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Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Maciej Lasyk
11. Sesja Linuksowa
Wrocław, 2014-04-06
Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia.. what?
Ganglia – cluster / group of neurons found outside
the central nervous system
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 2/25
Just a little about monitoring
- the need for monitoring
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
Just a little about monitoring
- the need for monitoring
- measuring availability
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
Just a little about monitoring
- the need for monitoring
- measuring availability
- measuring performance
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
Just a little about monitoring
- the need for monitoring
- measuring availability
- measuring performance
- gathering additional metrics
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose)
The average time it takes to diagnose the problem
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose)
The average time it takes to diagnose the problem
MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)
The average time it takes to fix a problem
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose)
The average time it takes to diagnose the problem
MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)
The average time it takes to fix a problem
MTTF (Mean Time to Failure)
The average time there is correct behavior
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
How to measure availability?
A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose)
The average time it takes to diagnose the problem
MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)
The average time it takes to fix a problem
MTTF (Mean Time to Failure)
The average time there is correct behavior
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
The average time between different failures of the service
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
Monitoring is critical for HA
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
What should we monitor?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- hardware housing
- devices
- storage
- network
- hosts
- software (very deep hole)
What should we monitor?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- hardware housing
- devices
- storage
- network
- hosts
- software (very deep hole)
Think dependencies!
When outage hits us – don't panic!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- Notifications
When outage hits us – don't panic!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- Notifications
- Escalations
L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;)
desktop support / devs / ops / networking /
/ storage / middleware / dc / security
When outage hits us – don't panic!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- Notifications
- Escalations
L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;)
desktop support / devs / ops / networking /
/ storage / middleware / dc / security
- Clock is ticking – it should be simple
When outage hits us – don't panic!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- Notifications
- Escalations
L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;)
desktop support / devs / ops / networking /
/ storage / middleware / dc / security
- Clock is ticking – it should be simple
- What if cell is offline or someone is out?
Monitoring: notifications issues
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- false positives
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- false positives
- major events
Monitoring: notifications issues
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- false positives
- major events
- failover notifications?
Monitoring: notifications issues
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- false positives
- major events
- failover notifications?
- tolerance & critical thresholds
Monitoring: notifications issues
Monitoring: reporting
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- baseline
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- baseline
- correlation between incidents and
change management
Monitoring: reporting
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- baseline
- correlation between incidents and
change management
- trending info
Monitoring: reporting
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- baseline
- correlation between incidents and
change management
- trending info
- reporting
Monitoring: reporting
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
- testing envs
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
- testing envs
- think usability!
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
- testing envs
- think usability!
- passive checks
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
- testing envs
- think usability!
- passive checks
- automate – don't hardcode
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
- don't NIH!
- testing envs
- think usability!
- passive checks
- automate – don't hardcode
- security
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Last but not least...
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”
(Who will guard the guards?)
Monitoring: good practices
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
- services, service groups
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
- services, service groups
- templates
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
- services, service groups
- templates
- time periods
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
- services, service groups
- templates
- time periods
- host and services dependencies
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Host / Services / Contacts
- hosts, hostgroups
- services, service groups
- templates
- time periods
- host and services dependencies
- regular expressions
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Checks and states
- frequencies & thresholds
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Checks and states
- frequencies & thresholds
- scheduling downtimes
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Checks and states
- frequencies & thresholds
- scheduling downtimes
- outages and flapping
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
- periods
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
- periods
- groups
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
- periods
- groups
- which states to be notified about?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
- periods
- groups
- which states to be notified about?
- escalations / rotations
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
- periods
- groups
- which states to be notified about?
- escalations / rotations
- custom notifications method
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Monitoring remotes
- NRPE daemons
- checks via SSH
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Web interface – tactical overview
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Web interface – availability reports
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Web interface – trends
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios recap
Web interface – network maps
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Networking recap
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Networking recap
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Networking recap
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – what is it?
Problems of big scale:
20k hosts with zylion metrics probed every 10 seconds
It is fully redundant (until you spoil it)
It is very scalable
Regexp searches and creating of views – adhoc :)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – architecture
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – architecture
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Default multicast topology
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Deaf / mute multicast topology
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Unicast topology
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Gmetad topology
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Gmetad HA topology (active - active)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – topologies
Gmetad hierarchical topology
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – RRDcached
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – sFlow
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (grid view)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (cluster view)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (physical view)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (host view)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (compare hosts)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (events)
Events have API json based
Think – integration with whatever app :)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (dashboards)
- Create view -> apply as dashboard
- Create dashboard from XML
- Generate graphs and add to views
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – web (graphs)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
- mod_python
- spoofing
- gmetric
- gmetric4j / java
- Which to choose? gmetric / python / c/c++?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
- mod_python
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
- mod_python
- spoofing
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
- mod_python
- spoofing
- gmetric
- gmetric4j / java
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia – metrics
- base / extended metrics
- own modules
- c / c++
- mod_python
- spoofing
- gmetric
- gmetric4j / java
- Which to choose? gmetric / python / c/c++?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Ganglia and logfiles?
- https://bitbucket.org/maplebed/ganglia-logtailer
- parser logfiles (realtime)
- pushes data to ganglia (via gmetric)
- yup – based on specific log formats
- yet still – open source so poke around ;)
So... Nagios + Ganglia!
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
3 ways of integration:
- ganglia-web/nagios (PHP & bash based)
- ganglia-nagios-bridge (Python & cron based)
- check-ganglia-metric (Python)
Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-web/nagios
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Sending Nagios Data to Ganglia
Or replace Nagios checks with Ganglia!
- Check heartbeat.
- Check a single metric on a specific host.
- Check multiple metrics on a specific host.
- Check multiple metrics across a regex-defined
range of hosts
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-web/nagios
Nagios pulls info from Ganglia via HTTP
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-nagios-bridge
- https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-nagios-bridge
- Python script run in e.g. in crontab
- pulls data from Ganglia XML via sockets
- parses XML
- send data to Nagios
- Nagios commits only passive checks
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios + Ganglia: check_ganglia_metric
- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/check_ganglia_metric/
- basically Nagios plugin
- pulls data from Ganglia XML via sockets
- check_ganglia_metric.py 
--metric_host=host.example.com --metric_name=cpu_idle
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios + Ganglia
Which one integration should I use?
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Nagios + Ganglia
Which one integration should I use?
Seriously – try yourself and test
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios
Freenode #ganglia
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 25/25
- “Monitoring with Ganglia” book
- also nagios.org
- and “Web Operations” book
- plus some experience ;)
Maciej Lasyk
11. Sesja Linuksowa
2014-04-06, Wrocław
Ganglia & Nagios
Thank you :)
Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 25/25

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Monitoring with Nagios and Ganglia

  • 1. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Maciej Lasyk 11. Sesja Linuksowa Wrocław, 2014-04-06 1/25 Ganglia & Nagios
  • 2. Ganglia.. what? Ganglia – cluster / group of neurons found outside the central nervous system Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 2/25
  • 3. Just a little about monitoring - the need for monitoring Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
  • 4. Just a little about monitoring - the need for monitoring - measuring availability Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
  • 5. Just a little about monitoring - the need for monitoring - measuring availability - measuring performance Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
  • 6. Just a little about monitoring - the need for monitoring - measuring availability - measuring performance - gathering additional metrics Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3/25
  • 7. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 8. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 9. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose) The average time it takes to diagnose the problem Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 10. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose) The average time it takes to diagnose the problem MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) The average time it takes to fix a problem Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 11. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose) The average time it takes to diagnose the problem MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) The average time it takes to fix a problem MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) The average time there is correct behavior Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 12. Monitoring is critical for HA How to measure availability? A = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) MTTD (Mean Time to Diagnose) The average time it takes to diagnose the problem MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) The average time it takes to fix a problem MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) The average time there is correct behavior MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) The average time between different failures of the service Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 13. Monitoring is critical for HA Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 4/25
