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 GossipGossip is idle talk or rumour, especiallyis idle talk or rumour, especially
about the personal or private affairs ofabout the personal or private affairs of
others. It forms one of the oldest andothers. It forms one of the oldest and
most common means of sharingmost common means of sharing
(unproven) facts and views, but also has(unproven) facts and views, but also has
a reputation for the introduction of errorsa reputation for the introduction of errors
and other variations into the informationand other variations into the information
-- WikipediaWikipedia
Why Gossip is Important inWhy Gossip is Important in
the Workplacethe Workplace
 Gossip is a form of social bonding. It is also a way forGossip is a form of social bonding. It is also a way for
some people to feel needed by their peer groupsome people to feel needed by their peer group
 Two important aspects of gossip:Two important aspects of gossip:
 Aspect of tellingAspect of telling
 Aspect of hearingAspect of hearing
 These two combinations are the perfect medium forThese two combinations are the perfect medium for
gossip. Should these components are lacking, gossipgossip. Should these components are lacking, gossip
does not happendoes not happen
 No fun of telling the gossip if no one really want toNo fun of telling the gossip if no one really want to
 Gossip is a way of informing the workforce.Gossip is a way of informing the workforce.
Some companies actually depend on employee gossip as anSome companies actually depend on employee gossip as an
informal way to disseminate information. Information isinformal way to disseminate information. Information is
"leaked" in a few departments and makes the rounds of the"leaked" in a few departments and makes the rounds of the
entire company through the gossip grape vine. By doing it thisentire company through the gossip grape vine. By doing it this
way, employers can measure the affect that a contemplatedway, employers can measure the affect that a contemplated
change might have on the workers without implementing it. Ifchange might have on the workers without implementing it. If
it is favorable received, most of the time office gossipit is favorable received, most of the time office gossip
becomes a reality. If there is strong resistance, it will usuallybecomes a reality. If there is strong resistance, it will usually
be modified or scrapped.be modified or scrapped.
 Gossip can be used like currency.Gossip can be used like currency.
If you want to know something from the office gossip, it willIf you want to know something from the office gossip, it will
usually cost you information. The best gossips know how tousually cost you information. The best gossips know how to
barter what they know for what they want to know. In doing itbarter what they know for what they want to know. In doing it
this way, it assures them a steady stream of fresh gossip andthis way, it assures them a steady stream of fresh gossip and
increases their value in their social group. People who deal inincreases their value in their social group. People who deal in
gossip are often careful to only reveal enough of what theygossip are often careful to only reveal enough of what they
know to persuade the other person to tell their secrets.know to persuade the other person to tell their secrets.
 Gossip can mean power.Gossip can mean power.
The person with the scoop is the one who everyone seeks forThe person with the scoop is the one who everyone seeks for
information. This gives the gossip power in the company for as longinformation. This gives the gossip power in the company for as long
as their information is the hot item. They become the leadingas their information is the hot item. They become the leading
workplace authority on the topic. It might be a recent scandal,workplace authority on the topic. It might be a recent scandal,
illness, firing, or accident. If the gossip has the facts, people willillness, firing, or accident. If the gossip has the facts, people will
eventually come their direction to make sure that they get theeventually come their direction to make sure that they get the
whole story.whole story.
 People who share common information become closer.People who share common information become closer.
Gossip is a way to exchange personal information. By tellingGossip is a way to exchange personal information. By telling
certain topic eg. married or divorce or single issues, it can improvecertain topic eg. married or divorce or single issues, it can improve
morale of the involved individually or people as they feel the sensemorale of the involved individually or people as they feel the sense
of belonging in social community and indirectly, it forms theof belonging in social community and indirectly, it forms the
cohesive group among themselves.cohesive group among themselves.
Even empathy for the difficult circumstances of others can developEven empathy for the difficult circumstances of others can develop
through the gossip chain.through the gossip chain.
Instructions How ToInstructions How To
Avoid GossipAvoid Gossip
 Step 1: Analyze the source of theStep 1: Analyze the source of the
 Think about whom the person is and their characterThink about whom the person is and their character
when considering the information they are spreading.when considering the information they are spreading.
