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and Standards
Towards a Military
Andy Fawkes
SISO Symposium at IT2EC 2022
25 April 2022
• What is the Metaverse and why is it of
• Metaverse Developments and Technologies
• Metaverse Standards
• Towards a Military Metaverse?
Previously …
What is the Metaverse
and Why is it of
Some Historical Context …
Created by Gibson, the word “Cyberspace” is
popularised and “had no real semantic meaning”
a "mass consensual hallucination" in computer
Stephenson creates the word “Metaverse”, a
portmanteau of "meta" (meaning beyond) and
“ … a computer-generated universe …”
Some More History - 2007
“In sum, for the best view of the
changes ahead, we suggest thinking
of the Metaverse not as virtual
space but as the junction or nexus of
our physical and virtual worlds.”
Some Contemporary Metaverse Descriptions …
“A concept of a future iteration of the Internet, made up of
persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual
“The metaverse is a seamless convergence of our physical and
digital lives, creating a unified, virtual community where we can
work, play, relax, transact and socialize.’
“Opportunities in the Metaverse” 2022
“The metaverse enables us to embed computing into the real
world and to embed the real world into computing ...”
Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft, Microsoft Ignite Nov 2021
What is Different Now?
• Computing Power and Availability
• Network Capacity and Reach
• Data Storage and Discoverability
• Ubiquitous Gaming
• Investment by Big Tech Companies, e.g.
• Microsoft
• Nvidia
• Meta/Facebook
• The Pandemic
Source - WePC
The (2D) Internet & Gaming Now Dominate our Waking Lives …
>1 hr/day
7 hrs/day
Science Fiction?
Are we already
living in a
(2D) Metaverse?
Or alternatively, a
Hybrid-verse or
Some Common
Metaverse and
Defence M&S
• Interoperability
• Digital Asset ownership
• Security
• Networking
• Computing
• XR/Human-Computing Interfaces
• AI
• Data & Analytics
• User engagement/experience
• Community
Metaverse Big Picture
A Convergence of Technologies & Human Behaviours
Metaverse Developments and
Google Trends
Facebook changes company name to Meta – 28 Oct 21
Keeping Up!
Still in the headlines …
Some Contemporary “Proto-Metaverse” Developments
• Microsoft
• Mesh - a collaboration and communications platform supporting virtual
collaboration across multiple devices and the Microsoft Metaverse Apps Stack
• Nvidia
• Omniverse™ a scalable, real-time reference development platform for 3D
simulation and design collaboration
• Varjo Reality Cloud – “Teleport VR”
• Meta Quest 2 HMDs reportedly sold >10m (> sales than Xbox
consoles in 2021)
• Epic Games Unreal – supports mobile, XR, through to flight sim
domes (CAE)
• Roblox - 164m monthly active users, creating and playing 3D games,
played by >50% US children (<16) in 2020
• Second Life – launched 2003, a persistent 3D virtual world (GDP
$650m (2022))
• Decentraland - open source 3D virtual world platform with NFT-
based land ownership (opened Feb 2020)
Tools are
Already Out
Tools are Already Out There
Metaverse Related Technologies
Computing Software Networking
& Security
Data &
AI, Data &
& Robotics
Sensors Standards
3D Software
Reality XR
Digital Twins
Personal tutors
and guides
Cloud Games Engines
optical comms
(FSO) & LiFi
Personal Digital
Edge Web 3.0
Zero Trust
(NFTs )
and “Mobility
of Things”
(Internet of
Wearables Synthetic Data
DNA Digital
Data Storage
Video and
Technologies are Maturing at Different Rates &
With Different Relevancies to Defence
Metaverse Standards
The Khronos Group (Founded 2000)
Khronos currently identifies six market segments
relevant to developers with similar requirements
Khronos Group Promoter
Members (150+ members)
Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) (Founded 2018)
ASWF’s mission is to lower the barrier to entry for developing and using open source software
Other Standard-Related Initiatives
• Metaverse Interoperability Community Group (part of the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C)) - Its mission is “to bridge virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for
identity, social graphs, inventory, and more” (103 participants).
