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Under the dome
(of failure driven pipeline)
Maciej Lasyk
4developers – Warsaw
Join Fedora Infrastructure!
- learn Ansible
- learn Docker with Fedora Dockerfiles
Don't run away ;)
Situations like this only reinforce my deep suspicion of
developers: They're often carelessly breaking things and
then disappearing, leaving Operations to clean up the
“The Phoenix Project”
by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Conway's law (1968)
organizations which design systems ... are
constrained to produce designs which are copies
of the communication structures of these
Ruth Malan (2008)
if the architecture of the system and the
architecture of the organization are at odds, the
architecture of the organization wins.
The organizational divides are going to drive the
true seams in the system.
Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
This will be another devops indoctrination
Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
This will be another devops indoctrination
What did you expect? ;)
Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
This will be another devops indoctrination
What did you expect? ;)
This presentation includes gentle product placement
Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
This will be another devops indoctrination
What did you expect? ;)
This presentation includes gentle product placement
DevOps Anti-Types & patterns
This is a copy/paste from
w/my comments included
Great job Matthew! Thanks!
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
Ok let's CAMS
(culture, automation, measurement, sharing)
DevOPS === people!
culture automation
measurement sharing
C for Culture
A for Automation
M for Monitoring
S for Sharing
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Is there a need for change?
“agile” and “cloud”:
→ focus on delivery
→ close collaboration
→ lightweight environment and components
cultural change
modification of a society through innovation,
invention, discovery, or contact with other
Dead sea effect
→ most talented evaporates
→ the residue
→ maintenance experts & bus factor == 1
→ talk. often. and get along
→ take responsibility - from beginning to the end
→ continuous improvement. seriously
→ be brave. don't be silent
→ it's better to be unpolite l/German than polite
GTD? (getting things done)
GTD? (getting things done)
JFDI? (just fuckin' do it)
GTD? (getting things done)
JFDI? (just fuckin' do it)
MFBT? (move fast, break things)
(Fuckin' Customer Happy)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
C for Culture
A for Automation
M for Monitoring
S for Sharing
Automation is big for most sysadmins. We’re
inherently lazy, so the idea of pushing a button
and making programs work for us? Appealing.
Standalone Sysadmin
→ it has to be simple
→ don't reinvent the wheel. don't fabric
→ automate from very beginning
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ automation leads to consistency
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ automation leads to consistency
→ consistency reduces errors
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ automation leads to consistency
→ consistency reduces errors
→ reducing errors leads to stable environment
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ automation leads to consistency
→ consistency reduces errors
→ reducing errors leads to stable environment
→ stable environment leads to less unplanned work
→ repeatable tasks leads to automation
→ automation leads to consistency
→ consistency reduces errors
→ reducing errors leads to stable environment
→ stable environment leads to less unplanned work
→ less unplanned work leads to focus on delivery
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
# it's madness with paths for different users and such option as:
# sudo su
# sudo -i
# su -
# su
# that is why we add variables to two places
ENVIRONMENT_FILE = '/etc/environment'
PROFILE_FILE = '/etc/profile'
INITIAL_PATH = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'
# due to sudo issues (resetting PATH by /etc/sudoers)
# we have to add PATH to /root/.profile as well
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
# it's madness with paths for different users and such option as:
# sudo su
# sudo -i
# su -
# su
# that is why we add variables to two places
ENVIRONMENT_FILE = '/etc/environment'
PROFILE_FILE = '/etc/profile'
INITIAL_PATH = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'
# due to sudo issues (resetting PATH by /etc/sudoers)
# we have to add PATH to /root/.profile as well
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
Short story of Anti-Type C
“we don't need ops”
→ login
→ non-login
→ interactive
→ non – interactive
→ su
→ sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc
→ sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc
→ sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login
→ sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc
→ sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#download if necessary
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" /etc/issue maybe?
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#download if necessary
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#download if necessary
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): ldconfig maybe?
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#download if necessary
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#download if necessary
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
#Debian What about RHEL, Fedora, Slackware, Gentoo?
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#downl. if necessary So whole this is for particular distro version?
url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#downl. if necessary
url = "http://libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
def is_ubuntu():
return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1"
def install_apache_fix():
if is_ubuntu():
if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8")
if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"):
print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING"
#downl. if necessary
url = "http://libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb"
if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path):
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) # declarative madness
sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
Imperativeness vs declarativeness
Imperativeness vs declarativeness
def configure(dst_dir, config_properties, installer_file):
_copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties)
def _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties):
sudo("cp %s %s" % (srcConfigPath, targetConfigPath))
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
- name: configure this
hosts: all
- name: copy conf file
file: >
src={{ some_source }}
dest={{ some_destination }}
Imperativeness vs declarativeness
def configure(dst_dir, config_properties, installer_file):
_copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties)
def _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties):
sudo("cp %s %s" % (srcConfigPath, targetConfigPath))
sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path)
- name: configure this
hosts: all
- name: copy conf file
file: >
src={{ some_source }}
dest={{ some_destination }}
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
→ flat learning curve
→ flat learning curve
→ doesn't required additional resources
→ flat learning curve
→ doesn't required additional resources
→ fit for maintenance jobs / procedures
→ flat learning curve
→ doesn't required additional resources
→ fit for maintenance jobs / procedures
→ great for any containers as non-daemon
→ flat learning curve
→ doesn't required additional resources
→ fit for maintenance jobs / procedures
→ great for any containers as non-daemon
→ deals with “deployment specs”
→ flat learning curve
→ doesn't required additional resources
→ fit for maintenance jobs / procedures
→ great for any containers as non-daemon
→ deals with “deployment specs”
→ might be easily adopted as universal language
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
→selinux enforcing i -rw-r--r--. stash stash
unconfined_u:object_r:mysqld_db_t:s0 authorized_keys
→/etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/network/interfaces
→ iptables-save nope?
→ broken _netfs ?
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
What if...
→ ./configure && make && make install → .zip
→ Dev & Ops have 2 different build & installation methods?
→ pkg repos (or Nexus)
→ use fpm for creating pkgs if needed (demo)
C for Culture
A for Automation
M for Monitoring
S for Sharing
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
→ make developers create monitoring
→ find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB
→ will product team be able to query your monitoring DB?
→ Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
→ make developers create monitoring
→ find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB
→ will product team be able to query your monitoring DB?
→ Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
→ make developers create monitoring
→ find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB
→ will product team be able to query your monitoring DB?
→ Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
→ make developers create monitoring
→ find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB
→ will product team be able to query your monitoring DB?
→ Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
C for Culture
A for Automation
M for Monitoring
S for Sharing
→ learn on OPS mistakes
→ Major Incident Reports – source of improvement
→ Learn developers about change management
→ Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
→ learn on OPS mistakes
→ Major Incident Reports – source of improvement
→ Learn developers about change management
→ Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
→ learn on OPS mistakes
→ Major Incident Reports – source of improvement
→ Learn developers about change management
→ Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
→ learn on OPS mistakes
→ Major Incident Reports – source of improvement
→ Learn developers about change management
→ Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
Let's arch the infrastructure
Addressing the space
→ KISS: flat networks!
→ stop /24!
Addressing the space
→ KISS: flat networks!
→ stop /24!
Addressing the space
→ KISS: flat networks!
→ stop /24!
Addressing the space
→ KISS: flat networks!
→ stop /24!
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
What about DNS?
→ BIND roxx (views etc)
→ KISS: maybe decentralized w/Ansible?
view "internal-view" {
match-clients { internal; };
recursion yes;
zone "lasyk.info" IN {
type master;
file "internal.lasyk.info.conf";
allow-transfer { any; }
view "external-view" {
match-clients { any; };
recursion no;
zone "lasyk.info" IN {
type master;
file "external.lasyk.info.conf";
allow-transfer { none; };
view "internal-view" {
match-clients { internal; };
recursion yes;
zone "lasyk.info" IN {
type master;
file "internal.lasyk.info.conf";
allow-transfer { any; }
view "external-view" {
match-clients { any; };
recursion no;
zone "lasyk.info" IN {
type master;
file "external.lasyk.info.conf";
allow-transfer { none; };
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Linux Containers = namespaces + cgroups + storage
Linux containers equation
Control Groups provide a mechanism for
aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and
all their future children, into hierarchical groups
with specialized behavior
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
→grouping processes
→allocating resources to particular groups
→storage bandwidth (I/O throttling)
→device whitelisting
control groups (cgroups)
little demo?
control groups (cgroups)
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
Providing a unique views of the system for processes.
→ PID – PIDs isolation
→ NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo)
→ IPC – won't use this
→ MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints
→ UTS – deals w/hostname
Kernel Namespaces
little demo?
Kernel Namespaces
→ hell fast (you'll see)
→ page cache sharing
→ finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2)
→ finally supported by docker (-s overlay)
→ SELinux not there yet (but will be)
→ hell fast (you'll see)
→ page cache sharing
→ finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2)
→ finally supported by docker (-s overlay)
→ SELinux not there yet (but will be)
→ hell fast (you'll see)
→ page cache sharing
→ finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2)
→ finally supported by docker (-s overlay)
→ SELinux not there yet (but will be)
→ hell fast (you'll see)
→ page cache sharing
→ finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2)
→ finally supported by docker (-s overlay)
→ SELinux not there yet (but will be)
→ hell fast (you'll see)
→ page cache sharing
→ finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2)
→ finally supported by docker (-s overlay)
→ SELinux not there yet (but will be)
Developers' envs?
→ use containers!
→ configure cgroups
→ use LXC / LXC Web Panel
→ use Ansible for spinning up anything!
Developers' envs?
→ use containers!
→ configure cgroups
→ use LXC / LXC Web Panel
→ use Ansible for spinning up anything!
Developers' envs?
→ use containers!
→ configure cgroups
→ use LXC / LXC Web Panel
→ use Ansible for spinning up anything!
Developers' envs?
→ use containers!
→ configure cgroups
→ use LXC / LXC Web Panel
→ use Ansible for spinning up anything!
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Containers embraces granularity → microservices!
Containers embraces granularity → microservices!
Watch out for microservices architecture, or...
Containers embraces granularity → microservices!
Watch out for microservices architecture, or...
Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)
Who knows FHS?
Who knows FHS?
→ 'temp' – what it consist?
Who knows FHS?
→ 'temp' – what it consist?
→ actually: “This Entity Must Persist” ;)
Who knows FHS?
→ 'temp' – what it consist?
→ actually: “This Entity Must Persist” ;)
→ Define your FHS!
Mikado Method for the win!
→ set a goal
→ experiment
→ visualize
→ rollback
Mikado Method for the win!
→ set a goal
→ experiment
→ visualize
→ rollback
Mikado Method for the win!
→ set a goal
→ experiment
→ visualize
→ rollback
Mikado Method for the win!
→ set a goal
→ experiment
→ visualize
→ rollback
Mikado Method for the win!
→ before any work and rollbacks..
→ remember: monitoring & tests are your friends!
→ think about testing strategy – think heatmaps!
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
Layer 2: VM
Container's engine & provisioning
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
Layer 2: VM
Container's engine & provisioning
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
Layer 2: VM
Container's engine & provisioning
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Layer 3: container
Application build
Application env
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
Layer 2: VM
Container's engine & provisioning
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Layer 3: container
Application build
Application env
Resources allocation
Ansible & infra layers
Layer 1: bare metal,
Layer 2: VM
Layer 3: container
Hypervisor + VM provisioning
Container's engine & provisioning
Application build
Application env
Network interfaces
Storage mounts
Resources allocation
Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
→ automated service discovery and registration framework
→ ideal for SOA architectures
→ ideal for continuous integration & delivery
→ solves “works on my machine” problem
→ automated service discovery and registration framework
→ ideal for SOA architectures
→ ideal for continuous integration & delivery
→ solves “works on my machine” problem
haproxy + nerve + synapse + zookeper = smartstack
→ discovery service (via zookeeper or etcd)
→ installed on every node
→ writes haproxy configuration
→ application doesn't have to be aware of this
→ works same on bare / VM / docker
→ https://github.com/airbnb/nerve
→ health checks (pluggable)
→ register service info to zookeper (or etcd)
→ https://github.com/airbnb/synapse
Smartstack + Docker = <3
Smartstack + Docker = <3
but also remember about Consul
(come to #dockerkrk 2 meetup!)
