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Inside Money: Winners by default - when five becomes nine
Inside Money: Winners by default - when five becomes nine

According to a list I compiled earlier, 11 KiwiSaver providers volunteered for default duty but only nine were approved…

Kiwisaver: Big retirement schemes very different
Kiwisaver: Big retirement schemes very different

So what's the difference between KiwiSaver and the Government's Superannuation Fund and is Kiwisaver…

Mary Holm: Okay to pay tax on rentals
Mary Holm: Okay to pay tax on rentals

Q: We are a couple in our early 30s who own a rental house and live in a rental too. We have been paying…

KiwiSaver default fund numbers beefed up
KiwiSaver default fund numbers beefed up

Commerce Minister Craig Foss has beefed up the number of KiwiSaver default providers that members are automatically enrolled…

Inside Money: Faith-based investing
Inside Money: Faith-based investing

As reported here in January , New Zealand's first (and probably last) KiwiSaver scheme based on Islamic Shari'ah investment…

Inside Money: Boutique fund managers turn to fisticuffs
Inside Money: Boutique fund managers turn to fisticuffs

New Zealand's reasonably strong and expanding contingent of boutique fund managers generally punch above the benchmark-weight. But…

Kiwisaver: Employer cash lags by a few months
Kiwisaver: Employer cash lags by a few months

I pay into a standard KiwiSaver scheme (3 per cent me, 2 per cent employer), the ASB KiwiSaver provider.


Inside Money: Regulator urges KiwiSaver trustees to be more nosy
Inside Money: Regulator urges KiwiSaver trustees to be more nosy

Can a regulator be friends with the regulated? Not really, but in its latest guidance note to the…

Rise of the home renters

We're increasingly becoming a nation of renters with less than half of us now owning our own place, Census data shows.

Inflation dents retirement savings confidence

Adjusting peoples' retirement savings for inflation has dented the confidence of those putting a nest egg aside, an ANZ…

Inside Money: Why KiwiSavers can't fly to Australia

Last year a furore erupted over Australian superannuation funds refusing to transfer member savings to respective KiwiSaver…

Kiwisaver: Fees can eat into kid's accounts
Kiwisaver: Fees can eat into kid's accounts

KiwiSaver fees can make a real difference to the return you get, particularly on accounts with low balances…

Brian Gaynor: KiwiSavers paying high price for caution

The latest Reserve Bank managed fund statistics reinforce two important features of our investment markets.

Inside Money: KiwiBank dumps Morgan brand

The Gareth Morgan brand has finally been expunged from the KiwiSaver market with the KiwiBank-owned entity due to drop the…

Kiwisaver: Plan that retirement spending

This is a KiwiSaver aspect I have never seen discussed regarding the scheme reaching its "fruition".

KiwiSaver still a mystery

The majority of New Zealanders do not fully understand KiwiSaver especially when it comes to switching jobs, tax rates and…

Mary Holm: Laddering deposits helps reach goals
Mary Holm: Laddering deposits helps reach goals

Q: I read with interest the question from the reader about compounding interest monthly versus yearly…

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