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Why brands
need to build
and nurture
social currency

© 2010 Vivaldi Partners
All rights reserved.
Vivaldi Partners
$ocial Currency Study | US 2010                                   125 Park Avenue, Suite 1500
                                                                  New York, NY 10017
Copyright © 2010 Vivaldi Inc. All rights reserved.                USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in   Tel       +1 212 965 0900
any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, without        Fax       +1 212 965 0992
written permission.                                               E-mail    info@vivaldipartners.com
Cover Art: Melanie Eckl                                           Web       www.vivaldipartners.com
Table of Contents

Editorial                                     2

Executive Summary                            4

Introducing the Concept of Social Currency   8

Impact on Industries and Categories          20

Managerial Implications
    g        p                               5

Acknowledgements                             64

Editorial                                          I have been studying brands for the last
                                                       twenty years. During this time, there has
                                                       been significant progress in understanding
                                                       why brands are important and how brands
    Brands are socially constructed objective          become important drivers of innovation and
    realities. Brands get bu lt t oug expe-
     eal t es. a ds       built through e pe           g
    riences, through people accepting them
                                                       There has been significant progress in the
    and making them part of the fabric of their
                                                       development of financial frameworks to
                                                       monetize and measure the value of brands,
    This process of building strong brands is very     legal frameworks to protect brands, and a
    personal and also very social.                     host of managerial approaches to build,
                                                       grow nurture and manage brands.
    Today, one of the most important strengths
    of a brand is its social currency, the extent to   However, nothing has prepared us to deal
    which people share the brand or information        with today’s revolution in building strong
    about the brand with others as part of their       brands. The rapid evolution of the Internet
    everyday social lives.                             and, in particular, the rise of the social
of media, technologies and networks not           I am convinced that this study sheds new
only changes our lives, it irrevocably            light on the complex and difficult under-
changes how brands are built.                     taking of building strong brands today.

I am pleased to present, on behalf of Vivaldi     I hope that our work will stimulate thoughts
Partners and the many talented people who         and more research, encourage new and
work i our company, thi study of th
    k in              this t d f the              better
                                                  b tt practices i b i
                                                             ti    in business, and l d th
                                                                                   d lead the
power of social currency in building strong       way into an exciting future of creating value
brands.                                           for companies.

For the first time, we deconstruct social
currency. We find that social currency is not
just about conversation, buzz or community.
It is all this and much more. We find that it
does not impact every brand equally. We           Erich Joachimsthaler, PhD
find that certain levers of social currency are   Founder and CEO
more important than others in driving value       Vivaldi Partners
for companies.

      IDENTITY                  CONVERSATION


    INFORMATION                    UTILITY


Executive Summary
 Social currency is the extent to which people share the brand or information about the brand
 as part of their everyday social lives at work or at home.

 Our study shows that social currency significantly drives brand loyalty. Moreover, brands
 with a high social currency command a price premium.

 Social currency is a means, not the end; nor is it just about buzz or conversation. Rather it is
 about creating meaningful experiences around the brand.

 Which of the six levers on the left are key to effectively create social currency varies between
 categories and their specific customer, consumer, and competitive context.

 The successful brands in our study strive to be an integral part of people’s daily lives by
 enabling them to connect, interact, and benefit from like-minded brand users.

 The good news: the study shows that a set of key principles emerge that help companies to
 build, nurture and manage social currency and create value.
This craving for commun
    of every man individual
    from the beginning of t


ity is the chief misery
ly and all humanity
       Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky, 1881
              M Dostoyevsky

Why brands need
                                                social currency
                   AFFILIATION                  Brands represent significant assets for
                                                companies. The strength of brands is closely
                                                li k d to several well-known asset
                                                linked t        l ll k            t
      IDENTITY                   CONVERSATION   dimensions that drive the relationships with
                                                customers or consumers.
                   SOCIAL                       Because of the increasing social nature of
                  CURRENCY                      Internet and mobile technologies,
                                                consumers, and customers adopt these
    INFORMATION                     UTILITY
                                                technologies and platforms and integrate
                                                them into their daily life routines and
                                                contexts. This also changes how they
                                                interact in all parts of life with people,
                                                products, brands, and businesses.

Hence, all companies need to learn how to       In order to manage social currency, com-
make their brands more social, and how to       panies must adopt new approaches and
interact in new ways with their customers. In   tools. If the traditional model of brand
short, they need to develop social currency.    marketing was centered around the key
                                                principles of positioning, targeting, and
Having social currency increases a brand’s
                                                messaging, the model of building social
engagement with consumers and interaction
   g g
                                                currency i centered on i
                                                           is         d   interaction, colla-
                                                                                  i      ll
with customers, it grants access to
                                                boration, conversation, and co-creation. If
information and knowledge, it helps
                                                brands used to be built through creating
companies to create unique brand identities,
                                                mindshare, the new model of building social
and it develops permission to interact with
                                                currency is about creating share of daily
consumers or customers. In today’s age,
building social currency is probably the most
important investment companies can make         Companies who adopt the new processes
to create value for themselves. Consumers       and tools in building social currency will
and customers will benefit as well as they      prosper in today’s age of digital and social
increasingly participate in social platforms,   revolution and have a chance of creating
and use social technologies.                    new levels of business performance.
How social                                     increasingly covers the range of experiences
                                                    on how consumers interact with brands,
     currency                                       products and companies from traditional to
     develops in                                    digital experiences.

     daily life                                     Social Currency is neither a product feature,
                                                    nor a communications or PR campaign that
     Social currency of a brand develops organ-
                                                    is completely managed by any one company.
     ically in the network of people – consumers,
     customers, suppliers, partners.                From this perspective, social currency is a
                                                    far more delicate asset to build, nurture and
     Social currency is not a communications
                                                    maintain than brand equity. Traditional
     approach, it is an experiential concept. It
                                                    brand management has been a successful
     develops from experiences that consumers
            p          p            a
                                                    driver f many b d M
                                                    di     for      brands. Many of the Top
                                                                                    f th T
     have in the context of their daily life.
                                                    1000 global brands have grown over the last
     Hence, context matters. Understanding          twenty years. All these brands derive
     social currency requires to understand how     strength from deep relationships and
     the context of daily life changes and          interactions with customers or consumers,

and by that, social currency is not a new       Many of these social media sites are actively
phenomenon. Brand building has always           used today by major brands to strengthen
been about establishing deep relationships      customer service, introduce or co-create
with customers or consumers and share           new products and entertain people.
their experiences with friends and peers –
                                                In addition, there are thousands of small
their everyday social environment.
                                                networks, forums and blogs that are not
However, especially with the development of     steered by the brands themselves, but still
social platforms on the Internet, which has     are important in creating social currency.
become a major sharing and connecting
                                                Today, building of social currency takes
point, social currency has become a real
                                                many forms, some of them being supported
source of strength for many brands.
                                                by digital applications, others are non-
J t as major services lik F b k T itt
          j      i    like Facebook, Twitter,   digital
                                                di it l experiences i th d il life of con-
                                                             i       in the daily lif f
or MySpace have become means for                sumers. Some experiences are supported by
everyday personal exchange, brands have         applications and tools of companies and
grown in that space as information and          others are self-created by customers and
experiences about brands are being shared.      consumers.
Social currency:
     a shared domain
     of brands and
     S i l currency represents a shared asset of
                              t    h d       t f
     consumers and company-owned brands. It
     originates from interaction between customers              Social
     and consumers.                                            Currency

     However, companies can stimulate the creation
     of social currency through means that cultivate
     a sense of community, strengthen consumer
     interaction and provide value to the com-
     munity. When done credibly brands earn trust      Brand              Consumer
     and can grow into an integral, almost symbiotic
     role in customers’ lives.

