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How brands and businesses
         can prosper in a digitally
         connected world


                          Research Partner:   1
Our cover design organizes people in a chain around the globe, illustrating
how social currency is a global concept. The value of social currency lies
in the connections between people, and people to brands and businesses.
The changing tones of the colors symbolize the ebbs and flows of social
behaviors and social processes that drive value for those businesses and brands.

Learn in this report how to build and leverage social currency and profit from it.

Letter from VPG’s Chief Executive Officer
Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D
Vivaldi Partners Group Founder and CEO

What a difference two years can make! When we           We believe we are entering a new era of developments
first defined social currency as the degree to which    in the evolution of the digital revolution that began
consumers share a brand or information about            more than 20 years ago. The proliferation of mobile
a brand with others, little could we have imagined      computing devices and the new social technologies
how important social technologies, social media,        combine to unleash unimaginable opportunities for
and social networks would become.                       people to improve their lives.

The research we conducted with consumers in early       This alters consumer behaviors forever. Customers
2010 showed that social media can help to drive brand   are evermore empowered, enabled, and know how to
equity, realize price premium, and increase loyalty.    make use of these technologies to engage or connect
Over the past two years, there have been significant    with brands and businesses.
technology changes and widespread adoption of these
technologies by brands and businesses. Marketers        In our opinion, an entirely new vision and plan is
have used these developments:                           required to harness and capitalize the power of these
  1) to amplify advertising campaigns                   technologies. In order to provide senior executives with
  2) to create conversations on social channels         guidance in this evolving digitally-connected world, we
  3) to build communities of influencers to connect     conducted several new studies with customers in the
     with consumers or customers                        U.S., Germany, and the U.K. involving over 60 brands
                                                        and businesses. We researched several hundred digital
Some successes of these efforts are shown in the        and social initiatives.
latest award ceremonies of major industry groups
and case studies of advertising agencies, as reported
by trade press.

But today, it is also clear that using these new
technologies merely for these three purposes more
often underwhelms and disappoints.

Letter from VPG’s Chief Executive Officer

In the following pages, you will find a snapshot of our   In Section 5, we will show how the new social
conclusions organized around several major sections:      behaviors drive a new model of building brand
                                                          equity, sales, and loyalty.
In Section 2, we will introduce a paradigm-shifting       This section explores social processes along
new Social Currency model to build brands and             the new Social Currency Wheel, an alternative to
businesses. This new model departs from traditional       the traditional brand funnel or customer decision
perspectives of creating competitive advantage.           journey. For the first time, to our knowledge, our
We conclude in this section that there is a new way       work evaluates the impact of social behaviors
of doing business and building strong brands.             of customers on social currency and three
                                                          outcomes: consideration, purchase, and loyalty.
In Section 3, we will explore the implications of this
new model on industries and categories. We show           We hope this report contributes to a deeper
how companies can adopt these new technologies to         understanding and better knowledge of the
challenge existing strategies and business models in      opportunities for businesses and brands.
their industries.                                         Vivaldi Partners Group’s global organization is
We conclude in this section that social does not just     ready to help you and work with you to jointly
impact communications or marketing, it impacts entire     navigate your way into the exciting future that
industries and categories – each in a different way.      lies ahead.

In Section 4, we explore how social technologies          We are still at the early stages of these significant
impact the value-generating activities of the firm,       changes. As Mary Meeker, a Partner of Kleiner,
also known as the traditional value chain.                Perkins, Caufield and Byers, remarked in her recent
We evaluate specific functions, including                 “State of the Internet” report:
innovation, finance, design, and marketing.
                                                           “The magnitude of the upcoming change will be
We conclude in this section that there is breakdown        stunning – we are still in Spring training”
in the traditional value chain. Social technologies
now put customers at the heart of every step in the
chain. In the extreme, this leads to a reconfiguration
of the entire value chain.
                                                                                    Erich Joachimsthaler

There is no easy way to acknowledge everyone who has contributed
to this report. We are lucky to be a part of a community of over 80
extremely talented and smart consultants, strategists, designers,
digital and social media experts at Vivaldi Partners Group.
So many have helped along the way, from conceptualizing our
company’s thinking about brands, business, and social media and
digital strategy, to executing the research and surveys, to designing
and producing the final report.

This report benefited from the experiences and insights of all the
partners and consulting staff at Vivaldi Partners. They helped draw
out the insights in how to build brands in the digitally connected world,
and how the new technologies shape industries and categories.

Our digital teams at Fifth Season worked diligently in collecting and
analyzing hundreds of applications of social technologies and social
media for brands. Their efforts in building the SC100+ site
(www.vivaldipartners.com/vpsocialcurrency) have produced a powerful
resource for understanding how brands are built today.

We would also like to thank our research partner, Respondi, who
helped in designing and executing the surveys across three countries.
Respondi has been an excellent partner in researching consumers’
perceptions and social behaviors around brands.

Thank you!
The Vivaldi Partners Group Digital Team

Table of Contents

      Introducing the Concept of Social Currency // 7

      1 - The NEW Social Currency Paradigm of Building Strong Brands & Businesses // 25

      2 - Impact of Social Currency: Different Across Industries and Categories // 34

      3 - Breaking Down the Traditional Value Chain // 43

      4 - Social Currency Wheel: the New Model to Drive Consideration, Purchase and Loyalty // 53

      What Now? // 71

      Brands Studied in the Social Currency Survey 2012 // 74

      SC100+ Social Currency Initiatives // 77

      End Notes // 79

      Appendix // 84

Introducing the Concept of Social Currency

Understanding Social Currency
Six Dimensions of Social Behavior

“In the long history of humankind (...) those
who learned to collaborate and improvise
most effectively have prevailed.”

                          CHARLES DARWIN /1809-1882/
2009                                We first launched the Social Currency Study
    2010                                              at Vivaldi Partners Group

Our interest was to understand how consumers
and customers relate to (or in the words of Charles
Darwin: “collaborate and improvise” with) brands
in the new digital and social world.

We felt that as social networks, social media,
and technologies spread, the world of marketing
and building of strong brands would change.

Hence, the need for the study.

                                                                                                  →                         →

    We defined Social Currency as:

    the degree to which customers share a brand

    or information about a brand with others

        →                                 →                                                                             “Nike+ connects me
                                                                                                                         to other runners”


                                                                               “I use Nike+“

                      “I love Nike“


                                                                                               “Nike improves
    75% of all information online is generated by individuals, according to
                                                                                                my health“          @
    a 2011 study by researcher IDC. This source of information directly from
    consumers is one of the largest and important that brands and businesses

    have available to them to achieve competitive advantage today.

Six Dimensions of Social Currency, the “Social Sixes“
Through a study with thousands of customers, we identified six types
of social behaviors of customers that underlie Social Currency

  C O N V            E    R    S    A   T I O N
        I            N    F    O    R   M A T I O N
  A D V O            C    A    C    Y
    I D E            N    T    I    T    Y
  A F F I            L    I    A    T    I O N
        U            T    I    L    I    T Y

Defining the Six Social Behaviors that Drive Social Currency

           UTILITY                 Derive value from engaging with brands
                                   and other people
                                   Receive from and share with other people
           INFORMATION             valuable information about brands
           CONVERSATION            Talk about a brand or business to others
           ADVOCACY               Promote or defend a brand or business
                                  Connect and become a member of a community
                                  of people that is linked to a brand or business
                                  Express me, the brand, and my relationship
                                  with others to others
                              For illustrative measures of these behaviors, please see the Appendix section

Assessing the impact of Social Currency
          At the customer relationship level, we look at the impact of Social Currency
          on three contingencies: Consideration, Purchase, and Loyalty
          SOCIAL CURRENCY WHEEL                                                                                                  The SC Wheel assumes that customers follow very different
                                                                                                                                 paths towards Consideration, Purchase and Loyalty. These
                                                                                                                                 paths are influenced by the six social behaviors.
                                                    IDENTITY       UTILITY

                            AFFILIATION                                               INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                 For example, a customer might convert from merely
                                                           79%     38%
                                                                                                                                 knowing about a brand to considering the brand among
                                           85                                   %
          ADVOCACY               LT
                                   Y                                                EN
                                                                                                                                 a set of alternatives because he or she hears others
                                                                                                                                 advocating for the brand (see Advocacy at 57%).

                                                                                           ES %



                                                                                                                                 The six social behaviors explain how customers convert from

                                                                                                  CO %

CONVERSATION                                                                                                 ADVOCACY
                                                                                                                                 one spoke of the wheel to the next spoke (or contingency).



                                                                                                                                 In order to facilitate the interpretation of the results across
                                                                                                                                 brands, categories, and industries, we scaled the Social
                                                        BRAND X
                   10 0 %

                                                                                                            4 4%
INFORMATION                                                                                                        AFFILIATION
                                                                                                                                 Currency dimensions and assigned the highest value to 100.
                                                                                                                                 This allows the evaluation of the impact of Social Currency
                                                                                                                                 on Consideration, Purchase, and Loyalty for a brand in a


      UTILITY                                                                                                IDENTITY
                                                                                                                                 given industry or category.
                                                                                                                                 In this illustration, Brand X’s social initiatives primarily drive



                                                                                                  UTILITY                        the third spoke, Purchase to Loyalty conversion.
                                              28                             %

                                          CO               3%     23%
                                                                                                                                 The social behaviors that influence the conversions
                                               NS                             A
                                                                          RCH                                                    are Information (100%), Utility (98%), Advocacy (90%),
                                                    ID E
                                                           RATION to PU
                                                    ADVOCACY       CONVERSATION                                                  and Affiliation (85%).
                                                                                                                                 We will further elaborate and explain the SC Wheel in
                                                                                                                                 Section 4, page 55.

