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W I L C O X W E L L N E S S & F I T N E S S
H A B I T - M A K E R
best day ever
and welcome
Congratulations on taking the first step towards implementing one of the most
powerful transformation tools ever created. If you think that’s an exaggeration, do a
quick internet search for “benefits of journaling”.
You’ll be blown away.
But this isn’t just any journal. This one is special.
It’s specifically designed to FOCUS your subconscious and
conscious mind – like a laser – on achieving your health and fitness goals...
...by creating HABITS.
We are what we repeatedly do.
You are your habits.
They control you, determining the trajectory of your life.
Before I show you how to use this journal, I’d like to introduce ourselves and share a
couple of our client stories with you so you can get to know us a little better. And we
definitely encourage you to share your story with us as you move forward.
We are Wilcox Wellness & Fitness! It is nice to meet you! We are a personal training
business and we LOVE supporting people like you along their health and fitness
journey. Our mission is to help people enhance their life by forming healthy habits
that they can sustain for a lifetime.
Katie started training with us in 2016. It was
during a conversation with Mike Wilcox that
she realized she had to work on both the
mental and physical aspects of health, and
it was that conversation that helped start
her incredible 180-pound weight loss
Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness,
Robin has been training with us for 10 months
now and has made outstanding progress. Her
range-of-motion has increased so much that
she has had amazing breakthroughs in mobility
and has reached milestone achievements in
being able to move better.
Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness,
to inspire you
Marie has been training with us for a year
and has become healthier and stronger. Her
commitment to her health and fitness
allows her to do everything that she wants
to in life including traveling, keeping up with
her adult children, and feeling her very best.
Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness,
Monique started with us in May of 2019 in our
KickStart Program.Through her commitment
to her health and fitness, she has improved
her strength and posture. Her fitness routine
helps her maintain a positive mindset during
challenging times and builds her stamina to
be an active grandmother.
Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness,
to inspire you
transforms BODY & LIFE
What You Measure Improves
What you watch and measure improves. It’s an absolute fact. You can’t help but
get better at things you keep top-of-mind.
Planning & Assessment
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Your 7-Minute Victory Journal is a planning
and assessment tool. In the morning, you plan your day. In the evening, you
assess how it went.
The path to success – in anything – is always paved with consistent action.
Consistency is your greatest ally.
Journaling reaffirms your abilities and commitment when the ugly head of self-
doubt appears.
y o u r
Core Values
Common themes begin to appear. These are your core values. They guide you
through life’s most trying times and lead you to life’s greatest victories. When you
get aligned on your core values – everything else will find a way to fall into place in
your life.
transforms BODY & LIFE
y o u r
Journaling strengthens your self-discipline. And discipline begets discipline. Like
your muscles, the more you exercise your self-discipline, the stronger it becomes.
Self-discipline is the building block of supportive habits.
You will get smarter. There is a unique relationship between your hand and
brain, sparked by the composition of thoughts and ideas. Writing daily, even
small amounts, boosts your memory and comprehension, and improves your
communication skills.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence – the ability to perceive and manage your emotions – is
said to be the true indicator of IQ. Journaling allows you to process emotions,
increase self-awareness, and become more empathetic, which is the secret to
powerful, rewarding relationships.
Systematic Goal Achievement
Systematic goal achievement. Most people write goals once a year and set them
aside. And that’s why they rarely achieve them. The 7-Minute Victory Journal is a
SYSTEM. The process of planning your day, every day, signals to your brain “this is
important.” Your reticular activating system then goes to work helping you
manifest your daily plan. You can really go deep into this topic, and if you do,
you’ll discover hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles proving how powerful
this daily process (system) is. It absolutely works. The secret to making it work is
your commitment to consistency: using it every day.
to your new BEST LIFE
Here’s why we can confidently say that, and you can confidently believe it…
Stacking daily victories creates powerfully positive habits. Those habits make your
life better in so many wonderful ways.
The objective of this journal is to document your daily victories. The act of
documentation is critically important because it reinforces your positive behavior.
It “trains” you to look for the good and to be better.
Feelings are fleeting. What you write in this journal is forever. The act of writing
etches the memory in your mind and on paper.
And that feeds the fire of change. It preserves your passion. Because it’s an
inescapable reminder of the victories you’ve earned. It’s a record of your
accomplishments that gets stronger – making your willpower stronger – every day.
What you now hold in your hands – this simple 7-minute daily journal – is THE
most powerful system and tool for improving your life you will ever find.
And it couldn’t be easier. It takes just 7-minutes a day. Four minutes in the
morning, and three minutes in the evening.
Journaling like this “fills your cup” daily with self-belief and self-confidence. It’s
the way to win at life. This is the proven path to accomplishing your goals… to
having your best body, and the peace of mind and happiness you want and deserve.
We’re so glad you’re here! Now let’s get started…
to use your JOURNAL
NOTE: Print at least one week’s worth of pages to get you started.
morning entry
Gratitude: Write 3 things you’re
grateful for today. This puts you
in the right mindset.
Meals: Plan your 3 meals.
Snacks: Plan 2 snacks. Writing
these in advance focuses your
mind on supportive nutrition
and makes it 10x more likely
you’ll stick to the plan.
Hydration: commit to drink 1/2
your body weight in ounces of
water today.
Move: Movement is medicine.
Plan how you will move today.
The space to the right is to
indicate if you stuck to your plan
(complete this during the PM
Plan to have a great day: Write
two things that will make your
day awesome.
to use your JOURNAL
NOTE: Print at least one week’s worth of pages to get you started.
evening entry
Fuel Your Soul: Don’t just
nourish your body, also nourish
your mind and soul with
uplifting information or
introspective writing.
Victories: How did you win
Improvement: Nobody is
perfect. Be honest about how
you could have made the day
Tomorrow: Lay the groundwork
for a great day tomorrow.
Notes: Write anything of
importance you want to
date: ___________
Today, I am grateful for these three things....
My meals today are:
I plan to drink _____ ounces of water.
How I will be active today:
Options; Workout / Training Session; Walk, bike, jog or swim for 30 minutes; Household chores for
30 minutes; OTHER for 30 minutes.
I will: __________ for ____ minutes at: _____ today. Completed: _____
What will make today a great day?
Today, I fueled my soul by....
Victories I earned today...
Write what fueled your spirit here - it may be reading a book, listening to a podcast or music, writing for yourself,
playing with your kids, or visiting with a friend.
What could have made today better...
I will wake up tomorrow feeling...

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Victory Journal

  • 1. V I C T O R Y J O U R N A L W I L C O X W E L L N E S S & F I T N E S S H A B I T - M A K E R A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y S Y S T E M TM today IS THE best day ever
  • 2. and welcome C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Congratulations on taking the first step towards implementing one of the most powerful transformation tools ever created. If you think that’s an exaggeration, do a quick internet search for “benefits of journaling”. You’ll be blown away. But this isn’t just any journal. This one is special. It’s specifically designed to FOCUS your subconscious and conscious mind – like a laser – on achieving your health and fitness goals... ...by creating HABITS. Because... We are what we repeatedly do. You are your habits. They control you, determining the trajectory of your life. Before I show you how to use this journal, I’d like to introduce ourselves and share a couple of our client stories with you so you can get to know us a little better. And we definitely encourage you to share your story with us as you move forward. We are Wilcox Wellness & Fitness! It is nice to meet you! We are a personal training business and we LOVE supporting people like you along their health and fitness journey. Our mission is to help people enhance their life by forming healthy habits that they can sustain for a lifetime.
  • 3. Katie started training with us in 2016. It was during a conversation with Mike Wilcox that she realized she had to work on both the mental and physical aspects of health, and it was that conversation that helped start her incredible 180-pound weight loss transformation. Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Bangor SUCCESS STORIES KATIE ROBIN Robin has been training with us for 10 months now and has made outstanding progress. Her range-of-motion has increased so much that she has had amazing breakthroughs in mobility and has reached milestone achievements in being able to move better. Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Bangor WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS to inspire you
  • 4. Marie has been training with us for a year and has become healthier and stronger. Her commitment to her health and fitness allows her to do everything that she wants to in life including traveling, keeping up with her adult children, and feeling her very best. Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick MARIE MONIQUE Monique started with us in May of 2019 in our KickStart Program.Through her commitment to her health and fitness, she has improved her strength and posture. Her fitness routine helps her maintain a positive mindset during challenging times and builds her stamina to be an active grandmother. Client at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS SUCCESS STORIES to inspire you
  • 5. transforms BODY & LIFE What You Measure Improves What you watch and measure improves. It’s an absolute fact. You can’t help but get better at things you keep top-of-mind. Planning & Assessment Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Your 7-Minute Victory Journal is a planning and assessment tool. In the morning, you plan your day. In the evening, you assess how it went. Consistency The path to success – in anything – is always paved with consistent action. Consistency is your greatest ally. Reaffirm Journaling reaffirms your abilities and commitment when the ugly head of self- doubt appears. WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS y o u r H O W J O U R N A L I N G Core Values Common themes begin to appear. These are your core values. They guide you through life’s most trying times and lead you to life’s greatest victories. When you get aligned on your core values – everything else will find a way to fall into place in your life.
  • 6. transforms BODY & LIFE y o u r H O W J O U R N A L I N G Self-discipline Journaling strengthens your self-discipline. And discipline begets discipline. Like your muscles, the more you exercise your self-discipline, the stronger it becomes. Self-discipline is the building block of supportive habits. Smarter You will get smarter. There is a unique relationship between your hand and brain, sparked by the composition of thoughts and ideas. Writing daily, even small amounts, boosts your memory and comprehension, and improves your communication skills. Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence – the ability to perceive and manage your emotions – is said to be the true indicator of IQ. Journaling allows you to process emotions, increase self-awareness, and become more empathetic, which is the secret to powerful, rewarding relationships. WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Systematic Goal Achievement Systematic goal achievement. Most people write goals once a year and set them aside. And that’s why they rarely achieve them. The 7-Minute Victory Journal is a SYSTEM. The process of planning your day, every day, signals to your brain “this is important.” Your reticular activating system then goes to work helping you manifest your daily plan. You can really go deep into this topic, and if you do, you’ll discover hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles proving how powerful this daily process (system) is. It absolutely works. The secret to making it work is your commitment to consistency: using it every day.
  • 7. to your new BEST LIFE W E L C O M E Here’s why we can confidently say that, and you can confidently believe it… Stacking daily victories creates powerfully positive habits. Those habits make your life better in so many wonderful ways. The objective of this journal is to document your daily victories. The act of documentation is critically important because it reinforces your positive behavior. It “trains” you to look for the good and to be better. Feelings are fleeting. What you write in this journal is forever. The act of writing etches the memory in your mind and on paper. And that feeds the fire of change. It preserves your passion. Because it’s an inescapable reminder of the victories you’ve earned. It’s a record of your accomplishments that gets stronger – making your willpower stronger – every day. What you now hold in your hands – this simple 7-minute daily journal – is THE most powerful system and tool for improving your life you will ever find. And it couldn’t be easier. It takes just 7-minutes a day. Four minutes in the morning, and three minutes in the evening. Journaling like this “fills your cup” daily with self-belief and self-confidence. It’s the way to win at life. This is the proven path to accomplishing your goals… to having your best body, and the peace of mind and happiness you want and deserve. We’re so glad you’re here! Now let’s get started… WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 8. to use your JOURNAL H O W NOTE: Print at least one week’s worth of pages to get you started. WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS morning entry Gratitude: Write 3 things you’re grateful for today. This puts you in the right mindset. Meals: Plan your 3 meals. Snacks: Plan 2 snacks. Writing these in advance focuses your mind on supportive nutrition and makes it 10x more likely you’ll stick to the plan. Hydration: commit to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water today. Move: Movement is medicine. Plan how you will move today. The space to the right is to indicate if you stuck to your plan (complete this during the PM session). Plan to have a great day: Write two things that will make your day awesome.
  • 9. to use your JOURNAL H O W NOTE: Print at least one week’s worth of pages to get you started. WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS evening entry Fuel Your Soul: Don’t just nourish your body, also nourish your mind and soul with uplifting information or introspective writing. Victories: How did you win today? Improvement: Nobody is perfect. Be honest about how you could have made the day better. Tomorrow: Lay the groundwork for a great day tomorrow. Notes: Write anything of importance you want to remember.
  • 10. date: ___________ M O R N I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Today, I am grateful for these three things.... My meals today are: DINNER BREAKFAST LUNCH AM SNACK: PM SNACK: I plan to drink _____ ounces of water. How I will be active today: Options; Workout / Training Session; Walk, bike, jog or swim for 30 minutes; Household chores for 30 minutes; OTHER for 30 minutes. I will: __________ for ____ minutes at: _____ today. Completed: _____ What will make today a great day?
  • 11. E V E N I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Today, I fueled my soul by.... Victories I earned today... Write what fueled your spirit here - it may be reading a book, listening to a podcast or music, writing for yourself, playing with your kids, or visiting with a friend. What could have made today better... I will wake up tomorrow feeling... Thoughts...