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For Business
By: Rachel A. Adler
Executive Director of SMWFairfax &
Business Development Manager, Digital Media, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority
LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018
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@FairfaxEDA & @FairfaxEDA_NM
LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018
“If you’re not on LinkedIn, you might as well
not exist in this world. Everybody needs to be
on LinkedIn.” – Guy Kawasaki
LinkedIn Stats
Total Number of Linkedin Users: 500 million
Last updated: 1/1/18
Total Number of Monthly Active Linkedin Users: 250 million
Last updated: 1/1/18
Total Number of Linkedin Users from US: 133 million
Last updated: 10/24/17
Percentage of users that use Linkedin Daily: 40%
Last updated: 10/24/17
Number of New Linkedin New Members per Second: 2
LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018
LinkedIn is the Place for PROS
● According to survey, 92% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a major part of their content
marketing strategy. The platform is currently the leading network for professionals, and is
the most commonly used channel for distributing content of those in this field.
Fun Facts
● 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn.
● LinkedIn now has 3 million active job listings on
the platform.
● 1 million professionals have published post on
● An average user spends 17 minutes monthly on
● Motivated was the most overused word on
Linkedin in 2014.
● Statistical Analysis and Data Mining are Top skills
on Linkedin.
● 59% of Linkedin members have never worked
at a company with more than 200 employees.
● There are 5.5 million accountants on LinkedIn.
● There have been 1 billion endorsements on
● The average CEO has 930 connections.
● The most overused profile word continues to
be “Motivated” – which also topped 2014 and
LinkedIn Demographics
• 70% of Linkedin users are from Outside of Us.
• 40 million students and recent college graduates
on LinkedIn.
• There are 57% of male users and 44% female
users on Linkedin.
• After US, India, Brazil, Great Britain and Canada
has the highest number of Linkedin users.
• 13% of Millennials (15-34 Years old) use Linkedin.
• 28% of All Internet male users use Linkedin,
whereas 27% of All Internet Female users use
• 44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a
• There are over 39 million students and recent
grads on Linkedin.
Getting Started:
How to design the perfect LinkedIn Profile
that reflects your personal brand & your
LinkedIn Tips for Professional, Networking & Business Marketing
● Customize your public profile URL.
● Add a LinkedIn background photo to your personal profile.
● Add a ProFinder Badge to your profile.
● Take advantage of the blog/website links on your LinkedIn
● Search engine optimize your LinkedIn profile.
● Add, remove, and rearrange entire sections of your profile.
● Take advantage of Saved Searches.
● Find a job through via LinkedIn's job postings.
● Get endorsed for your skills.
● Use Open Profile to send messages to people you're not
connected to.
● Check your Network Updates (or share your own).
● Be identifiable.
● Check out who's viewed your LinkedIn profile.
● Export connections.
● Easily find new connections -- or connect with old ones!
● Leverage the perks of LinkedIn Groups.
● Share your LinkedIn status updates on Twitter.
● Leverage @mentions in your status updates.
● Optimize your LinkedIn Company Page.
● Create targeted LinkedIn Showcase Pages.
● Post Company Status Updates (and target them!).
● Check out LinkedIn's Content Marketing Score &
Trending Content resources.
● Experiment with LinkedIn Ads and Sponsored Updates.
● Create your own industry LinkedIn Group, and join
other relevant groups.
● Email your LinkedIn Group.
● Experiment with publishing content on LinkedIn's
publishing platform.
● Recruit new talent via LinkedIn Jobs.
● Add the Company Follow and LinkedIn share buttons to
your website/content.
● Analyze your LinkedIn marketing performance with the
Analytics tab on your Company Page.
NOTIFICATIONS (**NOTE: When Editing**)
Please turn off your notifications or
for your edits until you’re ready to
launch…or your connections will be
notified about every little change you
make and that gets annoying!
The box is located on the right side of
the page next to your summary.
How to Boost Your Business By Customizing You Profile
Complete Your Profile
▪ Professional photo
▪ Descriptive headline
▪ Experience, education, certifications
▪ Organizations, volunteer work
▪ Publications (articles, videos, photography)
Images & Sizing
• LinkedIn Standard Logo dimensions:
• 100 x 60 px
• LinkedIn Square Logo dimensions:
• 150 x 50 px
• LinkedIn Career Cover Photo dimensions:
• 974 x 300 px
• LinkedIn Banner Image dimensions:
• 646 x 220 px
• Source: https://www.phancybox.com/news/2016-social-media-image-dimensions-size-guide/
Before You Post, Ask Yourself…
– Is it valuable?