Assessing the Impact of Social Currency
From a broader perspective, we look at the response and impact of Social Currency
on Brands, Businesses, Industries & Categories, and Marketing & Communications

                                           D CAT                                                                         IMP
                                     N                                                                                             AC
                               E   SA                                                                                                      T

                       US                                                  IDENTITY       UTILITY

                                                   AFFILIATION                                               INFORMATION
                                                                                  79%     38%

                                                                       %                            41   AR
                ON I


                                                                                                       %   EN
                                   ADVOCACY             LT                                                               CONVERSATION


                                                                                                                  ES %






                                                                                                                         CO %

                        CONVERSATION                                                                                                ADVOCACY



                                          10 0 %

                                                                                                                                   4 4%
                       INFORMATION                                                                                                        AFFILIATION


                             UTILITY                                                                                                IDENTITY




                                      IDENTITY                                                                           UTILITY

                                                                     28                             %


                                                                                  3%     23%
                                                                      NS                            HA

                                                                           ID E
                                                                                  RATION to PURC

                                                                           ADVOCACY       CONVERSATION


                            US                                                                                                                IN

                                 IN                                                                                                       K
                                      ES                                                                                  A        R
                                           S                                                                           NM
                                                                                                        T          O
                                                                                                IM PA C
The Social Sixes are enabled through numerous social
technologies and applications deployed by brands and businesses:

                  Illustrative Examples:
                  Burberry makes videos of runways shoppable, inviting fans to order items from the new
                  collections even before the fashion shows finish.
                  The Gap worked with Groupon on a deal: $25 for $50 off at Gap. Over 441,000 coupons sold,
                  giving existing or potential customers the benefit of group purchasing.
                  Nike FuelBand gives consumers a way to measure physical activity throughout
                  the day. It motivates users by awarding points and helps people live by the numbers.

                  Fab.com provides members with information from their social networks to help in
                  making online purchases.
                  Sanofi Aventis’ iBGStar mobile app provides diabetics with information to analyze
                  their glucose patterns over time and track eating and other activities.
                  Best Buy’s Twelpforce turned Best Buy employees into customer service agents
                  over social channels.

                   Old Spice creates conversations with Isaiah Mustafa’s videos on YouTube.
                   Coca-Cola changed from its emphasis on “Creative Excellence” to “Content Excellence.”
                   It asks consumers to engage in “dynamic story telling” that is relevant to its business,
                   brand, or customer interests.
                   American Express Small Business Saturday launched an initiative and engaged 103
                   million Americans in receiving $25 dollars when spending $25 dollars at a small business.

ADVOCACY      Illustrative Examples:
              Audi A8 targeted design, luxury, technology, and automotive influencers, identified through
              Klout, and invited them to test drive. The influencers spread word to their large audiences.
              Cree LED Lighting Revolution launched a YouTube campaign of short videos that show success
              stories of people converting to LED lighting and also leverages efforts on Twitter and Facebook.
              AON, a corporate risk and insurance company, uses net promoter scores (NPS) to identify
              (positive) influencers, engages them in providing testimonials and case studies,
              and uses this customer-generated content across a wide range of social channels.

              Sermo is the largest online community exclusive to physicians. It facilitates collaboration
              among 125,000 licensed physicians.
              Philips Innovation in Light community on LinkedIn is one of the largest B2B networks
              delivering community benefits to members (chats, information, connection, etc).

              Bombardier crowd-sourced design ideas through the YouRail contest. It created over
              60,000 visitors, countless page impressions, and over 5,000 ideas.

              Coach uses Instagram to communicate its core values of classy, trendy, and luxurious.
              Detailed images translate these values into product design.
              Levi’s Girl created identity-building hype by asking female consumers to create
              a video about themselves and advocate why they manifest the brand.
              Louis Vuitton invited consumers to check-in at their new store on Bond Street in
              London via Foursquare.
Underlying the Six Dimensions of Social Currency is a well-known
shift towards the new customer environment of today

  OLD                                     NEW

    Uninvolved                              Smart
    Gullible                                Discernible
    Trusting                                Questioning
    Ignorant                                In control
    Passive                                 Vocal
    Obedient                                Informed
    Uninformed                              Self-reliant
    Subservient                             Media savvy
    Targeted                                Empowered

Vivaldi Partners Group
conducted three new studies over the course of the last six months
  1                                                       2                                               3
   How do the new social technologies                       What are the best and most successful         What motivates people to engage
   impact the behaviors of people                           applications of social, digital, and mobile   and disengage with brands
   around brands and businesses?                            technologies that drive social currency?      and businesses on social networks?

   Global Consumer Survey                                 Social Currency Initiatives                     U.S. Social Split-Up Study

  Respondents for each country
  (no limits on gender or age):

                                                                   SC 100+

  Brands for each country

Note: For the U.S. Social Split-Up Study, refer to our blog: http://vivaldipartners.com/blog/

Results of the Global Consumer study across three countries

          UNITED STATES                                                              GERMANY                                                                    UNITED KINGDOM
                               ADVOCACY                                                                   ADVOCACY                                                                   ADVOCACY
                                    100                                                                        100                                                                        100

                                     80                                                                         80                                                                         80
   IDENTITY                                            CONVERSATION           IDENTITY                                            CONVERSATION           IDENTITY                                            CONVERSATION
         100                         60                              100            100                         60                              100            100                         60                              100

               80                                              80                         80                                              80                         80                                              80
                                     40                                                                         40                                                                         40
                    60                                 60                                      60                                 60                                      60                                 60
                         40          20           40                                                40          20           40                                                40          20           40
                              20             20                                                          20             20                                                          20             20

                              20             20                                                          20             20                                                          20             20
                                     20                                                                         20                                                                         20
                         40                       40                                                40                       40                                                40                       40
                    60                                 60                                      60                                 60                                      60                                 60
                                     40                                                                         40                                                                         40
INFORMATION    80                                               80         INFORMATION    80                                               80         INFORMATION    80                                               80
         100                                                         100            100                                                         100            100                                                         100
                                     60                                                                         60                                                                         60
                                                            AFFILIATION                                                                AFFILIATION                                                                AFFILIATION
                                     80                                                                         80                                                                         80

                                     100                                                                        100                                                                        100
                                   UTILITY                                                                    UTILITY                                                                    UTILITY

           The survey shows that U.S. consumers engage in social behavior with brands more than U.K. or German consumers. Conversation,
           Advocacy, and Identity score over 60 percent on average. Information, Utility, and Affiliation are above 50%. In the U.K. and Germany,
           all values average below 60 percent. In the three countries, Conversation is the social behavior most frequently driving Social Currency, but
           it is striking how Social Currency has been generated through much more than just conversation: the other dimensions are also very important.

           Note: Values are percentages, averaged over the survey items that measure each of the six dimensions of Social Currency

The scope of the Global Consumer study covers 19 industries

                                                                                                                  INDUSTRIES COVERED
                                               Promote or defend                                                  IN THE SURVEY
                                               a brand or business
      OVERALL                                           100
                                                                                                                  1.	 Airlines
                                                                                                                  2.	 Telecommunications
                                                        80                                                        3.	 Automotive
                                                                                                                  4.	 Retail Banking
                         100                            60                          100
                                                                                                                  5.	 Insurance
Express me, the brand,         80
                                                                                          Talk about a brand or   6.	 Beer
and my relationship                 60                                    60

with others to others
                                                                                          business to others      7.	 Online retailers
                                         40                          40

                                                                                                                  8.	 Utilities
                                                                                                                  9.	 Gaming Consoles
                                                20             20                                                 10.	Fashion
                                                                     40                                           11.	Credit Cards
                                                                          60                                      12.	Coffee
                               80                                              80                                 13.	Fast Food
 INFORMATION                                                                               AFFILIATION
                         100                            60
                                                                                                                  14.	Consumer IT
Receive from and share                                                                    Connect and become      15.	Retailers (diversified)
with other people                                                                         a member of a           16.	Smart Phones
valuable information                                                                      community of people     17.	Hotel Chains
about brands                                                                              that is linked to a
                                                                                          brand or business
                                                                                                                  18.	Beverages
                                                                                                                  19.	Consumer Electronics
                                              Derive value from
                                              engaging with brands
                                              and other people

There are huge differences across industries and categories

          AUTOMOTIVE                                                             COMMENT:                            FASHION                                                                    COMMENT:

                                  ADVOCACY                                       Unsurprisingly, automotive                                                                                     Fashion brands and
                                        100                                      brands emphasize                                                    ADVOCACY                                   businesses have generally
                                                                                 conversation and advocacy                                                                                      underleveraged the potential
                                                                                 to create social currency.                                             80                                      of creating social currency.
   IDENTITY                                                                      These typical top-of-              IDENTITY                                              CONVERSATION          There are exceptions in this
         100                            60                                100                                                                           60
                80                                                  80
                                                                                 funnel efforts are where                 100                                                            100
                                                                                                                                                                                                group (as discussed later
                                                                                                                                 80                                                80
                                                          60                     most of the social media                             60
                                                                                                                                                                                                in this report). The general
                            40          20           40                          investment have apparently                                40           20           40
                                                                                                                                                                                                reluctance of fashion brands
                                 20             20                               been allocated. As a                                           20              20
                                                                                                                                                                                                is temporary, and new
                                                                                 high-involvement category,                                                                                     technology developments
                                                20                               automotive brands could                                        20
                                                                                                                                                                20                              will significantly increase the
                            40                       40                                                                                    40
                      60                                  60
                                                                                 potentially lead far stronger                        60
                                                                                                                                                                                                opportunities for this group
                                                                                 leverage across social          INFORMATION     80
                                                                                                                                                        40                                      in creating social currency.
                                        60                                100    currency dimensions.                      100                          60                               100

