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Managers not labourers
Putting forest climate investments behind the priorities
of community forest stewards in Orissa and Meghalaya,
Steven Lawry, Anjali Aggarwal, Pranab Choudhury, Ishan Agrawal
World Bank Land Conference
Washington, DC 15 May 2024
Climate mitigation interventions in the forestry sector, such as REDD+, PES, and FLR (Forest Landscape
Restoration), typically are top-down, “techno-managerial, control-oriented approaches” (Enqvist et. al.
While often making gestures toward “participation,” PES interventions usually entail incentives or rules
requiring changes in land use practices that would maximize forest carbon sequestration, with participants
paid based on tons of carbon permanently sequestered.
Anthropogenic landscapes are actively shaped by communities over time to serve a variety of purposes;
farming, forestry, livestock grazing, and biodiversity.
Interventions seeking to maximize carbon can impose changes in land use that reorder the socio-
ecological system, including patterns of land use, livelihood strategies, and the management authority of
local institutions. Key rights in the bundle of rights may be effectively transferred, suspended, or lost (Sikor,
T. et al (2017)
Community members, once managers, can become laborers, exposed to the vagaries of global climate
policy and carbon market logic. (Hajjar et al 2020)
Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020
Consistent with history of development interventions historically;
the Global North knows better.
Dominance of Global North interests impedes attention to
understanding local context
Why is this happening?
Voluntary carbon markets are motivated principally by Global
North industries and financial institutions in search of carbon
offset opportunities. Offsetting is a solution to a problem that is
largely the making of the Global North.
Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020
Understanding local context will help ensure that “outside efforts are aligned with local efforts, realities and aspirations,”
and not work against them (Bennett et al (2018).
An important attribute of stewardship is an ethic of care, which emerges from an understanding of the
relationship between social and ecological well-being.
Related attributes include intrinsic knowledge of the workings of the socio-ecological system, and agency,
or the ability to act freely and in a timely fashion to manage and govern land use for social and economic
needs and sustainable ecological outcomes (West et al 2018, Bennett et. al. 2020, Enqvist et al. 2018).
A better approach - Stewardship
Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020
Care, knowledge, and
agency are relational
values, each enabling the
We applied a stewardship conceptual
framework (Enqvist et al. 2018) to
understanding if and how stewardship
values and practices were present in
villages in Orissa and Meghalaya states.
Literature on
Religious Belief
Jamna Ma Parba
CARE Pride
Khasi and Oriya
nomenclature for
villages, forests,
rivers, hills, trees
Shared value
harvesting by
Poh bun
Manifestation in various
can be influenced by
external agencies
rooted in long term
Livestock-forest relations
Infested crops abandoned
Ethno silviculture,
Ethno veterniary,
Ethno medicine,
Phenological -
weather indicators
Soil Knowledge
-Climber cutting,
-Bay berry propagation
-trad. fire mgmt
customary tenure
‘Forests are our
Dorbar Shnong, CFR
and JFM committees
‘Ame toh jungle vasi’
‘Soh Krismas’
Age Gradation Dieng Sning
What is a Healthy forest?
Fertile soil
Thick and tall trees
Multi storied
Pine Trees
Preserving Tradition : Bayberry propagation
The native fruit known as Bayberry, locally called "Sophie," thrives in two main
varieties. Its fruit-bearing season spans from April to May, but due to its brief
availability, locals preserve it as a pickle with oil and chili for later consumption.
Renowned for its medicinal properties, the fruit's juice is utilized to treat various
stomach ailments. The extraction process involves boiling the fruit in water,
which is then stored and consumed as needed.
Highly valued in Mawkynrew block, this tree serves as a source of income during
its season and holds significance for both its fruit and medicinal purposes.
Traditional practices like coppicing are employed to stimulate new shoot growth,
while saplings are transplanted into the forest to ensure the species' continued
presence and growth.
Germination and propagation knowledge of
NTFP, timber, fuelwood, fodder species.
Tree structure and growth knowledge:
Community members believe that If trees are
packed densely, they will be lean and long, so
tending operations are needed
Silviculture knowledge: Strong knowledge
systems around coppicing, pollarding and
lopping. Species tended selectively in certain
seasons to allow for coppice shoot growth
Livestock forest relations: Grazing cattle allows
for better soil porosity, adds manure to forest
soil and selectively eliminates weeds.
Ethnomedicine and Ethnoveterinary knowledge:
All village communities surveyed had knowledge
about medicinal uses of 8-35 species of plants.
