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ROI Online Culture Code | Version 1
ROI Online is a customer-centric, results-driven,
value-based internet marketing agency.
Who Is ROI Online?
What Is ROI
Online’s Mission?
In an industry full of changes, we are here to
help businesses evolve and tell their stories.
Our true value to our clients are our
knowledge and insights. They value our
insights because they trust us. They trust
us because we show we care about
their success through our actions.
That’s the bigger picture.
What Is Company Culture?
Culture is what makes a company great.
1. The values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment
of an organization.
2. The personality of a company; it defines what a company, from an employee perspective,
is like to work for.
3. Describes and governs the ways a company's owners and employees think, feel and act.
Source: Businessdictionary.com, About.com, Entrepreneur.com
What Is A Culture Code?
A culture code is a concept.
It’s manifesto and a
company handbook in one.
It tells employees and customers, as well as potential
employees and prospective customers about us, what’s
important to us and what we believe in.
In short, it’s a shared set of values, commands, beliefs
and practices that binds a company together.
What Is ROI
Online’s Culture?
As a fairly new company,
ROI Online is in the midst
of defining its culture.
We are a new-age company that
stays up-to-date on tech and
marketing trends.
Most importantly,
we strive to make our clients
happy, as well as educate them.
What Is ROI Online’s Culture?
We aren’t just building a business; we are building a brand.
What Makes ROI
Online Different?
We focus on and reward ability and
talent vs. experience.
There is no hierarchy.
We nurture a collaborative environment
where ideas are discussed freely.
What Is ROI Online’s Purpose?
ROI Online is here to make a difference
for ourselves and our clients.
We encourage our team members to
make informed, responsible
decisions themselves instead of
asking for permission.
This is not a job;
it’s a career.
We’re not just here to make
money or move up the ladder.
We are here to deliver insights through
strategy, and to educate ourselves and
our customers.
Who Are ROI Online’s Customers?
ROI Online’s customers are:
● intelligent,
● forward-thinking,
● goal-oriented business professionals
who want to be involved in the ROI process and
who want to learn.
Who Do We Want Our
Customers To Be?
We want our customers to
see the ‘bigger picture...’
… And let us help them
‘connect the dots.’
What Type Of People Do We
Want To Join Our Team?
ROI Online is looking for people
who have ‘moldable minds.’
What Does That Mean, Exactly?
We want individuals who are teachable
and anxious to learn.
Someone who is:
Motivated & Purpose-Driven
Web & Social Media-Savvy
Adventurous & Takes Risks
Technologically Inclined
Team Player Yet Can Be Autonomous
Ambitious & Has An Appetite For Learning
Confident Yet Humble
ROI Online’s Core Values
ROI Online revolves around eight
core values that we apply to the
way we treat each other as well as
our customers.
1) Respect:
Be respectful and considerate
of each other and clients.
2) Collaboration:
Be team players and work together
to achieve success.
3) Evolving:
Be willing and eager to
adapt and change.
4) Authenticity:
Be yourself and trust in yourself.
5) Transparency:
Be honest and open with
each other and clients.
6) Trust:
Be dependable and also
willing to rely on others.
7) Accountability:
Be willing to take responsibility for
your decisions and actions.
8) Results-oriented:
Be motivated to produce and
deliver outstanding results.
You’ve probably heard of a “knowledge worker,”
a person whose greatest skill is knowledge.
However, knowledge workers are a figment of
the past. In this digital age, a new type of
employee has emerged: the smart creative.
What Is A Smart Creative?
They are an expert in doing. They love to
get things done.
Who Is This Smart Creative?
They are analytically smart. They love data.
They are business smart. They understand
the value of their input.
They are competitive smart. They are driven
and don’t care about 9 to 5.
They are user smart. They know their tools
inside and out.
They are curious creative. They are
always looking for a better solution.
They are risky creative. They are not
afraid to fail.
They are self-directed creative. They are the
definition of initiative.
They are open creative. They love to
collaborate to reach the best solution.
They are thorough creative.
They know the details.
They are communicative creative. They have
charisma and can be funny.
Not every smart creative is created equal. But in order
to be a smart creative, they must possess business
savvy, technical knowledge, creative energy, and
an hands-on approach to getting things done.
They must all work hard, be willing to question the
status quo and tackle obstacles in a new way.
Source: How Google Works
Quotes That Inspire Us
“A culture that doesn’t allow
people to fail won’t be
successful or innovative or
around for too long!”
Seth Godin
“It's about getting
the best people,
retaining them,
nurturing a creative
environment and
helping to find a
way to innovate.”
Marissa Mayer, Yahoo
“Customers will never love
a company until the
employees love it first.”
Simon Sinek
“The only way to
do great work is to
love what you do.”
Steve Jobs, Apple
“A business has to be
involving, it has to be fun,
and it has to exercise your
creative instincts.”