                                                               AFFILIATION                                                                                                      AFFILIATION
                                        80                                                                                                              80

                                        100                                                                                                            100

                                      UTILITY                                                                                                         UTILITY

              TELECOM                                                            COMMENT:                          INSURANCE                                                                    COMMENT:

                                      ADVOCACY                                   Across all categories,                                              ADVOCACY                                   Insurance brands and
                                         100                                     this group of brands have                                              100                                     businesses are low on social
                                                                                 leveraged social currency                                              80
                                                                                                                                                                                                currency, similar to fashion
   IDENTITY                                               CONVERSATION           opportunities well. Consumers      IDENTITY                                              CONVERSATION          brands, but for different
                                         60                                100   clearly understand Telecom               100                           60                                100   reasons. Insurance is generally
                                                                    80           as not only services, but                       80
                                                                                                                                                                                    80          a low-involvement category
                       60                                  60                    also to include devices like                         60                                   60                   relative to fashion and hence
                            40           20          40
                                                                                 smartphones. Our results                                  40           20           40
                                                                                                                                                                                                are typically less engaging.
                                 20                                                                                                             20
                                                                                 suggest that as a group,                                                       20
                                                                                                                                                                                                However, we see significant
                                 20             20
                                                                                 there is participation in                                      20
                                                                                                                                                                                                opportunity to increase Utility
                            40           20
                                                     40                          social media and technology                               40
                                                                                                                                                                                                and Information dimensions.
                                                               60                applications but no                                  60
                                                                                                                                                                           60                   For example, other customers
INFORMATION      80                                                  80          outstanding-performing brands   INFORMATION     80                                                 80          are trustworthy sources of
          100                            60                                100   that lead the telco category             100                           60                                100
                                                                                                                                                                                                financial information and
                                                                AFFILIATION      in creating a new model of                                                                     AFFILIATION     hence there is contribution that
                                         80                                                                                                             80
                                                                                 connecting with customers                                                                                      social media and technologies
                                         100                                     or of building brand equity.                                           100                                     can make in insurance and
                                      UTILITY                                                                                                         UTILITY                                   similar categories as well.
Impact of Social Currency on Brand Equity
The study shows that Social Currency has significant impact on brand equity

                                                          BRAND EQUITY

        AWARENESS                       ASSOCIATIONS                             LOYALTY                            QUALITY
                                    Liking:          34%
       Not measured
       in the survey
                                    Trustworthiness: 35%
                                    Authenticity: 33%
                                                                              28%                                 26%
 Brand Equity, as conceptualized by Vivaldi Partners’ brand model and as measured by the price premium
 consumers are willing to pay, is strongly influenced by Social Currency (53%). Social Currency also drives key
 brand associations, including liking, trustworthiness, authenticity, loyalty (28%) and quality perceptions (26%).
Note: Values are squared correlations multiplied by 100, meaning that values describe the proportion of variance in common between two
variables. Read as follows: 53% of the variation in brand equity and Social Currency is common, or 53% of the variance in brand equity can be
explained by Social Currency.

Results from Analyzing the Social Currency Initiatives in the SC 100+
 Our research into the best practices of brands and businesses in applying these new technologies that drive
 Social Currency shows primarily three applications:

Social Currency Initiatives
                                                                 Encouraging people to “like” a brand or business
                                         ADVERTISING             on Facebook or building a base of Twitter followers

    SC 100+                              CREATING                Motivating existing customers with product
                                         CONVERSATIONS           expertise to support a firm’s customer service

                                                                 Building and maintaining an influencer
                                         BUILDING COM-
                                                                 community for a brand or business to support
                                         MUNITIES                amplification of conversations

Our Conclusions:

The new social and digital technologies have changed and will continue to change customer behavior
profoundly. Today, all customer behavior is social. The main changes are:

 1   There is a new emerging paradigm of how to do business and how to build strong brands. We call this paradigm
     the Social Currency Paradigm and we explore its fundamental premises in the next section.

 2   Our research shows that most social initiatives have initially focused on marketing, customer service, sales,
     and communication functions. While there are successes, we believe the impact of social technologies can be
     far greater by holistically and comprehensively looking at how a business’ value-generating activities are changing,
     how categories evolve, and how industries configure. Social technologies change entire industries and categories –
     each in a different way.

 3   We find that there is a breakdown in the traditional value chain. Social technologies now allow businesses
     and brands to put customers at the heart of every step in the chain. In the extreme, this leads to a reconfiguration
     of the entire value chain. We discuss these changes in more detail in Section 4.

 4   We believe that businesses and brands must well understand the social processes that make customers share
     a brand or information about a brand with others – that is creating social currency. Social Currency drives
     consideration, purchase, and loyalty. Section 5 will provide more detail on a brand by brand comparison.

The NEW Social Currency Paradigm of Building Strong Brands and Businesses

“If you don’t like change,
 you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”

                              GENERAL ERIC SHINSEKI,
                              U.S. ARMY, CHIEF OF STAFF
Most firms today approach their business from one of two inside-out paradigms
One is the Product-Benefit Perspective:

  HOW                          PRODUCT - BENEFIT PERSPECTIVE
  THE OFFERING IS                 Technology Innovation
                                  New Products
                                  New Applications
                                  Disruptive Innovation
                                  New Technologies
                                  New Product Development
                                  Brand Extension
                                  Design Innovation

                               Companies apply these approaches in search of differentiation

Another is the Consumer-Needs Perspective:

                          CONSUMER-NEEDS PERSPECTIVE
  THE OFFERING IS               Consumer Orientation
                                Customer Delight
                                Trading Up/ Trading Down
                                Ethnography, Market Research
                                Customer Satisfaction
                                Customer Centricity
                                Voice of the Customer

                          Companies apply these approaches in search of relevance

We believe these two traditional perspectives are limited in today’s
digitally connected world, because they are based on assumptions
that today are merely half-truths

1 Executives view the customer from the inside-out, from the confines of a
    company’s existing capabilities and product offerings, ignoring the more
    important social processes among consumers or customers

2 Customers are viewed as targets to be managed, controlled, and messaged to with
    communications that interrupt and seek customers’ attention

3 Executives see the company as owning the customer and managing the relationship,
    assuming that the most important connection is between themselves and customers

4 Marketing’s job is to get attention from customers, sales is in charge of getting or
    acquiring customers, and customer service is in charge of retaining customers

5 Customers are the receivers of a product or service that comes out at the end of the
    company-optimized value chain and supply chain processes

We believe companies need to adopt a new perspective and mindset!
What if companies see the world from the outside-in, from the perspective of the
customers’ social context and goals, including social behaviors and processes?

                                                                               SIX BEHAVIORS
 SOCIAL CURRENCY PERSPECTIVE                                                   OF SOCIAL CURRENCY

 What if companies focus not just on satisfying                                CONVERSATION
 needs, but on improving people’s lives:                                       AFFILIATION

      By helping achieve people’s goals
      By improving processes and activities
      Making it easier to make decisions
      Through products and services,
      or anything that really matters
                                                    Goal - What a person strives for
      In the context of their daily lives           Process - What a person must do to
      or work-flow processes                        achieve the goal
                                                    Decision making - How a person prioritizes
                                                    and makes trade offs
                                                    Products and services - What a person
                                                    prefers or buys
                                                    Context - When and where the person
                                                    takes actions

Case Study:
What if we solve the problems, challenges, frustrations, and points of pain for customers?
Deeply Understanding the Goals People Seek to Achieve - An Illustrative Example
                                                   8am - 8:45am	       Episode 1
                                                   9am - 10:15am	      Episode 2
 7    8
       1   2
                               13                  10:15am - 11am	     Episode 3                Imagine we knew all episodes of goal achievement
                                                   11:30am - 12pm	
                                                   12pm - 13:30pm	
                                                                       Episode 4
                                                                       Episode 5                from several hundreds of doctors like Dr. Rahim R.:
                                                                                                how they treat patients and how they search for,
28    29   30   31

                                                                                                learn, and use new medical knowledge.
     How Dr. Rahim R. Treats Patients and Seeks New Medical Knowledge                           We could then harness the power of social
     “I was seeing a patient of mine with a nephrotic syndrome
                                                                        •	Prepare for           networks, and the new social mobile and
     who, in addition to rheumatoid arthritis also had a new
     agent called Humira. I was planning to biopsy her and so             an upcoming           digital technologies to:
     wanted to find out more. I Googled Humira and nephrotic              appointment
     syndrome and found out that Humira is known to cause               •	To be confident in    •	 Define innovative solutions for doctors
     kidney problems and that there are a few case reports out            my decisions
     there. I used Google because it’s quick, cheap, and dirty.         •	To make the best      •	 Invent entirely new strategies and ways
     You can put in “nephrotic syndrome Humira” and you’ll get            use of my time           to help doctors
     a bunch of links and you say, “Okay, there’s stuff here. I’ll
     go to Medline” to read the articles. It might say in the link
     what journal it is or the authors, which makes you feel that
                                                                        •	Reliability of        •	 Build brands that truly differentiate
     these are reliable papers. In fact, I recognized one of
     the authors of the papers. It was also useful because I            •	Known authors         •	 Create entirely new businesses
     couldn’t remember the mechanism of Humira, which type of
     blocker it was, and so I found that it was a TNF blocker. When     •	Saving for later
     I went to Medline to look it up further, I could go straight
     to TNF blocker. And so that helped me discuss with the             •	Feel successful        Tools to track episodes of customers’ daily lives
     rheumatologist that we needed a kidney biopsy, this could                                   exist today using various mobile platforms.
     be toxicity from the medication that they were using. It turned    •	Feel knowledgeable     Vivaldi Partners Group Lifetracker is one example.
     out it wasn’t from the medication, but still - it was very           - learned something    Others include Real-Time Experience Tracking (RET)
                                                                                                 and the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM).
                 BEHAVIORAL ACTIVITIES           UNSPOKEN GOALS            NEEDS

