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Game Changers
How Individuals Reshape
Business Making

People, Knowledge,
Devices & information

networked 4
the growth
of society,
life &
5 tech revolutions
in 240 years

                                               IT & Telco

                                 Automobile, oil & mass production

                         Steel & heavy engineering

              Steam, coal, iron & railways

    The industrial revolution

                                                           Source: Professor Carlota Perez
                                             Universities of Cambridge, Tallinn and Sussex
From competition to
Producing individual                    Prosumer

 Platform provider                     Marketplace
                        NETWORKED       provider
The ladder of drivers
for NEW production

                                           4. MAKING MONEY

                            3. STATUS & IDEA

             2. NETWORK BUILDING

                       NETWORKED SCHOOL

We are living in a transition from
non-sustainable world, to new models
No1 crisis factor:

No2 crisis factor:

Non-Sustainable market and
                          political models

Relentlessly ask all      Financial problems and
                          rationalization of markets
Why’s to help your Idea   (investors)
& competence growth       Lack of creativity minds and
                          enablers; cooperation still not
                          that mainstream
WHY THIS                  Limited capacity for Ideas’

CHANGE ?                  storytelling to engage people

                          Massive movement of
                          business idealists towards
                          new business models – still in
Focus and dream for     Remember why we Explore:
                        for Greed, Voyeurism,
the upcoming 10 years   Curiosity
transition period       Range of powerful drives
                        make up our distinctly human
                        urge to explore. But do it in a
WHAT DOES               company, as partners

THIS CHANGE             We're competitive. We're
                        greedy. We are both voyeurs

MEANS 4 ME?             and exhibitionists. These are
                        the values to use in your
                        journey forward
Step-1: Fear is a friend you
                           haven’t made yet – do it!
                           Step-2: Find your expert
                           partners; outsource and hand-
Either through survival,   over co-rights
logic, passion, empathy    Step-3: Follow-through a project
don’t forget :             mgt and business plan
                           Step-4: Find mentors you trust,
                           but AVOID gurus, experts,
PEOPLE WERE                inspirational speakers; they are
                           in search for their new audience
MEANT TO                   and will dilute your purpose

                           Step-5: Conceptualize…a lot
                           Step-6: Monitor, test, survey,
                           reuse, adapt, test, survey
                           Step-7: Untapped social
                           stakeholders as co-owners
The American Psychological
If you really see the   Association points out from a
                        10-years study that women
opportunity of Social   mentors make all the difference
Business making :       in the development path and
                        competence raise.
                        Disrupt the 80s, 90s path
THEN TARGET             marked by a persistent lack of
                        women in leadership roles
SMART….                 Such strong raw-models… are
                        be hard to find
If you have a dream
route, then you are fine

Go out of the
commoditized markets



Focus on
being A
not JUST

…but at least start!
MEET Puck,
12 year old

Change is the speed that Future invades
our life; embrace it, but be practical for it
Social business in           Education            Energy, Waste
communities & B2B          &Training services      management &
                                                   M2M business

Security & Service         Applications, SaaS,      Infotainment,
    business              BaaS, PCaaS, EdaaS.       entertainment
                           Utilities, Government

Virtual school, virtual     Land, bio, quality
  office, web-based            products &
 platforms, distance         Environmental
monitoring systems            management
Forget philanthropy, government grants,
or sponsorships. They are over!
Charities may engage in
Be clear what to pursue   social enterprise in order to
                          generate funds, as per the
                          'op-shop' model

GIVE BACK                 Any social enterprise, mainly
                          NGOs, actively seeks
VALUE TO THE              philanthropy or government
                          grants to sustain

SOCIETY OR                Social business is self-
                          sufficient, in the long-term for
COMMUNITY                 common good which is
                          financed and secured by profit
Nobel Prize

He defined and distinct
from non-profit…

Socially minded entities

Educate & aggregate
                        communities for a cause

                        Don’t speak for your Idea,
Which will be the key   speak for them

                        Business visibility as in a

                        Social stock market

                        Guide correctly new type of
INGREDIENTS             social investors

                        Bring Change & Sustainability

                        Achieve certain measurable
                        social and environmental
                        goals as credentials
Grow schools with
teachings 4 self-
awareness &
development with
volunteer students,
staff, teachers.

