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DockerKRK meetup #1
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
Maciej Lasyk
#DockerKRK meetup 1
Kraków, 2015-01-28
Orchestrating Docker containers at scale
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 2/64
Join Fedora Infrastructure!
- learn Ansible
- learn Docker with Fedora Dockerfiles
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 3/64
- Why use Docker?
- Brief history of envs evolution
- Docker – what is it?
- To PaaS or not to PaaS
- Orchestration at scale
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 4/64
- How many of you...
Quick survey
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- How many of you...
- Knows what Docker is?
Quick survey
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- How many of you...
- Knows what Docker is?
- Played with Docker?
Quick survey
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- How many of you...
- Knows what Docker is?
- Played with Docker?
- Runs it on production?
Quick survey
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 5/64
With Docker we can solve many problems
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
With Docker we can solve many problems
- “it works on my machine”
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
With Docker we can solve many problems
- “it works on my machine”
- reducing build & deploy time
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
With Docker we can solve many problems
- “it works on my machine”
- reducing build & deploy time
- Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation!
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
With Docker we can solve many problems
- “it works on my machine”
- reducing build & deploy time
- Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation!
- Libs dependency hell
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
With Docker we can solve many problems
- “it works on my machine”
- reducing build & deploy time
- Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation!
- Libs dependency hell
- Cost control and granularity
Why use Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 6/64
- classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d)
A brief story of envs evolution
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d)
- configuration management
A brief story of envs evolution
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d)
- configuration management
- Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS
A brief story of envs evolution
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d)
- configuration management
- Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS
- Continuous Integration
A brief story of envs evolution
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d)
- configuration management
- Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS
- Continuous Integration
- So when to use Docker?
A brief story of envs evolution
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 7/64
Docker – what is it?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 8/64
“automates the deployment of any
application as a lightweight, portable,
self-sufficient container
that will run virtually anywhere”
Docker – what is it?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 9/64
Java’s promise: Write Once. Run Anywhere.
Docker – what is it?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
Java’s promise: Write Once. Run Anywhere.
Docker – what is it?
Even on Windows now!
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 10/64
Docker – what is it?
Docker is lightweight
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
Package Arch Version Repository Size
docker-io x86_64 1.3.0-1.fc20 updates 4.3 M
Docker – what is it?
Docker is lightweight
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 11/64
Docker – what is it?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 12/64
Docker – how it works?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64
- LXC & libcontainer
Docker – how it works?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64
- LXC & libcontainer
- control groups
Docker – how it works?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64
- LXC & libcontainer
- control groups
- kernel namespaces
Docker – how it works?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64
- LXC & libcontainer
- control groups
- kernel namespaces
- layered filesystem
- btrfs
- devmapper thin provisioning & loopback mounts
- no more AUFS
- http://developerblog.redhat.com/2014/09/30/overview-storage-scalability-docker/
Docker – how it works?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64
- images
- read only
- act as templates
Docker – concepts
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64
- images
- read only
- act as templates
- Dockerfile
- like a makefile
- commands order & cache'ing
- extends the base image
- results in a new image
Docker – concepts
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64
- images
- read only
- act as templates
- Dockerfile
- like a makefile
- commands order & cache'ing
- extends the base image
- results in a new image
- Containers: instances running apps
Docker – concepts
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64
- images
- read only
- act as templates
- Dockerfile
- like a makefile
- commands order & cache'ing
- extends the base image
- results in a new image
- Containers: instances running apps
Docker – concepts
dockerfile + base image = docker container
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 15/64
FROM fedora
MAINTAINER scollier <scollier@redhat.com>
RUN yum -y update && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install nginx && yum clean all
RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN echo "nginx on Fedora" > /srv/www/index.html
CMD [ "/usr/sbin/nginx" ]
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Docker – registry
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 17/64
Docker – registry
- git like semantics
- pull, push, commit
- private and public registry
- https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-registry
- yum install docker-registry
$ docker pull
$ docker push
$ docker commit
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 18/64
base image
-> child image
-> grandchild image
Docker – images hierarchy
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
base image
-> child image
-> grandchild image
Docker – images hierarchy
Git’s promise: Tiny footprint with
lightning fast performance
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 19/64
Docker – images hierarchy
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64
FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER james@example.com
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -qqy curl
Docker – images hierarchy
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64
- Isolation via kernel namespaces
- Additional layer of security: SELinux / AppArmor / GRSEC
- Each container gets own network stack
- control groups for resources limiting
Docker – security
f20 policy: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/selinux-policy.git/tree/docker.te?h=f20-contrib
What's there?
