-driven Development® JOB TO BE “CHANGED” PRODUCT HYPOTHESIS & DESIGN PROTOTYPE & TEST PRODUCT DEVELOP Heavy Business, development, Strategy WHAT? HOW? Are we on the right direction? FAST Bus Dev, Designers CX/UX, Architect, IT ‫סיירת‬ Cross functional developers, QA, business change Organizational DNA? Customer Success Managers Main tain Start Product Mngr Product Mngr Product Mngr Product Mngr NEW PRODUCT/ PROCESS-RELATED CHANGE ADOPTION After each step it can be stopped and thrown away Breaking large projects into bite-size, manageable tasks
  • 57. 57 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Currently, organizations are facing multidimensional and parallel changes, which means individual projects cannot be separated from each other Enterprise infrastructure DATA Interdependent Multiproject Environment Interdependent Multiproject Management OCIO: How do we manage people, who are working (some of them partial time) on multiple interdependent projects at the same time?
  • 58. 58 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Supportive Tools for Collaboration and Transparency As employees had to work remotely, we suddenly realized how untransparent our working environment is When the need for FAST Technology Delivery went CRAZY - there simply was no time to gather relevant & updated data from a variety of systems Most of the organizations lack simple tools that support collaboration and productivity
  • 59. 59 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph People (in the field) must update data constantly: • For management so they can have an accurate picture of what's going on • Instead of using the data for their own purposes
  • 60. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 60 ERP for IT didn’t really happen ERP Budgets PPM Demands Excel IT Plan ALM Development Service Desk Incidents BI Dashboard Traditional PPM tools weren't built for the AGILE, DIGITAL Era, nor are they cloud native Traditional PPM tools weren't built for the AGILE, DIGITAL Era, nor are they cloud native
  • 61. 61 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Cloud, Platforms and Automation 61
  • 62. 62 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 62
  • 63. 63 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Culture of Trust and Transparency through Empowering People Team psychological safety - is the belief by its members that interpersonal risk taking is safe. Psychological safety is critical for building trust, and trust is critical for high performance Transformation is hard on employees. It pushes them out of their comfort zone and forces them to adopt unfamiliar processes. They can feel exposed, uncertain and resistant. Steps need to be taken to turn this around and bring out the best in people. They need to feel motivated and inspired to stretch their capabilities and try new things
  • 64. 64 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph At the heart of Adaptive Organization is upskilling, nurturing and empowering people Within a responsive, learning culture, teams understand that product development is a journey, where new learnings are assimilated and embedded, not a one-off project handed over for someone else to manage and maintain Autonomous and empowered teams begin to make decisions on a more regular basis, instead of deferring responsibility to others Allowing people to take risks, while minimizing the blast radius when things go wrong, is a defining feature of an adaptive organization Value-based, respectfully trusted organization, where people are related to organizational values and want to contribute
  • 65. 65 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 66. 66 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph It’s not enough to excel at a steady state • IT organizations also need to respond to disruptions • A major disruption implies that what worked so far is not going to work anymore and the organization needs a new playbook • It’s all about a shock to the system, not necessarily predicted, that requires a new approach to how the organization operates. Disruption 2022 (Digital) Transformation Disruption is that moment when your organization was just punched in the mouth and needs a plan
  • 67. 67 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph DIGITAL The ability to bring our lives together using bits. It is the ability of people to represent, arrange, and process the real world through bits. DIGITAL LITERACY ? Learning how to work in a digital environment where processes, communication and access to information are done through digital technologies and tools. The backbones are data, automation, internet of things (IoT), cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and communication technologies. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ? Human-Machine Teams change the enterprise’s DNA by revisiting INTERACTIONS (employee & customer) and adding value to them. IF it’s just another project, it’s not part of the new DIGITAL DNA WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY
  • 68. 68 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph If HUMAN COGNITION was the major factor that led to the development of humankind then the ability of AI-machines to perform human cognition together with the ability of Human-Machine Team to learn and think together is THE basis for the new DIGITAL WORLD
  • 69. 69 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 70. 70 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph MOST institutions were only “faking digital” • Requiring same steps that were required in the past • Offering the same products offered for decades • Viewing the same customer journey (series of linear steps on single channels). Example: 1.- SAME_SAME was met: deposit checks remotely, transfer funds between accounts, pay for goods and services without cash or plastic and even open new accounts. 2.- The problem was: It is not like ordering a movie on Netflix, buying on Amazon, having a meeting on Zoom or listening to a podcast or music on Spotify or iTunes. Pre-2020 DIGITAL
  • 71. 71 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Supplement or replace “basic” legacy processes HYPER-PERSONALIZED business applications & concierge-based services
  • 72. 72 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Let’s not confuse Digital Modernization pre-2020 with Digital Transformation 2022 DIGITAL MODERNIZATION pre-2020 is the practice of upgrading or adopting new technology to meet the needs of today. Some people would call it “Faking Digital” DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 2022 is the adoption of ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES that support the disruption in the organization’s legacy business model and changing DNA-culture at all levels. digital transformation digital modernization
  • 73. 73 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Digital Transformation 2022 is all about how management applies ADAPTIVE technologies to deliver: HYPER-PERSONALIZED business applications and concierge-based services shifting to this model requires organizations to adopt passion around Human - Machine Teams as part of the DNA-culture at all levels
  • 74. 74 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Digital identity, enhanced privacy and zero trust security Open & Contextual Integration IT (APIs, microservices) Hybrid cloud (operations, development and delivery), implementation of SaaS solutions, hyper automation Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-based insights, predictive and self-service analytics Center Office , Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities (processes and analytics), citizen develop tools Final Digital (Personalized) Hop (FDH) Platforms, digital magic moments Embed FDHs in personalized journeys of the enterprise or other partners’ journey/ applications 74
