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Sai, Field Engineer @ Solo.io
Istio Service Mesh
Developers & Platform Engineers
Home Lab
Home Lab
Business Drivers for Application Modernization
Reduce Costs
/ Shift Capex
to Opex
Access to
Increase flexibility
and Capacity
of Infrastructure
Increase Velocity of
Reduce Risk
Monolithic Microservices
The Way We Build Applications
Built on
Large Teams
Built on
Agile Teams
Challenges with Microservices
● How to observe interactions among
● How to secure service to service
● How to manage transient failures?
● How to control traffic?
Online Boutique Microservices Demo
Source: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo
Application Networking Challenges
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Timeouts
● Retry / Budgets
● Circuit breaking
● Tracing, observability
● Secure transport
● Extension
Application Networking
Data Plane & Control Plane
Why Envoy for Service Mesh Data Plane
● Neutral Foundation (CNCF)
● Large, diverse, vibrant community
● Built ground up for dynamic services
● Dynamic configuration, driven by API
● Highly extensible
● L7 filters (HTTP/1, HTTP/2, gRPC,
redis, mysql, Kafka, etc)
● Deep signals telemetry out of the box
● Versatile deployment options
Istio - Open Source Service Mesh
Istio Launched
Data Plane
7 New Community Releases
1000s Production Users
~ 1000 Community Contributors
Case Studies
Istio Service Mesh Architecture
Istio Deployment (Sidecar Architecture)
Use Cases
Too Much TRUST!
Zero Trust Security
Secure Networking - Server Side TLS
Secure Networking - mTLS
Network Security in Kubernetes
Default State
Desired State
“Zero Trust Security”
DIY … Whoops !
○ 81% of companies experienced a certificate-related outage in the
past two years
○ 65% are concerned about the increased workload and risk of outages
caused by shorter SSL/TLS certificate lifespans.
○ Human error was a major contributing factor in 95% of breaches
Istio to the Rescue !
Resiliency - There will be Failures
Common Mitigations
● Waiting indefinitely is bad
● Trying again is good
● Degrade gracefully when services are
Timeout - Don’t wait Indefinitely
Retry - Trying Again is Good
Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully
Observability - Insights for Competitive Advantage
Building a Uniform Approach
● Understand traffic patterns
● Determine service health
● Anticipate outages
● Detect dangerous activity
● Audit access
Observability - Metrics and Access Logging
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default
Business Drivers for Adopting Istio
Life without ServiceMesh `vs` Life with ServiceMesh
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Multiple Tasks
- Multiple Frameworks
- Language Specific
- Poor Dev Experience
- 100s of Manual Steps
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Focus on Biz Logic
- Developer Productivity
Managed by
- Automated Workflow
- Deploy Consistent
Infrastructure Layer
- Eliminate Language
Specific Libraries
- Consistent Security &
Observability across LOBs
Before Service Mesh After Service Mesh
Microservice App Microservice App
Istio Deployment (Sidecar Architecture)
Istio Ambient Mesh (Sidecar-less Architecture)
A recent, open source contribution to the Istio project,
that defines a new sidecar-less data plane.
Istio Deployment (Sidecar-less Architecture)
Something to think about …
Something to think about …
● the Istio Ingress Gateway doesn’t provide the capabilities of an enterprise API
● It’s complex to use and to manage, especially in a multi-cloud context
● mTLS across the clusters
● Lifecycle management for control planes and istio gateways
● Global Observability (centralized metrics and access logging)
● Long term support
Something to think about …
Learn More …
Learn More …
10,000+ students have
attended hands-on workshops
1,800+ engineers have
achieved certifications
Istio User Group
Thanks for attending!
Field Engineer - APAC @ Solo.io

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Istio Service Mesh for Developers and Platform Engineers

  • 1. Sai, Field Engineer @ Solo.io Istio Service Mesh For Developers & Platform Engineers
  • 4. Business Drivers for Application Modernization Reduce Costs / Shift Capex to Opex Access to Innovation Increase flexibility and Capacity of Infrastructure Increase Velocity of Development Reduce Risk Monolithic Microservices
  • 5. The Way We Build Applications Monolithic On-Prem Built on a VM+OS Large Teams Microservices Cloud Built on Kubernetes Agile Teams
  • 6. Challenges with Microservices ● How to observe interactions among services? ● How to secure service to service communication? ● How to manage transient failures? ● How to control traffic?