• Open Metaverse Interoperability Group - focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing
and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more.
• Nvidia’s Omniverse uses Disney’s Pixar open-source Universal Scene Description (USD) file
• Epic Game’s Twinmotion platform can be used to import models from BIM and CAD
• The Unity Distribution Portal enables developers to create a single build of their app for
distribution and management across all mobile app stores.
• Cesium is an open platform for exploiting 3D geospatial data using the 3D Tiles open
• Discord allows developers to plug directly into their communications platform of 150m users.
• The Digital Twin Consortium comprises industry, government, and academia founded “to
accelerate the development, adoption, interoperability, and security of digital twins and
enabling technologies”.
• MPEG-V (2020) - Provides “an architecture and associated information representations to
enable the interoperability between virtual worlds with the real world, e.g. sensors, vision.”
Fun Fact - In Snow Crash, the metaverse’s design is “fixed by a protocol, hammered out
by the Association for Computing Machinery's Global Multimedia Protocol Group”
Towards a Military Metaverse?
A Defence Perspective on the Metaverse
The concepts of virtual reality and avatars in a persistent virtual
world(s) remain, however,
the metaverse can be considered now to also embrace a wider
convergence of technologies of varying maturities that are
bringing the physical and digital worlds together and
represents the next evolution of computing, a trend from 2D,
to 3D, interaction, presence and immersion between humans,
machines and the digital world.
The metaverse could be considered a long standing vision
without a fixed roadmap to achieve it, but one that is much
closer than it was before.
A Military
Separate &
Real World Metaverse
Metaverse v Military Metaverse Features Mapping
Matthew Ball Jon Radoff Lik-Hang Lee et al Newzoo Roblox Microsoft Nvidia Military Metaverse
Hardware Tech Enablers -
Metaverse Gateways -
Identity Mesh & HoloLens Omniverse
Networking Experience Tech Enablers -
Metaverse Gateways -
Friends Power Platform Omniverse
User Interfaces & Immersion
Compute Discovery Tech Enablers -
Artificial Intelligence
Avatar & Identity Immersive Azure AI &
Virtual Platforms Creator Economy Tech Enablers -
Computer Vision
User Interfaces &
Low Friction Azure Analytics Graphics Data & Digital Twins
Interchange Tools and
Spatial Computing Tech Enablers -
Economy Variety Azure Maps Compute Virtual Economy
Payments Decentralization Tech Enablers -
Social Anywhere Azure Digital
RTX GPU Content, Services, and Assets
Metaverse Content,
Services, and Assets
Human Interface Tech Enablers - User
Play-to-Earn/Collect Economy Azure IoT AI & Computer Vision
User Behaviours Infrastructure Tech Enablers -
Extended Reality
Infrastructure - Cloud,
Scalability & Hosting
Civility Physical World Interchange Tools and
Ecosystem - Avatar Infrastructure -
Visualisation & Digital
Ecosystem - Content
Infrastructure - Artificial
Ecosystem - Virtual
Security, Privacy and Culture
Ecosystem - Social
Infrastructure - Adtech Procurement, Culture
Ecosystem - Security
& Privacy
Infrastructure -
Ecosystem - Trust &
"The Metaverse Primer"
June 2021
"The Metaverse
Value-Chain" 7 April
All One Needs to Know
about Metaverse: A
Complete Survey on
Singularity, Virtual
Ecosystem, and
Research Agenda,
Lik-Hang Lee et al,
Sept 2021
Newzoo Metaverse
Ecosystem Infographic 25
June 2022
"Roblox CEO
Dave Baszucki
believes users
will create the
metaverse" 27
January 2021
Technology Stack"
26 May 2021
"Nvidia reveals
Enterprise for
products and
worlds" 12 April
A Military Metaverse?
“Persistent secure networked
interoperable live, virtual and
constructive simulations,
synchronized with multi-domain
operational systems and
enterprise-wide digital twins of
equipments, platforms,
infrastructure and personnel
and the wider human and
natural world.”
Military Metaverse Consumers/Users
Training &
Military Metaverse > ∑
As well as serving use cases across
defence, a military metaverse could
ensure M&S capabilities are always up
to date, consistent, verifiable, cost
effective and reach all that can benefit
… realising the full potential of
defence M&S, irrespective of distance.