  • 75. 75 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Digital identity, enhanced privacy and zero trust security Open & Contextual Integration IT (APIs, microservices) Hybrid cloud (operations, development and delivery), implementation of SaaS solutions, hyper automation Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-based insights, predictive and self-service analytics Center Office , Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities (processes and analytics), citizen develop tools Final Digital (Personalized) Hop (FDH) Platforms, digital magic moments Embed FDHs in personalized journeys of the enterprise or other partners’ journey/ applications 75
  • 76. 76 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph After a full year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first six months of 2021 saw unprecedented turnover in the Israeli IT labor market. And with every individual that leaves an organization, a ripple begins – affecting both operations and professional knowledge. CoE tries to safeguard organizations’ knowledge and minimize loss from employee turnover.
  • 77. 77 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph What Is a CoE? Competency or capability center run by experts from multiple disciplines helping companies to adopt new technologies and reach goals faster and more efficiently CoE is an adhoc group of experts working on primarily on projects, but part-time to establish organizational excellence: • best practices, • leadership, • research, • training, • support for a subject area. Neither a physical center nor a business department
  • 78. 78 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Why CoE? The CoE's goal is to learn from mistakes and missteps, find best practices, and share those practices with other departments In addition to employee turnover, most teams in complex organizations work in silos without sharing knowledge among one another despite the growth of their skills. * CoE should have a Knowledge Management tool
  • 79. 79 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Literacy Set an unify organizational language on a specified area Standards Best practices, guidelines and methodologies Architecture Standardize and organize IT infrastructure to aligns with business goals Tools Tools standardization Governance Define success criteria, KPIs for projects Use Cases Identification and Prioritization Oversee projects, leverage synergy Skills Forecasting, including training guidance and sourcing Processes Including implementation and change mng CoE Center of Excellence CoE is an enabler, not a controller or a doer itself
  • 80. 80 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph • Outdated infrastructure (software/ hardware) • Outdated software (several versions behind latest vendor version) • ERP and/or CRM • Core systems based on outdated technologies (not in itself broken systems) but are critical to day-to-day operations • Outdated data management tools (ETL, DW, BI) • Inability to integrate applications or processes (in-house or partners) • Missing documentation • Un-commented configuration • Un-documented code changes Maybe (only maybe) you have:
  • 81. 81 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 81 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 82. Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph RETHINKING ORGANIZATIONAL APPLICATIONS Adaptive IT emerges as a top objective for organizations. Ad-hoc composable organizational applications evolve from the more static application world (with technical debt). 82
  • 83. 83 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph ADAPTIVE IT might resemble a collection of small systems and services Composable Organizational Applications driving adaptiveness, differentiation, resilience, speed-to-market and agility It’s a big change from the static-business processes (older front-end and back-end applications full of technical debt) that prevented companies from quickly adapting 83
  • 84. 84 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph CENTER OFFICE What is it? • Adaptive Composable Organizational Application Platforms are at the heart of CENTER OFFICE • Shifting from a back office, order- taking mentality to a center office lens requires a shift FROM executing transactions and tasks TO delivering business outcomes and value • Putting the customer/user at the heart of everything and intimately understanding their needs, wants, and pain points is integral to the center office shift. 84
  • 85. 85 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Adaptive Composable Organizational Application Platform 85
  • 86. 86 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph PBCs are part of the Adaptive Composable Organizational Application Platform Each PBC has a discrete set of capabilities that can be deployed independently Some PBC can provide more than one capability. Others connect to several (one PBC might relate to content management and another to analytics) PBCs work successfully with legacy applications by using event-driven integrations or APIs. Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities What is it? 86
  • 87. 87 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph What do I mean when I say “hyper-personalized” services ? • Buying a whole record to listen a song I like • Buying many records in order to make a personalized record • Buying only songs that I like and playing in the order I want • Music as a Service allows me to hear songs, I knew I liked and songs the MaaS (AI) thinks I will like
  • 88. 88 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Examples of Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities • Full business processes (not supported by enterprise systems) • Modules of business processes • Querying DB for specific information • Analytical computations of business processes • IoT queries, etc ERP 88
  • 89. 89 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph CORE Business Application A ERP Application Business Partner Integrated Application CORE Business Application B CRM Application LEGACY SYSTEMS What do PBC applications look like What do PBC applications look like Business Partner Integrated Application Business Partner Integrated Application Business Partner Integrated Applications
  • 90. 90 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Concierge-based hyper-personalization services for customers and employees
  • 91. 91 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better” Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon A product-only approach will fall short because transformation is about giving service to people. Transformation is multi-faceted, and a successful solution will combine technology and services. Suneet Dua, CRO, PwC
  • 92. 92 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Pre-covid19 personalization had a macro impact on the customer and employee experience. Hyper-personalization expands to help companies connect with customers and employees in the micro (magic) moments. Concierge hyper-personalization services takes another step by offering and giving special services to customers and employees. Now each of a company’s customers and employees can have a unique conversation and service.