seinfo -t -x | grep docker
sesearch -A -s docker_t (and the rest)
or just unpack docker.pp with semodule_unpackage
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64
Docker – security
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 21/64
Docker – use cases
CI Stack
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 22/64
Continuous Integration
- local dev
- with Docker it's easy to standardize envs
- deployment
- rolling updates (e.g. w/Ansible)
- testing
- unit testing of any commit on dedicated env
- don't worry about cleaning up after testing
- parrarelized tests across any machines
Docker – use cases
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 23/64
- version control system for apps
- microservices
- Docker embraces granularity
- Services can be deployed independently and faster
- paralleled tests across any machines
- continuous delivery
- PaaS
Docker – use cases
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 24/64
- 2013-01: dotCloud worked on own PaaS (Python based)
- 2013-03: Docker went public (AUFS, LXC)
- middle 2013: Red Hat joined, devmapper, SELinux
- late 2013: removed LXC, rewritten in Go
- 2014-02: stable 1.0
Docker – history
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Docker – popularity
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 26/64
Docker – popularity
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 27/64
Orchestration at scale w/Docker
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 28/64
This might be a little problem
Orchestration at scale w/Docker
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 29/64
This might be a little problem
Orchestration at scale w/Docker
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 30/64
Orchestration at scale w/Docker
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 31/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 32/64
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 33/64
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
- running PaaS might be easy
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
- running PaaS might be easy
- operating PaaS will be tough
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
- running PaaS might be easy
- operating PaaS will be tough
- so is operating your apps tough enough to move?
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
- running PaaS might be easy
- operating PaaS will be tough
- so is operating your apps tough enough to move?
- private PaaS or not?
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- you think PaaS will solve your problems?
- it will rather clone them :)
- running PaaS might be easy
- operating PaaS will be tough
- so is operating your apps tough enough to move?
- private PaaS or not?
- Rainbow and Unicorn Piss:
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- flynn.io
- Open source PaaS (Go)
- Uses Docker to manage containers
- Ops should be a product team, not consultants
- under development
- Git push deployment
- https://flynn.io
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- flynn.io
- Open source PaaS (Go)
- Uses Docker to manage containers
- Ops should be a product team, not consultants
- under development
- Git push deployment
- https://flynn.io
- dokku
- The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen
- Docker powered mini-Heroku
- Less than 100 lines of Bash
- Git push deployment
- https://github.com/progrium/dokku
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- flynn.io
- Open source PaaS (Go)
- Uses Docker to manage containers
- Ops should be a product team, not consultants
- under development
- Git push deployment
- https://flynn.io
- dokku
- The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen
- Docker powered mini-Heroku
- Less than 100 lines of Bash
- Git push deployment
- https://github.com/progrium/dokku
- deis.io
- Open source PaaS (Python)
- Git push deployment
- On top of CoreOS w/ Docker
- http://deis.io/
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
- flynn.io
- Open source PaaS (Go)
- Uses Docker to manage containers
- Ops should be a product team, not consultants
- under development
- Git push deployment
- https://flynn.io
- dokku
- The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen
- Docker powered mini-Heroku
- Less than 100 lines of Bash
- Git push deployment
- https://github.com/progrium/dokku
- deis.io
- Open source PaaS (Python)
- Git push deployment
- On top of CoreOS w/ Docker
- http://deis.io/
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Don't forget maestro-ng!
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 35/64
Remember, that PaaS might fail; plan & test for disaster !
To Paas or not to PaaS?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 36/64
$ docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash
> yum -y update
> yum -y install nginx
$ docker commit 73fa45674fd docent/fedora
Docker & CLI
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 37/64
Or via Dockerfile:
$ docker build -t fedora –rm .
$ docker run --name=nginx fedora
Docker & CLI
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 38/64
- http://www.fig.sh
- for single host env
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 39/64
- http://www.fig.sh
- for single host env
FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir /code
ADD requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /code/
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 40/64
image: postgres
build: .
command: python manage.py runserver
- /srv/app/code:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 41/64
$ fig run web django-admin.py startproject figexample .
$ fig up
Management during runtime?
