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tossing and turning?
What kinds of sleep problems can
people have?
It’s hard to say how much sleep is ideal
although sleep problems are common, there are some easy ways to improve
the quality of your sleep. Many people find that their physical and mental well-being also
improves when their sleep improves.
not getting a good night’s
Each person is different and some people need more
sleep than others. Kids and teenagers need more sleep
than adults. Older adults tend to take longer to fall
asleep and wake more often during the night than
younger adults. Most adults and kids would sleep 10 to
12 hours a night without clocks or routines. You know
that you’re getting enough sleep when you don’t feel
tired or drowsy during the day.
Most of us, though, just don’t get enough sleep. Over
half of Canadians only get around seven hours of sleep a
night and say that they feel tired most of the time.
Problems getting to sleep, staying asleep, or feeling
rested after sleep are surprisingly common. One in four
people experience regular sleep problems. You’re more
likely to have sleep difficulties when you experience
stress, major life changes, health problems or substance
use problems. Sleep difficulties can then make these
problems even worse.
• Trouble falling asleep: lying in bed for more than 30
minutes without being able to fall asleep
• Trouble staying asleep: waking up frequently during
the night
• Early morning waking: waking in the early hours of
the morning before you need to get up but not being
able to fall back asleep
• Behaviours that interfere with sleep: such as snoring,
teeth-grinding, restless legs, sleepwalking and
breathing problems
• Sleeping too much or for too long
• Excessive sleepiness or urge to nap during the day
• Excessive fatigue or lack of energy
tips for getting a good
night sleep
One of the most powerful ways to improve sleep is to make
small changes in everyday behaviours that impact how fast
you fall asleep and whether you stay asleep. The goal is to
increase the behaviours that improve sleep while you reduce
the behaviours that interfere with sleep.
Tip #1 Avoid caffeine close to bedtime
Some people have problems sleeping when they have
consumed too much caffeine. This is especially true
as you get older. Coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate
are the main source of caffeine for most people.
Some medications for colds, allergies, pain relief and
appetite suppression also contain caffeine.
Tip #5 Follow the same routine
Try to keep the same sleep and wake schedule every
day—including weekends. This helps your body get into
a routine. People who get up and go to bed at different
times each day are more likely to have sleep problems.
Tip #2 Avoid alcohol close to bedtime
It might feel like drinking alcohol helps you fall asleep
faster, but alcohol can disrupt your sleep. Drinking
alcohol before bedtime can also cause breathing problems
and jerky arms and legs. People with alcohol problems
often have chronic sleep problems.
If you are having problems reducing your use of alcohol,
visit www.heretohelp.bc.ca or www.carbc.ca for more
information and helpful resources.
Sleep problems can have a negative effect
on your mental health by influencing your
emotions, thoughts, behaviours and body
Emotions: If your sleep is disturbed, you
might feel irritable, grumpy, numb, sad,
anxious, worried or stressed.
Thoughts: Sleep problems can make it
difficult to concentrate, think clearly or make
decisions the next day.
Behaviours: You’re more likely to avoid your
usual activities when you are experiencing
sleep problems.
Body sensations: Sleep difficulties can leave
you feeling tired, drowsy or worn out.
How do sleep problems
affect mental health?
Tip #3 Unwind
Stress has a big impact on sleep, so it’s important to take
time to relax before bed. Reading a good book, taking a
bath or shower and listening to calming music are a few
ideas. Screen time is actually stimulating, so it’s best to
avoid watching TV, going online or using other electronic
devices just before bed.
Tip #4 Exercise a few hours before bedtime
Research shows that people who exercise regularly (30
to 60 minutes, three times a week) have deeper sleep.
Exercising gives you a boost of energy, so it’s best to
exercise four to eight hours before bedtime.
Your local community centre is a great source of
information about recreation and leisure options close
to home.
