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IoT Smart Home | B2C Consumer Electronics | AgriTech
Seed Pitch Deck
Helping plant parents to never lose
another green child ever again
Raising $1.4M ($0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise)
to start mass-production and reach $1.7M revenue by 2025
Ondra Zbytek
CEO & Co-founder
Daniel Satke
CTO & Co-founder
Smart devices for indoor plant care
Indoor Gardening Supplies
MASSIVE market
B2C AgriTech Powerhouse
I bet you won’t find a more competent team
Raising $1.4M Seed
$0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise
$100K on Kickstarter
Mass-production ready product
Technically de-risked
Meet the most competent - The B2C AgriTech Powerhouse
Ondra Zbytek
CEO & Co-founder
Serial founder, exited Nuledo
(acquired by TCLS in 2023).
MSc, electrical engineering.
Designed 7 different electrical
home growing systems.
Grown 1000+ houseplants sin-
ce 12y old. Member of
6 growing communities.
Daniel Satke
CTO & Co-founder
Led manufacturing team of 5.
Designed and delivered
products to 5 countries,
optimizing for mass production.
MSc, mechanical engineering
at CTU in Prague, exchanges at
IIT Madras, India and the Univer-
sity of Adelaide, Australia.
Valery Mezencev
Marketing Hacker
Mastermind behind a 400%
funded Kickstarter campaign.
Former startup studio B2C
product marketing manager,
Product Marketing Alliance™
MSc, business administration
and marketing.
Josef Vydlak
Soil & Fertilizer Grandmaster
Inventor of 61 compositions
and production protocols for
certified hobby gardening soils
and fertilizer mixtures.
MSc, horticulture. His growing
blends reached 50+ million
users over the last 30 years.
Advised and backed by the most knowledgeable
Advisors & Investors
Tomas Bodnar
Domain-expert Advisor
Online Indoor Plant Sales Visionary
Founder of DMP.cz, a viral online business with D2C
indoor plant sales. Nearing $1.2M GMV with more than
12,000 unique customers.
Helping us:
Develop a Go To Market strategy
Understand customer preferences and purchasing
Perform user testing on his customers
AGRO CS a.s.
Pre-seed Investor
High-value Strategic Partner
Largest B2B2C company in CEE in gardening supplies (soil
substrates, fertilizers, plant biostimulants), $168M/y revenue,
790 employees, 5M+ end users. Eager to participate in future
Manufacturing facilities
Internal sales data & consumption trends
Contact network for business partners, distributors and
What brought the dream team together?
“It all started
when my good
friend died”
Ondra Zbytek
CEO of Plantee Innovations
And I was not the only one crying over a lost friend…
What problem do these people have in common?
Which results in ...
Major economic loss $9.7B
every year just in the US
Gigantic waste from dead
plants and soil
Stress affecting the mental
health of growers
Worsening indoor air
quality and well-being
73% of home growers kill
multiple houseplants every
year due to mistreatment
Sources in the appendix
What’s the solution?
Taking care of essential tasks...
watering fertilization
soil heating
plant heating air humidification
A smart device delivering consistent and
appropriate care for houseplants
Connected to AI powered database of ideal
growing conditions for every plant
Flagship product
Hello, your solution seems exactly what I need to
grow epiphytic orchids at home!
I’ve been looking for something like this for a long
time for my Bonsai tree so I’ll be able to keep it
indoor instead of transferring it everyday from inside
to outside. Please help!
I need Plantee badly - I’ve identified myself as a
definite plant killer for years.
What is unique
Business point of view
The all-in-one smart indoor greenhouse
Is there a need? Our customers told us!
Uses any soil substrate, grows all plants
Greenhouse without glass Ask us how it works!
Ideal growing conditions thanks to connection with
Rapid prototyping techniques – very easily iterable
Proprietary electronics - big MOAT and easily
transferable to new modular products
see appendix for products
under development
Watch the video!
Who else is solving?
Sources in the appendix
Grows all plants
(including bonsais, houseplants…)
Grows only very specific plants
(only herbs or only mushrooms or
only avocados or only…)
Hard to grow Easy to grow
total $0.36M from VCs
raised Pre-seed 2021
$ $
private gardener
total $3.3M from VCs
raised Seed 2023
total $11.6M from VCs
raised Series A 2021
total $55M from VCs
raised Series B 2022
total $17.9M from VCs
raised Series B 2020
smart gardens
Do people want to buy solution? Yes they do!
