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A I / M L , R P A , h u m a n & r o b o t i c w o r k f o r c e b l e n d
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Payroll Sales Call center
Software Software Software
Infra Infra Infra
Developers Developers Developers
Users Users Users
Silo Silo Silo
Application Centric Computing
(systems of transactions)
Customer Facing Computing
(systems of engagement)
DATA Centric Computing
(systems of decisions)
(Once again) We’re in the midst of TRANSITION
Data Science
Human/ Machine Workforce
IoT Process
EngineeringData Analytics
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IT - manual processes time saving
LoB - automated tasks on his own
COO – productive enterprise
Automation solution implementation
with couple automated workflows
(too task specific)
Let's not make the digital transformation mistake once again,
Let's not get stuck in one process
Great PoC One automated
We stuck
Automation SW with the power to transform whole
enterprise will remain only for specific task
The next-door department have no idea that they
could be using the solution that has been already
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AI/ ML Robots
Blockchain IoT
Vendor platforms
Process Re-engineering
Business processes
re-design due to
CEO: business insights
COO: productive
HR: better EX
LoBs: loan origination
(Jobs-to be-done)
+ Evangelists
Automation CoE
Solid strategy:
• CoE goes beyond the tool or
the individual task
• CoE blurs the lines between
IT, LoB, and operations -
reaches every department &
Data –ready enterprise
Define a data gov strategy
Enforce a “data catalog” policy
Core Team
Business Owners
Automation CoE looks at the
bigger picture – enterprise
automation as ongoing project
requiring planning, testing,
& regular evaluation
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AI and ML – Trend Alarm
Our interest in AI x3 in 2 years
x4 in 5 years
28 Aug 2018
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What AI are you?
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But AI is really
only an
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AI is better than us in Chess, Go, Poker,
Jeopardy, StarCraft and Driving…
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Well, not in everything…
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Cognitive WHAT IS AI?
just one thing
Text to
Image and
Video analysis
The Definition of AI Is Always Moving
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01 02
Compute power
Data Science03 04
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Sufficiently cheaper and
more powerful (GPU).
So it can analyze all these
data very quickly
Source: royalsociety.org
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90% of all the world's data has been created in the last two years (IBM)
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15.000 PB
300 PB
Human Brain
2.5 PB
90 PB
The Big Data Universe
Amount of data stored in PB
Source: royalsociety.org
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This combination
of lots of data and lots
of processing power
has allowed the
development of
sophisticated machine
learning algorithms.
Data Science
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AI techniques which give computers the ability to
learn without being explicitly programmed to do so
A subset of ML - computers learn
patterns from massive amounts of data
sets of algorithms, as the biological structure of the human brain
Any technology which enables computers to mimic human
Alan Turing
1996-1997 2012- today
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Machine Learning (ML)
Algorithms that use statistics to find patterns in large DBs, and use the same patterns
to make predictions about the future
1.Data: get a lot of (cleaned) data, with
human-defined features (e.g. age,
height, “is this email spam?” etc.)
2.Training: use the data to “tune” the
relative importance of each feature
3.Prediction on new data. ML can
carry out complex processes by
learning from data, rather than
following pre-programmed rules
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Deep (unsupervised)
A subset of ML - computers learn patterns
from massive amounts of data - you don’t tag
the data. Rather you can simply throw in a
massive amount of data, and task the system
with finding patterns or clusters.
DogorCat? Image recognition
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What if we weren't asking to analyze just YouTube videos
What if we were asking it to
process the world – in real time
– at 90 km/h.
While driving a car.
What if we were asking to look at
user data to understand, which
individuals are likely to convert into
loyal customers
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What if you could start using it right now?!
as a service/ pay per use
AI/ ML can transform businesses to the next level. But these technologies require high
technical expertise, high recruiting and training costs. To cater this issue, use AI-
enabled enterprise SW from 3rd party vendors instead of developing them.
You don’t even need ML PhD data scientists
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Go and Enterprise
Over 1000 publicly
listed companies
mentioned AI in 2018
during earning calls
when explaining their
growth plans and
marketing performance
How much?
5-20% of IT budget
Enterprise SW
Enhanced products/ processes
and better decisions
During the next 12 months, how much of
your IT budget do you expect to commit
to AI project?
