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Beautiful REST+JSON APIs
with Ion
Les Hazlewood @lhazlewood
CTO, Stormpath, stormpath.com
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• User Management API for Developers
• Password security
• Authentication and Authorization
• LDAP/AD/Social/SAML/OAuth support
• Instant-on, scalable, and highly available
• Free for developers
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Scalability
• Generality
• Independence
• Latency (Caching)
• Security
• Encapsulation
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Ubiquity
• Simplicity
• Readability
• Scalability
• Flexibility
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
REST Is Easy
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
REST Is *&@#$! Hard
(for providers)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
JSON – No Spec
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
REST can be easy
(if you follow some guidelines)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Hypermedia
• As
• The
• Engine
• Of
• Application
• State
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Links
• State Transitions
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Fielding’s Requirements
• Communication Protocol Independent
• Media Type Centric
• No Fixed Names / Hierarchies
• Dynamically Typed!
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
How do we meet these
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
How do we...?
Base URL
Resource Format
Return Values
Content Negotiation
References (Linking)
Query Parameters
Method Overloading
Resource Expansion
Partial Responses
Caching & Etags
Multi Tenancy
Batch Operations
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Nouns, not Verbs
Coarse Grained, not Fine Grained
Architectural style for use-case scalability
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
What If?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
What If?
Smells like bad RPC. DON’T DO THIS.
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Keep It Simple
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
The Answer
Fundamentally two types of resources:
Collection Resource
Instance Resource
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Collection Resource
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Instance Resource
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
≠ 1:1
Create, Read, Update, Delete
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
As you would expect:
GET = Read
DELETE = Delete
HEAD = Headers, no Body
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Not so obvious:
PUT and POST can both be used for
Create and Update
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
PUT for Create
Identifier is known by the client:
PUT /applications/clientSpecifiedId
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
PUT for Update
Full Replacement
PUT /applications/existingId
“name”: “Best App Ever”,
“description”: “Awesomeness”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
POST as Create
On a parent resource
POST /applications
“name”: “Best App Ever”
201 Created
Location: https://api.stormpath.com/applications/a1b2c3
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
POST as Update
On instance resource
POST /applications/a1b2c3
“name”: “Best App Ever. Srsly.”
200 OK
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
NOT Idempotent
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Media Types
• Format Specification + Parsing Rules
• Request: Accept header
• Response: Content-Type header
• application/json
• application/ion+json
• application/ion+json;v=2
• …
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Design Time!
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
“firstName”: “Bob”,
“lastName”: “Smith”,
“birthDate”: “1980-01-23”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion Object
“meta”: { ... },
“firstName”: “Bob”,
“lastName”: “Smith”,
“birthDate”: “1980-01-23”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Naïve collection (not recommended)
“items”: []
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Collection Object
“items”: []
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion Collection
“meta”: { ... },
“items”: []
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Distributed Hypermedia is paramount!
• Every accessible Resource has a canonical unique
• Replaces IDs (IDs exist, but are opaque).
• Critical for linking
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Linking in JSON?
• XML has it (XLink), JSON doesn’t
• How do we do it?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Naïve linking
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Naïve linking - instance
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“directory”: ????
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Naïve linking - instance cont’d
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“directory”: {
“href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/v1/directories/g4h5i6”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Naïve linking - collection
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“groups”: {
“href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/accounts/x7y8z9/groups”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion linking (recommended)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion meta href
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“meta”: { “href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/accounts/x7y8z9” },
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion link
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“meta”: { ... },
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“directory”: {
“meta”:{ “href”: https://api.stormpath.com/directories/g4h5i6” }
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion link (collection)
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“meta”: { ... },
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“groups”: {
“meta”: {
“href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/accounts/x7y8z9/groups”, “rel”: [“collection”]
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
What about HAL?
• Linking focus
• Forces links to be separate from context/content
– (when was the last time you had to put all of your anchors at
the bottom of an html paragraph? Right... never.)
• In contrast to HAL, Ion is much more like HTML – it’s all in
one convenient spec.
• Ion transliteration to/from HTML is far easier (by design)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
State Transitions
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Creating And Updating
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Remember HATEOS?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
“Let me go read the docs to figure
out how to POST”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
NO! This is not HATEOS.