Raised $102K on Kickstarter
(400% funded) market-validated
Gathered 8K future customers in
a private FB group, 10K mailing list
waiting for product release
Kickstarter CAC: $275
(Q4/2025 target: $85)
Small batch gross margin: 34%
(Q3/2025 target: 51%)
Built and tested
a mass-production ready product
technically de-risked
Published apps for iOS
& Android for controlling Plantee
Registered an awesome
Created a deep moat with the
most competent team and
3 years of R&D
Meet Michael, our beloved plant killer
Target customer & Why he needs Plantee now
Serial plant killer – lost 7 houseplants
in the last year
73% of growers kill multiple plants every year,
an average millennial kills 7.
Suffers from negative emotions
connected to gardening fails
Studies show that dying houseplants in your home
negatively impact your wellbeing.
Sources in the appendix
Home-office high-income worker
44% growth in remote work over the last 5 years.
Tech loving IT guy, lives in London, UK
Plants suffer without sufficient sunlight.
Started gardening during COVID
18% raise in indoor growing after COVID.
We are not the only ones seeing this!
Smart Kitchen Gardens boomed in the last 3 years
but none of them will help Michael.
How many Michaels are there?
Sources in the appendix
Market size
258M people in the developed world grow plants indo-
ors as a hobby and the supplies market is growing!
33% of them have high income, access to Wi-Fi and
a smartphone and live in mild or cold climates.
50% of these regularly neglect plant needs, killing them.
Smart Gardens target only a small portion of the
market: growing herbs and vegetables in a kitchen.
Ornamental plants and houseplants are 13.5x as
popular and not addressed.
70% of growers grow plants in the living room while
only 47% in the kitchen.
258M indoor growers
with 6.6% CAGR
42.6M plant killers
10% market capture
$0.5B (in 5y)
46M increase after COVID
Go To Market
Inbound (50% of spend)
We know how to reach Michaels, and we do it cheaply
Blended CAC Q1/2024 = $275 (measured) Q4/2025 = $85 (target)
Blogs and videos on plant care, offering our products as 			
a solution
Plant killers search for help in blogs and on YouTube
Planteebase.com – database of growing conditions
People search how to grow their plants
SEO ads
Guerilla marketing (10% of spend)
Offering gardening help on Facebook, Reddit and Quora, 		
suggesting our products as a solution
Emotional shopping, cheap and effective
Outbound (40% of spend)
15% of our customers came from PR
They already asked us to provide Plantee for review
Store windows in malls
Plantee gives off light, attracting shoppers
Social media ads
How many $ will each Michael bring us?
Pricing, business model and unit economics
*manufacturing yield and warranty claims included
Net profit CLV = $510
80% own e-shop
20% marketplaces
Selling one-off HW & Accessories
(soil, seeds, fertilizers)
Plantee $999
(51% gr. margin*) – pricing validated on Kickstarter
Extenders $199
(74% gr. margin*)
Accessories $220
(46% gr. margin*) – over lifetime
Subscription $15/mo
(on-call gardener, remote data evaluation and exten-
ded 3-year warranty)
Every 5th customer will purchase
and keeps for 3 years
CAC Q1/2024 = $275 ️
Q4/2025 = $85
Not just Michael but everyone having thriving plants in living and
working spaces that improve well-being and mental health.
Offering ecosystem of:
Smart products (pots, greenhouses, sensors)
Accessories (plants, seeds, soils, fertilizers, plant
biostimulants, plant protection products)
Services (AI gardener, sensor data analysis, plant &
seed marketplace)
Taking over the B2B market for plant care in offices.
Becoming market leaders in indoor gardening in
the US, CA, EU, UK, AU, JP, KR.
Reaching profitable $0.5B revenue by 2029.
What we need to turn our vision into reality
We need $1.4M ($0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise)
Ask & Use of funds
To achieve $1.7M revenue in 2025 through
the sale of 1,675 units + accessories
To reduce CAC from $275 to $85,
achieving CLV:CAC 6:1 by 12/2025
To discover, develop and validate 3
new products by 11/2025
*see appendix for details
To start shipping to the EU and UK by
06/2024; to US, CA by 01/2025; JP, KR, AU
by 06/2025
To improve unit economics
Reducing BOM cost by 25% by 05/2025
Shortening assembly time from 3.5h to 2h
per unit by 11/2025
The roadmap to $1.7M revenue by the end of 2025
Operating plan
HW sales
Accessories sales
Subscription sales
Total revenue
Admin & Ops
Assembly time (EOP)
Headcount (EOP)
Cash on hand (EOP)
3 h
2.4 h
2 h
H2 2024 H1 2025 H2 2025 ∑ %
$23M projected revenue 2026
“Growing plants indoors is
hard, let’s make it easy for
Ondra Zbytek
CEO of Plantee Innovations
Ondra Zbytek
CEO & Co-founder
CTO & Co-founder
Pre-seed Investor
Seed Investor
Appendix: Products under development
Modular Plantee - individual functions, same app, same electronics
Smart light for plants
Smart watering station
Smart soil measurement
Smart pot
Ask us how they work and for whom they are intended!
