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The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Presented by
Tania Aslam
Manager Relationships
Business Beam Pvt. Limited
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Introduction of Book
First published in 1989
Written by Stephen R. Covey
It’s still on the bestseller lists having sold some fifteen
million copies
Available in 38 languages around the world
This is one of the best-known leadership books
explains you set of guidelines to change you personally
and professionally
The Principles established in book are supposed to
help a person achieve true "effectiveness"
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
The book presents the principles in four sections.
Paradigms and Principles. Here, Covey introduces the basic foundation for
the creation of the habits.
Private Victory. Here, Covey introduces the first three habits intended to take
a person from dependence to independence, or one's ability to be self-reliant.
You must be able to win your private victories before you can start on your public
victories. If you start to win your public victories first, how can you feel good
about yourself and still work on habits.
Public Victory. Here, Covey introduces habits four through six which are
intended to lead to interdependence, the ability to align one's needs and desires
with those of other people and create effective relationships.
Renewal. Here, Covey introduces the final habit which directs the reader to
begin a process of self-improvement.
Paradigm and
Paradigm Shift
It is the lens through which we see the world -It is our POINT-OF-VIEW
Paradigm Shift:
The right way to change a person’s behavior is to change his/her paradigm. How
they define themselves? How they see their role? How they accept their
responsibilities and act accordingly?
We think we see the world as it is
We see the world as we were conditioned to see it
Paradigm and
Paradigm Shift
A New Level of Thinking:
The new level of thinking is what Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is
Its is Inside-Out Approach means to start first with self, even more
fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self- with your paradigm,
your character and your motives.
The Seven Habits
An Overview
“Intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.”
The Seven Habits
An Overview
Maturity Continuum:
•Seven Habits are not a set of separate formulas.
•It’s a highly integrated, incremental, sequential approach to
development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness which is in
harmony with the Natural Laws of Growth
•They move us progressively on maturity continuum from dependence to
The Seven Habits
An Overview
Be proactive
1 Begin with end
in mind
2Put 1st
things 1st
Think Win/Win4
Seek 1st to
5 Synergize
The saw
Seven Habits Paradigm
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
The Seven Habits Explained
The Seven Habits help us move through these three stages of personal
development. The first three take you from dependence to independence. The
next three usher you along to interdependence, and the seventh is needed to
reinforce the others.
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw
Be Proactive
Principles of Personal Vision
Underlying Principle
Individuals are responsible for their own
choices and have the freedom to choose.
Key Paradigm
“I am responsible for my behavior and the
choices I make in life.”
Be Proactive
Be Proactive
Habit We have 3 types of determinism:
 Genetic: What your ancestors did to you.
 Psychic: What your parents did to you.
 Environmental: Situations and people around you.
This isThis is okok forfor
not humans!!!not humans!!!
Stimulus Response
Reactive Model
Be Proactive
•As a human you always have the freedom to choose.
•Morals and behaviors are not inherited.
Stimulus Response
Freedom to
Proactive Model
•Proactive Model leads towards the responsibility
•Response-Ability i.e. ability to choose your response
Be Proactive
I choose to go
I control my own feelings
Let’s explore alternative
I have to go
He makes me so mad
There’s nothing I can do
Proactivity Defined
Proactivity. As human beings we are responsible
for our own lives.
Practice Vs Reactive People
Reactive people are driven by feelings,
circumstances, conditions, the environment.
Proactive people are driven by carefully
considered, selected and internalized values.
Proactive People: Taking the Initiative
Proactive People takes the initiative but Taking
the initiative does not mean being pushy,
obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean
recognizing our responsibility to make things
Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence
Proactive people focus their efforts in the
Circle of Influence.
Reactive people focus their efforts in the
Circle of Concern.
Be Proactive
How to become Proactive
The author says to imagine a circle that contains ALL the things you care about:
Inside of it, imagine a circle that contains ALL the things you can affect (do
something about):
Your goal is to either expand your ability to do something about the things you
care about…
Be Proactive
Problems fall in one of three areas:
Direct control: problems involving our own
Indirect control: problems involving the
behavior of others.
No control: problems we can do nothing
Changing our habits, changing our methods of
influence and changing the way we see our no
control problems are all within our Circle of
Be Proactive
Be Proactive
Begin with the
end in mind
Principles of Personal Leadership
Underlying Principle
All things are created twice
First Creation: Mental Creation
Second Creation: Physical Creation
Mental creation precedes physical creation.