Ask yourself why they would say what they areAsk yourself why they would say what they are
saying, how will they benefit from spreading thesaying, how will they benefit from spreading the
 There is no real benefit that will come from gossipThere is no real benefit that will come from gossip
and its main reason is to degrade and take pleasureand its main reason is to degrade and take pleasure
in negative information about another personin negative information about another person
 Step 2: Evaluate the information youStep 2: Evaluate the information you
share with co-workersshare with co-workers
 It is better left to be unsaid rather than sharing it.It is better left to be unsaid rather than sharing it.
Some people said sharing is harmless whereas othersSome people said sharing is harmless whereas others
said no harm to share. Think again, back to childhoodsaid no harm to share. Think again, back to childhood
game of ‘telephone’ and consider how your informationgame of ‘telephone’ and consider how your information
may get twisted and changed as it gets passed along.may get twisted and changed as it gets passed along.
 Step 3: Limit your association with theStep 3: Limit your association with the
office gossipoffice gossip
 Try not to get involve with the person who tends toTry not to get involve with the person who tends to
spread the gossip therefore less chance of beingspread the gossip therefore less chance of being
included among the gossipers!included among the gossipers!
 Step 4: Let the gossip end with youStep 4: Let the gossip end with you
 Do not spread the gossip when you are given the tid-Do not spread the gossip when you are given the tid-
bit of the gossip! A gossip with no fuel will graduallybit of the gossip! A gossip with no fuel will gradually
become less successful and end in a disappointingbecome less successful and end in a disappointing
 Step 5 : Walk away from situationsStep 5 : Walk away from situations
where gossip is being formulatedwhere gossip is being formulated
 Little truth information about the gossip should not beLittle truth information about the gossip should not be
highlighted, therefore the spread of the gossip shallhighlighted, therefore the spread of the gossip shall
be halted.be halted.
 Step 6 : Change the topicStep 6 : Change the topic
 A quick way to stop gossip in its track is to changeA quick way to stop gossip in its track is to change
the topic of discussion.the topic of discussion.
Step 7: Confront the person that isStep 7: Confront the person that is
 Sometimes the best defenseSometimes the best defense against office gossip isagainst office gossip is
to have a strong offense in not tolerating the action ofto have a strong offense in not tolerating the action of
gossip. Let the gossiper know you are notgossip. Let the gossiper know you are not
comfortable discussing the information they arecomfortable discussing the information they are
fueling the gossip with. You can even say, “Hey, Ifueling the gossip with. You can even say, “Hey, I
don’t like talking about other people’s privatedon’t like talking about other people’s private
business, because I sure would not like them talkingbusiness, because I sure would not like them talking
about me.”about me.”
 Step 8: Tell the person who is gossipingStep 8: Tell the person who is gossiping
that maybe you both should go and askthat maybe you both should go and ask
the person the gossip is about to clarifythe person the gossip is about to clarify
the informationthe information
 This is a sure way to stop gossip in its track, becauseThis is a sure way to stop gossip in its track, because
most gossipers tend to cower away at that thought ofmost gossipers tend to cower away at that thought of
confronting the person the gossip is about.confronting the person the gossip is about.
 Step 9: Remind the gossiper thatStep 9: Remind the gossiper that
workplace gossip does come withworkplace gossip does come with
consequences that can include themconsequences that can include them
being reprimanded by the higher-ups ifbeing reprimanded by the higher-ups if
they are found to be the source of gossipthey are found to be the source of gossip
 Most workplaces have an established workMost workplaces have an established work
environment handbook that includes discipline actionsenvironment handbook that includes discipline actions
for the spread of gossip.for the spread of gossip.
 Step 10: Do not gossip yourself. Lead byStep 10: Do not gossip yourself. Lead by
 When you choose not to gossip or participate in gossipWhen you choose not to gossip or participate in gossip
sessions, you send a clear message to others thatsessions, you send a clear message to others that
gossiping is a negative attribute in the workplace. Also,gossiping is a negative attribute in the workplace. Also,
you do not want to be part of spreading informationyou do not want to be part of spreading information
that might be false and or hurtful about anotherthat might be false and or hurtful about another
Five Steps for Discouraging EmployeeFive Steps for Discouraging Employee
Gossip from Sabotaging ProductivityGossip from Sabotaging Productivity
1.1. Encourage workers to be open, creative and to respectfullyEncourage workers to be open, creative and to respectfully
speak the truth, especially in group settings.speak the truth, especially in group settings.
