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Conducted by: Franklin Covey South Asia
Duration : 3 days - Feb -2004
Facilitators : Rajan Kaicker & Sherrif Thaver
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Franklin Covey is an international organization devoted to empowering
People to become significantly more effective in their personal,
interpersonal,managerial and organizational lives. It is supported by
variety of products and programs.
The 7 Habits is a Synergistic product of many minds. It began in the
middle seventies as Dr.Covey was reviewing 200 years of success
literature as part of a doctoral program.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Objective : Share the Learning from 3 days training :
 Overview of 7 Habits
 Principles and Values & P/PC
 Trust and Trustworthiness
 Development of Habits
 4 Levels of Leadership
 The Maturity Continuum
 Basic Change Model
 Third person teaching
 Habit 1 to Habit 7
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
 Attend
 Teach
 Apply
 Reinforce/Repeat
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
The Emotional Bank Account is a metaphor for the amount of trust that exists in a
relationship. It is suggested that every interaction with another human being may be
classified as a deposit or a withdrawal.Deposit build and repair relationships. Withdrawals
lessen trust in relationship.
Kindness and Courtesy Unkindness and Discourtesy
Keeping Promises Breaking Promises
Honoring Expectations Violating Expectations
Loyalty to the Absent Disloyalty, Duplicity
Making Apologies Pride,conceit, Arrogance
“ You can’t talk your way out of the problems You behaved Yourself into”
Stephen R Covey
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Private Victory : HABIT- 1,2 & 3 We experience the Private
Victory when we Learn self-mastery and Self-Discipline.
1.Be Proactive
Fosters Courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve
2.Begin with the End in Mind
Brings projects to completion and unites teams and organizations under
shared vision,mission and purpose.
3. Put First Things First
Promotes most important things done first and encourages direct
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Public Victory: Habits 4,5,6 & 7 We Reap the Public Victory When We build deep,lasting,
highly effective relationships with Other people.
4.Think Win-Win
Encourages conflict resolution and helps individual seek mutual benefit,increasing group
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be understood
Helps people understand problems, resulting in targeted solutions; promotes better
communications,leading to successful problem solving.
6. Synergize
Ensures grater “Buy-in” from team members and leverages the diversity of individuals to
increase levels of success
7. Sharpen the Saw
Promotes Continuous improvements and safeguard individual against “burn-out” and
subsequent non productivity
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Be Proactive
Habit 2
Begin with the
end in Mind
Habit 3
Put First things First
Habit 5
Seek First to
Then to be
Habit 6
Habit 4
Think Win-Win
Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw
Natural Laws or Fundamental Truths
 Universal & Timeless
 Produce predictable outcomes
 External to ourselves
 Operate with or without our understanding or acceptance
Self evident and enabling when understood
The worth or Priority We place on people,things, ideas or principles
 Self Chosen
 Internal,subjective, based on how we see the world
 Influenced by upbringing,society and personal reflection.
“We are not in control, principles control. We control our actions,but the
consequences that flows from these actions are controlled by principles.”
- Stephen R Covey
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
P / PC.
Production and
Production Capability
Effectiveness is balance
between two things :
Production The Desired
results produced. (the
golden eggs,P)
Production Capability
and enhancing the
resources that produce
the desired results.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
The relationship between character and personality can be illustrated with
iceberg. The Tip of the iceberg (personality) is what people first see. Although
image, techniques, and skills can influence your outward success, the weight of
real effectiveness lies in good character.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Character/Competence /Trust / Trustworthiness
Character : A person with high character exhibits
integrity,maturity, and an Abundance Mentality
Competence : A Person with high competence has
knowledge and ability in a given area
To be truly effective in any area, a person must have a
balance of high character and high competence. As
people balance these two elements, they build their
personal trust worthiness and their trust with others.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Developing Habits
The Habit is defined as intersection of knowledge, skill, and
desire. Knowledge is understanding What to Do and Why to do
it; Skills is knowing how to do it; desire is motivation or
wanting to do it. To make habit, We need to develop all three
(What to, Why to)
(Want to)
(how to)
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Basic Change Model
The results We achieve are affected by Several key elements specified in
the model below.