Buying office supplies
while contributing
(11 years = 3.000.000 USD charitable
contributions and 13,000 B2B customers)
Social entrepreneurs
co-creation community

When TOMS sells a pair of
                       shoes, Friends of TOMS
                       donate a pair to a person or
Buying shoes helps     community in need

causes & communities   Cheap pricing

                       Diversifies merchandise to
                       clothing, eye glasses
TOM SHOES              8th Apr 2011, more than
                       250,000 people across the
                       globe went barefoot in support
                       of TOMS One Day Without
Tp   startuplive - social buss - june 2012
Select which             Based in Lugano, Switzerland
stakeholders you unite   Raises awareness on Social
                         sustainable business with a
in causes                focus on Italy, Switzerland
                         and central Europe

SOCIAL                   Interacts with universities,
                         private sector, NGOs, doctors,
BUSINESS                 media, private individuals and
                         investors who believe that a

EARTH                    world without poverty will be
                         implemented through a new
                         economic model
Creators of web content for
Mothers join the web   niche audiences
community              CafeMom, a web engaging
                       community for moms

CAFEMOM                One of latest participants in
                       YouTube's “Made For Web”
                       channel initiative
Educate those who   UN auspices, open call for
can’t do…           global network of companies

                    Contribute SaaS, PCaaS,

                    volunteers, money with a sole
                    focus on education

LEARN               Only in under-developed
                    areas like Millennium Villages
Don’t forget the

People will never buy
WHAT you do, but

Your market is

Your own business here

                                - Wealth gap
                               - Social unrest
                              - Conservatism

   New business models:         Value creation:
   who can be your social   measurable and important
      contributor and          social impact your
    sustainable partner         business brings
Tp   startuplive - social buss - june 2012
Tp   startuplive - social buss - june 2012

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Body of Knowledge
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
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Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otg
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Tp startuplive - social buss - june 2012

