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Low Carbon Auckland: Zero waste by 2040
Low Carbon Auckland: Zero waste by 2040

Zero waste by 2040? The Auckland Council's Low Carbon Action Plan could help cut waste across the entire country but it'll…

Low Carbon Auckland: Energy
Low Carbon Auckland: Energy

Energy generation and use is by far the largest offender driving Auckland's disproportionately high carbon output; vis-à-vis…

Opinion: Auckland's plan for solar power more stick than carrot
Opinion: Auckland's plan for solar power more stick than carrot

It is refreshing to see some positive planning for the future in Auckland's recently released Low Carbon Action Plan. The…

Make your own electricity
Make your own electricity

It's humbling to look up at our sun and consider what an incredible source of power is right above our heads. According…

Sustainable business

New social enterprise accelerator for New Zealand
New social enterprise accelerator for New Zealand

A new social enterprise accelerator programme will be set up to support the use of business skills to…

New Zealand tech turns pine into hardwood

Element Advertising Promotion: Accoya Wood, which uses New Zealand-grown, FSC-certified pine trees and technological know-how…

Sustainable investment fund for New Zealand

The Sustainable Business Network has kickstarted a project to create a sustainable investment fund. Rachel Brown, CEO…

New deadline for Smart Energy Challenge

Sitting on an idea to cut emissions or boost clean technology? Wellington's Smart Energy Challenge is open for applications…

Social entrepreneurs get ready for demo day
Social entrepreneurs get ready for demo day

On a sunny day in Wellington, instead of throwing down towels at the beach, a group of young entrepreneurs…

Organic blueberry producer on a roll

Nutrition: Blueberries, it turns out, are the breakthrough rock stars of the fruit world. As recently as 2001, when Robert…

Green gold

Primary industries: The fact that he had to live beside his crop made eschewing sprays for organic farming a logical decision…

Fossil fuel divestment campaign spreads

Sustainable business: The divestment campaign - to starve the fossil fuel industry of funding - has spread from the US…

Coca-Cola stops using land-grabbed sugar

Sustainable business: Thousands of Kiwis have helped push beverage giant Coca-Cola into changing the way it obtains ingredients…

Sustainable Business Week: Take a wider vision
Sustainable Business Week: Take a wider vision

Measuring a country's health needs more than a focus on GDP and must include the state of the environment…

Responsible good for humanity and profits

In our last article, we talked about how some companies are evolving their thinking about the broader role of business.

NZI Sustainable Business Awards: Breaking the business-as-usual mould

Sustainable business: Global business is shifting its focus from profit by exploitation, to prosperity through nurturing…

More Sustainable business

Human Rights

Saudi Arabia: Atheists are terrorists
Saudi Arabia: Atheists are terrorists

Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a…

Defending the right to be an Oz bigot

It's all part of Tony Abbott's vision of a new Liberal dawn. The Oz PM's conservative Government intends to dilute racial…

Simon Rice: The right to be a racial bigot is all wrong

Australia's federal Attorney-General George Brandis is serious when he says on his watch, "people do have a right to be…

More Human Rights
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