A Social Currency Perspective changes the role
of businesses and brands in creating value to customers

    INSIDE-OUT PARADIGMS                           OUTSIDE-IN PARADIGM

    PRODUCT-            CUSTOMER-
                                                          SOCIAL CURRENCY
    BENEFIT             NEEDS

             Role of Social Media and Social Technologies
               LIMITED ROLE:                                      MAJOR ROLE:

    1                                                                                 6
                                                                                          Fit Into Their Lives
    2                                                                                Help Manage Their Lives
        CREATING CONVERSATIONS                                               4
                                               Solve Something
                                                                                 Give People Time Back
    3                                              2
                                                       Enable People
        BUILDING COMMUNITIES                                               Deliver Value

Social currency provides a new perspective
on how to build brands and grow and evolve businesses

   It views customers as in control of their relationship with brands or businesses

   It views the customer from the outside-in, from the context of daily life or work life, and the goals,
   processes, and decisions that people make

   It views customers as enabled and empowered by the new social, digital, and mobile technologies

   It solves for “What Really Matters” to people and not just what matters to companies and brands

       In the following sections, we explore the challenges and issues in adopting this radically new mindset
       - the Social Currency perspective - to build strong brands and businesses

Impact of Social Currency: Different Across Industries and Categories

Health care

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence
is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

                                          PETER DRUCKER /1909-2005/
Social behaviors affect all industries with the new outside-in logic
and the impact of new technologies. I.e., health care:

From: INSIDE-OUT                                       To: OUTSIDE-IN
  Selling as many drugs as you can,                         Improving health care outcomes
  as efficiently as possible (pharma),                      and changing how patients interact with
  or getting acute patients faster                          the system of providers, payers, and other
  through the hospital                                      health care professionals

                                         SOCIAL BEHAVIORS
                                                  DRUGS,       UTILITY
Businesses                         IDENTITY
                                                    or                                              Patients
                                          CONVERSATION                            An outside-in perspective
An inside-out perspective
                                                                                  of patients as people in
narrows the view of
                                                                                  the context of their daily
businesses and brands
                                                                                  lives broadens the view
in the health care sector
                                                                                  of businesses and brands

SANOFI-AVENTIS aspires to become the world leader in diabetes
treatment by helping to improve the lives of people living with diabetes
  •	 Expansion beyond the narrow cycle of care to encompass patients’ daily lives
  •	 Holistic approach to patient care and disease management
  •	 Collaboration and co-creation of innovation
SANOFI-AVENTIS enables the daily life activities & goals of patients:                                Sanofi US ≈ 2,000 likes
                                                                                                     Sanofi US Diabetes ≈ 4,000 likes
  Websites                                                                                           Twitter:
                                                                                                     Sanofi US ≈ 5,250 followers
  The DX - an information source about life with diabetes                                            Diabetes Sanofi ≈ 4,300 followers
  Diabetapedia - an encyclopedia on diabetes
  Lantus Connection - a web portal with support, information,                                INFORMATION
   			                 and advice; exclusively for Lantus users
                                                                                    Go Meals          DX Website
                                                                                             Diabetapedia     DOC Friends
  iBG Star - an innovative blood glucose meter launched in May 2012
  Go Meals - an iPhone nutritional guide, restaurant finder,            UTILITY
                                                                                  iBG Star
  	           and intake tracker
                                                                                             Products:              Diabetes
  Amplification                                                                           APIDRA & LANTUS           Co-Stars
                                                                   Diabetes Hero
  DOC Friends - profiling blogs about diabetes-related connections
  Nominate a Volunteer - awards contest for outstanding volunteers IDENTITY                                        ADVOCACY
  DiabetesMine™ Patient Voices - short video contest on biggest                                              Nominate a
  					                              challenges in diabetes care            DiabetesMine™                     Volunteer
                                                                                     Lantus Connection
OUR SOCIAL CURRENCY VERDICT:                                                                   AFFILIATION
 75% 100% 75%         50%    25%    50%
 util info conv       adv    affi   iden
Or take the sportswear category as it evolves towards health and lifestyle

  From                                         To
    Applying technology to enhance athletes’        Using new technologies to motivate
    performance through better materials,           people to achieve their daily goals and
    cushioning or fabrics                           enable activities

                     SPORTS                                     HEALTH & LIFESTYLE

    TECHNOLOGY                 AGGRESSION              EATING                    EXERCISE
 DOMINATION                        AUTHENTIC    LIVING LIFE                       STRESS RELIEF
                  ATTRIBUTES                                      ACTIVITIES
COMPETITION                        ATHLETICS   LOOKING GOOD                          STAYING FIT

  PERFORMANCE                    PHYSICAL             HEALTH                       SOCIALIZING

                    WINNING                                      FEELING GREAT

Helping to achieve fitness/health goals by living by the numbers
•	 Helping people set daily goals and measure achievement, beyond enhancing sports performance
•	 Offering socially-enabled services to motivate people to stick with the process
•	 Leveraging a major consumer trend - The Quantified Self - to achieve people’s goals,          RESULTS:
   enhance processes & decisions, and offer products & services                                  Facebook:
                                                                                                 Nike ≈ 10,500,000 likes
                                                                                                 Nike Running ≈ 1,200,000 likes
                                                                                                 Nike+ Fuelband ≈ 30,000 likes
 NIKE+                                                                                           Twitter:
                                                                                                 Nike ≈ 650,000 followers
 Description:                                                                                    Nike Running ≈ 107,000 followers
 shoes communicate with an iPod Nano through                                                     Nike Fuel ≈ 80,000 followers
 a small oval pod inserted under the shoe liner                                                  Instagram:
                                                                                                 Nike ≈ 425,000 followers

 after the run, upload distance covered, pace,                                           INFORMATION
 and calories burned to Nike+ website for review
                                                                                                        Nike+ app
                                                                            Nike+ Coach
                                                                                               n d
 Description:                                                         UTILITY
                                                                                    l   b                 CONVERSATION

 wristband that tracks every move and translates
 it into NikeFuel, a count of all daily activities                                         Product:
                                                                                        RUNNING SHOES,

 Features:                                                                                 APPAREL
 set daily “activity” goals and see progress on
 the band or compete/compare with others                              IDENTITY                                ADVOCACY

                                                                                Nike+ Challenges
 90%     90%      80%       80%      90%      75%                                         AFFILIATION
 util    info     conv      adv      affi     iden
The evolving media environment illustrates how
industries are affected by the new social technologies

    Adapted from Imran Kahn’s Perspective on the Evolving Media Environment
          ERA              Before the Web             Early Web               2000s Web                Social Web

      EXAMPLE                 Newspaper               Portal Site             Search Site              Social Site

                                Editor                   Editor                                       Consumer’s
      CURATOR                                                                  Consumer
                                                                                                      Social Graph

  FRAGMENTATION                 Minimal                 Limited                 Growing                Multiplying

     SOCIAL                                          Information                                     Conversation
                             Information                                      Conversation
     CURRENCY                                        Utility                                         Advocacy

Each evolution of the web has changed the way people find, discover, or learn about information such as, for example, news.
This has created an increasingly fragmented web that gives control to consumers or customers.

For additional examples of our research, consider:
                       All examples can be found on vivaldipartners.com/vpsocialcurrency

            iTunes U              Fab.com                      Square

             Skype                Dropbox                     Wikipedia

Our Conclusions:

1   The new social technologies have a profound impact on the                               SOCIAL IMPACT
    evolution of industries and categories. Examples such as Sanofi-
                                                                                            EVALUATION MATRIX
    Aventis or Nike show that the changes will be far more aligned
    along the delivery of customer needs or wants that are driven
    with the goals, processes, and decisions that matter to people.
2   Barriers to enter industries and categories blur. Nike can quite                             OIL & GAS                      HEALTHCARE
    possibly become a competitor in the health care space. Square                                                                CREDIT CARDS
    provides an alternative in the payments industry that is currently                                                    RETAIL
    dominated by the payment networks such as VISA and MasterCard                                                        CONSUMER
    or the credit card firm American Express. This illustrates how                                                       ELECTRONICS
    competition grows among incumbents, and between incumbents                  STRATEGIC
                                                                              CHALLENGES                                         FASHION
    and non-traditional players.

3   New clusters of competitors will emerge through collaboration
    and partnership as businesses and brands align their strategies
    along customers’ goals, processes, and decision-making.
    Skype, for example, becomes an integrated desktop solution
    in use with Microsoft Office, and Nokia or Samsung smart phones
    are powered by Microsoft Windows mobile operating system.                                                TECHNOLOGICAL
    This provides a competing solution cluster to the Apple ecosystem.
    There will be new enabled services, products, and innovations that will
    result in more comprehensive brand portfolios that are connected to
    provide seamless customer experiences across all possible touch points.