Metaverse Headlines
The metaverse is of great significance to
defence M&S and the wider digital domain
The current interest/hype reflects a distant
vision that does not seem so distant now
The metaverse is not one technology, but
an umbrella term for many converging
M&S and wider technologies
No one is currently saying it will be a
single virtual world
The weight of $ external to defence will
drive developments, which are likely
Defence needs to be an “intelligent
customer” for metaverse technologies and
A “Military Metaverse” could exploit
metaverse-related standards, technologies
and approaches, and provide now a
unifying vision for future defence
enterprise-wide M&S services
The metaverse will embed computing into
the real world and embed the real world
into computing
A Military Proto-
1980s Distributed
Simulation Vision
SIMNET’s 1980s Vision - Jack Thorpe PhD (Colonel, USAF, retired)
Back to Science Fiction …
1999 2009
Andy Fawkes
Amara's Law
“We tend to overestimate the effect of a
technology in the short run and
underestimate the effect in the long run.”
Roy Amara PhD (1925 – 2007)
Head of the Stanford Institute for the Future
SISO Symposium at IT2EC 2022
25 April 2022

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Metaverse Developments, Technologies, and Standards - Towards a Military Metaverse?

  • 1. Metaverse Developments, Technologies, and Standards - Towards a Military Metaverse? Andy Fawkes FIMechE SISO Symposium at IT2EC 2022 London 25 April 2022
  • 2. Outline • What is the Metaverse and why is it of interest? • Metaverse Developments and Technologies • Metaverse Standards • Towards a Military Metaverse?
  • 4. What is the Metaverse and Why is it of Interest?
  • 5. Some Historical Context … Created by Gibson, the word “Cyberspace” is popularised and “had no real semantic meaning” a "mass consensual hallucination" in computer networks Stephenson creates the word “Metaverse”, a portmanteau of "meta" (meaning beyond) and “universe” “ … a computer-generated universe …” Real World Digital World 1992 1984
  • 6. Some More History - 2007 “In sum, for the best view of the changes ahead, we suggest thinking of the Metaverse not as virtual space but as the junction or nexus of our physical and virtual worlds.”
  • 7. Some Contemporary Metaverse Descriptions … “A concept of a future iteration of the Internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe” Wikipedia “The metaverse is a seamless convergence of our physical and digital lives, creating a unified, virtual community where we can work, play, relax, transact and socialize.’ “Opportunities in the Metaverse” 2022 “The metaverse enables us to embed computing into the real world and to embed the real world into computing ...” Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft, Microsoft Ignite Nov 2021
  • 9. What is Different Now? • Computing Power and Availability • Network Capacity and Reach • Data Storage and Discoverability • XR (VR/MR/AR) • Ubiquitous Gaming • Investment by Big Tech Companies, e.g. • Microsoft • Nvidia • Meta/Facebook • The Pandemic Source - WePC
  • 10. The (2D) Internet & Gaming Now Dominate our Waking Lives … https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-april-global-statshot Gaming >1 hr/day Internet 7 hrs/day
  • 11. Science Fiction? Are we already living in a (2D) Metaverse? Or alternatively, a Hybrid-verse or Proto-Metaverse?
  • 12. Some Common Metaverse and Defence M&S Themes • Interoperability • Digital Asset ownership • Security • Networking • Computing • XR/Human-Computing Interfaces • AI • Data & Analytics • User engagement/experience • Community
  • 13. Metaverse Big Picture A Convergence of Technologies & Human Behaviours
  • 15. Google Trends “Metaverse” Facebook changes company name to Meta – 28 Oct 21 Keeping Up!