  • 14. Monitoring is critical for HA Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios A = MTTF / MTBF = MTTF / (MTTF + MTTD + MTTR) 4/25
  • 15. What should we monitor? Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - hardware housing - devices - storage - network - hosts - software (very deep hole) 5/25
  • 16. What should we monitor? Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - hardware housing - devices - storage - network - hosts - software (very deep hole) Think dependencies! 5/25
  • 17. When outage hits us – don't panic! Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - Notifications 6/25
  • 18. When outage hits us – don't panic! Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - Notifications - Escalations L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;) desktop support / devs / ops / networking / / storage / middleware / dc / security 6/25
  • 19. When outage hits us – don't panic! Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - Notifications - Escalations L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;) desktop support / devs / ops / networking / / storage / middleware / dc / security - Clock is ticking – it should be simple 6/25
  • 20. When outage hits us – don't panic! Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - Notifications - Escalations L1 <-> L2 <-> L3 <-> L4 lol ;) desktop support / devs / ops / networking / / storage / middleware / dc / security - Clock is ticking – it should be simple - What if cell is offline or someone is out? 6/25
  • 21. Monitoring: notifications issues Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - false positives 7/25
  • 22. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - false positives - major events Monitoring: notifications issues 7/25
  • 23. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - false positives - major events - failover notifications? Monitoring: notifications issues 7/25
  • 24. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - false positives - major events - failover notifications? - tolerance & critical thresholds Monitoring: notifications issues 7/25
  • 25. Monitoring: reporting Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - baseline 8/25
  • 26. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - baseline - correlation between incidents and change management Monitoring: reporting 8/25
  • 27. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - baseline - correlation between incidents and change management - trending info Monitoring: reporting 8/25
  • 28. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - baseline - correlation between incidents and change management - trending info - reporting Monitoring: reporting 8/25
  • 29. Monitoring: good practices Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! 9/25
  • 30. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 31. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS - testing envs Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 32. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS - testing envs - think usability! Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 33. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS - testing envs - think usability! - passive checks Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 34. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS - testing envs - think usability! - passive checks - automate – don't hardcode Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 35. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios - don't NIH! - DVCS - testing envs - think usability! - passive checks - automate – don't hardcode - security Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 36. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Last but not least... “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” (Who will guard the guards?) Monitoring: good practices 9/25
  • 37. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups 10/25
  • 38. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups - services, service groups 10/25
  • 39. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups - services, service groups - templates 10/25
  • 40. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups - services, service groups - templates - time periods 10/25
  • 41. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups - services, service groups - templates - time periods - host and services dependencies 10/25
  • 42. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Host / Services / Contacts - hosts, hostgroups - services, service groups - templates - time periods - host and services dependencies - regular expressions 10/25
  • 43. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap 10/25
  • 44. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap 10/25
  • 45. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Checks and states - frequencies & thresholds 10/25
  • 46. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Checks and states - frequencies & thresholds - scheduling downtimes 10/25
  • 47. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Checks and states - frequencies & thresholds - scheduling downtimes - outages and flapping 10/25
  • 48. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Notifications - periods 10/25
  • 49. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Notifications - periods - groups 10/25
  • 50. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Notifications - periods - groups - which states to be notified about? 10/25
  • 51. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Notifications - periods - groups - which states to be notified about? - escalations / rotations 10/25
  • 52. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Notifications - periods - groups - which states to be notified about? - escalations / rotations - custom notifications method 10/25
