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#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
11 Ways to Optimize
LinkedIn for Business
Dave Kerpen
CEO, Likeable Local
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
My Story
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
The Basics…
LinkedIn is a business-oriented
social network that launched on May
5th, 2003.
LinkedIn now has more tha
364 million users and 3
million company pages.
30% of SMBs use LinkedIn regularly—
making it the most frequented platform.
Sources: Inc, LinkedIn, Marketing Land
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
11 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn For Your Business
1. Customize Your Profile to Boost Your Business
2. Publish On LinkedIn
3. Share Updates Personally & As A Business
4. Leverage LinkedIn Listening
5. Create LinkedIn Groups
6. Discover & Connect with Influencers
7. Recruit Amazing Talent
8. Advertise Strategically
9. Use Showcase Pages
10.Integrate with Twitter & Slideshare
11.Introduce People In Your Network To Each Other
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
1. Customize Your Profile
to Boost Your Business
– Make a custom URL
– Add a professional
profile picture to your
– Add a background
– Hyperlink to your
– Search engine optimize
your profile
– Show work examples
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Customizing Your Profile
Custom URL
Profile Picture
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Background Photos
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Hyperlink to Your Company’s Site
Hyperlink your company website to
your profile under Contacts
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Search Engine Optimization
When creating your profile, include keywords that
prospects or clients would enter into LinkedIn or any
other search engine
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Show Work Examples
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
2. Publish On LinkedIn
• Becoming an author on
LinkedIn helps establish
you as an expert
– Post links to blogs,
news articles, & more!
– Helps with lead gen,
customer retention,
and awareness!
→ pay attention to folks
who are engaging with
your posts!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Publishing Blog Posts
1. Think of a great headline
2. Find/take a compelling
3. Write a concise post
4. Include strong calls to
action at the bottom of
your post
5. Share across different
social media channels!
• Become a thought leader in
your industry
• Follow these steps to most
effectively blog:
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
3. Share Updates Personally & As A
• Update your status at least
once a day!
• The best times to post are
7am-8am and 5pm-6pm.
• The best days to post are
• 93% of B2B marketers rate
LinkedIn as the top B2B
social media lead generation
Source: Marketing Ninjas
Search your company name or interesting keywords
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Tools To Help With Posting
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
4. Leverage LinkedIn Listening
• Listening is the most
important tool on social
• Listen to what your
customers/prospects are
saying about your brand or
• Search keywords about
your company and look at
posts that mentioned the
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Check Out How Your Audience Is
Engaging With your Posts
Head to Profile at the top of your screen and click Updates
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Search Your Company Name
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Click Posts and Listen!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Sort Your Updates
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
5. Create LinkedIn Groups
• Showcase
your thought
• Post relevant content like blogs, articles, quotes, and
curated content.
• Promote the group and grow your LinkedIn community!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
6. Discover & Connect with
• LinkedIn Influencers= thought
• Listen, interact, and connect with
• Follow influencers of your choice
• Comment on their posts
• Share their published content
• Message them & ask for a
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Follow the influencer to
receive updates from
When you feel close enough
to your influencer, connect
with them!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
7. Recruit Amazing Talent
• Are you in need of a
new team member?
• Use the advanced
search features to
find great potential
93% of businesses use
LinkedIn to recruit
-Job Cast
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
• Search by
– Connections,
location, industry,
past companies,
and more!
• Recruit effectively
with LinkedIn
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
8. Advertise Strategically
• LinkedIn’s targeting properties include:
– industry,
– job title,
– seniority,
– age,
– gender,
– location,
– skills, and
– group affiliation
• LinkedIn’s targeting properties include:
– industry,
– job title,
– seniority,
– age,
– gender,
– location,
– skills, and
– group affiliation
LinkedIn’s Ads are a great resource to gain
exposure, especially for B2B companies
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
• LinkedIn’s targeting properties include:
– industry,
– job title,
– seniority,
– age,
– gender,
– location,
– skills, and
– group affiliation
• LinkedIn’s targeting properties include:
– industry,
– job title,
– seniority,
– age,
– gender,
– location,
– skills, and
– group affiliation
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
• LinkedIn’s targeting
properties include:
• Industry,
• Job title,
• Seniority,
• Age,
• Gender,
• Location,
• Skills, and
• Group affiliation.
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
9. Use Showcase Pages
What is a Showcase Page?