As We look at and work on these elements in light of principles, we can
change the results we achieve
Each of Seven Habits is based upon and incorporates one or more:
1. Principles upon which the habits based.
2. Paradigms that are aligned with principles.
3. Process or thoughts and behaviors that affect the results we
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
CHANGE . . .
 Challenges our
 Alters the way we think
 Makes life more difficult
for a while
 Causes Stress
 Is an ongoing fact of life
“The only person who always
likes change is a wet baby”
Four Levels of Leadership
The Seven habits apply at all levels of leadership (Personal,interpersonal,
managerial, and organizational).
As you work from in side out by building your personal trustworthiness, you create
trust on an interpersonal level and improve relationships. As trust is built, you can
confidently empower individuals and groups with in the organization to produce
desired results. With empower individuals organization can align its system and
structure better with the corporate mission and with strategy to meet stakeholders
needs. Alignment, then, contributes to greater empowerment and higher trust.
Interpersonal- Trust
Managerial- Empowerment
Organizational -Alignment
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Third Person Teaching …..
When People share learning with another person, they practice
Three-person Teaching.
First Person Second Person Third Person
First person is the The Second person teaches The Third person
one who shares knowledge new knowledge to third person added-
value knowledge
with second person using process of
Capture,expand, apply
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :1 : Be Proactive ( Habit of Personal Vision)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Individuals are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to choose.
Key Paradigms
“ I am responsible for my behavior and the choices I make in life”
“ I can expand my personal freedom and influence through being proactive”
Key Processes
• Recognize reactive tendencies and develop proactive responses.
• Increase your circle of influence.
• Become a transition figure to benefit yourself and others.
• Exercise the human endowment through conscious choice in decision making
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Choose Your Behavior
 GENETIC: My Grandparents did it to me.
(Inherited traits)
 PSYCHIC: My Parents did it to me.
 ENVIRONMENTAL: My Spouse, my
Boss, the Company, the Economy, etc.. is
doing this to me. (Surroundings)
Reactive people blame their attitude and behavior on things they
think they cannot control. They respond to stimulus, often
attributing their behavior to three determinants
I am responsible . . .
. . . for who I am
. . . for what I have
. . . for what I do
So . . . Accept Responsibility
Proactive People exercise four endowments:
Self- Awareness - Examining thoughts, moods, and behaviors.
Imagination - Visualizing beyond experience and present reality
Conscience - Understanding right and wrong, and following personal Integrity .
Independent Will - Acting independent of external influence.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
Circle of Influence - A persons circle of influence includes those things he or
she can affect directly.
Circle of Concern- A person’s Circle of concern comprises all matters about
which he or she cares.
Circle of
Circle of Concern
“You can Choose your actions, but you cannot Choose the consequences.
They are governed by natural laws or principles.”
Proactive Focus
Circle of Influence
Reactive Focus
Circle of Influence
“I choose to go”
“I control my own Feelings”
“Lets explore alternatives”
“ I Can”
“I have to to go”
“He Makes me so mad ”
“There is nothing I can do.
“ If only”
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :2 : Begin with the End in Mind
( The Habit of Personal Leadership)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Mental Creation precedes Physical creation.
Key Paradigms
“ I can choose my own future and create vision for it”
“ I will create results mentally before beginning any activity”
Key Processes
• Create and apply personal and organizational mission statements as
constitution for daily living.
•Envision the desired results and Important values to guide activities or
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :2 : Begin with the End in Mind
( The Habit of Personal Leadership)
.Our Vision Shapes our Future
One of the most Important outcome of Habit 2 : Begin with the end in mind is
mental creation - the Plan, design, and layout for who we want to be and what
we want to do as individuals and organizations.
Computer Metaphor
HABIT 1 Says you are a Programmer.
HABIT 2 Says write the program.
 Choosing A Life Center: A” Center” is what guides our decisions and
motivates us to act . Whether consciously or unknowingly, our center drives
the choices we make.
Family, Money, Possessions, work, Pleasure, Friend,Enemy, Religious
organization,Self, Spouse.
PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: A Powerful document that expresses
your personal sense of purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing
constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose behaviors.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :3 : Put First Things First- ( The Habit of
Personal Management)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Effectiveness requires balancing of important relationships,roles, and activities.
Key Paradigms
“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matters
“I will improve P/PC Balance within my circle of Influence”
“I will focus on Importance instead of urgency”
“I fulfill my mission by acting on important goals in my key roles.”
Key Processes
• Focus on the truly important and say no to the unimportant.
• Focus on Quadrant II activities
• Plan weekly and implement daily based on your mission, roles, goals, and
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :3 : Put First Things First- ( The Habit of Personal Management)
The Six Step Process
Habit 3 Involves 6 steps,Quadrant II process that will help you act on the
basis of Importance.
Importance, in the context of Put first Thing First,is defined by mission
statement and confirmed by your conscience. The Six steps can be used
in weekly planning or as often needed.
1. Connect to Mission
2. Review Roles
3. Identify Goals
4. Organize Weekly
5.Exercise Integrity
6. Evaluate
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
How to Change Your Attitude
Changes happen
from the
world view
Take Control
How to Change Your
Changes come
from observing
logically in
every situation
Observe Your Thinking
This is all very
Tomorrow it will
look very different.
This is going to be
a wonderful day!
This is going to
be a crappy day!
Manage Your Self-Talk
If you think you Can, or you think you Can’t…
YOU’RE RIGHT! Henry Ford
How to Change Your
Changes take
true assessment,
determination &
• Sprinkle some “positive” on the negatives
• Focus on the good of each day
• Stay out of the “feeding frenzies”
• Say “please” and “thank you”
• Practice EMPATHY
• Evaluate YOUR behavior
• Never miss an opportunity to compliments
• Spread a SMILE around
Check What You can Pick up from this list
HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Effective long term relationship requires mutual benefit.
Key Paradigms
“ I seek the benefit of others as well as my own.”
“ I get better results in my relationships by co-operating interdependently
than by completing independently.”
Key Processes
• Balance courage and consideration in seeking mutual benefit.
• Persist in looking for win-win outcomes despite past win-lose
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal
WIN-WIN( Win-Win Paradigm , take a time to search for solutions that will
make you happy and simultaneously satisfy others).
• Seek mutual benefit
• Is cooperative, not competitive
• Listens more, stays in communication longer, and communicates with
more courage
WIN-LOSE ( Win-Lose Paradigm , mindset with yourself first and last.
Achievement of success at the expense or exclusion of another’ success.
Driven by comparison, competition, position,.power).
• Is very common scripting for most people
• Is authoritarian approach
• Uses position,power,credentials,possessions, or personality to get
the “win”
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal
LOSE-WIN (Lose- Win Paradigm , high consideration for others,but
lack the courage to express and act on their feelings.They are easily
intimidated and borrow strength from acceptability and popularity).
• Voices no standards, no demands, no expectations of anyone
• Is Quick to please or appease.
• Buries a lot of feelings.
LOSE-LOSE (Lose -Lose Paradigm, Low on courage and
consideration. They envy and criticize others. They put themselves and
others down).
• Is the mindset of highly dependent person
• Is the same as a “no win” because not body benefits
• Is a Long-term result of win-lose,lose-win, or win
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
WIN( WIN Paradigm, Think only what they want.Thinking independently in a
interdependent situations,without sensitivity or awareness of others).
• Is self centered
• Thinks “me first”
• Doesn’t really care if the other person
WIN-WIN or NO DEAL (WIN -WIN or No Deal Paradigm, Seek first for Win-
Win. If they cannot find acceptable solution, they agree to disagree agreeably).
• Allows each party to say no.
• Is the most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business deal.
• Is the highest form of “Win”
HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal leadership)
Win-Win is a frame of mind that seek mutual benefit in all human interactions.
Four Dimensions of Win-Win
1.Character 2. Relationship 3.Agreement 4. Systems and processes
- Integrity to Feeling values and commitments
- Maturity ideas and feeling of others
- Abundance Mentality that there is plenty for every one.
What Win-Win Is and Is Not
Is Is Not
A courageous effort Always being “nice”
The best way to get to Always achievable.