$ fig run web python manage.py syncdb
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 42/64
Ansible + Docker
Docker + Ansible
Docker & Ansible
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 43/64
Ansible docker core module:
Docker & Ansible
- hosts: web
sudo: yes
- name: run tomcat servers
docker: >
command="service tomcat6 start"
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 44/64
Building image with Ansible:
Docker & Ansible
FROM ansible/centos7-ansible:stable
ADD ansible /srv/example/
WORKDIR /srv/example
RUN ansible-playbook web.yml -c local
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-DFOREGROUND"]
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
Building image with Ansible:
Docker & Ansible
FROM ansible/centos7-ansible:stable
ADD ansible /srv/example/
WORKDIR /srv/example
RUN ansible-playbook web.yml -c local
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-DFOREGROUND"]
- hosts: localhost
- yum: pkg=nginx state=latest
- copy:
src: web.conf
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/web.conf
group: "nginx"
mode: "0644"
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 45/64
- Designed for massive server deployments
- Support Docker container out of the box
- It's a Chrome OS fork
- Consists of couple of components:
- SystemD – not just a init system ;)
- Fleet – cluster level manager & scheduler
- etcd – light & distributed key / value store
- Docker – the only packaging method in CoreOS
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 45/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 46/64
Fleet – cluster level manager & scheduler
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 47/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 51/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 53/64
- https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes
- Advanced cluster manager (more than 1k hosts is a fit)
- Architecture:
- master
- minion
- pod
- replication controller
- label
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 54/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 54/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 55/64
- automated service discovery and registration framework
- ideal for SOA architectures
- ideal for continuous integration & delivery
- solves “works on my machine” problem
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 56/64
- automated service discovery and registration framework
- ideal for SOA architectures
- ideal for continuous integration & delivery
- solves “works on my machine” problem
haproxy + nerve + synapse + zookeper = smartstack
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 57/64
- discovery service (via zookeeper or etcd)
- installed on every node
- writes haproxy configuration
- application doesn't have to be aware of this
- works same on bare / VM / docker
- https://github.com/airbnb/nerve
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 58/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 59/64
- health checks (pluggable)
- register service info to zookeper (or etcd)
- https://github.com/airbnb/synapse
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64
Smartstack + Docker = <3
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64
Wanna learn Docker?
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale
w/ Docker Sky is the limit!
Freenode #docker
Krk DevOPS meetups (http://www.meetup.com/Docker-Krakow-Poland/)
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 62/64
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64
Looking for a job?
- software developer
- sysadmin
- devops
Catch me: maciek@lasyk.info
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64
Atmosphere Conference 2015
- docker.io documentation
- dockerbook.com
- slideshare!
- zounds of blogposts (urls provided)
- and some experience ;)
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 63/64
Maciej Lasyk
#DockerKRK meetup 1
2015-01-27, Kraków
Orchestrating Docker containers at scale
Thank you :)
Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 64/64

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Orchestrating docker containers at scale (#DockerKRK edition)

  • 2. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale Maciej Lasyk #DockerKRK meetup 1 Kraków, 2015-01-28 1/64 Orchestrating Docker containers at scale
  • 3. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 2/64 Join Fedora Infrastructure! - learn Ansible - learn Docker with Fedora Dockerfiles http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora
  • 4. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 3/64 - Why use Docker? - Brief history of envs evolution - Docker – what is it? - To PaaS or not to PaaS - Orchestration at scale Agenda
  • 5. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 4/64 - How many of you... Quick survey
  • 6. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - How many of you... - Knows what Docker is? Quick survey 4/64
  • 7. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - How many of you... - Knows what Docker is? - Played with Docker? Quick survey 4/64
  • 8. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - How many of you... - Knows what Docker is? - Played with Docker? - Runs it on production? Quick survey 4/64
  • 9. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 5/64 With Docker we can solve many problems Why use Docker?
  • 10. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale With Docker we can solve many problems - “it works on my machine” Why use Docker? 5/64
  • 11. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale With Docker we can solve many problems - “it works on my machine” - reducing build & deploy time Why use Docker? 5/64
  • 12. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale With Docker we can solve many problems - “it works on my machine” - reducing build & deploy time - Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation! Why use Docker? 5/64
  • 13. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale With Docker we can solve many problems - “it works on my machine” - reducing build & deploy time - Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation! - Libs dependency hell Why use Docker? 5/64
  • 14. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale With Docker we can solve many problems - “it works on my machine” - reducing build & deploy time - Infrastructure configuration spaghetti – automation! - Libs dependency hell - Cost control and granularity Why use Docker? 5/64
  • 15. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 6/64 - classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d) A brief story of envs evolution
  • 16. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d) - configuration management A brief story of envs evolution 6/64
  • 17. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d) - configuration management - Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS A brief story of envs evolution 6/64
  • 18. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d) - configuration management - Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS - Continuous Integration A brief story of envs evolution 6/64
  • 19. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - classical approach (for & scp/ssh & conf.d) - configuration management - Bare vs IaaS vs PaaS - Continuous Integration - So when to use Docker? A brief story of envs evolution 6/64
  • 20. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 7/64 Docker – what is it?
  • 21. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 8/64 “automates the deployment of any application as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere” Docker – what is it?
  • 22. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 9/64 Java’s promise: Write Once. Run Anywhere. Docker – what is it?
  • 23. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale Java’s promise: Write Once. Run Anywhere. Docker – what is it? Even on Windows now! https://blog.docker.com/2014/10/docker-microsoft-partner-distributed-applications/ 9/64
  • 24. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 10/64 Docker – what is it? Docker is lightweight
  • 25. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale ====================================================== Package Arch Version Repository Size ====================================================== Installing: docker-io x86_64 1.3.0-1.fc20 updates 4.3 M Docker – what is it? Docker is lightweight 10/64
  • 26. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 11/64 Docker – what is it? http://sattia.blogspot.com/2014/05/docker-lightweight-linux-containers-for.html
  • 27. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 12/64 Docker – how it works? http://blog.docker.com/2014/03/docker-0-9-introducing-execution-drivers-and-libcontainer/
  • 28. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64 - LXC & libcontainer Docker – how it works?
  • 29. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64 - LXC & libcontainer - control groups Docker – how it works?
  • 30. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64 - LXC & libcontainer - control groups - kernel namespaces Docker – how it works?
  • 31. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 13/64 - LXC & libcontainer - control groups - kernel namespaces - layered filesystem - btrfs - devmapper thin provisioning & loopback mounts - no more AUFS - http://developerblog.redhat.com/2014/09/30/overview-storage-scalability-docker/ Docker – how it works?
  • 32. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64 - images - read only - act as templates Docker – concepts
  • 33. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64 - images - read only - act as templates - Dockerfile - like a makefile - commands order & cache'ing - extends the base image - results in a new image Docker – concepts
  • 34. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64 - images - read only - act as templates - Dockerfile - like a makefile - commands order & cache'ing - extends the base image - results in a new image - Containers: instances running apps Docker – concepts
  • 35. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 14/64 - images - read only - act as templates - Dockerfile - like a makefile - commands order & cache'ing - extends the base image - results in a new image - Containers: instances running apps Docker – concepts dockerfile + base image = docker container
  • 36. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 15/64 FROM fedora MAINTAINER scollier <scollier@redhat.com> RUN yum -y update && yum clean all RUN yum -y install nginx && yum clean all RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf RUN echo "nginx on Fedora" > /srv/www/index.html EXPOSE 80 CMD [ "/usr/sbin/nginx" ] Dockerfile
  • 37. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 16/64 Docker – registry http://osv.io/blog/blog/2014/06/19/containers-hypervisors-part-2/
  • 38. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 17/64 Docker – registry - git like semantics - pull, push, commit - private and public registry - https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-registry - yum install docker-registry $ docker pull $ docker push $ docker commit
  • 39. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 18/64 base image -> child image -> grandchild image Docker – images hierarchy
  • 40. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale base image -> child image -> grandchild image Docker – images hierarchy Git’s promise: Tiny footprint with lightning fast performance 18/64
  • 41. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 19/64 Docker – images hierarchy http://blog.octo.com/en/docker-registry-first-steps/
  • 42. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64 FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER james@example.com ENV REFRESHED_AT 2014-06-01 RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -qqy curl [...] Docker – images hierarchy
  • 43. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64 - Isolation via kernel namespaces - Additional layer of security: SELinux / AppArmor / GRSEC - Each container gets own network stack - control groups for resources limiting Docker – security f20 policy: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/selinux-policy.git/tree/docker.te?h=f20-contrib What's there? seinfo -t -x | grep docker sesearch -A -s docker_t (and the rest) or just unpack docker.pp with semodule_unpackage
  • 44. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 20/64 Docker – security
  • 45. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 21/64 Docker – use cases CI Stack http://sattia.blogspot.com/2014/05/docker-lightweight-linux-containers-for.html
  • 46. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 22/64 Continuous Integration - local dev - with Docker it's easy to standardize envs - deployment - rolling updates (e.g. w/Ansible) - testing - unit testing of any commit on dedicated env - don't worry about cleaning up after testing - parrarelized tests across any machines Docker – use cases
  • 47. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 23/64 - version control system for apps - microservices - Docker embraces granularity - Services can be deployed independently and faster - paralleled tests across any machines - continuous delivery - PaaS Docker – use cases
  • 48. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 24/64 - 2013-01: dotCloud worked on own PaaS (Python based) - 2013-03: Docker went public (AUFS, LXC) - middle 2013: Red Hat joined, devmapper, SELinux - late 2013: removed LXC, rewritten in Go - 2014-02: stable 1.0 Docker – history
  • 49. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 25/64 Docker – popularity
  • 50. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 26/64 Docker – popularity
  • 51. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 27/64 Orchestration at scale w/Docker
  • 52. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 28/64 This might be a little problem Orchestration at scale w/Docker
  • 53. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 29/64 This might be a little problem Orchestration at scale w/Docker
  • 54. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 30/64 Orchestration at scale w/Docker
  • 55. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 31/64 http://www.cloudssky.com/en/blog/Docker-Is-Not-Enough
  • 56. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 32/64 To Paas or not to PaaS?
