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The Social Era and Your Business

                           Workshop (sort of)
                           28 November, 2012

Eric Swain
Client Services Director
Equinet Media



Social Technologies Today
Untapped Potential
The power lies in the creation of self-organised
     communities of like-minded people
...We grew up with the Internet and on the Internet. This is whatWe, the us
different; this is what makes the crucial, although surprising from your point of
                                                                       Web Kids
view, difference: we do not ‘surf’ and the internet to us is not a ‘place’ or
‘virtual space’. The Internet to us is not something external to reality but a part
of it: an invisible yet constantly present layer intertwined with the physical
environment. We do not use the Internet, we live on the Internet and along
it. If we were to tell our bildnungsroman to you, the analog, we could say there
was a natural Internet aspect to every single experience that has shaped us.
We made friends and enemies online, we prepared cribs for tests online, we
planned parties and studying sessions online, we fell in love and broke up
online. The Web to us is not a technology which we had to learn and which we
managed to get a grip of. The Web is a process, happening continuously and
continuously transforming before our eyes; with us and through us.
Technologies appear and then dissolve in the peripheries, websites are built,
they bloom and then pass away, but the Web continues, because we are the
Web; we, communicating with one another in a way that comes naturally to
us, more intense and more efficient than ever before in the history of
Tell people
   so they can
    buy it and
     then tell
Culture eats strategy

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

• Alan Moore
Craft “why” people should care
Start with Why
Remarkable Product

Remarkable marketing is the art
of building things worth noticing
right into your product or service.
Three myths about what customers want

     Relationship with you
                                      More the
           Interactions build
Social is big but still untapped by business

Marketing is hyper-everything in the social era

Communities of PEOPLE = move to social business

The Web Kids will inherit the earth

Culture Eats Strategy

People buy “why” you do it

Build the marketing into the product

3 Myths
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
Could targeted social media
                              generate 350 leads?

      Integrated with other
            marketing                     723 leads
                                       114% increase
     2.                                 in sales (YoY)
          Videos, Facebook, Twitter,

                Content    Network
      Expert                    Connections
         Show (not) Tell     Knowledge base

      Relationships                  Story
               Trust       Framework
        Soften & Support      Humans
Companies must build their own media empires

                                                                   Editorial sensibilities
                                              EDITORS              Cultural relevancy
                                                                   Brand and content strategy

                                                                       CREATIVE PRODUCERS

 Engagement                                                              Content form production (visual, etc)
 Media distribution (earned, paid & owned)   THE SOCIAL                  Formatting (social, web, traditional)
                                                                         Content optimisation
 Measurement and analytics                    CREATIVE

    The “newsroom” produces a continual stream of timely, relevant, content – optimised for sharing
There is both an opportunity for a great
organization to communicate and to have their
                  knowledge impact the world.
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business

      Altimeter Group – The Social Media ROI Cookbook: http://slidesha.re/Tg1uAt




                                  FRY metrics by Olivier Blanchard
A recommendation from a friend would
make 71% of people more comfortable
with a product or service – more so than
advertising (15%) or even personal
experience (63%)
Customer                                                                     Customer
                                      Social                  Social
 Lifetime        Customer                                                     Referral
                                    Landscape               Customer
  Value                                                                        Value

  “The Social Web is distributing influence beyond the customer landscape, allocating
  authority amongst stakeholders, prospects, and peers.” – Brian Solis
Gary Vaynerchuk grew
his family wine shop from
$3 million to $60 million
using content & social
$15k Direct Mail = 200
                    new customers
                    $7.5k Billboards = 300
                    new customers
                    $0 Twitter = 1,800 new

Twitter customers out-perform by 60%
The most responsive
                         company in the world

     Decisions are effortless
     2.   Better decisions faster
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
The Social Era and Your Business
There’s no such thing as a “social media strategy”
End to End

         Your “Why”
       Your “One Thing”

       In Your Products?
        Your Behaviour?
End to End

             Pitch – short & sharp
                 What you do

           What type of programme?
              Support biz goals
End to End

Research                                                                           Creators

                 What does audience know?                                           Critics
    Nothing | Aware, No Action | Single Action | Repeat/Enthusiasts | Advocates


               How do they use social media?                                       Joiners

                Buyer personae                                                    Inactives

      Map demographics, socialgraphics, usage
End to End

       Support the business goal

       How will you be human?