Breaking Down the Traditional Value Chain

Glaceau’s Vitamin Water

“Insanity: doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results.”

                               ALBERT EINSTEIN / 1879-1955/
While Zara has found retail success
by optimizing the traditional value chain ...

       Traditional Value Chain                                                Zara: Success With Optimized Value Chain
                                                                              Zara has become one of the most successful fashion retailers with 2011
                            Firm Infrastructure
                                                                              revenues of Euro 13.8 billion by relentlessly optimizing the traditional value

                                                                   M A RG
                                                                              chain. Zara takes just four weeks to turn an idea into merchandise, and

                       Human Resource Management

                          Technology Development                              items spend two weeks on store shelves. Technically, this makes Zara one

                                                                              of the fastest retailers.
                                                                              The company relies on business intelligence and analytics to manage
                                                                              inventory and product distribution based on consumer preferences.
             Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Service                    Zara has been the subject of numerous business school case studies

                                                                   M A RG
             Logistics          Logistics & Sales                             on supply chain management.

                                                                              But there are limits to the optimization of anything, even Zara’s value chain.
                                                                              It is rather difficult for competitors to outperform Zara. However, history
                              Primary Activities                              shows the difficulty of maintaining success. For example, DELL had enjoyed
                                                                              competitive advantage with its built-to-order model for many years. For a
               The value chain categorizes a firm into a linear,              long time the PC industry was unable to copy it or improve on it. Today DELL
                                                                              faces major strategic challenges despite an optimized value chain because
               sequentially executed, logically aligned set                   consumer preferences lean toward new devices, like tablets.
               of value-generating activities with the objective              We believe the fashion industry is undergoing similar consumer preference
                                                                              changes. Fashion is one of the most social products that exists and social
               of capturing superior value to customers                       technologies will have a significant contribution toward building the future
                                                                              industry model. Burberry, a fashion house with smaller 2011 revenues of GBP
                                                                              3.5 billion, leads the way toward this future, as shown in the next case study.

             In the best case, the traditional value chain treats customers as bystanders of the set of value-generating
             activities. In the worst case scenario, it treats customers as recipients of its output and ignores the
             important social behaviors and processes among people.

... Burberry breaks down the value chain and reconfigures
                                    its business to create a seamless experience

    The New Demand-first Value Chain

    Demand-first (Front-End)                             Supply (Back-End)
        3                                                    6

            Engage                                               Scale
                                    Affiliation                     5

    Prototype                       Advocacy

                  Design                                     Deliver

While Burberry is still operating its back-end operations following the traditional value chain, there are indications that they are reconfiguring
the front-end. We call this value chain the “Demand-first Value Chain” because it creates value in unique ways with a demand-driven front-
end step first. Demand-first front-end involves consumers in an intensive, co-creation effort. The back end step scales the business using
its traditional supply chain and technology infrastructure.

We believe this new value chain reconfiguration is possible today because of the enabling social behaviors of consumers through new social
technologies. Demand-first front-end steps, like the use of competitions to crowd-source ideas, are common practice today. How Burberry
drives toward the New Demand-first Value Chain creates success in building a unified “feeling” and emotional connection for the Burberry
brand anywhere around the world.

Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
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Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand
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Vivaldi Partners Social Currency 2012 Brand

