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                                                                          • Mobilizations: these are passive movements
                                                                            performed by therapist at a slow speed enough
                                                                            that the patient can stop the movement.

                                                                          • Manipulations: these are sudden movements
                                                                            performed with a high velocity, short amplitude
                                                                            motion such that the patient cannot prevent the

                             B.ARUN.,MPT,CMPT,COHS                          motion.
                                ORTHOPEDIC PHYSIOTHERAPY
                                                                           26-11-2008                                                                2

                   Terminology                                               Terminology
 • Mobilization – passive joint movement for
   increasing ROM or decreasing pain                                         • Self-Mobilization (Automobilization) –
   – Applied to joints & related soft tissues at varying                        self-stretching techniques that specifically use
     speeds & amplitudes using physiologic or accessory                         joint traction or glides that direct the stretch
     motions                                                                    force to the joint capsule
   – Force is light enough that patient’s can stop the
     movement                                                                • Mobilization with Movement (MWM) –
                                                                                concurrent application of a sustained
                                                                                accessory mobilization applied by a clinician
 • Manipulation – passive joint movement for                                    & an active physiologic movement to end
   increasing joint mobility                                                    range applied by the patient
                                                                                 – Applied in a pain-free direction
   – Incorporates a sudden, forceful thrust that is beyond
     the patient’s control

  Terminology                                                                Terminology
• Physiologic Movements – movements done                                  • Arthrokinematics – motions of bone surfaces within the
 voluntarily                                                                 joint
                                                                              – 5 motions - Roll, Slide, Spin, Compression, Distraction
  – Osteokinematics – motions of the bones
                                                                          • Muscle energy – use an active contraction of deep
                                                                             muscles that attach near the joint & whose line of pull can
• Accessory Movements – movements within the                                 cause the desired accessory motion
 joint & surrounding tissues that are necessary for                           – Clinician stabilizes segment on which the distal aspect of the
 normal ROM, but can not be voluntarily performed                               muscle attaches; command for an isometric contraction of the
                                                                                muscle is given, which causes the accessory movement of the joint
  – Component motions – motions that accompany active
    motion, but are not under voluntary control                           • Thrust – high-velocity, short-amplitude motion that the
     • Ex: Upward rotation of scapula & rotation of clavicle that occur      patient can not prevent
       with shoulder flexion                                                  – Performed at end of pathologic limit of the joint (snap adhesions,
                                                                                stimulate joint receptors)
  – Joint play – motions that occur within the joint                          – Techniques that are beyond the scope of our practice!
     • Determined by joint capsule’s laxity
     • Can be demonstrated passively, but not performed actively


 Joint Surfaces of Ovoid
 and Sellar Joints                                    KINEMATICS
                                                      • Physiological Movements & Accessory

                                                      • Also called as

                                                      • Osteokinematics (Physiological

                                                      • Arthrokinematics. (Accessory movements
                                                      26-11-2008                                     8

 Osteokinematics                                              ARTHROKINEMATICS
• Deals about the movement present in the joint       • Also termed as Accessory movements
• Helps to find out the amount of Motion              • Movements occurs inside the joint.
  available in particular joint
                                                      • Responsible for improving Physiological
• Can be visualized
• Can be measured
                                                      • Restriction in accessory motion results in
• Also called as Physiological movements
                                                        decrease of physiological movements.
 26-11-2008                                       9   26-11-2008                                     10

 Arthrokinematics                                     Roll

 • Roll

 • Glide / Slide

 • Spin

 • Compression

 • Distraction
 26-11-2008                                   11


Slide                  Spin

Compression            Distraction


                       26-11-2008      18


                                                                       Maitland Joint Mobilization
Grades of Movement in a
                                                                       Grading Scale
Normal and a Restricted Joint                                        • Grading based on amplitude of movement &
                                                                       where within available ROM the force is applied.