59% are using AI-enabled
enterprise SW (the most
popular and easiest path to AI:
• Microsoft
• Google
• Salesforce
• Intel
• Baidu
• Oracle
• many others
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Humans Empowered by AI
Can Do More
More productivity
Better decisions making
More creativity
Better Human skills
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AI for Sales
Automatically Updates Your CRM
To give your sales teams the insights they need to
close a deal faster
Automated Lead Screen
Nobody wants to call somebody who doesn’t want
their product
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Real time cost estimation for car accident damages
Users upload photos to an app of car
damages, and immediately receive
repair costs estimates, avoiding
fraudulent repair estimates and hassle
Damage estimation is a visual task, and
since 2015 it is done better by computers
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How Machine Learning is Changing the Medical Diagnosis
Image recognition-based AI
system capable of diagnosing diabetic
retinopathy and providing a decision 20
seconds after image capture
Preventive Medicine
what were the patients’ test results of patients
a week/ a year before the disease erupted?
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Amazon warehouse running by intelligence robots
Kiva Systems warehouse. Image source: www.roboticsbusinessreview.com
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Nissa Scott, 21, watching over a robotic arm stacking containers filled with merchandise
at an Amazon
Amazon’s warehouses, are being outfitted
with the latest tech and robots, but not at
the expense of human jobs.
When Amazon installed the robots, some
people who had stacked bins before, took
courses at the company to become robot
“For me, it’s the most mentally
challenging thing we have here,” Ms. Scott
said of her new job. “It’s not repetitive.”
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Meet VICA – Your Virtual Intelligent Conversational Assistant
VICA enables self-service across various voice, text
and video channels using powerful ML & NLP
Fluent HEBREW conversation for:
Doctor appointment scheduling
Bank account check, etc.
VICA allows us to jump from subject to subject,
learns our preferences (enables “the right to be
forgotten”), while aligning to business goals
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Face Recognition
Apple Face ID - feature in iOS10
Checkout-free retail
The logistics are complex, but retailers are testing the
Standard cognition
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WYCA – Welcome Your Customers Anywhere a
robotic platform designed for serving clients and visitors
Retail Health
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Subsection of Robotic Automation
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What is RPA?
RPA is a technology that mimics the way we
work in front of computers and can handle
high-volume, repeatable tasks in order to
run business processes
email login Fill in forms DB entry Re-type info
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Today’s business processes require us to work
with several systems
email attachment Database excel BICRM ERP
Your team is working on activities that
require jumping from app to app,
completing tasks that require little thinking
Today we
use 15X
more tools
to the past
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email attachment Database excel BICRM ERP
People are used to fill the gap
between systems and processes
But there is no time and available
resources to take these processes and
automate them completely!
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RPA enables effective automation without
complex development & costly integration
with fast ROI! proactive
attachment Database excel BICRM ERP
High volume, repetitive, rule based,
structured data processes
Higher value activities, empathy,
creativity and communication
24x7 Errors free Business
Freeing up
they can
work hours
they improve
data quality
they faster than
to focus on higher
value activities
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efficiency CX EX
RPA is No̲ 1 tech in
operational cost saving
Automation - no integration
Audit trail
Customers receive
direct service,
Continuing service
Workers are different, they’re
looking for meaningful jobs
where they can contribute
Lack of Human Talent
Business Drivers for RPA:
I don’t do
Chatbot and RPA integration
Manual processes in BO
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RPA is officially the new outsourcing
Productivity KPI =
Number of Employees
Outsourcing no longer creates benefits, it’s unable
to deal with the overhead problem and continue to
maintain a bureaucratic & hierarchical structure
The last decade was about replacing labor with cheaper labor
The coming decade will be about replacing cheaper labor
with autonomics
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So now Human Workforce working alongside
their Digital Counterparts
1. Very few Process Engineers are involved in the new,
automated processes
2. Very few HR fully understand the meaning of Humans &
and Machine workforce blend reactive
Digital Workforce Manager
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Automation affects all functions of business
Can bots reduce
the cost of moving
materials across
our supply chain?
How can intelligent
automation transform our
Can we compete without
exploiting AI and Robotics
How can we use RPAs to
handle a high volume of
invoicing tasks?
Chief Procurement
How can RPAs follow regulatory
compliance rules and provide
an audit trail history?
How can we manage Human
resources alongside digital
workforce ?
HRHow can we mitigate the
risks of algorithms bias?
How can AI
improve the CX?
Do we have the right
infrastructure and
governance to scale?