  • 1. How brands and businesses can prosper in a digitally connected world SOCIAL CURRENCY 2012 Research Partner: 1
  • 2. Our cover design organizes people in a chain around the globe, illustrating how social currency is a global concept. The value of social currency lies in the connections between people, and people to brands and businesses. The changing tones of the colors symbolize the ebbs and flows of social behaviors and social processes that drive value for those businesses and brands. Learn in this report how to build and leverage social currency and profit from it. 2
  • 3. Letter from VPG’s Chief Executive Officer Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D Vivaldi Partners Group Founder and CEO What a difference two years can make! When we We believe we are entering a new era of developments first defined social currency as the degree to which in the evolution of the digital revolution that began consumers share a brand or information about more than 20 years ago. The proliferation of mobile a brand with others, little could we have imagined computing devices and the new social technologies how important social technologies, social media, combine to unleash unimaginable opportunities for and social networks would become. people to improve their lives. The research we conducted with consumers in early This alters consumer behaviors forever. Customers 2010 showed that social media can help to drive brand are evermore empowered, enabled, and know how to equity, realize price premium, and increase loyalty. make use of these technologies to engage or connect Over the past two years, there have been significant with brands and businesses. technology changes and widespread adoption of these technologies by brands and businesses. Marketers In our opinion, an entirely new vision and plan is have used these developments: required to harness and capitalize the power of these 1) to amplify advertising campaigns technologies. In order to provide senior executives with 2) to create conversations on social channels guidance in this evolving digitally-connected world, we 3) to build communities of influencers to connect conducted several new studies with customers in the with consumers or customers U.S., Germany, and the U.K. involving over 60 brands and businesses. We researched several hundred digital Some successes of these efforts are shown in the and social initiatives. latest award ceremonies of major industry groups and case studies of advertising agencies, as reported by trade press. But today, it is also clear that using these new technologies merely for these three purposes more often underwhelms and disappoints. 3
  • 4. Letter from VPG’s Chief Executive Officer In the following pages, you will find a snapshot of our In Section 5, we will show how the new social conclusions organized around several major sections: behaviors drive a new model of building brand equity, sales, and loyalty. In Section 2, we will introduce a paradigm-shifting This section explores social processes along new Social Currency model to build brands and the new Social Currency Wheel, an alternative to businesses. This new model departs from traditional the traditional brand funnel or customer decision perspectives of creating competitive advantage. journey. For the first time, to our knowledge, our We conclude in this section that there is a new way work evaluates the impact of social behaviors of doing business and building strong brands. of customers on social currency and three outcomes: consideration, purchase, and loyalty. In Section 3, we will explore the implications of this new model on industries and categories. We show We hope this report contributes to a deeper how companies can adopt these new technologies to understanding and better knowledge of the challenge existing strategies and business models in opportunities for businesses and brands. their industries. Vivaldi Partners Group’s global organization is We conclude in this section that social does not just ready to help you and work with you to jointly impact communications or marketing, it impacts entire navigate your way into the exciting future that industries and categories – each in a different way. lies ahead. In Section 4, we explore how social technologies We are still at the early stages of these significant impact the value-generating activities of the firm, changes. As Mary Meeker, a Partner of Kleiner, also known as the traditional value chain. Perkins, Caufield and Byers, remarked in her recent We evaluate specific functions, including “State of the Internet” report: innovation, finance, design, and marketing. “The magnitude of the upcoming change will be We conclude in this section that there is breakdown stunning – we are still in Spring training” in the traditional value chain. Social technologies now put customers at the heart of every step in the chain. In the extreme, this leads to a reconfiguration of the entire value chain. Erich Joachimsthaler @ejoachimsthaler 4
  • 5. Acknowledgements There is no easy way to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to this report. We are lucky to be a part of a community of over 80 extremely talented and smart consultants, strategists, designers, digital and social media experts at Vivaldi Partners Group. So many have helped along the way, from conceptualizing our company’s thinking about brands, business, and social media and digital strategy, to executing the research and surveys, to designing and producing the final report. This report benefited from the experiences and insights of all the partners and consulting staff at Vivaldi Partners. They helped draw out the insights in how to build brands in the digitally connected world, and how the new technologies shape industries and categories. Our digital teams at Fifth Season worked diligently in collecting and analyzing hundreds of applications of social technologies and social media for brands. Their efforts in building the SC100+ site (www.vivaldipartners.com/vpsocialcurrency) have produced a powerful resource for understanding how brands are built today. We would also like to thank our research partner, Respondi, who helped in designing and executing the surveys across three countries. Respondi has been an excellent partner in researching consumers’ perceptions and social behaviors around brands. Thank you! The Vivaldi Partners Group Digital Team 5
  • 6. Table of Contents Introducing the Concept of Social Currency // 7 1 - The NEW Social Currency Paradigm of Building Strong Brands & Businesses // 25 2 - Impact of Social Currency: Different Across Industries and Categories // 34 3 - Breaking Down the Traditional Value Chain // 43 4 - Social Currency Wheel: the New Model to Drive Consideration, Purchase and Loyalty // 53 What Now? // 71 Brands Studied in the Social Currency Survey 2012 // 74 SC100+ Social Currency Initiatives // 77 End Notes // 79 Appendix // 84 6
  • 7. Introducing the Concept of Social Currency Understanding Social Currency Six Dimensions of Social Behavior 7
  • 8. “In the long history of humankind (...) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” CHARLES DARWIN /1809-1882/
  • 9. 2009 We first launched the Social Currency Study 2010 at Vivaldi Partners Group Our interest was to understand how consumers and customers relate to (or in the words of Charles Darwin: “collaborate and improvise” with) brands in the new digital and social world. We felt that as social networks, social media, and technologies spread, the world of marketing and building of strong brands would change. Hence, the need for the study. 9
  • 10. → → → → We defined Social Currency as: → the degree to which customers share a brand → → or information about a brand with others → → → → → “Nike+ connects me to other runners” → → → → “I use Nike+“ “I love Nike“ → → → → “Nike improves 75% of all information online is generated by individuals, according to my health“ @ a 2011 study by researcher IDC. This source of information directly from consumers is one of the largest and important that brands and businesses → have available to them to achieve competitive advantage today. 10
  • 11. Six Dimensions of Social Currency, the “Social Sixes“ Through a study with thousands of customers, we identified six types of social behaviors of customers that underlie Social Currency C O N V E R S A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N A D V O C A C Y I D E N T I T Y A F F I L I A T I O N U T I L I T Y 11
  • 12. Defining the Six Social Behaviors that Drive Social Currency 1 UTILITY Derive value from engaging with brands and other people 2 Receive from and share with other people INFORMATION valuable information about brands 3 CONVERSATION Talk about a brand or business to others 4 ADVOCACY Promote or defend a brand or business 5 Connect and become a member of a community AFFILIATION of people that is linked to a brand or business 6 Express me, the brand, and my relationship IDENTITY with others to others For illustrative measures of these behaviors, please see the Appendix section 12
  • 13. Assessing the impact of Social Currency At the customer relationship level, we look at the impact of Social Currency on three contingencies: Consideration, Purchase, and Loyalty SOCIAL CURRENCY WHEEL The SC Wheel assumes that customers follow very different paths towards Consideration, Purchase and Loyalty. These paths are influenced by the six social behaviors. IDENTITY UTILITY AFFILIATION INFORMATION For example, a customer might convert from merely 79% 38% 41 AW AR knowing about a brand to considering the brand among % 85 % ADVOCACY LT Y EN CONVERSATION a set of alternatives because he or she hears others advocating for the brand (see Advocacy at 57%). YA ES % % 46 LO S 90 to The six social behaviors explain how customers convert from to CO % ASE CONVERSATION ADVOCACY one spoke of the wheel to the next spoke (or contingency). NSI 56% 57 PURCH DERATION In order to facilitate the interpretation of the results across brands, categories, and industries, we scaled the Social BRAND X 10 0 % 4 4% INFORMATION AFFILIATION Currency dimensions and assigned the highest value to 100. This allows the evaluation of the impact of Social Currency on Consideration, Purchase, and Loyalty for a brand in a 98% 43% UTILITY IDENTITY given industry or category. In this illustration, Brand X’s social initiatives primarily drive % 28 32 % IDENTITY 19 UTILITY the third spoke, Purchase to Loyalty conversion. % 28 % CO 3% 23% SEINFORMATION The social behaviors that influence the conversions NS A RCH are Information (100%), Utility (98%), Advocacy (90%), AFFILIATION ID E RATION to PU ADVOCACY CONVERSATION and Affiliation (85%). We will further elaborate and explain the SC Wheel in Section 4, page 55. 13
  • 14. Assessing the Impact of Social Currency From a broader perspective, we look at the response and impact of Social Currency on Brands, Businesses, Industries & Categories, and Marketing & Communications ES EGORI D CAT IMP N AC E SA T ON I TR US IDENTITY UTILITY BR AFFILIATION INFORMATION ND 79% 38% AN AW % 41 AR ON I 85 DS % EN Y ADVOCACY LT CONVERSATION YA ES % % 46 LO S T 90 to IMPAC to CO % ASE CONVERSATION ADVOCACY NSI 56% 57 PURCH DERATION 10 0 % 4 4% INFORMATION AFFILIATION S ATION 98% 43% UTILITY IDENTITY UNIC % 28 32 % IMP IDENTITY UTILITY 19 MM % 28 % CO AC SEINFORMATION 3% 23% NS HA CO AFFILIATION ID E RATION to PURC TO ADVOCACY CONVERSATION G& N US IN ET B IN K ES A R S NM T O IM PA C 14
  • 15. The Social Sixes are enabled through numerous social technologies and applications deployed by brands and businesses: Illustrative Examples: UTILITY Burberry makes videos of runways shoppable, inviting fans to order items from the new collections even before the fashion shows finish. The Gap worked with Groupon on a deal: $25 for $50 off at Gap. Over 441,000 coupons sold, giving existing or potential customers the benefit of group purchasing. Nike FuelBand gives consumers a way to measure physical activity throughout the day. It motivates users by awarding points and helps people live by the numbers. INFORMATION Fab.com provides members with information from their social networks to help in making online purchases. Sanofi Aventis’ iBGStar mobile app provides diabetics with information to analyze their glucose patterns over time and track eating and other activities. Best Buy’s Twelpforce turned Best Buy employees into customer service agents over social channels. CONVERSATION Old Spice creates conversations with Isaiah Mustafa’s videos on YouTube. Coca-Cola changed from its emphasis on “Creative Excellence” to “Content Excellence.” It asks consumers to engage in “dynamic story telling” that is relevant to its business, brand, or customer interests. American Express Small Business Saturday launched an initiative and engaged 103 million Americans in receiving $25 dollars when spending $25 dollars at a small business. 15