Interdependent relationship.
A Philosophy of human interactions A manipulative
supported by an abundance mentality.
A character-based code for interactions. A personality based
thought pattern
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to
Be Understood- ( The Habit of Empathic Communication)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Diagnosis must precede prescription
Understanding comes through listening.
Key Paradigms
“ I assume I don’t fully understand, and I need to listen.”
“ If I listen first to understand, then I will be better understood.”
Key Processes
• Use Empathic Listening Skills
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood-
( The Habit of Empathic Communication)
Levels of Listening : Ignoring , Pretend listening, Selective Listening,
Attentive Listening, Empathic Listening.
Advising- Giving counsel,advice, solutions to problems.
Probing - Asking questions from our own frame of reference
Interpreting- Explaining others motive based on our experience.
Evaluating - Judging, and either agreeing or disagreeing.
How to communicate:-Communication experts estimates that only 7% of
our communication is represented by words we say, another 38% by our
sounds and how we say the words, and 55 percent by our nonverbals and
body language.
“ The one Who Listens does the most work, not the one who speaks”
- Stephen R Covey
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :6 : Synergize - ( The Habit of Creative Cooperation)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Key Paradigms
“ I value the differences in others and seek the Third alternative”
“ Working together cooperatively takes time but produces better long term
Key Processes
• Apply win-win thinking (Habit 4) and empathic communication (Habit 5) to seek
synergistic outcomes, including the third alternative (Habit 6).
• Use synergy ground rules to discover the Third Alternative.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :6 : Synergize - ( The Habit of Creative Cooperation)
In an interdependent relationship problems and opportunities can
be addressed by synergizing. This process can lead to Synergy, or
the Third alternative.
•You Cannot make your point until you restate the other
person’s point to his or her satisfaction.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :7 : Sharpen the Saw - ( The Habit of Renewal)
Principles, Paradigm, and processes
An Underlying Principle
Production (results) requires development of production Capability (resources)
Key Paradigms
“ I will increase my effectiveness through personal renewal in each of the four
dimensions of my life “
“ I Will continuously Improve.”
Key Processes
•Constantly develop and renew personal resources to create better Personal
P/PC balance .
• Set and achieve goals for renewal in the physical, mental,spiritual, and
social/emotional dimensions.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
HABIT :7 : Sharpen the Saw - ( The Habit of Renewal)
Four Dimensions of Renewal
We build physical wellness through proper nutrition,exercise,rest, and
stress management.
• Mental
We increase mental capacity through reading,writing, and thinking.
• Spiritual
We develop spiritually through reading inspiring literature, through
meditating and praying, and through spending time with nature.
• Social/Emotional
We mature socially and emotionally by making consistent, daily deposits
in the Emotional Bank Account of our key relationships.
THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
1.Be Proactive
Fosters Courage to take
risks and accept new
challenges to achieve goals
2.Begin with the End in Mind
Brings projects to
completion and unites
teams and organizations
under shared vision,mission
and purpose.
3. Put First Things First
Promotes most important
things done first and
encourages direct
4.Think Win-Win
Encourages conflict resolution and helps
individual seek mutual benefit,increasing
group momentum
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
Helps people understand problems, resulting
in targeted solutions; promotes better
communications,leading to successful
problem solving.
