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CPSI National Webinar Series
Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science Education Series
Webinar 6: Selecting strategies and techniques best suited to
address barriers and enablers
Centre for Implementation Research
Justin Presseau
Scientist, OHRI
Assistant Professor, uOttawa
Jeremy Grimshaw
Senior Scientist, OHRI
Full Professor, uOttawa
Webinar 6 overview
▶ Situating our progress in the webinar series
▶ Tools for selecting strategies
▶ Mapping barriers/enablers to strategies
▶ Tools for reporting intervention descriptions
A behavioural perspective to KT and IS
▶ Successful implementation of patient safety programs needs key
actors (patients, healthcare providers, managers and policy makers)
to change their behaviours and/or decisions whilst working in the
complex (ordered chaos) of health care environments
▶ There is a substantial evidence base in behavioural sciences that
can support the development of patient safety programs and
increase the likelihood of success
The webinar series – overview
▶ Webinar 1: Introduction to KT and Implementation Science
▶ Webinar 2: Knowledge creation and synthesis
▶ Webinar 3: Who needs to do what, differently, to promote implementation?
▶ Webinar 4: Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in theory
▶ Webinar 5: Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in practice
▶ Webinar 6: Selecting and evaluating strategies to address barriers and
Aim: build capacity in the basic principles and practice of Knowledge
Translation and Implementation Science to inform your own patient safety
Situating ourselves in the webinar series
Knowledge to Action
Graham et al (2006)
Webinar 2: Focus on
the Knowledge
Creation funnel
Knowledge creation
funnel produces:
- Systematic reviews
(e.g. Cochrane)
- Clinical practice
- Decision Aids
- Policy briefs
but… producing and
disseminating these
products does not
guarantee change
Situating ourselves in the webinar series
Knowledge to Action
Graham et al (2006)
Webinar 3: Focus on
identifying the
• Identified gaps between
what evidence suggests
and current performance
• Specified: who needs to do
what, differently
• Used TACT-A to specify
each actors’ behaviour
... but selecting and tailoring
interventions depends on
knowing what to tailor on so
that solutions designed are fit
for purpose
Knowledge to Action
Graham et al (2006)
Webinar 4: What helps
and hinders
• Theoretical frameworks
provide a strong, replicable
basis for identifying
barriers and enablers to
implementing a patient
safety-related behaviour
• Gives leg-up on factors
to consider
• Prevents “re-inventing
the wheel”
• Helps to generalize
across settings
Situating ourselves in the webinar series
Today’s webinar
Knowledge to Action
Graham et al (2006)
Webinar 5: What helps
and hinders
A practical approach
• Result: theory-linked
barriers and enablers that
can then be used to
identify strategies best
suited to address identified
Today’s webinar
Knowledge to Action
Graham et al (2006)
Webinar 6: Selecting
strategies that are fit-
▶Healthcare-associated infections are one of the top 10 causes
of hospital deaths worldwide
• Affects 10% of all patients in acute-care hospitals
▶Physician hand hygiene compliance is an international
• Average reported compliance rate: 49-57%
▶Reasons for poor compliance not well understood
▶Our case study: assume we want to develop a patient safety
initiative to improve physician hand hygiene
Our Case Study to inform our overview:
Physician hand hygiene
Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently?
Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this?
Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it?
What are the barriers and enablers?
Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target
those factors?
Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified
barriers and enablers
Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome?
(French et al., 2012)
Key Process model: The French Model
Atool for specifying
behaviours Use alcohol-based hand gel
Staff physicians, nurses and residents
Patients receiving care at the hospital
Patient rooms and hallways
Before and after touching a patient
Example 1: a ‘do more’
Hand hygiene
Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently?
Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this?
Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it?
What are the barriers and enablers?
Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target
those factors?
Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified
barriers and enablers
Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome?
(French et al., 2012)
Key Process model: The French Model
Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers
TDF Domains
Beliefs about capabilities
Memory, attention & decision processes
Behavioural regulation
Environmental context & resources
Social Influences
Social/professional role & identity
Beliefs about consequences
“I am (not) aware of hand hygiene
guidelines and have (not) heard of the 4
moments of hand hygiene”
“I am (not) aware of evidence linking hand
hygiene to health care associated
“Education about hand hygiene ensures
that I practice it consistently”
Squires et al 2014
Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers
TDF Domains
Beliefs about capabilities
Memory, attention & decision processes
Behavioural regulation
Environmental context & resources
Social Influences
Social/professional role & identity
Beliefs about consequences
”Hand hygiene is easy to practice”
“I am not confident that I am following hand
hygiene guidelines when practicing hand
Squires et al 2014
Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers
TDF Domains
Beliefs about capabilities
Memory, attention & decision processes
Behavioural regulation
Environmental context & resources
Social Influences
Social/professional role & identity
Beliefs about consequences
Observations made while on a Surgery
and Medicine Unit confirmed what was
said in the physician interviews:
• Alcohol dispensers are
sometimes empty
• Alcohol dispensers blend in with
the wall
• Beside alcohol bottle baskets are
Squires et al 2014
Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers
TDF Domains
Beliefs about capabilities
Memory, attention & decision processes
Behavioural regulation
Environmental context & resources
Social Influences
Social/professional role & identity
Beliefs about consequences
“Practicing hand hygiene reduces the
transmission of infection”
“While improper hand hygiene can
contribute to infection, it is not the only
factor that can do so”
“Practicing hand hygiene gives patients
confidence in their physician” Squires et al 2014
Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently?
Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this?
Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it?
What are the barriers and enablers?
Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target
those factors?
Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified
barriers and enablers
Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome?
