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COP17 Durban Dialogue
6 December 2011 | Durban Botanic Gardens
Summary Report
Participants agreed that to avert the worst of climate change we
must develop new models for channelling private sector resources
and entrepreneurial drive towards a more climate resilient economy.
Governments must support this with regulatory policy change and
financiers commit the significant investments required to scaling new
technologies and solutions for impact.
Three months later in December the B4E Durban Dialogue was
convened during the UNFCCC COP17, with over 300 international
decision makers committing to “Powering Ahead towards a Clean
Industry Revolution”. The dialogue moved beyond carbon, taking
a more comprehensive approach to climate change; highlighting
opportunities and innovation in natural resource efficiency and
sustainable consumption and production.
Delegates shared new ideas, discussed acceleration and addressed
global perspectives on a clean industrial revolution that will deliver
transformative change for society and our planet. In closing the B4E
Durban Dialogue, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a
higher level of collaboration between business, government and NGOs,
working together for real action on climate change.
In September 2011 the 2nd B4E Climate Summit
was convened in London. Business leaders from 26
countries called for greater action by governments to
support industry solutions to climate change.
COP17 Durban Dialogue
Opening Statements	
Andrew Steer, Special Envoy for Climate Change, The World Bank 	 2
Morné du Plessis, CEO, WWF – South Africa 	 2
Mark Kenber, CEO, The Climate Group 	 3
Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD 	 3
HM Nerurkar, Managing Director, Tata Steel	 4
James Leape, Director General WWF International	 4
Leadership perspective
Xie Ping, President, GCL Solar System and Solar Energy Ltd	 5
Arun Bharat Ram, Chairman, SRF Ltd 	 5
Plenary discussion panel	
Revolutionising business to deliver sustainable growth	 6
Plenary discussion panel	
Beyond carbon – Curbing climate change, creating opportunity	 7
Business message from South African CEOs	 8
Sir David King, Director, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment 	 9
Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico	 9
Ban Ki Moon , Secretary-General, United Nations	 10
Andrew Steer
Special Envoy for Climate Change
The World Bank
Morné du Plessis
WWF – South Africa
In the decade 2015-2025, 10 trillion dollars will be
invested every year in developing countries. This
investment needs to be greened. Doing things
greener will cost more in the short run . Additional
help is needed from the public funds of developed
countries and private investors. Of the 10 trillion
dollars invested per year, 60% of this is private.
The Green Fund, which we’re very
optimistic about, includes plans for a
facility to engage the private sector,
which is very important.
This is the make or break decade – the decade where
if we do not make progress, we simply will fail over
the long term. The hopeful picture is that we are
seeing innovation like we’ve never seen before;
the problem is that it doesn’t add up to anywhere
near enough. We don’t need to start from scratch.
We need to learn from remarkable successes, and
negotiators need to put in the frameworks to
accelerate this.
By 2050, there will be more human beings living
in one instant than cumulatively in human history.
Securing sufficient food, water and energy for all is
a real and impending challenge. By 2020, Africa’s
ability to grow crops is projected to be just half of
what it is today. Though as individuals some of us
may be better able to buffer ourselves against the
coming crises, we are all bounded together from our
shared humanity. The science on climate change is
crystal clear but politics is still out of step with
the evidence.
Science has demonstrated that we can
reduce emissions to the required level
with the technologies available.
We need business to lead the way in demonstrating
that a low-carbon economy is feasible, and
profitable. Where governments are procrastinating,
business must and will step in and it will do so
decisively. That mantle rests on all of us now.
Opening remarks
2 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue
Summary Report
Mark Kenber
The Climate Group
Björn Stigson
Over the next 40 years, we must improve our carbon
productivity 10 times. This will not be achieved by
incremental change. In the last decade, we have
heard a lot about how business has set themselves
targets – but it’s just not enough. Things are
happening, but they are just not fast enough or large
enough. That is what the clean industrial revolution
is all about.
Change is difficult but it is also
something that humanity is uniquely
equipped to do.
Just in our lifetime, we have already achieved
fantastic change in the way we live and work, driven
by our ingenuity and innovation. For example, the
music industry has reduced its carbon emissions by
80% just as a by-product of digitalisation. We also
need to change the way we think, from focusing on
cost to focusing on opportunity. The cost is the entry
ticket to get to the opportunity rather than being
the pain we have to bear.
I have long argued that business has a legitimate role
in addressing sustainable development and climate
change, and today I have heard from the speakers that
business is very much wanted.