  • 16. Still in the headlines …
  • 17. Some Contemporary “Proto-Metaverse” Developments • Microsoft • Mesh - a collaboration and communications platform supporting virtual collaboration across multiple devices and the Microsoft Metaverse Apps Stack • Nvidia • Omniverse™ a scalable, real-time reference development platform for 3D simulation and design collaboration • Varjo Reality Cloud – “Teleport VR” • Meta Quest 2 HMDs reportedly sold >10m (> sales than Xbox consoles in 2021) • Epic Games Unreal – supports mobile, XR, through to flight sim domes (CAE) • Roblox - 164m monthly active users, creating and playing 3D games, played by >50% US children (<16) in 2020 • Second Life – launched 2003, a persistent 3D virtual world (GDP $650m (2022)) • Decentraland - open source 3D virtual world platform with NFT- based land ownership (opened Feb 2020)
  • 19. Tools are Already Out There
  • 20. Metaverse Related Technologies Computing Software Networking & Security Human- Computing Interfaces Data & Digital Twins AI, Data & Analytics Automation & Robotics Sensors Standards Quantum Collaborative 3D Software 6G eXtended Reality XR Digital Twins Personal tutors and guides Everyday Robotics Computer Vision Open HLA4? Cloud Games Engines Free-space optical comms (FSO) & LiFi Holographic Imaging Personal Digital Twin Natural Language Understanding Telexistence Volumetric Video Industry/ Proprietary Edge Web 3.0 Zero Trust Security Haptics Blockchain/ Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs ) Auto/Machine Translation “Metamobility” and “Mobility of Things” IoT (Internet of Things) Spatial Computing Wearables Synthetic Data Predictive Decision Support DNA Digital Data Storage Human Augmentation Video and audio optimisation
  • 21. Technologies are Maturing at Different Rates & With Different Relevancies to Defence
  • 23. The Khronos Group (Founded 2000) Khronos currently identifies six market segments relevant to developers with similar requirements Khronos Group Promoter Members (150+ members)
  • 24. Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) (Founded 2018) ASWF’s mission is to lower the barrier to entry for developing and using open source software
  • 25. Other Standard-Related Initiatives • Metaverse Interoperability Community Group (part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)) - Its mission is “to bridge virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more” (103 participants). • Open Metaverse Interoperability Group - focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. • Nvidia’s Omniverse uses Disney’s Pixar open-source Universal Scene Description (USD) file format. • Epic Game’s Twinmotion platform can be used to import models from BIM and CAD programs. • The Unity Distribution Portal enables developers to create a single build of their app for distribution and management across all mobile app stores. • Cesium is an open platform for exploiting 3D geospatial data using the 3D Tiles open standard. • Discord allows developers to plug directly into their communications platform of 150m users. • The Digital Twin Consortium comprises industry, government, and academia founded “to accelerate the development, adoption, interoperability, and security of digital twins and enabling technologies”. • MPEG-V (2020) - Provides “an architecture and associated information representations to enable the interoperability between virtual worlds with the real world, e.g. sensors, vision.” Fun Fact - In Snow Crash, the metaverse’s design is “fixed by a protocol, hammered out by the Association for Computing Machinery's Global Multimedia Protocol Group”
  • 26. Towards a Military Metaverse?
  • 27. A Defence Perspective on the Metaverse The concepts of virtual reality and avatars in a persistent virtual world(s) remain, however, the metaverse can be considered now to also embrace a wider convergence of technologies of varying maturities that are bringing the physical and digital worlds together and represents the next evolution of computing, a trend from 2D, to 3D, interaction, presence and immersion between humans, machines and the digital world. The metaverse could be considered a long standing vision without a fixed roadmap to achieve it, but one that is much closer than it was before.