  • 93. 93 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Journey part a -”experiences that focus on transactional efficiency are no longer main differentiators. Solving customer problems and developing a hyper- personalized service (at the right moment) is now essential for success”- THREE BOOKS
  • 94. 94 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph A new economic era (FINALLY) in which all businesses must orchestrate memorable events for their customers and employees, and that memory itself becomes the product. Commodities, goods including services are external to the buyer, experiences are inherently personal, existing only in the mind of an individual who has been engaged Concierge Hyper-Personalized Services are customer and employee “personal experiences” WHAT DO WE MEAN BY EXPERIENCE ECONOMY?
  • 95. 95 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph The Mobile Mind Shift (2012) : from transactional efficiency to moments 95 processes & data processes & data moments moments
  • 96. 96 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Delivering a Superior Customer Experience Concierge-based hyper-personalization services are a part of a world where applications are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and connected to a customer’s complete past history. These applications can anticipate just what a customer WOULD LIKE TO DO They are transforming the business world with efficient, SCALABLE SERVICES that are available 24/7 and getting smarter every day.
  • 97. 97 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph CONCIERGE-BASED HYPER-PERSONALIZATION SERVICES What is it? helps companies connect with customers & employees in specific micro (magic) moments. allowing them to offer each user a service that fits their individual needs. Users are not groups of micro-segments, they’re individual people with specific needs. Adaptive Composable Organizational Applications
  • 98. 98 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph will assist users (customers or employees) with personalized services making tasks like: scheduling meetings, car and home alarm emergencies, shopping and meal (ecommerce) recommendations, loan restaurant reservations, arranging spa service, recommending places to visit, booking transportation, lining up tickets for concerts or special events, planning a holiday trip, etc. CONCIERGE SERVICES will do work for us
  • 99. 99 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 1.Has to be embedded in the customer/ employee journey and appear at just the right “Magic Moment” 2.The app has to deliver a “hyper- personalized service” which is equivalent to what a concierge would do Two parts needed so that the “Concierge-based Hyper-personalized Service” will be a success: magic moment
  • 100. 100 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph • Kangaroos usually hop fast at about 25kph, though they can reach 70kph over short distances, covering as much as 9m in a single hop. • Hopping allows them to move quickly over any surface, no matter how rough, steep or uneven. • Hopping uses less energy than four- legged running at the same speed. • Kangaroo’s hop gives an amazing ability to turn quickly! They can achieve a 180 degree turn in a single hop. The Kangaroo Hop
  • 101. 101 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph The Final Digital (Personalized) Hop Platforms (FDH Platforms) • FDH is a “composable” transformation platform • It is highly efficient and easy to pivot (change) • Integrates and orchestrates all technologies that enterprises need • FDH gives enterprises the ability to deliver “FAST” and “efficiently” while still using older CORE, ERP, CRM data and processes 101 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Final Digital (Personalized) Hop Platforms (FDH)
  • 102. 102 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph CORE Business Application A ERP Application Concierge hyper- personalization services application IoT platform CORE Business Application B CRM Application Event notification HYPER- PERSONALIZATION AI Analytics LEGACY SYSTEMS Final Digital FDH Hop APP What does a FDH application look like What does a FDH application look like
  • 103. 103 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph EXAMPLES of FDH applications EXAMPLES of FDH applications
  • 104. 104 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Example of Concierge Hyper-Personalized Personalization Services Example of Concierge Hyper-Personalized Personalization Services I walk nearly everyday (around 11 km) at the beach. I leave home around 4:00 am But: 1. In order to leave the Moshav I must open the gate first 2. On my way I speak (FaceTime) with my mother (Miami, Florida) Every morning when I close the door and set the alarm a specific micro (magic) moment occurs: SIRI iPhone gives me a “service”: sets the apps that I need in the order that I need
  • 105. 105 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
  • 106. 106 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Beeline software embedded in real-estate apps links directly to a user’s personal bank, employment and pay information, tax history, and then utilizes machine learning to create a “service” that gives Same day “purchase-ready” approval
  • 107. 107 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph adapt
  • 108. 108 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph