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39 Power Habits of Wildly Successful People!
What is it that makes successful people so successful? Talent, education, intelligence,
and personality do play a role, but there are plenty of people who are average in these
areas who are highly successful. !
One of the defining traits of all successful people is their ability to create good habits
and stick to them. They know the thoughts and behaviors that will move them forward
toward their professional goals, as well as those that support a healthy, positive,
productive life. Successful people have learned certain power habits that trigger a
cascade of other positive behaviors and outcomes.!
Look back over your life and consider the little tweaks you’ve made that led you to be
happier, healthier, or more fulfilled. At the time you initiated these changes, you may
have felt little impact, but in retrospect you see how profound they were. Your life is
better, and you are more successful as a result.!
Becoming a happy and successful person is really a process of adding new powerful
habits to your days and committing to those habits using the science-based skills of
habit formation. Here are 39 power habits of successful people. Consider how you
might adopt some of these habits to achieve more and upgrade your life.!
1. Wake up early!
Benefits: There are a host of benefits for early risers. They get better sleep, tend to eat
fewer calories, and are less prone to depression. Also, early risers are more productive
and have time for exercise, eating breakfast, and other positive morning activities like
reading, time with family, and reflection.!
Habit Actions: If you want to wake earlier, start by getting up five minutes earlier a day
for the first week. Slowly set your alarm back by a few minutes a week until you reach
your optimal time. Make sure you have a plan for how you’ll use this extra time for other
positive habits.!
2. Drink a full glass of water in the morning!
Benefits: Drinking a big glass of water immediately after you awaken has many health
benefits. It purifies your colon and improves the stomach's ability to absorb nutrients. A
healthy digestive system hydrated properly gives you glowing skin, as water removes
the toxins from the blood. Drinking water also improves the creation of new blood cells
and muscle cells, and helps you lose weight.!
Habit Actions: Before you go to bed at night, put a glass of water by your bed. Cover it
so dust doesn’t get in the water while you sleep. After your alarm goes off, but before
you get out of bed, drink the full glass. If you want cold water, put an empty glass by
your bed, and carry it to the kitchen to get your water first thing in the morning.!
3. Meditate to start your day!
Benefits: Meditation has a myriad of health and emotional benefits. It’s been proven to
reduce stress and anxiety; improve memory and learning; lower blood pressure and
reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes; extend your attention span; increase
creativity; and reduce pain. !
Habit Actions: Begin your day with a short meditation practice. Determine a trigger (a
previously established habit like brushing your teeth) you can attach to your new
meditation habit. Begin your meditation immediately after the trigger, and meditate for
just five minutes a day for the first week, working up to your optimal amount of time. If
you need more instruction on proper meditation, please read this post.!
4. Make your bed!
Benefits: According to a Navy Seal, Admiral William McRaven, making the bed may be
the best way to start off your day. He says, “If you make your bed every morning you will
have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it
will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day,
that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed
will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.” Making your bed every morning
is correlated with better productivity and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.!
Habit Actions: Use getting out of the bed as the trigger to make it. Don’t go to the
bathroom, brush your teeth, or leave the room until your bed is made. Making the bed
will eliminate the temptation to get back in it. This is a habit that takes less than five
minutes, so you’ll never need to increase the amount of time spent on it.!
5. Set 3-4 daily goals!
Benefits: Setting three to four big goals for your day first thing in the morning gives you
benchmarks for daily productivity. It also helps you create specific tasks to address your
bigger monthly or quarterly goals. Three or four goals is a good number, as they can be
spaced out during the day. You can do two in the morning before lunch and two in the
afternoon. Or complete one in the morning, one at midday, and one in the late
afternoon. Also, three or four goals isn’t overwhelming — it’s realistic. If you finish them
early, you can always set more.!
Habit Actions: Select a morning trigger for writing down your daily goals. A good time is
while you’re still in bed, before you start your morning routine. Another good time is
while you’re drinking your coffee or having breakfast. Have a pen and paper or your
phone handy near the place where you’ll write your goals. Write your goals before you
leave the house.!
6. Perform you hardest goal first!
Benefits: Mark Twain suggest, ““Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing
worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” You don’t have to eat a frog, but getting
that weighty, dreaded task or goal out of your way gives you energy for the rest of your
day. Procrastination creates anxiety and makes you feel bad about yourself. !
Habit Actions: Once you begin your work day, determine what your trigger will be to
start working on your hardest goal. It might be as soon as you sit down at your desk. Try
to avoid looking at email or social media and just get started on the task. It it involves
many small tasks, break them down and do the most difficult or tedious tasks first to get
them out of the way.!
7. Eat breakfast with your family!
Benefits: Research shows eating breakfast as a family has a positive impact on the
health of family members, particularly adolescents. A University of Minnesota study
found that eating together as a family improved diet quality and lowered the risk for
becoming overweight. It’s also beneficial for your family relationships, as you begin your
day with connection and communication.!
Habit Actions: Decide how many days a week you and your family can eat breakfast
together, and determine a time that works for everyone. Discuss the plan with your
spouse and communicate it to your children. Decide who will cook, who will clean up,
and what the ground rules are at the table (ie: no phones, no homework, no reading the
newspaper, etc.). Since this is a group habit, setting a trigger will be harder, but in
general the trigger can be when the food preparer calls everyone for breakfast. !
8. Eat a healthy breakfast!
Benefits: A pop tart or glazed doughnut don’t count as a healthy breakfast. These
choices cause a huge blood sugar peak that leads to an even bigger sugar crash. Plus,
they’re loaded with fat-packing calories. Breakfast provides you with the energy and
nutrients that lead to increased concentration and productivity, and studies show that a
healthy breakfast can help you maintain a healthy body weight. A healthy breakfast can
consist of a mix of whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and low fat dairy
Habit Actions: Spend some time planning four or five healthy breakfast items that are
low in fat and calories. Be sure to mix protein and carbs to give you energy throughout
the day. Plan in advance what you’ll eat each morning of the week. The night before,
make sure you have all of the ingredients you need and prepare your cooking space.
Have a quick and healthy option in case you’re running late. Here’s a great list of 34
healthy breakfasts.!
9. Exercise early!
Benefits: It’s not easy to get your body moving first thing in the morning, but research
shows people who exercise in the morning stick to their workout plans better than those
who wait until later. Also, working out in the morning can actually increase the positive
impact that exercise has on your heart, and morning exercise helps your body burn
calories faster and more efficiently throughout the day.!
Habit Actions: Decide the exercise program you want to pursue and the optimal
amount of time you want to spend on it. Determine a trigger for your exercise routine —
one that’s timed so you can eventually work up to your optimal workout time. Practice
your exercise habit for just five minutes a day for the first week, slowly building to your
desired amount of time over the next few weeks.!
10. Speak affirmations!
Benefits: The principle of positive affirmation is based on the power of the mind. The
more you repeat positive thoughts and words, the more neural pathways you create to
support your thoughts. Studies show people who replace negative thoughts with
repetitive positive affirmations have stronger muscles. The same report suggests
muscles tend to become weak when a person thinks and verbalizes he is tired or that
he cannot do a particular thing. Positive affirmation not only affects the physical body,
but also the emotional well-being of a person. Affirmations reduce stress, make you feel
happier, and give you a sense of control over your life.!
Habit Actions: Create a list of affirmations related to areas of your life you want to
improve. If you don’t know how to write or speak affirmations, this article can give you
guidance. Also, here’s a list of 500 affirmations in different life areas you can use. Write
or choose an affirmation to work on for four to six weeks. Set a time in the morning after
a trigger you select to repeat your affirmation. Say it out loud in the mirror several times,
and write it down in your journal.!
11. Visualize an outcome!
Benefits: Michael Phelps used visualization during the 2012 London Olympics when he
won six medals. The night before a swim, he visualized the entire race, doing it
perfectly. During the Wimbledon Men’s Final, winner Novak Djokovic took a bathroom
break to visualize the remainder of the game, ultimately defeating Roger Federer, who
had just won the previous set. A study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters
discovered the patterns activated when a lifter hoisted hundreds of pounds were
similarly activated when they only imagined lifting. Visualization is almost as effective as
true physical practice, as many studies now show that thoughts produce the same
mental instructions as actions. Visualization impacts not just motor control, but also
attention, perception, planning, and memory.!
Habit Actions: Determine a daily task or long term goal you want to achieve. Think
about the final outcome you desire very specifically, and break down the goal or task
into the actions required to perform it. Decide on a time of day and a trigger for your
visualization time. If you can visualize twice a day, that will benefit your outcome even
more. !
12. Set a timer for productivity!
Benefits: To increase your productivity, set a timer for a period of time during which you
work on a project or goal without stopping. The timer motivates you to work harder
without quitting, and it gives you the comfort of knowing you’ll have a break within a
certain amount of time. This is known as the Pomodoro Technique, developed by
Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980’s, whereby you work in timed intervals of traditionally
25 minutes, separated by short breaks. This time management method is based on the
idea that frequent breaks improve mental agility.!
Habit Actions: Use your smartphone, an online timer, or an egg timer to time yourself
as you work. Decide how long you wish to work without stopping. You likely already
have the habit of working longer than five minutes at a stretch, so use your current time
comfort level to begin the habit. Then increase the time weekly until you reach your
optimal amount of work time before the timer goes off. Plan a reward or treat after the
timer goes off, like getting up to stretch or walk outside.!
13. Speak authentically!
Benefits: We get in the habit of speaking with professional jargon or in the vernacular
of our particular life roles. Regardless of your profession or role, people relate more to
authenticity and will likely find you more truthful, approachable, and engaging when you
drop the pretense. Even when you are in a position to lead, manage, or reprimand, you
can speak authentically, treating others with kindness and respect.!
Habit Actions: Choose a setting in which you wish to practice speaking authentically.
This can be at home or work, but this first effort should be in a setting where you feel
safe and confident. Think about ways you’ve been inauthentic in your communication.
Here’s a great article on authentic communication tips to help you speak from the heart.
Implement some of these ideas in your practice efforts.!
14. Work standing up!
Benefits: Sitting all day at a desk for a period of years as been associated with a range
of health problems, from obesity to diabetes to cancer. The average worker spends
nearly six hours a day sitting. However, a 2012 study found that if the average American
reduced sitting time to three hours a day, life expectancy would increase by two years.
Even if you don’t have a standing desk, you can perform some of your work while
standing and improve your health at the same time. In fact, experts suggest splitting
your time between standing and sitting, as too much standing can cause to back, knee
or foot problems. !
Habit Actions: If you don’t have a standing desk, do some of your work tasks while
standing, such as talking on the phone, reading a document, or going through emails. If
you have a laptop computer, elevate it on your desk so you can read and type while
standing. On days when you must sit a lot, take frequent breaks to stand and stretch.!
15. Walk in nature!
Benefits: Walking in nature promotes both physical and mental health By examining the
body’s relationship with stress after walking through an urban and a green environment,
researchers found those who walked in nature have far less cortisol, a stress hormone.
They also learned students with moderate to severe depression had a significant
increase in both mood and short-term memory after a nature walk. Spending time in
nature also stimulates creativity and problem solving.!
Habit Actions: Try to take a walk in nature several times a week, even for just a few
minutes. If walking is your form of exercise, schedule your walk on a path or greenway
rather than a busy street. If you work near a park, take your lunch break outside in a
natural setting.!
16. Remove distractions!
Benefits: Sustained focus is the cornerstone of productivity and success. The
increasing number of distractions around us make in nearly impossible to focus unless
we mindfully eliminate them. Over 90% of (the US) population reports they multitask,
performing one task while distracted with another. These distractions affect memory and
performance, but resisting distractions builds a strong bond in your memory, allowing
you to hold on to your original task.!
Habit Actions: Clear your desk, close down all other computer browsers but the one
you’re working on, turn off your phone and email alerts, close your door, and take care
of any physical needs before you begin a project or task. Use the beginning moments of
a task to trigger removing distractions.!
17. Eat small meals frequently!
Benefits: A 2001 study in The British Medical Journal detailed research showing that
people who ate six small meals a day had a five percent lower average cholesterol level
than people who ate one or two larger meals. Eating frequent small meals also is
associated with reduced risk for obesity and may help stabilize blood sugar and energy
Habit Actions: If you’re transitioning from three square meals a day to more frequent
small meals (like five or six a day), you’ll need to do some pre-planning. You don’t want
to increase your calorie intake, so take some time to decide how many calories you
want a day, and plan out a weekly menu. You may want to begin by simply splitting one
of your current meals into two parts. You could eat one part of your “lunch” at 11:00 a.m.
and the rest at 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. Here are some great suggestions for small meals.!
18. Drink water all day!
Benefits: Water helps you maintain a balance of body fluids, control calories, energize
muscles, keep you kidneys healthy, and maintain normal bowel function. A good rule of
thumb for the amount of water you need daily is the “8 by 8” rule. Drink eight, eight
ounce glasses of water throughout the day. !
Habit Actions: Keep a water glass or bottle on your desk or workspace. Try to finish the
water in five to ten minutes. Then every time you get up to use the restroom or do
something else, refill your glass. Try to have your first four glasses by 2:00 or 3:00 in the
afternoon, and your second four glass between afternoon and bedtime. !
19. Do resistance training!
Benefits: Strength training like lifting weights or working on resistance machines
protects bone health and muscle mass. If helps you develop better balance and
coordination, boosts energy levels, and improves your mood. It burns calories and
continues to burn them even after you’ve finished your resistance workout. And of
course, strength training makes you stronger and more toned.!
Habit Actions: If you are new to resistance training, there’s a lot you can do to begin
this habit without going to the gym or using weights. Begin a five minute a day
resistance training habit attached to a trigger. Alternate days with upper and lower body
workouts, and increase your time slowly over the subsequent weeks. Here are 50 great
body weight exercises you can do anywhere. !
20. Increase fruits and vegetables in your diet!
Benefits: Research shows people who eat seven or more servings of vegetables and
fruit a day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from any cause. They have a lower risk
of getting heart disease or cancer. Vegetables contain antioxidants and other disease
fighting compounds that are difficult to get anywhere else. The phytochemicals in plants
can reduce inflammation, eliminate carcinogens, and regulate the rate at which your
cells reproduce, get rid of old cells, and maintain DNA. !
Habit Actions: Begin this diet change habit by adding one fruit or veggie to one meal a
day. For example, add a bowl of fresh berries to your breakfast or a salad to your usual
sandwich for lunch. Do this for a week or two, and then add another item to a different
meal. Continue adding fruits and veggies until you reach seven or more servings a day.!
21. Make love more often!
Benefits: Aside from the obvious benefits, an active sex life boosts your immune
system, improves your libido, lowers blood pressure, burns about five calories a minute,
lowers the risk of heart attack, may ward off prostate cancer, improves sleep, and
reduces stress. It can also improve relationship intimacy, boost your confidence, and
improves your overall mood.!
Habit Actions: Have a conversation with your spouse or partner and decide together
how many times a week or month you want to have sex. Although spontaneity is great,
our busy lives sometimes force us to plan for sex. Discuss the best nights of the week
and the best time of day. Since this habit involves two people, having a mutual trigger
might be helpful. For example, your trigger could be putting the kids to bed on Friday
nights or once you have your coffee in the morning. You might like this article on the
brain and great sex.!
22. Push past your comfort zone!
Benefits: Pushing past your comfort zone means doing things that you know are good
for you or will improve your life even though they make you highly uncomfortable. When
you stretch yourself this way, you learn to take risks and accept the possibility of failure.
You let go of the need for perfection. It gives you more control over your life and builds
your confidence in yourself. Pushing past your comfort zone helps you break free of
limitations and live more authentically, doing what you know is best rather than what the
world tells you is best.!
Habit Actions: Pick one small area where you can practice stretching yourself. Maybe
you speak your opinions in meetings more often, or you decide to share your writing on
a blog. Optimally, choose something you can practice daily or nearly every day. As you
feel more comfortable with this first stretch, choose another more difficult challenge.!
23. Learn to speak publicly!
Benefits: The biggest fear all people have worldwide is public speaking. It even beats
out fear of death. Why should people bother to master this scary habit? Because there
are so many personal and professional benefits. Public speaking improves critical
thinking skills, boosts your power of persuasion, and enhances your verbal
communication skills. A good public speaker can help inspire change, motivate action,
and create new connections. Knowing how to speak publicly also gives you a huge
boost in self-esteem.!
Habit Actions: Begin to improve your skills by reading, researching and observing good
communication skills. Learn how to improve these basic skills when you’re in small
group situations to help prepare you for bigger groups. This article on communication
can help you. Research public speaking courses in your area and go for a visit to see
how you like it before you commit. Good public speaking courses lead you slowly
through the skills of speaking in a safe, supportive environment to help you avoid
excessive anxiety. !
24. Simplify everything!
Benefits: Complexity and distractions in life and work can kill productivity, success, and
even happiness. Too much stuff, too many obligations, too many projects, too many “to-
do’s” on your list makes you feel like a reactor rather than the creator of your life. When
you streamline your life and environment, you give yourself time to truly enjoy and
perfect what is most important. You can focus deeply on your values rather than
skimming the surface of everything.!
Habit Actions: Simplifying is a ongoing process, a journey rather than a final
destination. Begin with one small area of your life where you feel overwhelmed.
Perhaps you feel overcommitted with activities, or you took on a project that’s pushing
your over the edge. Maybe the clutter in your garage is getting to you. Start small and
begin to cut back, clean up, or simplify this life area. Choose a daily trigger, and use five
to ten minutes a day to work on simplifying one thing. The move on to another . . . and
25. Track your spending!
Benefits: Tracking your spending is one of the best ways to find out exactly where your
money is going. As you collect this information, you’ll create a good baseline for creating
a budget for yourself. It helps you make decisions to reach your financial goals related
to savings, retirement, and future spending. It also gives you a sense of control by
providing factual information about your past behaviors so you can adjust them based
on your goals.!
Habit Actions: Track your spending for one full month. The easiest way to do this is by
carrying a small notebook and pen with you, or using your smartphone, to write down
everything you spend every day for one full month. You can also choose a no cash
system for a full month in which you use one credit card. Use the moments after a
purchase as the trigger to track the expense. If you don’t note it immediately, you’re
likely to forget later.!
26. Keep a journal!
Benefits: Research studies show keeping a journal has many surprising health
benefits. It helps you process stress, deal with emotional trauma, improve mood,
improve memory and performance, and improve a variety of medical conditions. There’s
even a Center for Journal Therapy dedicated to the mental health benefits of regular
journaling. In addition to the health benefits, journaling boosts creativity, serves as a
permanent record of your life, and helps you clarify your thoughts.!
Habit Actions: Decide how you want to write a journal — the old-fashioned way with a
pen and notebook, on your computer, or using a special app for your phone. Decide on
the time of day you want to write, and determine the eventual amount of time you want
to write (maybe 15-20 minutes). Select a trigger and begin with just five minutes a day
immediately after your trigger. Increase your writing time slowly over the coming weeks.!
27. Define your core values!
Benefits: Your core values are your defining life principles. They help you clarify what is
most important in your work and life, and provide a navigation system for making big
decisions, finding your life passion, building your confidence, and living authentically.
Defining your core values enhance your self-awareness, improve your relationships,
and help you set and achieve your goals.!
Habit Actions: Set aside an hour to work on defining your values. Be sure this is quiet
time when you won’t be distracted or interrupted. Visit this list of 400 value words to
jumpstart your thoughts. Circle any words that resonate with you as a possible value.
Then reduce the list of circled words to your top five for your personal life and your
professional life. Once you have your lists refined, compare your values to the way you
are living right now. Examine how you might be living outside of your values and what
you can do to realign your life and values.!
28. Read before work!
Benefits: Inspirational reading before you start your work day will help you get your day
off to a positive start. It puts you in the right frame of mind for motivation and success. It
forces you to take your mind off the upcoming stresses of the day, and instead set the
tone for the day before you tackle your tasks and projects. What you choose to read can
relate to your business, personal development, or your spiritual life. The common
denominator is that it’s uplifting, empowering, and useful for you.!
Habit Actions: Decide the kind of reading material you find inspirational. A book with
short chapters and pithy inspiration or a blog with short articles might work best in the
morning when you don’t have much time. Determine the trigger for your reading time
and the eventual amount of time you can devote to reading in the morning. Begin with
just five minutes of reading after your trigger and increase the time slowly in the coming
weeks. !
29. Measure every goal!
Benefits: Making progress toward your personal and professional goals has been
shown to improve confidence, well-being, and overall happiness — as long as the goals
are in line with your values and motives. Setting growth goals (rather than avoidance
goals) and reaching milestones with those goals on weekly, monthly, and yearly
schedules motivates you to work harder on your goals and set more challenging goals
in the future.!
Habit Actions: Every goal needs to be assigned measurable units (to quantify success)
and a unit of time (against which you’ll measure your success). Units of time can be
terminal which can be recurring or one-time actions. For some goals, you’ll need to
define what success means for each measurable unit. With other goals, success is
obvious. Determine a timeframe in which to complete your goals, and conduct regular
check-ins on your progress. There are a variety of apps and devices for tracking your
goals. Read this article for ideas on self-tracking.!
30. Batch your tasks!
Benefits: Batching your tasks is a form of time management where you dedicate blocks
of time to similar tasks so you can decrease distractions and improve productivity.
Batching helps you boost creativity and mental sharpness, as well as decrease fatigue,
procrastination, and stress. After each batch of similar tasks, you take a planned break
to recharge, and then move on to another batch of tasks.!
Habit Actions: Write down all of the tasks you need to complete in a day. Circle a group
of similar tasks and re-write them on another list. Assign an amount of time to each task
and total the time it will take to complete the batch. Go back to your complete task list,
and create another batch, following the same routine. Determine the hardest and
easiest batches to complete. Work on the hardest batches early in the day (or when you
have the most energy), and save the easier ones for times when you energy is low.!
31. Practice daily gratitude!
Benefits: Practicing gratitude by focusing on everything that is good in your life has
many health and emotional benefits. It is associated with better sleep and less stress. It
reduces headaches, sore muscles, stomach pain, and nausea. Research proves those
who practice gratitude exercise more regularly, have better appetites, report less illness,
and generally feel healthier. It increases self-esteem, improves your outlook, and is one
of the actions shown to make people happier in general.!
Habit Actions: There are many ways to begin a gratitude practice. You can journal
about it. You can meditate on one particular area of gratitude. You can write a gratitude
list. You can create a vision board. Or you can simply visualize each situation or person
for whom you feel grateful. Determine the kind of gratitude practice you wish to follow,
the optimal amount of time you want to practice, and the time of day you’ll practice.
Choose a trigger, and perform your gratitude practice immediately after it. Increase your
time slowly.!
32. Meet with a mentor!
Benefits: A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor who takes an interest in you
and your success. A good mentor can provide detailed industry knowledge and personal
introductions to important contacts. They can help you navigate the emotions,
complications, frustrations, and potential roadblocks in your business and life. Mentors
can inspire you to bring out the best in yourself, and help stretch you to meet new
challenges and opportunities.!
Habit Actions: If you don’t have a mentor, your first action is to find one. Read this
article on the mentoring relationship and how to make a mentor connection. Once you
have a mentor, determine with that person how often you will speak or meet and the
specifics of how the mentor is willing to advise you. Honor the mentor’s time and always
be responsive and grateful for the mentor’s input.!
33. Improve your EQ!
Benefits: Your EQ is your emotional intelligence quotient. It is made up of four core
skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship
management. When we recognize and regulate these areas, we improve our
interactions and relationships in both personal and professional settings. A higher EQ
boosts your confidence, affords more self-control, helps you navigate conflict, and
makes you a better communicator.!
Habit Actions: Begin by learning your current emotional intelligence score by taking
this EQ assessment. Once you review your results, identify areas where you need to
improve your EQ. You can read this article on ways to improve your emotional
intelligence. Begin with one skill to focus on for the next four to six weeks. Your practice
on the skill will be triggered by the situations that arise where you need to improve the
skill. You might put a rubber band on your wrist to remind you of the new behaviors or
reactions you’re working on.!
34. Learn something new daily!
Benefits: Learning for the sake of learning improves our lives in many ways. It
broadens our perspectives, helps us adapt to new situations, feeds innovation and
creativity, deepens our character, makes us more interesting people, affords more
confidence, and increases our success in work and life. Daily learning should cover a
wide range of interests and topics that you might not normally encounter in your regular
Habit Actions: Begin by writing an extensive list of your interests in everything from
health to politics. Write a separate list of specific things you’d like to learn related to your
career. Do some online research of books, blogs, courses, and other sites that will be
learning resources for you. Determine how much time you want to devote to daily
learning, and whether you want to pursue one main topic daily for a period of time or
various topics each day. Select your trigger and time of day, and begin your practice
with just five minutes a day, increasing your time slowly.!
35. Use travel time productively!
Benefits: If you commute to work daily or have to travel by plane frequently, this “dead”
time is actually optimal time for productivity. You can catch up on phone calls (using a
headset if you’re driving), listen to an inspiring podcast or CD, play relaxing music, or
brainstorm your next big project. If you aren’t driving, you can write correspondence,
read a book, outline an idea, or even take a power nap.!
Habit Actions: If you travel or commute regularly, plan in advance various ways you
can use this time productively. Purchase earphones or a headset so you can talk on
your phone hands-free. Download interesting podcasts or keep a collection of inspiring
CD’s in your car. Keep a list of ideas or projects you want to brainstorm, and a way to
make notes about your thoughts either through writing or dictation.!
36. Have fun daily!
Benefits: Being successful and productive is hard work, even when you enjoy it.
Successful people know they need balance and that play is an important part of
balance. Time for fun should be part of your daily schedule to counter-balance stress
and low energy. Fun gives you an endorphin boost that creates feelings of pleasure. It
also creates opportunities for bonding with others. A life balanced with optimism and fun
improves your mental and physical health by reducing the effects of stress. Fun also
helps you recharge your energy, productivity, and creativity.!
Habit Actions: Make a list of activities that are relaxing and fun. Try not to include
anything that might cause you stress, like competitive sports or working on a
complicated hobby. This time of fun should be invigorating or relaxing. It should lift you
up and bring you joy. Having fun should be an easy habit to create, unless you
associate it with laziness or feel guilty about not being “productive.” The more you
practice having fun, the more you will see its benefits. Decide how long you can spend
on it each day and the time of day you want to engage in a fun activity. !
37. Delegate draining tasks!
Benefits: In your personal and professional life, you have many necessary tasks, but
there are some you don’t like. You find them tedious, unproductive, or draining.
Sometimes we hold on to these tasks because we feel lazy if we delegate or worry no
one else will handle them properly. By delegating these tasks to others, you free
yourself to pursue more important tasks. You increase your productivity, remove a
source of stress from your life, and offer someone else an opportunity to shine at
something you dislike. Even if you must pay someone to handle a draining task, you
generally find it well worth the expense because of the time and energy gained.!
Habit Actions: Make two lists of draining tasks — one for work and another for your
personal life. From each list, choose the most draining task or the one that would free
up the most time. You might have several tasks you can group together and delegate.
Brainstorm people to whom you might delegate these tasks, and arrange to meet with
them. Don’t give up if the first person doesn’t work out. Keep looking. Spend some time
thinking about how you’ll feel without these tasks on your plate. !
38. Improve your writing skills!
Benefits: Effective writing tells others about your intelligence and expertise. In fact,
strong writers are viewed as more professional and knowledgable and are more likely to
get jobs and promotions. Businesses repeatedly cite “communication skills” as the
single most desirable trait in new employees. When you write well, people are quicker to
trust you and can better understand what you’re trying to communicate. Writing well
allows you to express your ideas and insights creatively and work through problems
more effectively. !
Habit Actions: One of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading. If you have
an established habit of reading, start to pay attention to the way the author writes and
what you do and don’t like about their style. Writing well also requires regular practice.
The more you write, the better you become. Consider adopting the habit of journaling or
create a blog where you regularly write articles. Buff up your knowledge of grammar,
vocabulary, and syntax. You might enjoy this article about writing with confidence.!
39. Find your passion!
Benefits: Finding work or even a side venture that you really love, something that
makes you come alive, is an outward expression of your most authentic self. Your
passion infuses your life with purpose, meaningful, and fulfillment. It allows you to
express your innate talents in a way that supports and honors your values, while
providing a wellspring of joy and satisfaction. When you pursue your passion, you work
almost effortlessly because you are so engaged in it. You can become an expert more
quickly because you aren’t spending energy resisting. Following your passion afford
opportunities and opens door for new ventures. It also allows you to leave a legacy that
reflects your mark on the world.!
Habit Actions: Finding your passion takes time and patience. There are steps you
need to follow to help you uncover what you are meant to do. Carve out an hour a day
or every other day to work on finding it. You can begin by working on it for five or ten
minutes and slowly build up your time. To help you with the steps of discovering your
passion, consider taking my Path to Passion Course or read my book, The 52-Week
Life Passion Project. !
Developing positive habits and goals undoubtedly upgrades your quality of life, your
health, and your success in life. Each habit you incorporate can be goal in itself, or it
can be a step on the path to a larger success goal. !
Either way, learning to develop power habits puts rocket fuel in your productivity engine,
allowing you to achieve far more than you ever imagined. What new habits will you
I hope you enjoyed this eBook and were inspired to create a new power habit for
yourself. If you need support in forming habits that stick, please check out my Sticky
Habits Course where you’ll learn a simple method for habit creation, as well has have
support and accountability through the process.!
Learn more here ==> The Sticky Habits Course

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  • 2. 39 Power Habits of Wildly Successful People! ! ! What is it that makes successful people so successful? Talent, education, intelligence, and personality do play a role, but there are plenty of people who are average in these areas who are highly successful. ! ! One of the defining traits of all successful people is their ability to create good habits and stick to them. They know the thoughts and behaviors that will move them forward toward their professional goals, as well as those that support a healthy, positive, productive life. Successful people have learned certain power habits that trigger a cascade of other positive behaviors and outcomes.! ! Look back over your life and consider the little tweaks you’ve made that led you to be happier, healthier, or more fulfilled. At the time you initiated these changes, you may have felt little impact, but in retrospect you see how profound they were. Your life is better, and you are more successful as a result.! ! Becoming a happy and successful person is really a process of adding new powerful habits to your days and committing to those habits using the science-based skills of habit formation. Here are 39 power habits of successful people. Consider how you might adopt some of these habits to achieve more and upgrade your life.! ! 1. Wake up early! ! Benefits: There are a host of benefits for early risers. They get better sleep, tend to eat fewer calories, and are less prone to depression. Also, early risers are more productive and have time for exercise, eating breakfast, and other positive morning activities like reading, time with family, and reflection.! ! Habit Actions: If you want to wake earlier, start by getting up five minutes earlier a day for the first week. Slowly set your alarm back by a few minutes a week until you reach your optimal time. Make sure you have a plan for how you’ll use this extra time for other positive habits.! ! 2. Drink a full glass of water in the morning! ! Benefits: Drinking a big glass of water immediately after you awaken has many health benefits. It purifies your colon and improves the stomach's ability to absorb nutrients. A healthy digestive system hydrated properly gives you glowing skin, as water removes the toxins from the blood. Drinking water also improves the creation of new blood cells and muscle cells, and helps you lose weight.! ! !
  • 3. Habit Actions: Before you go to bed at night, put a glass of water by your bed. Cover it so dust doesn’t get in the water while you sleep. After your alarm goes off, but before you get out of bed, drink the full glass. If you want cold water, put an empty glass by your bed, and carry it to the kitchen to get your water first thing in the morning.! ! 3. Meditate to start your day! ! Benefits: Meditation has a myriad of health and emotional benefits. It’s been proven to reduce stress and anxiety; improve memory and learning; lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes; extend your attention span; increase creativity; and reduce pain. ! ! Habit Actions: Begin your day with a short meditation practice. Determine a trigger (a previously established habit like brushing your teeth) you can attach to your new meditation habit. Begin your meditation immediately after the trigger, and meditate for just five minutes a day for the first week, working up to your optimal amount of time. If you need more instruction on proper meditation, please read this post.! ! 4. Make your bed! ! Benefits: According to a Navy Seal, Admiral William McRaven, making the bed may be the best way to start off your day. He says, “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.” Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.! ! Habit Actions: Use getting out of the bed as the trigger to make it. Don’t go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, or leave the room until your bed is made. Making the bed will eliminate the temptation to get back in it. This is a habit that takes less than five minutes, so you’ll never need to increase the amount of time spent on it.! ! ! 5. Set 3-4 daily goals! ! Benefits: Setting three to four big goals for your day first thing in the morning gives you benchmarks for daily productivity. It also helps you create specific tasks to address your bigger monthly or quarterly goals. Three or four goals is a good number, as they can be spaced out during the day. You can do two in the morning before lunch and two in the afternoon. Or complete one in the morning, one at midday, and one in the late afternoon. Also, three or four goals isn’t overwhelming — it’s realistic. If you finish them early, you can always set more.! !
  • 4. Habit Actions: Select a morning trigger for writing down your daily goals. A good time is while you’re still in bed, before you start your morning routine. Another good time is while you’re drinking your coffee or having breakfast. Have a pen and paper or your phone handy near the place where you’ll write your goals. Write your goals before you leave the house.! ! 6. Perform you hardest goal first! ! Benefits: Mark Twain suggest, ““Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” You don’t have to eat a frog, but getting that weighty, dreaded task or goal out of your way gives you energy for the rest of your day. Procrastination creates anxiety and makes you feel bad about yourself. ! ! Habit Actions: Once you begin your work day, determine what your trigger will be to start working on your hardest goal. It might be as soon as you sit down at your desk. Try to avoid looking at email or social media and just get started on the task. It it involves many small tasks, break them down and do the most difficult or tedious tasks first to get them out of the way.! ! 7. Eat breakfast with your family! ! Benefits: Research shows eating breakfast as a family has a positive impact on the health of family members, particularly adolescents. A University of Minnesota study found that eating together as a family improved diet quality and lowered the risk for becoming overweight. It’s also beneficial for your family relationships, as you begin your day with connection and communication.! ! Habit Actions: Decide how many days a week you and your family can eat breakfast together, and determine a time that works for everyone. Discuss the plan with your spouse and communicate it to your children. Decide who will cook, who will clean up, and what the ground rules are at the table (ie: no phones, no homework, no reading the newspaper, etc.). Since this is a group habit, setting a trigger will be harder, but in general the trigger can be when the food preparer calls everyone for breakfast. ! ! 8. Eat a healthy breakfast! ! Benefits: A pop tart or glazed doughnut don’t count as a healthy breakfast. These choices cause a huge blood sugar peak that leads to an even bigger sugar crash. Plus, they’re loaded with fat-packing calories. Breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration and productivity, and studies show that a healthy breakfast can help you maintain a healthy body weight. A healthy breakfast can consist of a mix of whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and low fat dairy products.! ! !
  • 5. Habit Actions: Spend some time planning four or five healthy breakfast items that are low in fat and calories. Be sure to mix protein and carbs to give you energy throughout the day. Plan in advance what you’ll eat each morning of the week. The night before, make sure you have all of the ingredients you need and prepare your cooking space. Have a quick and healthy option in case you’re running late. Here’s a great list of 34 healthy breakfasts.! ! 9. Exercise early! ! Benefits: It’s not easy to get your body moving first thing in the morning, but research shows people who exercise in the morning stick to their workout plans better than those who wait until later. Also, working out in the morning can actually increase the positive impact that exercise has on your heart, and morning exercise helps your body burn calories faster and more efficiently throughout the day.! ! Habit Actions: Decide the exercise program you want to pursue and the optimal amount of time you want to spend on it. Determine a trigger for your exercise routine — one that’s timed so you can eventually work up to your optimal workout time. Practice your exercise habit for just five minutes a day for the first week, slowly building to your desired amount of time over the next few weeks.! ! 10. Speak affirmations! ! Benefits: The principle of positive affirmation is based on the power of the mind. The more you repeat positive thoughts and words, the more neural pathways you create to support your thoughts. Studies show people who replace negative thoughts with repetitive positive affirmations have stronger muscles. The same report suggests muscles tend to become weak when a person thinks and verbalizes he is tired or that he cannot do a particular thing. Positive affirmation not only affects the physical body, but also the emotional well-being of a person. Affirmations reduce stress, make you feel happier, and give you a sense of control over your life.! ! Habit Actions: Create a list of affirmations related to areas of your life you want to improve. If you don’t know how to write or speak affirmations, this article can give you guidance. Also, here’s a list of 500 affirmations in different life areas you can use. Write or choose an affirmation to work on for four to six weeks. Set a time in the morning after a trigger you select to repeat your affirmation. Say it out loud in the mirror several times, and write it down in your journal.! ! ! 11. Visualize an outcome! ! Benefits: Michael Phelps used visualization during the 2012 London Olympics when he won six medals. The night before a swim, he visualized the entire race, doing it perfectly. During the Wimbledon Men’s Final, winner Novak Djokovic took a bathroom
  • 6. break to visualize the remainder of the game, ultimately defeating Roger Federer, who had just won the previous set. A study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters discovered the patterns activated when a lifter hoisted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting. Visualization is almost as effective as true physical practice, as many studies now show that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Visualization impacts not just motor control, but also attention, perception, planning, and memory.! ! Habit Actions: Determine a daily task or long term goal you want to achieve. Think about the final outcome you desire very specifically, and break down the goal or task into the actions required to perform it. Decide on a time of day and a trigger for your visualization time. If you can visualize twice a day, that will benefit your outcome even more. ! ! 12. Set a timer for productivity! ! Benefits: To increase your productivity, set a timer for a period of time during which you work on a project or goal without stopping. The timer motivates you to work harder without quitting, and it gives you the comfort of knowing you’ll have a break within a certain amount of time. This is known as the Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980’s, whereby you work in timed intervals of traditionally 25 minutes, separated by short breaks. This time management method is based on the idea that frequent breaks improve mental agility.! ! Habit Actions: Use your smartphone, an online timer, or an egg timer to time yourself as you work. Decide how long you wish to work without stopping. You likely already have the habit of working longer than five minutes at a stretch, so use your current time comfort level to begin the habit. Then increase the time weekly until you reach your optimal amount of work time before the timer goes off. Plan a reward or treat after the timer goes off, like getting up to stretch or walk outside.! ! 13. Speak authentically! ! Benefits: We get in the habit of speaking with professional jargon or in the vernacular of our particular life roles. Regardless of your profession or role, people relate more to authenticity and will likely find you more truthful, approachable, and engaging when you drop the pretense. Even when you are in a position to lead, manage, or reprimand, you can speak authentically, treating others with kindness and respect.! ! Habit Actions: Choose a setting in which you wish to practice speaking authentically. This can be at home or work, but this first effort should be in a setting where you feel safe and confident. Think about ways you’ve been inauthentic in your communication. Here’s a great article on authentic communication tips to help you speak from the heart. Implement some of these ideas in your practice efforts.! !
  • 7. 14. Work standing up! ! Benefits: Sitting all day at a desk for a period of years as been associated with a range of health problems, from obesity to diabetes to cancer. The average worker spends nearly six hours a day sitting. However, a 2012 study found that if the average American reduced sitting time to three hours a day, life expectancy would increase by two years. Even if you don’t have a standing desk, you can perform some of your work while standing and improve your health at the same time. In fact, experts suggest splitting your time between standing and sitting, as too much standing can cause to back, knee or foot problems. ! ! Habit Actions: If you don’t have a standing desk, do some of your work tasks while standing, such as talking on the phone, reading a document, or going through emails. If you have a laptop computer, elevate it on your desk so you can read and type while standing. On days when you must sit a lot, take frequent breaks to stand and stretch.! ! 15. Walk in nature! ! Benefits: Walking in nature promotes both physical and mental health By examining the body’s relationship with stress after walking through an urban and a green environment, researchers found those who walked in nature have far less cortisol, a stress hormone. They also learned students with moderate to severe depression had a significant increase in both mood and short-term memory after a nature walk. Spending time in nature also stimulates creativity and problem solving.! ! Habit Actions: Try to take a walk in nature several times a week, even for just a few minutes. If walking is your form of exercise, schedule your walk on a path or greenway rather than a busy street. If you work near a park, take your lunch break outside in a natural setting.! ! 16. Remove distractions! ! Benefits: Sustained focus is the cornerstone of productivity and success. The increasing number of distractions around us make in nearly impossible to focus unless we mindfully eliminate them. Over 90% of (the US) population reports they multitask, performing one task while distracted with another. These distractions affect memory and performance, but resisting distractions builds a strong bond in your memory, allowing you to hold on to your original task.! ! Habit Actions: Clear your desk, close down all other computer browsers but the one you’re working on, turn off your phone and email alerts, close your door, and take care of any physical needs before you begin a project or task. Use the beginning moments of a task to trigger removing distractions.! ! !
  • 8. 17. Eat small meals frequently! ! Benefits: A 2001 study in The British Medical Journal detailed research showing that people who ate six small meals a day had a five percent lower average cholesterol level than people who ate one or two larger meals. Eating frequent small meals also is associated with reduced risk for obesity and may help stabilize blood sugar and energy levels.! ! Habit Actions: If you’re transitioning from three square meals a day to more frequent small meals (like five or six a day), you’ll need to do some pre-planning. You don’t want to increase your calorie intake, so take some time to decide how many calories you want a day, and plan out a weekly menu. You may want to begin by simply splitting one of your current meals into two parts. You could eat one part of your “lunch” at 11:00 a.m. and the rest at 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. Here are some great suggestions for small meals.! ! 18. Drink water all day! ! Benefits: Water helps you maintain a balance of body fluids, control calories, energize muscles, keep you kidneys healthy, and maintain normal bowel function. A good rule of thumb for the amount of water you need daily is the “8 by 8” rule. Drink eight, eight ounce glasses of water throughout the day. ! ! Habit Actions: Keep a water glass or bottle on your desk or workspace. Try to finish the water in five to ten minutes. Then every time you get up to use the restroom or do something else, refill your glass. Try to have your first four glasses by 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, and your second four glass between afternoon and bedtime. ! ! 19. Do resistance training! ! Benefits: Strength training like lifting weights or working on resistance machines protects bone health and muscle mass. If helps you develop better balance and coordination, boosts energy levels, and improves your mood. It burns calories and continues to burn them even after you’ve finished your resistance workout. And of course, strength training makes you stronger and more toned.! ! Habit Actions: If you are new to resistance training, there’s a lot you can do to begin this habit without going to the gym or using weights. Begin a five minute a day resistance training habit attached to a trigger. Alternate days with upper and lower body workouts, and increase your time slowly over the subsequent weeks. Here are 50 great body weight exercises you can do anywhere. ! ! 20. Increase fruits and vegetables in your diet! ! Benefits: Research shows people who eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruit a day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from any cause. They have a lower risk
  • 9. of getting heart disease or cancer. Vegetables contain antioxidants and other disease fighting compounds that are difficult to get anywhere else. The phytochemicals in plants can reduce inflammation, eliminate carcinogens, and regulate the rate at which your cells reproduce, get rid of old cells, and maintain DNA. ! ! Habit Actions: Begin this diet change habit by adding one fruit or veggie to one meal a day. For example, add a bowl of fresh berries to your breakfast or a salad to your usual sandwich for lunch. Do this for a week or two, and then add another item to a different meal. Continue adding fruits and veggies until you reach seven or more servings a day.! ! 21. Make love more often! ! Benefits: Aside from the obvious benefits, an active sex life boosts your immune system, improves your libido, lowers blood pressure, burns about five calories a minute, lowers the risk of heart attack, may ward off prostate cancer, improves sleep, and reduces stress. It can also improve relationship intimacy, boost your confidence, and improves your overall mood.! ! Habit Actions: Have a conversation with your spouse or partner and decide together how many times a week or month you want to have sex. Although spontaneity is great, our busy lives sometimes force us to plan for sex. Discuss the best nights of the week and the best time of day. Since this habit involves two people, having a mutual trigger might be helpful. For example, your trigger could be putting the kids to bed on Friday nights or once you have your coffee in the morning. You might like this article on the brain and great sex.! ! 22. Push past your comfort zone! ! Benefits: Pushing past your comfort zone means doing things that you know are good for you or will improve your life even though they make you highly uncomfortable. When you stretch yourself this way, you learn to take risks and accept the possibility of failure. You let go of the need for perfection. It gives you more control over your life and builds your confidence in yourself. Pushing past your comfort zone helps you break free of limitations and live more authentically, doing what you know is best rather than what the world tells you is best.! ! Habit Actions: Pick one small area where you can practice stretching yourself. Maybe you speak your opinions in meetings more often, or you decide to share your writing on a blog. Optimally, choose something you can practice daily or nearly every day. As you feel more comfortable with this first stretch, choose another more difficult challenge.! ! 23. Learn to speak publicly! ! Benefits: The biggest fear all people have worldwide is public speaking. It even beats out fear of death. Why should people bother to master this scary habit? Because there are so many personal and professional benefits. Public speaking improves critical
  • 10. thinking skills, boosts your power of persuasion, and enhances your verbal communication skills. A good public speaker can help inspire change, motivate action, and create new connections. Knowing how to speak publicly also gives you a huge boost in self-esteem.! ! Habit Actions: Begin to improve your skills by reading, researching and observing good communication skills. Learn how to improve these basic skills when you’re in small group situations to help prepare you for bigger groups. This article on communication can help you. Research public speaking courses in your area and go for a visit to see how you like it before you commit. Good public speaking courses lead you slowly through the skills of speaking in a safe, supportive environment to help you avoid excessive anxiety. ! ! 24. Simplify everything! ! Benefits: Complexity and distractions in life and work can kill productivity, success, and even happiness. Too much stuff, too many obligations, too many projects, too many “to- do’s” on your list makes you feel like a reactor rather than the creator of your life. When you streamline your life and environment, you give yourself time to truly enjoy and perfect what is most important. You can focus deeply on your values rather than skimming the surface of everything.! ! Habit Actions: Simplifying is a ongoing process, a journey rather than a final destination. Begin with one small area of your life where you feel overwhelmed. Perhaps you feel overcommitted with activities, or you took on a project that’s pushing your over the edge. Maybe the clutter in your garage is getting to you. Start small and begin to cut back, clean up, or simplify this life area. Choose a daily trigger, and use five to ten minutes a day to work on simplifying one thing. The move on to another . . . and another.! ! 25. Track your spending! ! Benefits: Tracking your spending is one of the best ways to find out exactly where your money is going. As you collect this information, you’ll create a good baseline for creating a budget for yourself. It helps you make decisions to reach your financial goals related to savings, retirement, and future spending. It also gives you a sense of control by providing factual information about your past behaviors so you can adjust them based on your goals.! ! Habit Actions: Track your spending for one full month. The easiest way to do this is by carrying a small notebook and pen with you, or using your smartphone, to write down everything you spend every day for one full month. You can also choose a no cash system for a full month in which you use one credit card. Use the moments after a purchase as the trigger to track the expense. If you don’t note it immediately, you’re likely to forget later.! !
  • 11. 26. Keep a journal! ! Benefits: Research studies show keeping a journal has many surprising health benefits. It helps you process stress, deal with emotional trauma, improve mood, improve memory and performance, and improve a variety of medical conditions. There’s even a Center for Journal Therapy dedicated to the mental health benefits of regular journaling. In addition to the health benefits, journaling boosts creativity, serves as a permanent record of your life, and helps you clarify your thoughts.! ! Habit Actions: Decide how you want to write a journal — the old-fashioned way with a pen and notebook, on your computer, or using a special app for your phone. Decide on the time of day you want to write, and determine the eventual amount of time you want to write (maybe 15-20 minutes). Select a trigger and begin with just five minutes a day immediately after your trigger. Increase your writing time slowly over the coming weeks.! ! 27. Define your core values! ! Benefits: Your core values are your defining life principles. They help you clarify what is most important in your work and life, and provide a navigation system for making big decisions, finding your life passion, building your confidence, and living authentically. Defining your core values enhance your self-awareness, improve your relationships, and help you set and achieve your goals.! ! Habit Actions: Set aside an hour to work on defining your values. Be sure this is quiet time when you won’t be distracted or interrupted. Visit this list of 400 value words to jumpstart your thoughts. Circle any words that resonate with you as a possible value. Then reduce the list of circled words to your top five for your personal life and your professional life. Once you have your lists refined, compare your values to the way you are living right now. Examine how you might be living outside of your values and what you can do to realign your life and values.! ! 28. Read before work! ! Benefits: Inspirational reading before you start your work day will help you get your day off to a positive start. It puts you in the right frame of mind for motivation and success. It forces you to take your mind off the upcoming stresses of the day, and instead set the tone for the day before you tackle your tasks and projects. What you choose to read can relate to your business, personal development, or your spiritual life. The common denominator is that it’s uplifting, empowering, and useful for you.! ! Habit Actions: Decide the kind of reading material you find inspirational. A book with short chapters and pithy inspiration or a blog with short articles might work best in the morning when you don’t have much time. Determine the trigger for your reading time and the eventual amount of time you can devote to reading in the morning. Begin with just five minutes of reading after your trigger and increase the time slowly in the coming weeks. !
  • 12. ! 29. Measure every goal! ! Benefits: Making progress toward your personal and professional goals has been shown to improve confidence, well-being, and overall happiness — as long as the goals are in line with your values and motives. Setting growth goals (rather than avoidance goals) and reaching milestones with those goals on weekly, monthly, and yearly schedules motivates you to work harder on your goals and set more challenging goals in the future.! ! Habit Actions: Every goal needs to be assigned measurable units (to quantify success) and a unit of time (against which you’ll measure your success). Units of time can be terminal which can be recurring or one-time actions. For some goals, you’ll need to define what success means for each measurable unit. With other goals, success is obvious. Determine a timeframe in which to complete your goals, and conduct regular check-ins on your progress. There are a variety of apps and devices for tracking your goals. Read this article for ideas on self-tracking.! ! 30. Batch your tasks! ! Benefits: Batching your tasks is a form of time management where you dedicate blocks of time to similar tasks so you can decrease distractions and improve productivity. Batching helps you boost creativity and mental sharpness, as well as decrease fatigue, procrastination, and stress. After each batch of similar tasks, you take a planned break to recharge, and then move on to another batch of tasks.! ! Habit Actions: Write down all of the tasks you need to complete in a day. Circle a group of similar tasks and re-write them on another list. Assign an amount of time to each task and total the time it will take to complete the batch. Go back to your complete task list, and create another batch, following the same routine. Determine the hardest and easiest batches to complete. Work on the hardest batches early in the day (or when you have the most energy), and save the easier ones for times when you energy is low.! ! 31. Practice daily gratitude! ! Benefits: Practicing gratitude by focusing on everything that is good in your life has many health and emotional benefits. It is associated with better sleep and less stress. It reduces headaches, sore muscles, stomach pain, and nausea. Research proves those who practice gratitude exercise more regularly, have better appetites, report less illness, and generally feel healthier. It increases self-esteem, improves your outlook, and is one of the actions shown to make people happier in general.! ! ! ! !
  • 13. Habit Actions: There are many ways to begin a gratitude practice. You can journal about it. You can meditate on one particular area of gratitude. You can write a gratitude list. You can create a vision board. Or you can simply visualize each situation or person for whom you feel grateful. Determine the kind of gratitude practice you wish to follow, the optimal amount of time you want to practice, and the time of day you’ll practice. Choose a trigger, and perform your gratitude practice immediately after it. Increase your time slowly.! ! 32. Meet with a mentor! ! Benefits: A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor who takes an interest in you and your success. A good mentor can provide detailed industry knowledge and personal introductions to important contacts. They can help you navigate the emotions, complications, frustrations, and potential roadblocks in your business and life. Mentors can inspire you to bring out the best in yourself, and help stretch you to meet new challenges and opportunities.! ! Habit Actions: If you don’t have a mentor, your first action is to find one. Read this article on the mentoring relationship and how to make a mentor connection. Once you have a mentor, determine with that person how often you will speak or meet and the specifics of how the mentor is willing to advise you. Honor the mentor’s time and always be responsive and grateful for the mentor’s input.! ! 33. Improve your EQ! ! Benefits: Your EQ is your emotional intelligence quotient. It is made up of four core skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. When we recognize and regulate these areas, we improve our interactions and relationships in both personal and professional settings. A higher EQ boosts your confidence, affords more self-control, helps you navigate conflict, and makes you a better communicator.! ! Habit Actions: Begin by learning your current emotional intelligence score by taking this EQ assessment. Once you review your results, identify areas where you need to improve your EQ. You can read this article on ways to improve your emotional intelligence. Begin with one skill to focus on for the next four to six weeks. Your practice on the skill will be triggered by the situations that arise where you need to improve the skill. You might put a rubber band on your wrist to remind you of the new behaviors or reactions you’re working on.! ! 34. Learn something new daily! ! Benefits: Learning for the sake of learning improves our lives in many ways. It broadens our perspectives, helps us adapt to new situations, feeds innovation and creativity, deepens our character, makes us more interesting people, affords more confidence, and increases our success in work and life. Daily learning should cover a
  • 14. wide range of interests and topics that you might not normally encounter in your regular routine.! ! Habit Actions: Begin by writing an extensive list of your interests in everything from health to politics. Write a separate list of specific things you’d like to learn related to your career. Do some online research of books, blogs, courses, and other sites that will be learning resources for you. Determine how much time you want to devote to daily learning, and whether you want to pursue one main topic daily for a period of time or various topics each day. Select your trigger and time of day, and begin your practice with just five minutes a day, increasing your time slowly.! ! 35. Use travel time productively! ! Benefits: If you commute to work daily or have to travel by plane frequently, this “dead” time is actually optimal time for productivity. You can catch up on phone calls (using a headset if you’re driving), listen to an inspiring podcast or CD, play relaxing music, or brainstorm your next big project. If you aren’t driving, you can write correspondence, read a book, outline an idea, or even take a power nap.! ! Habit Actions: If you travel or commute regularly, plan in advance various ways you can use this time productively. Purchase earphones or a headset so you can talk on your phone hands-free. Download interesting podcasts or keep a collection of inspiring CD’s in your car. Keep a list of ideas or projects you want to brainstorm, and a way to make notes about your thoughts either through writing or dictation.! ! 36. Have fun daily! ! Benefits: Being successful and productive is hard work, even when you enjoy it. Successful people know they need balance and that play is an important part of balance. Time for fun should be part of your daily schedule to counter-balance stress and low energy. Fun gives you an endorphin boost that creates feelings of pleasure. It also creates opportunities for bonding with others. A life balanced with optimism and fun improves your mental and physical health by reducing the effects of stress. Fun also helps you recharge your energy, productivity, and creativity.! ! Habit Actions: Make a list of activities that are relaxing and fun. Try not to include anything that might cause you stress, like competitive sports or working on a complicated hobby. This time of fun should be invigorating or relaxing. It should lift you up and bring you joy. Having fun should be an easy habit to create, unless you associate it with laziness or feel guilty about not being “productive.” The more you practice having fun, the more you will see its benefits. Decide how long you can spend on it each day and the time of day you want to engage in a fun activity. ! ! ! ! !
  • 15. 37. Delegate draining tasks! ! Benefits: In your personal and professional life, you have many necessary tasks, but there are some you don’t like. You find them tedious, unproductive, or draining. Sometimes we hold on to these tasks because we feel lazy if we delegate or worry no one else will handle them properly. By delegating these tasks to others, you free yourself to pursue more important tasks. You increase your productivity, remove a source of stress from your life, and offer someone else an opportunity to shine at something you dislike. Even if you must pay someone to handle a draining task, you generally find it well worth the expense because of the time and energy gained.! ! Habit Actions: Make two lists of draining tasks — one for work and another for your personal life. From each list, choose the most draining task or the one that would free up the most time. You might have several tasks you can group together and delegate. Brainstorm people to whom you might delegate these tasks, and arrange to meet with them. Don’t give up if the first person doesn’t work out. Keep looking. Spend some time thinking about how you’ll feel without these tasks on your plate. ! ! 38. Improve your writing skills! ! Benefits: Effective writing tells others about your intelligence and expertise. In fact, strong writers are viewed as more professional and knowledgable and are more likely to get jobs and promotions. Businesses repeatedly cite “communication skills” as the single most desirable trait in new employees. When you write well, people are quicker to trust you and can better understand what you’re trying to communicate. Writing well allows you to express your ideas and insights creatively and work through problems more effectively. ! ! Habit Actions: One of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading. If you have an established habit of reading, start to pay attention to the way the author writes and what you do and don’t like about their style. Writing well also requires regular practice. The more you write, the better you become. Consider adopting the habit of journaling or create a blog where you regularly write articles. Buff up your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. You might enjoy this article about writing with confidence.! ! 39. Find your passion! ! Benefits: Finding work or even a side venture that you really love, something that makes you come alive, is an outward expression of your most authentic self. Your passion infuses your life with purpose, meaningful, and fulfillment. It allows you to express your innate talents in a way that supports and honors your values, while providing a wellspring of joy and satisfaction. When you pursue your passion, you work almost effortlessly because you are so engaged in it. You can become an expert more quickly because you aren’t spending energy resisting. Following your passion afford opportunities and opens door for new ventures. It also allows you to leave a legacy that reflects your mark on the world.!
  • 16. ! Habit Actions: Finding your passion takes time and patience. There are steps you need to follow to help you uncover what you are meant to do. Carve out an hour a day or every other day to work on finding it. You can begin by working on it for five or ten minutes and slowly build up your time. To help you with the steps of discovering your passion, consider taking my Path to Passion Course or read my book, The 52-Week Life Passion Project. ! ! ! ! ! Conclusion! ! Developing positive habits and goals undoubtedly upgrades your quality of life, your health, and your success in life. Each habit you incorporate can be goal in itself, or it can be a step on the path to a larger success goal. ! ! Either way, learning to develop power habits puts rocket fuel in your productivity engine, allowing you to achieve far more than you ever imagined. What new habits will you pursue?! ! I hope you enjoyed this eBook and were inspired to create a new power habit for yourself. If you need support in forming habits that stick, please check out my Sticky Habits Course where you’ll learn a simple method for habit creation, as well has have support and accountability through the process.! ! Learn more here ==> The Sticky Habits Course