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Blue Order

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We're afraid we just blue ourselves.

The Blue Order (ブルーオーダー Burū Ōdā), often referred to as the "blue corps" (青き軍団 Aoki Gundan), is one of seven colored orders of the Primus Vanguard, led by Blue Big Convoy, who carries the α Matrix, also known as the Blue Matrix, as well as the Matrix Sword. Their base is the Blue Planet.


Precursor World

The Blue Order defended the universe of Blue Star Power. One leader, Blue Brightes Convoy, fell in battle against the Specters. Before he died, he passed on leadership to Big, Finale Prelude to the resentment of Straxus. God Neptune comic 1 The Blue Order, with the rest of the Primus Vanguard, were pulled into battle with the Specters. Blue Big Convoy comic When Blue Big Convoy and the rest of the Primus Vanguard leaders pooled their Star Powers to annihilate the Specters, the seven universes of the Precursor World were merged into one. The Blue Order was thus brought into the same plane as the other six Orders, where they continued to operate out of the Blue Planet. Finale Prelude

When a battle between dimensional interlopers Star Convoy and Ultra Megatron came to a city on the Blue Planet, Big rallied the Blue Order to defend the fallen hero. Big put up a good fight against the Silver Matrix-empowered Megatron, but was left weakened when Megatron drained the Star Power from his own Matrix. Thankfully it was then that the Vanguard godhead himself Primus arrived to personally defend his Blue Order from the now-evolved Megatron Omega's onslaught. Super Megatron comic 2 Unfortunately this still gave Straxus, jealous of Blue for being chosen by Brightes, the opening he needed to activate a rage program implanted within the Order by his twin Straxus. As the Blue Order tore itself apart, Blue used the Matrix Sword to take his own life before he could harm his comrades. The Straxuses took the blade from Big's body and swore fealty to Ultra Megatron, leaving the Blue Planet to aid him in his quest to attain godhood by absorbing the remaining Orders' Matrices. In the aftermath Primus gathered the fallen blue warriors' sparks into his Golden Noah, stating to Star Convoy that they would be reborn in the next universe. God Neptune comic 1

They were blue, and they died / da ba dee da ba dai

Having plundered five more of the Primus Vanguard's Matrices in the subsequent commotion, the pirate combiner God Neptune set out to use their power to seize the Purple Matrix and the Silver Matrix (carrying with it the blue Star Power of the α Matrix pilfered from Blue) from the now allied Megatron Omega and Purple Wicked Convoy. Straxus attempted a swipe with the stolen Matrix Sword to defend his new liege, but was disarmed by God Neptune with the Matrix Saber. The Matrix Sword wasn't without surprises, however, and Big's spirit emerged, revealing that he had placed a portion of his spark into the sword when he committed suicide. Big linked to the Matrix Buster to give God Neptune a good blast in support of his surviving Vanguard comrades before receding back into the blade. God Neptune comic 2

Blue Megatron, a doppelganger of the departed Brightes created by Gold Megatron briefly sought to usurp the Blue Order as bearers of the Blue Light, taunting Straxus with his beloved commander's visage, but he and his cadre of like-minded Megatrons were defeated. Straxus managed to abscond with the Matrix Sword in the wake of the Vanguard's final battle, and set about creating an army of clones to conquer the Precursor World himself. Finale With Big's gambit revealed, Straxus eventually managed to extract the energy from Big's lingering spark within the Matrix Sword to create a clone, Convobat, born and bred as his own personal assassin. So, it seemed, ended the legacy of the Blue Order.

However, by some miracle, a lone lowly support drone by the designation "MC11" survived. Evolved by the power of the dying Blue Big Convoy into a being with sentience and emotions, he took the name Magna Convoy and swore vengeance. After making a promise to his predecessors to retrieve the Matrix Sword and meeting with the mysterious Soundwave in the ruins of the Vanguard's headquarters, Magna Convoy assaulted the traitors' fortress Darkmount and battled one of the Straxuses for the sword, only to find that the blade had lost its power. He was nearly killed by Straxus and his allies before getting saved by a ship that teleported him to a location where the spirit of Blue Big Convoy appeared before him. The Primus Vanguard commander entrusted Magna Convoy with one final directive: to protect his young clone. Magna Convoy then passed out, and was later discovered and reawakened by Convobat himself. Cybertron Magna Convoy prequel comic Cybertron Convobat

After Magna Convoy taught Convobat about the Primus Vanguard and gave him the remains of the Matrix Sword, the two were attacked by Straxus's Rollermaster Corps, and Magna Convoy confronted Straxus again while telling Convobat to escape. Convobat refused, however, and instead came to his aid and returned the Matrix Sword, believing he deserved it better. Seeing Convobat as a ray of hope for the future, Magna Convoy was determined to protect him, and this determination allowed him to call upon the light of the Matrix Sword and defeat Straxus. He then departed into space with Convobat, and, upon discovering evidence of other survivors of the Primus Vanguard, vowed to recreate a new Blue Order. Cybertron Magna Convoy

Magna Convoy eventually proved fantastically successful, joining warriors new and old to claim his birthright as the leader of a next-generation Blue Order in the reconstituted Primus Vanguard. Finale


Primus Vanguard

Leader: Primus | Matrix: Silver Matrix | Headquarters: Ivory Towers | Fleet: Sentinel Armada | Related Group: Golden Age | Energy Sources: Star Power | Golden Power


Leader: Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix: Matrix Buster
Base: Red Planet


Leader: Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Gauntlet
Base: Yellow Planet


Leader: Green Tender Convoy | Megatron
Matrix: Creation Matrix
Base: Green Planet


Leader: Blue Brightes Convoy | Blue Big Convoy | Magna Convoy
Matrix: α Matrix | Matrix Sword
Base: Blue Planet


Leader: Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix: Purple Matrix
Base: Purple Planet


Leader: Black Go Prime | Deadlock
Matrix: Black Legendisc
Base: Black Planet


Leader: White Gallant Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Saber
Base: White Planet

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