– Does it fit with my personal brand?
– Did I include source attribution?
Your ability to market your talents,
accomplishments and value inside your
organization and within your profession,
industry and community are a key part of
enhancing your brand.
Samples of Status Updates
Address your audience directly, ask them questions
Strong Visuals: Attention grabbing images such as recognized leaders,
interesting infographics
Type of content: Snack-able content, Lists,
valuable industry insights
Be Concise: Keep your intro
to 140 characters
Anatomy of an Effective LinkedIn Update
Make Connection & Find News
▪ Join groups based on your…
▪ Area
▪ Industry
▪ Interests
▪ Start and join discussions
▪ Use Pulse to find news
▪ Comment
▪ Share with your network
Make Connections
• Join groups based on…
– Area
– Industry
– Interests
• Start & join discussions
• Use Pulse/Newsfeed to find
– Comment
– Share with your network
Connect with Your
• LinkedIn makes it easy to stay
connected with colleagues,
associates and friends.
• It is just a click!
Listening On LinkedIn
Listening is the most important tool on social media. Before you can know what to say on any
social media platform, you need to know what your customers/prospects want to hear.
So listen up to hear what people are saying about your brand or product.
How to Search on LinkedIn
Utilizing Listening about You & Your Brand
• Head to Profile at the top of your
screen, click POST
• Search your company name
• Click Posts and listen
• You can also sort your updates and
segment them by type by choosing
the All Updates dropdown menu!
LinkedIn Publishing
This is more than just regular posting, this is
the kind of publishing that can help you
establish yourself as a thought leader and
an expert in your industry.
The Fast Five Step to Publishing
1. Think of a great headline
2. Find/Take a compelling photo
3. Write a concise post
4. Include strong calls to action at the
bottom of your post
5. Share across different social media
LinkedIn Publishing (i.e. Blog/Original Content)
• Way for members to contribute
professional insight
• Long-form content becomes part of
your profile
• Searchable on/off LinkedIn
• Added to Pulse (if content is relevant)
• Read more: Writing tips
Your company website is a great place to start leveraging content for Company Updates
SpecificsWhere to look What to look for
Company Blog
Relevant Content
Engaging Images
Company Resources
Other Destinations
‘About Us’ Section
Promoting other
Social Media Channels
Company Announcements
Industry news
Company Updates Best Practices
Include a visual
Keep it short & sweet
Snackable stats work wonders
Variety is the spice of life
Build thought leadership
Generate leads
Generate awareness
Test and optimize your reach to the right audience
with the right message
66%higher CTR (Click
Through Rate)
LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018
Company Page FAQ
● For instance, when it comes to building
engagement and trust through status
updates, LinkedIn recommends following
the 80/20 rule: four updates for the benefit
of your followers for every update
promoting your company. This guarantees
a well-balanced stream of rich, insightful
● It’s also worth noting that, on average,
companies that post 20 times per month
reach at least 60% of their unique
audience. Adhering to a consistent
posting schedule can lead to increased
engagement from your followers. That
doesn’t mean you should post without
rhyme or reason.
Company Page – Status TIPS
● Posts with a link drive twice the
engagement as posts without.
● Images on average result in a 98% higher
comment rate.
● Links to YouTube videos that play
directly in the LinkedIn feed typically
result in a 75% higher share rate.
● According to LinkedIn, the best time to
post is weekdays during business hours.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
appear to be more ideal than Mondays
and Fridays.
LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018
Automate – But be HUMAN
• Following people back when they follow you
• Retweeting interesting messages on Twitter
• Mentioning other users in your messages
• Responding to direct messages
• Automating posts from another expert’s
• Posting to LinkedIn ,Twitter,
or Facebook from another network
● You have better things to do than execute
the same repetitive tasks over and over
again. When it comes to social media
marketing, automation is everything.
● Here’s a short list of some of the tasks you
can automate now and no longer waste your
time on:
Other Tools: CANVA
• Utilize Canva
• Canva makes design simple for
• Create designs for Web or print:
blog graphics, presentations,
Facebook covers, flyers, posters,
invitations and so on.