                                                                     • Grade I
                                                                        – Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement at the
                                                                          beginning of range of movement
                                                                        – Manage pain and spasm
                                                                     • Grade II
                                                                        – Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement within
                                                                          midrange of movement
                                                                        – Manage pain and spasm

                                                                     • Grades I & II – often used before & after treatment
 Adapted by permission from G. Maitland 1991.
                                                                       with grades III & IV

• Grade III
    – Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement up to             OSCILLATION MOBILIZATION
      point of limitation (PL) in range of movement
    – Used to gain motion within the joint
    – Stretches capsule & CT structures
• Grade IV
    – Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement at very
      end range of movement
    – Used to gain motion within the joint
         • Used when resistance limits movement in absence of pain

• Grade V – (thrust technique) - Manipulation
    –   Small amplitude, quick thrust at end of range
    –   Accompanied by popping sound (manipulation)                       Beginning                    Pathologic       Normal
    –   Velocity vs. force                                                 range of                     al limit of     limit of
    –   Requires training                                                 movement                     movement        movement
                                                                     26-11-2008                                                  22

  Kaltenborn Traction
  Grading                                                            SUSTAINED MOBILIZATION
• Grade I (loosen)
     – Neutralizes pressure in joint without actual surface
     – Produce pain relief by reducing compressive forces
• Grade II (tighten or take up slack)
     – Separates articulating surfaces, taking up slack or
       eliminating play within joint capsule
     – Used initially to determine joint sensitivity
• Grade III (stretch)
     – Involves stretching of soft tissue surrounding joint
     – Increase mobility in hypomobile joint
                                                                     26-11-2008                                                  24


                INDICATIONS                                 • Inflammatory arthritis ( RA, AKS)
 • Pain                                                     • Malignancy
 • Muscle spasm                                             • Bone disease
 • Decreased ROM                                            • Bone Fracture
 • Hypomobile Joints                                        • Vascular disorder
 • Reduce Functionally Mobility.                            • Unskilled manipulator

 26-11-2008                                            25
                                                            • Joint effusion                              26

 • Pregnancy                  • Rubbery end feel of the       CAUSES FOR COMPLICATIONS
 • TKR, THR                     joint.
                                                            • Practioner — Related complications
 • Closed pack position       • Evidence of involvement
                                of 2 adjacent nerve root
                                                                Diagnostic error
 • Cauda equina lesion.

 • Undiagnosed pain
                                in lumbar spine                 Lack of skill
                              • Lower limb neurological         Lack of interprofessional consultation
 • Protective muscle
                                symptoms due to
                                cervical or thoracic
 • Inability of the patient
    to relax.                                          27    26-11-2008                                   28

Patient — Related complications                             • Patient in whom uncomplicated sciatica
                                                              becomes a unilateral radiculopathy with distal
   Patient with psychological intolerance of pain.
                                                              paralysis of limb, sensory loss.
   Patient involved in litigation
                                                            • These patients usually doesn’t respond to
   Patient recently undergone treatment to any
                                                              manipulation & should be considered as
                                                              surgical emergency.
   Patient develop psychological dependence on

 26-11-2008                                            29    26-11-2008                                   30


        JOINT POSITIONS                                    RESISTING POSITION:

                                                           • The position in which the joint capsule &
                                                             ligaments are relaxed.
• Each joint in the body has positioned to
                                                           • Helps in evaluation of the joint
   make maximum amount of motion.
                                                           • Treatment done for hypomobile joints
• Joint should be positioned in a Relaxed
   position.                                               • Placing the joint in resting position allows the
                                                             joint to assumes a Loose pack position

 26-11-2008                                           31    26-11-2008                                             32

                                                                    TREATMENT PLANES
Closed pack position:
                                                           • Direction of movement is either parallel or
• Here maximal contact of articular surface of
                                                             Perpendicular to the treatment planes.
   bones with capsule & ligaments are tense or
                                                           • Joint traction – Perpendicular to the
                                                             treatment plane
• No movement is seen.
                                                           • Glides — Parallel to the

                                                                             treatment planes.

 26-11-2008                                           33    26-11-2008                                             34

              TREATMENT FORCE                                                   SPEED
• It should be close to the opposing joint surface,
                                                           • Grade I & IV are usually rapid oscillations
• Either Gentle or Strong.
                                                           • Grades II & III are smooth, regular oscillations at
• Large contact area will be more comfortable than
                                                             two or three per second for 1 to 2 minutes.
  small surfaces..
                                                           • Vary the speed of oscillation for different effects
• Like use of Hand is advised than Thumb for
                                                             such as low amplitude and high speed to inhibit
  mobilizing larger joint or Surface.
                                                             pain or slow speed to relax muscle guarding.

