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Microservices with
Java, Spring Boot &
Spring Cloud
Eberhard Wolff
Fellow, innoQ
Microservices with Java, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
http://microservices-buch.de/ http://microservices-book.com/
Server Server
> Small
> Independent deployment units
> Any technology
> Any infrastructure
Components Collaborate
Data Replication
> …must support lots of services
> Easy to create a new project
> REST integrated
> Messaging supported
> Uniform operations
Spring Boot Demo
Simple Infrastructure
> One pom.xml
> …or Gradle / Ant
> Very few dependencies
> One plug in
> Versions defined
REST Integrated
> Support in Spring MVC
> As we have seen
> Also: JAX-RS
> Jersey
Messaging Support
> Numerous Spring Boot Starter
> AMQP (RabbitMQ)
> HornetQ (JMS)
> ActiveMQ Artemis (JMS)
Messaging Support
> Spring JMS abstraction
> Message driven POJOs
> Scalable
> Simplify sending JMS
> Can use other libs, too!
> Boot: everything Spring / Java can do
> …must support lots of services
> Easy to create a new project
> REST integrated
> Messaging supported
> Simple deployment
> Uniform operations
> Package everything in an
executable JAR
> …or a WAR
> Based on Maven, Ant or Gradle
> Add configuration
Spring Boot
Deploy Demo
> Install a basic machine
> Install Java
> Copy over JAR
> Optional: Make it a Linux Service
> …just a link
> Optional: Create application.properties
> …must support lots of services
> Easy to create a new project
> REST integrated
> Messaging supported
> Simple deployment
> Uniform operations
Spring Boot Actuator
> Provide information about the application
> …or Metrics
> Can be evaluated by monitoring tools etc.
> E.g. Graphite, Grafana ….
Spring Boot
Actuator Demo
> https://github.com/ewolff/user-registration-V2
> Logging ELK
> Subdir log-analysis
> Monitoring Graphite
> Subdir graphite
> …must support lots of services
> Easy to create a new project
> REST integrated
> Messaging supported
> Simple deployment
> Uniform operations
Spring Cloud
Based on Spring Boot
Supports many
technology stacks,
Focus: Netflix Stack
Spring Cloud
Client Side
Load Balancing
Service Discovery
> Must find each other
Microservice Microservice
Service Discovery
Why Eureka?
> REST based service registry
> Supports replication
> Caches on the client
> Resilient
> Fast
> …but not consistent
> Foundation for other services
Eureka Client in
Spring Cloud
> @EnableDiscoveryClient:
> @EnableEurekaClient:
more specific
> Dependency to
> Automatically registers application
Eureka server
Can include user / password
Needunique ID
Load balancing
Faster updates
Dockerwon’t resolve host names
Used for registration
Eureka Server
public class EurekaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Add dependency to
Microservices with Java, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
> Must find each other
> Route calls to a service
Microservice Microservice
> One URL to the outside
> Internal: Many Microservices
> In particular: REST
> Power through filters
Customer Order Catalog
Automatically maps route to server registered on Eureka
i.e. /customer/**
No configuration
Can add filters etc
Zuul Proxy
public class ZuulApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(ZuulApplication.class).
Enable Zuul Proxy
Can change route
Also routing to external services possible
> Must find each other
> Route calls to a service
> Configuration
Microservice Microservice
Spring Cloud Config
> Spring Cloud Config
> Central configuration
> Dynamic updates
> Can use git backend
> I prefer immutable server
> & DevOps tools (Docker, Chef…)
Spring Cloud Bus
> Pushed config updates
> …or individual message
> I prefer a messaging solution
> Independent from Spring
> Must find each other
> Route calls to a service
> Configuration
> Security
Microservice Microservice
Spring Cloud Security
Spring Cloud Security
> Single Sign On via OAuth2
> Forward token e.g. via RestTemplate
> Support for Zuul
> Very valuable!
Microservice Microservice
> Load Balancing
Load Balancing
Proxy Load Balancing
> Centralized Load Balancing
> Can become bottle neck
> Single point of failure
> Configuration complex
Ribbon: Client Side
Load Balancing
> Decentralized Load Balancing
> No bottle neck
> Resilient
> Can consider response time
> Data might be inconsistent
RestTemplate & Load
@RibbonClient(name = "ribbonApp")
public class RibbonApp {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void callMicroService() {
Store store = restTemplate.
Enable Ribbon
Left out other annotations
Eureka name or server list
Standard Spring
REST client
Can also use Ribbon API
Microservice Microservice
> Load Balancing
> Resilience
> Enable resilient applications
> Do call in other thread pool
> Won’t block request handler
> Can implement timeout
> Circuit Breaker
> If call system fail open
> If open do not forward call
> Forward calls after a time window
> System won’t be swamped with requests
Hystrix / Spring Cloud
> Annotation based approach
> Annotations of javanica libraries
> Java Proxies automatically created
> Simplifies Hystrix dramatically
> No commands etc
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getItemsCache")
public Collection<Item> findAll() {
this.itemsCache = pagedResources.getContent();
return itemsCache;
private Collection<Item> getItemsCache() {
return itemsCache;
Stream via http
Circuit Breaker status
Thread Pool status
> Easy to create a new project
> REST integrated
> Messaging supported
> Simple deployment
> Uniform operations
Spring Cloud
> Eureka: Service Discovery
> Zuul: Route calls to a service
> Spring Cloud Config: Configuration
> Ribbon: Load Balancing
> Hystrix: Resilience
> https://github.com/ewolff/microservices
> https://github.com/ewolff/spring-boot-demos
> https://github.com/ewolff/user-registration-V2
> http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/
> http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud
> https://spring.io/guides/
> http://microservices-book.com
Thank You!!

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