6. Synergize
Ensures grater “Buy-in” from team members
and leverages the diversity of individuals to
increase levels of success
7. Sharpen the Saw
Promotes Continuous improvements and
safeguard individual against “burn-out” and
subsequent non productivity
Summary –Mark the Word in Red they mean Action
Arvind Rai
Astrology & Vastu Expert
+91 7709240111

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The 7 habits

  • 1. Conducted by: Franklin Covey South Asia Duration : 3 days - Feb -2004 Facilitators : Rajan Kaicker & Sherrif Thaver THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 2. Franklin Covey is an international organization devoted to empowering People to become significantly more effective in their personal, interpersonal,managerial and organizational lives. It is supported by variety of products and programs. The 7 Habits is a Synergistic product of many minds. It began in the middle seventies as Dr.Covey was reviewing 200 years of success literature as part of a doctoral program. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 3. Objective : Share the Learning from 3 days training :  A STAR  EBA & PBA  Overview of 7 Habits  Principles and Values & P/PC  Trust and Trustworthiness  Development of Habits  4 Levels of Leadership  The Maturity Continuum  Basic Change Model  Third person teaching  Habit 1 to Habit 7 THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 4. A S T A R A S A R T  Attend Study  Teach  Apply  Reinforce/Repeat THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 5. THE EMOTIONAL BANK ACCOUNT- (EBA/PBA) The Emotional Bank Account is a metaphor for the amount of trust that exists in a relationship. It is suggested that every interaction with another human being may be classified as a deposit or a withdrawal.Deposit build and repair relationships. Withdrawals lessen trust in relationship. DEPOSITS & WITHDRAWALS Kindness and Courtesy Unkindness and Discourtesy Keeping Promises Breaking Promises Honoring Expectations Violating Expectations Loyalty to the Absent Disloyalty, Duplicity Making Apologies Pride,conceit, Arrogance “ You can’t talk your way out of the problems You behaved Yourself into” Stephen R Covey THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 6. Private Victory : HABIT- 1,2 & 3 We experience the Private Victory when we Learn self-mastery and Self-Discipline. 1.Be Proactive Fosters Courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve goals 2.Begin with the End in Mind Brings projects to completion and unites teams and organizations under shared vision,mission and purpose. 3. Put First Things First Promotes most important things done first and encourages direct effectiveness. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 7. Public Victory: Habits 4,5,6 & 7 We Reap the Public Victory When We build deep,lasting, highly effective relationships with Other people. 4.Think Win-Win Encourages conflict resolution and helps individual seek mutual benefit,increasing group momentum 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be understood Helps people understand problems, resulting in targeted solutions; promotes better communications,leading to successful problem solving. 6. Synergize Ensures grater “Buy-in” from team members and leverages the diversity of individuals to increase levels of success 7. Sharpen the Saw Promotes Continuous improvements and safeguard individual against “burn-out” and subsequent non productivity THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 8. INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDECE DEPENDENCE Habit1 Be Proactive Habit 2 Begin with the end in Mind Habit 3 Put First things First Habit 5 Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Habit 6 Synergies Habit 4 Think Win-Win PUBLIC VICTORY PRIVATE VICTORY Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw THE MATURITY CONTINUUM
  • 9. PRINCIPLES Natural Laws or Fundamental Truths  Universal & Timeless  Produce predictable outcomes  External to ourselves  Operate with or without our understanding or acceptance Self evident and enabling when understood VALUES The worth or Priority We place on people,things, ideas or principles  Self Chosen  Internal,subjective, based on how we see the world  Influenced by upbringing,society and personal reflection. “We are not in control, principles control. We control our actions,but the consequences that flows from these actions are controlled by principles.” - Stephen R Covey THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 10. P / PC. Production and Production Capability Effectiveness is balance between two things : Production The Desired results produced. (the golden eggs,P) Production Capability Maintaining,preserving and enhancing the resources that produce the desired results. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 11. CHRACTER AND PERSONALITY The relationship between character and personality can be illustrated with iceberg. The Tip of the iceberg (personality) is what people first see. Although image, techniques, and skills can influence your outward success, the weight of real effectiveness lies in good character. CHARATER PERSONALITY THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 12. Character/Competence /Trust / Trustworthiness Character : A person with high character exhibits integrity,maturity, and an Abundance Mentality Competence : A Person with high competence has knowledge and ability in a given area To be truly effective in any area, a person must have a balance of high character and high competence. As people balance these two elements, they build their personal trust worthiness and their trust with others. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 13. Developing Habits The Habit is defined as intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire. Knowledge is understanding What to Do and Why to do it; Skills is knowing how to do it; desire is motivation or wanting to do it. To make habit, We need to develop all three component. KNOWLEDGE (What to, Why to) DESIRE (Want to) SKILLS (how to) HABITS THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 14. Basic Change Model The results We achieve are affected by Several key elements specified in the model below. As We look at and work on these elements in light of principles, we can change the results we achieve Each of Seven Habits is based upon and incorporates one or more: 1. Principles upon which the habits based. 2. Paradigms that are aligned with principles. 3. Process or thoughts and behaviors that affect the results we achieve. SEE DOGET THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 15. CHANGE . . .  Challenges our paradigms  Alters the way we think  Makes life more difficult for a while  Causes Stress  Is an ongoing fact of life Changing Environment “The only person who always likes change is a wet baby”