Chief Compliance Officer
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2018/19 2019/20 2021-23
Basic process
Based on rules engine,
screen scraping, workflows
Intelligence process
Processing of unstructured data
and knowledge base, pattern
recognition, learning capabilities
Large scale processing, ML, NLP,
predictive analytics, evidence-
based learning
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Applying Big Data & AI
to Natural Resources
Yesterday: educated guess by a group of
geologist specialists
Today: multiple data (weather, plans, wind
patterns, types of rocks) – high probability
assessment of the Cobalt concentration in
the soil
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2 Y
NO country
had AI policy
~20% have
AI policyI
Vulnerable populations might be harmed
even more due to intelligence automation
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Amazon’s system taught itself to prefer
male candidates
The AI was tweaked in an attempt to fix the bias.
However, Amazon lost faith in its ability to be
neutral and abandoned the project
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Are our data clean?
Do we have historical biases in our data?
Do we ask the right questions?
We are learning from the past to predict the future
So we have to be sure that we are not making the
future carrying the baggage of the past
AI is just a fancy form for different statistic techniques
to make predictions about a future based on data from
the past
We see AI algorithms exhibit bias in society
(gender & racial biases)
We will rely on AI making more and
more decisions in our daily life’s:
Who gets the access
to job/ a loan/ an account?
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Garbage IN
Garbage OUT
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Matching talent to
opportunity, bias-free
Pymetrics builds custom algorithms
representing success and auditing
for bias
Explainable and auditive algorithms
tested for statistical differences
between genders & ethnicities
Augmented writing
The words we choose can change
how people react:
⁻ Will they say yes or no?
⁻ Will they buy your brand?
⁻ Who will apply for your job opening?
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Expanded, safer offer
for credit
ML models are far more accurate than traditional
models based only on credit scoring income.
Upstart algorithms enable us to understand
many more signals of someone’s credit
The implication is eye-opening: with a smarter
credit model, lenders could approve almost twice
as many borrowers than traditional bank can,
with fewer defaults
It’s bias if you’re
giving loans for some
group even if they
don’t pay you back
It’s bias if you’re not
giving loans for some
group that actually
would have pay you
45% 83%Americans who have
access to prime credit
Americans who have
never defaulted
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AI is data-dependent and data-hungry. But most firms
struggle with basic data governance issues.
Most of the Enterprises are not data-ready for AI
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Build a Trusted AI
The data used by the AI system components
and the algorithm itself is secured from
unauthorized access, corruption and adversarial
Teaching AI is analogous to parenting a child — you
need to teach AI not only how to do a task
but also all the social norms and values
that determine acceptable behaviour. Training AI in an
immersive fashion requires that developers build in
ethical and risk considerations at the outset of AI
design and development.
The AI’s training methods and decisions criteria can be understood,
is auditable is documented, and is readily available for
human operator challenge and validation.
The AI’s outcomes are aligned with
stakeholder expectations and perform at
a desired level of precision and consistency
When interacting with an AI algorithm, an
end user is given appropriate notification
and an opportunity to select their level of
interaction. User consent is obtained,
as required for data captured and used
Completeness check tools
Source: EY
Director of AI Ethics & Policy
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Dull, dirty and dangerous
(tasks to robots)
Piles & piles of horse dung spanning miles long
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AI may replace routine jobs,
but it will never be able to replace compassionate jobs
Former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee about the careers of the future
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Wisdom was not at the
top of the graduate
school mountain, but
there in the sand pile
at school.
All I Really Need To Know
I Learned In Kindergarten
A guide for global leadership
Robert Fulghum
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SharePlay fair Don't hit
Clean up your own mess
Put things back
where you found them
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Don't take things
that aren't yours.