While they have shifted to western medicine for
curing themselves, they still rely significantly on
forest medicine for treating livestock.
Landscape linkages
Villages in Odisha and Meghalaya are both in
undulating landscapes with forests on the hills.
Communities strategically have their communal
vegetable land (Meghalaya) and agriculture land
below the forest to benefit from nutrient and water
flows from the forest.
Meghalaya Catchment area of the stream is
declared as Khlaw adong (Community conserved
Intimacy with their forests, nature: In both
Odisha and Meghalaya, community members
identify their forests through local names based
on the physiological characteristics of the forest.
Attentiveness: On transect walks with
communities, it was observed that they tend to
the forest as they walk along almost instinctively
without any prior planning or structured effort.
Shared values and Beliefs: In Odisha,
communities’ start harvesting forest produce
after holding ‘pujas’, (rituals) offering the first
harvests to the Goddesses.
In Meghalaya, communities declare the
catchment areas of streams as ‘Khlaw adong’,
Community conserved areas
Coexistence: In a village in Meghalaya, the
community mentioned abandoning a part of their
produce incase of pest attack, instead of using
pesticide, as they believe that, ‘we take our
share, nature takes its share’.
Traditional governance: In Meghalaya, the
traditional governance systems re recognized by
the Indian Constitution. Every village has a
‘Dorbar Shnong’ , village council which takes
land governance decisions.
Tenure rights under Forest legislation: In
Odisha, forest dwelling communities are being
provided Community Forest Rights (CFR) titles
over their customarily-managed forests. Villages
now have CFR management committees which
have rights to access, withdraw from, and
manage their forests.
Formal and informal resource governance
Communities have instituted a lot of formal and
informal rules and sanctions to manage
extraction of firewood and timber.
Grazing access is clearly defined and there is
often a seasonality associated with it. Rotational
grazing has also been observed in some
Littering is prohibited in the forest and streams
in Meghalaya
Ban on hunting is also observed in all villages in
Odisha and certain patches of forest in
Anthropogenic shaping of the forest: Meghalaya - Bayberry
propagation by collecting, sun-drying and propagating
seeds in community forest and homesteads. Chestnut and
Soh-Krismas propagation too.
Sustainable harvesting: Odisha - Anantmula, a tuber which
has become popular for its medicinal properties was being
sourced by a private company from community members in
Odisha. This led to overharvesting. Women realized this
and instituted norms to ensure that some of the bulbs were
left to allow for regeneration.
Annual Cleanliness and plantation drives: Communities in
Meghalaya undertake annual plantation and cleanliness
drives in their community forests to maintain the health of
their forests.
Fire Management: In Meghalaya, communities use the
branch of a specific species to extinguish fire. Controlled fire
within the forest through burning of certain patches through
ground clearing and boundary marking is effective in
preventing large forest fires.
Invasive species management : Invasive species cleared and
used as compost material. Communities have also found
medicinal uses for invasive species
Forest patrolling: In Odisha, widespread deforestation by
private contractors in 1970s led to a community-led movement
around forest conservation which involved active patrolling of
the forest to deter loggers.
Humus layer: Transect walks to the forest revealed a good
layer of humus in the community stewarded forest
Livestock and Wild animal droppings. Both livestock and
wild animal droppings were higher in community stewarded
Multistoried young forest: Community-stewarded forest
were found to have more young trees as well as trees of
various ages as opposed to Reserve or open access forests
Higher tree density and diversity: Community-stewarded
forests had much higher tree density (300-450 trees in
community-stewarded forests as compared to 150-200 trees
in control plots)
Indicators of a healthy forest: According to the communities,
diverse forest with good age gradation, which have multiple
stories, fertile soil, many species of birds, existence of
mushrooms, beehives, and butterflies are healthy.
1. Inflated additionality claims
2. Moving beyond carbon
additionality (for social investment)
3. Recognize community agency
⚬Intrinsic Knowledge
'PES', 'REDD+', 'Carbon markets'
Socio-Ecological SystemAttributes:
⚬‘Stewards watch no clock, know
no season’; bring to bear
‘solicitude, foresight and skill’.
⚬Anthropogenic landscapes
shaped by socio-ecological
interactions over time
⚬India’s “custodial forest policies”
can constrain exercise of
community agency
Local Institutions:
⚬Degree of tenure security
⚬Formal and traditional
"Innovations" driven by:
⚬ Scientific knowledge
⚬Maximizing carbon
sequestration (Offsetting)
⚬Leveraging markets
⚬Management ethic:
Protection vs. Conservation
Climate Interventions
• Some Community forest
patches fenced for carbon
additionality only.
• Community management
jeopardized; multiple land
uses restricted.
• Loss of agency, ‘from
managers to labourers’.
• Unfair distribution of benefits
between market players and
• Some communities may
decline or withdraw from
Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020
What we’ve learned
• Communities know what they are doing. They want to make their own decisions
• Governments can’t manage forests, (apart from creating reserves and refuges).
• Policy should be directed toward preserving and extending community agency (land and
management rights)
• The conditionalities associated with payments requiring significantly additional carbon in
landscapes run the risk of reducing exercise of management agency.
• Note: Communities that manage and sustain healthy forests in complex, multi-use
landscapes may have little scope for adding significant carbon without sacrificing other
socio-ecological system values (West, T.., et al. 2023)
As managers of socio-ecological systems, communities welcome
assistance, but in the form of investments that can help them address
problems they think are important, and that are social as well as ecological
in character.
• Bennett, J., et al (2018). Environmental Stewardship: A Conceptual Review and Analytical Framework. Environmental Management, 61:597-614.
• Enqvist, P., et al. (2018). Stewardship as a boundary object for sustainability research: Linking care, knowledge and agency. Landscape and Urban
Planning. 179: 17-37.
• Hajjar, R., et al (2020). The impacts of REDD+ on the social-ecological resilience of community forests. Environmental Research. 16
• Sikor, T, et al (2017). Property rights regimes and natural resources: A conceptual analysis revisited. World Development.
• West, S., et al (2018). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 35-30-36.
• West, T., et al. (2023) Action needed to make carbon offsets from tropical forest conservation work for climate change mitigation. Science.

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Managers not labourers

  • 1. Managers not labourers Putting forest climate investments behind the priorities of community forest stewards in Orissa and Meghalaya, India Steven Lawry, Anjali Aggarwal, Pranab Choudhury, Ishan Agrawal World Bank Land Conference Washington, DC 15 May 2024
  • 2. Context Climate mitigation interventions in the forestry sector, such as REDD+, PES, and FLR (Forest Landscape Restoration), typically are top-down, “techno-managerial, control-oriented approaches” (Enqvist et. al. 2018) While often making gestures toward “participation,” PES interventions usually entail incentives or rules requiring changes in land use practices that would maximize forest carbon sequestration, with participants paid based on tons of carbon permanently sequestered. Anthropogenic landscapes are actively shaped by communities over time to serve a variety of purposes; farming, forestry, livestock grazing, and biodiversity. Interventions seeking to maximize carbon can impose changes in land use that reorder the socio- ecological system, including patterns of land use, livelihood strategies, and the management authority of local institutions. Key rights in the bundle of rights may be effectively transferred, suspended, or lost (Sikor, T. et al (2017) Community members, once managers, can become laborers, exposed to the vagaries of global climate policy and carbon market logic. (Hajjar et al 2020)
  • 3. Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020 HUBRISTIC HUMANITARIANISM Consistent with history of development interventions historically; the Global North knows better. MISSING CONTEXT Dominance of Global North interests impedes attention to understanding local context Why is this happening? Voluntary carbon markets are motivated principally by Global North industries and financial institutions in search of carbon offset opportunities. Offsetting is a solution to a problem that is largely the making of the Global North. GLOBAL NORTH DOMINATION
  • 4. Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020 UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT Understanding local context will help ensure that “outside efforts are aligned with local efforts, realities and aspirations,” and not work against them (Bennett et al (2018). An important attribute of stewardship is an ethic of care, which emerges from an understanding of the relationship between social and ecological well-being. ETHIC OF CARE INTRINSIC KNOWLEDGE AND AGENCY Related attributes include intrinsic knowledge of the workings of the socio-ecological system, and agency, or the ability to act freely and in a timely fashion to manage and govern land use for social and economic needs and sustainable ecological outcomes (West et al 2018, Bennett et. al. 2020, Enqvist et al. 2018). A better approach - Stewardship GROWING LITERATURE ON STEWARDSHIP OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF NATURAL RESOURCES
  • 5. Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020 Care, knowledge, and agency are relational values, each enabling the other. We applied a stewardship conceptual framework (Enqvist et al. 2018) to understanding if and how stewardship values and practices were present in villages in Orissa and Meghalaya states.