Impact of social
currency on brand

O study shows that social currency
        d h       h        i l
significantly impacts different aspects of brand
                                                                                                             Brand                     Price
                                                                                                             Loyalty                 Premium

1. Across categories and brands, 53% of                                                                      exp. power              correlation
   consumers’ brand loyalty can be explained                                                                   53
                                                                                                               53%                     73
   by social currency.
2. Users of brands with high social currency                                                                              Currency
   show a significantly higher willingness to
   pay a price premium (correlation=0.73).
 Source: Vivaldi Partners Research based on regression analyses of brand loyalty on social currency levers                                                             13
Affiliation                      49
                  What share of your users has a
                  sense of community?
                         f         i ?             27



     Identity                            47                            SOC
     How many of your users can                                       CURR
     identify with other users?          43



     Information                         35
     How many feel they exchange
     fruitful information with others?   22

Conversation                                 72
                                                                                      What share of your brand users
                                                                                      recognizes and stirs b ?
                                                                                            i      d i buzz?                       49



CIAL                                                                                  Utility                                      63
RENCY                                                                                 How many derive value from
                                                                                      interacting with other users?                50



                                                   Advocacy                                                                   64
                                                   How many act as disciples and
                                                   stand up for your brand?                                                   38

        Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey December 2009, Exemplary results for selected brands and categories             15
How social
                                           creates value
                                           in categories
                                           Although social currency consists of six core
                                           levers, a brand does not necessarily need to
                                           access each lever in order to drive loyalty
                                           and top line growth. Instead, certain

                                                  Impact of social currency levers on
                                                  brand loyalty within selected categories

                                                  AUTOMOTIVE (VOLUME)
                                                  SKIN CARE
                                                  FAST FOOD
                                                  ONLINE RETAIL
                                                  CONSUMER IT
                                                  B2B TECH

categories seem to be less dependent on                                                                     food). Such activities will then directly drive
providing a strong sense of community or                                                                    re-purchase or repeated visits respectively.
relying on the user-base to exchange news,
                                                                                                            In contrast, consumer brands in the IT
hints or other information.
                                                                                                            category, like Apple or Microsoft need to
For example, categories like fast food or
    example                                                                                                 efficiently address most levers as complexity
beer rely less on strong affiliation amongst                                                                of products implicitly leads to higher
their users but can still tap into social                                                                   exchange levels and especially tangible
currency by helping users to learn from each                                                                products are providing today’s light houses
other (beer) or by strengthening the                                                                        to convey one’s personality traits just like
identification levels with other patrons (fast                                                              automobiles have for the last century.

    Affiliation                     Conversation                             Utility                        Advocacy        Information       Identity

Source: Vivaldi Partners Research based on regression analyses of brand loyalty on social currency levers                                                     17
Find out if                                   3. Customers or consumers are willing to
                                                      tell others about your brand or
     social currency                                  recommend it further. This advocacy for
     is important                                     your brand is one of the key value

     for you                                          drivers.

                                                   4. The more information customers or
                                                      consumers have about your product or
     If you agree with some of the following          service, the more likely they develop
     statements, it is very likely that social        preferences for your brand or business.
     currency is an important driver for your         By helping consumers to become
     business and brand.
                   brand                              “knowledgeable ” you empower them to
                                                      share their knowledge with others.

     1. Some of your customers or consumers
        proactively talk about your products and
        services with others. By engaging in             »SOCIAL CURRENCY IS
        these conversations, you can stimulate           LIKE A GOOD JOKE […]
        f th conversations and discussions
        further           ti     d di     i               USING CONTENT […] IN
                                                                        [ ]
        by for example providing additional              ORDER TO LUBRICATE A
        talking points, perspectives and points            SOCIAL OCCASION«
        of view.
                                                                               RUSS KLEIN
     2. The social exchange with others
        involving your brand is an integral part
        of peoples’ lives. This exchange
        provides an opportunity for you to build   5.                Customers or consumers
        invaluable utility for customers or                      develop a strong sense of
        consumers by helping them to increase                identity and an ability to express
        their own social relevance, for example.         themselves to others by using your

brand. You can create value for your
   brand and business by reinforcing the
   identity-driving elements of your brand.

6. The value of your brand is closely related
   to the affiliation and sense of com-
       h ffili i        d        f
   munity it creates among other like-
   minded people. You can create value
   by promoting the community and
                      »WHERE IN THE LATE
   opportu-        1700'S IT WAS MIRRORS,     ,
   nities.            NAILS AND BUTTONS –
                  IN THE 21ST CENTURY
All brands
and busi-
                THE SHINY OBJECTS ARE
a social                    AND KUDOS«
strategy. If
 t t
                                        MARK SAGE
you can affir-
matively respond to three or more of the six
statements, your opportunities for building
value through social currency are

If you would agree on less statements, you
must carefully evaluate the hidden potential
of social currency for your brand and
business. You might choose to focus on just
one or two levers of social currency.
                                                    PHOTOGRAPHY BY TIBCHRIS/FLICKR
How jetBlue
         enables a
         strong sense of

         At first sight, the airline industry seems to
         be, by definition, a social category. There
         are not many brands that could claim
         bringing together thousands of people in
         bi i t          th th         d f       l i

         one place every day. Airline brands can.

         But does this given trait of mass transpor-
         tation allow airline brands to get a head
         start over brands in other categories in
         terms of social currency?

         After all, most of the social encounters
         around air traveling would seem rather
         futile and random to many.

         On the other hand, airlines have been
         known as early pioneers in creating and
         nurturing customer communities via
         frequent flyer and other loyalty programs.

         Hence, studying social currency in the
         context of airline brands promises to be an
         interesting and worthwhile trip to take.
In our study, jetBlue turns out as a role                                                                   are part of a community through the brand.
model for the entire airline category. With a                                                               Not surprisingly, trust with the brand is very
social currency score as high as 65% it out-                                                                high (See CHART 1).
performs legacy carriers such as American
                                                                                                            The deep integration in the company’s
Airlines (48%) or Delta (37%). Only Virgin
                                                                                                            strategy may b ill
                                                                                                                          be illustrated by the new
                                                                                                                                       db h
and Southwest Airlines can keep pace with
                                                                                                            jetBlue terminal at New York’s JFK airport.
jetBlue’s performance in the social arena.
                                                                                                            Rather than constructing a merely functional
Diving deep into the specific characteristics                                                               terminal for departures and arrivals, focus
of the different airlines’ customer bases we                                                                was laid on human interaction. The waiting
have found a specific social trait to jetBlue                                                               area mimics New York City landmarks, such
that no other airline can claim to this extent:                                                             as the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of
A close-knit customer community. First, the                                                                 Art, where travellers can exchange with
majority of jetBlue customers can identify                                                                  each other physically or virtually. In addition
well with other jetBlue customers. More-                                                                    to capturing the hustle and bustle of NYC,
over, 61% of jetBlue customers feel like they                                                               the terminal creates a community feeling.


          CHART 1                                                                                             CHART 2

                                                                                                              “I could rely on this brand to solve
                                                                                                              any problems”
                Sense of community
               Trust in brand                                                                                                     78%
             0% 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category                                              21

          #                   Brand              Social Currency

           1 JETBLUE                                  65%
           2 VIRGIN                                   58%
           3 SOUTHWEST                                54%
           4 CONTINENTAL                              53%
           5 AMERICAN AIRLINES                        48%
           6 UNITED                                   42%

           7 DELTA                                    37%


              BRAND LOYALTY

                               SOCIAL CURRENCY         high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                              Utility                            Advocacy                                                 Information                         Identity

          67%                                72%                               51%                                 75%                                                               55%                      69%
          57%                                62%                               52%                                 63%                                                               57%                       57%
          50%                                64%                               41%                                 72%                                                                44%                     53%
          52%                                55%                               41%                                 69%                                                              45%                        59%
          49%                                48%                               39%                                 53%                                                              47%                        52%
         41%                                 41%                              33%                                  49%                                                               42%                       44%
         41%                                 41%                              26%                                  41%                                                               33%                       40%





          Quality Perception                        50                            60                             70                                                      80                         90                  100




                         Brand Trust                50                            60                             70                                                      80                         90                  100




             Recommendation                         50                            60                             70                                                      80                         90                  100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                                                                           23
How social
            currency sets
            premium brands
            further apart
            The automotive industry can be divided into
            major categories by two dimensions:
            domestic vs. imported brands and volume
            vs. luxury brands. Interestingly, especially
            the latter dimension also shows an effect in
            terms of their social currency systems.

            As high-involvement products, automobiles
            offer a continuous platform for conversation
            to both, volume and premium car owners.
            Further, identification with other owners is
               i hi h i d        d     f h
            quite high independent of the segment.