LinkedIn 2018 Trends
● Microsoft integrates LinkedIn with Word
to help you write a resume
_source=twitter via @Verge
● Video
● Content
● Improved Algorithm
● Advanced Career Tools
● Further Integration with Microsoft Apps
LinkedIn Checklist 2018
• Photo: Professional, high quality
• Headline: Tell people what you’re excited about
now & what you want to do in the future.
• Vanity URL: Make yourself easy to find.
• Summary: A few short paragraphs of what
motivates you, what you’re skilled at, and what’s
• Experience: Jobs you held and accomplishments at
each. Include photos, write ups, or videos.
• Recommendations: Ask managers, peers, or co-
workers to write a recommendation. This gives
authority to your strengths and skills.
• Education: List all of your educational experiences,
including summer programs.
– Courses can show skills & interests you’re
most excited about
• Volunteer Experience & Causes
• Skills & Expertise: Add 5+ skills you want to be
endorsed for.
• Honors & Awards: Don’t be shy to brag about your
• Projects: Showcase digital campaigns or projects.
• Interests: Add anything else about yourself; helps
with search!
• Organize sections
● Connect with 10 new people each week. Send them a
personal message asking to connect.
○ By doing so, you are communicating with them as an individual and laying the foundation for
future contacts. You are starting to build the relationship. Now, get to know them. Ask what she
or he does. Ask them who you can connect them to within your network. Ask how you can help
them. By approaching a new connection this way, you are establishing a connection and adding
value. Thereby, building trust and a solid relationship that will help to grow your business.
○ Send 5-7 new messages each week to people you have connections with.
○ This does not have to be lengthy or in-depth. The message can be as simple as, “Hey there, it’s
been a while since we last talked, What are you up to?” This is beneficial for 2 reasons: 1) You’re
starting communication. 2) You’re front of mind again. By contacting 7 people in your network
each day, you quickly get to know everyone in your network so you’re better able to connect
people within your network and know who can help when and where. Over time, you will
continue to build the relationship with your connections by maintaining regular contact.
● Post or share an update at least once/week
● Leave and request a recommendation from
● Keep it about them! We all know what it’s like to get a new
connection, only to be followed by a lengthy sales pitch the
following day.
○ LinkedIn is not the appropriate platform for this. When you are good at what you do,
AND you have good relationships with the people in your network, then you won’t have
to tell people what you do. They will ask you and they will be happy to help you.
LinkedIn 2018 Homework
General Requirements:
You have over 100 connections.
You have a professional photo.
Your profile has a keyword strategy in place.
You have a unique LinkedIn Profile URL in
You are a member of at least 25 groups.
You post relevant articles and tips on your
profile at least once per week.
You follow at least five companies you are
interested in.
You message at least one person you know
and at least one person you don’t know on
LinkedIn each week.
Every month you introduce two new people
in your network.
Comment on a post in at least one group
once per week.
LinkedIn 2018 Homework
You have two pieces of media such as
relevant videos, images, presentations or
articles quoting you in your experience
Your experience includes results, numbers,
and accomplishments (Challenge, Actions,
and Results) in your experience section.
Social Proof:
You have at least three recommendations.
You have been endorsed at least 15 times.
You have a benefit-oriented headline that
grabs attention.
Your summary includes an overview of your
skills, talents, and how you can add value to
a company.
Your summary includes previously
quantified results at other companies, with
numbers whenever possible.
Your summary includes how you can be
reached. You have one piece of media in
your summary.
- Suzy Welch, bestselling leadership author
and CNBC contributor
Want to Learn More?
Lynda.com (http://www.lynda.com/)
SkillShare (https://www.skillshare.com/ )
Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/)
Slideshare (http://slideshare.com/ )
Help your #marketing get more from
#LinkedIn in 2017:
via @LinkedInMarketingSolutions
Need Help with Your Digital Media?
● Check out to see if your local chamber or
economic development agencies can assist
with business development.