  • 7. Religious Belief Jamna Ma Parba CARE Pride Intimacy Khasi and Oriya nomenclature for villages, forests, rivers, hills, trees Nursing Khlaw Adong Shared value Anantmula sustainable harvesting by women Coppicing, Poh bun cultivation ETHICS Manifestation in various forms can be influenced by external agencies rooted in long term association STEWARDSHIP ACTION OUTCOME Co-existence Livestock-forest relations Infested crops abandoned KNOWLEDGE AGENCY MOTIVATION Tenure security Ethno silviculture, Ethno veterniary, Ethno medicine, Phenological - weather indicators Soil Knowledge -Climber cutting, -coppicing, -Bay berry propagation -trad. fire mgmt Community Stewardship Institutions CFR customary tenure ‘Forests are our wealth’ Socio- economic Dorbar Shnong, CFR and JFM committees ‘Ame toh jungle vasi’ ‘Soh Krismas’
  • 8. Age Gradation Dieng Sning Rynjakop What is a Healthy forest? Fertile soil Thick and tall trees Stewardship Outcomes COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES Multi storied forest Timber Pine Trees
  • 9. Preserving Tradition : Bayberry propagation The native fruit known as Bayberry, locally called "Sophie," thrives in two main varieties. Its fruit-bearing season spans from April to May, but due to its brief availability, locals preserve it as a pickle with oil and chili for later consumption. Renowned for its medicinal properties, the fruit's juice is utilized to treat various stomach ailments. The extraction process involves boiling the fruit in water, which is then stored and consumed as needed. Highly valued in Mawkynrew block, this tree serves as a source of income during its season and holds significance for both its fruit and medicinal purposes. Traditional practices like coppicing are employed to stimulate new shoot growth, while saplings are transplanted into the forest to ensure the species' continued presence and growth.
  • 10. CARE KNOWLEDGE AGENCY Germination and propagation knowledge of NTFP, timber, fuelwood, fodder species. Tree structure and growth knowledge: Community members believe that If trees are packed densely, they will be lean and long, so tending operations are needed Silviculture knowledge: Strong knowledge systems around coppicing, pollarding and lopping. Species tended selectively in certain seasons to allow for coppice shoot growth Livestock forest relations: Grazing cattle allows for better soil porosity, adds manure to forest soil and selectively eliminates weeds. Ethnomedicine and Ethnoveterinary knowledge: All village communities surveyed had knowledge about medicinal uses of 8-35 species of plants. While they have shifted to western medicine for curing themselves, they still rely significantly on forest medicine for treating livestock. Landscape linkages Villages in Odisha and Meghalaya are both in undulating landscapes with forests on the hills. Communities strategically have their communal vegetable land (Meghalaya) and agriculture land below the forest to benefit from nutrient and water flows from the forest. Meghalaya Catchment area of the stream is declared as Khlaw adong (Community conserved area) Intimacy with their forests, nature: In both Odisha and Meghalaya, community members identify their forests through local names based on the physiological characteristics of the forest. Attentiveness: On transect walks with communities, it was observed that they tend to the forest as they walk along almost instinctively without any prior planning or structured effort. Shared values and Beliefs: In Odisha, communities’ start harvesting forest produce after holding ‘pujas’, (rituals) offering the first harvests to the Goddesses. In Meghalaya, communities declare the catchment areas of streams as ‘Khlaw adong’, Community conserved areas Coexistence: In a village in Meghalaya, the community mentioned abandoning a part of their produce incase of pest attack, instead of using pesticide, as they believe that, ‘we take our share, nature takes its share’. Traditional governance: In Meghalaya, the traditional governance systems re recognized by the Indian Constitution. Every village has a ‘Dorbar Shnong’ , village council which takes land governance decisions. Tenure rights under Forest legislation: In Odisha, forest dwelling communities are being provided Community Forest Rights (CFR) titles over their customarily-managed forests. Villages now have CFR management committees which have rights to access, withdraw from, and manage their forests. Formal and informal resource governance mechanisms Communities have instituted a lot of formal and informal rules and sanctions to manage extraction of firewood and timber. Grazing access is clearly defined and there is often a seasonality associated with it. Rotational grazing has also been observed in some villages. Littering is prohibited in the forest and streams in Meghalaya Ban on hunting is also observed in all villages in Odisha and certain patches of forest in Meghalaya