(French et al., 2012)
Key Process model: The French Model
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▶Choice of improvement program, should be
based upon:
• ‘Diagnostic’ assessment of barriers
• Understanding of mechanism of action of
• Empirical evidence about effects of interventions
• Available resources
• Practicalities & logistics
▶There is no ‘right’ strategy for all barriers and enablers
▶Faced with specific barriers and enablers identified,
best to select strategies and techniques best suited to
address such barriers
Cooking Analogy
To cook a rack of lamb, any number of possible herbs and spices could be used.
• Some make it delicious (rosemary + thyme)
• Some, not so much
Would we mix as many possible ingredients as we could in hopes more = better?
Probably not.
Implementation Interventions:
select ‘ingredients’ best suited for addressing key barriers
Selecting and reporting strategies
• EPOC taxonomy
• ERIC taxonomy
• BCT taxonomy
• TIDIER checklist
Step 1
Who needs to do
what, differently?
Step 2
What factors
determine whether
or not they do it?
Step 3
Which strategies
can be effectively
used to target
those factors?
Step 4
How can we robustly
measure the
(French et al., 2012)
Once determinants/barriers identified, which strategies to select?
✓ Principle: no magic bullets
✓ Select strategies that work best for specific
✓ Be explicit to ensure clarity and replication
✓ Distinguish ‘what’ you deliver from ‘how’ it is delivered
▶We have found it useful to distinguish:
• What we are trying to change
• Why are we trying to change it? (constructs:
barriers and enablers)
• How are we going to change it, including
- Behaviour change technique
- Method of delivery: eg group meeting, DVD
- Content: how the technique will be
Describing the content of KT interventions
• Need better description and reporting of KT strategies1
• Need shared language to describe content
1Proctor et al 2013
Often presented at high level of description
• Well recognized in KT literature; helps communication
• Combine content with method of delivery, recipient, and/or deliverer
• Unclear ‘active ingredients’ + mechanisms of action
• Synthesis, replication and optimization = challenging
Van Woerkum (1990)
RURU taxonomy (2003)
ERIC (2015)
Behaviour change wheel (2012)
EPOC taxonomy (2002; 2015)
Many lists of KT strategies
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) taxonomy
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care
(EPOC) group undertakes systematic reviews of
interventions to improve health care systems and
health care delivery including:
• Professional interventions (e.g. continuing
medical education, audit and feedback)
• Financial interventions (e.g. professional
• Organisational interventions (e.g. the
expanded role of pharmacists)
• Regulatory interventions
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) taxonomy
Healthcare worker-focused
• Audit and Feedback
• Clinical incident reporting
• Monitoring performance of care
• Communities of practice
• Continuous quality improvement
• Educational games
• Educational materials
• Educational meetings
• Educational outreach visits/
• Clinical practice guidelines
• Inter-professional education
• Local consensus processes
• Local opinion leaders
• Managerial supervision
• Patient-mediated interventions
• Public release of performance data
• Reminders
• Patient-reported outcome
• Tailored interventions
• Organizational culture
Who provides health care
• Role expansion or task
• Self-management
• Length of consultation
• Staffing models
• Exit interviews
• Movement of health
workers between public
or private
• Pre-licensure education
• Recruitment and
retention strategies
Coordination of care
• Care pathways
• Case management
• Communication between
• Continuity of care
• Discharge planning
• Disease management
• Integration
• Packages of care
• Patient-initiated appointment
• Procurement
• Referral systems
• Shared care
• Shared decision-making
• Teams
• Transition of care
Information and
• Health information
• Smart home
• Telemedicine
Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC)
• Recognises the issues of conceptual clarity (or lack
thereof) in describing implementation strategies:
- Idiosyncratic use of terms
- Homonymy (same term with multiple meanings)
- Synonymy (different terms with same meaning)
- Instability (term meaning shift)
• Recognises that other ‘lists’ were never necessarily
intended to be comprehensive or used by a range of
knowledge users and stakeholders
• ERIC involved panel of 71 experts used Delphi study to
refine and define list of implementation strategies
• Produced list of 73 discrete implementation strategies
Powell et al 2015
Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) taxonomy
1. Access new funding
2. Alter incentive/allowance structures
3. Alter patient/consumer fees
4. Assess for readiness and identify barriers and
5. Audit and provide feedback
6. Build a coalition
7. Capture and share local knowledge
8. Centralize technical assistance
9. Change accreditation or membership requirements
10. Change liability laws
11. Change physical structure and equipment
12. Change record systems
13. Change service sites
14. Conduct cyclical small tests of change
15. Conduct educational meetings
16. Conduct educational outreach visits
17. Conduct local consensus discussions
18. Conduct local needs assessment
19. Conduct ongoing training
20. Create a learning collaborative
21. Create new clinical teams
22. Create or change credentialing and/or licensure
23. Develop a formal implementation blueprint
24. Develop academic partnerships
25. Develop an implementation glossary
26. Develop and implement tools for quality monitoring
27. Develop and organize quality monitoring systems
28. Develop disincentives
29. Develop educational materials
30. Develop resource sharing agreements
31. Distribute educational materials
32. Facilitate relay of clinical data to providers
38. Inform local opinion leaders
39. Intervene with patients/consumers to enhance
uptake and adherence