  • 1. Game Changers How Individuals Reshape Business Making TASOS PAGAKIS STARTUPLIVE ATHENS II @tpagakis
  • 3. People, Knowledge, Devices & information networked 4 the growth of society, life & business
  • 4. 5 tech revolutions in 240 years IT & Telco Automobile, oil & mass production Steel & heavy engineering Steam, coal, iron & railways The industrial revolution Source: Professor Carlota Perez Universities of Cambridge, Tallinn and Sussex
  • 5. From competition to collaboration COLLABORATIVE MARKET Producing individual Prosumer Platform provider Marketplace NETWORKED provider MARKET
  • 6. The ladder of drivers for NEW production 4. MAKING MONEY 3. STATUS & IDEA CREATION 2. NETWORK BUILDING 1. SELF-FULFILLMENT
  • 8. THE REALITY AS WE KNEW IT, HAS CHANGED We are living in a transition from non-sustainable world, to new models
  • 10. No2 crisis factor: SIT BACK IN THE SUN & LIVE BY FRAPPE MINDSET
  • 11. Non-Sustainable market and political models Relentlessly ask all Financial problems and rationalization of markets Why’s to help your Idea (investors) & competence growth Lack of creativity minds and enablers; cooperation still not that mainstream WHY THIS Limited capacity for Ideas’ CHANGE ? storytelling to engage people Massive movement of business idealists towards new business models – still in experimentation
  • 12. Focus and dream for Remember why we Explore: for Greed, Voyeurism, the upcoming 10 years Curiosity transition period Range of powerful drives make up our distinctly human urge to explore. But do it in a WHAT DOES company, as partners THIS CHANGE We're competitive. We're greedy. We are both voyeurs MEANS 4 ME? and exhibitionists. These are the values to use in your journey forward
  • 13. Step-1: Fear is a friend you haven’t made yet – do it! Step-2: Find your expert partners; outsource and hand- Either through survival, over co-rights logic, passion, empathy Step-3: Follow-through a project don’t forget : mgt and business plan Step-4: Find mentors you trust, but AVOID gurus, experts, PEOPLE WERE inspirational speakers; they are in search for their new audience MEANT TO and will dilute your purpose CREATE Step-5: Conceptualize…a lot Step-6: Monitor, test, survey, reuse, adapt, test, survey Step-7: Untapped social stakeholders as co-owners
  • 14. The American Psychological If you really see the Association points out from a 10-years study that women opportunity of Social mentors make all the difference Business making : in the development path and competence raise. Disrupt the 80s, 90s path THEN TARGET marked by a persistent lack of women in leadership roles SMART…. Such strong raw-models… are be hard to find
  • 15. If you have a dream route, then you are fine WITHOUT THIS GOVERNING FORCE, YOU WON’T GO FAR
  • 16. Go out of the commoditized markets STAND OUT, YOUR IDEA & YOUR TEAM
  • 18. …and…. Focus on being A UNIQUE STORY, not JUST interesting
  • 19. DREAM BIG, START SMALL …but at least start!
  • 20. MEET Puck, 12 year old Entrepreneur
  • 21. OPPORTUNITY AREAS Change is the speed that Future invades our life; embrace it, but be practical for it
  • 22. Social business in Education Energy, Waste communities & B2B &Training services management & M2M business Security & Service Applications, SaaS, Infotainment, business BaaS, PCaaS, EdaaS. entertainment Utilities, Government Virtual school, virtual Land, bio, quality office, web-based products & platforms, distance Environmental monitoring systems management
  • 23. EXTRAORDINARY TIMES, UNIQUE MEASURES Forget philanthropy, government grants, or sponsorships. They are over!
  • 24. Charities may engage in Be clear what to pursue social enterprise in order to generate funds, as per the 'op-shop' model GIVE BACK Any social enterprise, mainly NGOs, actively seeks VALUE TO THE philanthropy or government grants to sustain SOCIETY OR Social business is self- sufficient, in the long-term for COMMUNITY common good which is financed and secured by profit
  • 26. He defined and distinct from non-profit… SOCIAL BUSINESS WITH COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY
  • 27. Socially minded entities WITH RETURN TO SOCIETY THROUGH PROFIT
  • 28. Educate & aggregate communities for a cause Don’t speak for your Idea, Which will be the key speak for them Business visibility as in a SUCCESS Social stock market Guide correctly new type of INGREDIENTS social investors Bring Change & Sustainability Achieve certain measurable social and environmental goals as credentials
  • 29. Grow schools with teachings 4 self- awareness & development with volunteer students, staff, teachers. HUMANUTOPIA
  • 30. Buying office supplies while contributing (11 years = 3.000.000 USD charitable contributions and 13,000 B2B customers)
  • 32. When TOMS sells a pair of shoes, Friends of TOMS donate a pair to a person or Buying shoes helps community in need causes & communities Cheap pricing Diversifies merchandise to clothing, eye glasses TOM SHOES 8th Apr 2011, more than 250,000 people across the globe went barefoot in support of TOMS One Day Without Shoes.
  • 34. Select which Based in Lugano, Switzerland stakeholders you unite Raises awareness on Social sustainable business with a in causes focus on Italy, Switzerland and central Europe SOCIAL Interacts with universities, private sector, NGOs, doctors, BUSINESS media, private individuals and investors who believe that a EARTH world without poverty will be implemented through a new economic model
  • 35. Creators of web content for Mothers join the web niche audiences community CafeMom, a web engaging community for moms CAFEMOM One of latest participants in YouTube's “Made For Web” channel initiative
  • 36. Educate those who UN auspices, open call for can’t do… global network of companies Contribute SaaS, PCaaS, CONNECT 2 volunteers, money with a sole focus on education LEARN Only in under-developed areas like Millennium Villages
  • 38. People will never buy WHAT you do, but WHY YOU DO IT
  • 39. Your market is THE WORLD OUTSIDE GREECE
  • 40. Your own business here - Wealth gap - Social unrest - Conservatism New business models: Value creation: who can be your social measurable and important contributor and social impact your sustainable partner business brings