Leading governments have concluded
that if you want to be a leading economy
in the future then you have to be able
to deliver resource-efficient low-carbon
We need to find more cooperation between business
and governments. I agree that business has the
majority of the technologies; the financial resources
and management skills that is needed to drive change
but business needs regulatory framework support
as well. WBCSD has launched Vision 2050 last year
where we have outlined what type of transformation is
needed to implement public-private partnerships. The
focus of these partnerships should be on solutions and
then on connecting them to national action plans.
HM Nerurkar
Managing Director
Tata Steel
James Leape
Director General
WWF International
I am greatly surprised by the passion, the
commitment and the concern people have now
for the sustainable growth. Apart from the
governments and NGOs, it is now our customers,
our suppliers and our business partners who
are demonstrating and demanding a lot for
sustainable growth. The political, ecological and
social changes over the last few years have made us
think differently about our businesses. In my view
business can work with various social stakeholders
to bring a significant change. Businesses should
look at the opportunities like waste management,
waste utilisation, energy production, storage, energy
distribution and transmission.
By sharing knowledge and streamlining
the end to end business processes, we
can certainly bring about new business
innovations which make the world
more sustainable and peaceful.
Lastly, I want to quote a saying by the founder of
Tata Group; ‘What comes from the society must go
back to the society many times over’.
This week much of the world is focused on climate
change but the challenge we face is much broader
than that. We are coming out of a century where
graphs show exponential growth in population, carbon
emissions, energy consumptions and the pressures
they are putting on the planet.
Our challenge is not only about saving
the planet but also about providing food,
water and energy to everyone on earth.
Technological innovations are hugely important but at
the same time we need innovations in business and
policies which will allow us to get those technologies
into the economy. Governments are coming up with
creative ways to build green intergrowth and to
provide financing that can catalyse much larger levels
of private investments for green growth to take off.
Moving forward, companies should willingly step
up and engage the governments to help drive them
towards the policies needed to support the green
economy on a larger scale.
4 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue
Summary Report
Xie Ping
GCL Solar System and Solar Energy Ltd
Arun Bharat Ram
China’s energy demands are growing rapidly and,
going forward, we will face a real challenge of
energy supplies since China has very limited energy
resources. At the same time, we are also working on
reducing carbon emissions.
During the last five years, China has
reduced its energy consumption per
GDP by 20% and reducing CO2 emission
by 20%. In my opinion, solar energy will
play a major role in China’s low carbon
energy developments.
China has already formed a large-scale production
base for solar energy which accounted for 45%
of the global solar energy production. China has
also developed a complete supply chain where 16
companies have listed internationally. Renewable
may not solve all of the problems but it is clearly
a direction China must go in order to reduce the
carbon emissions.
The effects of climate change are particularly severe
for the developing countries e.g. India given the
vulnerability, inadequate means and limited capacity
to adapt to its effects. India is currently fifth largest
CO2 emitter globally and with changing consumption
patterns as income levels go up, India’s emissions
are said to go up dramatically. In June 2008, the
Indian government has released a national action
plan on climate change which outlines a strategy
by which India will adapt to climate change while
maintaining a high growth rate. It focuses on eight
areas including energy efficiency and is intended
to deliver maximum benefits to development and
climate change mitigation.
It is imperative that governments
should provide a clear and long term
vision to the industry.
Indian industry is committed towards taking
measures to reduce green houses gas emissions and
will continue to play an active role in this space.
Leadership perspective
Revolutionising business to deliver sustainable growth
Key Points
The new era of business calls for a bottom-up
approach instead. Like-minded companies should
forge industry coalitions to enable sharing of data,
standards and innovations. With greater synergies,
business can drive revolutionary changes in an
accelerated pace.
Ranjit Barthakur
A valuation of the entire ecology is needed
to understand the true cost of utilising public
elements. If the world can successfully move to
economic green indexing, we can achieve a
paradigm shift.
Sean de Cleene
Present innovations need to be further accelerated
to keep pace with massive consequences of climate
change. Both policymakers and businesses should be
bolder and more open in their approaches. Business
should drive a bottom-up vision instead of waiting
for international processes to rethink solutions.
Li Junfeng
Global stakeholders should place greater emphasis
on developing the renewable energy industry to
produce positive social changes. These include
gaining domestic private and public support, as
well as allowing opportunities for foreign direct
Caio Koch-Weser
To revolutionise business approaches, businesses
need to embrace a paradigm shift. Business
communities should embrace a bottom-up approach
through formations of industry coalitions and seek
policymakers with their ideas and innovations.
Sim Tshabalala
In formulating sustainable visions and goals,
stakeholders tend to forget civil society. In Africa,
green policies and business innovations are created
with the underlying mission to eradicate poverty,
inequality and unemployment. Social development
and sustainable growth are interconnected and
participating stakeholders must carry out steps in an
all-inclusive manner.
Mwambu Wanendeya
ICT plays an important role in climate change
mitigation although it emits 2 per cent of carbon
dioxide emissions globally. With the development of
smart grid networks, the ICT industry is confident
of bridging the digital divide while increasing global
GDP and benefiting human societies.
Plenary panel discussion
Mark Kenber, Chief executive officer, The Climate Group
Ranjit Barthakur, Founder & Chairman, GMS, Senior Adviser, Tata Consultancy Services
Sean de Cleene, Vice President, Global Business Initiatives, Yara International
Li Junfeng, President, Chinese Renewable Industrial Association
Caio Koch-Weser, Vice-Chairman, Deutsche Bank Group
Sim Tshabalala, CEO, The Standard Bank of South Africa
Mwambu Wanendeya, Vice President and Head of Communications, Ericsson Sub-Saharan Africa
6 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue
Summary Report
Beyond carbon – Curbing climate change, creating opportunityPlenary panel discussion
Key points
This panel addresses the potential to reduce carbon
emissions by delivering better water outcomes,
energy outcomes, food security, land usage
outcomes, biodiversity outcomes or collectively
better resource productivity.
Jeremy Oppenheim
Companies need to work hard in shaping their
industry standards which will ultimately bring a
greater transparency and measurement through
their supply chain. Governments should also build
long-term resilience about the resource-related risks
and opportunities and create safety nets to mitigate
the impact of these risks on society.
Chris Librie
Another 3 billion people which will enter in the
middle class by 2030 will be connected to each
other and thus the data needs will continue to grow
exponentially. The IT industry can play a pivotal
role in optimising the use of natural resources
particularly energy and raw materials. Connectivity
in both developed and developing markets will be a
source of economic growth in near future.
Scott Fleetwood
Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution
stated that ‘we have to produce same amount of
food in next 40 years which we have produced in the
last 8000 years’. The biggest challenge is that we
have to embrace new technologies which will allow
us to feed the world and preserve the environment
at the same time.
Steve Lennon
South Africa is going through a fundamental shift
in the power generation from coal and we are
taking steps such as reducing our existing carbon
footprints and making careful future investments
by maximizing the role of renewable, nuclear and
natural gas. As part of South Africa’s green growth
strategy, we are creating thousands of jobs locally
and building the local manufacturing sector.
Alison Hill
The main problem we face in the public health
development is creating sustainable change within
the populations that are most vulnerable in the
world. We also face a challenge on how to rethink an
innovative finance solution to achieve sustainable
development. A possible way to solve this issue is to
consider how we measure the baseline of resource
Samantha Smith
I do believe that economic growth is not always
tightly linked to the development indicators e.g.
some Latin American countries not only do very well
on biodiversity conservations but they also do quite
well on poverty alleviation, human healthcare and
developmental indicators. In order to achieve the
target of 50-80% reduction in the carbon emissions
by 2050, then we have to go beyond incremental
improvements in the energy systems, agricultural
systems and the business models.
Jeremy Oppenheim, Director, Global Lead, Sustainability & Resource Productivity, McKinsey & Co.
Chris Librie, Global Director, Environmental Initiatives, HP
Scott Fleetwood, Executive Director, Global Industry and Government Policy and Affairs,
Novus International, Inc.
Steve Lennon, Divisional Executive, Eskom International
Alison Hill, Concept Development Director Climate, Vestergaard Frandsen
Samantha Smith, Leader, Global Climate and Energy Initiative, WWF International
Business message from
South African CEOs
Key Points
Despite a large energy deficit, South Africa
remains optimistic about achieving balance in
the developments for both economic growth
and sustainability. All panellists agreed that the
South African government has created a well-
regulated environment for their businesses to grow.
Businesses are able to innovate extensively to
provide low-cost solutions for the entire nation with
strong support from the government.
Philippe Barton
Although the mining industry does destroy parts
of the community through immense emission
of greenhouse gases, De Beers see this not as
a challenge, but as an opportunity to achieve
sustainability successes.
De Beers has drawn up imperatives to minimise
energy usage in all extractive processes. It also
looks into water conservation during the process
to recover diamond. It hopes to build a waterless
diamond recovery facility in place of water wastage.
Research has also been done with universities
to analyse the impact of climate change on the
environment. These efforts enable De Beers to
achieve its business goals while addressing the
social well-being of their stakeholders.
Pascap Phelan
Solar Capital has developed 25 solar farms in the
Northern Cape, where solar irradiation and therefore,
electricity generation significantly surpass that of
Germany and Italy, both of which are countries with
the largest solar installations worldwide. Its next
goal is to expand its farms to the Northern and
Western Cape provinces, to supply electricity to the
South African energy grid.