• The pages are niche
pages off of a company
• They allow a company
to promote specific
products or market to a
specific buyer persona
Use the pages for different products, new launches, and more!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Share Work Examples
They can
become a virtual
portfolio of
success stories
for your
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Create a Showcase Page of Your
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
10. Integrate with Twitter & Slideshare
If you’ve created a presentation, share it directly to LinkedIn from
Increase your reach with integration!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Steps to Add Twitter to LinkedIn:
1. Click “edit profile”
2. “Add Twitter account”
next to the Twitter
3. This will integrate
your Twitter into your
LinkedIn account!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
11. Introduce People In Your Network To
Each Other
Source: John Murphy, LinkedIn
1. Search for one of your connection’s
profiles from the top of your home page.
2. From the search results, click their name.
3. Click the down facing arrow next to the
blue Send a message button and select
Share Profile.
How to share a LinkedIn contact’s profile:
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
4. Enter each
recipient’s name in
the To: field.
5. In the message,
explain how your
connection and
the person you
are sharing it with
could benefit from
knowing each
6. Click Send
Source: John Murphy, LinkedIn
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Likeable Hub
Use thousands of content ideas at your fingertips
and preplan your posts for the most effective
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
TURBOPOST ™ Technology
Repeated Tweets:
Reverb for Twitter
repeats your posts 5
times to maximize
reach and
Clicking “TurboPost” turns
your Facebook post into a
“boosted post on your
business’ page to increase
audience reach!
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Likeable Hub Site
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
-Try Likeable Hub VIP for Free @ LikeableHub.com
-Get A Free Month of Likeable Hub Expert or $200 off
Likeable Hub Pro before July 31st!
-Visit LikeableDemo.com or call 212-359-4355
-Mention #SMT
#SMTLive | @DaveKerpen
Dave Kerpen
Visit LikeableHub.com to try the free app 

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11 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn for Business

  • 1. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 11 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn for Business Dave Kerpen CEO, Likeable Local
  • 3. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen The Basics… LinkedIn is a business-oriented social network that launched on May 5th, 2003. LinkedIn now has more tha 364 million users and 3 million company pages. 30% of SMBs use LinkedIn regularly— making it the most frequented platform. Sources: Inc, LinkedIn, Marketing Land
  • 4. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 11 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn For Your Business 1. Customize Your Profile to Boost Your Business 2. Publish On LinkedIn 3. Share Updates Personally & As A Business 4. Leverage LinkedIn Listening 5. Create LinkedIn Groups 6. Discover & Connect with Influencers 7. Recruit Amazing Talent 8. Advertise Strategically 9. Use Showcase Pages 10.Integrate with Twitter & Slideshare 11.Introduce People In Your Network To Each Other
  • 5. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 1. Customize Your Profile to Boost Your Business – Make a custom URL – Add a professional profile picture to your profile – Add a background photo – Hyperlink to your company – Search engine optimize your profile – Show work examples
  • 6. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Customizing Your Profile Custom URL Profile Picture
  • 8. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Hyperlink to Your Company’s Site Hyperlink your company website to your profile under Contacts
  • 9. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Search Engine Optimization When creating your profile, include keywords that prospects or clients would enter into LinkedIn or any other search engine
  • 11. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 2. Publish On LinkedIn • Becoming an author on LinkedIn helps establish you as an expert – Post links to blogs, news articles, & more! – Helps with lead gen, customer retention, and awareness! → pay attention to folks who are engaging with your posts!
  • 12. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Publishing Blog Posts 1. Think of a great headline 2. Find/take a compelling photo 3. Write a concise post 4. Include strong calls to action at the bottom of your post 5. Share across different social media channels! • Become a thought leader in your industry • Follow these steps to most effectively blog:
  • 14. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 3. Share Updates Personally & As A Business • Update your status at least once a day! • The best times to post are 7am-8am and 5pm-6pm. • The best days to post are weekdays. • 93% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as the top B2B social media lead generation source. Source: Marketing Ninjas Search your company name or interesting keywords
  • 16. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Tools To Help With Posting
  • 17. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 4. Leverage LinkedIn Listening • Listening is the most important tool on social media • Listen to what your customers/prospects are saying about your brand or product • Search keywords about your company and look at posts that mentioned the phrases
  • 18. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Check Out How Your Audience Is Engaging With your Posts Head to Profile at the top of your screen and click Updates
  • 19. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Search Your Company Name
  • 20. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Click Posts and Listen!
  • 22. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 5. Create LinkedIn Groups • Showcase your thought leadership! • Post relevant content like blogs, articles, quotes, and curated content. • Promote the group and grow your LinkedIn community!