  • 53. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Monitoring remotes - NRPE daemons - checks via SSH 10/25
  • 54. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Web interface – tactical overview 10/25
  • 55. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Web interface – availability reports 10/25
  • 56. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Web interface – trends 10/25
  • 57. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios recap Web interface – network maps 10/25
  • 58. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Networking recap Unicast 11/25
  • 59. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Networking recap Multicast 11/25
  • 60. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Networking recap Broadcast 11/25
  • 61. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – what is it? Problems of big scale: 20k hosts with zylion metrics probed every 10 seconds It is fully redundant (until you spoil it) It is very scalable Regexp searches and creating of views – adhoc :) 12/25
  • 62. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – architecture 13/25
  • 63. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – architecture 13/25
  • 64. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Default multicast topology 14/25
  • 65. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Deaf / mute multicast topology 14/25
  • 66. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Unicast topology 14/25
  • 67. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Gmetad topology 14/25
  • 68. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Gmetad HA topology (active - active) 14/25
  • 69. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – topologies Gmetad hierarchical topology 14/25
  • 70. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – RRDcached 15/25
  • 71. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – sFlow 16/25
  • 72. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (grid view) 17/25
  • 73. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (cluster view) 17/25
  • 74. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (physical view) 17/25
  • 75. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (host view) 17/25
  • 76. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (compare hosts) 17/25
  • 77. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (events) Events have API json based Think – integration with whatever app :) 17/25
  • 78. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (dashboards) - Create view -> apply as dashboard - Create dashboard from XML - Generate graphs and add to views 17/25
  • 79. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – web (graphs) 17/25
  • 80. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ - mod_python - spoofing - gmetric - gmetric4j / java - Which to choose? gmetric / python / c/c++? 18/25
  • 81. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics 18/25
  • 82. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules 18/25
  • 83. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ 18/25
  • 84. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ - mod_python 18/25
  • 85. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ - mod_python - spoofing 18/25
  • 86. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ - mod_python - spoofing - gmetric - gmetric4j / java 18/25
  • 87. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia – metrics - base / extended metrics - own modules - c / c++ - mod_python - spoofing - gmetric - gmetric4j / java - Which to choose? gmetric / python / c/c++? 18/25
  • 88. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Ganglia and logfiles? ganglia-logtailer - https://bitbucket.org/maplebed/ganglia-logtailer - parser logfiles (realtime) - pushes data to ganglia (via gmetric) - yup – based on specific log formats - yet still – open source so poke around ;) 19/25
  • 89. So... Nagios + Ganglia! Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 3 ways of integration: - ganglia-web/nagios (PHP & bash based) https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-web - ganglia-nagios-bridge (Python & cron based) https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-nagios-bridge - check-ganglia-metric (Python) https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia_contrib 20/25
  • 90. Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-web/nagios Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-web Sending Nagios Data to Ganglia service_perfdata_command Or replace Nagios checks with Ganglia! - Check heartbeat. - Check a single metric on a specific host. - Check multiple metrics on a specific host. - Check multiple metrics across a regex-defined range of hosts 21/25
  • 91. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-web/nagios Nagios pulls info from Ganglia via HTTP 21/25
  • 92. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios + Ganglia: ganglia-nagios-bridge - https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-nagios-bridge - Python script run in e.g. in crontab - pulls data from Ganglia XML via sockets - parses XML - send data to Nagios - Nagios commits only passive checks 22/25
  • 93. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios + Ganglia: check_ganglia_metric - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/check_ganglia_metric/ - basically Nagios plugin - pulls data from Ganglia XML via sockets - check_ganglia_metric.py --gmetad_host=gmetad-server.example.com --metric_host=host.example.com --metric_name=cpu_idle 23/25
  • 94. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios + Ganglia Which one integration should I use? 24/25
  • 95. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Nagios + Ganglia Which one integration should I use? Seriously – try yourself and test 24/25
  • 96. Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios Freenode #ganglia https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ganglia-general 24.5/25
  • 97. sources? Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 25/25 - “Monitoring with Ganglia” book - also nagios.org - and “Web Operations” book - plus some experience ;)
  • 98. Maciej Lasyk 11. Sesja Linuksowa 2014-04-06, Wrocław http://maciek.lasyk.info/sysop maciek@lasyk.info @docent-net Ganglia & Nagios Thank you :) Maciej Lasyk, Ganglia & Nagios 25/25