● Websites to check out to hire a freelancer:
○ Thumbtack
○ PeoplePerHour
○ Hootesuite Social Media Consultant Directory
Connect With Me
• http://www.slideshare.net/Radler27
• http://rachelannaadler.tumblr.com/
• https://about.me/radler
• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alex-pirouz/3-
• http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269950
• https://designschool.canva.com/blog/linkedin-for-
• http://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2015/0
• http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7206-linkedin-
• http://www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/the-
• Creating A Killer LinkedIn Profile: Tips From Link
linkedin-profile-tips-from-link-humans via @LinkedIn
• LEARN MORE. Visit marketing.linkedin.com to
download the Sophisticated Marketer’s guide to
• Microsoft integrates LinkedIn with Word to help you
write a resume
utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter via @Verge
• https://www.omnicoreagency.com/linkedin-statistics/
• https://www.leisurejobs.com/cheatsheet/ultimate-
• https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/23454/t
• https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/5-
• http://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/12/linkedin-
• https://sproutsocial.com/insights/how-to-use-linkedin-
• https://www.officetimeline.com/blog/linkedin-
LinkedIn Take Away
• 40% of B2B buyers say LinkedIn is important
when researching technologies and services to
purchase (Source)
• 91% B2B marketers use primarily Linkedin but
only 62% say is effective. (source) – a LOT of
them have NO clue on how to make LinkedIN
work for themselves, let alone their clients –End
of Jab-
• 49% of LinkedIn Users Have Household Income
Over $100K
• 25 million LinkedIn profiles are viewed every day
• 1 in 3 professionals on the planet EARTH are on
• 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn

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LinkedIn For Business Development In 2018

  • 1. LinkedIn For Business Development By: Rachel A. Adler Executive Director of SMWFairfax & Business Development Manager, Digital Media, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority
  • 3. How to Engage: Got a question? Please feel free to interrupt & ask questions. Please use your mobile device & personal computers. Tweet the question to me @RachelA_Adler of using the Hashtag #LinkedInLunchFC Twitter: @FairfaxEDA & @FairfaxEDA_NM @SMWFairfax LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fairfax- county-economic-development-authority
  • 5. “If you’re not on LinkedIn, you might as well not exist in this world. Everybody needs to be on LinkedIn.” – Guy Kawasaki
  • 7. LinkedIn Stats Total Number of Linkedin Users: 500 million Last updated: 1/1/18 Total Number of Monthly Active Linkedin Users: 250 million Last updated: 1/1/18 Total Number of Linkedin Users from US: 133 million Last updated: 10/24/17 Percentage of users that use Linkedin Daily: 40% Last updated: 10/24/17 Number of New Linkedin New Members per Second: 2
  • 9. LinkedIn is the Place for PROS ● According to survey, 92% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a major part of their content marketing strategy. The platform is currently the leading network for professionals, and is the most commonly used channel for distributing content of those in this field.
  • 10. Fun Facts ● 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn. ● LinkedIn now has 3 million active job listings on the platform. ● 1 million professionals have published post on LinkedIn. ● An average user spends 17 minutes monthly on Linkedin. ● Motivated was the most overused word on Linkedin in 2014. ● Statistical Analysis and Data Mining are Top skills on Linkedin. ● 59% of Linkedin members have never worked at a company with more than 200 employees. ● There are 5.5 million accountants on LinkedIn. ● There have been 1 billion endorsements on LinkedIn. ● The average CEO has 930 connections. ● The most overused profile word continues to be “Motivated” – which also topped 2014 and 2015.
  • 11. LinkedIn Demographics • 70% of Linkedin users are from Outside of Us. • 40 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. • There are 57% of male users and 44% female users on Linkedin. • After US, India, Brazil, Great Britain and Canada has the highest number of Linkedin users. • 13% of Millennials (15-34 Years old) use Linkedin. • 28% of All Internet male users use Linkedin, whereas 27% of All Internet Female users use Linkedin. • 44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a year. • There are over 39 million students and recent grads on Linkedin.
  • 12. Getting Started: How to design the perfect LinkedIn Profile that reflects your personal brand & your business.