Appendix: Sources
• Houseplant Statistics (2024)
• Instead of houses, young people have houseplants
• How many indoor plants non-expert gardeners in the United States kill in a year
• Mental health: having dying houseplants in your home negatively impacts your wellbeing, a new study says
• The appearance of indoor plants and their effect on people’s perceptions of indoor air quality and subjective well-being
• Americans spend billions on houseplants, only to kill half of them
Market size
Top down - relevant markets:
• Global Indoor Plants market size
• Plant&Flower growing in the US
• Europe Flowers and Ornamental Plants Market Size
• Global Gardening Supplies market (includes outside gardening)
• Houseplant Industry market size
We assume that 6.6 CAGR for ornamental plants and houseplants is tightly linked to houseplants gardening supplies, so we assume the same growth rate.
Bottom up calculation:
Developed world where plants are grown for hobby: USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Singapore: 1037M People
25% of people grow houseplants as a hobby in those countries: 258M (258M*$119 = §30.7B)
33% of those live in cold-mild climates, are high income, have wi-fi and smartphone: 85M
50% of those neglect basic plant needs: 42.6 M
Average yearly spend on houseplant equipment per person: 119 USD = 42.6M * $119= $5.1B
Sources for calculation:
• Number of households
• Houseplant Statistics (2024)
• US household income
• US smartphone penetration, Japan smartphone penetration
• UK household spendings on houseplants
Target customer & Why he needs Plantee now
• How Many People Work from Home in 2023? (Statistics)
• Average Briton spends hundreds of pounds on houseplants each year, poll finds
• COVID gardening rise, plant killers
• Mental health: having dying houseplants in your home negatively impacts your wellbeing, a new study says

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  • 1. IoT Smart Home | B2C Consumer Electronics | AgriTech Seed Pitch Deck Helping plant parents to never lose another green child ever again Raising $1.4M ($0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise) to start mass-production and reach $1.7M revenue by 2025 Ondra Zbytek CEO & Co-founder Daniel Satke CTO & Co-founder
  • 2. Smart devices for indoor plant care Summary Indoor Gardening Supplies $30.7B MASSIVE market B2C AgriTech Powerhouse I bet you won’t find a more competent team Raising $1.4M Seed $0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise $100K on Kickstarter Market-validated Mass-production ready product Technically de-risked
  • 3. Meet the most competent - The B2C AgriTech Powerhouse Team Ondra Zbytek CEO & Co-founder Serial founder, exited Nuledo (acquired by TCLS in 2023). MSc, electrical engineering. Designed 7 different electrical home growing systems. Grown 1000+ houseplants sin- ce 12y old. Member of 6 growing communities. Daniel Satke CTO & Co-founder Led manufacturing team of 5. Designed and delivered products to 5 countries, optimizing for mass production. MSc, mechanical engineering at CTU in Prague, exchanges at IIT Madras, India and the Univer- sity of Adelaide, Australia. Valery Mezencev Marketing Hacker Mastermind behind a 400% funded Kickstarter campaign. Former startup studio B2C product marketing manager, Product Marketing Alliance™ ambassador. MSc, business administration and marketing. Josef Vydlak Soil & Fertilizer Grandmaster Inventor of 61 compositions and production protocols for certified hobby gardening soils and fertilizer mixtures. MSc, horticulture. His growing blends reached 50+ million users over the last 30 years.
  • 4. Advised and backed by the most knowledgeable Advisors & Investors Tomas Bodnar Domain-expert Advisor Online Indoor Plant Sales Visionary Founder of DMP.cz, a viral online business with D2C indoor plant sales. Nearing $1.2M GMV with more than 12,000 unique customers. Helping us: Develop a Go To Market strategy Understand customer preferences and purchasing patterns Perform user testing on his customers AGRO CS a.s. Pre-seed Investor High-value Strategic Partner Largest B2B2C company in CEE in gardening supplies (soil substrates, fertilizers, plant biostimulants), $168M/y revenue, 790 employees, 5M+ end users. Eager to participate in future financing. Providing: Manufacturing facilities Internal sales data & consumption trends Contact network for business partners, distributors and journalists
  • 5. What brought the dream team together? Intro “It all started when my good friend died” Ondra Zbytek CEO of Plantee Innovations
  • 6. And I was not the only one crying over a lost friend… Intro
  • 7. What problem do these people have in common? Which results in ... Major economic loss $9.7B every year just in the US Gigantic waste from dead plants and soil Stress affecting the mental health of growers Worsening indoor air quality and well-being 73% of home growers kill multiple houseplants every year due to mistreatment Sources in the appendix Problem
  • 8. What’s the solution? Taking care of essential tasks... Solution lighting watering fertilization soil heating plant heating air humidification A smart device delivering consistent and appropriate care for houseplants Connected to AI powered database of ideal growing conditions for every plant
  • 9. Flagship product Hello, your solution seems exactly what I need to grow epiphytic orchids at home! I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time for my Bonsai tree so I’ll be able to keep it indoor instead of transferring it everyday from inside to outside. Please help! I need Plantee badly - I’ve identified myself as a definite plant killer for years. What is unique Business point of view The all-in-one smart indoor greenhouse Is there a need? Our customers told us! Uses any soil substrate, grows all plants Greenhouse without glass Ask us how it works! Ideal growing conditions thanks to connection with planteebase.com Rapid prototyping techniques – very easily iterable Proprietary electronics - big MOAT and easily transferable to new modular products see appendix for products under development Watch the video!
  • 10. Who else is solving? Sources in the appendix Competition Grows all plants (including bonsais, houseplants…) Grows only very specific plants (only herbs or only mushrooms or only avocados or only…) Hard to grow Easy to grow growbox total $0.36M from VCs raised Pre-seed 2021 aeroponics/hydroponics $ $ $ private gardener total $3.3M from VCs raised Seed 2023 total $11.6M from VCs raised Series A 2021 total $55M from VCs raised Series B 2022 total $17.9M from VCs raised Series B 2020 soil-less smart gardens
  • 11. Do people want to buy solution? Yes they do! Traction our Raised $102K on Kickstarter (400% funded) market-validated Gathered 8K future customers in a private FB group, 10K mailing list waiting for product release Measured: Kickstarter CAC: $275 (Q4/2025 target: $85) Small batch gross margin: 34% (Q3/2025 target: 51%) Built and tested a mass-production ready product technically de-risked Published apps for iOS & Android for controlling Plantee Registered an awesome trademark Created a deep moat with the most competent team and 3 years of R&D
  • 12. Meet Michael, our beloved plant killer Target customer & Why he needs Plantee now Serial plant killer – lost 7 houseplants in the last year 73% of growers kill multiple plants every year, an average millennial kills 7. Suffers from negative emotions connected to gardening fails Studies show that dying houseplants in your home negatively impact your wellbeing. Sources in the appendix Home-office high-income worker 44% growth in remote work over the last 5 years. Tech loving IT guy, lives in London, UK Plants suffer without sufficient sunlight. Started gardening during COVID 18% raise in indoor growing after COVID. We are not the only ones seeing this! Smart Kitchen Gardens boomed in the last 3 years but none of them will help Michael. Michael
  • 13. How many Michaels are there? Sources in the appendix Market size 258M people in the developed world grow plants indo- ors as a hobby and the supplies market is growing! 33% of them have high income, access to Wi-Fi and a smartphone and live in mild or cold climates. 50% of these regularly neglect plant needs, killing them. COMPETITION Smart Gardens target only a small portion of the market: growing herbs and vegetables in a kitchen. Ornamental plants and houseplants are 13.5x as popular and not addressed. 70% of growers grow plants in the living room while only 47% in the kitchen. TAM 258M indoor growers $30.7B with 6.6% CAGR SAM 42.6M plant killers $5.1B SOM 10% market capture $0.5B (in 5y) 46M increase after COVID
  • 14. Go To Market Inbound (50% of spend) We know how to reach Michaels, and we do it cheaply Blended CAC Q1/2024 = $275 (measured) Q4/2025 = $85 (target) Blogs and videos on plant care, offering our products as a solution Plant killers search for help in blogs and on YouTube Planteebase.com – database of growing conditions People search how to grow their plants SEO ads Guerilla marketing (10% of spend) Offering gardening help on Facebook, Reddit and Quora, suggesting our products as a solution Emotional shopping, cheap and effective Outbound (40% of spend) PR 15% of our customers came from PR Influencers They already asked us to provide Plantee for review Store windows in malls Plantee gives off light, attracting shoppers Social media ads
  • 15. How many $ will each Michael bring us? Pricing, business model and unit economics *manufacturing yield and warranty claims included $ Net profit CLV = $510 80% own e-shop 20% marketplaces Selling one-off HW & Accessories (soil, seeds, fertilizers) Plantee $999 (51% gr. margin*) – pricing validated on Kickstarter Extenders $199 (74% gr. margin*) Accessories $220 (46% gr. margin*) – over lifetime Subscription $15/mo (on-call gardener, remote data evaluation and exten- ded 3-year warranty) Every 5th customer will purchase and keeps for 3 years CAC Q1/2024 = $275 ️ Q4/2025 = $85
  • 16. BIG VISION Not just Michael but everyone having thriving plants in living and working spaces that improve well-being and mental health. Offering ecosystem of: Smart products (pots, greenhouses, sensors) Accessories (plants, seeds, soils, fertilizers, plant biostimulants, plant protection products) Services (AI gardener, sensor data analysis, plant & seed marketplace) Taking over the B2B market for plant care in offices. Becoming market leaders in indoor gardening in the US, CA, EU, UK, AU, JP, KR. Reaching profitable $0.5B revenue by 2029.
  • 17. What we need to turn our vision into reality We need $1.4M ($0.4M closed already, $1M left to raise) Ask & Use of funds To achieve $1.7M revenue in 2025 through the sale of 1,675 units + accessories To reduce CAC from $275 to $85, achieving CLV:CAC 6:1 by 12/2025 To discover, develop and validate 3 new products by 11/2025 *see appendix for details To start shipping to the EU and UK by 06/2024; to US, CA by 01/2025; JP, KR, AU by 06/2025 To improve unit economics Reducing BOM cost by 25% by 05/2025 Shortening assembly time from 3.5h to 2h per unit by 11/2025
  • 18. The roadmap to $1.7M revenue by the end of 2025 Operating plan HW sales Accessories sales Subscription sales Total revenue Marketing Manufacturing R&D Admin & Ops CAC (EOP) BOM (EOP) Assembly time (EOP) Headcount (EOP) Cash on hand (EOP) $52K $2.5K $240 $55K $110K $170K $140K $140K $220 $562 3 h 11 $820K $350K $16K $4.3K $370K $180K $440K $170K $140K $140 $422 2.4 h 11 $300K $1.2M $56K $18K $1.3M $290K $730K $130K $170K $85 $422 2 h 15 $300K $1.6M $75K $23K $1.7M $570K $1.3M $440K $450K 94% 4.4% 1.4% 100% 20% 48% 16% 6% H2 2024 H1 2025 H2 2025 ∑ % $23M projected revenue 2026 break-even 08/2025
  • 19. You? “Growing plants indoors is hard, let’s make it easy for everyone!” Ondra Zbytek CEO of Plantee Innovations Ondra Zbytek plant.ee CEO & Co-founder CTO & Co-founder Pre-seed Investor Seed Investor ondrazbytek@plant.ee
  • 20. Appendix: Products under development Modular Plantee - individual functions, same app, same electronics Smart light for plants $249 Smart watering station $199 Smart soil measurement module $129 Smart pot $189 Ask us how they work and for whom they are intended!
  • 21. Appendix: Sources Problem • Houseplant Statistics (2024) • Instead of houses, young people have houseplants • How many indoor plants non-expert gardeners in the United States kill in a year • Mental health: having dying houseplants in your home negatively impacts your wellbeing, a new study says • The appearance of indoor plants and their effect on people’s perceptions of indoor air quality and subjective well-being • Americans spend billions on houseplants, only to kill half of them Market size Top down - relevant markets: • Global Indoor Plants market size • Plant&Flower growing in the US • Europe Flowers and Ornamental Plants Market Size • Global Gardening Supplies market (includes outside gardening) • Houseplant Industry market size We assume that 6.6 CAGR for ornamental plants and houseplants is tightly linked to houseplants gardening supplies, so we assume the same growth rate. Bottom up calculation: Developed world where plants are grown for hobby: USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Singapore: 1037M People 25% of people grow houseplants as a hobby in those countries: 258M (258M*$119 = §30.7B) 33% of those live in cold-mild climates, are high income, have wi-fi and smartphone: 85M 50% of those neglect basic plant needs: 42.6 M Average yearly spend on houseplant equipment per person: 119 USD = 42.6M * $119= $5.1B Sources for calculation: • Number of households • Houseplant Statistics (2024) • US household income • US smartphone penetration, Japan smartphone penetration • UK household spendings on houseplants Target customer & Why he needs Plantee now • How Many People Work from Home in 2023? (Statistics) • Average Briton spends hundreds of pounds on houseplants each year, poll finds • COVID gardening rise, plant killers • Mental health: having dying houseplants in your home negatively impacts your wellbeing, a new study says