40. Involve executive boards
41. Involve patients/consumers and family members
42. Make billing easier
43. Make training dynamic
44. Mandate change
45. Model and simulate change
46. Obtain and use patients/consumers and family
47. Obtain formal commitments
48. Organize clinician implementation team meetings
49. Place innovation on fee for service lists/formularies
50. Prepare patients/consumers to be active participants
51. Promote adaptability
52. Promote network weaving
53. Provide clinical supervision
54. Provide local technical assistance
55. Provide ongoing consultation
56. Purposely reexamine the implementation
57. Recruit, designate, and train for leadership
58. Remind clinicians
59. Revise professional roles
60. Shadow other experts
61. Stage implementation scale up
62. Start a dissemination organization
63. Tailor strategies
64. Use advisory boards and workgroups
65. Use an implementation advisor
66. Use capitated payments
67. Use data experts
68. Use data warehousing techniques
69. Use mass media
Powell et al 2015
Using a behaviour change techniques taxonomy
• BCTTv1: 93 techniques within 16 categories focusing on
behaviour change
Goals and Planning
Goal setting (behavior) OR Goal setting (outcome)
Problem solving
Action planning
Review behavior goal(s) OR Review outcome goal(s)
Discrepancy between current behavior and goal
Behavioral contract
Feedback and monitoring
Monitoring of behaviour by others without feedback
Feedback on behaviour/outcomes of behaviour
Feedback on outcomes of behaviour
Self-monitoring of behaviour
Self-monitoring of outcomes of behaviour
Monitoring of outcome(s) of behaviour without
Social Support
Social support (unspecified)
Social support (practical)
Social support (emotional)
Shaping Knowledge
Instruction on how to perform behaviour
Information about Antecedents
Behavioural experiments
Natural Consequences
Info about health consequences
Info about emotional consequences
Info re social and environment
Salience of consequences
Monitoring of emotional consequences
Anticipated regret
Comparison of behaviour
Demonstration of the behaviour
Social comparison
Information about others’ approval
Cue signalling reward
Reduce prompts/cues
Remove access to the reward
Remove aversive stimulus
Associative learning
Repetition and substitution
Behavioural practice/rehearsal
Behaviour substitution
Habit formation
Habit reversal
Generalisation of target behaviour
Graded tasks
Comparison of outcomes
Credible source
Pros and cons
Comparative imagining of future
Reward and threat
Incentive (outcome
Material incentive (behaviour)
Social incentive
Non-specific incentive
Reward (outcome)
Material reward (behaviour)
Non-specific reward
Social reward
Future punishment
Conserving mental resources
Pharmacological support
Reduce negative emotions
Paradoxical instructions
Adding objects to the environment
Restructuring the physical
Restructuring the social environment
Avoidance/reducing exposure to cues
Body changes
Identification of self as role model
Incompatible beliefs
Valued self-identify
Identity linked with changed behaviour
Scheduled consequences
Behaviour cost
Remove reward
Reward approximation
Rewarding completion
Situation-specific reward
Reward incompatible behaviour
Reward alternative behaviour
Reduce reward frequency
Remove punishment
Verbal persuasion about capability
Mental rehearsal of successful perform
Focus on past success
Covert learning
Imaginary punishment
Imaginary reward
Vicarious consequences
Behaviour change techniques taxonomy v1 (Michie et al 2013)
BCT taxonomy (BCTTv1): examples
BCT Definition Application example
Michie et al 2013
TIDieR items
Brief name
What materials
What procedures
Who provided
When and how
How well (planned)
How well (actual)
TIDieR1: Template for Intervention Description and
Replication checklist and guide
1 Hoffman et al (2014). Better reporting of interventions: template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR)
checklist and guide. BMJ.
• Most intervention descriptions are poor and either
under-report or conflate aspects of the intervention
• To ensure implementation, replication and
advancement, KT interventions must be clearly
described in detail
• International panel of experts produced the 12 item
• Extension of CONSORT 2010 (item 5) and SPIRIT
2013 (item 11)
Consider using TIDieR at the KT intervention
development stage
Summary: taxonomies
Taxonomies provide a shared language for describing KT
interventions that may help:
• Promote clarity, which helps fidelity, replication, and optimization
• Design and describe novel interventions (new ideas)
BUT: taxonomy approaches in themselves do not necessarily
clarify how to tailor to specific barriers/enablers
Taxonomies provide a toolkit but no indication of which tool is
best suited for a particular job
Selecting interventions
Systematic Reviews
What do we know from Cochrane reviews?
▶Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC)
undertakes systematic reviews to improve healthcare systems
and healthcare delivery
▶Currently 200+ reviews/protocols
• We know quite a bit!
• Many reviews of randomised and cluster randomized trials
http://epoc.cochrane.org/ 35
What do we know from Cochrane reviews?
Implementation intervention
# of
Median improved
Automatically-generated reminders
on paper (Arditi 2012)
32 Reminders alone: 11%
Reminders +: 4%
Printed educational materials
(Giguere 2012)
7 2% 0-11%
On-screen point of care reminders
(Shojania 2009)
28 4% 1-19%
Audit and Feedback (Ivers 2012) 140 4% 1-16%
Meetings and workshops (Forsetlund
81 6% 2-16%
Educational outreach visits (O’Brien
69 6% 3-9%
• Small effects at population level may be important
• Wide variability of effect; What explains variability?
• Categories are largely methods of delivery rather than techniques; need to unpack
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• Cochrane 2012 review – 140 trials of audit and
feedback, median absolute improvement +4%,
interquartile range +1% to +16%
• Larger effects were seen if:
- baseline compliance was low.
