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Red Order

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Primus Vanguard Red Order.jpg

The Red Order is one of seven colored orders of the Primus Vanguard. They are led by Red Sentinel Prime, who carries the Matrix Buster, also known as the Red Matrix. Their base is the Red Planet.


Precursor World

The Red Order defended the universe of Red Star Power.

When Red Sentinel Prime and the rest of Primus Vanguard command pooled their Star Powers to annihilate the Specters in their final battle, the seven universes of the Precursor World were merged into one. The Red Order was thus brought into the same plane as the other six Orders, where they continued to operate out of the Red Planet. Finale Prelude

When the Red Planet came under attack by Terrormander, a rather overconfident Red Sentinel Prime told his troops not to panic, commanding the Order to fire on the Seacon with the Matrix Buster. Terrormander, charged with Angolmois Energy, survived the attack easily, and promptly whooped the Red Order's butts. God Neptune comic 1

Sentinel survived the pirate's onslaught, and ultimately arrived to the final battle just in time to rescue Primus, now reduced to his dimunitive core form Oracle, from the onslaught of Primacron piloting his massive Neo Primus robot. Sentinel, now styling himself Burning Red Sentinel Prime with a fresh transtector, demonstrated surprising hidden depths in a quick pep talk with Oracle before entering the fray himself.

Red Megatron sought to usurp the Red Order as bearers of the Red Light, but he and his cadre of like-minded Megatrons were defeated. Everything would turn out right in the end, with Sentinel eventually resuming leadership of the Red Order of the next-generation Primus Vanguard alongside fellow veteran Purple Wicked Convoy. Finale


  • In addition to their red coloration, the members of the Red Order are made up of a number of translucent redecos.
  • An unnamed Timelines Heatwave repurpose is revealed as a past Red Order leader entombed in the Ivory Towers in the finale of Generations Selects. Notably, this was one of the three primary forms employed by the Specters, who presumably stole the guise of the dead leader.

Primus Vanguard

Leader: Primus | Matrix: Silver Matrix | Headquarters: Ivory Towers | Fleet: Sentinel Armada | Related Group: Golden Age | Energy Sources: Star Power | Golden Power


Leader: Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix: Matrix Buster
Base: Red Planet


Leader: Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Gauntlet
Base: Yellow Planet


Leader: Green Tender Convoy | Megatron
Matrix: Creation Matrix
Base: Green Planet


Leader: Blue Brightes Convoy | Blue Big Convoy | Magna Convoy
Matrix: α Matrix | Matrix Sword
Base: Blue Planet


Leader: Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix: Purple Matrix
Base: Purple Planet


Leader: Black Go Prime | Deadlock
Matrix: Black Legendisc
Base: Black Planet


Leader: White Gallant Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Saber
Base: White Planet

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