Live a balanced life -
learn some and think some and
draw and paint and sing and dance
and play and work every day some.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic,
hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the
Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and
nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 55

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Automation revolution AI ML RPAs 2019

  • 1. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 1 BE READY FOR AUTOMATION REVOLUTION: A I / M L , R P A , h u m a n & r o b o t i c w o r k f o r c e b l e n d GALIT FEIN N E W T E C H S E N I O R A N A L Y S T STKI
  • 2. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 2 Payroll Sales Call center Software Software Software Infra Infra Infra Developers Developers Developers Users Users Users Silo Silo Silo Application Centric Computing (systems of transactions) Customer Facing Computing (systems of engagement) DATA Centric Computing (systems of decisions) (Once again) We’re in the midst of TRANSITION Users Digital (forced) Transformation Automation Revolution (Preemptive) Channels APIs AGILE Customer Journey UX Marketing Automation AI/ML/DLRPA Data Science Intelligence Systems Human/ Machine Workforce IoT Process EngineeringData Analytics
  • 3. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 3 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 IT - manual processes time saving LoB - automated tasks on his own COO – productive enterprise Automation solution implementation with couple automated workflows (too task specific) Let's not make the digital transformation mistake once again, Let's not get stuck in one process Great PoC One automated process We stuck Automation SW with the power to transform whole enterprise will remain only for specific task The next-door department have no idea that they could be using the solution that has been already implemented. 3
  • 4. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 4 Technologies CTO AI/ ML Robots Blockchain IoT Vendor platforms Process Re-engineering Business processes re-design due to PROCESS DEPTH Strategy People CEO: business insights COO: productive enterprise HR: better EX LoBs: loan origination IT: T2M Evangelists Outcome-driven requirements (Jobs-to be-done) Business Analysts HR ‫או‬"‫ש‬ CTO ??? Operations + Evangelists Automation CoE Solid strategy: • CoE goes beyond the tool or the individual task • CoE blurs the lines between IT, LoB, and operations - reaches every department & team Auditability Data –ready enterprise Define a data gov strategy Enforce a “data catalog” policy Core Team Business Owners Automation CoE looks at the bigger picture – enterprise automation as ongoing project requiring planning, testing, & regular evaluation
  • 5. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 5 AI and ML – Trend Alarm Our interest in AI x3 in 2 years x4 in 5 years 28 Aug 2018
  • 6. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 6 What AI are you?
  • 7. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 7 But AI is really only an automation evolution 7
  • 8. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 8 AI is better than us in Chess, Go, Poker, Jeopardy, StarCraft and Driving…
  • 9. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 9 Well, not in everything…
  • 10. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 10 Cognitive WHAT IS AI? AI is NOT just one thing NLP ML Deep Learning Predictive Analysis OCR Text to Speech Machine Vision Image and Video analysis Document Intelligence Face recognition 10
  • 11. The Definition of AI Is Always Moving 11
  • 12. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 12 01 02 WHY NOW? Compute power DATA Infrastructure Data Science03 04
  • 13. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 13 Compute Sufficiently cheaper and more powerful (GPU). So it can analyze all these data very quickly Source: royalsociety.org
  • 14. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 14 DATA 90% of all the world's data has been created in the last two years (IBM)
  • 15. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 15 Google 15.000 PB Facebook 300 PB Human Brain 2.5 PB Ebay 90 PB The Big Data Universe Amount of data stored in PB Source: royalsociety.org
  • 16. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 16 This combination of lots of data and lots of processing power has allowed the development of sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Data Science 16
  • 17. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 17 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MACHINE LEARNING DEEP LEARNING AI techniques which give computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed to do so A subset of ML - computers learn patterns from massive amounts of data NEURAL NETWORKS sets of algorithms, as the biological structure of the human brain Any technology which enables computers to mimic human behavior 2006-20071950’s Alan Turing 1996-1997 2012- today
  • 18. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 18 Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms that use statistics to find patterns in large DBs, and use the same patterns to make predictions about the future 1.Data: get a lot of (cleaned) data, with human-defined features (e.g. age, height, “is this email spam?” etc.) 2.Training: use the data to “tune” the relative importance of each feature 3.Prediction on new data. ML can carry out complex processes by learning from data, rather than following pre-programmed rules Supervised
  • 19. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 19 Deep (unsupervised) learning A subset of ML - computers learn patterns from massive amounts of data - you don’t tag the data. Rather you can simply throw in a massive amount of data, and task the system with finding patterns or clusters. DogorCat? Image recognition
  • 20. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 20 What if we weren't asking to analyze just YouTube videos What if we were asking it to process the world – in real time – at 90 km/h. While driving a car. What if we were asking to look at user data to understand, which individuals are likely to convert into loyal customers
  • 21. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 21 What if you could start using it right now?! as a service/ pay per use YOUR DATA + RELATED DATA YOUR FORECASTING MODEL AMAZON’S BLACK BOX AI/ ML can transform businesses to the next level. But these technologies require high technical expertise, high recruiting and training costs. To cater this issue, use AI- enabled enterprise SW from 3rd party vendors instead of developing them. You don’t even need ML PhD data scientists
  • 22. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 22 Go and Enterprise Over 1000 publicly listed companies mentioned AI in 2018 during earning calls when explaining their growth plans and marketing performance Who? Everyone How much? 5-20% of IT budget How? Enterprise SW Why? Enhanced products/ processes and better decisions During the next 12 months, how much of your IT budget do you expect to commit to AI project? 59% are using AI-enabled enterprise SW (the most popular and easiest path to AI: • AWS • Microsoft • Google • IBM • Salesforce • Intel • Baidu • SAP • Oracle • many others 22
  • 23. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 23 Humans Empowered by AI Can Do More More productivity Better decisions making More creativity Better Human skills 23
  • 24. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 24 AI for Sales Automatically Updates Your CRM To give your sales teams the insights they need to close a deal faster Automated Lead Screen Nobody wants to call somebody who doesn’t want their product 24
  • 25. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 25 Real time cost estimation for car accident damages Users upload photos to an app of car damages, and immediately receive repair costs estimates, avoiding fraudulent repair estimates and hassle Damage estimation is a visual task, and since 2015 it is done better by computers
  • 26. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 26 How Machine Learning is Changing the Medical Diagnosis Image recognition-based AI system capable of diagnosing diabetic retinopathy and providing a decision 20 seconds after image capture Preventive Medicine what were the patients’ test results of patients a week/ a year before the disease erupted?