Solar Capital believes that South Africa has created
an inspiring environment for the solar industry to
develop strategically by offering the most attractive
tariffs and investment returns. In addition,
businesses operate under a tender system where the
company with the best social goals will be selected
to deploy their projects. This is an effective solution
for social development.
P Sechemane
For South African economic growth to be actualised,
there needs to be a strong sustainable water system
to ensure access of water for all. Rand Water is
implementing various projects to maximise the
scarce resource while reaching out to rural areas
in the country. With strong support from the
government in legislating water policies, businesses
can ensure cheap and constant provision of water to
Robyn Curnow, Anchor, CNN
Phillip Barton, CEO, De Beers Consolidated Mines
Pascap Phelan, CEO, Solar Capital
P Sechemane, CEO, Rand Water
8 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue
Summary Report
Sir David King
Director, Smith School of Enterprise
and the Environment
Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada
Secretary of Environment and Natural
Resources, Mexico
As we put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,
we must remember that half of these gases
emitted go into the oceans. We are not only
acidifying ad warming the waters, but raising ocean
levels and ultimately changing weather patterns.
Our human society has come to depend on the
weather systems critically as it affects food
availability and prices. Further, pressures from
rising population hinder environmental migration.
The situation may seem bleak but success will go to
those businesses that can manage and turn these
risks into opportunities.
There should be greater partnerships between
governments and businesses. Business should
innovate solutions for the marketplace with
the governments creating suitable regulated
environments for these businesses to operate in.
Through this, I believe there is possibility of a new
renaissance arising where we produce sustainable
products and resource-manage carefully. All of
these would emerge as a global phenomenon driven
by good governance, by good governments and by
good business communities.
Mexico is developing more public-private partnerships
for companies to work with the government. A special
program for climate change has been launched on this
basis, to work with companies to support Mexico’s
reduction of total greenhouse gas emissions by 7%,
on a voluntary basis.
The government is also contributing in emissions
reductions by providing 48 million incandescent
bulbs to the poor to help them save energy and
money. This shifts the action away from subsidies,
supports the poor and Mexico’s emissions target; a
clear win-win solution for the country.
The private sector is already active in a 3% emissions
reductions, translating into 70 million tonnes of
carbon dioxide by 2012. These goals are achieved on a
voluntary, unilateral and self-financed basis.
The green growth activities that is seen in Mexico
is successful, with the help of B4E and the United
Nations, but continues to require political will, sound
public policy and clear private action. It is in our
hands to establish public-private partnerships to
pave the way for green growth.
Dinner Ban Ki Moon
Secretary-General, United Nations
One of the main lessons I have learned during
my five years as Secretary-General is that
broad partnerships are the key to solving broad
challenges. When governments, the United
Nations, businesses, philanthropies and civil
society work hand-in-hand, we can achieve great
things. We have seen it in the field of women’s and
children’s health and in scaling up food nutrition.
And we are applying the same proven approach
to energy. Energy is central to everything we do.
It cuts across all sectors of government and lies
at the heart of a country’s core interests. Energy
also lies at the heart of our efforts to avoid
dangerous climate change. It is central to achieving
the Millennium Development Goals. It is key to
sustainable development.
The world population now stands at 7 billion people
– and rising. 40% of these people still lack access
to modern forms of energy. They are the energy
poor. Energy poverty means children cannot study
at night, clinics and hospitals cannot offer quality
Businesses and economies cannot grow in the dark.
We need to tackle energy poverty. Yet the clear
and present danger of climate change means we
cannot burn our way to prosperity. We already rely
too heavily on fossil fuels. We need to find a new,
sustainable path to the future we want.
We need a clean industrial revolution.
Last year, the United Nations General Assembly
passed a resolution declaring 2012 the International
Year of Sustainable Energy for All. I was ‘energized’
by that resolution. This September, I launched my
Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. It is gathering
the broad-based support we need, from emerging
economies, developing countries, developed
countries, the private sector and civil society.
To help to develop an Action Agenda and catalyze
action on the ground, I have appointed a High Level
Group on Sustainable Energy for All. The Group
includes global leaders from business, finance,
governments and civil society around the world.
I am calling for action around three objectives, all to
be achieved by 2030.
First: to ensure universal access to modern energy
Second: to double the rate of improvement of
energy efficiency.
Third: to double the share of renewable energy in the
global energy mix.
Taken together, these sustainable development
goals will enhance equity, revitalise the global
economy, and help protect our ecosystems.
Next month marks the launch of the International
Year of Sustainable Energy for All. You can
contribute to Sustainable Energy for All by making
your companies, practices and supply chains more
efficient. And you can put the weight of your
investment behind innovation.