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
How do browsers work?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Forms: Create
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: “boo”,
“createAccount”: {
“meta”: {“href”: “https://foo.io/users”, “rel”: [“create-form”], “method”: “POST”},
“items”: [
{“name”: “login”, “required”: “true”, “label”: “Username or Email” },
{“name”: “password”, “secret”: “true”, “required”: “true”, “label”: “Password”}
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Forms: Create cont’d
"meta": {"href": "https://example.io/users", "rel":["create-form"], "method":"POST"},
"items": [
{"name": "password", "secret": true },
{"name": "visitedContinents","type": "set", "minitems": 1,"maxitems": 7,"options": {
"items": [
{"label": "Africa", "value": "af" },
{"label": "North America", "value": "na" },
{"label": "South America", "value": "sa" },
{"label": "Europe", "value": "eu" },
{"label": "Asia", "value": "as" },
{"label": "Oceania", "value": "oc" },
{"label": "Antarctica", "value": "an" },
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Forms: Search / Query{
“findAccounts”: {
“meta”: { “href”: “https://foo.io/users”, “rel”: [“search-form”], “method”: “GET” },
“items”: [
{“name”: “username”, “label”: “Username”},
{“name”: “email”, “type”: “email”, “label”: “Email” },
{“name”: “givenName”, “label”: “First Name” },
{“name”: “surname”, “label”: “Last Name”},
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
What about Schemas / json-schema ?
Not needed. REST != RDBMS
(are schemas necessary for browsers/HTML?)
Forms do the same thing and are more flexible/powerful
Remember Fielding’s REST Rule about Dynamic Typing
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
HTTP Protocol Semantics
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Base URL
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Rest Client
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Content Negotiation
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Accept header
• Header values comma delimited
• q param determines precedence, defaults to 1, then
conventionally by list order
GET /applications/a1b2c3
Accept: application/json, text/plain;q=0.8
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Resource Extension
Conventionally overrides Accept header
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Style Guide
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
‘JS’ in ‘JSON’ = JavaScript
Not myArray.for_each
Not account.given_name
Underscores for property/function names are unconventional
for JS. Stay consistent.
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Dates & Times
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Dates & Times
There’s already a standard. Use it: ISO 8601
“createdAt”: “2013-07-10T18:02:24.343Z”
Use UTC!
This is represented in Ion as a field types of date, time,
datetime, etc.
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
createdAt / updatedAt
Most people will want this at some point
“createdAt”: “2013-07-10T18:02:24.343Z”,
“updatedAt”: “2014-09-29T07:02:48.761Z”
Use UTC!
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Reference Expansion
(aka Entity Expansion, Link Expansion)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Account and its Directory?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /accounts/x7y8z9?expand=directory
200 OK
“meta”: {..., “expandable”: [“directory”,...] },
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“directory”: {
“meta”: { ... },
“name”: “Avengers”,
“description”: “Hollywood’s plan for more $”,
“createdAt”: “2012-07-01T14:22:18.029Z”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Collection Pagination
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ensure Collection Resources support query params:
• Offset + Limit vs Cursor
• Don’t require the user to query for these – provide OOTB links
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /accounts/x7y8z9/groups
200 OK
“meta”: { ... },
“offset”: 0,
“limit”: 25,
“first”: { “meta”:{“href”: “…/accounts/x7y8z9/groups?offset=0”}},
“previous”: null,
“next”: { “meta”:{“href”: “…/accounts/x7y8z9/groups?offset=25”}},
“last”: { “meta”:{“href”: “…”}},
“items”: [
“meta”: { “href”: “…”, ...}
“meta”: { “href”: “…”, ...}
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET .../accounts?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
“Find all accounts with a
‘company.com’ email address
that can login to a particular
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /applications/x7y8z9/accounts?email=*company.com
200 OK
“meta”: { ... },
“offset”: 0,
“limit”: 25,
“first”: { “meta”:{
“previous”: null,
“next”: { “meta”:{
“href”: “/applications/x7y8z9/accounts?email=*company.com&offset=25”}
“last”: { “meta”:{“href”: “…”}},
“items”: [
{ “meta”: { “href”: “…”, ...} },
{ “meta”: { “href”: “…”, ...} },
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Search cont’d
• Filter search
• Attribute Search
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Search cont’d
• Starts with
• Ends with
• Contains (warning! Bad performance)
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Search cont’d
• Range queries via Ion min and max field members
“all accounts created between September 1st and the 15th”
Form fields example:
{“name”: “createdAtBegin”, “min”: “2014-01-01”,”max=“2014-12-31”}
{“name”: “createdAtEnd”, “min”: “2014-01-01”,”max=“2014-12-31”}
Ion TBD: range type:
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Search cont’d
• Use Ion forms and the pattern form field member to
represent search expressions
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Many To Many
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Group to Account
• A group can have many accounts
• An account can be in many groups
• Each mapping is a resource:
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /groupMemberships/23lk3j2j3
200 OK
“meta”:{“href”: “…/groupMemberships/23lk3j2j3”},
“account”: {
“meta”:{“href”: “…”}
“group”: {
“meta”{“href”: “…”}
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /accounts/x7y8z9
200 OK
“meta”:{“href”: “…/accounts/x7y8z9”},
“givenName”: “Tony”,
“surname”: “Stark”,
“groups”: {
“meta”:{“href”: “…/accounts/x7y8z9/groups” “rel”: [“collection”]}
“groupMemberships”: {
“meta”:{“href”: “…/groupMemberships?accountId=x7y8z9”,”rel”:[“collection”]}
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Async or Long-Lived Operations
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
POST /emails
“from”: me@somewhere.com,
“subject”: “Hi!”