  • 57. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 33/64 - you think PaaS will solve your problems? To Paas or not to PaaS?
  • 58. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 59. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) - running PaaS might be easy To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 60. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) - running PaaS might be easy - operating PaaS will be tough To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 61. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) - running PaaS might be easy - operating PaaS will be tough - so is operating your apps tough enough to move? To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 62. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) - running PaaS might be easy - operating PaaS will be tough - so is operating your apps tough enough to move? - private PaaS or not? To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 63. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - you think PaaS will solve your problems? - it will rather clone them :) - running PaaS might be easy - operating PaaS will be tough - so is operating your apps tough enough to move? - private PaaS or not? - Rainbow and Unicorn Piss: http://blog.lusis.org/blog/2014/06/14/paas-for-realists/ To Paas or not to PaaS? 33/64
  • 64. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - flynn.io - Open source PaaS (Go) - Uses Docker to manage containers - Ops should be a product team, not consultants - under development - Git push deployment - https://flynn.io To Paas or not to PaaS? 34/64
  • 65. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - flynn.io - Open source PaaS (Go) - Uses Docker to manage containers - Ops should be a product team, not consultants - under development - Git push deployment - https://flynn.io - dokku - The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen - Docker powered mini-Heroku - Less than 100 lines of Bash - Git push deployment - https://github.com/progrium/dokku To Paas or not to PaaS? 34/64
  • 66. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - flynn.io - Open source PaaS (Go) - Uses Docker to manage containers - Ops should be a product team, not consultants - under development - Git push deployment - https://flynn.io - dokku - The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen - Docker powered mini-Heroku - Less than 100 lines of Bash - Git push deployment - https://github.com/progrium/dokku - deis.io - Open source PaaS (Python) - Git push deployment - On top of CoreOS w/ Docker - http://deis.io/ To Paas or not to PaaS? 34/64
  • 67. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale - flynn.io - Open source PaaS (Go) - Uses Docker to manage containers - Ops should be a product team, not consultants - under development - Git push deployment - https://flynn.io - dokku - The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen - Docker powered mini-Heroku - Less than 100 lines of Bash - Git push deployment - https://github.com/progrium/dokku - deis.io - Open source PaaS (Python) - Git push deployment - On top of CoreOS w/ Docker - http://deis.io/ To Paas or not to PaaS? 34/64 Don't forget maestro-ng! https://github.com/signalfuse/maestro-ng
  • 68. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 35/64 Remember, that PaaS might fail; plan & test for disaster ! To Paas or not to PaaS?
  • 69. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 36/64 $ docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash > yum -y update > yum -y install nginx $ docker commit 73fa45674fd docent/fedora Docker & CLI
  • 70. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 37/64 Or via Dockerfile: $ docker build -t fedora –rm . $ docker run --name=nginx fedora Docker & CLI
  • 71. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 38/64 - http://www.fig.sh - for single host env FIG
  • 72. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 39/64 - http://www.fig.sh - for single host env FIG FROM python:2.7 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 RUN mkdir /code WORKDIR /code ADD requirements.txt /code/ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ADD . /code/
  • 73. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 40/64 FIG db: image: postgres web: build: . command: python manage.py runserver volumes: - /srv/app/code:/code ports: - "8000:8000" links: - db
  • 74. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 41/64 FIG $ fig run web django-admin.py startproject figexample . $ fig up Management during runtime? $ fig run web python manage.py syncdb
  • 75. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 42/64 Ansible + Docker & Docker + Ansible Docker & Ansible
  • 76. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 43/64 Ansible docker core module: http://docs.ansible.com/docker_module.html Docker & Ansible - hosts: web sudo: yes tasks: - name: run tomcat servers docker: > image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080 count=5 memory_limit=128MB link=mysql expose=8080 registry=... volume=...
  • 77. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 44/64 Building image with Ansible: Docker & Ansible FROM ansible/centos7-ansible:stable ADD ansible /srv/example/ WORKDIR /srv/example RUN ansible-playbook web.yml -c local EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-DFOREGROUND"]
  • 78. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale Building image with Ansible: Docker & Ansible FROM ansible/centos7-ansible:stable ADD ansible /srv/example/ WORKDIR /srv/example RUN ansible-playbook web.yml -c local EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-DFOREGROUND"] ansible/web.yml: - hosts: localhost tasks: - yum: pkg=nginx state=latest - copy: src: web.conf dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/web.conf group: "nginx" mode: "0644" 44/64
  • 79. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 45/64 - Designed for massive server deployments - Support Docker container out of the box - It's a Chrome OS fork - Consists of couple of components: - SystemD – not just a init system ;) - Fleet – cluster level manager & scheduler - etcd – light & distributed key / value store - Docker – the only packaging method in CoreOS CoreOS
  • 80. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 45/64 CoreOS
  • 81. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 46/64 Fleet – cluster level manager & scheduler CoreOS
  • 82. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 47/64 CoreOS
  • 83. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 51/64 CoreOS
  • 84. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 53/64 - https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes - Advanced cluster manager (more than 1k hosts is a fit) - Architecture: - master - minion - pod - replication controller - label Kubernetes
  • 85. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 54/64 Kubernetes
  • 86. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 54/64 Kubernetes
  • 87. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 55/64 - automated service discovery and registration framework - ideal for SOA architectures - ideal for continuous integration & delivery - solves “works on my machine” problem SmartStack
  • 88. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 56/64 - automated service discovery and registration framework - ideal for SOA architectures - ideal for continuous integration & delivery - solves “works on my machine” problem SmartStack haproxy + nerve + synapse + zookeper = smartstack
  • 89. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 57/64 Synapse - discovery service (via zookeeper or etcd) - installed on every node - writes haproxy configuration - application doesn't have to be aware of this - works same on bare / VM / docker - https://github.com/airbnb/nerve SmartStack
  • 90. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 58/64 SmartStack
  • 91. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 59/64 Nerve - health checks (pluggable) - register service info to zookeper (or etcd) - https://github.com/airbnb/synapse SmartStack
  • 92. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64 SmartStack
  • 93. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64 SmartStack
  • 94. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 60/64 SmartStack Smartstack + Docker = <3
  • 95. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64 Summary Wanna learn Docker? http://dockerbook.com/
  • 96. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale w/ Docker Sky is the limit! Summary 61/64
  • 97. Freenode #docker Krk DevOPS meetups (http://www.meetup.com/Docker-Krakow-Poland/) https://github.com/docker/docker Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 62/64
  • 98. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64 Looking for a job? - software developer - sysadmin - devops Catch me: maciek@lasyk.info
  • 99. Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 61/64 Atmosphere Conference 2015 atmo-2015-dockerkrk Atmosphere-conference.com
  • 100. sources? - docker.io documentation - dockerbook.com - slideshare! - zounds of blogposts (urls provided) - and some experience ;) Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 63/64
  • 101. Maciej Lasyk #DockerKRK meetup 1 2015-01-27, Kraków http://maciej.lasyk.info maciej@lasyk.info @docent-net Orchestrating Docker containers at scale Thank you :) Maciej Lasyk, Docker containers at scale 64/64

Editor's Notes

  1. - knows vagrant? - knows differences between hyplev2 hyplev1 and containers? - czy quick sort jest szybszy od heap sorta (kopcowanie)?
  2. Bare: na pczątku był serwer, potem OS a potem wirtualna maszyna javy żeby to wszystko działało tak samo ;)
  3. Chaos monkey!