Here in Durban, I urge all to take the long view, for
the sake of the future we want.
Thank you.
10 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue
Summary Report
Summary Report: B4E COP17 Dialogue 2011, Durban
In partnership with
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Organised by
COP17 Durban Dialogue
Upcoming B4E events:
6th B4E Global Summit
Delivering the Green Economy
21 - 23 May 2012
Berlin, Germany
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Printed on 100% recycled paper
B4E @ Rio +20
Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future
18 June 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
B4E Climate Summit
17 - 18 September 2012
London, UK

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Summary Report: B4E COP17 Dialogue 2011, Durban

  • 1. COP17 Durban Dialogue POWERING AHEAD TOWARDS A CLEAN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 6 December 2011 | Durban Botanic Gardens Summary Report
  • 2. Participants agreed that to avert the worst of climate change we must develop new models for channelling private sector resources and entrepreneurial drive towards a more climate resilient economy. Governments must support this with regulatory policy change and financiers commit the significant investments required to scaling new technologies and solutions for impact. Three months later in December the B4E Durban Dialogue was convened during the UNFCCC COP17, with over 300 international decision makers committing to “Powering Ahead towards a Clean Industry Revolution”. The dialogue moved beyond carbon, taking a more comprehensive approach to climate change; highlighting opportunities and innovation in natural resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production. Delegates shared new ideas, discussed acceleration and addressed global perspectives on a clean industrial revolution that will deliver transformative change for society and our planet. In closing the B4E Durban Dialogue, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a higher level of collaboration between business, government and NGOs, working together for real action on climate change. In September 2011 the 2nd B4E Climate Summit was convened in London. Business leaders from 26 countries called for greater action by governments to support industry solutions to climate change. COP17 Durban Dialogue
  • 3. 1 Contents Opening Statements Andrew Steer, Special Envoy for Climate Change, The World Bank 2 Morné du Plessis, CEO, WWF – South Africa 2 Mark Kenber, CEO, The Climate Group 3 Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD 3 Lunch HM Nerurkar, Managing Director, Tata Steel 4 James Leape, Director General WWF International 4 Leadership perspective Xie Ping, President, GCL Solar System and Solar Energy Ltd 5 Arun Bharat Ram, Chairman, SRF Ltd 5 Plenary discussion panel Revolutionising business to deliver sustainable growth 6 Plenary discussion panel Beyond carbon – Curbing climate change, creating opportunity 7 Business message from South African CEOs 8 Dinner Sir David King, Director, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment 9 Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico 9 Ban Ki Moon , Secretary-General, United Nations 10
  • 4. Andrew Steer Special Envoy for Climate Change The World Bank Morné du Plessis CEO WWF – South Africa In the decade 2015-2025, 10 trillion dollars will be invested every year in developing countries. This investment needs to be greened. Doing things greener will cost more in the short run . Additional help is needed from the public funds of developed countries and private investors. Of the 10 trillion dollars invested per year, 60% of this is private. The Green Fund, which we’re very optimistic about, includes plans for a facility to engage the private sector, which is very important. This is the make or break decade – the decade where if we do not make progress, we simply will fail over the long term. The hopeful picture is that we are seeing innovation like we’ve never seen before; the problem is that it doesn’t add up to anywhere near enough. We don’t need to start from scratch. We need to learn from remarkable successes, and negotiators need to put in the frameworks to accelerate this. By 2050, there will be more human beings living in one instant than cumulatively in human history. Securing sufficient food, water and energy for all is a real and impending challenge. By 2020, Africa’s ability to grow crops is projected to be just half of what it is today. Though as individuals some of us may be better able to buffer ourselves against the coming crises, we are all bounded together from our shared humanity. The science on climate change is crystal clear but politics is still out of step with the evidence. Science has demonstrated that we can reduce emissions to the required level with the technologies available. We need business to lead the way in demonstrating that a low-carbon economy is feasible, and profitable. Where governments are procrastinating, business must and will step in and it will do so decisively. That mantle rests on all of us now. Opening remarks 2 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue Summary Report
  • 5. Mark Kenber CEO The Climate Group Björn Stigson President WBCSD Over the next 40 years, we must improve our carbon productivity 10 times. This will not be achieved by incremental change. In the last decade, we have heard a lot about how business has set themselves targets – but it’s just not enough. Things are happening, but they are just not fast enough or large enough. That is what the clean industrial revolution is all about. Change is difficult but it is also something that humanity is uniquely equipped to do. Just in our lifetime, we have already achieved fantastic change in the way we live and work, driven by our ingenuity and innovation. For example, the music industry has reduced its carbon emissions by 80% just as a by-product of digitalisation. We also need to change the way we think, from focusing on cost to focusing on opportunity. The cost is the entry ticket to get to the opportunity rather than being the pain we have to bear. I have long argued that business has a legitimate role in addressing sustainable development and climate change, and today I have heard from the speakers that business is very much wanted. Leading governments have concluded that if you want to be a leading economy in the future then you have to be able to deliver resource-efficient low-carbon solutions. We need to find more cooperation between business and governments. I agree that business has the majority of the technologies; the financial resources and management skills that is needed to drive change but business needs regulatory framework support as well. WBCSD has launched Vision 2050 last year where we have outlined what type of transformation is needed to implement public-private partnerships. The focus of these partnerships should be on solutions and then on connecting them to national action plans. 3
  • 6. HM Nerurkar Managing Director Tata Steel James Leape Director General WWF International I am greatly surprised by the passion, the commitment and the concern people have now for the sustainable growth. Apart from the governments and NGOs, it is now our customers, our suppliers and our business partners who are demonstrating and demanding a lot for sustainable growth. The political, ecological and social changes over the last few years have made us think differently about our businesses. In my view business can work with various social stakeholders to bring a significant change. Businesses should look at the opportunities like waste management, waste utilisation, energy production, storage, energy distribution and transmission. By sharing knowledge and streamlining the end to end business processes, we can certainly bring about new business innovations which make the world more sustainable and peaceful. Lastly, I want to quote a saying by the founder of Tata Group; ‘What comes from the society must go back to the society many times over’. This week much of the world is focused on climate change but the challenge we face is much broader than that. We are coming out of a century where graphs show exponential growth in population, carbon emissions, energy consumptions and the pressures they are putting on the planet. Our challenge is not only about saving the planet but also about providing food, water and energy to everyone on earth. Technological innovations are hugely important but at the same time we need innovations in business and policies which will allow us to get those technologies into the economy. Governments are coming up with creative ways to build green intergrowth and to provide financing that can catalyse much larger levels of private investments for green growth to take off. Moving forward, companies should willingly step up and engage the governments to help drive them towards the policies needed to support the green economy on a larger scale. Lunch 4 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue Summary Report
  • 7. Xie Ping President GCL Solar System and Solar Energy Ltd Arun Bharat Ram Chairman SRF Ltd China’s energy demands are growing rapidly and, going forward, we will face a real challenge of energy supplies since China has very limited energy resources. At the same time, we are also working on reducing carbon emissions. During the last five years, China has reduced its energy consumption per GDP by 20% and reducing CO2 emission by 20%. In my opinion, solar energy will play a major role in China’s low carbon energy developments. China has already formed a large-scale production base for solar energy which accounted for 45% of the global solar energy production. China has also developed a complete supply chain where 16 companies have listed internationally. Renewable may not solve all of the problems but it is clearly a direction China must go in order to reduce the carbon emissions. The effects of climate change are particularly severe for the developing countries e.g. India given the vulnerability, inadequate means and limited capacity to adapt to its effects. India is currently fifth largest CO2 emitter globally and with changing consumption patterns as income levels go up, India’s emissions are said to go up dramatically. In June 2008, the Indian government has released a national action plan on climate change which outlines a strategy by which India will adapt to climate change while maintaining a high growth rate. It focuses on eight areas including energy efficiency and is intended to deliver maximum benefits to development and climate change mitigation. It is imperative that governments should provide a clear and long term vision to the industry. Indian industry is committed towards taking measures to reduce green houses gas emissions and will continue to play an active role in this space. Leadership perspective 5
  • 8. Revolutionising business to deliver sustainable growth Key Points The new era of business calls for a bottom-up approach instead. Like-minded companies should forge industry coalitions to enable sharing of data, standards and innovations. With greater synergies, business can drive revolutionary changes in an accelerated pace. Ranjit Barthakur A valuation of the entire ecology is needed to understand the true cost of utilising public elements. If the world can successfully move to economic green indexing, we can achieve a paradigm shift. Sean de Cleene Present innovations need to be further accelerated to keep pace with massive consequences of climate change. Both policymakers and businesses should be bolder and more open in their approaches. Business should drive a bottom-up vision instead of waiting for international processes to rethink solutions. Li Junfeng Global stakeholders should place greater emphasis on developing the renewable energy industry to produce positive social changes. These include gaining domestic private and public support, as well as allowing opportunities for foreign direct investments. Caio Koch-Weser To revolutionise business approaches, businesses need to embrace a paradigm shift. Business communities should embrace a bottom-up approach through formations of industry coalitions and seek policymakers with their ideas and innovations. Sim Tshabalala In formulating sustainable visions and goals, stakeholders tend to forget civil society. In Africa, green policies and business innovations are created with the underlying mission to eradicate poverty, inequality and unemployment. Social development and sustainable growth are interconnected and participating stakeholders must carry out steps in an all-inclusive manner. Mwambu Wanendeya ICT plays an important role in climate change mitigation although it emits 2 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions globally. With the development of smart grid networks, the ICT industry is confident of bridging the digital divide while increasing global GDP and benefiting human societies. Plenary panel discussion Mark Kenber, Chief executive officer, The Climate Group Ranjit Barthakur, Founder & Chairman, GMS, Senior Adviser, Tata Consultancy Services Sean de Cleene, Vice President, Global Business Initiatives, Yara International Li Junfeng, President, Chinese Renewable Industrial Association Caio Koch-Weser, Vice-Chairman, Deutsche Bank Group Sim Tshabalala, CEO, The Standard Bank of South Africa Mwambu Wanendeya, Vice President and Head of Communications, Ericsson Sub-Saharan Africa Moderator: Panelists: 6 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue Summary Report
  • 9. Beyond carbon – Curbing climate change, creating opportunityPlenary panel discussion Key points This panel addresses the potential to reduce carbon emissions by delivering better water outcomes, energy outcomes, food security, land usage outcomes, biodiversity outcomes or collectively better resource productivity. Jeremy Oppenheim Companies need to work hard in shaping their industry standards which will ultimately bring a greater transparency and measurement through their supply chain. Governments should also build long-term resilience about the resource-related risks and opportunities and create safety nets to mitigate the impact of these risks on society. Chris Librie Another 3 billion people which will enter in the middle class by 2030 will be connected to each other and thus the data needs will continue to grow exponentially. The IT industry can play a pivotal role in optimising the use of natural resources particularly energy and raw materials. Connectivity in both developed and developing markets will be a source of economic growth in near future. Scott Fleetwood Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution stated that ‘we have to produce same amount of food in next 40 years which we have produced in the last 8000 years’. The biggest challenge is that we have to embrace new technologies which will allow us to feed the world and preserve the environment at the same time. Steve Lennon South Africa is going through a fundamental shift in the power generation from coal and we are taking steps such as reducing our existing carbon footprints and making careful future investments by maximizing the role of renewable, nuclear and natural gas. As part of South Africa’s green growth strategy, we are creating thousands of jobs locally and building the local manufacturing sector. Alison Hill The main problem we face in the public health development is creating sustainable change within the populations that are most vulnerable in the world. We also face a challenge on how to rethink an innovative finance solution to achieve sustainable development. A possible way to solve this issue is to consider how we measure the baseline of resource consumption. Samantha Smith I do believe that economic growth is not always tightly linked to the development indicators e.g. some Latin American countries not only do very well on biodiversity conservations but they also do quite well on poverty alleviation, human healthcare and developmental indicators. In order to achieve the target of 50-80% reduction in the carbon emissions by 2050, then we have to go beyond incremental improvements in the energy systems, agricultural systems and the business models. Jeremy Oppenheim, Director, Global Lead, Sustainability & Resource Productivity, McKinsey & Co. Chris Librie, Global Director, Environmental Initiatives, HP Scott Fleetwood, Executive Director, Global Industry and Government Policy and Affairs, Novus International, Inc. Steve Lennon, Divisional Executive, Eskom International Alison Hill, Concept Development Director Climate, Vestergaard Frandsen Samantha Smith, Leader, Global Climate and Energy Initiative, WWF International Moderator: Panelists: 7
  • 10. Business message from South African CEOs Key Points Despite a large energy deficit, South Africa remains optimistic about achieving balance in the developments for both economic growth and sustainability. All panellists agreed that the South African government has created a well- regulated environment for their businesses to grow. Businesses are able to innovate extensively to provide low-cost solutions for the entire nation with strong support from the government. Philippe Barton Although the mining industry does destroy parts of the community through immense emission of greenhouse gases, De Beers see this not as a challenge, but as an opportunity to achieve sustainability successes. De Beers has drawn up imperatives to minimise energy usage in all extractive processes. It also looks into water conservation during the process to recover diamond. It hopes to build a waterless diamond recovery facility in place of water wastage. Research has also been done with universities to analyse the impact of climate change on the environment. These efforts enable De Beers to achieve its business goals while addressing the social well-being of their stakeholders. Pascap Phelan Solar Capital has developed 25 solar farms in the Northern Cape, where solar irradiation and therefore, electricity generation significantly surpass that of Germany and Italy, both of which are countries with the largest solar installations worldwide. Its next goal is to expand its farms to the Northern and Western Cape provinces, to supply electricity to the South African energy grid. Solar Capital believes that South Africa has created an inspiring environment for the solar industry to develop strategically by offering the most attractive tariffs and investment returns. In addition, businesses operate under a tender system where the company with the best social goals will be selected to deploy their projects. This is an effective solution for social development. P Sechemane For South African economic growth to be actualised, there needs to be a strong sustainable water system to ensure access of water for all. Rand Water is implementing various projects to maximise the scarce resource while reaching out to rural areas in the country. With strong support from the government in legislating water policies, businesses can ensure cheap and constant provision of water to society. Robyn Curnow, Anchor, CNN Phillip Barton, CEO, De Beers Consolidated Mines Pascap Phelan, CEO, Solar Capital P Sechemane, CEO, Rand Water Moderator: Panelists: 8 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue Summary Report