  • 27. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 27 Amazon warehouse running by intelligence robots Kiva Systems warehouse. Image source: www.roboticsbusinessreview.com
  • 28. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 28 Nissa Scott, 21, watching over a robotic arm stacking containers filled with merchandise at an Amazon Amazon’s warehouses, are being outfitted with the latest tech and robots, but not at the expense of human jobs. When Amazon installed the robots, some people who had stacked bins before, took courses at the company to become robot operators “For me, it’s the most mentally challenging thing we have here,” Ms. Scott said of her new job. “It’s not repetitive.”
  • 29. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 29 Meet VICA – Your Virtual Intelligent Conversational Assistant VICA enables self-service across various voice, text and video channels using powerful ML & NLP Fluent HEBREW conversation for: Doctor appointment scheduling Bank account check, etc. VICA allows us to jump from subject to subject, learns our preferences (enables “the right to be forgotten”), while aligning to business goals
  • 30. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 30 Face Recognition Apple Face ID - feature in iOS10 Checkout-free retail The logistics are complex, but retailers are testing the water AiWi Standard cognition
  • 31. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 31 WYCA – Welcome Your Customers Anywhere a robotic platform designed for serving clients and visitors Retail Health
  • 32. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 32 Robotic Process Automation Subsection of Robotic Automation
  • 33. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 33 What is RPA? RPA is a technology that mimics the way we work in front of computers and can handle high-volume, repeatable tasks in order to run business processes email login Fill in forms DB entry Re-type info 33
  • 34. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 34 Today’s business processes require us to work with several systems email attachment Database excel BICRM ERP Your team is working on activities that require jumping from app to app, completing tasks that require little thinking Today we use 15X more tools compared to the past SaaS
  • 35. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 35 A LOT OF SYSTEMS = A LOT OF INTEGRATION email attachment Database excel BICRM ERP SaaS People are used to fill the gap between systems and processes But there is no time and available resources to take these processes and automate them completely!
  • 36. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 36 RPA enables effective automation without complex development & costly integration with fast ROI! proactive attachment Database excel BICRM ERP High volume, repetitive, rule based, structured data processes Higher value activities, empathy, creativity and communication Problem solving Exception handling Trouble shooting 24x7 Errors free Business agility Freeing up people they can work hours they improve data quality they faster than human to focus on higher value activities
  • 37. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 37 Operational efficiency CX EX RPA is No̲ 1 tech in operational cost saving Automation - no integration Audit trail Customers receive direct service, 24x7 Continuing service Workers are different, they’re looking for meaningful jobs where they can contribute Lack of Human Talent Business Drivers for RPA: I don’t do spreadsheets! 37 Chatbot and RPA integration Manual processes in BO
  • 38. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 38 RPA is officially the new outsourcing Productivity KPI = Revenue Number of Employees Outsourcing no longer creates benefits, it’s unable to deal with the overhead problem and continue to maintain a bureaucratic & hierarchical structure The last decade was about replacing labor with cheaper labor The coming decade will be about replacing cheaper labor with autonomics proactive
  • 39. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 39 So now Human Workforce working alongside their Digital Counterparts 1. Very few Process Engineers are involved in the new, automated processes 2. Very few HR fully understand the meaning of Humans & and Machine workforce blend reactive Digital Workforce Manager NEW JOB ALERT
  • 40. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 40 Automation affects all functions of business CFO Can bots reduce the cost of moving materials across our supply chain? How can intelligent automation transform our business Can we compete without exploiting AI and Robotics fully? CEO Board How can we use RPAs to handle a high volume of invoicing tasks? Chief Procurement Officer How can RPAs follow regulatory compliance rules and provide an audit trail history? CRO How can we manage Human resources alongside digital workforce ? HRHow can we mitigate the risks of algorithms bias? How can AI improve the CX? Do we have the right infrastructure and governance to scale? CIO CX Chief Compliance Officer