            However, premium brand drivers show a
            much stronger sense of their brand’s
            community. In that context peer recognition
            becomes key whilst gaining valuable
            information around the brand itself through
            others has less effects on re-purchase
            decisions. Inversely, volume brand drivers
            show a lower need to affiliate with others,
            but appreciate the value they can sift by
            learning from other drivers.
BMW drivers form an exceptional example                                                                    Honda for example, despite performing
for a perceived community experience as                                                                    weak on trust (71%), has highly loyal users
two thirds feel a strong affiliation with other                                                            who actively act as brand ambassadors and
BMW owners.                                                                                                who directly draw value as individuals from
                                                                                                           the exchange with other Honda owners
Luxury car b d show significantly hi h
L          brands h        i ifi     l higher
                                                                                                           (35%) – see CHART 1.
social currency levels in general, implying
that, with buying a car, drivers seek to not                                                               Ford, in contrast, seems to merely form
only enter a social peer group but also to                                                                 identification levels between its drivers
grow as an individual by becoming an active                                                                through its heritage but cannot extend that
member.                                                                                                    social belonging to also generate a strong
                                                                                                           community feeling (see CHART 2).2)
Investigating individual brands more
closely, it becomes obvious that also volume                                                               For a domestic brand this should be a key
car brands can utilize social currency levers                                                              objective, as this also affects
to provide additional selling propositions.                                                                recommendation levels.


             CHART 1                                                                                        CHART 2

             “Through other users of this brand                                                                                     Identity         Affiliation
             I get valuable information”
                                                                                                                                   48% 37%

                                                 35%                                                                   20%


Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                 25
                             How Toyota
                             suffered from
                             the gas pedal

                             No surprise – Toyota’s recently admitted
                             quality problems heavily shifted owners’
            SN               brand perception.

                             After all, quality had been the essence of
                             the Toyota brand for the last two decades.
                             Before the news on malfunctioning gas
                             pedals surfaced, nearly every Toyota driver
                             would fully agree on Toyota’s exceptional
                             quality levels and reliability of its cars. Just
                             a f weeks l t th
                               few       k later these scores d dropped d

                             In an instant, long-built brand equity

                             Automobiles not only offer functional value
                             but also, by virtue of the fact that they
                             provide an important opportunity for a
                             person to convey his or her identity, have
                             always been very social products.
Toyota faced challenges in accessing these                                                                 benefits than the erosion of its quality
value drivers in an American market; it had                                                                image.
to compete against Ford’s clear Americana
                                                                                                           Fewer Toyota owners draw
association or the exclusivity offers of luxury
                                                                                                           value from being a member
brands such as BMW or Ferrari.
                                                                                                           of the T
                                                                                                            f h Toyota community i
Against these challenges, Toyota managed                                                                   now. Moreover, less than a
to provide a large share of their owner-base                                                               third would want to identify themselves
with a brand experience that successfully                                                                  with other Toyota owners – a drop of 19%!
made them identify with and feel united to
                                                                                                           This clearly raises another issue on the CEO
other Toyota owners. They earned social
                                                                                                           agenda: For Toyota, renovating its brand’s
currency - an effort which served as a
                                                                                                           social currency will be just as crucial as
safeguard against competition from other
                                                                                                           returning to six-sigma standards in
Asian makes.
However, now, after the recall, Toyota faces
a relatively worse decline in providing social

                PRE POST RECALL

l Quality perception wears away
        Very good quality                                                                                  FROM 96%                                  DOWN 16v TO 80%
        Reliability                                                                                        FROM 92%                                  DOWN 19v TO 73%

l Social bonding erodes relatively worse:
        Affiliation (with other drivers)                                                                   FROM 29%                                  DOWN 8v   TO 21%
        Identity (through other drivers) FROM 46%                                                                                                    DOWN 19v TO 28%
Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                      27
             #                   Brand                                                  Social Currency

              1 BMW                                                                                 69%
              2 MERCEDES                                                                            68%
              3 LEXUS                                                                               66%
              4 HONDA                                                                               54%
              5 TOYOTA*                                                                             45%
              6 FORD                                                                                44%
                             * Data presented in the tables on this page prior to re-call 2009/10

                 BRAND LOYALTY

                                  SOCIAL CURRENCY                                                   high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                              Utility   Advocacy                 Information                     Identity

          65%                                81%                               59%       77%                             65%                           70%
          60%                                76%                               57%       81%                             62%                           72%
          63%                                75%                               53%       76%                             66%                           65%
          42%                                67%                               41%       75%                         48%                               52%
          29%                                66%                               29%       69%                         29%                               46%
            37%                              49%                               33%       46%                             48%                           48%



          Quality Perception                        50                            60    70                   80                        90                      100


                         Brand Trust                50                            60    70                   80                        90   MERCEDES           100



             Recommendation                         50                            60    70                   80                        90                      100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                  29
Why big beer
      brands carry a
      social handicap

      Beer is an unarguably social product,
      regularly consumed in a social context.
      Further, beer brands on average enjoy well
      above average quality and trust levels (see
      CHART 1).

      Given its consumption context and also its
      strong loyalty scores, one would expect that
      beer brands should be able to leverage their
      social nature. However, this only proves to
      be the case for niche brands.

      In a mass-market setting, beer is about
      commoditized consumption, not about

      nursing a community feeling of consumers
      of the same brand.

      Where mass brands like Corona, Coors, or

      Miller are struggling, however, is when it
      comes to a dialog about the brand. Ob-
      viously people are enjoying the taste but do
      not feel inclined to discuss their beer
      brands. A different usage pattern can be
observed with niche brands, like Sam                                                                       packaging innovations, like vented wide-
Adams or even Irish Guinness.                                                                              mouth cans, temperature-linked packaging.

They provide their consumers with a product                                                                However, market-leading Budweiser proves
that not only stirs communication but even                                                                 that there is a way to access social currency
has h bili
h the ability to f form communities and
                                ii       d                                                                 beyond the niche. A h
                                                                                                           b       d h i h Anheuser B h’ b d
                                                                                                                                         Busch’s brand
provide a strong feeling of identification                                                                 managers heavily invested especially in
with other drinkers of the same brand                                                                      social media to generate more buzz and
(see CHART 2).                                                                                             affiliation around »Bud«.

Instead of providing a unique story around                                                                 However, the case also shows, that they did
their brand, mass market brands instead                                                                    not succeed completely. Such undertakings
seem to have, at the expense of their social                                                               need to be based on a consistent strategy
currency values, focused too heavily on                                                                    and clearly be linked to a brand’s values.
developing their product strengths: mar-                                                                   Still, there are ways for volume brands in
ginal, but socially irrelevant product and                                                                 the beer category to create social currency.


        CHART 1                                                                                            CHART 2

                                   Quality                       Trust                                      “I feel a connection to other users
                                                                                                            of this brand”
                                89% 86%

                                                                                                                          47                 57

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category                                           31

       #                   Brand              Social Currency

        1 SAM ADAMS                                53%
        2 GUINNESS                                 51%
        3 HEINEKEN                                 47%
        4 BUDWEISER                                43%
        5 COORS                                    36%
        6 CORONA                                   33%
        7 MILLER                                   28%


           BRAND LOYALTY


                            SOCIAL CURRENCY         high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                              Utility            Advocacy             Information                                           Identity

          47%                                57%                               45%                66%                        45%                                                 55%
          50%                                55%                               42%                59%                        48%                                                 51%
          46%                                54%                               37%                60%                        38%                                                 46%
          45%                                48%                               32%                54%                       35%                                                  46%
          33%                                39%                               31%                41%                      28%                                                   44%
         28%                                 38%                               21%                44%                        29%                                                 37%
         28%                                 26%                               13%                44%                        23%                                                 36%



                                                                                                                                                        SAM ADAM


          Quality Perception                        50                            60             70                  80                                 90                             100

                                                                                                                                   SAM ADAMS



                         Brand Trust                50                            60             70                  80                                 90                             100
                                                                                                         SAM ADAMS



             Recommendation                         50                            60             70                  80                                 90                             100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                                          33
Why buzz alone
           will not build
           social currency

           Fast food represents a category with excep-
           tional consumer polarization. When it comes
           to choosing their favorite brand, fast food
           patrons very quickly form distinct camps of
           clear supporters and critics. Virtually any-

           one with a minimum of fast food dining
           experience will know an immediate answer
           to the question: »Burger King or

           Hence, every fast food brand has its own
           community of patrons that regularly
                    y p                 g     y
           consume, talk about or even defend the

           Also, similar to the beer category, fast food
           brands are clearly social-driven, as con-
           sumption patterns are often embedded into
           a broader social setting – meeting up with
           friends, having a snack with co-workers or

           However, in terms of social currency, Burger
           King scores lowest overall of all fast food
companies in our study (21% - see CHART 1).                                                                 The result: Burger King turns out last place.
This is really curious given the buzz the                                                                   Only 20% of Burger King customers think
brand has generated through its social                                                                      that they get to learn something new
media efforts around the scary looking King                                                                 through the community (See CHART 2).
and the award-winning subservient chicken
         award winning                                                                                      Similar poor results for the quality of
campaign.                                                                                                   information being shared and the appre-
                                                                                                            ciation of others’ opinions.
What the results of our study suggest is:
online buzz does not equal conversational                                                                   Overall, Burger King’s social media efforts
value to customers. Only if conversations                                                                   seem to have targeted too narrow of a target
are meaningful to customers, brands will                                                                    group neglecting the social needs of its
profit from increased social currency among                                                                 broader customer base.
their customer base.
                                                                                                            The brand may have created conversation
Digging deeper, we have studied the extent                                                                  that stayed “meaningless” both to the
to which whatever is said, the buzz, is                                                                     majority of customers as well as to the
relevant to customers of a brand.                                                                           brand itself.