Richard Branson, Virgin Group
Connect With Us
ROI Online Culture Code | Version 1

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ROI Online Culture Code | Version 1

  • 2. ROI Online is a customer-centric, results-driven, value-based internet marketing agency. Who Is ROI Online?
  • 3. What Is ROI Online’s Mission? In an industry full of changes, we are here to help businesses evolve and tell their stories.
  • 4. Our true value to our clients are our knowledge and insights. They value our insights because they trust us. They trust us because we show we care about their success through our actions. That’s the bigger picture.
  • 5. What Is Company Culture? Culture is what makes a company great. cul·ture ˈkəlCHər/ noun 1. The values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. 2. The personality of a company; it defines what a company, from an employee perspective, is like to work for. 3. Describes and governs the ways a company's owners and employees think, feel and act. Source: Businessdictionary.com, About.com, Entrepreneur.com
  • 6. What Is A Culture Code? A culture code is a concept.
  • 7. It’s manifesto and a company handbook in one.
  • 8. It tells employees and customers, as well as potential employees and prospective customers about us, what’s important to us and what we believe in.
  • 9. In short, it’s a shared set of values, commands, beliefs and practices that binds a company together.
  • 10. What Is ROI Online’s Culture? As a fairly new company, ROI Online is in the midst of defining its culture.
  • 11. We are a new-age company that stays up-to-date on tech and marketing trends.
  • 12. Most importantly, we strive to make our clients happy, as well as educate them.
  • 13. What Is ROI Online’s Culture? We aren’t just building a business; we are building a brand.
  • 14. What Makes ROI Online Different? We focus on and reward ability and talent vs. experience. There is no hierarchy.
  • 15. We nurture a collaborative environment where ideas are discussed freely.
  • 16. What Is ROI Online’s Purpose? ROI Online is here to make a difference for ourselves and our clients.
  • 17. We encourage our team members to make informed, responsible decisions themselves instead of asking for permission.
  • 18. This is not a job; it’s a career.
  • 19. We’re not just here to make money or move up the ladder.
  • 20. We are here to deliver insights through strategy, and to educate ourselves and our customers.
  • 21. Who Are ROI Online’s Customers? ROI Online’s customers are: ● intelligent, ● forward-thinking, ● goal-oriented business professionals who want to be involved in the ROI process and who want to learn.
  • 22. Who Do We Want Our Customers To Be? We want our customers to see the ‘bigger picture...’
  • 23. … And let us help them ‘connect the dots.’
  • 24. What Type Of People Do We Want To Join Our Team? ROI Online is looking for people who have ‘moldable minds.’
  • 25. What Does That Mean, Exactly? We want individuals who are teachable and anxious to learn. Someone who is:
  • 30. Web & Social Media-Savvy
  • 34. Team Player Yet Can Be Autonomous
  • 35. Ambitious & Has An Appetite For Learning
  • 37. ROI Online’s Core Values ROI Online revolves around eight core values that we apply to the way we treat each other as well as our customers.
  • 38. 1) Respect: Be respectful and considerate of each other and clients.
  • 39. 2) Collaboration: Be team players and work together to achieve success.
  • 40. 3) Evolving: Be willing and eager to adapt and change.
  • 41. 4) Authenticity: Be yourself and trust in yourself.
  • 42. 5) Transparency: Be honest and open with each other and clients.
  • 43. 6) Trust: Be dependable and also willing to rely on others.
  • 44. 7) Accountability: Be willing to take responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  • 45. 8) Results-oriented: Be motivated to produce and deliver outstanding results.
  • 46. You’ve probably heard of a “knowledge worker,” a person whose greatest skill is knowledge. However, knowledge workers are a figment of the past. In this digital age, a new type of employee has emerged: the smart creative. What Is A Smart Creative?
  • 47. They are an expert in doing. They love to get things done. Who Is This Smart Creative?
  • 48. They are analytically smart. They love data.
  • 49. They are business smart. They understand the value of their input.
  • 50. They are competitive smart. They are driven and don’t care about 9 to 5.
  • 51. They are user smart. They know their tools inside and out.
  • 52. They are curious creative. They are always looking for a better solution.
  • 53. They are risky creative. They are not afraid to fail.
  • 54. They are self-directed creative. They are the definition of initiative.
  • 55. They are open creative. They love to collaborate to reach the best solution.
  • 56. They are thorough creative. They know the details.
  • 57. They are communicative creative. They have charisma and can be funny.
  • 58. Not every smart creative is created equal. But in order to be a smart creative, they must possess business savvy, technical knowledge, creative energy, and an hands-on approach to getting things done. They must all work hard, be willing to question the status quo and tackle obstacles in a new way. Source: How Google Works
  • 59. Quotes That Inspire Us “A culture that doesn’t allow people to fail won’t be successful or innovative or around for too long!” Seth Godin “It's about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate.” Marissa Mayer, Yahoo “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” Simon Sinek “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs, Apple “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” Richard Branson, Virgin Group