           Identify success
       KPIs, ground zero status
End to End

            Plug plan into the organisation

       People, roles, communications, workflow
        Tools, integration, training & guidelines
End to End

              Day to day execution

  Content, community engagement, cust support,
      brand mgmt, measurement/analytics
End to End

            Are objectives being met?

                    If yes, carry on
          If no, explore and make changes
Manufacture widgets for the consumer and industrial electronics industry

                                Bedford, UK based, customers in UK and EU

    Growing reputation for innovative widget solutions

                                  Growing business, looking to expand in 2013
Acme Widgets


   Why                                 Innovation

In Products?   Built reputation on innovative, boundary-pushing new widgets
 Behaviour?           We openly encourage our people to try new things
Acme Widgets


     Pitch       Ground breaking widgets for the electronics industry

     What              Goal to open a new market (US) in 2013
  programme?                     1st customer by Q3
  Support biz?                 Awareness programme
Acme Widgets


                             Nothing | Aware, No Action                   Critics


  How do they                    Critics and Collectors
   use social              Comment on Groups and forums
    media?              Pinterest pages for innovative products

                  Design Engineers in large electronics manufacturers
  Buyer Persona
                  Male, 25-40, charged with designing new products
Acme Widgets

               Raise awareness about ACME in key markets in the US
                   to create beach head for expansion next year
              by demonstrating our expertise and passion on LinkedIn
                     Create a financial plan – what will it costs?

                     Identify subject matter experts internally
   Tactics        Have them join LI Groups – answer questions
 (human?)            Start blog about engineering/innovation
              Create a LI Group dedicated to our type of engineering

                     5 MQLs by end of Q2, 20 by end of 2013
 ID success
                Secondary: conversions, web visits from US/LI, blog
                subs/comments, LI Group membership/discussions
Acme Widgets


                        SM/Community Mgr – Agency help
                       Choose experts, training, create policy
   Plug in plan                  Content calendar
                              Select target LI Groups
                               Set up blog platform


                   Manage content creation (herd engineers)
   Day to day          Monitor LinkedIn, social spaces
                  Measure against milestones, report regularly
Acme Widgets

                                                   Secondary           KPIs:
                  Action:          Reaction:
Investment:                                        Indicators:
              Operation Expert    Target group                      7 MQLs (Q2)
 £85,000                                         Leads – 10 (Q1),
                 Engineer          responds +                       28 end 2013
                                                 20 (Q2), 35 (Q3)
Thank you!

Eric Swain
Client Services Director
Equinet Media
+44 1234 262262


Credits – images, docs and stats
McKinsey Report: http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/mgi/research/technology_and_innovation/the_social_economy
Everything is Marketing – Hugh McLeod: http://www.gapingvoidart.com/everything-marketing-p-1917.html
Crowd Kiss: http://www.flickr.com/photos/acousticskyy/3651475141/
We, the Web Kids – Piotr Czerski: http://pastebin.com/0xXV8k7k
Shouting boy by fotologic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fotologic/242616844/
Social Media Strategy Mind Map: http://www.automotivesocial.com/
Big Sandwich: Unknown
Jetfighter by familymwr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/familymwr/4929686927/
Simon Sinek: http://www.startwithwhy.com/
Seth Godin: http://www.fastcompany.com/46049/praise-purple-cow
Corporate Executive Board – 3 Myths: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/three_myths_about_customer_eng.html
Edelman – Social Creative Newsroom: http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/2012/11/brand_media.html
ROI - Altimeter Group – The Social Media ROI Cookbook: http://slidesha.re/Tg1uAt
Olivier Blanchard – FRY metrics: http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/real-social-media-r-o-i-part-4-fry-metrics/
MediaLab study: http://www.buzzador.com/pressdocuments/Wheres_Debbie_MediaEdge.pdf
“End to End” concepts were informed by Jay Baer and Olivier Blanchard
ACME factory: Balwin Piano factory - http://www.cincinnativiews.net/pianos.htm

For further reading for new business model discussions:
The New Capitalist Manifesto by Umair Haque : http://www.amazon.co.uk/New-Capitalist-Manifesto-Building-Disruptively/dp/1422158586
No Straight Lines by Alan Moore : http://www.no-straight-lines.com/

Further reading for Social Media ROI:
Social Media ROI by Olivier Blanchard: http://smroi.net/

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Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otgSatta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
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Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan ChartSatta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
India Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian MatkaMatka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otgSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Satta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka
Satta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian MatkaSatta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
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Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
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Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.