          CHART 1                                                                                             CHART 2

                Social Currency Scores                                                                        “Through other users of this brand I get
                                                                                                              to learn something new”

                         21                                      30                                                                             44%

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category                                            35

            #                   Brand              Social Currency

             1                  DUNKIN‘ DONUTS         44%
             2                  STARBUCKS              42%
             3                  KFC                    30%
             4                  WENDY‘S                30%
             5                  PIZZA HUT              30%
             6                  TACO BELL              28%

             7                  MCDONALD‘S             23%
             8                  BURGER KING            21%

                BRAND LOYALTY

                                 SOCIAL CURRENCY         high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                                           Utility                                             Advocacy                                               Information                      Identity

           %                                 50%
                                               %                                          33%
                                                                                            %                                                             60%
                                                                                                                                                          6 %                                              33%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             %                         47%
         53%                                 45%                                          31%                                                             48%                                              35%                         43%
         25%                                 38%                                          19%                                                             45%                                              23%                         31%
         25%                                 30%                                          20%                                                             44%                                              24%                         35%
         26%                                 37%                                          15%                                                             46%                                              19%                         35%
         22%                                 37%                                          18%                                                             44%                                              18%                         28%
         18%                                 29%                                          15%                                                             29%                                              17%                         29%
         16%                                 24%                                          16%                                                             24%                                              19%                         24%

                                                                                                                                BURGER KIN

                                                                              TACO BELL

                                                                                                                                                                            PIZZA HUT



          Quality Perception                        50                                      60                                                      70                                              80     BURGER KING           90              100


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TACO BELL
                                                                                                                                                                                        PIZZA HUT


                         Brand Trust                50                                      60                                                      70                                              80                           90              100
                                                                                                                       BURGER KING

                                                                  TACO BELL

                                                                                                                                              PIZZA HUT


             Recommendation                         50                                      60                                                      70                                              80                           90              100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                                                                                                    37
Why women love
           sharing their
           thoughts on
           In the skin care domain, male target groups
           obviously tend to be less talkative about
           their skin treatment.

           Market leaders like Gillette have not built

           significant levels of social currency at all.
           Probably due to the functional focus of the
           brand, even their loyal and satisfied (94%)
           users do not share experiences or infor-
           mation with each other (only 14% would do
           so) – see CHART 1. Very popular and
           »fun-brands« th t t
            f b d that target a f   t focused segment
                                               d         t
           have fared better, however only managing
           to create a limited sense of community (e.g.
           only one out of four Axe users feels
           affiliated to others).

           Women across all ages, as opposed to men,
           tend to seek social exchange regarding this
           product category. Skin care remains a much
           more relevant issue for females and peer-to-
           peer distribution concepts like Avon’s are
           hard to imagine within a male setting.
Therefore, it makes most sense to investi-                                                                 common, challenges. They typecast women
gate and compare two female-centered                                                                       – establishing the basis around which
brands: Clinique and Dove.                                                                                 women could form micro communities.

Clinique has successfully built a strong                                                                   Volume brand Dove has been praised for its
community f li around i classical pre-
         i feeling        d its l i l                                                                      re-launch around »real b
                                                                                                              l     h       d     l beauty«, which h
                                                                                                                                               hi h has
mium positioning. Every second user claims                                                                 gained them business success and a highly
that she identifies with other Clinique users                                                              authentic image. That said, Dove remains
(48%) and engages in conversations around                                                                  unable to provide a sense of community, as
the brand (51%) – see CHART 2. In contrast                                                                 the brand’s buzz is conversation worthy but
to many of today’s brands, Clinique would                                                                  unsustainable. Additionally, by appealing to
not be a typical Web 2.0 protagonist
                      2 0 protagonist.                                                                     every woman, the brand doesn’t encourage
                                                                                                                  woman              doesn t
Instead it has managed to build social                                                                     community bonds (e.g. women who use a
currency by really engaging its consumers                                                                  specific product for their special skin type).
around its heritage and, importantly, by                                                                   For Dove to gain social currency, it will have
acknowledging women’s unique, yet                                                                          to translate real beauty into real community.


         CHART 1                                                                                             CHART 2

                                                                                                             “I can identify myself well with
                  Satisfied with brand                                                                       other users of this brand”
                 Do share experience
                0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100%

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale          39

            #                   Brand              Social Currency

             1 CLINIQUE                                 42%
             2 AXE                                      37%
             3 AVON                                     37%
             4 DOVE                                     29%
             5 NIVEA                                    23%

             6 GILLETTE                                 17%

                BRAND LOYALTY

                                 SOCIAL CURRENCY         high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                              Utility   Advocacy                  Information                                                Identity

          30%                                51%                               32%       57%                           35%                                                         48%
          25%                                39%                               30%       49%                           33%                                                         46%
          30%                                41%                               28%       44%                           37%                                                         41%
          18%                                36%                               20%       46%                           22%                                                         33%
          14%                                28%                               16%       41%                           15%                                                         25%
            7%                               19%                               11%       29%                           14%                                                         22%



          Quality Perception                        50                            60    70                       80                                              90                            100



                         Brand Trust                50                            60    70                       80                                              90                            100



             Recommendation                         50                            60    70                       80                                              90                            100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                                                  41
The sportswear
            quest for daily
 ORT WEA    life relevance

            Community experience lies at the heart of
            every major sportswear brand. Ever since,
            iconic brands such as Nike, Adidas, or
            Reebok have created and promoted com-
            munity sports experiences to the fullest

            In the early 90s, Adidas launched their
            hugely successful “Streetball Challenge”.
            Similarly, Nike has engaged its brand in
            numerous sports sponsorships from region-
            al to global level over the last decades. With
            th rapid emergence of th I t
                    id               f the Internet and
                                                  t d
            especially the social web in recent years,
            major sportswear brands have moved into
            the online domain to re-connect with con-
            sumers. Various initiatives such as Nike+ or
            miAdidas have been rolled out to create new
            and meaningful experiences for consumers
            around their brand.

            In our study the smaller, fashion-oriented
            sportswear brands take over the lead in
            terms of social currency. Puma clearly
comes first with a social currency score of                                            identity (60%) – being important levers to
50% followed by Sketchers (38%) and                                                    build social currency in the sportswear
Adidas (38%), the only global power brand                                              category – the brand outperforms its
to reach a top-3 position.                                                             competitors.

Thi result comes as a bi surprise f
          l            big      i from a                                               Arguably, Puma’s strategic evolution to-
                                                                                             bl         ’        i     l i
traditional brand equity perspective as                                                wards a lifestyle focus has helped the brand
powerhouses such as Nike and Adidas fall                                               to gain extra social currency with consumers
behind. However, social currency does not                                              that would not have been accessible for a
focus on traditional brand equity measures                                             smaller player with a rather narrow
such as brand awareness. It measures the                                               sportswear focus.
social value a brand provides within its own
                                                                                       It also apparently enabled the brand to take
customer base.
                                                                                       over a more significant role in consumers’
Compared to larger brands, Puma seems to                                               daily lives – resulting in increased con-
have created the biggest social value.                                                 versation, affiliation, and identification bet-
Especially in the areas affiliation (45%) and                                          ween Puma users.