  • 16. ADVOCACY Illustrative Examples: Audi A8 targeted design, luxury, technology, and automotive influencers, identified through Klout, and invited them to test drive. The influencers spread word to their large audiences. Cree LED Lighting Revolution launched a YouTube campaign of short videos that show success stories of people converting to LED lighting and also leverages efforts on Twitter and Facebook. AON, a corporate risk and insurance company, uses net promoter scores (NPS) to identify (positive) influencers, engages them in providing testimonials and case studies, and uses this customer-generated content across a wide range of social channels. AFFILIATION Sermo is the largest online community exclusive to physicians. It facilitates collaboration among 125,000 licensed physicians. Philips Innovation in Light community on LinkedIn is one of the largest B2B networks delivering community benefits to members (chats, information, connection, etc). Bombardier crowd-sourced design ideas through the YouRail contest. It created over 60,000 visitors, countless page impressions, and over 5,000 ideas. IDENTITY Coach uses Instagram to communicate its core values of classy, trendy, and luxurious. Detailed images translate these values into product design. Levi’s Girl created identity-building hype by asking female consumers to create a video about themselves and advocate why they manifest the brand. Louis Vuitton invited consumers to check-in at their new store on Bond Street in London via Foursquare. 16
  • 17. Underlying the Six Dimensions of Social Currency is a well-known shift towards the new customer environment of today OLD NEW Uninvolved Smart Gullible Discernible Trusting Questioning Ignorant In control Passive Vocal Obedient Informed Uninformed Self-reliant Subservient Media savvy Targeted Empowered Connected 17
  • 18. Vivaldi Partners Group conducted three new studies over the course of the last six months 1 2 3 How do the new social technologies What are the best and most successful What motivates people to engage impact the behaviors of people applications of social, digital, and mobile and disengage with brands around brands and businesses? technologies that drive social currency? and businesses on social networks? Global Consumer Survey Social Currency Initiatives U.S. Social Split-Up Study Respondents for each country 1,000 Consumers (no limits on gender or age): SC 100+ 5,000 Consumers 60+ Brands for each country Note: For the U.S. Social Split-Up Study, refer to our blog: http://vivaldipartners.com/blog/ 18
  • 19. Results of the Global Consumer study across three countries UNITED STATES GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM ADVOCACY ADVOCACY ADVOCACY 100 100 100 80 80 80 IDENTITY CONVERSATION IDENTITY CONVERSATION IDENTITY CONVERSATION 100 60 100 100 60 100 100 60 100 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 40 20 40 40 20 40 40 20 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 INFORMATION 80 80 INFORMATION 80 80 INFORMATION 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 AFFILIATION AFFILIATION AFFILIATION 80 80 80 100 100 100 UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY The survey shows that U.S. consumers engage in social behavior with brands more than U.K. or German consumers. Conversation, Advocacy, and Identity score over 60 percent on average. Information, Utility, and Affiliation are above 50%. In the U.K. and Germany, all values average below 60 percent. In the three countries, Conversation is the social behavior most frequently driving Social Currency, but it is striking how Social Currency has been generated through much more than just conversation: the other dimensions are also very important. Note: Values are percentages, averaged over the survey items that measure each of the six dimensions of Social Currency 19
  • 20. The scope of the Global Consumer study covers 19 industries ADVOCACY INDUSTRIES COVERED Promote or defend IN THE SURVEY a brand or business OVERALL 100 1. Airlines 2. Telecommunications 80 3. Automotive IDENTITY 4. Retail Banking CONVERSATION 100 60 100 5. Insurance Express me, the brand, 80 40 80 Talk about a brand or 6. Beer and my relationship 60 60 with others to others business to others 7. Online retailers 40 40 20 20 20 8. Utilities 9. Gaming Consoles 20 20 10. Fashion 40 20 40 11. Credit Cards 60 40 60 12. Coffee 80 80 13. Fast Food INFORMATION AFFILIATION 100 60 100 14. Consumer IT Receive from and share Connect and become 15. Retailers (diversified) 80 with other people a member of a 16. Smart Phones valuable information community of people 17. Hotel Chains 100 about brands that is linked to a brand or business 18. Beverages UTILITY 19. Consumer Electronics Derive value from engaging with brands and other people 20
  • 21. There are huge differences across industries and categories AUTOMOTIVE COMMENT: FASHION COMMENT: ADVOCACY Unsurprisingly, automotive Fashion brands and 100 brands emphasize ADVOCACY businesses have generally 100 conversation and advocacy underleveraged the potential 80 to create social currency. 80 of creating social currency. CONVERSATION IDENTITY These typical top-of- IDENTITY CONVERSATION There are exceptions in this 100 60 100 60 80 80 funnel efforts are where 100 100 group (as discussed later 80 80 60 40 60 most of the social media 60 40 60 in this report). The general 40 20 40 investment have apparently 40 20 40 reluctance of fashion brands 20 20 been allocated. As a 20 20 is temporary, and new high-involvement category, technology developments 20 20 20 automotive brands could 20 20 20 will significantly increase the 40 40 40 60 60 potentially lead far stronger 60 40 opportunities for this group 60 INFORMATION 80 40 80 leverage across social INFORMATION 80 40 in creating social currency. 80 100 60 100 currency dimensions. 100 60 100 AFFILIATION AFFILIATION 80 80 100 100 UTILITY UTILITY TELECOM COMMENT: INSURANCE COMMENT: ADVOCACY Across all categories, ADVOCACY Insurance brands and 100 this group of brands have 100 businesses are low on social leveraged social currency 80 currency, similar to fashion 80 IDENTITY CONVERSATION opportunities well. Consumers IDENTITY CONVERSATION brands, but for different 100 60 100 clearly understand Telecom 100 60 100 reasons. Insurance is generally 80 40 80 as not only services, but 80 40 80 a low-involvement category 60 60 also to include devices like 60 60 relative to fashion and hence 40 20 40 smartphones. Our results 40 20 40 are typically less engaging. 20 20 20 suggest that as a group, 20 However, we see significant 20 20 there is participation in 20 opportunity to increase Utility 20 40 20 40 social media and technology 40 20 40 and Information dimensions. 60 40 60 applications but no 60 40 60 For example, other customers INFORMATION 80 80 outstanding-performing brands INFORMATION 80 80 are trustworthy sources of 100 60 100 that lead the telco category 100 60 100 financial information and AFFILIATION in creating a new model of AFFILIATION hence there is contribution that 80 80 connecting with customers social media and technologies 100 or of building brand equity. 100 can make in insurance and UTILITY UTILITY similar categories as well. 21
  • 22. Impact of Social Currency on Brand Equity The study shows that Social Currency has significant impact on brand equity BRAND EQUITY 53% AWARENESS ASSOCIATIONS LOYALTY QUALITY Liking: 34% Not measured in the survey Trustworthiness: 35% Authenticity: 33% 28% 26% Brand Equity, as conceptualized by Vivaldi Partners’ brand model and as measured by the price premium consumers are willing to pay, is strongly influenced by Social Currency (53%). Social Currency also drives key brand associations, including liking, trustworthiness, authenticity, loyalty (28%) and quality perceptions (26%). Note: Values are squared correlations multiplied by 100, meaning that values describe the proportion of variance in common between two variables. Read as follows: 53% of the variation in brand equity and Social Currency is common, or 53% of the variance in brand equity can be explained by Social Currency. 22
  • 23. Results from Analyzing the Social Currency Initiatives in the SC 100+ Our research into the best practices of brands and businesses in applying these new technologies that drive Social Currency shows primarily three applications: Social Currency Initiatives Example: 1 AMPLIFYING Encouraging people to “like” a brand or business ADVERTISING on Facebook or building a base of Twitter followers CAMPAIGNS 2 SC 100+ CREATING Motivating existing customers with product CONVERSATIONS expertise to support a firm’s customer service 3 Building and maintaining an influencer BUILDING COM- community for a brand or business to support MUNITIES amplification of conversations 23
  • 24. Our Conclusions: The new social and digital technologies have changed and will continue to change customer behavior profoundly. Today, all customer behavior is social. The main changes are: 1 There is a new emerging paradigm of how to do business and how to build strong brands. We call this paradigm the Social Currency Paradigm and we explore its fundamental premises in the next section. 2 Our research shows that most social initiatives have initially focused on marketing, customer service, sales, and communication functions. While there are successes, we believe the impact of social technologies can be far greater by holistically and comprehensively looking at how a business’ value-generating activities are changing, how categories evolve, and how industries configure. Social technologies change entire industries and categories – each in a different way. 3 We find that there is a breakdown in the traditional value chain. Social technologies now allow businesses and brands to put customers at the heart of every step in the chain. In the extreme, this leads to a reconfiguration of the entire value chain. We discuss these changes in more detail in Section 4. 4 We believe that businesses and brands must well understand the social processes that make customers share a brand or information about a brand with others – that is creating social currency. Social Currency drives consideration, purchase, and loyalty. Section 5 will provide more detail on a brand by brand comparison. 24
  • 25. The NEW Social Currency Paradigm of Building Strong Brands and Businesses 25
  • 26. “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” GENERAL ERIC SHINSEKI, U.S. ARMY, CHIEF OF STAFF
  • 27. Most firms today approach their business from one of two inside-out paradigms One is the Product-Benefit Perspective: HOW PRODUCT - BENEFIT PERSPECTIVE DIFFERENTIATED THE OFFERING IS Technology Innovation New Products New Applications Disruptive Innovation New Technologies New Product Development Brand Extension Design Innovation Companies apply these approaches in search of differentiation 27
  • 28. Another is the Consumer-Needs Perspective: CONSUMER-NEEDS PERSPECTIVE HOW RELEVANT THE OFFERING IS Consumer Orientation Segmentation Customer Delight Trading Up/ Trading Down Ethnography, Market Research Customer Satisfaction Customer Centricity Voice of the Customer Companies apply these approaches in search of relevance 28
  • 29. We believe these two traditional perspectives are limited in today’s digitally connected world, because they are based on assumptions that today are merely half-truths 1 Executives view the customer from the inside-out, from the confines of a company’s existing capabilities and product offerings, ignoring the more important social processes among consumers or customers 2 Customers are viewed as targets to be managed, controlled, and messaged to with communications that interrupt and seek customers’ attention 3 Executives see the company as owning the customer and managing the relationship, assuming that the most important connection is between themselves and customers 4 Marketing’s job is to get attention from customers, sales is in charge of getting or acquiring customers, and customer service is in charge of retaining customers 5 Customers are the receivers of a product or service that comes out at the end of the company-optimized value chain and supply chain processes 29
  • 30. We believe companies need to adopt a new perspective and mindset! What if companies see the world from the outside-in, from the perspective of the customers’ social context and goals, including social behaviors and processes? SIX BEHAVIORS SOCIAL CURRENCY PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL CURRENCY UTILITY INFORMATION What if companies focus not just on satisfying CONVERSATION ADVOCACY needs, but on improving people’s lives: AFFILIATION IDENTITY By helping achieve people’s goals By improving processes and activities Making it easier to make decisions Through products and services, or anything that really matters Goal - What a person strives for In the context of their daily lives Process - What a person must do to or work-flow processes achieve the goal Decision making - How a person prioritizes and makes trade offs Products and services - What a person prefers or buys Context - When and where the person takes actions 30
