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Devops 101:
Co powinieneś wiedzieć
na temat DevOps?
Maciej Lasyk
Join Fedora Infrastructure!
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Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Agile Manifesto
→ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
→ Working software over comprehensive documentation
→ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
→ Responding to change over following a plan
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Evolution: how we do software?
→ Monoliths
→ Microservices
Evolution: how we do software?
→ Monoliths
→ Microservices
Evolution: how we do software?
→ Monoliths
→ Microservices
So wanna go microservices…?
There's a trap :)
Conway's law (1968)
organizations which design systems ... are
constrained to produce designs which are copies
of the communication structures of these
Ruth Malan (2008)
if the architecture of the system and the
architecture of the organization are at odds, the
architecture of the organization wins.
The organizational divides are going to drive the
true seams in the system.
Cross – functional, self – organizing teams?
Assign it to me
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
(culture, automation, measurement, sharing)
DevOPS === people!
culture automation
measurement sharing
Dead sea effect
→ most talented evaporates
→ the residue
→ maintenance experts & bus factor == 1
Senior’s reaction when asked to stay late
Dead sea effect
there is a solution...
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological
Let's say that until it's North Korea than it's ok ;)
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: safety
→ family
→ $$$
→ job security
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: <3 and belonging
→ friendship?
→ is your team your family?
→ do you find yourself in your company?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Esteem
→ are you respected?
→ do u need the fame and glory?
→ what about your recognition?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: self - actualization
→ is your job aligned w/ur interests?
→ do u feel fulfilled?
→ do you find time for self – development?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
How do you keep good people in company?
people don't leave companies; they leave leaders
How do you keep good people in company?
people don't leave companies; they leave leaders
or just one of the most popular reasons...
most popular reasons.. to leave your company
→ Frustration with the inversion of meritocracy (“organization stupidities”)
→ Simple boredom
→ Perception that current project is futile/destined for failure accompanied by
organizational powerlessness to stop it
→ Lack of a mentor or anyone from whom much learning was possible
→ Promotions a matter of time rather than merit
→ No obvious path to advancement
→ Fear of being pigeon-holed into unmarketable technology
→ Red-tape organizational bureaucracy mutes positive impact that anyone can
→ Lack of creative freedom and creative control (aka “micromanaging”)
→ paraphrase
→ listening, hearing, understanding
→ sarcasm is a passive agression
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Areas of responsibilities?
Communication patterns?
Areas of responsibilities?
Communication patterns?
DevOps Anti-Types & patterns
This is a copy/paste from
http://blog.matthewskelton.net/ w/my comments
Great job Matthew! Thanks!
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Anti-Types
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
DevOps Patterns
Devops myths
Devops myths
You can hire Devops to fix your organisation
Devops myths
Hire Devops to fix monitoring, automation,
configuration etc
Devops myths
You can certify yourself in Devops
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Devops myths
Devops is all about tools
Devops myths
Devops is all about tools
Yup – about “tools” working in company ;)
Devops myths
Devops is only about engineering
Devops 101: chaos
Devops 101: have clever monitoring
Devops 101: smart oncall
Devops 101: smart oncall
Friday deployments (…and leaving afterwards)
Receiving a call after a long day
Devops 101: automate
→ whatever (smart) tools
→ don't reinvent the wheel!
→ test it (approach) during recruitment
Devops 101: automate
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Cutting over to new service provider
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: production
→ A/B testing
→ Canary Releases
→ Feature toggles
→ blue / green deployments
→ Chaos Monkey
→ Immutable servers
→ Stress testing
Devops 101: circuit breakers
Devops 101: wandering experts
Devops 101: Legacy?
Devops 101: Legacy?
Try Mikado Method
Devops 101: Experiment!
Devops 101: Experiment!
→ Docker
→ systemd-nspawn
→ LX-branded zones
→ runc
→ Phoenix Project
→ Continuous Delivery
→ Continuous Integration
→ Zrozumieć Programowanie :)
Devops events?
→ #KrkDevops meetups
→ Devops days
→ Atmosphere Conference
→ Velocity Conference
Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f
Devops 101:
Co powinieneś wiedzieć
na temat DevOps?
Maciej Lasyk

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Co powinieneś wiedzieć na temat devops?f

Editor's Notes

  1. - czym jest devops? - zapytać ludków czy wiedzą (łapy w górę) - wybrać kilku I zapytać o odpowiedź
  2. Opisać przypadek Ganymede I to, dlaczego my nie nazywaliśmy się agile - nie byliśmy agile bo nie mieliśmy kanbana, scruma, spotkań - liczył się tylko kod
  3. - agile potrafia spowalniać - agile potrafia wymóżdżać – poruszamy się po torach - show me the code approach – szczególnie u ludzi młodych
  4. Monolith – geocentrism SOA – heliocentrism Brakuje czegoś? Keplera! Dodajmy keplera I dojdziemy do tego, że jednak SOA jest nie ok, bo mu czegoś brakowało – kierunek → mikroserwisy
  5. - jak komunikować się mają mikroserwisy skoro my nie potrafimy?
  6. - jeśli komunikacja międzyludzka nie działa to w taki sam sposób będzie nie działała aplikacja I jej architekrura
  7. zap[ytać czy ktoś w takim rpacuje
  8. zap[ytać czy ktoś w takim rpacuje
  9. Potrzebujemy tych ludzi zatrzymać!
  10. Odpowiedż jest w psychologii
  11. Tha is why Devops should never exists as a team!
  12. Nie można o ile to nie jest przemyślane Devops może szkolić developerów Devops może im pomagać Devops nie naprawi samej organizacji – patrz wcześniej Wandering experts!
  13. No nie Czyć, wspomagać, budować platformę, na bazie której developerzy mogą pracować (ale nie taką grubą platformę) Pracować bliżej developerów I ich edukować Devops powinien być seniorem na starcie
  14. historia górników i kanarka
  15. Upgrade&amp;apos;owanie baz danych
  16. Upgrade&amp;apos;owanie baz danych
  17. apdejtowanie przez rebuildowanie serwerów, utrzymywanie abse-image&amp;apos;ów skracanie czasu rollkupowania maszyn (phoenix server: image + configuracja + data); stickowanie wersji serwera (wersja obrazu plus konfiguracji) do aplikacj podkrecanie wraz z aplikacja (trkatowanie serwera jako czesci aplikacji); odpowiedziec na pytanie w jaki sposob wiec apgerjdowac np security patches?
  18. How many containerization techniques did u use?