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    The electronic Earth Holding all of us

    • Google is a web search engine that brings
      whatever information you need in world wide
      web in the form of web pages.

    • Google Search is the most-used search engine
      on the World Wide Web.

    • Google Search was originally developed
      by Larry Page and Sergey Brine in 1997


    The Vision
        To make search engines so powerful they would
      understand "everything in the world".

    The Mission
         To organize the world's information and make it
      universally accessible and useful.

    The Focus
        Google continues to focus on innovation and on the
      user experience.

Google’s Philosophy
    o Focus on the user, and all else will follow.

    o It‘s best to do one thing really well.

    o Fast is better than slow.

    o Democracy on the web works.

    o The world is a wonderful R&D Lab.

    o You can make money without doing evil.

    o There‘s always more information out there.

    o The need for information crosses all borders.

    o Great just isn‘t good enough.

Internet World Stats

Geographic Analysis

Nielsen’s Tops of 2011


        Web            Standalone       Communication &
       Search         Applications         publishing
        Maps         Ad Words Editor      3D Warehouse
     Ride Finder      Gmail Notifier         Blogger
      Analytics         Hello Pack       Calendar, Docs&
      Directory     Photo Screensaver     Spreadsheets
    Google Mini            Picasa           Dodge ball
        SMS           Secure Access         FeedBurner
    Search Mash           GTalk           Gmail, Orkut
                         SketchUp            YouTube
    Advertising          Desktop              Reader
     AdSense            Extension        Mobile Products
      AdWords          Blogger Web        Blogger Mobile
     Audio Ads          Comments             Calendar
    Click-to-Call     Browser Sync             Gmail
       Grants       Dashboard Widgets          News
       TV Ads         Send to Phone           iGoogle
                          Toolbar             Reader
                                           Maps Mobile
Desktop products
      Earth -Virtual globe that uses satellite imagery, aerial photography and
       GIS over a 3D globe.
      Gmail/Google Notifier (Alerts the user of new messages in their
       Gmail account.
      Google Dictionary
      Picasa (Photo organization and editing application, providing photo
       library options and simple effects.
      Picasa Web Albums Uploader An application to help uploading
       images to the "Picasa Web Albums" service It consists of both an iPhoto
       plug-in and a stand-alone application.
      SketchUp Simple 3D sketching program with unique dragging interface
       and direct integration with Google Earth.
      GOOGLE Talk

Desktop extensions

      Blogger Web Comments (Firefox only) Displays
       related comments from other Blogger users.

      Gears

      Send to Phone.

      Toolbar

     Web browser toolbar with features - Google Search
     box, phishing protection, pop-up blocker
Mobile products

      Google Mobilizer Makes any web page
      Mobile search
      Google Notebook
      Mobile Updater (BlackBerry only)
        -Sync for BlackBerry

      Android Platform
         -Android platform including external
     libraries, applications, hosted services)

Commercial Products

 AdSense
   Advertisement program for Website owners. Adverts generate
 AdWords
   Advertising product, and main source of revenue. AdWords
offers pay-per-click.
 AdWords Website Optimizer
     Tool for testing different website content advertising campaigns.
 Click-to-Call
  Calling system free at Google's expense from search results
 Grants -Scheme for non-profit organizations to benefit from
  free Cost-Per-Click advertising on the AdWords network.
Communication & Publishing
      3D Warehouse
         Google 3D Warehouse is an online service that hosts 3D models of
     existing objects, locations .etc.
      Blogger
      Calendar
          Document, spreadsheet and presentation application, with document
     collaboration and publishing capabilities.
      FeedBurner - News feed management services
      Friend Connect
      Orkut
      Groups
        Web and e-mail discussion service and Usenet archive.
      Reader
      SMS Channels (Google India Only)
      Questions and Answers (Google Russia Only)
      YouTube
      Android Open Source mobile phone platform .
      App Engine
        A tool that allows developers to write and run
     web applications.
      Code
          Site contains Open Source code and lists of
     their API services.
      OpenSocial
       APIs for building social applications websites.
      Subscribed Links
      Web Toolkit
        An open source Java software development
      Maps
           Mapping service that indexes streets and
     displays satellite and street-level imagery, driving
     directions and local business search.
      Mars
          Imagery of Mars using the Google Maps interface.
      Moon
           NASA imagery of the moon.
      Google Sky
     An Internet tool for viewing the stars and galaxies
      Ride Finder
         Taxi, shuttle search service, using real time
     position of vehicles in 14 US cities.
      Google Transit -Public transport trip planning
        through the Google Maps interface.
      Web Search
      Alerts
        E-mail notification service
      Base
        Google submission database,
      Book Search
      Catalogs
        Search engine for over 6,600 print catalogs
      Checkout
      Directory (Google China)
      Experimental Search
      Finance
        Searchable US business news, opinion, and financial data.

Accessible Search

      Image Search
      Language Tools
      Life Search (Google China)
      News Archive Search
      Patent Search
      Product Search (Previously Froogle)
        Price engine that searches online stores, including auctions
      Scholar
      Search engine for the full text of scholarly literature
      Sets
         List of items generated when the user enters
      Suggest Auto-completion in search results

      Analytics
     Traffic statistics generator for defined websites, with
     strong AdWords integration. Based on the statistics.
      Gapminder
     Data trend viewing platform for statistics accessible on
     the internet in an animated, interactive graph form.
      Trends
     Graph plotting application for Web Search statistics
      Zeitgeist
      Collection of lists of the most frequent search queries.
     There are weekly, monthly and yearly lists, as well as
     topic and country specific lists.

Other Products
      Google Search Appliance
     Hardware device that can be hooked to corporate
     intranets for indexing/searching of company files.

      Google Mini
     Reduced capacity and less expensive version of the
     Google Search Appliance.

      GOOG-411
     Google's directory assistance service, which can be
     used free of charge from any telephone in the US and

core features in Google Instant:

 Dynamic Results - Google dynamically displays
 relevant search results as you type so you can quickly
 interact and click through to the web content need.

 Predictions - One of the key technologies in Google
 Instant is that it predict the rest of the query (in light
 gray text) before finish typing

 Scroll to search - Scroll through predictions and see
 results instantly for each as you arrow down.

o Google plans to launch glasses with a heads-up display by the end
   of 2012

 o They will include a display, mere inches from the wearer’s eye,
   streaming real-time info about your surroundings, similar to the
   various augmented reality applications we’ve seen on

 o The data will be fetched through a 3G/4G data connection, and the
   glasses will retrieve information through GPS and several sensors.
o The glasses will be integrated with other Google products, like Google
       Latitude to share location, Google Goggles to search images and
       identify what is being looked at, and Google Maps to search for nearby

     o For example, if a user is wearing the HUD and looking directly at a bar,
       that bar could choose to display an ad telling the user about its real-
       time offers.

     o According to the report, the glasses are expected to start selling at the
       end of the year at a price of between $250 and $600 — about the cost
       of a smartphone.

Growth - List of Google acquisitions

2004        2005               2006              2007               2008

        2Web Technologies         dMarc                Xunlei
              Phatbits        Broadcasting–      Adscape – Video
          Urchin S/W Inc.    Radio Advertising   Game advertising
             Dodgeball                              Trendalyzer
            Reqwireless       Measure Map          Tonic Systems
       Current Comm. Group      Upstartle            Marratech
              Android        @Last Software        GreenBorder
                Skia              Orion             Panoramio
          Akwan InfoTech      Neven Vision          FeedBurner
         AOL (5% stake) -        JotSpot            PeakStream
              Internet       YouTube- Video            Zenter
                                Sharing           Grand Central –
      Strengths Analysis

      Weakness Analysis

Threats Analysis

                 Opportunities Analysis

           Google                 Yahoo           Microsoft
     Traditional            Other Software   Pay Per Use office
     advertisement domain   Apps.            Internet Ads
     Office Suites


     • Google's success is mainly due to
       a patented algorithm called PageRank that helps rank
       web pages that match a given search string.

     • The exact percentage of the total of web pages that
       Google indexes are not known.

     • All the other competitors use keyword-
      based methods of ranking search results





      Google consists of three distinct parts for fast parallel

      Googlebot, a web crawler that finds and fetches web

      The Indexer that sorts and stores the resulting index
       of words in a huge database.

      The Query Processor, compares the search query to
       the index and recommends the documents that it
       considers most relevant.


GOOGLE Technology overview

     Technology that determined the ―importance‖ of a webpage by looking
     at what other pages link to it, as well as other data.

     • Google launched in 1998 with just 25 million pages, which was a
       small fraction of the web, then.

     • Today Google index billions and billions of webpages, and our index is
       roughly 100 million gigabytes.

Google security and product safety
 Reporting security issues

     Google allows to report security issues regarding your personal
     Google account.

 Android and Security

     Google defend Android users from malware and other threats difference
     for users‘ security.

     • Expanding Safe Browsing Alerts to include malware distribution

     • Protecting data for the long term with forward secrecy


Google mobile world

     Android : Open Source O.S

      Android Developer Challenge: Contest
       for developers to create new applications
       for Android

      Open Handset Alliance: Common
       initiative of 34 mobile phone industry
       players (manufacturers ,suppliers and
       distributors) aiming at spreading Android
online environment

     Launching of Google Gears: Open
      Source project allowing an offline
      use of online applications

     Claimed ambition of becoming a
      standard and encouraging online
      languages as opposed to offline
      programming languages
AdWords skill with Individual Qualification

 Professionals looking to update and demonstrate search skills to employers
 can study and certify to become Individually Qualified in Google AdWords

 • Improved knowledge & practical application of AdWords tools

 • Globally recognized stamp of approval certifying essential AdWords

 • Showcase specialist knowledge through advanced exams covering
   search, display, reporting & analysis―

 - AdWords Certified Partner -

 Google Trends, compare the world‘s interest in your favorite topics.

 Google Trends shows users‘ propensity to search for a certain topic on
  Google on a relative basis

 Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in
  Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have
  searched for them most.

 Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute
  how many searches have been done for the terms you enter, relative to
  the total number of searches done on Google over time (Search Volume

Additional features of Google Search application

          Quick Access to Google.
         Search by voice.* Speak your queries instead of typing them.

         My Location. Avoid typing your current location when searching
         for nearby businesses (e.g. "pizza" or "starbucks").

         Autocomplete. Search and get a list of predictions displayed in a
         drop-down menu below the search box.

         Search history. Quickly search again for queries you recently

Google Public DNS: 70 billion requests a day and counting

 o Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS)
   resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current
   DNS provider.

 o DNS acts like the phone book of the Internet. If you had to look up
   hundreds or thousands of phone numbers every day, you‘d want a
   directory that was fast, secure and correct.

 o    Google Public DNS has become particularly popular for our users
     internationally. Today, about 70 percent of its traffic comes from outside
     the U.S Google Public

 o DNS‘s goal is simple: making the web—really, the whole Internet!—
   faster for users.


          Data mining

     •The web offers the
     opportunity to exploit and
     analyze a very large
     amount of data

      •Content and services must be open and
      interoperable to favor audience
Uniqueness in Google

      Speed, Accuracy, Objectivity and Ease of use.
      Fit between their technology and the consumer
      Page Rank technology – Orkut merged
      Solved the scale up problem
      Positioned as ―Fastest Crawling Technique‖
      Keeps the search ―Up to date‖

Facts About Google
     Google knows weather!

 Simply type in the weather operator, followed by the name of a location.
 You can also type in a zip code for more specific results

Google Knows What Time It Is!

      If you need to know the time in another time zone, all you do is
      type ‗time‘ in Google‘s search bar, followed by the location. If a
      location name is ambiguous, multiple results will be shown.

Google’s Got A Calculator.

                                  Google is great for relatively simple
                                  arithmetic calculations, including
                                  square roots, logarithms, order of
                                  operations, and trigonometric
                                  functions such as sine and cosine.
                                  Google calculator also defines various
                                  constants such as e and c(speed of

                                  The calculator can also perform just
                                  about any unit conversion that I can
                                  think of, from temperature to weight
                                  to pressure to length. And both
                                  American and metric units are

Google has a built-in currency converter

       Typing in other currencies such as the Euro, or the Yen.

          You can look up phone numbers by simply typing
          them into the search field. All numbers that are in
          the phonebook will be retrieved.
Google Maps’ Street View Helps Fight Crime!

     Police use Google‘s Street View product to locate and rescue.
     Using the GPS coordinates of the cell phone (obtained from the
     cell phone carrier every time the phone was activated), police
     were able to retrieve street view and satellite images which
     enabled them to survey the area ahead of time
     and guess which building, exact location
     So with help from Google, a crime can be averted.

Google Wallet $
 - Pay Everything in the Electronic World -
 o Google Wallet is a new application powered by the Android software
   that literally converts your mobile phone into a mobile wallet.

 o It is packed with cashless and card less purchase capability of
   electronic transactions without using the credit card.

 o It operates to comply with the electronic transactions supported by
   NFC tagged electronic devices

 o    The presence of NFC tags Near field communication (NFC) in
     mobile equipment allows transactions minus the electronic passage or
     reading or the credit card

 o   NFC tags records everything about the credit card of the consumer.

      Launching Offline application

      Powerful technological force

     Shrinks the World                     3.0






     The Google Story - David A.Vise


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  • 1. “GOOGLE” The electronic Earth Holding all of us 1
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Google is a web search engine that brings whatever information you need in world wide web in the form of web pages. • Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web. • Google Search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brine in 1997 3
  • 4. GOOGLE The Vision To make search engines so powerful they would understand "everything in the world". The Mission To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. The Focus Google continues to focus on innovation and on the user experience. 4
  • 5. Google’s Philosophy o Focus on the user, and all else will follow. o It‘s best to do one thing really well. o Fast is better than slow. o Democracy on the web works. o The world is a wonderful R&D Lab. o You can make money without doing evil. o There‘s always more information out there. o The need for information crosses all borders. o Great just isn‘t good enough. 5
  • 9. TOOLS ( PRODUCTS) Web Standalone Communication & Search Applications publishing Maps Ad Words Editor 3D Warehouse Ride Finder Gmail Notifier Blogger Analytics Hello Pack Calendar, Docs& Directory Photo Screensaver Spreadsheets Google Mini Picasa Dodge ball SMS Secure Access FeedBurner Search Mash GTalk Gmail, Orkut SketchUp YouTube Advertising Desktop Reader AdSense Extension Mobile Products AdWords Blogger Web Blogger Mobile Audio Ads Comments Calendar Click-to-Call Browser Sync Gmail Grants Dashboard Widgets News TV Ads Send to Phone iGoogle Toolbar Reader Maps Mobile 9
  • 10. Desktop products  Earth -Virtual globe that uses satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS over a 3D globe.  Gmail/Google Notifier (Alerts the user of new messages in their Gmail account.  Google Dictionary  Picasa (Photo organization and editing application, providing photo library options and simple effects.  Picasa Web Albums Uploader An application to help uploading images to the "Picasa Web Albums" service It consists of both an iPhoto plug-in and a stand-alone application.  SketchUp Simple 3D sketching program with unique dragging interface and direct integration with Google Earth.  GOOGLE Talk 10
  • 11. Desktop extensions  Blogger Web Comments (Firefox only) Displays related comments from other Blogger users.  Gears  Send to Phone.  Toolbar Web browser toolbar with features - Google Search box, phishing protection, pop-up blocker 11
  • 12. Mobile products  Google Mobilizer Makes any web page mobile-friendly.  Mobile search  Google Notebook  Mobile Updater (BlackBerry only) -Sync for BlackBerry  Android Platform -Android platform including external libraries, applications, hosted services) 12
  • 13. Commercial Products (BUSINESS PRODUCTS)  AdSense Advertisement program for Website owners. Adverts generate revenue.  AdWords Advertising product, and main source of revenue. AdWords offers pay-per-click.  AdWords Website Optimizer Tool for testing different website content advertising campaigns.  Click-to-Call Calling system free at Google's expense from search results pages.  Grants -Scheme for non-profit organizations to benefit from free Cost-Per-Click advertising on the AdWords network. 13
  • 14. Communication & Publishing  3D Warehouse Google 3D Warehouse is an online service that hosts 3D models of existing objects, locations .etc.  Blogger  Calendar Document, spreadsheet and presentation application, with document collaboration and publishing capabilities.  FeedBurner - News feed management services  Friend Connect  Orkut  Groups Web and e-mail discussion service and Usenet archive.  Reader  SMS Channels (Google India Only)  Questions and Answers (Google Russia Only)  YouTube 14
  • 15. Development  Android Open Source mobile phone platform .  App Engine A tool that allows developers to write and run web applications.  Code Site contains Open Source code and lists of their API services.  OpenSocial APIs for building social applications websites.  Subscribed Links  Web Toolkit An open source Java software development 15
  • 16. Mapping  Maps Mapping service that indexes streets and displays satellite and street-level imagery, driving directions and local business search.  Mars Imagery of Mars using the Google Maps interface.  Moon NASA imagery of the moon.  Google Sky An Internet tool for viewing the stars and galaxies  Ride Finder Taxi, shuttle search service, using real time position of vehicles in 14 US cities.  Google Transit -Public transport trip planning through the Google Maps interface. 16
  • 17. SEARCH  Web Search  Alerts E-mail notification service  Base Google submission database,  Book Search  Catalogs Search engine for over 6,600 print catalogs  Checkout  Directory (Google China)  Experimental Search  Finance Searchable US business news, opinion, and financial data. 17
  • 18. Accessible Search  Image Search  Language Tools  Life Search (Google China)  News Archive Search  Patent Search  Product Search (Previously Froogle) Price engine that searches online stores, including auctions  Scholar  Search engine for the full text of scholarly literature  Sets List of items generated when the user enters  Suggest Auto-completion in search results 18
  • 19. Statistics  Analytics Traffic statistics generator for defined websites, with strong AdWords integration. Based on the statistics.  Gapminder Data trend viewing platform for statistics accessible on the internet in an animated, interactive graph form.  Trends Graph plotting application for Web Search statistics  Zeitgeist Collection of lists of the most frequent search queries. There are weekly, monthly and yearly lists, as well as topic and country specific lists. 19
  • 20. Other Products  Google Search Appliance Hardware device that can be hooked to corporate intranets for indexing/searching of company files.  Google Mini Reduced capacity and less expensive version of the Google Search Appliance.  GOOG-411 Google's directory assistance service, which can be used free of charge from any telephone in the US and Canada. 20
  • 21. core features in Google Instant: Dynamic Results - Google dynamically displays relevant search results as you type so you can quickly interact and click through to the web content need. Predictions - One of the key technologies in Google Instant is that it predict the rest of the query (in light gray text) before finish typing Scroll to search - Scroll through predictions and see results instantly for each as you arrow down. 21
  • 22. o Google plans to launch glasses with a heads-up display by the end of 2012 o They will include a display, mere inches from the wearer’s eye, streaming real-time info about your surroundings, similar to the various augmented reality applications we’ve seen on smartphones. o The data will be fetched through a 3G/4G data connection, and the glasses will retrieve information through GPS and several sensors. 22
  • 23. o The glasses will be integrated with other Google products, like Google Latitude to share location, Google Goggles to search images and identify what is being looked at, and Google Maps to search for nearby places. o For example, if a user is wearing the HUD and looking directly at a bar, that bar could choose to display an ad telling the user about its real- time offers. o According to the report, the glasses are expected to start selling at the end of the year at a price of between $250 and $600 — about the cost of a smartphone. 23
  • 25. Growth - List of Google acquisitions 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2Web Technologies dMarc Xunlei Phatbits Broadcasting– Adscape – Video Urchin S/W Inc. Radio Advertising Game advertising Dodgeball Trendalyzer Reqwireless Measure Map Tonic Systems Current Comm. Group Upstartle Marratech Android @Last Software GreenBorder Skia Orion Panoramio Akwan InfoTech Neven Vision FeedBurner AOL (5% stake) - JotSpot PeakStream Internet YouTube- Video Zenter Sharing Grand Central – VOIP Endoxon
  • 26. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Analysis Weakness Analysis 26
  • 27. Threats Analysis Opportunities Analysis Google Yahoo Microsoft Traditional Other Software Pay Per Use office advertisement domain Apps. Internet Ads Office Suites 27
  • 28. HOW GOOGLE WORKS • Google's success is mainly due to a patented algorithm called PageRank that helps rank web pages that match a given search string. • The exact percentage of the total of web pages that Google indexes are not known. • All the other competitors use keyword- based methods of ranking search results 28
  • 29. GOOGLE IN 3 ASPECTS Technology Business Society 29
  • 30. TECHNOLOGY ASPECT  Google consists of three distinct parts for fast parallel processing.  Googlebot, a web crawler that finds and fetches web pages.  The Indexer that sorts and stores the resulting index of words in a huge database.  The Query Processor, compares the search query to the index and recommends the documents that it considers most relevant. 30
  • 32. GOOGLE Technology overview Relevance Technology that determined the ―importance‖ of a webpage by looking at what other pages link to it, as well as other data. Comprehensiveness • Google launched in 1998 with just 25 million pages, which was a small fraction of the web, then. • Today Google index billions and billions of webpages, and our index is roughly 100 million gigabytes. 32
  • 33. Google security and product safety Reporting security issues Google allows to report security issues regarding your personal Google account. Android and Security Google defend Android users from malware and other threats difference for users‘ security. • Expanding Safe Browsing Alerts to include malware distribution domains • Protecting data for the long term with forward secrecy 33
  • 34. 34
  • 37. Google mobile world Android : Open Source O.S  Android Developer Challenge: Contest for developers to create new applications for Android  Open Handset Alliance: Common initiative of 34 mobile phone industry players (manufacturers ,suppliers and distributors) aiming at spreading Android 37