  • 41. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 41 RPA AIIA 2018/19 2019/20 2021-23 Basic process automation Based on rules engine, screen scraping, workflows Intelligence process automation Processing of unstructured data and knowledge base, pattern recognition, learning capabilities Cognitive automation Large scale processing, ML, NLP, predictive analytics, evidence- based learning
  • 42. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 42 Applying Big Data & AI to Natural Resources Exploration Yesterday: educated guess by a group of geologist specialists Today: multiple data (weather, plans, wind patterns, types of rocks) – high probability assessment of the Cobalt concentration in the soil 42
  • 43. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 43 Today 2 Y ago NO country had AI policy ~20% have AI policyI I Vulnerable populations might be harmed even more due to intelligence automation National
  • 44. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 44 Amazon’s system taught itself to prefer male candidates The AI was tweaked in an attempt to fix the bias. However, Amazon lost faith in its ability to be neutral and abandoned the project altogether 44
  • 45. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 45 CAN YOU TRUST YOUR AI? Are our data clean? Do we have historical biases in our data? Do we ask the right questions? We are learning from the past to predict the future So we have to be sure that we are not making the future carrying the baggage of the past AI is just a fancy form for different statistic techniques to make predictions about a future based on data from the past BIAS We see AI algorithms exhibit bias in society (gender & racial biases) We will rely on AI making more and more decisions in our daily life’s: Who gets the access to job/ a loan/ an account? = past DATA
  • 46. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 46 Garbage IN Garbage OUT 46
  • 47. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 47 Matching talent to opportunity, bias-free Pymetrics builds custom algorithms representing success and auditing for bias Explainable and auditive algorithms tested for statistical differences between genders & ethnicities Augmented writing The words we choose can change how people react: ⁻ Will they say yes or no? ⁻ Will they buy your brand? ⁻ Who will apply for your job opening?
  • 48. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 48 Expanded, safer offer for credit ML models are far more accurate than traditional models based only on credit scoring income. Upstart algorithms enable us to understand many more signals of someone’s credit worthiness The implication is eye-opening: with a smarter credit model, lenders could approve almost twice as many borrowers than traditional bank can, with fewer defaults It’s bias if you’re giving loans for some group even if they don’t pay you back It’s bias if you’re not giving loans for some group that actually would have pay you back 45% 83%Americans who have access to prime credit Americans who have never defaulted
  • 49. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 49 AI is data-dependent and data-hungry. But most firms struggle with basic data governance issues. Most of the Enterprises are not data-ready for AI 49
  • 50. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 50 Build a Trusted AI The data used by the AI system components and the algorithm itself is secured from unauthorized access, corruption and adversarial attack. Teaching AI is analogous to parenting a child — you need to teach AI not only how to do a task but also all the social norms and values that determine acceptable behaviour. Training AI in an immersive fashion requires that developers build in ethical and risk considerations at the outset of AI design and development. The AI’s training methods and decisions criteria can be understood, is auditable is documented, and is readily available for human operator challenge and validation. The AI’s outcomes are aligned with stakeholder expectations and perform at a desired level of precision and consistency When interacting with an AI algorithm, an end user is given appropriate notification and an opportunity to select their level of interaction. User consent is obtained, as required for data captured and used Completeness check tools Source: EY NEW JOB ALERT Director of AI Ethics & Policy
  • 51. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 51 Dull, dirty and dangerous (tasks to robots) Piles & piles of horse dung spanning miles long
  • 52. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 52 AI may replace routine jobs, but it will never be able to replace compassionate jobs Former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee about the careers of the future
  • 53. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 53 Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school. All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten A guide for global leadership Robert Fulghum 53
  • 54. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 54 SharePlay fair Don't hit Clean up your own mess Put things back where you found them Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Don't take things that aren't yours. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. 54
  • 55. Copyright@STKI_2019 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide or graph 55 GALIT FEIN N E W T EC H S E N I O R A N A LYS T STKI THANK YOU!