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Issue Tracking SaaS for Physical Product Developers
Five Flute brings issue tracking and team collaboration
directly into the 3D design tools where engineers and
designers already work.
We’ve shipped hardware and software products across industries and we
deeply understand the problem space.
15 years of product development, built & managed team of 25+
electromechanical engineers at Cooper Perkins, Led factory
ops at Plethora, Developed Hydrow’s flagship rowing machine.
4 Patents.
Engineering Director @ Cooper Perkins
Head of Hardware @ Plethora
MS in Mechanical @ Virginia tech
William Burke
14+ years of software development, designed & launched 2
different baby monitors nationwide with Babies’R’Us,
developed infant sleep coaching platform in partnership with
Johnson & Johnson
Co-Founder & CTO @ Rest Devices
BS in Mechanical & CS @ MIT
Carson Darling
Product development Overview


Is it possible?
Product Development

Detailed design, reduce risks, meet requirements
Mass Production

Make it at scale

Prove that the concept is
technically feasible
1-4 months
Prove that integrated
functionality is possible
2-5 months
Prove integrated
functionality in a believable
form factor
3-8 months
Prove integrated
functionality in a believable
form factor using
production like
manufacturing processes
3-12 months
Validate the production
4-6 months
Full production including
supply chain management
and change order
Ongoing updates,
improvements, and fixes
3D CAD - SolidWorks / Fusion 360 / Catia / NX
PCB Design (EDA) - Altium / Eagle
Product Data Management (PDM) - Vault / SolidWorks PDM
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Duro / Arena
Product development is a complex interative process involving multiple
disciplines and a variety of tools
Collaboration in hardware product development is a nightmare - existing
tools are siloed, discipline specific, and don’t play well together.
Even simple hardware issues require coordination between multiple
people working in different environments
During assembly a fitup problem is discovered
between a PCB and a mechanical enclosure
During assembly a fitup problem is discovered
between a PCB and a mechanical enclosure
PCB Redesign: Electrical
engineer fixes IC component
model in Altium
Enclosure Redesign: Mechanical
engineer updates the enclosure heat
sink to match the new PCB
Design Update: Industrial designer modifies
the product surface to accomodate the new
heat sink volume



. don’tmeettheuniqueneedsof
CAD StatusQuo-BespokeWorkarounds&SWDevTools
Discovery. Whiledevelopingourwebappwe’ve
Experience. We’veseenthisproblemfirsthandin20+
Redacted Redacted
Five Flute’s issue tracking platform lives where real work is done

Technicians &

in-house manufacturing
Desktop Webview

Management, non-CAD users
CAD Integrated


(ME / EE / IE)
Integration improves customer experience and speeds adoption
Simpler Adoption. By integrating into CAD we
show up where engineers already work. To them
we’re not a new tool, but rather a new set of
capabilities that make their work easier.
Customer Experience. Five Flute wins over general
purpose tools by connecting directly to the
engineering assets that hardware teams develop,
providing a rich visual context for team
communication and more efficient issue tracking
workflows for all collaborators.
Stickiness and Defensibility. Our long term
advantage is cemented by integrating across the
entire product development tool chain.
Product Led. Transparent pricing, easy onboarding,
great help docs = short time to value. Our core
functionality is team communication so every
message is an opportunity to convert collaborators
to account holders.
Mechanical CAD > ECAD > ID > PLM
There are examples of the integration-first strategy paying off massively.
What Frame.io did for video, Five Flute will do for hardware product
video editors 3D design editors
Our competition is structurally unable to address this niche.
CAD Native
Connected to engineering data 

(parts, assemblies, drawings)
Web Only
These companies force
teams to change their
workflow in order to adopt.
This software is too
generic to be
effective for hardware
Our market is everyone involved in physical product development.

Engineers do daily design work in CAD packages like
SolidWorks. Beyond ME’s, Five Flute is valuable for cross-
functional teams. Electrical engineers use Five Flute to resolve
fit issues with PCBs and industrial designers use Five Flute to
collaborate with ME’s.

Five Flute: CAD integration + web view
Technicians & Support Staff

Technicians support design work in the build and test phases
and report & resolve issues in actual physical hardware.

Five Flute: Web view + mobile
Engineering Managers

Engineering managers oversee teams of 3-10 engineers and
are involved in making daily design decisions. They use Five
Flute to understand the status of the project and to manage
engineer workloads.

Five Flute: Web view
VP of Engineering

The VPE oversees all design work done by the company. Their
primary use case for Five Flute is to get a big-picture
understanding of product development status.

Five Flute: Dashboard (roadmap)

Our market is everyone involved in physical product development.
mechanical enginers

electrical engineers

industrial designers

engineering technicians

technical program & product managers


SolidWorks beachhead market

Global opportunity
19.3M Global 

CAD Users
3.25M Active
SolidWorks Users
Data Source: https://www.solidworks.com/sw/183_enu_html.htm
Inbound and Product Led. We land with engineers and spread across the
Lead Mechanical 

Mechanical Team
Electrical Team

Industrial Designers


Technical Managers
& Trust
Engage &
Onboard &
How do we find and engage with

Evergreen engineering focused content -
articles, webinars, engineering charts and
calculators that help our customers tackle
common challenges

Partner content: Xometry, Fictiv, & more
How do we convert the team?

Build the best platform for issue tracking
and collaboration - every interaction with
the product is an opportunity to convert
other team members.
How do we land that first engineer?  

Self onboarding, tutorials, great help docs,
short time to value
We’ve already built the foundation of the product and our SolidWorks
integration. The next steps unlock cross-discipline engineering
Core issue tracking

CAD integration

Electrical CAD /

EDA integration
Product Lifecycle
Management integration
Launched core issue tracking
platform & web view in 2021.

Upcoming platform
k Project dashboardu
k Image annotatioŒ
k Improved notifications & activity fee‚
k File attachments
Integration with EDA software powers
collaboration on the interface
between electronics and enclosures.


Cross-discipline communication
between EE / ME / ID
Launched SolidWorks

integration 1Q2022


Design phase, mechanical engineers
& industrial designers

Integration in PLM tools allows us to
coordinate issues across the full
product lifecycle. Duro partnership in


Value across the full product lifecycle

Ongoing platform improvements


The focus of this phase is to find product market fit for at least one CAD
integration and to build out our marketing & sales infrastructure.

fundraise target focus results

Continued platform development
and refinement of SolidWorks

Marketing and Sales

Build out content that attracts
and informs professional product

Build out inf rastructure to enable
self onboarding and team

XX month runway

Ending subscriptions: XX

Target MRR: XX

Forward-looking ARR: XX

CAC of XX or less across at least
one channel

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Pitch Deck Teardown: Five Flute's $1.2M Pre-seed deck

  • 1. Issue Tracking SaaS for Physical Product Developers Five Flute brings issue tracking and team collaboration directly into the 3D design tools where engineers and designers already work. FiveFlute
  • 2. We’ve shipped hardware and software products across industries and we deeply understand the problem space. 15 years of product development, built & managed team of 25+ electromechanical engineers at Cooper Perkins, Led factory ops at Plethora, Developed Hydrow’s flagship rowing machine. 4 Patents. Engineering Director @ Cooper Perkins Head of Hardware @ Plethora MS in Mechanical @ Virginia tech CEO William Burke 14+ years of software development, designed & launched 2 different baby monitors nationwide with Babies’R’Us, developed infant sleep coaching platform in partnership with Johnson & Johnson Co-Founder & CTO @ Rest Devices BS in Mechanical & CS @ MIT CTO Carson Darling TEAM
  • 3. Product development Overview Technology Development Is it possible? Product Development Detailed design, reduce risks, meet requirements Mass Production Make it at scale Iterative Product Development Process Tools used Benchtop Prototype Prove that the concept is technically feasible 1-4 months Works-like Prove that integrated functionality is possible 2-5 months looks-like Prove integrated functionality in a believable form factor 3-8 months made-like Prove integrated functionality in a believable form factor using production like manufacturing processes 3-12 months Pilot production Validate the production process 4-6 months Production Full production including supply chain management and change order management Ongoing Support Ongoing updates, improvements, and fixes Ongoing Sketchbook 3D CAD - SolidWorks / Fusion 360 / Catia / NX PCB Design (EDA) - Altium / Eagle Product Data Management (PDM) - Vault / SolidWorks PDM Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Duro / Arena Product development is a complex interative process involving multiple disciplines and a variety of tools
  • 4. Collaboration in hardware product development is a nightmare - existing tools are siloed, discipline specific, and don’t play well together. Even simple hardware issues require coordination between multiple people working in different environments PROBLEM During assembly a fitup problem is discovered between a PCB and a mechanical enclosure During assembly a fitup problem is discovered between a PCB and a mechanical enclosure PCB Redesign: Electrical engineer fixes IC component model in Altium Enclosure Redesign: Mechanical engineer updates the enclosure heat sink to match the new PCB Design Update: Industrial designer modifies the product surface to accomodate the new heat sink volume Engineering Technician Industrial
 Designer Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer
  • 5. Problem Hardwareengineersarelockedintodesigntools(CAD)thatdon’tsupport collaborationorteamwork. Theyareforcedtousehighlyinefficientanderrorproneworkaroundsbuiltfromgeneral purposeproductivitytoolsandsoftwaredevelopmenttoolsthat . don’tmeettheuniqueneedsof hardwaredevelopment CAD StatusQuo-BespokeWorkarounds&SWDevTools We’vefeltthispainpersonallyandwe’vedonethediscoverytoknowthat othersfeelitaswell. Discovery. Whiledevelopingourwebappwe’ve spokenwith50+companiesabouttheircurrent issuetrackingmethodologies. Experience. We’veseenthisproblemfirsthandin20+ yearsofhardwareproductdevelopmentacross consumer,fitness,softgoods,robotics,aerospaceand medical. Thisproblemisindustryagnosticandwidespread. DISCOVERY Redacted Redacted
  • 7. Five Flute’s issue tracking platform lives where real work is done PLATFORM Mobile Technicians & in-house manufacturing Desktop Webview Management, non-CAD users CAD Integrated Engineers (ME / EE / IE)
  • 9. Integration improves customer experience and speeds adoption Simpler Adoption. By integrating into CAD we show up where engineers already work. To them we’re not a new tool, but rather a new set of capabilities that make their work easier. Customer Experience. Five Flute wins over general purpose tools by connecting directly to the engineering assets that hardware teams develop, providing a rich visual context for team communication and more efficient issue tracking workflows for all collaborators. Stickiness and Defensibility. Our long term advantage is cemented by integrating across the entire product development tool chain. Product Led. Transparent pricing, easy onboarding, great help docs = short time to value. Our core functionality is team communication so every message is an opportunity to convert collaborators to account holders. Mechanical CAD > ECAD > ID > PLM WHY WE WIN
  • 10. There are examples of the integration-first strategy paying off massively. What Frame.io did for video, Five Flute will do for hardware product development. video editors 3D design editors FiveFlute INTEGRATION IS KEY
  • 11. Our competition is structurally unable to address this niche. CAD Native Connected to engineering data (parts, assemblies, drawings) Siloed Web Only FiveFlute These companies force teams to change their workflow in order to adopt. Redacted Redacted This software is too generic to be effective for hardware development THE COMPETITION ISN’T FOCUSED
  • 12. Our market is everyone involved in physical product development. Market Engineers Engineers do daily design work in CAD packages like SolidWorks. Beyond ME’s, Five Flute is valuable for cross- functional teams. Electrical engineers use Five Flute to resolve fit issues with PCBs and industrial designers use Five Flute to collaborate with ME’s. Five Flute: CAD integration + web view Technicians & Support Staff Technicians support design work in the build and test phases and report & resolve issues in actual physical hardware. Five Flute: Web view + mobile Engineering Managers Engineering managers oversee teams of 3-10 engineers and are involved in making daily design decisions. They use Five Flute to understand the status of the project and to manage engineer workloads. Five Flute: Web view VP of Engineering The VPE oversees all design work done by the company. Their primary use case for Five Flute is to get a big-picture understanding of product development status. Five Flute: Dashboard (roadmap) La n d h e re a n d s p re a d
  • 13. Our market is everyone involved in physical product development. mechanical enginers electrical engineers industrial designers engineering technicians technical program & product managers $1.95B SolidWorks beachhead market $12B Global opportunity 19.3M Global CAD Users 3.25M Active SolidWorks Users Data Source: https://www.solidworks.com/sw/183_enu_html.htm MARKET OPPORTUNITY
  • 14. Inbound and Product Led. We land with engineers and spread across the organization. Lead Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Team Electrical Team Industrial Designers Technicians Technical Managers Awareness & Trust Engage & Inform Onboard & Convert How do we find and engage with engineers? Evergreen engineering focused content - articles, webinars, engineering charts and calculators that help our customers tackle common challenges Partner content: Xometry, Fictiv, & more How do we convert the team? Build the best platform for issue tracking and collaboration - every interaction with the product is an opportunity to convert other team members. How do we land that first engineer? Self onboarding, tutorials, great help docs, short time to value GO TO MARKET
  • 15. We’ve already built the foundation of the product and our SolidWorks integration. The next steps unlock cross-discipline engineering ROADMAP Core issue tracking platform Mechanical CAD integration Electrical CAD / EDA integration Product Lifecycle Management integration Launched core issue tracking platform & web view in 2021. Upcoming platform improvementsl k Project dashboardu k Image annotatioŒ k Improved notifications & activity fee‚ k File attachments Integration with EDA software powers collaboration on the interface between electronics and enclosures. Unlocks: Cross-discipline communication between EE / ME / ID Launched SolidWorks integration 1Q2022 Unlocks: Design phase, mechanical engineers & industrial designers Integration in PLM tools allows us to coordinate issues across the full product lifecycle. Duro partnership in progress. Unlocks: Value across the full product lifecycle Ongoing platform improvements Time Launched 1Q2022 Launched 1Q2022
  • 16. The focus of this phase is to find product market fit for at least one CAD integration and to build out our marketing & sales infrastructure. FUNDRAISE $XX pre-seed fundraise target focus results Engineering Continued platform development and refinement of SolidWorks add-in Marketing and Sales Build out content that attracts and informs professional product developers. Build out inf rastructure to enable self onboarding and team conversion XX month runway Ending subscriptions: XX Target MRR: XX Forward-looking ARR: XX CAC of XX or less across at least one channel