Example: Construction of Home
Key Paradigm
“I can choose my own future and create a vision
of it.”
“I will create results mentally before beginning
any activity.”
Begin with the end in mind
Leadership and Management – The Two
Habit 2 is based on principles of personal
leadership, which means
Leadership: First Creation (Top Line)
Management : Second Creation (Bottom Line)
Leader: One who climbs the tallest tree, surveys
the entire situation, and yells “Wrong Jungle”
Management is doing things right, leadership is
doing the right things.
Often people get into managing with efficiency,
setting and achieving goals before they have even
clarified values.
Example: Business
Begin with the end in mind
Habit 1 says you are the programmer
Habit 2 says write the program
A Personal Mission Statement
The most effective way to begin with the end in
mind is to develop a personal mission statement.
“It focuses on what you want to be (Character)
and to do (Contributions and achievements) and
on the values or principles upon which being or
doing are based.”
Mission Statement of Rolfe Kerr
Mission Statement of Working Women
Begin with the end in mind
Benefits Personal Mission Statement
•Help as standards for an individual
•Helps in Major life-directing decisions
•Basis for making daily decisions
•Helps to follow changes (helps to become
proactive rather reactive in changing
•Provides basic direction in life from which you
can set your long and short-term goals
Begin with the end in mind
How to Write Personal Mission Statement
At the Center
Whatever is at the center of our life will be the
source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and
What is at the center of your life?
Alternative Centers
Spouse centeredness
Family centeredness
Money centeredness
Work centeredness
Possession centeredness
Pleasure centeredness
Friend/enemy centeredness
Church centeredness
Self centeredness
Begin with the end in mind
How to Write Personal Mission Statement
A Principle Center
Our lives need to be centered on correct
As a principle centered person, you try stand
apart from the emotions of situations and from
other factors to evaluate options.
Role and Goals based Mission Statement
Family Mission Statement
Organizational Mission Statement
Begin with the end in mind
Put First Things First
Underlying Principle
Effectiveness requires balancing important
relationships, roles, and activities.
Key Paradigm
“I will focus on importance instead of urgency.”
“I will fulfill my mission by acting on important
goals in my life.”
Put First Things First
Put First Things First
The time-leadership matrix
Q1: the stress quadrant
• This is the important and urgent quadrant.
• This is where you find the the crises, projects
close to their deadlines, urgent problems and
so on.
• The strategy: Do Now!
• It needs to be done, and it needs to be done
Q2: the value quadrant
• This is important, but not urgent.
• This is where you find education, working on
your vision, investing in people and so on.
• The strategy: Schedule time.
• It needs to be done, plan time to do it before
it gets urgent.
Put First Things First
Q3: the deception quadrant
• It is urgent, but not important.
• This is where you find most interruptions,
some meetings, other peoples chores.
• The strategy: Delegate.
• It needs to be done fast, but are you the one
that needs to do it?
Q4: the regret quadrant
• It neither important nor urgent
• This is where you find pass-times, some
phone calls (you know them), the “too much”
activities (too much television, too much
• The strategy: Eliminate
• And why were you doing this again?
Put First Things First
Effective People – Quadrant 2
•Effective people have genuine Quadrant 1
crises and emergencies that require their
immediate attention, but the number is
comparatively small.
•They focus on the important, but not urgent
activities of Quadrant 2.
•Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and
•Organize their life on Weekly Basis rather
than Daily Basis.
Put First Things First
How to become Quadrant 2 Self Manager:
• Identify roles
e.g. as family member – a husband or wife, mother or
father, son or daughter and so on. Similarly in work
environment list down your roles.
(Weekly Basis)
• Select goals
Think of two or three important results you feel you
should accomplish in each role during the next seven
days means again on weekly basis.
(at least some of these goals reflect Quadrant II
• Schedule
Then schedule the week ahead with your goals
• Adapt
With Quadrant II weekly organization, daily planning
become more a function of daily adapting.
Put First Things First
Think Win/Win
Think Win/Win
Principles of Personal Management
It is the habit of the 3rd alternative:
It is not my way,
it is not your way,
it is a better way
Six Paradigms of Human Interaction:
6.Win/Win or No Deal
Think Win/Win
Habit Five Dimensions of Win/Win
Character. The foundation of Win/Win
•Integrity (Comes from Habit 1, 2,3)
•Maturity (balance between feelings and
conviction of each other/both parties)
•Abundance Mentality (Plenty out there for
Relationships. Courtesy, respect and
appreciation for the other person and his point of
Agreements. Agreements that give definition
and direction to Win/Win. Also called as
performance or partnership agreements.