  • 11. ACTION OUTCOME Anthropogenic shaping of the forest: Meghalaya - Bayberry propagation by collecting, sun-drying and propagating seeds in community forest and homesteads. Chestnut and Soh-Krismas propagation too. Sustainable harvesting: Odisha - Anantmula, a tuber which has become popular for its medicinal properties was being sourced by a private company from community members in Odisha. This led to overharvesting. Women realized this and instituted norms to ensure that some of the bulbs were left to allow for regeneration. Annual Cleanliness and plantation drives: Communities in Meghalaya undertake annual plantation and cleanliness drives in their community forests to maintain the health of their forests. Fire Management: In Meghalaya, communities use the branch of a specific species to extinguish fire. Controlled fire within the forest through burning of certain patches through ground clearing and boundary marking is effective in preventing large forest fires. Invasive species management : Invasive species cleared and used as compost material. Communities have also found medicinal uses for invasive species Forest patrolling: In Odisha, widespread deforestation by private contractors in 1970s led to a community-led movement around forest conservation which involved active patrolling of the forest to deter loggers. Humus layer: Transect walks to the forest revealed a good layer of humus in the community stewarded forest Livestock and Wild animal droppings. Both livestock and wild animal droppings were higher in community stewarded forests. Multistoried young forest: Community-stewarded forest were found to have more young trees as well as trees of various ages as opposed to Reserve or open access forests Higher tree density and diversity: Community-stewarded forests had much higher tree density (300-450 trees in community-stewarded forests as compared to 150-200 trees in control plots) Indicators of a healthy forest: According to the communities, diverse forest with good age gradation, which have multiple stories, fertile soil, many species of birds, existence of mushrooms, beehives, and butterflies are healthy.
  • 12. POLICY CHALLENGES 1. Inflated additionality claims 2. Moving beyond carbon additionality (for social investment) 3. Recognize community agency Stewardship: ⚬Care ⚬Intrinsic Knowledge ⚬Agency 'PES', 'REDD+', 'Carbon markets' VILLAGE SYSTEM Socio-Ecological SystemAttributes: ⚬‘Stewards watch no clock, know no season’; bring to bear ‘solicitude, foresight and skill’. ⚬Anthropogenic landscapes shaped by socio-ecological interactions over time ⚬India’s “custodial forest policies” can constrain exercise of community agency Local Institutions: ⚬Degree of tenure security ⚬Formal and traditional organizations GLOBAL SYSTEM "Innovations" driven by: ⚬ Scientific knowledge privileged ⚬Maximizing carbon sequestration (Offsetting) ⚬Leveraging markets ⚬Management ethic: Protection vs. Conservation Climate Interventions COMMUNITY RESPONSES TO CLIMATE INTERVENTIONS Interventions • Some Community forest patches fenced for carbon additionality only. • Community management jeopardized; multiple land uses restricted. • Loss of agency, ‘from managers to labourers’. • Unfair distribution of benefits between market players and communities. • Some communities may decline or withdraw from projects Response
  • 13. Westmire Hills Farmers' Market |2020 What we’ve learned • Communities know what they are doing. They want to make their own decisions • Governments can’t manage forests, (apart from creating reserves and refuges). • Policy should be directed toward preserving and extending community agency (land and management rights) • The conditionalities associated with payments requiring significantly additional carbon in landscapes run the risk of reducing exercise of management agency. • Note: Communities that manage and sustain healthy forests in complex, multi-use landscapes may have little scope for adding significant carbon without sacrificing other socio-ecological system values (West, T.., et al. 2023) As managers of socio-ecological systems, communities welcome assistance, but in the form of investments that can help them address problems they think are important, and that are social as well as ecological in character.
  • 14. References • Bennett, J., et al (2018). Environmental Stewardship: A Conceptual Review and Analytical Framework. Environmental Management, 61:597-614. • Enqvist, P., et al. (2018). Stewardship as a boundary object for sustainability research: Linking care, knowledge and agency. Landscape and Urban Planning. 179: 17-37. • Hajjar, R., et al (2020). The impacts of REDD+ on the social-ecological resilience of community forests. Environmental Research. 16 • Sikor, T, et al (2017). Property rights regimes and natural resources: A conceptual analysis revisited. World Development. • West, S., et al (2018). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 35-30-36. • West, T., et al. (2023) Action needed to make carbon offsets from tropical forest conservation work for climate change mitigation. Science.

Editor's Notes

  1. 1.7.2013
  2. 1.7.2013