  • 13. LinkedIn Tips for Professional, Networking & Business Marketing ● Customize your public profile URL. ● Add a LinkedIn background photo to your personal profile. ● Add a ProFinder Badge to your profile. ● Take advantage of the blog/website links on your LinkedIn profile. ● Search engine optimize your LinkedIn profile. ● Add, remove, and rearrange entire sections of your profile. ● Take advantage of Saved Searches. ● Find a job through via LinkedIn's job postings. ● Get endorsed for your skills. ● Use Open Profile to send messages to people you're not connected to. ● Check your Network Updates (or share your own). ● Be identifiable. ● Check out who's viewed your LinkedIn profile. ● Export connections. ● Easily find new connections -- or connect with old ones! ● Leverage the perks of LinkedIn Groups. ● Share your LinkedIn status updates on Twitter. ● Leverage @mentions in your status updates. ● Optimize your LinkedIn Company Page. ● Create targeted LinkedIn Showcase Pages. ● Post Company Status Updates (and target them!). ● Check out LinkedIn's Content Marketing Score & Trending Content resources. ● Experiment with LinkedIn Ads and Sponsored Updates. ● Create your own industry LinkedIn Group, and join other relevant groups. ● Email your LinkedIn Group. ● Experiment with publishing content on LinkedIn's publishing platform. ● Recruit new talent via LinkedIn Jobs. ● Add the Company Follow and LinkedIn share buttons to your website/content. ● Analyze your LinkedIn marketing performance with the Analytics tab on your Company Page.
  • 14. NOTIFICATIONS (**NOTE: When Editing**) Please turn off your notifications or for your edits until you’re ready to launch…or your connections will be notified about every little change you make and that gets annoying! The box is located on the right side of the page next to your summary.
  • 15. How to Boost Your Business By Customizing You Profile
  • 16. Complete Your Profile ▪ Professional photo ▪ Descriptive headline ▪ Experience, education, certifications ▪ Organizations, volunteer work ▪ Publications (articles, videos, photography)
  • 17. Images & Sizing • LinkedIn Standard Logo dimensions: • 100 x 60 px • LinkedIn Square Logo dimensions: • 150 x 50 px • LinkedIn Career Cover Photo dimensions: • 974 x 300 px • LinkedIn Banner Image dimensions: • 646 x 220 px • Source: https://www.phancybox.com/news/2016-social-media-image-dimensions-size-guide/
  • 18. Before You Post, Ask Yourself… – Is it valuable? – Does it fit with my personal brand? – Did I include source attribution? Your ability to market your talents, accomplishments and value inside your organization and within your profession, industry and community are a key part of enhancing your brand.
  • 19. Samples of Status Updates
  • 20. Address your audience directly, ask them questions Strong Visuals: Attention grabbing images such as recognized leaders, interesting infographics Type of content: Snack-able content, Lists, valuable industry insights Be Concise: Keep your intro to 140 characters Anatomy of an Effective LinkedIn Update
  • 21. Make Connection & Find News ▪ Join groups based on your… ▪ Area ▪ Industry ▪ Interests ▪ Start and join discussions ▪ Use Pulse to find news ▪ Comment ▪ Share with your network
  • 22. Make Connections • Join groups based on… – Area – Industry – Interests • Start & join discussions • Use Pulse/Newsfeed to find news – Comment – Share with your network
  • 23. Connect with Your NETWORK • LinkedIn makes it easy to stay connected with colleagues, associates and friends. • It is just a click!
  • 24. Listening On LinkedIn Listening is the most important tool on social media. Before you can know what to say on any social media platform, you need to know what your customers/prospects want to hear. So listen up to hear what people are saying about your brand or product.
  • 25. How to Search on LinkedIn Utilizing Listening about You & Your Brand • Head to Profile at the top of your screen, click POST • Search your company name • Click Posts and listen • You can also sort your updates and segment them by type by choosing the All Updates dropdown menu!
  • 26. LinkedIn Publishing This is more than just regular posting, this is the kind of publishing that can help you establish yourself as a thought leader and an expert in your industry. The Fast Five Step to Publishing 1. Think of a great headline 2. Find/Take a compelling photo 3. Write a concise post 4. Include strong calls to action at the bottom of your post 5. Share across different social media channels
  • 27. LinkedIn Publishing (i.e. Blog/Original Content) • Way for members to contribute professional insight • Long-form content becomes part of your profile • HOW TO GUIDE TO PUBLISHING • Searchable on/off LinkedIn • Added to Pulse (if content is relevant) • Read more: Writing tips
  • 29. Your company website is a great place to start leveraging content for Company Updates SpecificsWhere to look What to look for Company Website Company Blog Relevant Content Engaging Images Cadence Company Resources Videos Whitepapers Other Destinations ‘About Us’ Section Promoting other Social Media Channels PR/NewsSection Company Announcements Industry news
  • 30. Company Updates Best Practices Include a visual Keep it short & sweet Snackable stats work wonders Variety is the spice of life Build thought leadership Generate leads Generate awareness
  • 31. Test and optimize your reach to the right audience with the right message 66%higher CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • 33. Company Page FAQ ● For instance, when it comes to building engagement and trust through status updates, LinkedIn recommends following the 80/20 rule: four updates for the benefit of your followers for every update promoting your company. This guarantees a well-balanced stream of rich, insightful content. ● It’s also worth noting that, on average, companies that post 20 times per month reach at least 60% of their unique audience. Adhering to a consistent posting schedule can lead to increased engagement from your followers. That doesn’t mean you should post without rhyme or reason.