  • 7. Online Boutique Microservices Demo Source: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo
  • 8. Application Networking Challenges ● Service discovery ● Load balancing ● Timeouts ● Retry / Budgets ● Circuit breaking ● Tracing, observability ● Secure transport ● Extension Challenges
  • 10. Data Plane & Control Plane
  • 11. Why Envoy for Service Mesh Data Plane ● Neutral Foundation (CNCF) ● Large, diverse, vibrant community ● Built ground up for dynamic services environment ● Dynamic configuration, driven by API ● Highly extensible ● L7 filters (HTTP/1, HTTP/2, gRPC, redis, mysql, Kafka, etc) ● Deep signals telemetry out of the box ● Versatile deployment options
  • 12. Istio - Open Source Service Mesh 2017 Istio Launched Data Plane Enhancements 2019-20 7 New Community Releases 1000s Production Users ~ 1000 Community Contributors 2022 CNCF 2019-2022
  • 14. Istio Service Mesh Architecture
  • 15. Istio Deployment (Sidecar Architecture)
  • 19. Secure Networking - Server Side TLS
  • 21. Network Security in Kubernetes Default State !!! Desired State “Zero Trust Security”
  • 22. DIY … Whoops ! ○ 81% of companies experienced a certificate-related outage in the past two years ○ 65% are concerned about the increased workload and risk of outages caused by shorter SSL/TLS certificate lifespans. ○ Human error was a major contributing factor in 95% of breaches
  • 23. Istio to the Rescue !
  • 24. Resiliency - There will be Failures Common Mitigations ● Waiting indefinitely is bad ● Trying again is good ● Degrade gracefully when services are overwhelmed
  • 25. Timeout - Don’t wait Indefinitely
  • 26. Retry - Trying Again is Good 👍
  • 27. Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully
  • 28. Observability - Insights for Competitive Advantage Building a Uniform Approach ● Understand traffic patterns ● Determine service health ● Anticipate outages ● Detect dangerous activity ● Audit access
  • 29. Observability - Metrics and Access Logging [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| outbound_.8000_._.httpbin.foo.svc.cluster.local default metrics
  • 30. RECAP
  • 31. Business Drivers for Adopting Istio
  • 32. Life without ServiceMesh `vs` Life with ServiceMesh Business Logic Security Logic Traffic Management Logic Golden Metrics/ Observability Logic Resiliency Logic Managed by Developer - Multiple Tasks - Multiple Frameworks - Language Specific - Poor Dev Experience - 100s of Manual Steps Business Logic Security Logic Traffic Management Logic Golden Metrics/ Observability Logic Resiliency Logic Managed by Developer - Focus on Biz Logic - Developer Productivity Managed by ServiceMesh - Automated Workflow - Deploy Consistent Infrastructure Layer - Eliminate Language Specific Libraries - Consistent Security & Observability across LOBs Before Service Mesh After Service Mesh Microservice App Microservice App
  • 33. Istio Deployment (Sidecar Architecture)
  • 34. Istio Ambient Mesh (Sidecar-less Architecture) A recent, open source contribution to the Istio project, that defines a new sidecar-less data plane. Improve Performance Simplify Operations Cost Reduction https://istio.io/latest/blog/2022/introducing-ambient-mesh/
  • 36. Something to think about …
  • 37. Something to think about …
  • 38. ● the Istio Ingress Gateway doesn’t provide the capabilities of an enterprise API gateway ● It’s complex to use and to manage, especially in a multi-cloud context ● mTLS across the clusters ● Lifecycle management for control planes and istio gateways ● Global Observability (centralized metrics and access logging) ● Long term support Something to think about …
  • 40. Learn More … 10,000+ students have attended hands-on workshops 1,800+ engineers have achieved certifications NPS Score 75 https://academy.solo.io