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Double Right Chevrons
great rooms

Watching Their Garden Grow

In 1981, Peter Schlesinger and Eric Boman bought this “romantic ruin” on Long Island and put down roots.
under a million

A Carnegie Hill One-Bed With Built-Ins Galore

And statement windows in Morningside Heights.
a truly terrific new york listing

An Of-Another-Era Greenwich Village Townhouse

The former owner was a photographer who shot for every big magazine and rented to Michael Wolff and Didi Conn.

On The Market


look book Any wild recollections from your club days?One night, I came home and I had a hole in my foot. Someone had stepped on it with a spiked heel. I didn’t even feel it. I saw it when I got home, and I soaked my foot in a bucket of hot water with salt. It was a mess.  The Look Book Goes to a Pyramid Club Reunion

Design Hunting

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