  • 25. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 6. Discover & Connect with Influencers • LinkedIn Influencers= thought leaders • Listen, interact, and connect with them! • Follow influencers of your choice • Comment on their posts • Share their published content • Message them & ask for a connection!
  • 26. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Follow the influencer to receive updates from them When you feel close enough to your influencer, connect with them!
  • 27. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 7. Recruit Amazing Talent • Are you in need of a new team member? • Use the advanced search features to find great potential employees! 93% of businesses use LinkedIn to recruit -Job Cast
  • 28. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen • Search by – Connections, location, industry, past companies, and more! • Recruit effectively with LinkedIn Premium
  • 29. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 8. Advertise Strategically • LinkedIn’s targeting properties include: – industry, – job title, – seniority, – age, – gender, – location, – skills, and – group affiliation • LinkedIn’s targeting properties include: – industry, – job title, – seniority, – age, – gender, – location, – skills, and – group affiliation LinkedIn’s Ads are a great resource to gain exposure, especially for B2B companies
  • 30. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen • LinkedIn’s targeting properties include: – industry, – job title, – seniority, – age, – gender, – location, – skills, and – group affiliation • LinkedIn’s targeting properties include: – industry, – job title, – seniority, – age, – gender, – location, – skills, and – group affiliation
  • 31. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Targeting • LinkedIn’s targeting properties include: • Industry, • Job title, • Seniority, • Age, • Gender, • Location, • Skills, and • Group affiliation.
  • 32. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 9. Use Showcase Pages What is a Showcase Page? • The pages are niche pages off of a company page • They allow a company to promote specific products or market to a specific buyer persona Use the pages for different products, new launches, and more!
  • 33. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Share Work Examples They can become a virtual portfolio of success stories for your business
  • 34. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Create a Showcase Page of Your Own
  • 35. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 10. Integrate with Twitter & Slideshare If you’ve created a presentation, share it directly to LinkedIn from Slideshare! Increase your reach with integration!
  • 36. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Steps to Add Twitter to LinkedIn: 1. Click “edit profile” 2. “Add Twitter account” next to the Twitter field 3. This will integrate your Twitter into your LinkedIn account!
  • 37. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 11. Introduce People In Your Network To Each Other Source: John Murphy, LinkedIn 1. Search for one of your connection’s profiles from the top of your home page. 2. From the search results, click their name. 3. Click the down facing arrow next to the blue Send a message button and select Share Profile. How to share a LinkedIn contact’s profile:
  • 38. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen 4. Enter each recipient’s name in the To: field. 5. In the message, explain how your connection and the person you are sharing it with could benefit from knowing each other. 6. Click Send Message! Source: John Murphy, LinkedIn
  • 39. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen HOW CAN LIKEABLE HELP?
  • 40. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen Likeable Hub Use thousands of content ideas at your fingertips and preplan your posts for the most effective times
  • 41. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen TURBOPOST ™ Technology Strategically Repeated Tweets: Reverb for Twitter automatically repeats your posts 5 times to maximize reach and engagement Clicking “TurboPost” turns your Facebook post into a “boosted post on your business’ page to increase audience reach!
  • 43. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen SPECIAL PROMOTION! -Try Likeable Hub VIP for Free @ LikeableHub.com -Get A Free Month of Likeable Hub Expert or $200 off Likeable Hub Pro before July 31st! -Visit LikeableDemo.com or call 212-359-4355 -Mention #SMT
  • 44. #SMTLive | @DaveKerpen THANK YOU / GRAND PRIZE! CONTACT Dave Kerpen EMAIL Dave@likeable.com TWITTER @davekerpen PHONE 212-359-4355 QUESTIONS? Visit LikeableHub.com to try the free app 

Editor's Notes

  1. http://blog.snobmonkey.com/2015/05/26/linkedin-company-page-vs-personal-profile/
  2. https://blog.dashburst.com/linkedin-publishing-open-all-members/
  3. ***Dave- say you recommend updating your status 5-8x a day
  4. Who is liking what, groups, etc
  5. Who is liking what, groups, etc
  6. http://leonidesignoryblog.com/tag/linkedin-insights/
  7. http://www.socialtalent.co/blog/why-recruiters-are-going-to-hate-linkedins-latest-changes
  8. http://btrandolph.com/2013/linkedin-premium-account-features-for-less/
  9. http://www.netsourceinc.com/blog/tutorial-creating-linkedin-ads
  10. http://www.netsourceinc.com/blog/tutorial-creating-linkedin-ads