         CHART 1                                                                      CHART 2

             Social Currency Scores
                                                                                         Identification with other users
                                                                                         Affiliation with other users
                       30                                       50                                                 45%
                                                                                        0%      10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                      43
             #                   Brand              Social Currency
              1 PUMA                                     50%
              2 SKETCHERS                                38%
              3 ADIDAS                                   38%
              4 REEBOK                                   34%
              5 NIKE                                     30%
              6 NEW BALANCE                              29%

                 BRAND LOYALTY

                                  SOCIAL CURRENCY         high

   Affiliation                     Conversation                              Utility   Advocacy              Information                                       Identity

          45%                                47%                               45%       57%                        47%                                         60%
          27%                                43%                               30%       54%                       33%                                           43%
          29%                                41%                               32%       47%                        28%                                          49%
          27%                                43%                               22%       53%                      26%                                            35%
          21%                                31%                               25%       36%                      26%                                            38%
            21%                              37%                               23%       45%                        16%                                          31%



                                                                                                                                                  N. BALANC



          Quality Perception                        50                            60    70                   80                                     90                    100
                                                                                                                  N. BALANCE

                         Brand Trust                50                            60    70                   80                                     90                    100
                                                                                                                                                  N. BALANCE


             Recommendation                         50                            60    70                   80                                     90                    100

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale                                                                                             45
AIL   Why Amazon is a
              retail success
              but no social
              Perhaps as a consequence of today’s
              information overload, customers especially
              appreciate relevant information. Under-
              standably, online categories, where infor-
              mation is exchanged frequently, perform
              well within the information lever.

              Merely being information rich is not the only
              critical success factor for social currency, as
              the cases of Amazon and eBay show.
              Amazon’s revenues might put it ahead of
                                       g p

              eBay’s game, but concerning overall social
              currency, it trails (Amazon 42% vs. eBay

              One cannot deny Amazon’s strengths,
              because it does seem to be able to inspire
              more positive conversation amongst its
              customers (46% vs. eBay 37%).

              However, it is challenged when it comes to
              elevating these conversations into a more
              sustainable sense of community.
Amazon’s review system does not en-                                                                        that they “learn something new or fun”
courage users to connect with one another.                                                                 through other eBay users (see CHART 2).
Therefore, it is no surprise that Amazon
                                                                                                           Apple’s iTunes in return has woven itself in a
customers do not have a strong sense of
                                                                                                           different way into its users lives. Beyond the
community or affiliation (Amazon 31% vs.
                                                                                                           most probable A l H l effect, iTunes also
                                                                                                                     b bl Apple Halo ff        iT      l
eBay 44% – see CHART 1).
                                                                                                           managed to change the listening habits and
Positive conversations are powerful tools,                                                                 the management of music and thereby the
but these can be maximized, as seen with                                                                   life around it.
eBay’s personal messaging system, to
                                                                                                           Providing such values beyond the Apple-
encourage users to view each other as
                                                                                                           typical lock-in, this led to a high degree of
reliable sources of information (Amazon
                                                                                                           advocacy and conversation not only about
47% vs. eBay 58%).
                                                                                                           music but about the application that en-
eBay has even managed to build a customer                                                                  abled this new way of purchasing and
base – a community, rather – which believes                                                                constantly accessing the tunes.


         CHART 1                                                                                             CHART 2

         Brand users that feel like                                                                          “Through other users of this brand
         being part of a community                                                                           I get to learn something new or fun”

                                                                 44%                                                                                 43%
                        0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale          47
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010
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Vivaldi Partners Social Currency Study 2010