2.2. Realize, treasure and honor your greatest assets, yourRealize, treasure and honor your greatest assets, your
3.3. Do whatever possible to dissuade cliques from takingDo whatever possible to dissuade cliques from taking
4.4. Communicate and take charge of rumors.Communicate and take charge of rumors.
5.5. Use power, influence and peer pressure to perpetuate self-Use power, influence and peer pressure to perpetuate self-
Combating Gossip inCombating Gossip in
the Workplacethe Workplace
 Be proactive.Be proactive.
 Companies and managers who have an open door policyCompanies and managers who have an open door policy
tend to enjoy enhanced communication with their staff; theytend to enjoy enhanced communication with their staff; they
tend to be aware of what goes on outside their door andtend to be aware of what goes on outside their door and
therefore have an opportunity to speak out against negativetherefore have an opportunity to speak out against negative
 Enhance your policies.Enhance your policies.
 Let employees know that the company has a strict policyLet employees know that the company has a strict policy
against gossiping and the spread of rumors. Most companyagainst gossiping and the spread of rumors. Most company
handbooks include a misconduct policy and prohibitinghandbooks include a misconduct policy and prohibiting
disrespectful behavior such as gossiping should be added todisrespectful behavior such as gossiping should be added to
the list of policy violations.the list of policy violations.
 Build a culture of mutual respect.Build a culture of mutual respect.
 Part of a manager’s role is to set a positive example forPart of a manager’s role is to set a positive example for
the team. If the manager displays respectful behaviorthe team. If the manager displays respectful behavior
and treats others equally and consistently, he/sheand treats others equally and consistently, he/she
displays an example of what is expected.displays an example of what is expected.
 Encourage staff to work as a team.Encourage staff to work as a team.
 People tend to gossip about others if they do not knowPeople tend to gossip about others if they do not know
or associate with them. Allow your employees theor associate with them. Allow your employees the
opportunity to get to know each other throughopportunity to get to know each other through
teamwork and team building activities.teamwork and team building activities.
Gossip in IslamGossip in Islam
 Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatuWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatu
puak lelaki / perempuan itu mencemuh dan merendah-puak lelaki / perempuan itu mencemuh dan merendah-
rendahkan puak lelaki / perempuan yang lain, (kerana)rendahkan puak lelaki / perempuan yang lain, (kerana)
harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripadaharus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada
mereka dan janganlah kamu menyatakan keaiban yangmereka dan janganlah kamu menyatakan keaiban yang
lain dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antaralain dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antara
satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk.satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk.
(Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang(Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang
yang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlahyang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlah
buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang)buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang)
sesudah dia beriman dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidaksesudah dia beriman dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidak
bertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) makabertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) maka
merekalah orang-orang yang zalim. (11)merekalah orang-orang yang zalim. (11) Al-Al-HujraatHujraat
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakanWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan
dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaandari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan
yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dariyang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari
sangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintipsangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintip
atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang,atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang,
dan janganlah kamu mengumpat orang lain. Adakahdan janganlah kamu mengumpat orang lain. Adakah
kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telahkamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah
mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudahmati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah
tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-
larangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepadalarangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepada
Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi MahaAllah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha
mengasihani.mengasihani. (12)(12) Al-Al-HujraatHujraat
Evidences from QuranEvidences from Quran
and Hadithand Hadith
 Dari Abu Hurairah, meriwayatkan “ Rasulullah SAW bersabda:Dari Abu Hurairah, meriwayatkan “ Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Tahukah kamu, apakah ghibah itu?, mereka menjawab: Allah“Tahukah kamu, apakah ghibah itu?, mereka menjawab: Allah
dan RasulNya lebih tahu. Sabdanya Iaitu engkau menceritakandan RasulNya lebih tahu. Sabdanya Iaitu engkau menceritakan
tentang seseorang yang dia tidak suka (apabila mendengarnya).tentang seseorang yang dia tidak suka (apabila mendengarnya).