The Social Era and Your Business

  • 1. The Social Era and Your Business Workshop (sort of) 28 November, 2012 Eric Swain Client Services Director Equinet Media
  • 6. The power lies in the creation of self-organised communities of like-minded people
  • 7. ...We grew up with the Internet and on the Internet. This is whatWe, the us makes different; this is what makes the crucial, although surprising from your point of Web Kids view, difference: we do not ‘surf’ and the internet to us is not a ‘place’ or ‘virtual space’. The Internet to us is not something external to reality but a part of it: an invisible yet constantly present layer intertwined with the physical environment. We do not use the Internet, we live on the Internet and along it. If we were to tell our bildnungsroman to you, the analog, we could say there was a natural Internet aspect to every single experience that has shaped us. We made friends and enemies online, we prepared cribs for tests online, we planned parties and studying sessions online, we fell in love and broke up online. The Web to us is not a technology which we had to learn and which we managed to get a grip of. The Web is a process, happening continuously and continuously transforming before our eyes; with us and through us. Technologies appear and then dissolve in the peripheries, websites are built, they bloom and then pass away, but the Web continues, because we are the Web; we, communicating with one another in a way that comes naturally to us, more intense and more efficient than ever before in the history of mankind... http://bit.ly/FQlJND
  • 8. Tell people so they can buy it and then tell everyone else! Stop shouting!
  • 10. Culture eats strategy Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast
  • 12. Craft “why” people should care
  • 14. Remarkable Product Remarkable marketing is the art of building things worth noticing right into your product or service.
  • 15. Three myths about what customers want 1. Relationship with you 3. More the better Interactions build 2. relationships
  • 16. Why Social is big but still untapped by business Marketing is hyper-everything in the social era Communities of PEOPLE = move to social business The Web Kids will inherit the earth Culture Eats Strategy People buy “why” you do it Build the marketing into the product 3 Myths
  • 24. Could targeted social media generate 350 leads? 1. Integrated with other 3. marketing 723 leads 114% increase 2. in sales (YoY) Videos, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
  • 25. B2B Content Network Expert Connections Show (not) Tell Knowledge base Relationships Story Trust Framework Soften & Support Humans
  • 26. Companies must build their own media empires Editorial sensibilities EDITORS Cultural relevancy Brand and content strategy COMMUNITY CREATIVE PRODUCERS MANAGERS Engagement Content form production (visual, etc) Media distribution (earned, paid & owned) THE SOCIAL Formatting (social, web, traditional) Content optimisation Measurement and analytics CREATIVE NEWSROOM The “newsroom” produces a continual stream of timely, relevant, content – optimised for sharing
  • 27. There is both an opportunity for a great organization to communicate and to have their knowledge impact the world.
  • 31. ROI Altimeter Group – The Social Media ROI Cookbook: http://slidesha.re/Tg1uAt
  • 32. FRY Frequency Reach Yield FRY metrics by Olivier Blanchard
  • 33. SALES
  • 34. A recommendation from a friend would make 71% of people more comfortable 71% with a product or service – more so than advertising (15%) or even personal experience (63%) MediaLab
  • 35. Customer Customer Social Social Lifetime Customer Referral Landscape Customer Value Value “The Social Web is distributing influence beyond the customer landscape, allocating authority amongst stakeholders, prospects, and peers.” – Brian Solis
  • 36. Gary Vaynerchuk grew his family wine shop from $3 million to $60 million using content & social media.
  • 37. $15k Direct Mail = 200 new customers $7.5k Billboards = 300 new customers $0 Twitter = 1,800 new customers Twitter customers out-perform by 60%
  • 39. The most responsive company in the world 1. Decisions are effortless 3. Democratic 2. Better decisions faster
  • 43. There’s no such thing as a “social media strategy”
  • 45. End to End Core Your “Why” Your “One Thing” In Your Products? Your Behaviour?
  • 46. End to End Business Pitch – short & sharp What you do What type of programme? Support biz goals
  • 47. End to End Research Creators What does audience know? Critics Nothing | Aware, No Action | Single Action | Repeat/Enthusiasts | Advocates Collectors How do they use social media? Joiners Listen Spectators Buyer personae Inactives Map demographics, socialgraphics, usage
  • 48. End to End Plan Strategy Support the business goal Tactics How will you be human? Identify success KPIs, ground zero status
  • 49. End to End Implement Plug plan into the organisation People, roles, communications, workflow Tools, integration, training & guidelines
  • 50. End to End Manage Day to day execution Content, community engagement, cust support, brand mgmt, measurement/analytics
  • 51. End to End Measure Are objectives being met? If yes, carry on If no, explore and make changes
  • 52. Manufacture widgets for the consumer and industrial electronics industry Bedford, UK based, customers in UK and EU Growing reputation for innovative widget solutions Growing business, looking to expand in 2013
  • 53. Acme Widgets Core Why Innovation In Products? Built reputation on innovative, boundary-pushing new widgets Behaviour? We openly encourage our people to try new things
  • 54. Acme Widgets Business Pitch Ground breaking widgets for the electronics industry What Goal to open a new market (US) in 2013 programme? 1st customer by Q3 Support biz? Awareness programme
  • 55. Acme Widgets Research Creators Audience know? Nothing | Aware, No Action Critics Collectors How do they Critics and Collectors Joiners use social Comment on Groups and forums media? Pinterest pages for innovative products Spectators Inactives Design Engineers in large electronics manufacturers Buyer Persona Male, 25-40, charged with designing new products
  • 56. Acme Widgets Plan Raise awareness about ACME in key markets in the US to create beach head for expansion next year Strategy by demonstrating our expertise and passion on LinkedIn Create a financial plan – what will it costs? Identify subject matter experts internally Tactics Have them join LI Groups – answer questions (human?) Start blog about engineering/innovation Create a LI Group dedicated to our type of engineering 5 MQLs by end of Q2, 20 by end of 2013 ID success KPIs Secondary: conversions, web visits from US/LI, blog subs/comments, LI Group membership/discussions
  • 57. Acme Widgets Implement SM/Community Mgr – Agency help Choose experts, training, create policy Plug in plan Content calendar Select target LI Groups Set up blog platform Manage Manage content creation (herd engineers) Day to day Monitor LinkedIn, social spaces Measure against milestones, report regularly
  • 58. Acme Widgets Secondary KPIs: Action: Reaction: Investment: Indicators: Operation Expert Target group 7 MQLs (Q2) £85,000 Leads – 10 (Q1), Engineer responds + 28 end 2013 20 (Q2), 35 (Q3)
  • 59. Thank you! Eric Swain Client Services Director Equinet Media +44 1234 262262 eric@equinetmedia.com @ericswain www.equinetmedia.com
  • 60. Credits – images, docs and stats McKinsey Report: http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/mgi/research/technology_and_innovation/the_social_economy Everything is Marketing – Hugh McLeod: http://www.gapingvoidart.com/everything-marketing-p-1917.html Crowd Kiss: http://www.flickr.com/photos/acousticskyy/3651475141/ We, the Web Kids – Piotr Czerski: http://pastebin.com/0xXV8k7k Shouting boy by fotologic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fotologic/242616844/ Social Media Strategy Mind Map: http://www.automotivesocial.com/ Big Sandwich: Unknown Jetfighter by familymwr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/familymwr/4929686927/ Simon Sinek: http://www.startwithwhy.com/ Seth Godin: http://www.fastcompany.com/46049/praise-purple-cow Corporate Executive Board – 3 Myths: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/three_myths_about_customer_eng.html Edelman – Social Creative Newsroom: http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/2012/11/brand_media.html ROI - Altimeter Group – The Social Media ROI Cookbook: http://slidesha.re/Tg1uAt Olivier Blanchard – FRY metrics: http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/real-social-media-r-o-i-part-4-fry-metrics/ MediaLab study: http://www.buzzador.com/pressdocuments/Wheres_Debbie_MediaEdge.pdf “End to End” concepts were informed by Jay Baer and Olivier Blanchard ACME factory: Balwin Piano factory - http://www.cincinnativiews.net/pianos.htm For further reading for new business model discussions: The New Capitalist Manifesto by Umair Haque : http://www.amazon.co.uk/New-Capitalist-Manifesto-Building-Disruptively/dp/1422158586 No Straight Lines by Alan Moore : http://www.no-straight-lines.com/ Further reading for Social Media ROI: Social Media ROI by Olivier Blanchard: http://smroi.net/

Editor's Notes

  1. Speed and scale of adoption exceeds that of previous technologiesDistinct properties of social tech make them powerfulEndow social interactions with speed, scale and economics of the InternetDemocratic content publishing, sharing and consumingCreate a record of interactions/connections (social graph)Disintermediate commercial relationships and upend traditional biz models
  2. 2/3rds of value creation lies in improving comms and collaboration within and across enterprisesConsumer insightsUnfiltered feedback and behavioral dataCrowdsource product ideas &amp; co-create new featuresManaging procurement and logisticsRaise knowledge worker productivity by 20-25%Up 1/3 of consumer spending could be influenced by social media interactions = $940B annual consumption US and Europe
  3. Marketing is Everything – Regis McKenna, HBS 1991TechnologyBut also
  4. Performance-oriented cultures possess statistically better financial growth, with high employee involvement, strong internal communication, and an acceptance of a healthy level of risk-taking in order to achieve new levels of innovation.Social Media is less about strategy, messaging, and marketing than about culture, conversations, change management
  5. Culture eats strategy for lunch“if we get the culture right, then everything else, including the customer service, will fall into place” – Tony Hsieh, CEO
  6. If it starts with “culture” it also starts with “product”
  7. Remarkable marketing is the art of building things worth noticing right into your product or service. Not just slapping on the marketing function as a last-minute add-on, but also understanding from the outset that if your offering itself isn&apos;t remarkable, then it&apos;s invisible -- no matter how much you spend on well-crafted advertising.
  8. Myth #1: Most consumers want to have relationships with your brand.Actually, they don&apos;t. Only 23% of the consumers in our study said they have a relationship with a brand. In the typical consumer&apos;s view of the world, relationships are reserved for friends, family and colleagues. That&apos;s why, when you ask the 77% of consumers who don&apos;t have relationships with brands to explain why, you get comments like &quot;It&apos;s just a brand, not a member of my family.&quot; (What consumers really want when they interact with brands online is to get discounts).How should you market differently?First, understand which of your consumers are in the 23% and which are in the 77%. Who wants a relationship and who doesn&apos;t? Then, apply different expectations to those two groups and market differently to them. Stop bombarding consumers who don&apos;t want a relationship with your attempts to build one through endless emails or complex loyalty programs. Those efforts will be low ROI. Chances are there are higher returns to be had elsewhere in your marketing mix.Myth #2: Interactions build relationships.No, they don&apos;t. Shared values build relationships. A shared value is a belief that both the brand and consumer have about a brand&apos;s higher purpose or broad philosophy. For example, Pedigree Dog Food&apos;s shared value is a belief that every dog deserves a loving home. Southwest Airlines&apos; shared value revolves around the democratization of air travel.Of the consumers in our study who said they have a brand relationship, 64% cited shared values as the primary reason. That&apos;s far and away the largest driver. Meanwhile, only 13% cited frequent interactions with the brand as a reason for having a relationship.How should you market differently?Many brands have a demonstrable higher purpose baked into their missions, whether it&apos;s Patagonia&apos;s commitment to the environment or Harley Davidson&apos;s goal &quot;to fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling.&quot; These feel authentic to consumers, and so provide a credible basis for shared values and relationship-building. To build relationships, start by clearly communicating your brand&apos;s philosophy or higher purpose.Myth #3: The more interaction the better.Wrong. There&apos;s no correlation between interactions with a customer and the likelihood that he or she will be &quot;sticky&quot; (go through with an intended purchase, purchase again, and recommend). Yet, most marketers behave as if there is a continuous linear relationship between the number of interactions and share of wallet. That&apos;s why, as the Wall Street Journal recently reported, you see well-established retailers like Neiman-Marcus, Land&apos;s End and Toys R Us sending customers over 300 emails annually.In reality, that linear relationship flattens much more quickly than most marketers think; soon, helpful interactions become an overwhelming torrent. Without realizing it, many marketers are only adding to the information bombardment consumers feel as they shop a category, reducing stickiness rather than enhancing it. (For more on consumers&apos; cognitive overload, see the sidebar &quot;Too Much Information&quot; in our recent HBR article.How should you market differently?Instead of relentlessly demanding more consumer attention, treat the attention you do win as precious. Then ask yourself a simple question of any new marketing efforts: is this campaign/email/microsite/print ad/etc. going to reduce the cognitive overload consumers feel as they shop my category? If the answer is &quot;no&quot; or &quot;not sure,&quot; go back to the drawing board. When it comes to interacting with your customers, more isn&apos;t better.