  • 34. Company Page – Status TIPS ● Posts with a link drive twice the engagement as posts without. ● Images on average result in a 98% higher comment rate. ● Links to YouTube videos that play directly in the LinkedIn feed typically result in a 75% higher share rate. ● According to LinkedIn, the best time to post is weekdays during business hours. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays appear to be more ideal than Mondays and Fridays.
  • 36. Automate – But be HUMAN • Following people back when they follow you • Retweeting interesting messages on Twitter • Mentioning other users in your messages • Responding to direct messages • Automating posts from another expert’s website • Posting to LinkedIn ,Twitter, or Facebook from another network ● You have better things to do than execute the same repetitive tasks over and over again. When it comes to social media marketing, automation is everything. ● Here’s a short list of some of the tasks you can automate now and no longer waste your time on:
  • 37. Other Tools: CANVA • Utilize Canva • Canva makes design simple for everyone. • Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so on.
  • 38. LinkedIn 2018 Trends ● Microsoft integrates LinkedIn with Word to help you write a resume https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/8/16 622718/microsoft-word-linkedin- integration-resume-assistant- feature?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_c ontent=entry&utm_medium=social&utm _source=twitter via @Verge ● Video ● Content ● Improved Algorithm ● Advanced Career Tools ● Further Integration with Microsoft Apps
  • 39. LinkedIn Checklist 2018 • Photo: Professional, high quality • Headline: Tell people what you’re excited about now & what you want to do in the future. • Vanity URL: Make yourself easy to find. • Summary: A few short paragraphs of what motivates you, what you’re skilled at, and what’s next. • Experience: Jobs you held and accomplishments at each. Include photos, write ups, or videos. • Recommendations: Ask managers, peers, or co- workers to write a recommendation. This gives authority to your strengths and skills. • Education: List all of your educational experiences, including summer programs. – Courses can show skills & interests you’re most excited about • Volunteer Experience & Causes • Skills & Expertise: Add 5+ skills you want to be endorsed for. • Honors & Awards: Don’t be shy to brag about your accomplishments. • Projects: Showcase digital campaigns or projects. • Interests: Add anything else about yourself; helps with search! • Organize sections
  • 40. HOMEWORK DEDICATE 15 MINUTES EACH WEEK TO YOUR LINKEDIN NETWORK ● Connect with 10 new people each week. Send them a personal message asking to connect. ○ By doing so, you are communicating with them as an individual and laying the foundation for future contacts. You are starting to build the relationship. Now, get to know them. Ask what she or he does. Ask them who you can connect them to within your network. Ask how you can help them. By approaching a new connection this way, you are establishing a connection and adding value. Thereby, building trust and a solid relationship that will help to grow your business. ○ Send 5-7 new messages each week to people you have connections with. ○ This does not have to be lengthy or in-depth. The message can be as simple as, “Hey there, it’s been a while since we last talked, What are you up to?” This is beneficial for 2 reasons: 1) You’re starting communication. 2) You’re front of mind again. By contacting 7 people in your network each day, you quickly get to know everyone in your network so you’re better able to connect people within your network and know who can help when and where. Over time, you will continue to build the relationship with your connections by maintaining regular contact. ● Post or share an update at least once/week ● Leave and request a recommendation from colleague/manager ● Keep it about them! We all know what it’s like to get a new connection, only to be followed by a lengthy sales pitch the following day. ○ LinkedIn is not the appropriate platform for this. When you are good at what you do, AND you have good relationships with the people in your network, then you won’t have to tell people what you do. They will ask you and they will be happy to help you.
  • 41. LinkedIn 2018 Homework General Requirements: You have over 100 connections. You have a professional photo. Your profile has a keyword strategy in place. You have a unique LinkedIn Profile URL in place. Networking: You are a member of at least 25 groups. You post relevant articles and tips on your profile at least once per week. You follow at least five companies you are interested in. You message at least one person you know and at least one person you don’t know on LinkedIn each week. Every month you introduce two new people in your network. Comment on a post in at least one group once per week.