- the source was a supervisor or colleague
- it was provided more than once
- it was delivered in both verbal and written formats
- it included both explicit targets and an action plan
Ivers (2012) Cochrane Library
• Be provided multiple times
• Present feedback as soon as
• Provide individual rather than
general data
• Include clear comparators that
reinforce desired behaviour
• Support an action perceived to
be a priority for recipients
• Recommend actions that can
improve and are under control of
the recipient
• Recommend a specific action
• Tailor feedback interventions
based on situation-specific
• Closely link visual display and
summary message
• Be presented in multiple ways
• Minimize cognitive load
• Address barriers that prevent
use of the feedback
• Provide short, actionable
messages followed by more
• Address credibility of the
• Increase motivation to change
• Encourage social construction
of feedback rather than passive
Summary: systematic reviews
• Systematic reviews a good source of
identifying strategies shown to be effective
across settings
• MAY be effective for your intervention… but
depends on whether fit for purpose
(depends on barriers/enablers)
Linking identified barriers/enablers to BCTs
Webinar 6: Selecting strategies and techniques best suited to address barriers measurement and evaluation
Avoid poor design
Human factors
▶Designing for the way
people are, not the way
we wish they were
▶Adapting systems to
people, rather than
expecting people to
adapt to systems
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▶Important TDF domains were prioritized with team input,
and mapped to known effective behaviour change
▶Intervention focused on five prioritized domains, considering
feasibility in our environment, and acceptability to the
• Knowledge; skills; beliefs about consequences; memory,
attention and decision processes; social influences
▶Intervention delivery differed for medicine and surgery
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▶Choice of implementation intervention should be based
• ‘Diagnostic’ assessment of barriers
• Understanding of mechanism of action of interventions
• Empirical evidence about effects of interventions
• Available resources
• Practicalities, logistics etc
▶ Hand hygiene seen as low priority for physicians
▶ Limited contact options - educational sessions unlikely to be attended
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1.Initial sensitisation (to: residents)
Intervention content:
• Refresher on 4 moments of hand hygiene
- Domain: knowledge; Technique: instruction on how to perform the behaviour
• Refresher on what is the patient environment
- Domain: knowledge; Technique: information about health consequences
• TOH hand hygiene compliance and infection rates
- Domain: beliefs about consequences, Technique: information about health consequences
- Domain: social influences; Technique: (credible source and information about others’
approval priority for chief resident and hospital))
Proposed delivery for Medicine:
• When: During Resident Orientation -1st day of block
• What: 1-2 slides on hand hygiene to be developed by team and given to Chief Resident
• Who will deliver: Chief Resident at the beginning of the block
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2. Re-emphasis (to: residents, attending physicians)
Intervention Content:
• Information about: Infection rates, the 4 moments, the patient environment (exact
content to be developed and will be clinically relevant)
- Domain: knowledge; Technique: information about health consequences, instruction on how
to perform the behaviour
• Add Glo Germ demonstration in one of these sessions to illustrate technique (booth
after session for all to try if interested)
- Domain: skills; Technique: Demonstration of the behaviour
- Domain: knowledge; Technique: Salience of consequences and Self-monitoring of outcome
of behaviour
Proposed delivery for Medicine:
• When: During Antibiotic Stewardship Rounds – a weekly pause of rounds that lasts a
few minutes (already in practice) (social influence)
• What: A hand hygiene curriculum delivered weekly (~2min/session) X 4 (for one block)
• Who will deliver: Local experts/opinion leaders
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3. Address environmental barriers (unit staff)
Intervention Content:
• Ensure that hand hygiene resources are easily accessible and
noticeable (including systems to ensure hand hygiene resources
are routinely replaced)
- domain: environmental context and resources; Technique:
Restructuring the physical environment
Proposed delivery for Medicine:
• How: Will walk through the chosen unit(s)
• Who will deliver: Members of the study team
• Accountability – unit
▶ Use taxonomies:
• Promotes shared language and operationalization
• Provide novel ideas for intervention
▶ Distinguish and clarify ‘what’ you deliver (intervention strategies)
from ‘how’ you deliver it (method of delivery)
▶ Use systematic review evidence of effectiveness of strategies
where possible
▶ When selecting strategies and interventions, tailor to identified
barriers and enablers
• Use tools that link barriers/enablers to fit-for-purpose
▶ Patient safety remains major concern in healthcare systems
▶ Implementation Science is the scientific study of the determinants,
processes and outcomes of implementation
▶ Successful implementation of patient safety change programs
requires actors to change their behaviour(s)
▶ Don’t jump straight to solutions: Developing solutions before
understanding the problem risks developing elegant solutions to
▶ No magic bullets: no strategy works in all instances
▶ Insights from behavioural science can help optimise change
programs and increase their likelihood of success
▶ Drawing upon IS approaches can avoid the pitfalls of ISLAGIATT
approaches and promote a shared understanding of what works to
improve patient safety
www.ohri.ca | Affiliated with • Affilié à
Centre for Implementation Research
Thank you
Justin Presseau
Scientist, OHRI
Assistant Professor, uOttawa
Jeremy Grimshaw
Senior Scientist, OHRI
Full Professor, uOttawa

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Webinar 6: Selecting strategies and techniques best suited to address barriers measurement and evaluation

  • 1. www.ohri.ca | Affiliated with • Affilié à CPSI National Webinar Series Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science Education Series Webinar 6: Selecting strategies and techniques best suited to address barriers and enablers Centre for Implementation Research Justin Presseau Scientist, OHRI Assistant Professor, uOttawa @JPresseau jpresseau@ohri.ca Jeremy Grimshaw Senior Scientist, OHRI Full Professor, uOttawa @GrimshawJeremy jgrimshaw@ohri.ca
