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The Search
 Web 2.0
   G. Riflet
0 What about Web1.0?
Tim berners Lee – inventor of the W orld W ide W eb
0.1 Web1.0
•search engines
•news sites
I What About Google?
I.1 Google history

• Back in 1994, in Stanford, two
  friends, one finalists project ...
  and one Idea!
I.2 Google history
Consider an internet page. I know where it
links to ... but ... I don’t know where it’s linked

Larry’s one-billion dollar pop quiz: Which
pages link to this page?
I.3 Google history
A year later BackRub was born. Innovative,
this program would send crawlers to slurp the
pages in the integral and then it would index
their links, thus providing for the first time a
snapshot of the links structure of the internet.

A natural ranking of web pages followed. They
called it the PageRank, from the name of its
creator, Larry Page.
I.4 Google history
With the index and the PageRank concept
they pushed their data to the next level and
created a novel search engine:
i – It allowed full-text search
ii – It ranked its results according to the
PageRank principle
They named it Google, after a typo when
trying to write googol (10100).
I.5 Google history
With the index and the PageRank concept
they pushed their data to the next level and
created a novel search engine:
i – It allowed full-text search
ii – It ranked its results according to the
PageRank principle
They named it Google, after a typo when
trying to write googol (10100).
Their moto is: “Don’t Be Evil!”
I.6 Google history
 It released the GOOG stock
 on 2004 at $85 a piece.

2007-05-10 20:00 $464.82

•Sergei Brin and Lawrence Page, The Anatomy of a
Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine.
•John Batelle, The Search.
I.7 S.E.O.

•Give data away (but make sure it gets packaged with a link
coming back to your site)!! Provide a simple to use API. Ex:
slideshare, youtube, del.icio.us, google!
•Have lots of organic links coming back to you! Get people
talking and posting about you. (www.digg.com)
•Use Google W ebmaster's tools (former sitemap) in order to
facilitate Google's crawlers.
•Use Amazon's Alexa or/AND Google Analytics to monitor and
analyse your site traffic.
•How many visitors COME BACK? How many are regulars?
Are they daily, weekly, occasional visitors?
•Use CSE and Google Co-op to create your adequate search
I.8 Earth and Maps

•Conceptual revolution:
   •URL referenced documents will now get to be geo-
   referenced (a.k.a. Geo-tagging ). W ikipedia, panoramio,
   National Geographic, 3D structures etc...
   •Search business tries to refine geographically (google
   local) ...
   •But ultimately it strives to get to individuals  web history
   and suggestions.

              Have you seen MyMaps?
II What About WEB2.0?
II.1 It's the people, stupid!
(But there's also a strong technological basis).

•Last month: Web 2.0 Expo at San Francisco

            Here’s the introductory video
II.2 100% user-driven community

   •User generated content
   •User editing
   •User publishing
   •User authoring
   •User sorting

    MOTO: Empower the user!
II.3 Zoology
•Last.fm, Odeo
II.4 Distinctive features
  •Tagging (folksonomy)
  •Preserves privacy
  •Do One Thing And Do It Well!

II.5 Rething copyright

  CC – Creative Commons
  Some Rights Reserved
II.6 Cultural behaviour evolution

  Forums  Community driven
  Blogs Individual & community driven
  Wikis  Collaborative community driven
II.7 feeds / subscriptions

RSS – Really Simple Syndication
Ex: google reader, digg, del.icio.us
II.8 Tagging

•A.k.a. Folksonomy (ex: del.icio.us, youtube)
•Geo-tagging, georss (ex: Panoramio)

              Tag cloud or tag roll
II.9 Collaborative

Ex: Google Docs&Spreadsheets, Google calendar
II.10 Tips for a successful site
•Do One Thing And Do It Well
•Sound Moral Basis and clear objectives
•Community driven site
•Empower the user
•Flattened hierarchy (search + tags)
•Word to mouth emphasis  Webmarketing *
•Involve the people and get involved with the people.*
•Go to important community sites and suggest your site at
pertinent occasions.*
• Get the people talking about your site. *
•Pertinent comments on relevant characters sites is crucial! *
•Network of organic links.*
II.11 Growth
  It's growing fast!!! Hard to keep up with.
  Listen the leaders, and the gurus from the geek
  community in first hand.
  Blogs, Webcasts, youtubes, slideshare!!! News
  in last. Use a good reader. Use google trends!

My personal favorites: Tim Berners-lee, Tim O'Reilly, EvHead,
PaulStamatiou, Kevin Rose, the Google guys, W3C stuff.
Other relevant people: Eric Schmidt (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon),
John Batelle.
II.12 Last hot thing: MASHUPS!

     Ex: Yahoo!Pipes, Teqlo

 Mashable web site pre-requirements:
 1 - Feeds,
 2 - Extensibility/Openness,
 3 – Tagging
II.12 Last hot thing: MASHUPS!

     Ex: Yahoo!Pipes, Teqlo

 Mashable web site pre-requirements:
 1 - Feeds,
 2 - Extensibility/Openness,
 3 – Tagging
III What about making money?
III.1 Show me the money!

Well, web2.0 is about the user, and a human
experience. It's not about money.
However, business models driven by targeted ads
generates over 6.1 billions in revenues for Google.
Counter-examples: Google, Amazon, Bet&Win, E-
Bay, iTunes.
III.2 Practicalities

•Large traffic volume
•First page from search results
•Keep It Simple & Clean!
III.3 The Long Tail

A Key concept for discovering new niches in
web-based commerce. Re-
Coined by Chris Anderson.
IV What about technology?
IV.1 Lots of change here too


    •CSS (liquid)
    •Schemas (DTD, XSD)
    •DB (MySQL, SQLserver ...)
    •Microformats (?)
IV.2 Hardware

•Wifi revolution
•Broadband democratization
•Mobile internet
IV.3 Winning technique/philosophy:

     Ex: Google docs&spreadsheets,
IV.4 Scalability!

•Read a book by Cal Henderson
(Flickr guy)
•See slideshows

HOT TIP: Amazon S3, EC2!!
Ex: SlideShare
$0.15 per GB for bandwidth,
$0.20 per GB per month for storage.
IV.5 The vision: Web OS!
Consequence: Desktop apps go web-based!
PROS: mobility!!
CONS: Not so advanced. Still missing offline mode.
Examples: Google Apps, iGoogle, Gadgets,
Widgets, calendar, docs&spreadsheets

Who will drive the content? The users.
Who will drive the capsule? The servers, the entrepreneurs. Big
players? Google, Amazon, Apple, MS.
V What about the future?
V.1 Go Mobile!

V.2 Breakthroughs?

OFFLINE SYNCING (DOJO offline Toolkit)

V.2 New platforms?

Adobe APOLLO ??,

Sun JavaFX ???,

MS Silverlight ????,
V.3 New revolutions?

 OLPC (Negroponte)?

 Second Life?

  It's the people, stupid!
  Empower the user!
VI What about Lunch?
    It's the people, stupid!
    Empower the user!
VI Lunchtime
                             Entrepreneurs Gurus:
                             •EvHead (Twitter)
                             •Kevin Rose (digg)          Money Gurus:
Visionnary Gurus:            •Cal Henderson (flickr)     •Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
•Tim Berners Lee
                                                         •Eric Schmidt (Google)
                            Prototypical web-user:
•Tim O’Reilly
                            •Paul Stamatiou

                •Sergei Brin and Lawrence Page, The Anatomy of a
                Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine.