 26-11-2008                                           35    26-11-2008                                             36


Sustained:                                                                       LIMITATION
• Painful joints : Apply intermittent distraction 7—10 sec

• Few seconds of Rest in-between.                               1. Can’t change the disease process of Disorders.

• If no response Repeat correctly or Discontinue.               2. Like OA,RA manual therapy helps in Reducing

• Resisted Joints :                                                 pain & mobilize joints.

• Apply for 6 sec stretch force                                 3. Skill of therapist affects outcome.

• Followed by partial release

• Repeat with intermittent stretches for 3—4 sec intervals.

                                                          37    26-11-2008                                          38

      PRINCIPLES OF MANUAL                                     5. All pain arise from lesion, so treatment should
                      THERAPY                                       focus on the lesion.
• The principles are summarize by clinicians such as
                                                               6. Constant reassess to determine the effect of the
  Grieves, Maitland, Cyriax ect..
                                                                    technique being used.
1. Remember the contraindications & conditions
                                                               7. Progress is governed by the response to previous
    require extra care.
2. Don’t harm the patient or yourself
                                                               8. Discontinue technique that are not productive
3. A through examination is necessary
                                                               9. Make the patient to relax, reduce anxiety & fear.
4. Make an accurate diagnosis as possible based on
                                                               10.Don’t force the protective muscle spasm.
                                                          39                                                        40
    solid knowledge of anatomy.

                                                                    Causes of Limited Range of
  11. A slight alteration of joint position or angle of
     thrust often allows a technique much more
     effective.                                                • Loss of Extensibility of periarticular connective
  12. Warm up patients of the potential for post                 tissue structures, ligaments, capsule & fascia.
     treatment soreness.                                       • Deposition of Fibrofatty infiltrates acting as
  13.Don’t over treat.                                           intraarticular “Glue”.
  14.Aim for restoration of normal , painless                  • Adaptive shortening of Muscles.
                                                               • Breakdown of articular cartilages.
                                                          41                                                        42


                                                                                     Pain & Muscle guarding
 • Mobilization showed that it helps in break down of
    Muscle shortening and reduce the fibroblastic                            • Wyke’s explained that Receptors nerve
    proliferations inside the joints.                                           endings present in various periarticular
 • Forceful passive movements has shown to                                      structures.
    rupture of intra-articular adhesion that forms
    during immobilization.

                                                                             26-11-2008                                           44
 26-11-2008                                                            43

• Type I (postural) & Type II (dynamic)
  mechanoreceptors are located in joint capsule.                            • Type IV, (Pain receptors), are found in capsule,
                                                                              ligaments, Fat pads and Blood vessel walls.
• They have low threshold and excited by repetitive
  movements including oscillations.                                         • These receptors are fired by noxious stimuli as
                                                                              in trauma and have a relatively high threshold.
• Type III mechanoreceptors are found in joint
  capsules and extracapsular ligaments.                                     • Type IV are Slow conducting fibers,
• They are excited in stretching & thrust                                   • Type I & II are Fast conducting fibers.

 26-11-2008                                                       45         26-11-2008                                           46

              EFFECT OF MANUAL                                                            EFFECTS OF MANUAL
                  THERAPY                                                                      THERAPY
                    PAIN REDUCTION                                                            Pain Reduction
 • During Oscillatory glides, faster impulses                               Small amplitude
                                                                              Oscillatory                    mechanorece
   overwhelm the slower impulses.                                             movement                          ptors

 • It helps in closing of gate at spinal level.

 • Release of Endorphins from CNS.
     Melzack R, Torgerson WS: On the language of pain, Anesthesiology,                                           of Nociceptive
                                                                             26-11-2008                                           48
             Wyke B: Articular neurology—a review, physiotherapy, 1958


                                                                             Muscle Relaxation
                           & Glides
                                                              • Type III receptors in joint & golgi tendon organ
  Gentle Joint                                    Synovial      fire by stretching or thrusting of a joint result in
  play helps in                                     Fluid
    maintain                                       motion       temporary inhibition or relaxation of muscle.
                                                              • This itself cause an increase Range of motion
                              Brings nutrition
                               to Avascular                     and helps prepare the joint for further
                                 cartilage                      stretching & mobilization.
    Degenerati                                                  Paris SV: extremity dysfunction and mobilization . Institute Press, Atlanta
                                                         49                                                                           1980
       on                                                                   Wyke B: Articular neurology—a review, physiotherapy, 1958