  • 2. Webinar 6 overview ▶ Situating our progress in the webinar series ▶ Tools for selecting strategies ▶ Mapping barriers/enablers to strategies ▶ Tools for reporting intervention descriptions
  • 3. A behavioural perspective to KT and IS ▶ Successful implementation of patient safety programs needs key actors (patients, healthcare providers, managers and policy makers) to change their behaviours and/or decisions whilst working in the complex (ordered chaos) of health care environments ▶ There is a substantial evidence base in behavioural sciences that can support the development of patient safety programs and increase the likelihood of success
  • 4. The webinar series – overview ▶ Webinar 1: Introduction to KT and Implementation Science ▶ Webinar 2: Knowledge creation and synthesis ▶ Webinar 3: Who needs to do what, differently, to promote implementation? ▶ Webinar 4: Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in theory ▶ Webinar 5: Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in practice ▶ Webinar 6: Selecting and evaluating strategies to address barriers and enablers Aim: build capacity in the basic principles and practice of Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science to inform your own patient safety initiatives
  • 5. Situating ourselves in the webinar series Knowledge to Action Framework Graham et al (2006) Webinar 2: Focus on the Knowledge Creation funnel Knowledge creation funnel produces: - Systematic reviews (e.g. Cochrane) - Clinical practice guidelines - Decision Aids - Policy briefs but… producing and disseminating these products does not guarantee change
  • 6. Situating ourselves in the webinar series Knowledge to Action Framework Graham et al (2006) Webinar 3: Focus on identifying the problem • Identified gaps between what evidence suggests and current performance • Specified: who needs to do what, differently • Used TACT-A to specify each actors’ behaviour ... but selecting and tailoring interventions depends on knowing what to tailor on so that solutions designed are fit for purpose
  • 7. Knowledge to Action Framework Graham et al (2006) Webinar 4: What helps and hinders implementation? • Theoretical frameworks provide a strong, replicable basis for identifying barriers and enablers to implementing a patient safety-related behaviour • Gives leg-up on factors to consider • Prevents “re-inventing the wheel” • Helps to generalize across settings Situating ourselves in the webinar series
  • 8. Today’s webinar Knowledge to Action Framework Graham et al (2006) Webinar 5: What helps and hinders implementation? A practical approach • Result: theory-linked barriers and enablers that can then be used to identify strategies best suited to address identified barriers
  • 9. Today’s webinar Knowledge to Action Framework Graham et al (2006) Webinar 6: Selecting strategies that are fit- for-purpose
  • 10. ▶Healthcare-associated infections are one of the top 10 causes of hospital deaths worldwide • Affects 10% of all patients in acute-care hospitals ▶Physician hand hygiene compliance is an international problem • Average reported compliance rate: 49-57% ▶Reasons for poor compliance not well understood ▶Our case study: assume we want to develop a patient safety initiative to improve physician hand hygiene Our Case Study to inform our overview: Physician hand hygiene
  • 11. Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently? Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this? Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it? What are the barriers and enablers? Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target those factors? Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified barriers and enablers Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome? 1 2 3 4 11 (French et al., 2012) Key Process model: The French Model
  • 12. TACT-A: Atool for specifying behaviours Use alcohol-based hand gel Staff physicians, nurses and residents Patients receiving care at the hospital Patient rooms and hallways Before and after touching a patient Example 1: a ‘do more’ behavior Hand hygiene
  • 13. Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently? Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this? Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it? What are the barriers and enablers? Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target those factors? Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified barriers and enablers Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome? 1 2 3 4 13 (French et al., 2012) Key Process model: The French Model
  • 14. Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers TDF Domains Knowledge Skills Beliefs about capabilities Memory, attention & decision processes Behavioural regulation Environmental context & resources Social Influences Intention Goals Social/professional role & identity Beliefs about consequences Reinforcement Emotion Optimism “I am (not) aware of hand hygiene guidelines and have (not) heard of the 4 moments of hand hygiene” “I am (not) aware of evidence linking hand hygiene to health care associated infections” “Education about hand hygiene ensures that I practice it consistently” Squires et al 2014
  • 15. Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers TDF Domains Knowledge Skills Beliefs about capabilities Memory, attention & decision processes Behavioural regulation Environmental context & resources Social Influences Intention Goals Social/professional role & identity Beliefs about consequences Reinforcement Emotion Optimism ”Hand hygiene is easy to practice” “I am not confident that I am following hand hygiene guidelines when practicing hand hygiene” Squires et al 2014
  • 16. Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers TDF Domains Knowledge Skills Beliefs about capabilities Memory, attention & decision processes Behavioural regulation Environmental context & resources Social Influences Intention Goals Social/professional role & identity Beliefs about consequences Reinforcement Emotion Optimism Observations made while on a Surgery and Medicine Unit confirmed what was said in the physician interviews: • Alcohol dispensers are sometimes empty • Alcohol dispensers blend in with the wall • Beside alcohol bottle baskets are empty Squires et al 2014
  • 17. Theoretical Domains Framework: barriers and enablers TDF Domains Knowledge Skills Beliefs about capabilities Memory, attention & decision processes Behavioural regulation Environmental context & resources Social Influences Intention Goals Social/professional role & identity Beliefs about consequences Reinforcement Emotion Optimism “Practicing hand hygiene reduces the transmission of infection” “While improper hand hygiene can contribute to infection, it is not the only factor that can do so” “Practicing hand hygiene gives patients confidence in their physician” Squires et al 2014