Elements of Agreements are as follows
Desired results
Think Win/Win
Habit Five Dimensions of Win/Win
Supportive Systems. Reward systems must
reflect the values of the mission statement.
Often the problems is in the system, not in the
people. You have to water the flower you want to
Processes. The route to Win/Win:
1. See the problem from another point of
2. Identify the key issues and concerns
3. Determine what results would constitute
a fully acceptable solution.
4. Identify possible new options to achieve
those results.
Seek First to
Understand, Then
to Be Understood
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Principles of Empathic Communication
Habit 5 is the first step in the process of
Example: Optometrist
Communication is the most important skill in life
If you want to interact effectively with me, to
influence me, you first need to understand me.
You have to build the skills of empathic listening
on a base of character that inspires openness and
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Empathic Listening
Most people either speak or prepare to speak or
listen to judge and criticize
Most people listen with the intent to reply.
When another person speaks, we are usually
'listening' at one of four levels:
selective listening
attentive listening
Very few of us ever practice the highest form of
listening – Empathic Listening
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Empathic Listening
Empathic Listening means “Listening with intent
to understand”.
Empathic (From Empathy) listening gets inside
another person’s frame of reference.
Empathy is not sympathy (which is a form of
agreement, a form of judgment)
So its doesn’t mean to agree with someone; its
fully, deeply understand the person, emotionally
as well as intellectually.
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Effective Empathic Listening
Communication Expert estimate that
Only 10 percent of our communication is
represented by the words we say, another
30 percent by our sounds, and 60 percent
by body language.
•So in empathic listening you listen with you ears,
but you also and more importantly, listen with
your eyes and with your heart.
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Diagnose Before You Prescribe
Diagnose before you prescribe is a correct
principle in many areas of life.
It is the mark of all true professionals
The amateur salesman sells products, the
professional salesman sells solutions to needs and
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Autobiographical Responses
Because we listen autobiographically (from the
perspective of our own paradigms), we tend to respond
in one of four ways:
We evaluate (agree or disagree)
We probe (ask question from our own frame of
We advise (according to our own experience)
We interpret (based on our own motives &
The language of logic is different from the language of
sentiment and emotion.
As long as responses are logical, we are at liberty to ask
questions and give counsel. The moment responses
become emotional, empathic listening is necessary.
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Exercising Empathic Listening
Empathic listening involves four developmental
mimic content
rephrase the content
reflect feeling
rephrase the content and reflect the feeling
Empathic listening enables us to turn
transactional opportunities into transformational
The key to empathic listening is to genuinely seek
the welfare of the individual to whom you are
Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood
Seek to be Understood – Second part of Habit 5
Knowing how to be understood is the other half of
Habit 5 and is crucial in reaching Win/Win
The essence of making effective presentations:
Ethos -- your personal credibility.
Pathos -- the empathic side.
Logos -- the logic.
When you can present your own ideas clearly,
specifically, visually and in the context of the
paradigms of your audience, you significantly
increase the credibility of your ideas.
Principles of Creative Cooperation
The exercise of all the other habits prepares us for
the habit of synergy.
When you communicate synergistically, you are
simply opening your mind and heart and expressions
to new possibilities new alternatives, new opti0ns.
The essence of synergy is to:
Value differences
Respect others
Build on strength
Compromise for weakness
Synergy and Communication
The lowest level of communication coming
out of low trust situations is characterized by
defensiveness, protectiveness, and legalistic
language which covers all the bases and spells
out qualifiers and escape clauses in the event
things go sour.
The middle level of communication is
respectful communication -- where fairly
mature people communicate.
The highest level of communication is
synergistic (win/win) communication.
Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Lose)
Respectful (Compromise)
Fishing for the Third Alternative
It means to back and forth until you come up
with a solution that both parties feel good
Its better than the solutions either of both
parties originally proposed.
Its better than compromise.
Instead of transaction, it’s a transformation.
Value the differences
Valuing the differences is the essence of
The truly effective person has the humility
and reverence to recognize his own perceptual
limitations and to realize the rich resources
available through interaction with the hearts
and minds of other people.
If two people have the same opinion, one
person is unnecessary.
Sharpen the Saw
Sharpen the Saw
Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal
Habit 7 is taking the time to sharpen the saw.
This is definitely a Quadrant II activity.
Four Dimensions of Renewal
1. Physical
2. Spiritual
3. Mental
4. Social
Sharpen the Saw
Synergy, empathy
Family activities,
Social activities
Religious activities,
Exercise, nutrition
Stress management
Four Dimensions of Renewal
Sharpen the Saw
The Physical Dimension
Involves caring effectively for our physical
Exercise is a Quadrant II, high-leverage
activity that most of us don't do consistently
because it isn't urgent.
Three areas are necessary:
Endurance comes from aerobic exercise
Flexibility comes through stretching
Strength comes from muscle resistance
Sharpen the Saw
The Spiritual Dimension
The spiritual dimension is your core, your
center, your commitment to your value system.
Spiritual renewal is a Quadrant II investment
of time that we really can't afford to neglect.
A personal mission statement enables us to
have an understanding of our purpose which
we can review frequently.
Sharpen the Saw
The Mental Dimension
Surveys indicate that the television is on in
most homes thirty- five to forty hours per
Reading good literature on a regular basis is a
good way to renew your mind.
Keeping a journal of our thoughts,
experiences, and insights is also beneficial.
Sharpen the Saw
The Social Dimension
This area of our lives is primarily developed in
our relationships with others.
We can help script others as principle-
centered, value-based, independent,
worthwhile individuals.
Balance in Renewal
The self-renewal process must include
balanced renewal in all four dimensions of our
This is true for organizations as well as for
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Be responsible, don’t blame others
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
Start with a clear mental image of your destination
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Focus on preserving and enhancing relationships and on accomplishing
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Implies understanding that without cooperation, the organization cannot
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Requires a nonjudgmental attitude. Emphatic listening gets inside another
person’s frame of reference
Habit 6: Synergize
Synergy is the combined action that occurs when people work together to
create new alternatives and solutions. The essence of synergy is to value and
respect differences
Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw
Process of using and continuously renewing the physical, mental, spiritual,
and social aspects of life
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
•The seven habits is all about paradigm shift.The seven habits is all about paradigm shift.
•This is not easy. You need:This is not easy. You need:
•This is the way for a proper life, so do not ever give up.This is the way for a proper life, so do not ever give up.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  • 1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Presented by Tania Aslam Manager Relationships Business Beam Pvt. Limited
  • 2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Introduction of Book First published in 1989 Written by Stephen R. Covey It’s still on the bestseller lists having sold some fifteen million copies Available in 38 languages around the world This is one of the best-known leadership books explains you set of guidelines to change you personally and professionally The Principles established in book are supposed to help a person achieve true "effectiveness"
  • 3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The book presents the principles in four sections. Paradigms and Principles. Here, Covey introduces the basic foundation for the creation of the habits. Private Victory. Here, Covey introduces the first three habits intended to take a person from dependence to independence, or one's ability to be self-reliant. You must be able to win your private victories before you can start on your public victories. If you start to win your public victories first, how can you feel good about yourself and still work on habits. Public Victory. Here, Covey introduces habits four through six which are intended to lead to interdependence, the ability to align one's needs and desires with those of other people and create effective relationships. Renewal. Here, Covey introduces the final habit which directs the reader to begin a process of self-improvement.
  • 4. Paradigm and Paradigm Shift Paradigm: It is the lens through which we see the world -It is our POINT-OF-VIEW Paradigm Shift: The right way to change a person’s behavior is to change his/her paradigm. How they define themselves? How they see their role? How they accept their responsibilities and act accordingly? We think we see the world as it is NO We see the world as we were conditioned to see it
  • 5. Paradigm and Paradigm Shift A New Level of Thinking: The new level of thinking is what Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is about. Its is Inside-Out Approach means to start first with self, even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self- with your paradigm, your character and your motives.
  • 6. The Seven Habits An Overview Habit: “Intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.”
  • 7. The Seven Habits An Overview Maturity Continuum: •Seven Habits are not a set of separate formulas. •It’s a highly integrated, incremental, sequential approach to development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness which is in harmony with the Natural Laws of Growth •They move us progressively on maturity continuum from dependence to interdependence.
  • 8. The Seven Habits An Overview Dependence Public Victory Private Victory Independence Interdependence Be proactive 1 Begin with end in mind 2Put 1st things 1st 3 Think Win/Win4 Seek 1st to Understand .. 5 Synergize 6 Sharpen The saw 7 Seven Habits Paradigm
  • 9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The Seven Habits Explained The Seven Habits help us move through these three stages of personal development. The first three take you from dependence to independence. The next three usher you along to interdependence, and the seventh is needed to reinforce the others. 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw
  • 11. Principles of Personal Vision Underlying Principle Individuals are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to choose. Key Paradigm “I am responsible for my behavior and the choices I make in life.” Be Proactive Habit
  • 12. Be Proactive Habit We have 3 types of determinism:  Genetic: What your ancestors did to you.  Psychic: What your parents did to you.  Environmental: Situations and people around you. This isThis is okok forfor AnimalsAnimals not humans!!!not humans!!! Stimulus Response Reactive Model
  • 13. Be Proactive Habit •As a human you always have the freedom to choose. •Morals and behaviors are not inherited. Stimulus Response Proactive Freedom to Choose Proactive Model •Proactive Model leads towards the responsibility •Response-Ability i.e. ability to choose your response
  • 14. Be Proactive Habit Proactive I choose to go I control my own feelings Let’s explore alternative Reactive I have to go He makes me so mad There’s nothing I can do Proactivity Defined Proactivity. As human beings we are responsible for our own lives. Practice Vs Reactive People Reactive people are driven by feelings, circumstances, conditions, the environment. Proactive people are driven by carefully considered, selected and internalized values.
  • 15. Proactive People: Taking the Initiative Proactive People takes the initiative but Taking the initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean recognizing our responsibility to make things happen. Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern. Be Proactive Habit
  • 16. How to become Proactive The author says to imagine a circle that contains ALL the things you care about: Inside of it, imagine a circle that contains ALL the things you can affect (do something about): Your goal is to either expand your ability to do something about the things you care about… Be Proactive Habit
  • 17. Problems fall in one of three areas: Direct control: problems involving our own behavior. Indirect control: problems involving the behavior of others. No control: problems we can do nothing about Changing our habits, changing our methods of influence and changing the way we see our no control problems are all within our Circle of Influence. Be Proactive Habit
  • 20. Principles of Personal Leadership Underlying Principle All things are created twice First Creation: Mental Creation Second Creation: Physical Creation Mental creation precedes physical creation. Example: Construction of Home Key Paradigm “I can choose my own future and create a vision of it.” “I will create results mentally before beginning any activity.” Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 21. Leadership and Management – The Two Creations Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means Leadership: First Creation (Top Line) Management : Second Creation (Bottom Line) Leader: One who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells “Wrong Jungle” Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things. Often people get into managing with efficiency, setting and achieving goals before they have even clarified values. Example: Business Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 22. Habit 1 says you are the programmer Habit 2 says write the program A Personal Mission Statement The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement. “It focuses on what you want to be (Character) and to do (Contributions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being or doing are based.” Examples: Mission Statement of Rolfe Kerr Mission Statement of Working Women Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 23. Benefits Personal Mission Statement •Help as standards for an individual •Helps in Major life-directing decisions •Basis for making daily decisions •Helps to follow changes (helps to become proactive rather reactive in changing environment) •Provides basic direction in life from which you can set your long and short-term goals Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 24. How to Write Personal Mission Statement At the Center Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power. What is at the center of your life? Alternative Centers Spouse centeredness Family centeredness Money centeredness Work centeredness Possession centeredness Pleasure centeredness Friend/enemy centeredness Church centeredness Self centeredness Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 25. How to Write Personal Mission Statement A Principle Center Our lives need to be centered on correct principles As a principle centered person, you try stand apart from the emotions of situations and from other factors to evaluate options. Role and Goals based Mission Statement Family Mission Statement Organizational Mission Statement Begin with the end in mind Habit
  • 27. Underlying Principle Effectiveness requires balancing important relationships, roles, and activities. Key Paradigm “I will focus on importance instead of urgency.” “I will fulfill my mission by acting on important goals in my life.” Put First Things First Habit
  • 28. Put First Things First Habit The time-leadership matrix
  • 29. Q1: the stress quadrant • This is the important and urgent quadrant. • This is where you find the the crises, projects close to their deadlines, urgent problems and so on. • The strategy: Do Now! • It needs to be done, and it needs to be done fast! Q2: the value quadrant • This is important, but not urgent. • This is where you find education, working on your vision, investing in people and so on. • The strategy: Schedule time. • It needs to be done, plan time to do it before it gets urgent. Put First Things First Habit
  • 30. Q3: the deception quadrant • It is urgent, but not important. • This is where you find most interruptions, some meetings, other peoples chores. • The strategy: Delegate. • It needs to be done fast, but are you the one that needs to do it? Q4: the regret quadrant • It neither important nor urgent • This is where you find pass-times, some phone calls (you know them), the “too much” activities (too much television, too much internet). • The strategy: Eliminate • And why were you doing this again? Put First Things First Habit
  • 31. Effective People – Quadrant 2 •Effective people have genuine Quadrant 1 crises and emergencies that require their immediate attention, but the number is comparatively small. •They focus on the important, but not urgent activities of Quadrant 2. •Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV. •Organize their life on Weekly Basis rather than Daily Basis. Put First Things First Habit
  • 32. How to become Quadrant 2 Self Manager: • Identify roles e.g. as family member – a husband or wife, mother or father, son or daughter and so on. Similarly in work environment list down your roles. (Weekly Basis) • Select goals Think of two or three important results you feel you should accomplish in each role during the next seven days means again on weekly basis. (at least some of these goals reflect Quadrant II activities) • Schedule Then schedule the week ahead with your goals • Adapt With Quadrant II weekly organization, daily planning become more a function of daily adapting. Put First Things First Habit
  • 34. Think Win/Win Habit Principles of Personal Management It is the habit of the 3rd alternative: It is not my way, it is not your way, it is a better way Six Paradigms of Human Interaction: 1.Win/Win 2.Lose/Lose 3.Win/Lose 4.Win 5.Lose/Win 6.Win/Win or No Deal
  • 35. Think Win/Win Habit Five Dimensions of Win/Win Character. The foundation of Win/Win •Integrity (Comes from Habit 1, 2,3) •Maturity (balance between feelings and conviction of each other/both parties) •Abundance Mentality (Plenty out there for everyone) Relationships. Courtesy, respect and appreciation for the other person and his point of view. Agreements. Agreements that give definition and direction to Win/Win. Also called as performance or partnership agreements. Elements of Agreements are as follows Desired results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences
  • 36. Think Win/Win Habit Five Dimensions of Win/Win Supportive Systems. Reward systems must reflect the values of the mission statement. Often the problems is in the system, not in the people. You have to water the flower you want to grow. Processes. The route to Win/Win: 1. See the problem from another point of view. 2. Identify the key issues and concerns involved. 3. Determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution. 4. Identify possible new options to achieve those results.
  • 37. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  • 38. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Principles of Empathic Communication Habit 5 is the first step in the process of Win/Win. Example: Optometrist Communication is the most important skill in life If you want to interact effectively with me, to influence me, you first need to understand me. You have to build the skills of empathic listening on a base of character that inspires openness and trust. Habit
  • 39. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Empathic Listening Most people either speak or prepare to speak or listen to judge and criticize Most people listen with the intent to reply. When another person speaks, we are usually 'listening' at one of four levels: ignoring pretending selective listening attentive listening Very few of us ever practice the highest form of listening – Empathic Listening Habit
  • 40. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Empathic Listening Empathic Listening means “Listening with intent to understand”. Empathic (From Empathy) listening gets inside another person’s frame of reference. Empathy is not sympathy (which is a form of agreement, a form of judgment) So its doesn’t mean to agree with someone; its fully, deeply understand the person, emotionally as well as intellectually. Habit
  • 41. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Effective Empathic Listening Communication Expert estimate that Only 10 percent of our communication is represented by the words we say, another 30 percent by our sounds, and 60 percent by body language. •So in empathic listening you listen with you ears, but you also and more importantly, listen with your eyes and with your heart. Habit
  • 42. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Diagnose Before You Prescribe Diagnose before you prescribe is a correct principle in many areas of life. It is the mark of all true professionals The amateur salesman sells products, the professional salesman sells solutions to needs and problems. Habit
  • 43. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Autobiographical Responses Because we listen autobiographically (from the perspective of our own paradigms), we tend to respond in one of four ways: We evaluate (agree or disagree) We probe (ask question from our own frame of reference) We advise (according to our own experience) We interpret (based on our own motives & behaviors) The language of logic is different from the language of sentiment and emotion. As long as responses are logical, we are at liberty to ask questions and give counsel. The moment responses become emotional, empathic listening is necessary. Habit