  • 31. Case Study: What if we solve the problems, challenges, frustrations, and points of pain for customers? Deeply Understanding the Goals People Seek to Achieve - An Illustrative Example DAILY LIFE EPISODES: 8am - 8:45am Episode 1 AUGUST 9am - 10:15am Episode 2 7 8 1 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 10:15am - 11am Episode 3 Imagine we knew all episodes of goal achievement 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 11:30am - 12pm 12pm - 13:30pm Episode 4 Episode 5 from several hundreds of doctors like Dr. Rahim R.: how they treat patients and how they search for, 28 29 30 31 learn, and use new medical knowledge. How Dr. Rahim R. Treats Patients and Seeks New Medical Knowledge We could then harness the power of social “I was seeing a patient of mine with a nephrotic syndrome • Prepare for networks, and the new social mobile and who, in addition to rheumatoid arthritis also had a new agent called Humira. I was planning to biopsy her and so an upcoming digital technologies to: wanted to find out more. I Googled Humira and nephrotic appointment syndrome and found out that Humira is known to cause • To be confident in • Define innovative solutions for doctors kidney problems and that there are a few case reports out my decisions there. I used Google because it’s quick, cheap, and dirty. • To make the best • Invent entirely new strategies and ways You can put in “nephrotic syndrome Humira” and you’ll get use of my time to help doctors a bunch of links and you say, “Okay, there’s stuff here. I’ll go to Medline” to read the articles. It might say in the link what journal it is or the authors, which makes you feel that • Reliability of • Build brands that truly differentiate information these are reliable papers. In fact, I recognized one of the authors of the papers. It was also useful because I • Known authors • Create entirely new businesses couldn’t remember the mechanism of Humira, which type of blocker it was, and so I found that it was a TNF blocker. When • Saving for later I went to Medline to look it up further, I could go straight to TNF blocker. And so that helped me discuss with the • Feel successful Tools to track episodes of customers’ daily lives rheumatologist that we needed a kidney biopsy, this could exist today using various mobile platforms. be toxicity from the medication that they were using. It turned • Feel knowledgeable Vivaldi Partners Group Lifetracker is one example. out it wasn’t from the medication, but still - it was very - learned something Others include Real-Time Experience Tracking (RET) interesting.” and the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM). BEHAVIORAL ACTIVITIES UNSPOKEN GOALS NEEDS 31
  • 32. A Social Currency Perspective changes the role of businesses and brands in creating value to customers INSIDE-OUT PARADIGMS OUTSIDE-IN PARADIGM PRODUCT- CUSTOMER- SOCIAL CURRENCY BENEFIT NEEDS PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE Role of Social Media and Social Technologies LIMITED ROLE: MAJOR ROLE: 1 6 Fit Into Their Lives AMPLIFYING ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS 5 2 Help Manage Their Lives 1 CREATING CONVERSATIONS 4 Solve Something Give People Time Back 3 2 3 Enable People BUILDING COMMUNITIES Deliver Value 32
  • 33. Social currency provides a new perspective on how to build brands and grow and evolve businesses It views customers as in control of their relationship with brands or businesses It views the customer from the outside-in, from the context of daily life or work life, and the goals, processes, and decisions that people make It views customers as enabled and empowered by the new social, digital, and mobile technologies It solves for “What Really Matters” to people and not just what matters to companies and brands In the following sections, we explore the challenges and issues in adopting this radically new mindset - the Social Currency perspective - to build strong brands and businesses 33
  • 34. Impact of Social Currency: Different Across Industries and Categories Health care Sportswear Media 34
  • 35. “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” PETER DRUCKER /1909-2005/
  • 36. Social behaviors affect all industries with the new outside-in logic and the impact of new technologies. I.e., health care: From: INSIDE-OUT To: OUTSIDE-IN Selling as many drugs as you can, Improving health care outcomes as efficiently as possible (pharma), and changing how patients interact with or getting acute patients faster the system of providers, payers, and other through the hospital health care professionals SOCIAL BEHAVIORS INFORMATION AFFILIATION DRUGS, UTILITY DEVICES, Businesses IDENTITY or Patients HEALTH SERVICES ADVOCACY CONVERSATION An outside-in perspective An inside-out perspective of patients as people in narrows the view of the context of their daily businesses and brands lives broadens the view in the health care sector of businesses and brands 36
  • 37. SANOFI-AVENTIS aspires to become the world leader in diabetes treatment by helping to improve the lives of people living with diabetes INSIGHT: • Expansion beyond the narrow cycle of care to encompass patients’ daily lives • Holistic approach to patient care and disease management • Collaboration and co-creation of innovation RESULTS: Facebook: SANOFI-AVENTIS enables the daily life activities & goals of patients: Sanofi US ≈ 2,000 likes Sanofi US Diabetes ≈ 4,000 likes Websites Twitter: Sanofi US ≈ 5,250 followers The DX - an information source about life with diabetes Diabetes Sanofi ≈ 4,300 followers Diabetapedia - an encyclopedia on diabetes Lantus Connection - a web portal with support, information, INFORMATION and advice; exclusively for Lantus users Go Meals DX Website Apps Diabetapedia DOC Friends iBG Star - an innovative blood glucose meter launched in May 2012 Go Meals - an iPhone nutritional guide, restaurant finder, UTILITY iBG Star CONVERSATION and intake tracker Products: Diabetes Amplification APIDRA & LANTUS Co-Stars Diabetes Hero DOC Friends - profiling blogs about diabetes-related connections Nominate a Volunteer - awards contest for outstanding volunteers IDENTITY ADVOCACY DiabetesMine™ Patient Voices - short video contest on biggest Nominate a challenges in diabetes care DiabetesMine™ Volunteer Lantus Connection OUR SOCIAL CURRENCY VERDICT: AFFILIATION 75% 100% 75% 50% 25% 50% util info conv adv affi iden 37
  • 38. Or take the sportswear category as it evolves towards health and lifestyle From To Applying technology to enhance athletes’ Using new technologies to motivate performance through better materials, people to achieve their daily goals and cushioning or fabrics enable activities SPORTS HEALTH & LIFESTYLE TECHNOLOGY AGGRESSION EATING EXERCISE DOMINATION AUTHENTIC LIVING LIFE STRESS RELIEF ATTRIBUTES ACTIVITIES COMPETITION ATHLETICS LOOKING GOOD STAYING FIT PERFORMANCE PHYSICAL HEALTH SOCIALIZING WINNING FEELING GREAT 38
  • 39. NIKE+: Helping to achieve fitness/health goals by living by the numbers INSIGHT: • Helping people set daily goals and measure achievement, beyond enhancing sports performance • Offering socially-enabled services to motivate people to stick with the process • Leveraging a major consumer trend - The Quantified Self - to achieve people’s goals, RESULTS: enhance processes & decisions, and offer products & services Facebook: Nike ≈ 10,500,000 likes Nike Running ≈ 1,200,000 likes Nike+ Fuelband ≈ 30,000 likes NIKE+ Twitter: Nike ≈ 650,000 followers Description: Nike Running ≈ 107,000 followers shoes communicate with an iPod Nano through Nike Fuel ≈ 80,000 followers a small oval pod inserted under the shoe liner Instagram: Nike ≈ 425,000 followers Features: after the run, upload distance covered, pace, INFORMATION and calories burned to Nike+ website for review Nike+ app Nike+ Coach n d a NIKE+ FUELBAND Description: UTILITY l b CONVERSATION e wristband that tracks every move and translates it into NikeFuel, a count of all daily activities Product: RUNNING SHOES, Fu Features: APPAREL set daily “activity” goals and see progress on the band or compete/compare with others IDENTITY ADVOCACY Nike+ Challenges OUR SOCIAL CURRENCY VERDICT: 90% 90% 80% 80% 90% 75% AFFILIATION util info conv adv affi iden 39
  • 40. The evolving media environment illustrates how industries are affected by the new social technologies Adapted from Imran Kahn’s Perspective on the Evolving Media Environment ERA Before the Web Early Web 2000s Web Social Web EXAMPLE Newspaper Portal Site Search Site Social Site Editor Editor Consumer’s CURATOR Consumer Social Graph FRAGMENTATION Minimal Limited Growing Multiplying Information Information Utility Utility SOCIAL Information Conversation Information Conversation CURRENCY Utility Advocacy Advocacy Identity Identity Affiliation Each evolution of the web has changed the way people find, discover, or learn about information such as, for example, news. This has created an increasingly fragmented web that gives control to consumers or customers. 40
  • 41. For additional examples of our research, consider: All examples can be found on vivaldipartners.com/vpsocialcurrency iTunes U Fab.com Square Skype Dropbox Wikipedia 41
  • 42. Our Conclusions: 1 The new social technologies have a profound impact on the SOCIAL IMPACT evolution of industries and categories. Examples such as Sanofi- EVALUATION MATRIX Aventis or Nike show that the changes will be far more aligned along the delivery of customer needs or wants that are driven with the goals, processes, and decisions that matter to people. TELECOM 2 Barriers to enter industries and categories blur. Nike can quite OIL & GAS HEALTHCARE possibly become a competitor in the health care space. Square CREDIT CARDS provides an alternative in the payments industry that is currently RETAIL FMCG dominated by the payment networks such as VISA and MasterCard CONSUMER UTILITIES or the credit card firm American Express. This illustrates how ELECTRONICS competition grows among incumbents, and between incumbents STRATEGIC CHALLENGES FASHION and non-traditional players. NEWSPAPER 3 New clusters of competitors will emerge through collaboration LOGISTICS and partnership as businesses and brands align their strategies along customers’ goals, processes, and decision-making. Skype, for example, becomes an integrated desktop solution in use with Microsoft Office, and Nokia or Samsung smart phones are powered by Microsoft Windows mobile operating system. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES This provides a competing solution cluster to the Apple ecosystem. There will be new enabled services, products, and innovations that will result in more comprehensive brand portfolios that are connected to provide seamless customer experiences across all possible touch points. 42
  • 43. Breaking Down the Traditional Value Chain Burberry Glaceau’s Vitamin Water Bombardier Pebble 43
  • 44. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ALBERT EINSTEIN / 1879-1955/
  • 45. While Zara has found retail success by optimizing the traditional value chain ... Traditional Value Chain Zara: Success With Optimized Value Chain Zara has become one of the most successful fashion retailers with 2011 Firm Infrastructure revenues of Euro 13.8 billion by relentlessly optimizing the traditional value M A RG chain. Zara takes just four weeks to turn an idea into merchandise, and Activities Human Resource Management Support Technology Development items spend two weeks on store shelves. Technically, this makes Zara one IN of the fastest retailers. Procurement The company relies on business intelligence and analytics to manage inventory and product distribution based on consumer preferences. Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Service Zara has been the subject of numerous business school case studies M A RG Logistics Logistics & Sales on supply chain management. IN But there are limits to the optimization of anything, even Zara’s value chain. It is rather difficult for competitors to outperform Zara. However, history Primary Activities shows the difficulty of maintaining success. For example, DELL had enjoyed competitive advantage with its built-to-order model for many years. For a The value chain categorizes a firm into a linear, long time the PC industry was unable to copy it or improve on it. Today DELL faces major strategic challenges despite an optimized value chain because sequentially executed, logically aligned set consumer preferences lean toward new devices, like tablets. of value-generating activities with the objective We believe the fashion industry is undergoing similar consumer preference changes. Fashion is one of the most social products that exists and social of capturing superior value to customers technologies will have a significant contribution toward building the future industry model. Burberry, a fashion house with smaller 2011 revenues of GBP 3.5 billion, leads the way toward this future, as shown in the next case study. In the best case, the traditional value chain treats customers as bystanders of the set of value-generating activities. In the worst case scenario, it treats customers as recipients of its output and ignores the important social behaviors and processes among people. 45
  • 46. ... Burberry breaks down the value chain and reconfigures its business to create a seamless experience The New Demand-first Value Chain Demand-first (Front-End) Supply (Back-End) 3 6 Engage Scale Identity Conversation Affiliation 5 2 Prototype Advocacy Feedback Utility Information 4 Design Deliver 1 While Burberry is still operating its back-end operations following the traditional value chain, there are indications that they are reconfiguring the front-end. We call this value chain the “Demand-first Value Chain” because it creates value in unique ways with a demand-driven front- end step first. Demand-first front-end involves consumers in an intensive, co-creation effort. The back end step scales the business using its traditional supply chain and technology infrastructure. We believe this new value chain reconfiguration is possible today because of the enabling social behaviors of consumers through new social technologies. Demand-first front-end steps, like the use of competitions to crowd-source ideas, are common practice today. How Burberry drives toward the New Demand-first Value Chain creates success in building a unified “feeling” and emotional connection for the Burberry brand anywhere around the world. 46