Archaeological workshop
Archaeological workshop
→ nmap, tcpdump, lsof, strace, sysdig, sar
→ cgroups throttling on-the-fly
Do we have time for demo?
Hardware: disks?
→ RAID5 vs RAID10
→ Howto RAID over 1 disk ;)
→ Cheap SSD drives?
Hardware: disks?
→ RAID5 vs RAID10
→ Howto RAID over 1 disk ;)
→ Cheap SSD drives?
Hardware: disks?
→ RAID5 vs RAID10
→ Howto RAID over 1 disk ;)
→ Cheap SSD drives?
Why use LVM?
→ indexation (capacity, inodes check)
→ capacity planning / iops per mount
Under the dome
(of failure driven pipeline)
Maciej Lasyk
4developers – Warsaw

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Under the Dome (of failure driven pipeline)

  • 1. Under the dome (of failure driven pipeline) Maciej Lasyk 4developers – Warsaw 2015-04-20
  • 2. Join Fedora Infrastructure! - learn Ansible - learn Docker with Fedora Dockerfiles http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora
  • 4. […] Situations like this only reinforce my deep suspicion of developers: They're often carelessly breaking things and then disappearing, leaving Operations to clean up the Mess. […] “The Phoenix Project” by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford
  • 8. Conway's law (1968) organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_law
  • 9. Ruth Malan (2008) if the architecture of the system and the architecture of the organization are at odds, the architecture of the organization wins. The organizational divides are going to drive the true seams in the system. http://traceinthesand.com/blog/2008/02/13/conways-law/
  • 10. Yup, you're gut is telling truth...
  • 11. Yup, you're gut is telling truth... This will be another devops indoctrination
  • 12. Yup, you're gut is telling truth... This will be another devops indoctrination What did you expect? ;)
  • 13. Yup, you're gut is telling truth... This will be another devops indoctrination What did you expect? ;) This presentation includes gentle product placement
  • 14. Yup, you're gut is telling truth... This will be another devops indoctrination What did you expect? ;) This presentation includes gentle product placement
  • 15. DevOps Anti-Types & patterns This is a copy/paste from http://blog.matthewskelton.net/ w/my comments included Great job Matthew! Thanks!
  • 25. DevOPS ?== CAMS (culture, automation, measurement, sharing)
  • 26. DevOPS !== CAMS DevOPS === people!
  • 28. C for Culture A for Automation M for Monitoring S for Sharing
  • 31. Is there a need for change? “agile” and “cloud”: → focus on delivery → close collaboration → lightweight environment and components
  • 32. cultural change modification of a society through innovation, invention, discovery, or contact with other societies
  • 33. Dead sea effect → most talented evaporates → the residue → maintenance experts & bus factor == 1 http://brucefwebster.com/2008/04/11/the-wetware-crisis-the-dead-sea-effect/
  • 34. → talk. often. and get along → take responsibility - from beginning to the end → continuous improvement. seriously → be brave. don't be silent → it's better to be unpolite l/German than polite l/Englishman
  • 36. GTD? (getting things done) JFDI? (just fuckin' do it)
  • 37. GTD? (getting things done) JFDI? (just fuckin' do it) MFBT? (move fast, break things)
  • 38. GTD + JFDI + MFBT = FCH
  • 39. GTD + JFDI + MFBT = FCH (Fuckin' Customer Happy)
  • 41. C for Culture A for Automation M for Monitoring S for Sharing
  • 42. Automation is big for most sysadmins. We’re inherently lazy, so the idea of pushing a button and making programs work for us? Appealing. Standalone Sysadmin http://www.standalone-sysadmin.com/blog/2011/04/view-from-the-other-side/
  • 43. → it has to be simple → don't reinvent the wheel. don't fabric → automate from very beginning
  • 44. → repeatable tasks leads to automation
  • 45. → repeatable tasks leads to automation → automation leads to consistency
  • 46. → repeatable tasks leads to automation → automation leads to consistency → consistency reduces errors
  • 47. → repeatable tasks leads to automation → automation leads to consistency → consistency reduces errors → reducing errors leads to stable environment
  • 48. → repeatable tasks leads to automation → automation leads to consistency → consistency reduces errors → reducing errors leads to stable environment → stable environment leads to less unplanned work
  • 49. → repeatable tasks leads to automation → automation leads to consistency → consistency reduces errors → reducing errors leads to stable environment → stable environment leads to less unplanned work → less unplanned work leads to focus on delivery
  • 51. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” # it's madness with paths for different users and such option as: # sudo su # sudo -i # su - # su # that is why we add variables to two places ENVIRONMENT_FILE = '/etc/environment' PROFILE_FILE = '/etc/profile' INITIAL_PATH = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' # due to sudo issues (resetting PATH by /etc/sudoers) # we have to add PATH to /root/.profile as well
  • 52. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” # it's madness with paths for different users and such option as: # sudo su # sudo -i # su - # su # that is why we add variables to two places ENVIRONMENT_FILE = '/etc/environment' PROFILE_FILE = '/etc/profile' INITIAL_PATH = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' # due to sudo issues (resetting PATH by /etc/sudoers) # we have to add PATH to /root/.profile as well
  • 53. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive
  • 54. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 55. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 56. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 57. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 58. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 59. Short story of Anti-Type C “we don't need ops” Shells: → login → non-login → interactive → non – interactive → su → sudo su: interactive, non-login, .bashrc → sudo su -: interactive, login, /etc/profile;/root/.profile;/root/.bashrc → sudo -i: interactive, login, /root/.profile;/root/.bashrc;/root/.login → sudo /bin/bash: interactive, non-login, ~/.bashrc → sudo -s: reads $SHELL and executes it
  • 60. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #download if necessary url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 61. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" /etc/issue maybe? def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #download if necessary url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 62. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #download if necessary url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 63. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): ldconfig maybe? print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #download if necessary url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 64. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #download if necessary url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 65. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian What about RHEL, Fedora, Slackware, Gentoo? if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #downl. if necessary So whole this is for particular distro version? url = "http://.../libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 66. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #downl. if necessary url = "http://libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 67. def is_ubuntu(): return run("uname -a | grep Ubuntu | wc -l") == "1" def install_apache_fix(): if is_ubuntu(): if exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: sudo("apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8") else: #Debian if exists("/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8"): print "libssl.so.0.9.8 already installed - SKIPPING" else: #downl. if necessary url = "http://libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-squeeze14_amd64.deb" if download.sync_opt_download(_download_libssl_lock, url, store_file_path): sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) # declarative madness sudo("dpkg -i %s" % store_file_path)
  • 69. Imperativeness vs declarativeness def configure(dst_dir, config_properties, installer_file): _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties) def _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties): sudo("cp %s %s" % (srcConfigPath, targetConfigPath)) change_directory_owner(targetConfigPath) sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) - name: configure this hosts: all tasks: - name: copy conf file file: > src={{ some_source }} dest={{ some_destination }} perms=0750
  • 70. Imperativeness vs declarativeness def configure(dst_dir, config_properties, installer_file): _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties) def _copy_conf_file(dst_dir, properties): sudo("cp %s %s" % (srcConfigPath, targetConfigPath)) change_directory_owner(targetConfigPath) sudo('chmod ug+x %s' % store_file_path) - name: configure this hosts: all tasks: - name: copy conf file file: > src={{ some_source }} dest={{ some_destination }} perms=0750
  • 73. → flat learning curve → doesn't required additional resources
  • 74. → flat learning curve → doesn't required additional resources → fit for maintenance jobs / procedures
  • 75. → flat learning curve → doesn't required additional resources → fit for maintenance jobs / procedures → great for any containers as non-daemon
  • 76. → flat learning curve → doesn't required additional resources → fit for maintenance jobs / procedures → great for any containers as non-daemon → deals with “deployment specs”
  • 77. → flat learning curve → doesn't required additional resources → fit for maintenance jobs / procedures → great for any containers as non-daemon → deals with “deployment specs” → might be easily adopted as universal language
  • 80. →selinux enforcing i -rw-r--r--. stash stash unconfined_u:object_r:mysqld_db_t:s0 authorized_keys →/etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/network/interfaces → iptables-save nope? → broken _netfs ?
  • 84. What if... → ./configure && make && make install → .zip → Dev & Ops have 2 different build & installation methods? Plz.. → pkg repos (or Nexus) → use fpm for creating pkgs if needed (demo)
  • 85. C for Culture A for Automation M for Monitoring S for Sharing
  • 87. → make developers create monitoring → find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB → will product team be able to query your monitoring DB? → Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
  • 88. → make developers create monitoring → find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB → will product team be able to query your monitoring DB? → Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
  • 89. → make developers create monitoring → find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB → will product team be able to query your monitoring DB? → Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
  • 90. → make developers create monitoring → find yourself between RRD and InfluxDB → will product team be able to query your monitoring DB? → Etsy case (Ganglia / Graphite)
  • 91. C for Culture A for Automation M for Monitoring S for Sharing
  • 92. → learn on OPS mistakes → Major Incident Reports – source of improvement → Learn developers about change management → Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
  • 93. → learn on OPS mistakes → Major Incident Reports – source of improvement → Learn developers about change management → Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
  • 94. → learn on OPS mistakes → Major Incident Reports – source of improvement → Learn developers about change management → Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
  • 95. → learn on OPS mistakes → Major Incident Reports – source of improvement → Learn developers about change management → Make CM an easy process. Use simple tools.
  • 96. Let's arch the infrastructure
  • 97. Addressing the space → VLSM → DHCP & DDNS → KISS: flat networks! → stop /24!
  • 98. Addressing the space → VLSM → DHCP & DDNS → KISS: flat networks! → stop /24!
  • 99. Addressing the space → VLSM → DHCP & DDNS → KISS: flat networks! → stop /24!
  • 100. Addressing the space → VLSM → DHCP & DDNS → KISS: flat networks! → stop /24!
  • 102. What about DNS? → BIND roxx (views etc) → KISS: maybe decentralized w/Ansible?
  • 103. view "internal-view" { match-clients { internal; }; recursion yes; zone "lasyk.info" IN { type master; file "internal.lasyk.info.conf"; allow-transfer { any; } }; view "external-view" { match-clients { any; }; recursion no; zone "lasyk.info" IN { type master; file "external.lasyk.info.conf"; allow-transfer { none; }; };
  • 104. view "internal-view" { match-clients { internal; }; recursion yes; zone "lasyk.info" IN { type master; file "internal.lasyk.info.conf"; allow-transfer { any; } }; view "external-view" { match-clients { any; }; recursion no; zone "lasyk.info" IN { type master; file "external.lasyk.info.conf"; allow-transfer { none; }; };
  • 106. Linux Containers = namespaces + cgroups + storage Linux containers equation
  • 107. Control Groups provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behavior control groups (cgroups)
  • 108. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 109. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 110. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 111. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 112. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 113. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 114. →grouping processes →allocating resources to particular groups →memory →network →CPU →storage bandwidth (I/O throttling) →device whitelisting control groups (cgroups)
  • 116. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 117. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 118. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 119. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 120. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 121. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 122. Providing a unique views of the system for processes. → PID – PIDs isolation → NET – network isolation (via virt-ifaces; demo) → IPC – won't use this → MNT – chroot like; deals w/mountpoints → UTS – deals w/hostname Kernel Namespaces
  • 124. → hell fast (you'll see) → page cache sharing → finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2) → finally supported by docker (-s overlay) → SELinux not there yet (but will be) OverlayFS
  • 125. → hell fast (you'll see) → page cache sharing → finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2) → finally supported by docker (-s overlay) → SELinux not there yet (but will be) OverlayFS
  • 126. → hell fast (you'll see) → page cache sharing → finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2) → finally supported by docker (-s overlay) → SELinux not there yet (but will be) OverlayFS
  • 127. → hell fast (you'll see) → page cache sharing → finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2) → finally supported by docker (-s overlay) → SELinux not there yet (but will be) OverlayFS
  • 128. → hell fast (you'll see) → page cache sharing → finally in upstream kernel (in rhel from 7.2) → finally supported by docker (-s overlay) → SELinux not there yet (but will be) OverlayFS
  • 132. Developers' envs? → use containers! → configure cgroups → use LXC / LXC Web Panel → use Ansible for spinning up anything!
  • 133. Developers' envs? → use containers! → configure cgroups → use LXC / LXC Web Panel → use Ansible for spinning up anything!
  • 134. Developers' envs? → use containers! → configure cgroups → use LXC / LXC Web Panel → use Ansible for spinning up anything!
  • 135. Developers' envs? → use containers! → configure cgroups → use LXC / LXC Web Panel → use Ansible for spinning up anything!
  • 137. Containers embraces granularity → microservices!
  • 138. Containers embraces granularity → microservices! Watch out for microservices architecture, or...
  • 139. Containers embraces granularity → microservices! Watch out for microservices architecture, or...
  • 142. Who knows FHS? → 'temp' – what it consist?
  • 143. Who knows FHS? → 'temp' – what it consist? → actually: “This Entity Must Persist” ;)
  • 144. Who knows FHS? → 'temp' – what it consist? → actually: “This Entity Must Persist” ;) → Define your FHS!
  • 145. Mikado Method for the win! → set a goal → experiment → visualize → rollback
  • 146. Mikado Method for the win! → set a goal → experiment → visualize → rollback
  • 147. Mikado Method for the win! → set a goal → experiment → visualize → rollback
  • 148. Mikado Method for the win! → set a goal → experiment → visualize → rollback
  • 149. Mikado Method for the win! → before any work and rollbacks.. → remember: monitoring & tests are your friends! → think about testing strategy – think heatmaps!
  • 150. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
  • 151. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)! repo2 Layer 2: VM Networking Container's engine & provisioning repo2
  • 152. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)! repo2 Layer 2: VM Networking Container's engine & provisioning repo2 Network interfaces Storage mounts repo2
  • 153. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)! repo2 Layer 2: VM Networking Container's engine & provisioning repo2 Network interfaces Storage mounts repo2 Layer 3: container Application build Application env repo3
  • 154. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)! repo2 Layer 2: VM Networking Container's engine & provisioning repo2 Network interfaces Storage mounts repo2 Layer 3: container Application build Application env repo3 Resources allocation repo3
  • 155. Ansible & infra layers Layer 1: bare metal, Layer 2: VM Layer 3: container Networking Hypervisor + VM provisioning Storage Networking Container's engine & provisioning Application build Application env Network interfaces Storage mounts Resources allocation repo1 repo2 repo3 Much simpler w/one, flat network (for small envs)!
  • 156. → automated service discovery and registration framework → ideal for SOA architectures → ideal for continuous integration & delivery → solves “works on my machine” problem SmartStack
  • 157. → automated service discovery and registration framework → ideal for SOA architectures → ideal for continuous integration & delivery → solves “works on my machine” problem SmartStack haproxy + nerve + synapse + zookeper = smartstack
  • 158. Synapse → discovery service (via zookeeper or etcd) → installed on every node → writes haproxy configuration → application doesn't have to be aware of this → works same on bare / VM / docker → https://github.com/airbnb/nerve SmartStack
  • 160. Nerve → health checks (pluggable) → register service info to zookeper (or etcd) → https://github.com/airbnb/synapse SmartStack
  • 164. Smartstack + Docker = <3 but also remember about Consul (come to #dockerkrk 2 meetup!)
  • 167. Archaeological workshop → nmap, tcpdump, lsof, strace, sysdig, sar → cgroups throttling on-the-fly Do we have time for demo?
  • 168. Hardware: disks? → RAID5 vs RAID10 → Howto RAID over 1 disk ;) → Cheap SSD drives?
  • 169. Hardware: disks? → RAID5 vs RAID10 → Howto RAID over 1 disk ;) → Cheap SSD drives?
  • 170. Hardware: disks? → RAID5 vs RAID10 → Howto RAID over 1 disk ;) → Cheap SSD drives?
  • 172. Why use LVM? → indexation (capacity, inodes check) → capacity planning / iops per mount
  • 173. Under the dome (of failure driven pipeline) Maciej Lasyk 4developers – Warsaw 2015-04-20