  • 16. Four Levels of Leadership The Seven habits apply at all levels of leadership (Personal,interpersonal, managerial, and organizational). As you work from in side out by building your personal trustworthiness, you create trust on an interpersonal level and improve relationships. As trust is built, you can confidently empower individuals and groups with in the organization to produce desired results. With empower individuals organization can align its system and structure better with the corporate mission and with strategy to meet stakeholders needs. Alignment, then, contributes to greater empowerment and higher trust. P M O I Personal-Trustworthiness Interpersonal- Trust Managerial- Empowerment Organizational -Alignment THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 17. Third Person Teaching ….. When People share learning with another person, they practice Three-person Teaching. First Person Second Person Third Person First person is the The Second person teaches The Third person received one who shares knowledge new knowledge to third person added- value knowledge with second person using process of Capture,expand, apply THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 18. HABIT :1 : Be Proactive ( Habit of Personal Vision) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Individuals are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to choose. Key Paradigms “ I am responsible for my behavior and the choices I make in life” “ I can expand my personal freedom and influence through being proactive” Key Processes • Recognize reactive tendencies and develop proactive responses. • Increase your circle of influence. • Become a transition figure to benefit yourself and others. • Exercise the human endowment through conscious choice in decision making THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 19. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 21.  GENETIC: My Grandparents did it to me. (Inherited traits)  PSYCHIC: My Parents did it to me. (Upbringing)  ENVIRONMENTAL: My Spouse, my Boss, the Company, the Economy, etc.. is doing this to me. (Surroundings) Determinism Theory THEORIES OF DETERMINISM Reactive people blame their attitude and behavior on things they think they cannot control. They respond to stimulus, often attributing their behavior to three determinants
  • 22. I am responsible . . . . . . for who I am . . . for what I have . . . for what I do So . . . Accept Responsibility
  • 23. THE FOUR MAIN HUMAN ENDOWMENTS Proactive People exercise four endowments: Self- Awareness - Examining thoughts, moods, and behaviors. Imagination - Visualizing beyond experience and present reality Conscience - Understanding right and wrong, and following personal Integrity . Independent Will - Acting independent of external influence. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 24. FOCUSING ON THE CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE Circle of Influence - A persons circle of influence includes those things he or she can affect directly. Circle of Concern- A person’s Circle of concern comprises all matters about which he or she cares. Circle of Influence Circle of Concern “You can Choose your actions, but you cannot Choose the consequences. They are governed by natural laws or principles.” Proactive Focus Circle of Influence Increases Reactive Focus Circle of Influence Decreases Proactive “I choose to go” “I control my own Feelings” “Lets explore alternatives” “ I Can” Reactive “I have to to go” “He Makes me so mad ” “There is nothing I can do. “ If only” THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 25. HABIT :2 : Begin with the End in Mind ( The Habit of Personal Leadership) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Mental Creation precedes Physical creation. Key Paradigms “ I can choose my own future and create vision for it” “ I will create results mentally before beginning any activity” Key Processes • Create and apply personal and organizational mission statements as constitution for daily living. •Envision the desired results and Important values to guide activities or endeavors. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 26. HABIT :2 : Begin with the End in Mind ( The Habit of Personal Leadership) .Our Vision Shapes our Future One of the most Important outcome of Habit 2 : Begin with the end in mind is mental creation - the Plan, design, and layout for who we want to be and what we want to do as individuals and organizations. Computer Metaphor HABIT 1 Says you are a Programmer. HABIT 2 Says write the program.  Choosing A Life Center: A” Center” is what guides our decisions and motivates us to act . Whether consciously or unknowingly, our center drives the choices we make. Family, Money, Possessions, work, Pleasure, Friend,Enemy, Religious organization,Self, Spouse. PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: A Powerful document that expresses your personal sense of purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose behaviors. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 27. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 28. HABIT :3 : Put First Things First- ( The Habit of Personal Management) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Effectiveness requires balancing of important relationships,roles, and activities. Key Paradigms “Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matters least.” “I will improve P/PC Balance within my circle of Influence” “I will focus on Importance instead of urgency” “I fulfill my mission by acting on important goals in my key roles.” Key Processes • Focus on the truly important and say no to the unimportant. • Focus on Quadrant II activities • Plan weekly and implement daily based on your mission, roles, goals, and THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 29. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 30. HABIT :3 : Put First Things First- ( The Habit of Personal Management) The Six Step Process Habit 3 Involves 6 steps,Quadrant II process that will help you act on the basis of Importance. Importance, in the context of Put first Thing First,is defined by mission statement and confirmed by your conscience. The Six steps can be used in weekly planning or as often needed. 1. Connect to Mission 2. Review Roles 3. Identify Goals 4. Organize Weekly 5.Exercise Integrity 6. Evaluate THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 31. How to Change Your Attitude ATTITUDE ATTITUDE Changes happen personally from the INSIDE OUT!
  • 32. Negative world view YOU FROM THE INSIDE . . . OUT!ATTITUDE Take Control
  • 33. How to Change Your Thinking THINKING Changes come from observing logically in every situation
  • 34. Observe Your Thinking THINKING This is all very interesting Tomorrow it will look very different.
  • 35. This is going to be a wonderful day! This is going to be a crappy day! Manage Your Self-Talk If you think you Can, or you think you Can’t… YOU’RE RIGHT! Henry Ford THINKING
  • 36. How to Change Your Behavior BEHAVIOR BEHAVIOR Changes take true assessment, determination & discipline
  • 37. INFLUENCE YOUR ENVIRONMENT! • Sprinkle some “positive” on the negatives • Focus on the good of each day • Stay out of the “feeding frenzies” • Say “please” and “thank you” • Practice EMPATHY • Evaluate YOUR behavior • Never miss an opportunity to compliments • Spread a SMILE around Check What You can Pick up from this list BEHAVIOR
  • 38. HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Effective long term relationship requires mutual benefit. Key Paradigms “ I seek the benefit of others as well as my own.” “ I get better results in my relationships by co-operating interdependently than by completing independently.” Key Processes • Balance courage and consideration in seeking mutual benefit. • Persist in looking for win-win outcomes despite past win-lose conditioning THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 39. HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal leadership) SIX PARADIGM OF HUMAN INTERACTION WIN-WIN( Win-Win Paradigm , take a time to search for solutions that will make you happy and simultaneously satisfy others). • Seek mutual benefit • Is cooperative, not competitive • Listens more, stays in communication longer, and communicates with more courage WIN-LOSE ( Win-Lose Paradigm , mindset with yourself first and last. Achievement of success at the expense or exclusion of another’ success. Driven by comparison, competition, position,.power). • Is very common scripting for most people • Is authoritarian approach • Uses position,power,credentials,possessions, or personality to get the “win” THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 40. HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal leadership) LOSE-WIN (Lose- Win Paradigm , high consideration for others,but lack the courage to express and act on their feelings.They are easily intimidated and borrow strength from acceptability and popularity). • Voices no standards, no demands, no expectations of anyone else • Is Quick to please or appease. • Buries a lot of feelings. LOSE-LOSE (Lose -Lose Paradigm, Low on courage and consideration. They envy and criticize others. They put themselves and others down). • Is the mindset of highly dependent person • Is the same as a “no win” because not body benefits • Is a Long-term result of win-lose,lose-win, or win THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 41. HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal leadership) THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People WIN( WIN Paradigm, Think only what they want.Thinking independently in a interdependent situations,without sensitivity or awareness of others). • Is self centered • Thinks “me first” • Doesn’t really care if the other person WIN-WIN or NO DEAL (WIN -WIN or No Deal Paradigm, Seek first for Win- Win. If they cannot find acceptable solution, they agree to disagree agreeably). • Allows each party to say no. • Is the most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business deal. • Is the highest form of “Win”
  • 42. HABIT :4 : Think Win-Win- (The Habit of Interpersonal leadership) Win-Win is a frame of mind that seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Four Dimensions of Win-Win 1.Character 2. Relationship 3.Agreement 4. Systems and processes - Integrity to Feeling values and commitments - Maturity ideas and feeling of others - Abundance Mentality that there is plenty for every one. What Win-Win Is and Is Not Is Is Not A courageous effort Always being “nice” The best way to get to Always achievable. Interdependent relationship. A Philosophy of human interactions A manipulative techniques supported by an abundance mentality. A character-based code for interactions. A personality based thought pattern THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 43. HABIT :5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood- ( The Habit of