Seorang bertanya, Bagaimana jika yang saya cakap itu betulSeorang bertanya, Bagaimana jika yang saya cakap itu betul
berlaku padanya? Sabda Nabi: Jika yang apa yang dicakapkan ituberlaku padanya? Sabda Nabi: Jika yang apa yang dicakapkan itu
benar maka ianya adalah mengumpat, jika yang dicakapkan itubenar maka ianya adalah mengumpat, jika yang dicakapkan itu
tidak betul maka engkau telah melakukan fitnah. (Muslim)tidak betul maka engkau telah melakukan fitnah. (Muslim)
 ““Sabda Nabi SAW:Barangsiapa menutup rahsia sesama Muslim,Sabda Nabi SAW:Barangsiapa menutup rahsia sesama Muslim,
maka Allah akan menutup rahsianya pada hari kiamat nanti.”maka Allah akan menutup rahsianya pada hari kiamat nanti.”
(Muslim )(Muslim )
Punishment toPunishment to
slanderer / backbiterslanderer / backbiter
 Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.” (104:1) al-HumazahWoe to every slanderer and backbiter.” (104:1) al-Humazah
 ““Firman Allah yg bermaksud: Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg inginFirman Allah yg bermaksud: Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg ingin
menyebarkan keburukan dikalangan orang ramai, mereka akanmenyebarkan keburukan dikalangan orang ramai, mereka akan
menerima azab yang sangat pedih di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allahmenerima azab yang sangat pedih di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allah
maha Mengetahui dan kamu tidak mengetahui.”maha Mengetahui dan kamu tidak mengetahui.”
 Mereka yang suka mengumpat, bibir dan lidah mereka akanMereka yang suka mengumpat, bibir dan lidah mereka akan
digunting hingga putus hingga menyembur darah keluar dengandigunting hingga putus hingga menyembur darah keluar dengan
rasa kesakitan yang amat sangat. Kemudian bibir dan lidah iturasa kesakitan yang amat sangat. Kemudian bibir dan lidah itu
akan pulih semula. Bila pulih digunting lagi, kemudian pulih danakan pulih semula. Bila pulih digunting lagi, kemudian pulih dan
digunting lagi.digunting lagi.
How to avoid slander inHow to avoid slander in
We should always remember the following:We should always remember the following:
1.1. Not incite the Anger of Allah and His Wrath andNot incite the Anger of Allah and His Wrath and
Punishment by talking about others.Punishment by talking about others.
2.2. Think of the great corruption of hearts and friendshipThink of the great corruption of hearts and friendship
caused bycaused by slanderslander..
3.3. Remember the Verses and Hadith aboutRemember the Verses and Hadith about slanderslander and holdand hold
our tongue.our tongue.
4.4. Spread love amongst Muslims. We should mention theirSpread love amongst Muslims. We should mention their
good qualities and honor them in their absence.good qualities and honor them in their absence.
5.5. Know that safeguarding his tongue is one of theKnow that safeguarding his tongue is one of the
means for entering Paradise.means for entering Paradise.
6.6. Know that anyone who looks for the faults ofKnow that anyone who looks for the faults of
people, Allah will expose his faults even if hepeople, Allah will expose his faults even if he
hides within his home.hides within his home.
7.7. Be with righteous companions who command theBe with righteous companions who command the
good and get together for good.good and get together for good.
8.8. Be certain that those he talks about andBe certain that those he talks about and
dishonors today, will be his opponents on the Daydishonors today, will be his opponents on the Day
of Judgment.of Judgment.
9.9. Remember death and that short life within thisRemember death and that short life within this
world. Death is very near, and the Second Life isworld. Death is very near, and the Second Life is
so close.so close.
 Holy QuranHoly Quran
 Al-hadithAl-hadith
 Al- Ghazali, Muhammad ibn Muhammad (1987).Al- Ghazali, Muhammad ibn Muhammad (1987). BahayaBahaya
lesanlesan Jakarta:Bintang Pelajar.Jakarta:Bintang Pelajar.
 al- Mawardi, 'Ali ibn Muhammadal- Mawardi, 'Ali ibn Muhammad (1998).(1998). Jalan-jalan mendidikJalan-jalan mendidik
hati (mengenal sifat-sifat mahmudah dan mazmumah sertahati (mengenal sifat-sifat mahmudah dan mazmumah serta
cara merawatnya),cara merawatnya), Seri Kembangan: Al-Hidayah.Seri Kembangan: Al-Hidayah.