  • 18. Step 1: Who needs to do what, differently? Whose behaviour need to change, and which behaviours? What is the evidence supporting this? Step 2: What factors determine whether or not they do it? What are the barriers and enablers? Step 3: Which strategies can be effectively used to target those factors? Which behaviour change techniques are best suited to specifically target the identified barriers and enablers Step 4: How can we robustly measure the outcome? 1 2 3 4 18 (French et al., 2012) Key Process model: The French Model
  • 19. Affiliated with • Affilié à ▶Choice of improvement program, should be based upon: • ‘Diagnostic’ assessment of barriers • Understanding of mechanism of action of interventions • Empirical evidence about effects of interventions • Available resources • Practicalities & logistics DESIGNING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS
  • 20. CHOOSING THE RIGHT INGREDIENTS ▶There is no ‘right’ strategy for all barriers and enablers ▶Faced with specific barriers and enablers identified, best to select strategies and techniques best suited to address such barriers Cooking Analogy To cook a rack of lamb, any number of possible herbs and spices could be used. • Some make it delicious (rosemary + thyme) • Some, not so much Would we mix as many possible ingredients as we could in hopes more = better? Probably not. Implementation Interventions: select ‘ingredients’ best suited for addressing key barriers
  • 21. Selecting and reporting strategies Taxonomies • EPOC taxonomy • ERIC taxonomy • BCT taxonomy • TIDIER checklist
  • 22. Step 1 Who needs to do what, differently? Step 2 What factors determine whether or not they do it? Step 3 Which strategies can be effectively used to target those factors? Step 4 How can we robustly measure the outcome? (French et al., 2012) Once determinants/barriers identified, which strategies to select? ✓ Principle: no magic bullets ✓ Select strategies that work best for specific barriers/enablers ✓ Be explicit to ensure clarity and replication ✓ Distinguish ‘what’ you deliver from ‘how’ it is delivered 22
  • 23. DESIGNING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS ▶We have found it useful to distinguish: • What we are trying to change • Why are we trying to change it? (constructs: barriers and enablers) • How are we going to change it, including - Behaviour change technique - Method of delivery: eg group meeting, DVD - Content: how the technique will be operationalised
  • 24. Describing the content of KT interventions • Need better description and reporting of KT strategies1 • Need shared language to describe content 1Proctor et al 2013 Often presented at high level of description • Well recognized in KT literature; helps communication • Combine content with method of delivery, recipient, and/or deliverer • Unclear ‘active ingredients’ + mechanisms of action • Synthesis, replication and optimization = challenging Van Woerkum (1990) RURU taxonomy (2003) ERIC (2015) Behaviour change wheel (2012) EPOC taxonomy (2002; 2015) Many lists of KT strategies
  • 25. Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) taxonomy Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) group undertakes systematic reviews of interventions to improve health care systems and health care delivery including: • Professional interventions (e.g. continuing medical education, audit and feedback) • Financial interventions (e.g. professional incentives) • Organisational interventions (e.g. the expanded role of pharmacists) • Regulatory interventions
  • 26. Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) taxonomy Healthcare worker-focused • Audit and Feedback • Clinical incident reporting • Monitoring performance of care delivery • Communities of practice • Continuous quality improvement • Educational games • Educational materials • Educational meetings • Educational outreach visits/ • Clinical practice guidelines • Inter-professional education • Local consensus processes • Local opinion leaders • Managerial supervision • Patient-mediated interventions • Public release of performance data • Reminders • Patient-reported outcome measures • Tailored interventions Organization-focused • Organizational culture Who provides health care • Role expansion or task shifting • Self-management • Length of consultation • Staffing models • Exit interviews • Movement of health workers between public or private • Pre-licensure education • Recruitment and retention strategies Coordination of care • Care pathways • Case management • Communication between providers • Continuity of care • Discharge planning • Disease management • Integration • Packages of care • Patient-initiated appointment systems • Procurement • Referral systems • Shared care • Shared decision-making • Teams • Transition of care Information and communication technology • Health information systems • Smart home technologies • Telemedicine http://epoc.cochrane.org/epoc-taxonomy
  • 27. Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) taxonomy • Recognises the issues of conceptual clarity (or lack thereof) in describing implementation strategies: - Idiosyncratic use of terms - Homonymy (same term with multiple meanings) - Synonymy (different terms with same meaning) - Instability (term meaning shift) • Recognises that other ‘lists’ were never necessarily intended to be comprehensive or used by a range of knowledge users and stakeholders • ERIC involved panel of 71 experts used Delphi study to refine and define list of implementation strategies • Produced list of 73 discrete implementation strategies Powell et al 2015