  • 42. LinkedIn 2018 Homework Experience: You have two pieces of media such as relevant videos, images, presentations or articles quoting you in your experience section. Your experience includes results, numbers, and accomplishments (Challenge, Actions, and Results) in your experience section. Social Proof: You have at least three recommendations. You have been endorsed at least 15 times. Headline: You have a benefit-oriented headline that grabs attention. Summary: Your summary includes an overview of your skills, talents, and how you can add value to a company. Your summary includes previously quantified results at other companies, with numbers whenever possible. Your summary includes how you can be reached. You have one piece of media in your summary.
  • 43. "IF YOU MAXIMIZE YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE, YOU MAY NOT BE LOOKING FOR YOUR NEXT JOB. IT COULD COME FIND YOU.“ - Suzy Welch, bestselling leadership author and CNBC contributor
  • 44. Want to Learn More? Lynda.com (http://www.lynda.com/) SkillShare (https://www.skillshare.com/ ) Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/) Slideshare (http://slideshare.com/ ) Help your #marketing get more from #LinkedIn in 2017: https://business.linkedin.com/en- uk/marketing- solutions/blog/posts/productivity/2017/ho w-to-use-linkedin-for-marketing-in-2017 via @LinkedInMarketingSolutions
  • 45. Need Help with Your Digital Media? ● Check out to see if your local chamber or economic development agencies can assist with business development. ● Websites to check out to hire a freelancer: ○ Thumbtack ○ PeoplePerHour ○ Hootesuite Social Media Consultant Directory
  • 46. Connect With Me • http://www.slideshare.net/Radler27 • http://rachelannaadler.tumblr.com/ • https://about.me/radler
  • 47. Sources: • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alex-pirouz/3- powerful-ways-to-grow-your-business-through- linkedin_b_8995368.html • http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269950 • https://designschool.canva.com/blog/linkedin-for- business/?utm_content=buffer42b3b&utm_medium =social&utm_source=plus.google.com&utm_campai gn=bufferhttp://www.adweek.com/news/technolog y/8-ways-you-should-be-using-linkedin-probably- arent-168749 • http://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2015/0 8/06/the-most-valuable-linkedin-feature-you-arent- using/ • http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7206-linkedin- marketing-business.html • http://www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/the- new-year-is-often-a-time-of-setting-resolutions-and- establishing-good-habits-to-meet-your-goals-for- the-coming-year-this-year-i-challenge-you-to- dedicate-at-least-15-minutes-each-week-to-using- l/#sthash.cpX6CAc0.dpbs • Creating A Killer LinkedIn Profile: Tips From Link Humans [INFOGRAPHIC] http://blog.linkedin.com/2014/07/01/creating-a-killer- linkedin-profile-tips-from-link-humans via @LinkedIn • LEARN MORE. Visit marketing.linkedin.com to download the Sophisticated Marketer’s guide to LinkedIn. • Microsoft integrates LinkedIn with Word to help you write a resume https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/8/16622718/micros oft-word-linkedin-integration-resume-assistant- feature?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry& utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter via @Verge • https://www.omnicoreagency.com/linkedin-statistics/ • https://www.leisurejobs.com/cheatsheet/ultimate- linkedin-cheat-sheet-A4.pdf • https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/23454/t he-ultimate-cheat-sheet-for-mastering-linkedin.aspx • https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/5- predictions-for-social-media-marketing-on-linkedin-in- 2018/507953/ • http://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/12/linkedin- ways-advantage-2018/ • https://sproutsocial.com/insights/how-to-use-linkedin- for-business/ • https://www.officetimeline.com/blog/linkedin- evolution-timeline
  • 48. LinkedIn Take Away • 40% of B2B buyers say LinkedIn is important when researching technologies and services to purchase (Source) • 91% B2B marketers use primarily Linkedin but only 62% say is effective. (source) – a LOT of them have NO clue on how to make LinkedIN work for themselves, let alone their clients –End of Jab- • 49% of LinkedIn Users Have Household Income Over $100K • 25 million LinkedIn profiles are viewed every day • 1 in 3 professionals on the planet EARTH are on LinkedIn! • 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn