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cifor redd+ climate change forestry redd indonésia forests forest peatlands gcs environment global landscapes forum swamp science and environment indonesia tropical peatlands agriculture and forestry blue carbon deforestation mangroves wetlands tropical wetlands perú vietnam gcs-redd+ policy smallholders community conservation food security africa agriculture landscape approach climate change mitigation smallholder and community forestry restoration carbon emissions biodiversity mangrove forest fires tenure sustainable landscapes livelihoods sustainable development fire asia congo forests asia gender climate change adaptation forest management latin america forest governance global comparative study land tenure brazil carbon peatland management oil palm reducing emissions from deforestation and forest d finance yucatan merida southeast asia payments for environmental services governance research sustainability social forestry haze frel landscapes benefit sharing yaounde conference palm oil ecosystem services agroforestry forest day 3 tropical forest mexico timber mrv indigenous peoples cop20 forest restoration food peatland restoration ethiopia drc private sector nutrition amazon trade hub land rights mitigation cirad biodiversity conservation colands cameroon monitoring land use change forest conservation trees forest degradation decentralisation coastal ecosystems fire and haze ghg emissions swidden asfcc watershed management ecotourism poverty vfds democratic republic of the congo carbon stock asean unfccc rio+20 wildlife oaxaca workshop degradation ghana landscape restoration energy tropical rainforest icraf china investment pes science renewable energy environmental services verification multi-stakeholder forums world forestry congress bushmeat community forestry timber management non-timber forest products addis ababa commons mapping sdg french language tenure security value chain reporting furniture community participation greenhouse gas reforestation pfes profeaac forest monitoring development congo basin watershed protection spanish coffee kalimantan migration sustainable forest management mrv in latin american redd projects workshop sentinel landscape measurement ecosystem yaounde philippines zambia amazon rainforest gender equity land use planning plantation conservation and development trade-offs kinshasa land restoration borneo central africa sustainable development goals land climate resilience emissions women land use nepal sustainable livelihoods carbon management community forest tradehub vietname jepara ipcc 2013 glf value chains asia-pacific tropics peatland lima climate-smart acgriculture india cop18 doha annual meeting 2012 climate green economy wildfire natural resource corruption cgiar cop27 flare itpc pasuruan msf democratic republic of the congo. peat ecosystem markets policies sdgs paris agreement food production reform payments for environmental services; ecosystem ser peru greenhouse gases myanmar farming landscape management national policy intergrated landscape management logging amazon package iucn 2012 laos rio certification bioenergy reference emissions levels modelling production forests finance and investment handicraft circular bioeconomy result-based payment ffem smes ndc forest landscape restoration cop23 burkina faso papua new guinea safeguards equity zero deforestation trade sustainable timber production equitable development research and analysis policy dynamics natural resource management communication livelihood gcrf mangrove management sawit caribbean amazônia carbon stocks flegt resilience español adaptation atbc ecosystems diet forests trees agroforestry tools integrated landscape approach poverty alleviation sumatra fta research program mekong mountains livestock fao peat communities world bank bonn 2013 economy hunting tanzania social sciences guatemala tourism illegal logging samarinda monitoreo acuerdo de parís redd+. emisiones cop26 papua indonesia pandemic ipcc sustainable management low carbon forest landscape restoration (flr) forests tenure reforms gei flr economics fta regulations agricultural policy commodities implementation land degradation colombia satellite rights biomass health forest product carbon financing ntfp fsc climate finance csa fisheries evidence-based forestry forest cover carbon sequestration synergies amazon spanish package cop11 convention on biological diversity multiple use politics sustainable energy uganda nicaragua ecology crp6 research and development supply chain models small and medium enterprises conflict management biofuel iufro bonn rehabilitation sustainable palm oil kopi mangrove ecosystem mangrove restoration indonesian fires kyoto communications food systems forest communities glf nairobi 2018 youth mobility seagrass collective rights ucayali land use emissions landscape inclusive business models sustainable timber rspo ethnicity ser2017 land reform farmers australia government subnational challenges fiji political economy stakeholders malaysia ghg environmental governance land conversion cambio climatico payments for forest environmental services rural urban migration fishery recoftc forestry education education thailand rural social media sahel madagascar poland east africa osloreddx madre de dios charcoal conversion meat west africa sub-saharan africa media customary rights evaluation spatial planning dry forest community-based conservation methane orangutan globalised trade and investment law enforcement science week democratic republic of congo cifor-icraf mitigasi tnbbs bukit barisan selatan petani folu gas emission tacc cbnrm global market hydrological fta 2020 science conference kutai kartanegara carbon market taccc coastal wetlands peat emission peruvian amazon land and poverty 2019 multilevel governance indonesian fire indonesia fire bofedal conservacion loreto rubber plantations remittances out-migration mmaf redd+. ndcs one map policy land conflicts participatory action research peatland fires fpic hcv hcs supply chains no deforestation incentives gcf private sector commitments sustainable forestry equality svlk primary forests sbsta west kalimantan canal blocking brg networks guyana intersectionality iufro2017 devolution collective tenure commitments csr development goals research centers forest loss people data bangladesh strategy profor poverty reduction smog civil society social forest management global forest landscapes journalism deforestations management case study social impacts concession partnerships history community based commercial forestry sloping land afforestation shea car cl comm sustainable hunting planning and change crops and security aquaculture silvo-fishery shrimp sea level rise honey forest honey riau forest education forces afoco april prunus africana urban cop19 wwf green climate fund dietary change carbon sink water management ifad forest policy costa rica lan sfm rainforest kenya landsc giz climate smart methods water warsaw ecuador bosques castañas castañeros java national park methods and techniques compensation and benefits survey men hunger obesity rice adoption knowledge management east kalimantan society and culture land management natural disasters and hazards resource management perd databases remote sensing protected areas system dynamics employment forest research drylands nitrous oxide carbon dioxide global warming forest day science in society iacc small-scale forestry forest degradation\ redd+ benefit sharing kahuzi-biega public policies gambia gsc nicfi mentaya katingan jambi energy crises cpo distribution price harga petani sawit policy dialogues brgm semarang coastal community slido social aere gc south sumatra melia central kalimantan restoring peatland degraded peatland proklim kawasan pesisir adaptasi perubahan iklim small islands perubahan iklim rehabilitasi coastlines deltas mangrove products ekosistem ispo g20 tree plantation temporal and spatial analysis asc subtropical forest jaringan sosial satwa liar kelapa sawit perdagangan global green deal kesepakatan hijau lanskap kebijakan kebun sawit swadaya kalimantan tengah kebun sawit kotawaringin barat gap tree island landskap agricultural coffee smallholders sustainable value chains forest first deforestasi global green deals plots science-policy dialogues maharashtra biogeochemical andaman island eastern india indian science-policy dialogue rdc swamp degradation colandr commodity tips sustainable commodity commodity lowland natural science communication community management peat swamp wetlands restoration fire management demak regency pulau dua banten banyuwangi pangpang bay teluk pangpang central java oceans fish consumption covid covid-19 corona coronavirus macroeconomy sumatera asfn workshop adaptation plans forests and agroforestry foreststry low emissions wood fuel roundwood production forest-based circular bioeconomy bioeconomy wood-based material going green regulatory mato grosso acre mozambique social media monitoring san martin weston roundtable series aldo leopold earth day land-use ecological services lò gò – xa mát national park mekong delta network and spatial analysis fta 2020 science coference fta 2020 weather opal soil carbon above ground biomass ipcc guidelines swamp project news digital marketing glfdc2020 profeeac artisanal mining emission factor woodfuel sustainable woodfuel gml iasc 2019 environmental management pmv iasc conference brazilian amazon policy network analysis gulf of mexico el salvador tierras forestales derechos de tenencia propiedad de la tierra tenencia de la tierra tierras indígenas customary tenure germany media workshop densidad aparente tasa de acumulación de carbono profundidad altitud forests governance collective land rights desarrollo sostenible declaración de brazzaville emisiones clima nivel de agua recuperación clasificación suelo orgánico restauracion calidad de agua regulación hídrica zanjas hidrologia revegetación tecnicas sostenibilidad composición florística extraccion ganadería acumulación carbono organico vegetación financiamiento servicios ecosistemicos retribución sistema de clasificacion trabajo de campo base de datos component especial ramsar marco normativo ecosistemas gestion publica conocimientos tradicionales gestion mapeo degradacion importancia turba boeny feminism bamboo namibia mauritia flexuosa urarina traditional knowledge marañon orestry access rights mosaic landscapes frontier property rights traditional medicine medicine medicinal plants forestation andes marine debris green growth indonesia's future protected forest marine biodiversity research foresight research priorities blue economy fatty acid tuna association fishery industry ships marine carbon commodities forests protection inclusive agriculture carbon planning potential impact tropical seas ccs carbon capture phytoremediation carbon studies maluku sustainable aquaculture mangoro market meri pt arara abadi horticulture asean peatlands management strategy (apms) brazzaville declaration global peatland initiative (gpi) community welfare national geospatial information network jign moratorium dvgt gvca ldsf par gendered value chain analysis polyscape land degradation surveillance framework auto-appraisal pastoralism forest-farm interface sbi canals iffs integrated forestry and farming system grand design eu timber regulation vpas fmus forest management units ril-c reduced impact logging-carbon ril reduced impact logging west java legality land degradation neutrality bonn challenge dugong marsh mescal paludiculture community-based ecotourism travel sustainable growth ecosystem bonds carbon credits eei instrument environmental economic : environment bonds ommitments fmu forest management unit agrofrestry roadmap public-private-people partnership payments for ecological services degraded land pilippines sustainable forestr management conflict economic benefits social benefits indigenous knowledge community-based ecolabelling lembaga ekolabel indonesia entrepreneurs woodworking tnc merabu community enterprise sulawesi daulu coffee cooperatives village forestry tft raft ntfps value added spices legal timber multi-level governance carbon rights ghgs climate change pakistan mongolia intact forests nationally determined contribution local communities framework local user groups indigenous territories adaptive collaborative management castellano américa latina aec pilot eu vpa slash and burn cross-cutting cbd sbstta wild meat latina america turberas cop okavango botswana kemitraan international iscc land policy pna religion culture class age hlpe presentation social issues pim francais french women rights social research indigenous rights corporate informal sector burkina access international organizations about mission vision subsistence farming intensive farming south asia biology rapid response assessment climate convention property export economic development fta policy networks opportunities forest use cso budget bac kan province trade offs climate smart landscapes conservation management bago city innovation knowledge opportunity costs pacific island countries vanuatu theory of change forest management strategies climate modeling applications connectivity cocoa holistic value resource rights forest rights funding wood roads cambodia birds climage change integrated land use mangement integrated landscape management good security gfsf minam test social networks administration land conflict pea clim inclusive green growth colonialism emerging economies payments for environmental services ecosystem serv bolivia co post 2020 forest po emissio medioambiente equi coal nu south africa green sust gover columbia coal food landscapes approach m&e applied policy transfer theory 3e bsm east timor ifhn short-rotation silviculture aciar conservation international rok academia wildlife works forest finance el nino app asia pulp and paper vnforest timber production apkj afd new forests green investments r cites tra bioversity ciat mobile living urbanisation migrants infographic icdp goods and services co-management guinea chimpanzee review alternative livelihoods switzerland gold standard yemen african development bank eba ecosystem based approach unep globiom robin hindu kush land use models congobiom model bhutan united nations socioeconomics climate change scenarios food waste urban ecology greenbelts fanrpan agri nature conservancy forest code urban agriculture animal agriculture national forest program nfp monocultures land grabbing sweden manure management model forest cli rural areas lands russia lead malawi columbia university nap fuel fiber niger tcu pacebco eccas oil and gas manejo forestal tala ilegal indigenas comunidades madera world pertenabilidad amazonia investigaciones financial aid brazil nuts puerto maldonado gunung halimun-salak leopard strategic planning diabetes networking population peritics latin ameria information commercialisation decision making urban and regional planning information management information systems travel and tourism disaster recovery taxonomy japan fire and security masyarakat hutan penggunaan lahan penelitian timber industry biofuel development forest resources bees bee-keeping citizen science stock-flow approach nested approach international standards forest protection carbon cycle supply chain management supply and demand community development games model engagement dryland forest learning approaches nitrogen fertilizer pro-poor tourism unfccc cop17 conference london pen voting forest day 4 pembalakan liar penegakan hukum kejahatan kehutanan kontemporer gobernanza forestal montpellier
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