  • 1. $OCIAL CURRENCY Why brands need to build and nurture social currency © 2010 Vivaldi Partners All rights reserved.
  • 2. Vivaldi Partners $ocial Currency Study | US 2010 125 Park Avenue, Suite 1500 New York, NY 10017 Copyright © 2010 Vivaldi Inc. All rights reserved. USA No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in Tel +1 212 965 0900 any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, without Fax +1 212 965 0992 written permission. E-mail info@vivaldipartners.com Cover Art: Melanie Eckl Web www.vivaldipartners.com
  • 3. Table of Contents Editorial 2 Executive Summary 4 Introducing the Concept of Social Currency 8 Impact on Industries and Categories 20 Managerial Implications g p 5 58 Acknowledgements 64 1
  • 4. Editorial I have been studying brands for the last twenty years. During this time, there has been significant progress in understanding why brands are important and how brands Brands are socially constructed objective become important drivers of innovation and realities. Brands get bu lt t oug expe- eal t es. a ds built through e pe g growth. riences, through people accepting them There has been significant progress in the and making them part of the fabric of their development of financial frameworks to lives. monetize and measure the value of brands, This process of building strong brands is very legal frameworks to protect brands, and a personal and also very social. host of managerial approaches to build, grow, grow nurture and manage brands. brands Today, one of the most important strengths of a brand is its social currency, the extent to However, nothing has prepared us to deal which people share the brand or information with today’s revolution in building strong about the brand with others as part of their brands. The rapid evolution of the Internet everyday social lives. and, in particular, the rise of the social 2
  • 5. of media, technologies and networks not I am convinced that this study sheds new only changes our lives, it irrevocably light on the complex and difficult under- changes how brands are built. taking of building strong brands today. I am pleased to present, on behalf of Vivaldi I hope that our work will stimulate thoughts Partners and the many talented people who and more research, encourage new and work i our company, thi study of th k in this t d f the better b tt practices i b i ti in business, and l d th d lead the power of social currency in building strong way into an exciting future of creating value brands. for companies. For the first time, we deconstruct social currency. We find that social currency is not just about conversation, buzz or community. It is all this and much more. We find that it does not impact every brand equally. We Erich Joachimsthaler, PhD find that certain levers of social currency are Founder and CEO more important than others in driving value Vivaldi Partners for companies. 3
  • 7. Executive Summary Social currency is the extent to which people share the brand or information about the brand as part of their everyday social lives at work or at home. Our study shows that social currency significantly drives brand loyalty. Moreover, brands with a high social currency command a price premium. Social currency is a means, not the end; nor is it just about buzz or conversation. Rather it is about creating meaningful experiences around the brand. Which of the six levers on the left are key to effectively create social currency varies between categories and their specific customer, consumer, and competitive context. The successful brands in our study strive to be an integral part of people’s daily lives by enabling them to connect, interact, and benefit from like-minded brand users. The good news: the study shows that a set of key principles emerge that help companies to build, nurture and manage social currency and create value. 5
  • 8. This craving for commun of every man individual from the beginning of t 6
  • 9. PHOTOGRAPHY BY ESCHIPUL/FLICKR ity is the chief misery ly and all humanity ime. Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky, 1881 M Dostoyevsky 7
  • 10. Why brands need social currency AFFILIATION Brands represent significant assets for companies. The strength of brands is closely li k d to several well-known asset linked t l ll k t IDENTITY CONVERSATION dimensions that drive the relationships with customers or consumers. SOCIAL Because of the increasing social nature of CURRENCY Internet and mobile technologies, consumers, and customers adopt these INFORMATION UTILITY technologies and platforms and integrate them into their daily life routines and ADVOCACY contexts. This also changes how they interact in all parts of life with people, products, brands, and businesses. 8
  • 11. PHOTOGRAPHY BY NASA Hence, all companies need to learn how to In order to manage social currency, com- make their brands more social, and how to panies must adopt new approaches and interact in new ways with their customers. In tools. If the traditional model of brand short, they need to develop social currency. marketing was centered around the key principles of positioning, targeting, and Having social currency increases a brand’s messaging, the model of building social engagement with consumers and interaction g g currency i centered on i is d interaction, colla- i ll with customers, it grants access to boration, conversation, and co-creation. If information and knowledge, it helps brands used to be built through creating companies to create unique brand identities, mindshare, the new model of building social and it develops permission to interact with currency is about creating share of daily consumers or customers. In today’s age, life. building social currency is probably the most important investment companies can make Companies who adopt the new processes to create value for themselves. Consumers and tools in building social currency will and customers will benefit as well as they prosper in today’s age of digital and social increasingly participate in social platforms, revolution and have a chance of creating and use social technologies. new levels of business performance. 9
  • 12. How social increasingly covers the range of experiences on how consumers interact with brands, currency products and companies from traditional to develops in digital experiences. daily life Social Currency is neither a product feature, nor a communications or PR campaign that Social currency of a brand develops organ- is completely managed by any one company. ically in the network of people – consumers, customers, suppliers, partners. From this perspective, social currency is a far more delicate asset to build, nurture and Social currency is not a communications maintain than brand equity. Traditional approach, it is an experiential concept. It brand management has been a successful develops from experiences that consumers p p a driver f many b d M di for brands. Many of the Top f th T have in the context of their daily life. 1000 global brands have grown over the last Hence, context matters. Understanding twenty years. All these brands derive social currency requires to understand how strength from deep relationships and the context of daily life changes and interactions with customers or consumers, 10
  • 13. PHOTOGRAPHY BY JURVETSON/FLICKR and by that, social currency is not a new Many of these social media sites are actively phenomenon. Brand building has always used today by major brands to strengthen been about establishing deep relationships customer service, introduce or co-create with customers or consumers and share new products and entertain people. their experiences with friends and peers – In addition, there are thousands of small their everyday social environment. networks, forums and blogs that are not However, especially with the development of steered by the brands themselves, but still social platforms on the Internet, which has are important in creating social currency. become a major sharing and connecting Today, building of social currency takes point, social currency has become a real many forms, some of them being supported source of strength for many brands. by digital applications, others are non- Just J t as major services lik F b k T itt j i like Facebook, Twitter, digital di it l experiences i th d il life of con- i in the daily lif f or MySpace have become means for sumers. Some experiences are supported by everyday personal exchange, brands have applications and tools of companies and grown in that space as information and others are self-created by customers and experiences about brands are being shared. consumers. 11
  • 14. Social currency: a shared domain of brands and consumers Social S i l currency represents a shared asset of t h d t f consumers and company-owned brands. It originates from interaction between customers Social and consumers. Currency However, companies can stimulate the creation of social currency through means that cultivate a sense of community, strengthen consumer interaction and provide value to the com- munity. When done credibly brands earn trust Brand Consumer and can grow into an integral, almost symbiotic role in customers’ lives. 12
  • 15. PHOTOGRAPHY BY DJWHELAN/FLICKR Impact of social currency on brand performance Our O study shows that social currency d h h i l significantly impacts different aspects of brand Brand Price performance: Loyalty Premium 1. Across categories and brands, 53% of exp. power correlation consumers consumers’ brand loyalty can be explained 53 53% 73 73% by social currency. Social 2. Users of brands with high social currency Currency show a significantly higher willingness to pay a price premium (correlation=0.73). Source: Vivaldi Partners Research based on regression analyses of brand loyalty on social currency levers 13
  • 16. Affiliation 49 What share of your users has a sense of community? f i ? 27 AFFILIA IDENTITY Identity 47 SOC How many of your users can CURR identify with other users? 43 INFORMATION ADVO Information 35 How many feel they exchange fruitful information with others? 22 14
  • 17. Conversation 72 What share of your brand users recognizes and stirs b ? i d i buzz? 49 9 ATION CONVERSATION CIAL Utility 63 RENCY How many derive value from interacting with other users? 50 UTILITY OCACY Advocacy 64 6 How many act as disciples and stand up for your brand? 38 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey December 2009, Exemplary results for selected brands and categories 15
  • 18. How social currency creates value in categories Although social currency consists of six core levers, a brand does not necessarily need to access each lever in order to drive loyalty and top line growth. Instead, certain Impact of social currency levers on brand loyalty within selected categories AUTOMOTIVE (VOLUME) AIRLINES BEER SKIN CARE FAST FOOD SPORTSWEAR ONLINE RETAIL CONSUMER IT B2B TECH PHOTOGRAPHY BY PHILLIE CASABLANCA/FLICKR
  • 19. categories seem to be less dependent on food). Such activities will then directly drive providing a strong sense of community or re-purchase or repeated visits respectively. relying on the user-base to exchange news, In contrast, consumer brands in the IT hints or other information. category, like Apple or Microsoft need to For example, categories like fast food or example efficiently address most levers as complexity beer rely less on strong affiliation amongst of products implicitly leads to higher their users but can still tap into social exchange levels and especially tangible currency by helping users to learn from each products are providing today’s light houses other (beer) or by strengthening the to convey one’s personality traits just like identification levels with other patrons (fast automobiles have for the last century. Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity Source: Vivaldi Partners Research based on regression analyses of brand loyalty on social currency levers 17