  • 28. A Military Metaverse - Similar, Separate & Connected Real World Metaverse Military Metaverse
  • 29. Metaverse v Military Metaverse Features Mapping Matthew Ball Jon Radoff Lik-Hang Lee et al Newzoo Roblox Microsoft Nvidia Military Metaverse Hardware Tech Enablers - Network Metaverse Gateways - Centralised Identity Mesh & HoloLens Omniverse Apps Discovery Networking Experience Tech Enablers - Edge/Cloud Metaverse Gateways - Decentralised Friends Power Platform Omniverse Platform User Interfaces & Immersion Compute Discovery Tech Enablers - Artificial Intelligence Avatar & Identity Immersive Azure AI & Autonomous Systems Artificial Intelligence Robotics/Sensors/IoT Virtual Platforms Creator Economy Tech Enablers - Computer Vision User Interfaces & Immersion Low Friction Azure Analytics Graphics Data & Digital Twins Interchange Tools and Standards Spatial Computing Tech Enablers - Blockchain Economy Variety Azure Maps Compute Virtual Economy Payments Decentralization Tech Enablers - Robotics/IoT Social Anywhere Azure Digital Twins RTX GPU Content, Services, and Assets Metaverse Content, Services, and Assets Human Interface Tech Enablers - User Interactivity Play-to-Earn/Collect Economy Azure IoT AI & Computer Vision User Behaviours Infrastructure Tech Enablers - Extended Reality Infrastructure - Cloud, Scalability & Hosting Civility Physical World Interchange Tools and Standards Ecosystem - Avatar Infrastructure - Visualisation & Digital Network Ecosystem - Content Creation Infrastructure - Artificial Intelligence Edge/Cloud Ecosystem - Virtual Economy Decentralised Infrastructure Security, Privacy and Culture Ecosystem - Social Acceptability Infrastructure - Adtech Procurement, Culture Ecosystem - Security & Privacy Infrastructure - Connectivity Ecosystem - Trust & Acceptability "The Metaverse Primer" June 2021 (https://www.matthewball.vc/th e-metaverse-primer) "The Metaverse Value-Chain" 7 April 2021 (https://medium.com/bui lding-the-metaverse/the- metaverse-value-chain- afcf9e09e3a7) All One Needs to Know about Metaverse: A Complete Survey on Technological Singularity, Virtual Ecosystem, and Research Agenda, Lik-Hang Lee et al, Sept 2021 Newzoo Metaverse Ecosystem Infographic 25 June 2022 "Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki believes users will create the metaverse" 27 January 2021 (https://venturebeat .com/2021/01/27/ro blox-ceo-dave- baszucki-believes- users-will-create-the- metaverse/) "Microsoft Metaverse Technology Stack" 26 May 2021 (https://azure.microsoft .com/en- gb/blog/converging-the- physical-and-digital-with- digital-twins-mixed- reality-and-metaverse- apps/) "Nvidia reveals Omniverse Enterprise for simulating products and worlds" 12 April 2021 (https://venturebeat. com/2021/04/12/nvidi a-reveals-omniverse- enterprise-for- simulating-products- References
  • 30. A Military Metaverse? “Persistent secure networked interoperable live, virtual and constructive simulations, synchronized with multi-domain operational systems and enterprise-wide digital twins of equipments, platforms, infrastructure and personnel and the wider human and natural world.”
  • 32. Military Metaverse > ∑ As well as serving use cases across defence, a military metaverse could ensure M&S capabilities are always up to date, consistent, verifiable, cost effective and reach all that can benefit … realising the full potential of defence M&S, irrespective of distance.
  • 33. Metaverse Headlines The metaverse is of great significance to defence M&S and the wider digital domain The current interest/hype reflects a distant vision that does not seem so distant now The metaverse is not one technology, but an umbrella term for many converging M&S and wider technologies No one is currently saying it will be a single virtual world The weight of $ external to defence will drive developments, which are likely unpredictable Defence needs to be an “intelligent customer” for metaverse technologies and standards A “Military Metaverse” could exploit metaverse-related standards, technologies and approaches, and provide now a unifying vision for future defence enterprise-wide M&S services The metaverse will embed computing into the real world and embed the real world into computing
  • 34. A Military Proto- Metaverse: 1980s Distributed Simulation Vision and SIMNET Blueprint SIMNET’s 1980s Vision - Jack Thorpe PhD (Colonel, USAF, retired)
  • 35. Back to Science Fiction … 1999 2009
  • 36. Questions? Andy Fawkes andy.fawkes@thinke.co.uk Amara's Law “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.” Roy Amara PhD (1925 – 2007) Head of the Stanford Institute for the Future SISO Symposium at IT2EC 2022 London 25 April 2022

Editor's Notes

  1. Wikipedia/IEEE
  2. Neil Trevett Khronos President NVIDIA VP Developer Ecosystems