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James Griffin: Why wasps?
James Griffin: Why wasps?

I want to believe in the inter-connectedness of things, I really do.

Sex tips from 1945 guide
Sex tips from 1945 guide

A vintage relationship guide aimed at women reveals the outrageous sexism practiced by men during the Forties.

Sniffing out the perfect partner
Sniffing out the perfect partner

Pheromone parties claim to put science into search for love - by allowing you to choose a mate by odour. Sophie Robehmed…

Jill Goldson: Why do we take it out on our partner?
Jill Goldson: Why do we take it out on our partner?

You remember the cliché about "kicking the cat" after a bad day? I think sometimes we might be kinder to our animals than…

Relationships & Pets

Uncoupling on island getaway
Uncoupling on island getaway

When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced they were "consciously uncoupling" after 10 years of…

More 'conscious uncouplings'

Yesterday the world heard the shocking news that Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are to separate after 10 years of marriage…

When people stop kissing

For lovers, it's the first moment of physical intimacy. But why do long-term partners lock lips so much less? Rebecca Hardy…

Talk to the Animals: 10 ways to attract wildlife into your backyard

Extending the local wildlife an invitation to visit your backyard is as simple as providing appropriate food, water and…

Wendyl Nissen: An empty house is bliss for getting things done
Wendyl Nissen: An empty house is bliss for getting things done

I'm feeling much better about my supportive wife challenge since my husband got a real job, writes Wendyl…

Strangers kiss in Auckland

The first time you plant your lips on someone else's is awkward enough - let alone when it's someone you've just met, in…

A summer of wedding trends

I don't know if it's my age (hurtling swiftly towards my 30s) or just that marriage has seemingly become popular again…

Jill Goldson: Tackling the tricky balance of raising teen girls

Finding the middle way is the mantra for parenting our daughters, writes relationship expert Jill Goldson.

Lost sweetheart 'followed her dream'

A man who was reunited with his wartime sweetheart after 70 years apart is "absolutely devastated'' by her death just 10…

Talk to the Animals: How to keep an eco-friendly cat
Talk to the Animals: How to keep an eco-friendly cat

Cats are great to have around, however we also have a responsibility to the other animals we share the…

Last chapter in wartime love story

A Christchurch woman, who kindled the hearts of romantics worldwide after marrying her wartime sweetheart after 70 years…

Jill Goldson: How do I tell my family I'm gay?

Let's be real about this - families can chat happily about the same-sex relationships of friends and celebrities, but will…

Watch: When 20 strangers kiss

From nervous laughter to a passionate kiss: What happened when 20 complete strangers were asked to lock lips.

Lee Suckling: Gay or hipster? + other cultural confusions

While bar-side identification was once as simple as "Definitely Straight", "Metro", and "Definitely Gay", we now have dozens…

Talk to the Animals: Why dogs attack, what to do about it
Talk to the Animals: Why dogs attack, what to do about it

Animal behaviour expert Sally Hibbard reveals why dogs attack, tips to train your dog not to bite, and…

Relationships & Pets Archives

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