  • 11. Dinner Sir David King Director, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico As we put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, we must remember that half of these gases emitted go into the oceans. We are not only acidifying ad warming the waters, but raising ocean levels and ultimately changing weather patterns. Our human society has come to depend on the weather systems critically as it affects food availability and prices. Further, pressures from rising population hinder environmental migration. The situation may seem bleak but success will go to those businesses that can manage and turn these risks into opportunities. There should be greater partnerships between governments and businesses. Business should innovate solutions for the marketplace with the governments creating suitable regulated environments for these businesses to operate in. Through this, I believe there is possibility of a new renaissance arising where we produce sustainable products and resource-manage carefully. All of these would emerge as a global phenomenon driven by good governance, by good governments and by good business communities. Mexico is developing more public-private partnerships for companies to work with the government. A special program for climate change has been launched on this basis, to work with companies to support Mexico’s reduction of total greenhouse gas emissions by 7%, on a voluntary basis. The government is also contributing in emissions reductions by providing 48 million incandescent bulbs to the poor to help them save energy and money. This shifts the action away from subsidies, supports the poor and Mexico’s emissions target; a clear win-win solution for the country. The private sector is already active in a 3% emissions reductions, translating into 70 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2012. These goals are achieved on a voluntary, unilateral and self-financed basis. The green growth activities that is seen in Mexico is successful, with the help of B4E and the United Nations, but continues to require political will, sound public policy and clear private action. It is in our hands to establish public-private partnerships to pave the way for green growth. 9
  • 12. Dinner Ban Ki Moon Secretary-General, United Nations One of the main lessons I have learned during my five years as Secretary-General is that broad partnerships are the key to solving broad challenges. When governments, the United Nations, businesses, philanthropies and civil society work hand-in-hand, we can achieve great things. We have seen it in the field of women’s and children’s health and in scaling up food nutrition. And we are applying the same proven approach to energy. Energy is central to everything we do. It cuts across all sectors of government and lies at the heart of a country’s core interests. Energy also lies at the heart of our efforts to avoid dangerous climate change. It is central to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It is key to sustainable development. The world population now stands at 7 billion people – and rising. 40% of these people still lack access to modern forms of energy. They are the energy poor. Energy poverty means children cannot study at night, clinics and hospitals cannot offer quality healthcare. Businesses and economies cannot grow in the dark. We need to tackle energy poverty. Yet the clear and present danger of climate change means we cannot burn our way to prosperity. We already rely too heavily on fossil fuels. We need to find a new, sustainable path to the future we want. We need a clean industrial revolution. Last year, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution declaring 2012 the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. I was ‘energized’ by that resolution. This September, I launched my Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. It is gathering the broad-based support we need, from emerging economies, developing countries, developed countries, the private sector and civil society. To help to develop an Action Agenda and catalyze action on the ground, I have appointed a High Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All. The Group includes global leaders from business, finance, governments and civil society around the world. I am calling for action around three objectives, all to be achieved by 2030. First: to ensure universal access to modern energy services. Second: to double the rate of improvement of energy efficiency. Third: to double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Taken together, these sustainable development goals will enhance equity, revitalise the global economy, and help protect our ecosystems. Next month marks the launch of the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. You can contribute to Sustainable Energy for All by making your companies, practices and supply chains more efficient. And you can put the weight of your investment behind innovation. Here in Durban, I urge all to take the long view, for the sake of the future we want. Thank you. 10 B4E COP17 Durban Dialogue Summary Report
  • 14. In partnership with Strategic Partner Corporate Partners Global Broadcast Partner Organised by COP17 Durban Dialogue www.b4esummit.com Upcoming B4E events: 6th B4E Global Summit Delivering the Green Economy 21 - 23 May 2012 Berlin, Germany Knowledge Partner Event Partner NGO Partner Printed on 100% recycled paper B4E @ Rio +20 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future 18 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil B4E Climate Summit 17 - 18 September 2012 London, UK