                                                               G. Riflet
                •John Batelle, The Search.

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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
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Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
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Fix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matkaFix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matka
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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg
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Web 2.0

  • 1. The Search Web 2.0 G. Riflet
  • 2. 0 What about Web1.0? Tim berners Lee – inventor of the W orld W ide W eb
  • 4. I What About Google?
  • 5. I.1 Google history • Back in 1994, in Stanford, two friends, one finalists project ... and one Idea!
  • 6. I.2 Google history Consider an internet page. I know where it links to ... but ... I don’t know where it’s linked from. Larry’s one-billion dollar pop quiz: Which pages link to this page?
  • 7. I.3 Google history A year later BackRub was born. Innovative, this program would send crawlers to slurp the pages in the integral and then it would index their links, thus providing for the first time a snapshot of the links structure of the internet. A natural ranking of web pages followed. They called it the PageRank, from the name of its creator, Larry Page.
  • 8. I.4 Google history With the index and the PageRank concept they pushed their data to the next level and created a novel search engine: i – It allowed full-text search ii – It ranked its results according to the PageRank principle They named it Google, after a typo when trying to write googol (10100).
  • 9. I.5 Google history With the index and the PageRank concept they pushed their data to the next level and created a novel search engine: i – It allowed full-text search ii – It ranked its results according to the PageRank principle They named it Google, after a typo when trying to write googol (10100). Their moto is: “Don’t Be Evil!”
  • 10. I.6 Google history It released the GOOG stock on 2004 at $85 a piece. 2007-05-10 20:00 $464.82 REFS: •Sergei Brin and Lawrence Page, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. •John Batelle, The Search.
  • 11. I.7 S.E.O. •Give data away (but make sure it gets packaged with a link coming back to your site)!! Provide a simple to use API. Ex: slideshare, youtube, del.icio.us, google! •Have lots of organic links coming back to you! Get people talking and posting about you. (www.digg.com) •Use Google W ebmaster's tools (former sitemap) in order to facilitate Google's crawlers. •Use Amazon's Alexa or/AND Google Analytics to monitor and analyse your site traffic. •How many visitors COME BACK? How many are regulars? Are they daily, weekly, occasional visitors? •Use CSE and Google Co-op to create your adequate search engine.
  • 12. I.8 Earth and Maps •Conceptual revolution: •URL referenced documents will now get to be geo- referenced (a.k.a. Geo-tagging ). W ikipedia, panoramio, National Geographic, 3D structures etc... •Search business tries to refine geographically (google local) ... •But ultimately it strives to get to individuals  web history and suggestions. Have you seen MyMaps?
  • 13. II What About WEB2.0?
  • 14. II.1 It's the people, stupid! (But there's also a strong technological basis). •Last month: Web 2.0 Expo at San Francisco http://www.web2expo.com/ Here’s the introductory video
  • 15. II.2 100% user-driven community •User generated content •User editing •User publishing •User authoring •User sorting MOTO: Empower the user!
  • 17. II.4 Distinctive features •Free •Open •Publish •Comments •Tagging (folksonomy) •Preserves privacy •Friends •Collaborative/Sharing •Feeds/Broadcasts •Extensible •Do One Thing And Do It Well!
  • 19. II.5 Rething copyright CC – Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved
  • 20. II.6 Cultural behaviour evolution Forums  Community driven Blogs Individual & community driven Wikis  Collaborative community driven
  • 21. II.7 feeds / subscriptions RSS – Really Simple Syndication Ex: google reader, digg, del.icio.us
  • 22. II.8 Tagging •A.k.a. Folksonomy (ex: del.icio.us, youtube) •Geo-tagging, georss (ex: Panoramio) Tag cloud or tag roll
  • 23. II.9 Collaborative Ex: Google Docs&Spreadsheets, Google calendar
  • 24. II.10 Tips for a successful site •Do One Thing And Do It Well •Sound Moral Basis and clear objectives •Community driven site •Empower the user •Flattened hierarchy (search + tags) •Word to mouth emphasis  Webmarketing * •Involve the people and get involved with the people.* •Go to important community sites and suggest your site at pertinent occasions.* • Get the people talking about your site. * •Pertinent comments on relevant characters sites is crucial! * •Network of organic links.*
  • 25. II.11 Growth It's growing fast!!! Hard to keep up with. Listen the leaders, and the gurus from the geek community in first hand. Blogs, Webcasts, youtubes, slideshare!!! News in last. Use a good reader. Use google trends! My personal favorites: Tim Berners-lee, Tim O'Reilly, EvHead, PaulStamatiou, Kevin Rose, the Google guys, W3C stuff. Other relevant people: Eric Schmidt (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), John Batelle.
  • 26. II.12 Last hot thing: MASHUPS! Ex: Yahoo!Pipes, Teqlo Mashable web site pre-requirements: 1 - Feeds, 2 - Extensibility/Openness, 3 – Tagging  EMERGENCE !!!
  • 27. II.12 Last hot thing: MASHUPS! Ex: Yahoo!Pipes, Teqlo Mashable web site pre-requirements: 1 - Feeds, 2 - Extensibility/Openness, 3 – Tagging  EMERGENCE !!!
  • 28. III What about making money?
  • 29. III.1 Show me the money! Well, web2.0 is about the user, and a human experience. It's not about money. However, business models driven by targeted ads generates over 6.1 billions in revenues for Google. Counter-examples: Google, Amazon, Bet&Win, E- Bay, iTunes.
  • 30. III.2 Practicalities •Large traffic volume •First page from search results •Keep It Simple & Clean!
  • 31. III.3 The Long Tail A Key concept for discovering new niches in web-based commerce. Re- Coined by Chris Anderson.
  • 32. IV What about technology?
  • 33. IV.1 Lots of change here too SEPARATE FORM FROM CONTENT!!! FOLLOW STANDARDS! (Follow W 3C!!) •XHTML •DOM •CSS (liquid) •XML •Schemas (DTD, XSD) •XSL •JSON •SOAP •REST •DB (MySQL, SQLserver ...) •RSS2.0/ATOM1.0 •Microformats (?)
  • 34. IV.2 Hardware •Wifi revolution •Broadband democratization •Mobile internet
  • 35. IV.3 Winning technique/philosophy: AJAX! •Javascript •XML •CSS •Flash Ex: Google docs&spreadsheets, meebo
  • 36. IV.4 Scalability! •Read a book by Cal Henderson (Flickr guy) •See slideshows HOT TIP: Amazon S3, EC2!! Ex: SlideShare $0.15 per GB for bandwidth, $0.20 per GB per month for storage.
  • 37. IV.5 The vision: Web OS! Consequence: Desktop apps go web-based! PROS: mobility!! CONS: Not so advanced. Still missing offline mode. Examples: Google Apps, iGoogle, Gadgets, Widgets, calendar, docs&spreadsheets Who will drive the content? The users. Who will drive the capsule? The servers, the entrepreneurs. Big players? Google, Amazon, Apple, MS.
  • 38. V What about the future?
  • 40. V.2 Breakthroughs? OFFLINE SYNCING (DOJO offline Toolkit) LOW-COST SCALABILITY (Amazon S3, EC2)
  • 41. V.2 New platforms? Adobe APOLLO ??, Sun JavaFX ???, MS Silverlight ????,
  • 42. V.3 New revolutions? OLPC (Negroponte)? Second Life? It's the people, stupid! Empower the user!
  • 43. VI What about Lunch? REMEMBER!! It's the people, stupid! Empower the user!
  • 44. VI Lunchtime Entrepreneurs Gurus: •EvHead (Twitter) •Kevin Rose (digg) Money Gurus: Visionnary Gurus: •Cal Henderson (flickr) •Jeff Bezos (Amazon) •Tim Berners Lee •Eric Schmidt (Google) Prototypical web-user: •Tim O’Reilly •Paul Stamatiou REFS: •Sergei Brin and Lawrence Page, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. G. Riflet •John Batelle, The Search.