       IMPORTANT RULES FOR                                    3) Protect neighboring hypermobilities. If patient
           MOBILIZATION                                           is having shoulder dislocation, following a
Described by Stanley. V. Paris.                                   anterior laxity, mobilization focused on
1. Identify the location and direction of the                     improving abduction and rotation.
    limitation. for e.g Ankle stiffness, posterior glide
                                                              4) Communicate with the surgeon, find out which
    of talus is restricted.
                                                                  tissue have been cut or scarified, and what
2. Prepare the soft tissue, (i.e) first reduce the
                                                                  motions should be avoided initially.
    swelling, pain, muscle guarding or tightness.

26-11-2008                                               51    26-11-2008                                                             52



                        26-11-2008     58


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Manual Therapy, Joint Mobilisation

  • 1. 11/26/2008 DEFINITION • Mobilizations: these are passive movements performed by therapist at a slow speed enough that the patient can stop the movement. • Manipulations: these are sudden movements performed with a high velocity, short amplitude motion such that the patient cannot prevent the B.ARUN.,MPT,CMPT,COHS motion. ORTHOPEDIC PHYSIOTHERAPY 26-11-2008 2 Terminology Terminology • Mobilization – passive joint movement for increasing ROM or decreasing pain • Self-Mobilization (Automobilization) – – Applied to joints & related soft tissues at varying self-stretching techniques that specifically use speeds & amplitudes using physiologic or accessory joint traction or glides that direct the stretch motions force to the joint capsule – Force is light enough that patient’s can stop the movement • Mobilization with Movement (MWM) – concurrent application of a sustained accessory mobilization applied by a clinician • Manipulation – passive joint movement for & an active physiologic movement to end increasing joint mobility range applied by the patient – Applied in a pain-free direction – Incorporates a sudden, forceful thrust that is beyond the patient’s control Terminology Terminology • Physiologic Movements – movements done • Arthrokinematics – motions of bone surfaces within the voluntarily joint – 5 motions - Roll, Slide, Spin, Compression, Distraction – Osteokinematics – motions of the bones • Muscle energy – use an active contraction of deep muscles that attach near the joint & whose line of pull can • Accessory Movements – movements within the cause the desired accessory motion joint & surrounding tissues that are necessary for – Clinician stabilizes segment on which the distal aspect of the normal ROM, but can not be voluntarily performed muscle attaches; command for an isometric contraction of the muscle is given, which causes the accessory movement of the joint – Component motions – motions that accompany active motion, but are not under voluntary control • Thrust – high-velocity, short-amplitude motion that the • Ex: Upward rotation of scapula & rotation of clavicle that occur patient can not prevent with shoulder flexion – Performed at end of pathologic limit of the joint (snap adhesions, stimulate joint receptors) – Joint play – motions that occur within the joint – Techniques that are beyond the scope of our practice! • Determined by joint capsule’s laxity • Can be demonstrated passively, but not performed actively 1
  • 2. 11/26/2008 Joint Surfaces of Ovoid and Sellar Joints KINEMATICS • Physiological Movements & Accessory movements. • Also called as • Osteokinematics (Physiological movements) • Arthrokinematics. (Accessory movements 26-11-2008 8 Osteokinematics ARTHROKINEMATICS • Deals about the movement present in the joint • Also termed as Accessory movements • Helps to find out the amount of Motion • Movements occurs inside the joint. available in particular joint • Responsible for improving Physiological • Can be visualized movements. • Can be measured • Restriction in accessory motion results in • Also called as Physiological movements decrease of physiological movements. 26-11-2008 9 26-11-2008 10 Arthrokinematics Roll • Roll • Glide / Slide • Spin • Compression • Distraction 26-11-2008 11 2
  • 3. 11/26/2008 Slide Spin Compression Distraction CONCAVE AND CONVEX RULE 26-11-2008 18 3