  • 28. Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) taxonomy 1. Access new funding 2. Alter incentive/allowance structures 3. Alter patient/consumer fees 4. Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators 5. Audit and provide feedback 6. Build a coalition 7. Capture and share local knowledge 8. Centralize technical assistance 9. Change accreditation or membership requirements 10. Change liability laws 11. Change physical structure and equipment 12. Change record systems 13. Change service sites 14. Conduct cyclical small tests of change 15. Conduct educational meetings 16. Conduct educational outreach visits 17. Conduct local consensus discussions 18. Conduct local needs assessment 19. Conduct ongoing training 20. Create a learning collaborative 21. Create new clinical teams 22. Create or change credentialing and/or licensure standards 23. Develop a formal implementation blueprint 24. Develop academic partnerships 25. Develop an implementation glossary 26. Develop and implement tools for quality monitoring 27. Develop and organize quality monitoring systems 28. Develop disincentives 29. Develop educational materials 30. Develop resource sharing agreements 31. Distribute educational materials 32. Facilitate relay of clinical data to providers 38. Inform local opinion leaders 39. Intervene with patients/consumers to enhance uptake and adherence 40. Involve executive boards 41. Involve patients/consumers and family members 42. Make billing easier 43. Make training dynamic 44. Mandate change 45. Model and simulate change 46. Obtain and use patients/consumers and family feedback 47. Obtain formal commitments 48. Organize clinician implementation team meetings 49. Place innovation on fee for service lists/formularies 50. Prepare patients/consumers to be active participants 51. Promote adaptability 52. Promote network weaving 53. Provide clinical supervision 54. Provide local technical assistance 55. Provide ongoing consultation 56. Purposely reexamine the implementation 57. Recruit, designate, and train for leadership 58. Remind clinicians 59. Revise professional roles 60. Shadow other experts 61. Stage implementation scale up 62. Start a dissemination organization 63. Tailor strategies 64. Use advisory boards and workgroups 65. Use an implementation advisor 66. Use capitated payments 67. Use data experts 68. Use data warehousing techniques 69. Use mass media Powell et al 2015
  • 29. Using a behaviour change techniques taxonomy • BCTTv1: 93 techniques within 16 categories focusing on behaviour change
  • 30. Goals and Planning Goal setting (behavior) OR Goal setting (outcome) Problem solving Action planning Review behavior goal(s) OR Review outcome goal(s) Discrepancy between current behavior and goal Behavioral contract Commitment Feedback and monitoring Monitoring of behaviour by others without feedback Feedback on behaviour/outcomes of behaviour Feedback on outcomes of behaviour Self-monitoring of behaviour Self-monitoring of outcomes of behaviour Monitoring of outcome(s) of behaviour without feedback Biofeedback Social Support Social support (unspecified) Social support (practical) Social support (emotional) Shaping Knowledge Instruction on how to perform behaviour Information about Antecedents Re-attribution Behavioural experiments Natural Consequences Info about health consequences Info about emotional consequences Info re social and environment consequences Salience of consequences Monitoring of emotional consequences Anticipated regret Comparison of behaviour Demonstration of the behaviour Social comparison Information about others’ approval Associations Prompts/cues Cue signalling reward Reduce prompts/cues Remove access to the reward Remove aversive stimulus Satiation Exposure Associative learning Repetition and substitution Behavioural practice/rehearsal Behaviour substitution Habit formation Habit reversal Overcorrection Generalisation of target behaviour Graded tasks Comparison of outcomes Credible source Pros and cons Comparative imagining of future outcomes Reward and threat Incentive (outcome Material incentive (behaviour) Social incentive Non-specific incentive Self-incentive Self-reward Reward (outcome) Material reward (behaviour) Non-specific reward Social reward Future punishment Regulation Conserving mental resources Pharmacological support Reduce negative emotions Paradoxical instructions Antecedents Adding objects to the environment Restructuring the physical environment Restructuring the social environment Avoidance/reducing exposure to cues Distraction Body changes Identity Identification of self as role model Framing/reframing Incompatible beliefs Valued self-identify Identity linked with changed behaviour Scheduled consequences Behaviour cost Punishment Remove reward Reward approximation Rewarding completion Situation-specific reward Reward incompatible behaviour Reward alternative behaviour Reduce reward frequency Remove punishment Self-belief Verbal persuasion about capability Mental rehearsal of successful perform Focus on past success Self-talk Covert learning Imaginary punishment Imaginary reward Vicarious consequences Behaviour change techniques taxonomy v1 (Michie et al 2013)
  • 31. BCT taxonomy (BCTTv1): examples BCT Definition Application example Michie et al 2013
  • 32. TIDieR items Brief name Why What materials What procedures Who provided How Where When and how much Tailoring Modifications How well (planned) How well (actual) TIDieR1: Template for Intervention Description and Replication checklist and guide 1 Hoffman et al (2014). Better reporting of interventions: template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist and guide. BMJ. • Most intervention descriptions are poor and either under-report or conflate aspects of the intervention • To ensure implementation, replication and advancement, KT interventions must be clearly described in detail • International panel of experts produced the 12 item TIDieR • Extension of CONSORT 2010 (item 5) and SPIRIT 2013 (item 11) Consider using TIDieR at the KT intervention development stage
  • 33. Summary: taxonomies Taxonomies provide a shared language for describing KT interventions that may help: • Promote clarity, which helps fidelity, replication, and optimization • Design and describe novel interventions (new ideas) BUT: taxonomy approaches in themselves do not necessarily clarify how to tailor to specific barriers/enablers Taxonomies provide a toolkit but no indication of which tool is best suited for a particular job
  • 35. What do we know from Cochrane reviews? ▶Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) undertakes systematic reviews to improve healthcare systems and healthcare delivery ▶Currently 200+ reviews/protocols • We know quite a bit! • Many reviews of randomised and cluster randomized trials http://epoc.cochrane.org/ 35
  • 36. What do we know from Cochrane reviews? Implementation intervention strategy # of trials Median improved performance Interquartile range Automatically-generated reminders on paper (Arditi 2012) 32 Reminders alone: 11% Reminders +: 4% 7-20% 3-6% Printed educational materials (Giguere 2012) 7 2% 0-11% On-screen point of care reminders (Shojania 2009) 28 4% 1-19% Audit and Feedback (Ivers 2012) 140 4% 1-16% Meetings and workshops (Forsetlund 2009) 81 6% 2-16% Educational outreach visits (O’Brien 2007) 69 6% 3-9% • Small effects at population level may be important • Wide variability of effect; What explains variability? • Categories are largely methods of delivery rather than techniques; need to unpack