Empathic Communication) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Diagnosis must precede prescription Understanding comes through listening. Key Paradigms “ I assume I don’t fully understand, and I need to listen.” “ If I listen first to understand, then I will be better understood.” Key Processes • Use Empathic Listening Skills THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 44. HABIT :5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood- ( The Habit of Empathic Communication) Levels of Listening : Ignoring , Pretend listening, Selective Listening, Attentive Listening, Empathic Listening. Process: AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RESPONSES Advising- Giving counsel,advice, solutions to problems. Probing - Asking questions from our own frame of reference Interpreting- Explaining others motive based on our experience. Evaluating - Judging, and either agreeing or disagreeing. How to communicate:-Communication experts estimates that only 7% of our communication is represented by words we say, another 38% by our sounds and how we say the words, and 55 percent by our nonverbals and body language. “ The one Who Listens does the most work, not the one who speaks” - Stephen R Covey THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 45. HABIT :6 : Synergize - ( The Habit of Creative Cooperation) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Key Paradigms “ I value the differences in others and seek the Third alternative” “ Working together cooperatively takes time but produces better long term results.” Key Processes • Apply win-win thinking (Habit 4) and empathic communication (Habit 5) to seek synergistic outcomes, including the third alternative (Habit 6). • Use synergy ground rules to discover the Third Alternative. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 46. HABIT :6 : Synergize - ( The Habit of Creative Cooperation) In an interdependent relationship problems and opportunities can be addressed by synergizing. This process can lead to Synergy, or the Third alternative. •You Cannot make your point until you restate the other person’s point to his or her satisfaction. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 47. HABIT :7 : Sharpen the Saw - ( The Habit of Renewal) Principles, Paradigm, and processes An Underlying Principle Production (results) requires development of production Capability (resources) Key Paradigms “ I will increase my effectiveness through personal renewal in each of the four dimensions of my life “ “ I Will continuously Improve.” Key Processes •Constantly develop and renew personal resources to create better Personal P/PC balance . • Set and achieve goals for renewal in the physical, mental,spiritual, and social/emotional dimensions. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 48. HABIT :7 : Sharpen the Saw - ( The Habit of Renewal) Four Dimensions of Renewal •Physical We build physical wellness through proper nutrition,exercise,rest, and stress management. • Mental We increase mental capacity through reading,writing, and thinking. • Spiritual We develop spiritually through reading inspiring literature, through meditating and praying, and through spending time with nature. • Social/Emotional We mature socially and emotionally by making consistent, daily deposits in the Emotional Bank Account of our key relationships. THE 7 Habits of Highly effective People
  • 49. 1.Be Proactive Fosters Courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve goals 2.Begin with the End in Mind Brings projects to completion and unites teams and organizations under shared vision,mission and purpose. 3. Put First Things First Promotes most important things done first and encourages direct effectiveness. 4.Think Win-Win Encourages conflict resolution and helps individual seek mutual benefit,increasing group momentum 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be understood Helps people understand problems, resulting in targeted solutions; promotes better communications,leading to successful problem solving. 6. Synergize Ensures grater “Buy-in” from team members and leverages the diversity of individuals to increase levels of success 7. Sharpen the Saw Promotes Continuous improvements and safeguard individual against “burn-out” and subsequent non productivity Summary –Mark the Word in Red they mean Action
  • 50. www.thedestinymaker.com Arvind Rai Astrology & Vastu Expert +91 7709240111