  • 44. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Exercising Empathic Listening Empathic listening involves four developmental stages mimic content rephrase the content reflect feeling rephrase the content and reflect the feeling Empathic listening enables us to turn transactional opportunities into transformational opportunities. The key to empathic listening is to genuinely seek the welfare of the individual to whom you are listening. Habit
  • 45. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Seek to be Understood – Second part of Habit 5 Knowing how to be understood is the other half of Habit 5 and is crucial in reaching Win/Win solutions. The essence of making effective presentations: Ethos -- your personal credibility. Pathos -- the empathic side. Logos -- the logic. When you can present your own ideas clearly, specifically, visually and in the context of the paradigms of your audience, you significantly increase the credibility of your ideas. Habit
  • 47. Synergize Principles of Creative Cooperation The exercise of all the other habits prepares us for the habit of synergy. When you communicate synergistically, you are simply opening your mind and heart and expressions to new possibilities new alternatives, new opti0ns. The essence of synergy is to: Value differences Respect others Build on strength Compromise for weakness Habit
  • 48. Synergize Synergy and Communication The lowest level of communication coming out of low trust situations is characterized by defensiveness, protectiveness, and legalistic language which covers all the bases and spells out qualifiers and escape clauses in the event things go sour. The middle level of communication is respectful communication -- where fairly mature people communicate. The highest level of communication is synergistic (win/win) communication. Habit
  • 49. SynergizeHabit LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION COOPERATION TRUST Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Lose) Respectful (Compromise) Synergize (Win/Win)
  • 50. Synergize Fishing for the Third Alternative It means to back and forth until you come up with a solution that both parties feel good about. Its better than the solutions either of both parties originally proposed. Its better than compromise. Instead of transaction, it’s a transformation. Habit
  • 51. Synergize Value the differences Valuing the differences is the essence of synergy. The truly effective person has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perceptual limitations and to realize the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other people. If two people have the same opinion, one person is unnecessary. Habit
  • 53. Sharpen the Saw Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal Habit 7 is taking the time to sharpen the saw. This is definitely a Quadrant II activity. Four Dimensions of Renewal 1. Physical 2. Spiritual 3. Mental 4. Social Habit
  • 54. Sharpen the Saw Habit RENEWAL Social/Emotional Synergy, empathy Family activities, Social activities Spiritual Religious activities, Prayers Physical Exercise, nutrition Stress management Mental Reading, Planning, Visualizing Four Dimensions of Renewal
  • 55. Sharpen the Saw The Physical Dimension Involves caring effectively for our physical body. Exercise is a Quadrant II, high-leverage activity that most of us don't do consistently because it isn't urgent. Three areas are necessary: Endurance comes from aerobic exercise Flexibility comes through stretching Strength comes from muscle resistance exercises. Habit
  • 56. Sharpen the Saw The Spiritual Dimension The spiritual dimension is your core, your center, your commitment to your value system. Spiritual renewal is a Quadrant II investment of time that we really can't afford to neglect. A personal mission statement enables us to have an understanding of our purpose which we can review frequently. Habit
  • 57. Sharpen the Saw The Mental Dimension Surveys indicate that the television is on in most homes thirty- five to forty hours per week. Reading good literature on a regular basis is a good way to renew your mind. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, experiences, and insights is also beneficial. Habit
  • 58. Sharpen the Saw The Social Dimension This area of our lives is primarily developed in our relationships with others. We can help script others as principle- centered, value-based, independent, worthwhile individuals. Balance in Renewal The self-renewal process must include balanced renewal in all four dimensions of our lives. This is true for organizations as well as for individuals. Habit
  • 59. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary Habit 1: Be Proactive Be responsible, don’t blame others Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind Start with a clear mental image of your destination Habit 3: Put First Things First Focus on preserving and enhancing relationships and on accomplishing results Habit 4: Think Win-Win Implies understanding that without cooperation, the organization cannot succeed
  • 60. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood Requires a nonjudgmental attitude. Emphatic listening gets inside another person’s frame of reference Habit 6: Synergize Synergy is the combined action that occurs when people work together to create new alternatives and solutions. The essence of synergy is to value and respect differences Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw Process of using and continuously renewing the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of life
  • 61. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Finally •The seven habits is all about paradigm shift.The seven habits is all about paradigm shift. •This is not easy. You need:This is not easy. You need: PatiencePatience CourageCourage WillWill ConsistencyConsistency •This is the way for a proper life, so do not ever give up.This is the way for a proper life, so do not ever give up.