  • 4. 11/26/2008 Maitland Joint Mobilization Grades of Movement in a Grading Scale Normal and a Restricted Joint • Grading based on amplitude of movement & where within available ROM the force is applied. • Grade I – Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement at the beginning of range of movement – Manage pain and spasm • Grade II – Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement within midrange of movement – Manage pain and spasm • Grades I & II – often used before & after treatment Adapted by permission from G. Maitland 1991. with grades III & IV • Grade III – Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement up to OSCILLATION MOBILIZATION point of limitation (PL) in range of movement – Used to gain motion within the joint – Stretches capsule & CT structures • Grade IV – Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement at very end range of movement – Used to gain motion within the joint • Used when resistance limits movement in absence of pain • Grade V – (thrust technique) - Manipulation – Small amplitude, quick thrust at end of range – Accompanied by popping sound (manipulation) Beginning Pathologic Normal – Velocity vs. force range of al limit of limit of – Requires training movement movement movement 26-11-2008 22 Kaltenborn Traction Grading SUSTAINED MOBILIZATION • Grade I (loosen) – Neutralizes pressure in joint without actual surface separation – Produce pain relief by reducing compressive forces • Grade II (tighten or take up slack) – Separates articulating surfaces, taking up slack or eliminating play within joint capsule – Used initially to determine joint sensitivity • Grade III (stretch) – Involves stretching of soft tissue surrounding joint – Increase mobility in hypomobile joint 26-11-2008 24 4
  • 5. 11/26/2008 CONTRAINDICATION INDICATIONS • Inflammatory arthritis ( RA, AKS) • Pain • Malignancy • Muscle spasm • Bone disease • Decreased ROM • Bone Fracture • Hypomobile Joints • Vascular disorder • Reduce Functionally Mobility. • Unskilled manipulator 26-11-2008 25 • Joint effusion 26 • Pregnancy • Rubbery end feel of the CAUSES FOR COMPLICATIONS • TKR, THR joint. • Practioner — Related complications • Closed pack position • Evidence of involvement of 2 adjacent nerve root Diagnostic error • Cauda equina lesion. • Undiagnosed pain in lumbar spine Lack of skill • Lower limb neurological Lack of interprofessional consultation • Protective muscle symptoms due to spasm cervical or thoracic • Inability of the patient dysfunction. to relax. 27 26-11-2008 28 Patient — Related complications • Patient in whom uncomplicated sciatica becomes a unilateral radiculopathy with distal Patient with psychological intolerance of pain. paralysis of limb, sensory loss. Patient involved in litigation • These patients usually doesn’t respond to Patient recently undergone treatment to any manipulation & should be considered as practioners. surgical emergency. Patient develop psychological dependence on manipulation. 26-11-2008 29 26-11-2008 30 5
  • 6. 11/26/2008 JOINT POSITIONS RESISTING POSITION: • The position in which the joint capsule & JOINT PLAY ligaments are relaxed. • Each joint in the body has positioned to • Helps in evaluation of the joint make maximum amount of motion. • Treatment done for hypomobile joints • Joint should be positioned in a Relaxed position. • Placing the joint in resting position allows the joint to assumes a Loose pack position 26-11-2008 31 26-11-2008 32 TREATMENT PLANES Closed pack position: • Direction of movement is either parallel or • Here maximal contact of articular surface of Perpendicular to the treatment planes. bones with capsule & ligaments are tense or • Joint traction – Perpendicular to the tight. treatment plane • No movement is seen. • Glides — Parallel to the treatment planes. 26-11-2008 33 26-11-2008 34 TREATMENT FORCE SPEED OSCILLATIONS: • It should be close to the opposing joint surface, • Grade I & IV are usually rapid oscillations • Either Gentle or Strong. • Grades II & III are smooth, regular oscillations at • Large contact area will be more comfortable than two or three per second for 1 to 2 minutes. small surfaces.. • Vary the speed of oscillation for different effects • Like use of Hand is advised than Thumb for such as low amplitude and high speed to inhibit mobilizing larger joint or Surface. pain or slow speed to relax muscle guarding. 26-11-2008 35 26-11-2008 36 6