  • 20. Find out if 3. Customers or consumers are willing to tell others about your brand or social currency recommend it further. This advocacy for is important your brand is one of the key value for you drivers. 4. The more information customers or consumers have about your product or If you agree with some of the following service, the more likely they develop statements, it is very likely that social preferences for your brand or business. currency is an important driver for your By helping consumers to become business and brand. brand “knowledgeable ” you empower them to knowledgeable, share their knowledge with others. 1. Some of your customers or consumers proactively talk about your products and services with others. By engaging in »SOCIAL CURRENCY IS these conversations, you can stimulate LIKE A GOOD JOKE […] f th conversations and discussions further ti d di i USING CONTENT […] IN [ ] by for example providing additional ORDER TO LUBRICATE A talking points, perspectives and points SOCIAL OCCASION« of view. RUSS KLEIN 2. The social exchange with others involving your brand is an integral part of peoples’ lives. This exchange provides an opportunity for you to build 5. Customers or consumers invaluable utility for customers or develop a strong sense of consumers by helping them to increase identity and an ability to express their own social relevance, for example. themselves to others by using your 18
  • 21. brand. You can create value for your brand and business by reinforcing the identity-driving elements of your brand. 6. The value of your brand is closely related to the affiliation and sense of com- h ffili i d f munity it creates among other like- minded people. You can create value by promoting the community and building exchange »WHERE IN THE LATE opportu- 1700'S IT WAS MIRRORS, , nities. NAILS AND BUTTONS – IN THE 21ST CENTURY All brands and busi- THE SHINY OBJECTS ARE nesses need ACCESS, ENTERTAINMENT a social AND KUDOS« strategy. If t t MARK SAGE you can affir- matively respond to three or more of the six statements, your opportunities for building value through social currency are enormous. If you would agree on less statements, you must carefully evaluate the hidden potential of social currency for your brand and business. You might choose to focus on just one or two levers of social currency. 5 PHOTOGRAPHY BY TIBCHRIS/FLICKR
  • 22. How jetBlue enables a strong sense of community At first sight, the airline industry seems to be, by definition, a social category. There are not many brands that could claim bringing together thousands of people in bi i t th th d f l i IR NES one place every day. Airline brands can. But does this given trait of mass transpor- tation allow airline brands to get a head start over brands in other categories in terms of social currency? RLIN After all, most of the social encounters around air traveling would seem rather futile and random to many. On the other hand, airlines have been known as early pioneers in creating and nurturing customer communities via frequent flyer and other loyalty programs. Hence, studying social currency in the context of airline brands promises to be an interesting and worthwhile trip to take.
  • 23. In our study, jetBlue turns out as a role are part of a community through the brand. model for the entire airline category. With a Not surprisingly, trust with the brand is very social currency score as high as 65% it out- high (See CHART 1). performs legacy carriers such as American The deep integration in the company’s Airlines (48%) or Delta (37%). Only Virgin strategy may b ill be illustrated by the new db h and Southwest Airlines can keep pace with jetBlue terminal at New York’s JFK airport. jetBlue’s performance in the social arena. Rather than constructing a merely functional Diving deep into the specific characteristics terminal for departures and arrivals, focus of the different airlines’ customer bases we was laid on human interaction. The waiting have found a specific social trait to jetBlue area mimics New York City landmarks, such that no other airline can claim to this extent: as the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of A close-knit customer community. First, the Art, where travellers can exchange with majority of jetBlue customers can identify each other physically or virtually. In addition well with other jetBlue customers. More- to capturing the hustle and bustle of NYC, over, 61% of jetBlue customers feel like they the terminal creates a community feeling. AIRLINES: SOCIAL POTENTIAL IS TAPPED RARELY CHART 1 CHART 2 “I could rely on this brand to solve any problems” Sense of community 61% Trust in brand 78% 84% 0% 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category 21
  • 25. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 67% 72% 51% 75% 55% 69% 57% 62% 52% 63% 57% 57% 50% 64% 41% 72% 44% 53% 52% 55% 41% 69% 45% 59% 49% 48% 39% 53% 47% 52% 41% 41% 33% 49% 42% 44% 41% 41% 26% 41% 33% 40% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TAL SOUTHWESST CONTINENT AMERICAN JETBLUE UNITED VIRGIN DELTA Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 90 100 CONTINENTAL SOUTHWEST AMERICAN JETBLUE UNITED VIRGIN DELTA Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 100 CONTINENTAL SOUTHWEST AMERICAN JETBLUE UNITED VIRGIN DELTA Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 23
  • 26. How social currency sets premium brands UT MOT E TOM TIVE further apart The automotive industry can be divided into major categories by two dimensions: domestic vs. imported brands and volume vs. luxury brands. Interestingly, especially the latter dimension also shows an effect in terms of their social currency systems. As high-involvement products, automobiles offer a continuous platform for conversation to both, volume and premium car owners. Further, identification with other owners is i hi h i d d f h quite high independent of the segment. However, premium brand drivers show a much stronger sense of their brand’s community. In that context peer recognition becomes key whilst gaining valuable information around the brand itself through others has less effects on re-purchase decisions. Inversely, volume brand drivers show a lower need to affiliate with others, but appreciate the value they can sift by learning from other drivers.
  • 27. BMW drivers form an exceptional example Honda for example, despite performing for a perceived community experience as weak on trust (71%), has highly loyal users two thirds feel a strong affiliation with other who actively act as brand ambassadors and BMW owners. who directly draw value as individuals from the exchange with other Honda owners Luxury car b d show significantly hi h L brands h i ifi l higher (35%) – see CHART 1. social currency levels in general, implying that, with buying a car, drivers seek to not Ford, in contrast, seems to merely form only enter a social peer group but also to identification levels between its drivers grow as an individual by becoming an active through its heritage but cannot extend that member. social belonging to also generate a strong community feeling (see CHART 2).2) Investigating individual brands more closely, it becomes obvious that also volume For a domestic brand this should be a key car brands can utilize social currency levers objective, as this also affects to provide additional selling propositions. recommendation levels. AUTOMOTIVE: VOLUME CAR BRANDS COMPETE ON SOCIAL CHART 1 CHART 2 “Through other users of this brand Identity Affiliation I get valuable information” 48% 37% 40% 35% 20% 0% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 25
  • 28. NAPSHOT TOYOT How Toyota suffered from the gas pedal UT MOT E TOM TIVE recall T: No surprise – Toyota’s recently admitted quality problems heavily shifted owners’ SN brand perception. After all, quality had been the essence of the Toyota brand for the last two decades. Before the news on malfunctioning gas pedals surfaced, nearly every Toyota driver would fully agree on Toyota’s exceptional quality levels and reliability of its cars. Just a f weeks l t th few k later these scores d dropped d dramatically. In an instant, long-built brand equity eroded. Automobiles not only offer functional value but also, by virtue of the fact that they provide an important opportunity for a person to convey his or her identity, have always been very social products.
  • 29. Toyota faced challenges in accessing these benefits than the erosion of its quality value drivers in an American market; it had image. to compete against Ford’s clear Americana Fewer Toyota owners draw association or the exclusivity offers of luxury value from being a member brands such as BMW or Ferrari. of the T f h Toyota community i Against these challenges, Toyota managed now. Moreover, less than a to provide a large share of their owner-base third would want to identify themselves with a brand experience that successfully with other Toyota owners – a drop of 19%! made them identify with and feel united to This clearly raises another issue on the CEO other Toyota owners. They earned social agenda: For Toyota, renovating its brand’s currency - an effort which served as a social currency will be just as crucial as safeguard against competition from other returning to six-sigma standards in Asian makes. production. However, now, after the recall, Toyota faces a relatively worse decline in providing social PRE POST RECALL TOYOTA DRIVERS: PRE-POST-RECALL l Quality perception wears away Very good quality FROM 96% DOWN 16v TO 80% Reliability FROM 92% DOWN 19v TO 73% l Social bonding erodes relatively worse: Affiliation (with other drivers) FROM 29% DOWN 8v TO 21% Identity (through other drivers) FROM 46% DOWN 19v TO 28% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 27
  • 30. CATEGORY RANKING UT MOT E TOM TIVE # Brand Social Currency 1 BMW 69% 2 MERCEDES 68% 3 LEXUS 66% 4 HONDA 54% 5 TOYOTA* 45% 6 FORD 44% * Data presented in the tables on this page prior to re-call 2009/10 SOCIAL CURRENCY MAP high BRAND LOYALTY D SOCIAL CURRENCY high
  • 31. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 65% 81% 59% 77% 65% 70% 60% 76% 57% 81% 62% 72% 63% 75% 53% 76% 66% 65% 42% 67% 41% 75% 48% 52% 29% 66% 29% 69% 29% 46% 37% 49% 33% 46% 48% 48% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS MERCEDES TOYOTA HONDA LEXUS FORD BMW Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 90 100 MERCEDES TOYOTA HONDA LEXUS FORD BMW Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 MERCEDES 100 TOYOTA HONDA LEXUS FORD BMW Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 29
  • 32. Why big beer brands carry a social handicap Beer is an unarguably social product, regularly consumed in a social context. Further, beer brands on average enjoy well above average quality and trust levels (see CHART 1). Given its consumption context and also its strong loyalty scores, one would expect that beer brands should be able to leverage their social nature. However, this only proves to be the case for niche brands. In a mass-market setting, beer is about commoditized consumption, not about ER nursing a community feeling of consumers of the same brand. Where mass brands like Corona, Coors, or EE Miller are struggling, however, is when it comes to a dialog about the brand. Ob- viously people are enjoying the taste but do not feel inclined to discuss their beer brands. A different usage pattern can be
  • 33. observed with niche brands, like Sam packaging innovations, like vented wide- Adams or even Irish Guinness. mouth cans, temperature-linked packaging. They provide their consumers with a product However, market-leading Budweiser proves that not only stirs communication but even that there is a way to access social currency has h bili h the ability to f form communities and ii d beyond the niche. A h b d h i h Anheuser B h’ b d Busch’s brand provide a strong feeling of identification managers heavily invested especially in with other drinkers of the same brand social media to generate more buzz and (see CHART 2). affiliation around »Bud«. Instead of providing a unique story around However, the case also shows, that they did their brand, mass market brands instead not succeed completely. Such undertakings seem to have, at the expense of their social need to be based on a consistent strategy currency values, focused too heavily on and clearly be linked to a brand’s values. developing their product strengths: mar- Still, there are ways for volume brands in ginal, but socially irrelevant product and the beer category to create social currency. BEER: STRONG POTENTIAL, BUT UNFOCUSED ENERGY POTENTIAL CHART 1 CHART 2 Quality Trust “I feel a connection to other users of this brand” 89% 86% 47 57 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category 31
