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kafka open source cloud stream processing apache ksql kafka connect kafka streams big data confluent event streaming machine learning integration apache kafka esb iot microservices streaming analytics analytics tibco real time enterprise service bus java middleware aws edge hybrid apache camel deep learning ibm eip mqtt cloud native hadoop spark data in motion tensorflow talend azure eai ksqldb iiot rest docker internet of things streambase industry 4.0 gcp kubernetes etl enterprise integration patterns nosql data streaming confluent cloud streaming platform fast data sql cloudera soa xml opc-ua architecture schema registry security flink open api api management businessworks python scala manufacturing red hat industrial iot amazon saas event processing data warehouse data integration jboss systems integration mule esb cloud foundry data lake serverless r api mulesoft pivotal hive integration framework spring integration salesforce groovy google app engine messaging mq camel spring jee lambda logistics cybersecurity siemens legacy http tibco software golang flogo blockchain google streaming sap storm container hortonworks pig apache hadoop kappa snowflake automotive payment fraud detection finserv tiered storage smart city msk mainframe event driven connected cars database h2o conference go bluemix node-red edge computing microsoft bitcoin ethereum bwce siem businessworks container edition software ag live datamart mashery oracle mapr mongodb eclipse talend esb wso2 amazon web services jvm cloud computing paas websphere j2ee web framework jsf gwt java server faces bigquery databricks omnichannel enterprise architecture healthcare 5g transportation mobility services customer 360 retail tesla insurance use cases oss bss telecom telco plc digital twin service mesh plc4x modbus message queue hivemq connect elasticsearch rest proxy streams energy apache spark netflix fog computing kura node red project flogo splunk hyperledger containers spotfire terr gartner log analytics itoa loglogic apama framework automation devops gateway business intelligence design pattern dwh hbase hazelcast neo4j couchdb javaone bpm soap openshift mulé cloudfoundry enterprise application integration pulsar nfv ott qradar soar redshift data historian v2x connected vehicles airline supply chain fully managed architectures s3 erp mindsphere industry gaming telecom sector télécommunications telco industry change data capture cdc ims orchestration pharmaceutical eon audi rami paypal nordea fraud financial services capital one banking digital thread grpc linkerd envoy istio emerson beckhoff ads allen bradley siemens s7 industrie 4.0 automation industry rbac control center event streaming platform json cobol notebook jupyter keras smart home avro https multi data center replication mqtt proxy query scalability spark streaming mesosphere deeplearning4j best practices predictive maintenance h2o.ai circuit breaker hystrix cloud-native ibm bluemix analytic model mllib forrester log management it operations analytics esper samza infosphere streams continuous delivery continuous integration predictive analytics pivotal gemfire gridgain infinispan ibm websphere extreme scale oracle coherence gigaspaces in memory data grid api exchange apigee cep cassandra sqoop riak bpmn web service jruby clojure kotlin ceylon gae activemq spring mvc code generation google web toolkit vaadin rapid application development spring roo jboss seam comparison seam web-framework richfaces web-frameworks widgets primefaces icefaces compared web frameworks webframework crypto metaverse redpanda augmented reality social media ecommerce dot net knowledge opc ua hivecell equipment as a service condition monitoring quality assurance data at rest pub sub event hubs 2022 top use cases software development strategy cio cto data mesh public administration citizen services national security government public sector management mano network network slicing sdn shipping threat intelligence cortex arcsight bmw porsche customers 360 amazon msk ibm mq ibm db2 ibm cloud pak kakfa kong freeyou generali centene humana life vehicle claim processing insurance industry shop floor factory v2i sparkplug mysql hybrid architecture hop air france singapore airlines amadeus lufthansa travel aviation inventory recommendation store rbc royal bank of canada euronext walmart trading regulatory reporting compliance osisoft pi osisoft smart meter smart grid energy industry energy sector multi cloud predictions analysts top 5 2021 partner track and trace business process process real-time six sigma scor optimization scm open source supply chain modernization reinvent finance mission critical deployments real world self-balancing storage kafka summit mes bookmaking bookmaker gambling betting games hash encryption tamper proof dlt distributed ledger iota libra ripple hyperledger fabric nms ems db2 cics replacement offloading workflow life sciences pharma opencv deutsche bahn lyft severstal bosch protocol buffers protobuf json schema prediction ing fintech finance industry webinar confluent kitchen tour schema validation audit logs event hub on premises region deployment infrastructure global data center wjax monitoring model deployment model inference model training ingestiÓn tensorflow io data scientist tensorflow serving dl4j rpc model server request response ddd domain driven design haproxy microservice architecture prototyping bacnet profinet ads beckhoff s7 opcua cli ansible operator rancher k8s zookeeper ai artificial intelligence agile couchbase edifact extract transform load cqrs event based apex nifi mosquitto rabbitmq apache avro cloud migration disaster recovery workshop live demo meetup tel aviv search streaming engine deep dive heron javaland meson michelangelo uber driverless ai automl onnx grafana anomaly detection clickstream topic marathon broker dc/os dcos mesos dl4h mxnet stark streaming apache spark streaming apache flink codemotion tibco streambase gophercon frameworks lightweight knime data wrangling data science informatica pentaho data preparation inline wrangling mapreduce rapidminer data preprocessing node js eclipse iot nodered device github coap rocket lessons learned sap hcp utilities consumer iot datatorrent product sqlstream h20 operational intelligence machine data baas bletchley blockchain as a service oracle world garden warden iaas coreos tibco cloud integration hardware appliance papertrail tibco unity unity datamart historical data kinesis businessevents micro service intergation microservie puppet tibco activespaces cache mule sap hana nosql matters active spaces data2day vordel layer 7 portal 3scale amx ibpm tibbr ibpms activematrix nservicebus hdfs impala jax aws s3 spring source switchyard jboss esb business value oozie muledhat fusesource springsource fuse application integration talend unified platform ibm websphere oracle service bus ibm esb oracle esb cxf javaone 2012 jypthon erjang erlang ruby jclouds windows azure deltacloud bpel activiti bpmn 2.0 business process management jbpm enterprise intergation patterns salesforce.com java ee dsl heroku jython fantom vmware platform as a service grails categorization
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