  • 37. Affiliated with • Affilié à • Cochrane 2012 review – 140 trials of audit and feedback, median absolute improvement +4%, interquartile range +1% to +16% • Larger effects were seen if: - baseline compliance was low. - the source was a supervisor or colleague - it was provided more than once - it was delivered in both verbal and written formats - it included both explicit targets and an action plan Ivers (2012) Cochrane Library EMPIRICAL SUPPORT
  • 38. 38 • Be provided multiple times • Present feedback as soon as possible • Provide individual rather than general data • Include clear comparators that reinforce desired behaviour change • Support an action perceived to be a priority for recipients • Recommend actions that can improve and are under control of the recipient • Recommend a specific action • Tailor feedback interventions based on situation-specific barriers • Closely link visual display and summary message • Be presented in multiple ways • Minimize cognitive load • Address barriers that prevent use of the feedback • Provide short, actionable messages followed by more detail • Address credibility of the information • Increase motivation to change practice • Encourage social construction of feedback rather than passive delivery THEORETICAL SUPPORT
  • 39. Summary: systematic reviews • Systematic reviews a good source of identifying strategies shown to be effective across settings • MAY be effective for your intervention… but depends on whether fit for purpose (depends on barriers/enablers)
  • 43. PROGRAM OPTIMISATION Human factors approaches ▶Designing for the way people are, not the way we wish they were ▶Adapting systems to people, rather than expecting people to adapt to systems @hwitteman
  • 44. Affiliated with • Affilié à 44
  • 45. Affiliated with • Affilié à ▶Important TDF domains were prioritized with team input, and mapped to known effective behaviour change techniques ▶Intervention focused on five prioritized domains, considering feasibility in our environment, and acceptability to the “actors” • Knowledge; skills; beliefs about consequences; memory, attention and decision processes; social influences ▶Intervention delivery differed for medicine and surgery INTERVENTION MAPPING AND DESIGN
  • 46. Affiliated with • Affilié à ▶Choice of implementation intervention should be based upon: • ‘Diagnostic’ assessment of barriers • Understanding of mechanism of action of interventions • Empirical evidence about effects of interventions • Available resources • Practicalities, logistics etc ▶ Hand hygiene seen as low priority for physicians ▶ Limited contact options - educational sessions unlikely to be attended INTERVENTION MAPPING AND DESIGN
  • 47. Affiliated with • Affilié à 1.Initial sensitisation (to: residents) Intervention content: • Refresher on 4 moments of hand hygiene - Domain: knowledge; Technique: instruction on how to perform the behaviour • Refresher on what is the patient environment - Domain: knowledge; Technique: information about health consequences • TOH hand hygiene compliance and infection rates - Domain: beliefs about consequences, Technique: information about health consequences - Domain: social influences; Technique: (credible source and information about others’ approval priority for chief resident and hospital)) Proposed delivery for Medicine: • When: During Resident Orientation -1st day of block • What: 1-2 slides on hand hygiene to be developed by team and given to Chief Resident • Who will deliver: Chief Resident at the beginning of the block INTERVENTION MAPPING AND DESIGN
  • 48. Affiliated with • Affilié à 2. Re-emphasis (to: residents, attending physicians) Intervention Content: • Information about: Infection rates, the 4 moments, the patient environment (exact content to be developed and will be clinically relevant) - Domain: knowledge; Technique: information about health consequences, instruction on how to perform the behaviour • Add Glo Germ demonstration in one of these sessions to illustrate technique (booth after session for all to try if interested) - Domain: skills; Technique: Demonstration of the behaviour - Domain: knowledge; Technique: Salience of consequences and Self-monitoring of outcome of behaviour Proposed delivery for Medicine: • When: During Antibiotic Stewardship Rounds – a weekly pause of rounds that lasts a few minutes (already in practice) (social influence) • What: A hand hygiene curriculum delivered weekly (~2min/session) X 4 (for one block) • Who will deliver: Local experts/opinion leaders INTERVENTION MAPPING AND DESIGN
  • 49. Affiliated with • Affilié à 3. Address environmental barriers (unit staff) Intervention Content: • Ensure that hand hygiene resources are easily accessible and noticeable (including systems to ensure hand hygiene resources are routinely replaced) - domain: environmental context and resources; Technique: Restructuring the physical environment Proposed delivery for Medicine: • How: Will walk through the chosen unit(s) • Who will deliver: Members of the study team • Accountability – unit INTERVENTION MAPPING AND DESIGN
  • 51. WEBINAR 6 – TAKE HOME MESSAGES ▶ Use taxonomies: • Promotes shared language and operationalization • Provide novel ideas for intervention ▶ Distinguish and clarify ‘what’ you deliver (intervention strategies) from ‘how’ you deliver it (method of delivery) ▶ Use systematic review evidence of effectiveness of strategies where possible ▶ When selecting strategies and interventions, tailor to identified barriers and enablers • Use tools that link barriers/enablers to fit-for-purpose strategies
  • 52. OVERALL TAKE HOME MESSAGES ▶ Patient safety remains major concern in healthcare systems ▶ Implementation Science is the scientific study of the determinants, processes and outcomes of implementation ▶ Successful implementation of patient safety change programs requires actors to change their behaviour(s) ▶ Don’t jump straight to solutions: Developing solutions before understanding the problem risks developing elegant solutions to non-problems ▶ No magic bullets: no strategy works in all instances ▶ Insights from behavioural science can help optimise change programs and increase their likelihood of success ▶ Drawing upon IS approaches can avoid the pitfalls of ISLAGIATT approaches and promote a shared understanding of what works to improve patient safety
  • 53. www.ohri.ca | Affiliated with • Affilié à Centre for Implementation Research Thank you Justin Presseau Scientist, OHRI Assistant Professor, uOttawa @JPresseau jpresseau@ohri.ca Jeremy Grimshaw Senior Scientist, OHRI Full Professor, uOttawa @GrimshawJeremy jgrimshaw@ohri.ca