 WikipediaWikipedia
 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1528164/why_gossihttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1528164/why_gossi
 http://www.ehow.com/how_2134104_avoid-gossip-http://www.ehow.com/how_2134104_avoid-gossip-
 http://www.hrtools.com/staffing/five_steps_for_discouraging_http://www.hrtools.com/staffing/five_steps_for_discouraging_
 http://www.nationalpeo.com/about/articles/gossip_article.htmhttp://www.nationalpeo.com/about/articles/gossip_article.htm

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Gossip in the workplace

  • 2. DefinitionDefinition  GossipGossip is idle talk or rumour, especiallyis idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs ofabout the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest andothers. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharingmost common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has(unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errorsa reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the informationand other variations into the information transmittedtransmitted.. -- WikipediaWikipedia
  • 3. Why Gossip is Important inWhy Gossip is Important in the Workplacethe Workplace  Gossip is a form of social bonding. It is also a way forGossip is a form of social bonding. It is also a way for some people to feel needed by their peer groupsome people to feel needed by their peer group  Two important aspects of gossip:Two important aspects of gossip:  Aspect of tellingAspect of telling  Aspect of hearingAspect of hearing  These two combinations are the perfect medium forThese two combinations are the perfect medium for gossip. Should these components are lacking, gossipgossip. Should these components are lacking, gossip does not happendoes not happen  No fun of telling the gossip if no one really want toNo fun of telling the gossip if no one really want to listenlisten
  • 4.  Gossip is a way of informing the workforce.Gossip is a way of informing the workforce. Some companies actually depend on employee gossip as anSome companies actually depend on employee gossip as an informal way to disseminate information. Information isinformal way to disseminate information. Information is "leaked" in a few departments and makes the rounds of the"leaked" in a few departments and makes the rounds of the entire company through the gossip grape vine. By doing it thisentire company through the gossip grape vine. By doing it this way, employers can measure the affect that a contemplatedway, employers can measure the affect that a contemplated change might have on the workers without implementing it. Ifchange might have on the workers without implementing it. If it is favorable received, most of the time office gossipit is favorable received, most of the time office gossip becomes a reality. If there is strong resistance, it will usuallybecomes a reality. If there is strong resistance, it will usually be modified or scrapped.be modified or scrapped.  Gossip can be used like currency.Gossip can be used like currency. If you want to know something from the office gossip, it willIf you want to know something from the office gossip, it will usually cost you information. The best gossips know how tousually cost you information. The best gossips know how to barter what they know for what they want to know. In doing itbarter what they know for what they want to know. In doing it this way, it assures them a steady stream of fresh gossip andthis way, it assures them a steady stream of fresh gossip and increases their value in their social group. People who deal inincreases their value in their social group. People who deal in gossip are often careful to only reveal enough of what theygossip are often careful to only reveal enough of what they know to persuade the other person to tell their secrets.know to persuade the other person to tell their secrets.
  • 5.  Gossip can mean power.Gossip can mean power. The person with the scoop is the one who everyone seeks forThe person with the scoop is the one who everyone seeks for information. This gives the gossip power in the company for as longinformation. This gives the gossip power in the company for as long as their information is the hot item. They become the leadingas their information is the hot item. They become the leading workplace authority on the topic. It might be a recent scandal,workplace authority on the topic. It might be a recent scandal, illness, firing, or accident. If the gossip has the facts, people willillness, firing, or accident. If the gossip has the facts, people will eventually come their direction to make sure that they get theeventually come their direction to make sure that they get the whole story.whole story.  People who share common information become closer.People who share common information become closer. Gossip is a way to exchange personal information. By tellingGossip is a way to exchange personal information. By telling certain topic eg. married or divorce or single issues, it can improvecertain topic eg. married or divorce or single issues, it can improve morale of the involved individually or people as they feel the sensemorale of the involved individually or people as they feel the sense of belonging in social community and indirectly, it forms theof belonging in social community and indirectly, it forms the cohesive group among themselves.cohesive group among themselves. Even empathy for the difficult circumstances of others can developEven empathy for the difficult circumstances of others can develop through the gossip chain.through the gossip chain.