2  wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep
Tip #6 Avoid taking naps if you are
experiencing sleep problems
Some of us can enjoy our naps and still get a
good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, some of us will
experience problems falling asleep or staying asleep
at night if we take naps during the day. If you do
take a nap, try to keep them to 30 minutes or less.
Cut out naps completely if you are experiencing
sleep problems.
Tip #7 Avoid going to bed too hungry
or too full
Eating balanced, healthy meals and snacks at regular
times throughout the day will help with a good
night’s sleep. Try to avoid eating a large meal in the
two hours before bedtime. Consider a light, healthy
snack if you’re still hungry just before going to bed.
Tip #8 Get up if you do not fall asleep
within half an hour
Get up if you don’t fall asleep within 30 minutes.
Leave your bedroom and do something relaxing
like listening to soft music, taking a bath, drinking
a warm caffeine-free beverage or meditating. Go
back to bed once you feel very drowsy. Don’t try too
hard to fall asleep—this does not tend to work. At
first, this strategy might feel like it’s making things
worse because you may have a few sleepless nights.
However, after several nights, it will become easier
to fall asleep and stay asleep. Be consistent in your
use of this strategy. Studies show it is very effective in
reversing sleep problems.
Tip #9 Make your bedroom comfortable
and only use it for sleeping
A mattress with good support and comfortable
bedding are both helpful. Make sure your room is not
too hot or too cold. Don’t use your bed for watching TV,
working, studying or any other mentally stimulating
activities, especially if you are already experiencing
sleep problems.
Tip #10 Challenge the belief you can’t function
without a perfect night’ssleep
When you can’t sleep, it’s normal to check the clock and
worry about getting through the upcoming day. This
increases anxiety and makes it even harder to fall back
asleep. Turn the clock away from your view. Remind
yourself that you can likely do your daily activities
even when you feel tired (unless this would pose a
danger to yourself or others).
For more tips on managing difficult thoughts that can
disturb sleep, see our Healthy Thinking Wellness
Module at www.heretohelp.bc.ca.
To improve the quality of your
sleep, follow these strategies on
as many days as you can
•  Use our sleep skills diary available at
www.heretohelp.bc.ca to track your progress.
•  Be consistent in your use of the strategies.
•  Remind yourself it takes time to change sleep
behaviours and see positive results.
wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep  3
For more information about how emotions, thoughts, behaviours and
body sensations influence your mental health, see our other wellness
modules at www.heretohelp.bc.caT!P
still having sleep problems?
If you continue to experience difficulties with your
sleeping patterns, talk to your doctor or mental health
professional. Sometimes, sleep problems can be a sign of
a sleep disorder, mental illness or substance use problem.
Health problems like asthma and chronic pain can also
affect the way you sleep. Quality of sleep often improves
once these problems are identified and managed. Some
medications may cause sleep problems. Talk to your
doctor if you think that your medication is affecting
your sleep.
Select sources and additional resources
• Visit the Canadian Sleep Society at www.css.to
• Visit the National Sleep Foundation at www.sleepfoundation.org
• Coren, S. (1996). Sleep Thieves: An Eye Opening Exploration into the Science and Mysteries of Sleep. Toronto: Free Press.
• Kryger, M. (2004). Can’t Sleep, Can’t Stay Awake. Toronto: Harper Collins.
• Sharp, T. (2001). The Good Sleep Guide: 10 Steps to Better Sleep and How to Break the Worry Cycle. Berkeley, CA: Frog Ltd.
Track your practice of good sleep habits.
Use our online Sleep Skills Diary at www.heretohelp.bc.caT!P
Should I use sleeping pills?
We recommend trying these tips before taking over-
the-counter or prescription sleeping pills. Some disrupt
the way you sleep or interfere with falling asleep the
next day. Certain mediations may be addictive. Beliefs
around medication can also play a huge role in sleep. If
you believe that you need medication to sleep, you’re
less likely to sleep well without medication, whether
you really need it or not. If you feel like you need to take
sleeping medication often, it’s best to talk to your doctor.
For more information about sleep
disorders, visit the Canadian Sleep
Society at www.css.to {{
4  wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep

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Things to Do and Things to Avoid Before Sleep

  • 1. WELLNESS MODULE 6 exhausted? tossing and turning? What kinds of sleep problems can people have? It’s hard to say how much sleep is ideal GETTING A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP although sleep problems are common, there are some easy ways to improve the quality of your sleep. Many people find that their physical and mental well-being also improves when their sleep improves. not getting a good night’s sleep? Each person is different and some people need more sleep than others. Kids and teenagers need more sleep than adults. Older adults tend to take longer to fall asleep and wake more often during the night than younger adults. Most adults and kids would sleep 10 to 12 hours a night without clocks or routines. You know that you’re getting enough sleep when you don’t feel tired or drowsy during the day. Most of us, though, just don’t get enough sleep. Over half of Canadians only get around seven hours of sleep a night and say that they feel tired most of the time. Problems getting to sleep, staying asleep, or feeling rested after sleep are surprisingly common. One in four people experience regular sleep problems. You’re more likely to have sleep difficulties when you experience stress, major life changes, health problems or substance use problems. Sleep difficulties can then make these problems even worse. • Trouble falling asleep: lying in bed for more than 30 minutes without being able to fall asleep • Trouble staying asleep: waking up frequently during the night • Early morning waking: waking in the early hours of the morning before you need to get up but not being able to fall back asleep • Behaviours that interfere with sleep: such as snoring, teeth-grinding, restless legs, sleepwalking and breathing problems • Sleeping too much or for too long • Excessive sleepiness or urge to nap during the day • Excessive fatigue or lack of energy z z z
  • 2. tips for getting a good night sleep One of the most powerful ways to improve sleep is to make small changes in everyday behaviours that impact how fast you fall asleep and whether you stay asleep. The goal is to increase the behaviours that improve sleep while you reduce the behaviours that interfere with sleep. Tip #1 Avoid caffeine close to bedtime Some people have problems sleeping when they have consumed too much caffeine. This is especially true as you get older. Coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate are the main source of caffeine for most people. Some medications for colds, allergies, pain relief and appetite suppression also contain caffeine. Tip #5 Follow the same routine Try to keep the same sleep and wake schedule every day—including weekends. This helps your body get into a routine. People who get up and go to bed at different times each day are more likely to have sleep problems. Tip #2 Avoid alcohol close to bedtime It might feel like drinking alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, but alcohol can disrupt your sleep. Drinking alcohol before bedtime can also cause breathing problems and jerky arms and legs. People with alcohol problems often have chronic sleep problems. If you are having problems reducing your use of alcohol, visit www.heretohelp.bc.ca or www.carbc.ca for more information and helpful resources. Sleep problems can have a negative effect on your mental health by influencing your emotions, thoughts, behaviours and body sensations. Emotions: If your sleep is disturbed, you might feel irritable, grumpy, numb, sad, anxious, worried or stressed. Thoughts: Sleep problems can make it difficult to concentrate, think clearly or make decisions the next day. Behaviours: You’re more likely to avoid your usual activities when you are experiencing sleep problems. Body sensations: Sleep difficulties can leave you feeling tired, drowsy or worn out. How do sleep problems affect mental health? {{ Tip #3 Unwind Stress has a big impact on sleep, so it’s important to take time to relax before bed. Reading a good book, taking a bath or shower and listening to calming music are a few ideas. Screen time is actually stimulating, so it’s best to avoid watching TV, going online or using other electronic devices just before bed. Tip #4 Exercise a few hours before bedtime Research shows that people who exercise regularly (30 to 60 minutes, three times a week) have deeper sleep. Exercising gives you a boost of energy, so it’s best to exercise four to eight hours before bedtime. Your local community centre is a great source of information about recreation and leisure options close to home. 2  wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep
  • 3. Tip #6 Avoid taking naps if you are experiencing sleep problems Some of us can enjoy our naps and still get a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, some of us will experience problems falling asleep or staying asleep at night if we take naps during the day. If you do take a nap, try to keep them to 30 minutes or less. Cut out naps completely if you are experiencing sleep problems. Tip #7 Avoid going to bed too hungry or too full Eating balanced, healthy meals and snacks at regular times throughout the day will help with a good night’s sleep. Try to avoid eating a large meal in the two hours before bedtime. Consider a light, healthy snack if you’re still hungry just before going to bed. Tip #8 Get up if you do not fall asleep within half an hour Get up if you don’t fall asleep within 30 minutes. Leave your bedroom and do something relaxing like listening to soft music, taking a bath, drinking a warm caffeine-free beverage or meditating. Go back to bed once you feel very drowsy. Don’t try too hard to fall asleep—this does not tend to work. At first, this strategy might feel like it’s making things worse because you may have a few sleepless nights. However, after several nights, it will become easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Be consistent in your use of this strategy. Studies show it is very effective in reversing sleep problems. Tip #9 Make your bedroom comfortable and only use it for sleeping A mattress with good support and comfortable bedding are both helpful. Make sure your room is not too hot or too cold. Don’t use your bed for watching TV, working, studying or any other mentally stimulating activities, especially if you are already experiencing sleep problems. Tip #10 Challenge the belief you can’t function without a perfect night’ssleep When you can’t sleep, it’s normal to check the clock and worry about getting through the upcoming day. This increases anxiety and makes it even harder to fall back asleep. Turn the clock away from your view. Remind yourself that you can likely do your daily activities even when you feel tired (unless this would pose a danger to yourself or others). For more tips on managing difficult thoughts that can disturb sleep, see our Healthy Thinking Wellness Module at www.heretohelp.bc.ca. To improve the quality of your sleep, follow these strategies on as many days as you can •  Use our sleep skills diary available at www.heretohelp.bc.ca to track your progress. •  Be consistent in your use of the strategies. •  Remind yourself it takes time to change sleep behaviours and see positive results. {{ wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep  3 For more information about how emotions, thoughts, behaviours and body sensations influence your mental health, see our other wellness modules at www.heretohelp.bc.caT!P
  • 4. still having sleep problems? If you continue to experience difficulties with your sleeping patterns, talk to your doctor or mental health professional. Sometimes, sleep problems can be a sign of a sleep disorder, mental illness or substance use problem. Health problems like asthma and chronic pain can also affect the way you sleep. Quality of sleep often improves once these problems are identified and managed. Some medications may cause sleep problems. Talk to your doctor if you think that your medication is affecting your sleep. Select sources and additional resources • Visit the Canadian Sleep Society at www.css.to • Visit the National Sleep Foundation at www.sleepfoundation.org • Coren, S. (1996). Sleep Thieves: An Eye Opening Exploration into the Science and Mysteries of Sleep. Toronto: Free Press. • Kryger, M. (2004). Can’t Sleep, Can’t Stay Awake. Toronto: Harper Collins. • Sharp, T. (2001). The Good Sleep Guide: 10 Steps to Better Sleep and How to Break the Worry Cycle. Berkeley, CA: Frog Ltd. Track your practice of good sleep habits. Use our online Sleep Skills Diary at www.heretohelp.bc.caT!P Should I use sleeping pills? We recommend trying these tips before taking over- the-counter or prescription sleeping pills. Some disrupt the way you sleep or interfere with falling asleep the next day. Certain mediations may be addictive. Beliefs around medication can also play a huge role in sleep. If you believe that you need medication to sleep, you’re less likely to sleep well without medication, whether you really need it or not. If you feel like you need to take sleeping medication often, it’s best to talk to your doctor. For more information about sleep disorders, visit the Canadian Sleep Society at www.css.to {{ 4  wellness module 6: getting a good night’s sleep ©2011BCPartnersforMentalHealthandAddictionsInformationwww.heretohelp.bc.ca