  • 35. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 47% 57% 45% 66% 45% 55% 50% 55% 42% 59% 48% 51% 46% 54% 37% 60% 38% 46% 45% 48% 32% 54% 35% 46% 33% 39% 31% 41% 28% 44% 28% 38% 21% 44% 29% 37% 28% 26% 13% 44% 23% 36% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS MS BUDWEISERR SAM ADAM GUINNESS HEINEKEN CORONA COORS MILLER Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 90 100 SAM ADAMS BUDWEISER GUINNESS HEINEKEN CORONA COORS MILLER Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 100 SAM ADAMS BUDWEISER GUINNESS HEINEKEN CORONA COORS MILLER Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 33
  • 36. Why buzz alone will not build social currency Fast food represents a category with excep- tional consumer polarization. When it comes ST F OD to choosing their favorite brand, fast food patrons very quickly form distinct camps of clear supporters and critics. Virtually any- AS FOO one with a minimum of fast food dining experience will know an immediate answer to the question: »Burger King or McDonalds?«. Hence, every fast food brand has its own community of patrons that regularly y p g y consume, talk about or even defend the brand. Also, similar to the beer category, fast food brands are clearly social-driven, as con- sumption patterns are often embedded into a broader social setting – meeting up with friends, having a snack with co-workers or similar. However, in terms of social currency, Burger King scores lowest overall of all fast food
  • 37. companies in our study (21% - see CHART 1). The result: Burger King turns out last place. This is really curious given the buzz the Only 20% of Burger King customers think brand has generated through its social that they get to learn something new media efforts around the scary looking King through the community (See CHART 2). and the award-winning subservient chicken award winning Similar poor results for the quality of campaign. information being shared and the appre- ciation of others’ opinions. What the results of our study suggest is: online buzz does not equal conversational Overall, Burger King’s social media efforts value to customers. Only if conversations seem to have targeted too narrow of a target are meaningful to customers, brands will group neglecting the social needs of its profit from increased social currency among broader customer base. base their customer base. The brand may have created conversation Digging deeper, we have studied the extent that stayed “meaningless” both to the to which whatever is said, the buzz, is majority of customers as well as to the relevant to customers of a brand. brand itself. FAST FOOD: BUZZ DOES NOT EQUAL SOCIAL CURRENCY CHART 1 CHART 2 Social Currency Scores “Through other users of this brand I get to learn something new” 20% 21 30 44% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Average Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale across beer category 35
  • 39. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 40% % 50% % 33% % 60% 6 % 33% % 47% % 53% 45% 31% 48% 35% 43% 25% 38% 19% 45% 23% 31% 25% 30% 20% 44% 24% 35% 26% 37% 15% 46% 19% 35% 22% 37% 18% 44% 18% 28% 18% 29% 15% 29% 17% 29% 16% 24% 16% 24% 19% 24% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS NG D‘S BURGER KIN STARBUCKS S MCDONALD TACO BELL PIZZA HUT WENDY‘S DUNKIN` KFC Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 BURGER KING 90 100 MCDONALD‘S STARBUCKS TACO BELL PIZZA HUT WENDY‘S DUNKIN` KFC Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 100 BURGER KING MCDONALD‘S STARBUCKS TACO BELL PIZZA HUT WENDY‘S DUNKIN` KFC Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 37
  • 40. Why women love sharing their thoughts on Clinique In the skin care domain, male target groups obviously tend to be less talkative about IN C RE their skin treatment. Market leaders like Gillette have not built KI CAR significant levels of social currency at all. Probably due to the functional focus of the brand, even their loyal and satisfied (94%) users do not share experiences or infor- mation with each other (only 14% would do so) – see CHART 1. Very popular and »fun-brands« th t t f b d that target a f t focused segment d t have fared better, however only managing to create a limited sense of community (e.g. only one out of four Axe users feels affiliated to others). Women across all ages, as opposed to men, tend to seek social exchange regarding this product category. Skin care remains a much more relevant issue for females and peer-to- peer distribution concepts like Avon’s are hard to imagine within a male setting.
  • 41. Therefore, it makes most sense to investi- common, challenges. They typecast women gate and compare two female-centered – establishing the basis around which brands: Clinique and Dove. women could form micro communities. Clinique has successfully built a strong Volume brand Dove has been praised for its community f li around i classical pre- i feeling d its l i l re-launch around »real b l h d l beauty«, which h hi h has mium positioning. Every second user claims gained them business success and a highly that she identifies with other Clinique users authentic image. That said, Dove remains (48%) and engages in conversations around unable to provide a sense of community, as the brand (51%) – see CHART 2. In contrast the brand’s buzz is conversation worthy but to many of today’s brands, Clinique would unsustainable. Additionally, by appealing to not be a typical Web 2.0 protagonist 2 0 protagonist. every woman, the brand doesn’t encourage woman doesn t Instead it has managed to build social community bonds (e.g. women who use a currency by really engaging its consumers specific product for their special skin type). around its heritage and, importantly, by For Dove to gain social currency, it will have acknowledging women’s unique, yet to translate real beauty into real community. SKIN CARE: BRANDS AS PLATFORMS FOR ENGAGEMENT CHART 1 CHART 2 “I can identify myself well with Satisfied with brand other users of this brand” 94% Do share experience 48% 14% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 39
  • 43. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 30% 51% 32% 57% 35% 48% 25% 39% 30% 49% 33% 46% 30% 41% 28% 44% 37% 41% 18% 36% 20% 46% 22% 33% 14% 28% 16% 41% 15% 25% 7% 19% 11% 29% 14% 22% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CLINIQUE GILLETTE NIVEA AVON DOVE AXE Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 90 100 CLINIQUE GILLETTE NIVEA AVON DOVE AXE Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 100 CLINIQUE GILLETTE NIVEA AVON DOVE AXE Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 41
  • 44. The sportswear quest for daily PO TSW AR ORT WEA life relevance Community experience lies at the heart of every major sportswear brand. Ever since, iconic brands such as Nike, Adidas, or Reebok have created and promoted com- munity sports experiences to the fullest fullest. In the early 90s, Adidas launched their hugely successful “Streetball Challenge”. Similarly, Nike has engaged its brand in numerous sports sponsorships from region- al to global level over the last decades. With the th rapid emergence of th I t id f the Internet and t d especially the social web in recent years, major sportswear brands have moved into the online domain to re-connect with con- sumers. Various initiatives such as Nike+ or miAdidas have been rolled out to create new and meaningful experiences for consumers around their brand. In our study the smaller, fashion-oriented sportswear brands take over the lead in terms of social currency. Puma clearly
  • 45. comes first with a social currency score of identity (60%) – being important levers to 50% followed by Sketchers (38%) and build social currency in the sportswear Adidas (38%), the only global power brand category – the brand outperforms its to reach a top-3 position. competitors. This Thi result comes as a bi surprise f l big i from a Arguably, Puma’s strategic evolution to- bl ’ i l i traditional brand equity perspective as wards a lifestyle focus has helped the brand powerhouses such as Nike and Adidas fall to gain extra social currency with consumers behind. However, social currency does not that would not have been accessible for a focus on traditional brand equity measures smaller player with a rather narrow such as brand awareness. It measures the sportswear focus. social value a brand provides within its own It also apparently enabled the brand to take customer base. over a more significant role in consumers’ Compared to larger brands, Puma seems to daily lives – resulting in increased con- have created the biggest social value. versation, affiliation, and identification bet- Especially in the areas affiliation (45%) and ween Puma users. SPORTSWEAR: BRAND FOCUS IMPACTS SOCIAL CURRENCY CHART 1 CHART 2 Social Currency Scores Identification with other users 60% Affiliation with other users 30 50 45% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 43
  • 47. SOCIAL CURRENCY LEVERS Affiliation Conversation Utility Advocacy Information Identity 45% 47% 45% 57% 47% 60% 27% 43% 30% 54% 33% 43% 29% 41% 32% 47% 28% 49% 27% 43% 22% 53% 26% 35% 21% 31% 25% 36% 26% 38% 21% 37% 23% 45% 16% 31% BRAND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CE RS N. BALANC SKETCHER REEBOK ADIDAS PUMA NIKE Quality Perception 50 60 70 80 90 100 N. BALANCE SKETCHERS REEBOK ADIDAS PUMA NIKE Brand Trust 50 60 70 80 90 100 N. BALANCE SKETCHERS REEBOK ADIDAS PUMA NIKE Recommendation 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 45
  • 48. AIL Why Amazon is a retail success but no social NL E RETA star Perhaps as a consequence of today’s information overload, customers especially appreciate relevant information. Under- standably, online categories, where infor- mation is exchanged frequently, perform well within the information lever. Merely being information rich is not the only critical success factor for social currency, as the cases of Amazon and eBay show. Amazon’s revenues might put it ahead of g p LIN eBay’s game, but concerning overall social currency, it trails (Amazon 42% vs. eBay 50%). One cannot deny Amazon’s strengths, because it does seem to be able to inspire more positive conversation amongst its customers (46% vs. eBay 37%). However, it is challenged when it comes to elevating these conversations into a more sustainable sense of community.
  • 49. Amazon’s review system does not en- that they “learn something new or fun” courage users to connect with one another. through other eBay users (see CHART 2). Therefore, it is no surprise that Amazon Apple’s iTunes in return has woven itself in a customers do not have a strong sense of different way into its users lives. Beyond the community or affiliation (Amazon 31% vs. most probable A l H l effect, iTunes also b bl Apple Halo ff iT l eBay 44% – see CHART 1). managed to change the listening habits and Positive conversations are powerful tools, the management of music and thereby the but these can be maximized, as seen with life around it. eBay’s personal messaging system, to Providing such values beyond the Apple- encourage users to view each other as typical lock-in, this led to a high degree of reliable sources of information (Amazon advocacy and conversation not only about 47% vs. eBay 58%). music but about the application that en- eBay has even managed to build a customer abled this new way of purchasing and base – a community, rather – which believes constantly accessing the tunes. ONLINE RETAIL: SOCIAL VALUE STEMS FROM INTERACTION CHART 1 CHART 2 Brand users that feel like “Through other users of this brand being part of a community I get to learn something new or fun” 31/44 31% 44% 43% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Source: Vivaldi Partners social currency survey, US Pre-Recall (December 2009) and Post-Recall (February 2010), Top2-Box-Scores on a 5 point scale 47