“body”: “...”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
204 Accepted
Location: /emails/23Sd932sSl
“status”: “queued”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
GET /emails/23Sd932sSl
Expires: 2014-09-29T18:00:00.000Z
“status”: “sent”,
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Batch Operations
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Each batch is represented as a resource
• Batches are likely to be a collection
• Batches are likely to have a status
• Downside: problematic regarding HTTP caching
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Batch Delete
“Delete all company.com accounts”
DELETE /accounts?
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Batch Create / Update
Already have a Collection concept. Use it.
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Batch Create or Update
POST /accounts
“meta”: { ... },
“items”: [
{ ... account 1 ... },
{ ... account 2 ... },
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Batch Operations: The ‘Catch’
HTTP Caching is bypassed entirely 
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
204 Accepted
Location: /batches/a1b2c3
“status”: “processing”, //overall status
“size”: “n”,
“limit”: 25,
“items”: {
{ response 1 (w/ individual status) ...},
{ response 2 (w/ individual status) ...},
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• As descriptive as possible
• As much information as possible
• Developers are your customers
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
POST /directories
409 Conflict
“status”: 409,
“code”: 40924,
“property”: “name”,
“message”: “A Directory named ‘Avengers’ already exists.”,
“developerMessage”: “A directory named ‘Avengers’ already
exists. If you have a stale local cache, please expire it
“moreInfo”: “https://www.stormpath.com/docs/api/errors/40924”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Avoid sessions when possible
Authenticate every request if necessary
Authorize based on resource content, NOT URL!
Use Existing Protocol:
Oauth 1.0a, Oauth2, Basic over SSL only
Custom Authentication Scheme:
Only if you provide client code / SDK
Only if you really, really know what you’re doing
Use API Keys and/or JWTs instead of Username/Passwords
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
401 vs 403
• 401 “Unauthorized” really means Unauthenticated
“You need valid credentials for me to respond to this request”
• 403 “Forbidden” really means Unauthorized
“Sorry, you’re not allowed!”
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
HTTP Authentication Schemes
• Server response to issue challenge:
WWW-Authenticate: <scheme name>
realm=“Application Name”
• Client request to submit credentials:
Authorization: <scheme name> <data>
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
API Keys
• Entropy
• Password Reset
• Independence
• Scope
• Speed
• Limited Exposure
• Traceability
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• IDs should be opaque
• Should be globally unique
• Avoid sequential numbers (contention, fusking)
• Good candidates: UUIDs, ‘Url64’
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
HTTP Method Overrides
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
POST /accounts/x7y8z9?_method=DELETE
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Caching &
Concurrency Control
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Server (initial response):
ETag: "686897696a7c876b7e”
Client (later request):
If-None-Match: "686897696a7c876b7e”
Server (later response):
304 Not Modified
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Use HTTP Redirects
Create abstraction layer / endpoints when migrating
Use well defined custom Media Types
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
Ion Media Type
@lhazlewood @goStormpath
• Free for developers
• Eliminate months of development
• Automatic security best practices
• Single Sign On
• Social/OAuth/SAML/Multi-factor/etc
• API Authentication & Key Management
• Token Authentication for SPAs / Mobile
• Authorization & Multi-tenancy for your apps
Libraries and integrations:

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