  • 38. online environment Launching of Google Gears: Open Source project allowing an offline use of online applications Claimed ambition of becoming a standard and encouraging online languages as opposed to offline programming languages 38
  • 39. AdWords skill with Individual Qualification Professionals looking to update and demonstrate search skills to employers can study and certify to become Individually Qualified in Google AdWords • Improved knowledge & practical application of AdWords tools • Globally recognized stamp of approval certifying essential AdWords knowledge • Showcase specialist knowledge through advanced exams covering search, display, reporting & analysis― - AdWords Certified Partner - 39
  • 40.  Google Trends, compare the world‘s interest in your favorite topics.  Google Trends shows users‘ propensity to search for a certain topic on Google on a relative basis  Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most.  Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time (Search Volume Index) 40
  • 41. Additional features of Google Search application Quick Access to Google. • Search by voice.* Speak your queries instead of typing them. • My Location. Avoid typing your current location when searching for nearby businesses (e.g. "pizza" or "starbucks"). • Autocomplete. Search and get a list of predictions displayed in a drop-down menu below the search box. • Search history. Quickly search again for queries you recently performed. 41
  • 42. Google Public DNS: 70 billion requests a day and counting o Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. o DNS acts like the phone book of the Internet. If you had to look up hundreds or thousands of phone numbers every day, you‘d want a directory that was fast, secure and correct. o Google Public DNS has become particularly popular for our users internationally. Today, about 70 percent of its traffic comes from outside the U.S Google Public o DNS‘s goal is simple: making the web—really, the whole Internet!— faster for users. 42
  • 43. GOOGLE STRENGTH FACTORS Data mining •The web offers the opportunity to exploit and analyze a very large amount of data Openness •Content and services must be open and interoperable to favor audience circulation 43
  • 44. Uniqueness in Google SEARCH  Speed, Accuracy, Objectivity and Ease of use.  Fit between their technology and the consumer behavior.  Page Rank technology – Orkut merged  Solved the scale up problem  Positioned as ―Fastest Crawling Technique‖  Keeps the search ―Up to date‖ 44
  • 45. Facts About Google Google knows weather! Simply type in the weather operator, followed by the name of a location. You can also type in a zip code for more specific results 45
  • 46. Google Knows What Time It Is! If you need to know the time in another time zone, all you do is type ‗time‘ in Google‘s search bar, followed by the location. If a location name is ambiguous, multiple results will be shown. 46
  • 47. Google’s Got A Calculator. Google is great for relatively simple arithmetic calculations, including square roots, logarithms, order of operations, and trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine. Google calculator also defines various constants such as e and c(speed of light). The calculator can also perform just about any unit conversion that I can think of, from temperature to weight to pressure to length. And both American and metric units are supported 47
  • 48. Google has a built-in currency converter Typing in other currencies such as the Euro, or the Yen. You can look up phone numbers by simply typing them into the search field. All numbers that are in the phonebook will be retrieved. 48
  • 49. Google Maps’ Street View Helps Fight Crime! Police use Google‘s Street View product to locate and rescue. Using the GPS coordinates of the cell phone (obtained from the cell phone carrier every time the phone was activated), police were able to retrieve street view and satellite images which enabled them to survey the area ahead of time and guess which building, exact location So with help from Google, a crime can be averted. 49
  • 50. Google Wallet $ - Pay Everything in the Electronic World - o Google Wallet is a new application powered by the Android software that literally converts your mobile phone into a mobile wallet. o It is packed with cashless and card less purchase capability of electronic transactions without using the credit card. o It operates to comply with the electronic transactions supported by NFC tagged electronic devices o The presence of NFC tags Near field communication (NFC) in mobile equipment allows transactions minus the electronic passage or reading or the credit card o NFC tags records everything about the credit card of the consumer. 50
  • 51. GOOGLE’s NEXT STEP  Launching Offline application  Powerful technological force 1.0 2.0 Shrinks the World 3.0 51
  • 52. References: Websites Google.com/services Internetworldstats.com Online-seo-information.blogspot.in Books The Google Story - David A.Vise 52