  • 7. 11/26/2008 Sustained: LIMITATION • Painful joints : Apply intermittent distraction 7—10 sec • Few seconds of Rest in-between. 1. Can’t change the disease process of Disorders. • If no response Repeat correctly or Discontinue. 2. Like OA,RA manual therapy helps in Reducing • Resisted Joints : pain & mobilize joints. • Apply for 6 sec stretch force 3. Skill of therapist affects outcome. • Followed by partial release • Repeat with intermittent stretches for 3—4 sec intervals. 37 26-11-2008 38 PRINCIPLES OF MANUAL 5. All pain arise from lesion, so treatment should THERAPY focus on the lesion. • The principles are summarize by clinicians such as 6. Constant reassess to determine the effect of the Grieves, Maitland, Cyriax ect.. technique being used. 1. Remember the contraindications & conditions 7. Progress is governed by the response to previous require extra care. treatment. 2. Don’t harm the patient or yourself 8. Discontinue technique that are not productive 3. A through examination is necessary 9. Make the patient to relax, reduce anxiety & fear. 4. Make an accurate diagnosis as possible based on 10.Don’t force the protective muscle spasm. 39 40 solid knowledge of anatomy. Causes of Limited Range of 11. A slight alteration of joint position or angle of thrust often allows a technique much more Motion effective. • Loss of Extensibility of periarticular connective 12. Warm up patients of the potential for post tissue structures, ligaments, capsule & fascia. treatment soreness. • Deposition of Fibrofatty infiltrates acting as 13.Don’t over treat. intraarticular “Glue”. 14.Aim for restoration of normal , painless • Adaptive shortening of Muscles. technique. • Breakdown of articular cartilages. 41 42 26-11-2008 7
  • 8. 11/26/2008 EFFECTS Pain & Muscle guarding • Mobilization showed that it helps in break down of Muscle shortening and reduce the fibroblastic • Wyke’s explained that Receptors nerve proliferations inside the joints. endings present in various periarticular • Forceful passive movements has shown to structures. rupture of intra-articular adhesion that forms during immobilization. 26-11-2008 44 26-11-2008 43 • Type I (postural) & Type II (dynamic) mechanoreceptors are located in joint capsule. • Type IV, (Pain receptors), are found in capsule, ligaments, Fat pads and Blood vessel walls. • They have low threshold and excited by repetitive movements including oscillations. • These receptors are fired by noxious stimuli as in trauma and have a relatively high threshold. • Type III mechanoreceptors are found in joint capsules and extracapsular ligaments. • Type IV are Slow conducting fibers, • They are excited in stretching & thrust • Type I & II are Fast conducting fibers. maneuvers. 26-11-2008 45 26-11-2008 46 EFFECT OF MANUAL EFFECTS OF MANUAL THERAPY THERAPY PAIN REDUCTION Pain Reduction • During Oscillatory glides, faster impulses Small amplitude Stimulate distraction, Oscillatory mechanorece overwhelm the slower impulses. movement ptors • It helps in closing of gate at spinal level. • Release of Endorphins from CNS. Inhibit Transmission Melzack R, Torgerson WS: On the language of pain, Anesthesiology, of Nociceptive stimuli 1971 26-11-2008 48 Wyke B: Articular neurology—a review, physiotherapy, 1958 8
  • 9. 11/26/2008 Small Amplitude Muscle Relaxation Distractions & Glides • Type III receptors in joint & golgi tendon organ Stimulates Gentle Joint Synovial fire by stretching or thrusting of a joint result in play helps in Fluid maintain motion temporary inhibition or relaxation of muscle. Nutrient exchange • This itself cause an increase Range of motion Brings nutrition to Avascular and helps prepare the joint for further Articular cartilage stretching & mobilization. Prevent Painful Degenerati Paris SV: extremity dysfunction and mobilization . Institute Press, Atlanta 49 1980 on Wyke B: Articular neurology—a review, physiotherapy, 1958 IMPORTANT RULES FOR 3) Protect neighboring hypermobilities. If patient MOBILIZATION is having shoulder dislocation, following a Described by Stanley. V. Paris. anterior laxity, mobilization focused on 1. Identify the location and direction of the improving abduction and rotation. limitation. for e.g Ankle stiffness, posterior glide 4) Communicate with the surgeon, find out which of talus is restricted. tissue have been cut or scarified, and what 2. Prepare the soft tissue, (i.e) first reduce the motions should be avoided initially. swelling, pain, muscle guarding or tightness. 26-11-2008 51 26-11-2008 52 9
  • 10. 11/26/2008 WHAT IS THE NAME OF A CROSS BREED BETWEEN THIS 26-11-2008 58 10