  9. Customer service centric approachTwitter especially – story of woman sent flowersMD throws parties for local customers when visiting citiesBox of crackers to Pacific Islands – “FreshBooks, you&apos;ve got a customer for a life and yet one more person to sing your praises to the masses.”
  10. SXSW panel – customers are your best marketingExecute Extraordinary Experiences Everyday
  11. Could generate 350 leads for 18 Manhatten centres?Chose a targetable customer segment – NYC entrepreneurs = young, growing, networkers, tech-skewedPR, Events, digital, SEM, taxi TV, Videos showing companies trying to have offices in the park, on subway, in coffee shops…
  12. B2B has a smaller potential customer base, a higher average price point, and a customer decision funnel that is more influenced by word of mouth and reputation.B2B social media tactics vary from B2C, in that they are typically rooted in consumer education and thought leadership, and thus require deeper layers of interactionB2B actually has an advantage with social media, because most of their business is centered around longer term relationships between suppliers and consultants and clients, and there are so many needs and touchpoints for information sharing that don’t exist as much in the B2C cycle.One distinct characteristic of B2B businesses is that their work centres around helping people do their jobs better somehow. It’s less about lifestyle and personal interests, and more about how the business ecosystem improves.Content – useful, helpful, informativeRaise knowledge of customersDemonstrate expertise – that we are qualified to help themShare, distribute, and create easier and faster with socialNetwork – is everything in B2BWho you know / Who they know - LinkedInKnowledge base – filter and segment list based on knowledge baseRelationships - Almighty in B2BEstablish Trust (so important) thru additional touch points – online not golf course or dinnerContext – from information standpoint - Supporting stuff that helps the sale along, shortens the cycle, secures the dealBridge gaps between and around sales – funnel movement and retention helpStory – How tell our business storyLinkedIn, Blog, Step outside the tools –what do they help you DO not how they lookHelp create relationship framework
  13. Microsite yielded 25% increase in uniques month on month in first 8 months
  14. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-service-allows-startup-to-outpace-the-competition/No money spent on outside advertisingRelationships are his big marketing vehiclePersonal customer service via social media – Twitter convos and YouTube vids (personalised)
  15. Oreo Daily TwistCelebrate 100 year anniversary Riffs on current news or relevant social issuesDaily piece of clever, highly shareable visual content sent out into the digital ecosystem
  16. Is social media ROI attainable? Of course, but you have to set up your social programs from the outset in such a way that the data is available and unblemished. The best way to do that is to define and measure specific customer behaviors.If you want to neatly measure social media ROI, give your customers and fans a clear assignment with tracked clicks and post-click landing pages and forms.why did we think this was about customer acquisition, when it’s clearly about loyalty and retention?
  17. WoM on SteriodsRemember the McKinsey report – social amplified by the speed, scale and economics of the Internet
  18. Customer Lifetime Value (revenue from customer and immediate family over lifetime) now becomes Customer Referral Value = a measure of advocacy and positive business value that an influencer brings.Community Referral Value: We are now in a world that not only is forcing businesses to engage customers but to consider the influences on their business that rests among their partners, suppliers, prospects… all the stakeholders in the company’s particular ecosystem.
  19. “Thank you department” - New customer order – find them in social media – discover what makes them tick – leverage that.Call every single customer who orders - Social is a long play – worrying about ROI, whether it is worth it – same conversation we had about Internet/ecommerce/etcRetention, lifetime value is the gameTwitter-engaged customers out perform non-engaged customers by 60%
  20. What type of programme? Awareness, Sales, Loyalty, Retention, Insights
  21. What will you do?Who is responsible; who involved?Within what timeframe?What milestones?What framework?What tools?What KPIs?
  22. This is project management.Are you hiring new or reassigning existing?Establish roles, responsibilities and working practices.Cross departmental? Create comms channels and workflowsTrain staff and mgmt on “what” and “how” but also “why” – create guideline policy docSet up tools and integrate them into existing platforms/procedures
  23. content production and publishing, content distribution, reputation management,community engagement, customer support, business intelligence (competitor activity, customerinsights), brand management, market research, monitoring, measurement and analytics.
  24. Measure is the what and the howWhat = KPI’s and secondary measurements = sales, sentiment, share of voice, emails opened, visitors, comments, followers/friendsHow = social media monitoring tools, conversion metrics, web analytics, even surveys, feedback forms, customer service metrics