  • 6. Instructions How ToInstructions How To Avoid GossipAvoid Gossip  Step 1: Analyze the source of theStep 1: Analyze the source of the gossipgossip  Think about whom the person is and their characterThink about whom the person is and their character when considering the information they are spreading.when considering the information they are spreading. Ask yourself why they would say what they areAsk yourself why they would say what they are saying, how will they benefit from spreading thesaying, how will they benefit from spreading the gossip?gossip?  There is no real benefit that will come from gossipThere is no real benefit that will come from gossip and its main reason is to degrade and take pleasureand its main reason is to degrade and take pleasure in negative information about another personin negative information about another person
  • 7.  Step 2: Evaluate the information youStep 2: Evaluate the information you share with co-workersshare with co-workers  It is better left to be unsaid rather than sharing it.It is better left to be unsaid rather than sharing it. Some people said sharing is harmless whereas othersSome people said sharing is harmless whereas others said no harm to share. Think again, back to childhoodsaid no harm to share. Think again, back to childhood game of ‘telephone’ and consider how your informationgame of ‘telephone’ and consider how your information may get twisted and changed as it gets passed along.may get twisted and changed as it gets passed along.
  • 8.  Step 3: Limit your association with theStep 3: Limit your association with the office gossipoffice gossip  Try not to get involve with the person who tends toTry not to get involve with the person who tends to spread the gossip therefore less chance of beingspread the gossip therefore less chance of being included among the gossipers!included among the gossipers!  Step 4: Let the gossip end with youStep 4: Let the gossip end with you  Do not spread the gossip when you are given the tid-Do not spread the gossip when you are given the tid- bit of the gossip! A gossip with no fuel will graduallybit of the gossip! A gossip with no fuel will gradually become less successful and end in a disappointingbecome less successful and end in a disappointing way.way.
  • 9.  Step 5 : Walk away from situationsStep 5 : Walk away from situations where gossip is being formulatedwhere gossip is being formulated  Little truth information about the gossip should not beLittle truth information about the gossip should not be highlighted, therefore the spread of the gossip shallhighlighted, therefore the spread of the gossip shall be halted.be halted.  Step 6 : Change the topicStep 6 : Change the topic  A quick way to stop gossip in its track is to changeA quick way to stop gossip in its track is to change the topic of discussion.the topic of discussion.
  • 10. Step 7: Confront the person that isStep 7: Confront the person that is gossipinggossiping  Sometimes the best defenseSometimes the best defense against office gossip isagainst office gossip is to have a strong offense in not tolerating the action ofto have a strong offense in not tolerating the action of gossip. Let the gossiper know you are notgossip. Let the gossiper know you are not comfortable discussing the information they arecomfortable discussing the information they are fueling the gossip with. You can even say, “Hey, Ifueling the gossip with. You can even say, “Hey, I don’t like talking about other people’s privatedon’t like talking about other people’s private business, because I sure would not like them talkingbusiness, because I sure would not like them talking about me.”about me.”
  • 11.  Step 8: Tell the person who is gossipingStep 8: Tell the person who is gossiping that maybe you both should go and askthat maybe you both should go and ask the person the gossip is about to clarifythe person the gossip is about to clarify the informationthe information  This is a sure way to stop gossip in its track, becauseThis is a sure way to stop gossip in its track, because most gossipers tend to cower away at that thought ofmost gossipers tend to cower away at that thought of confronting the person the gossip is about.confronting the person the gossip is about.
  • 12.  Step 9: Remind the gossiper thatStep 9: Remind the gossiper that workplace gossip does come withworkplace gossip does come with consequences that can include themconsequences that can include them being reprimanded by the higher-ups ifbeing reprimanded by the higher-ups if they are found to be the source of gossipthey are found to be the source of gossip  Most workplaces have an established workMost workplaces have an established work environment handbook that includes discipline actionsenvironment handbook that includes discipline actions for the spread of gossip.for the spread of gossip.
  • 13.  Step 10: Do not gossip yourself. Lead byStep 10: Do not gossip yourself. Lead by exampleexample  When you choose not to gossip or participate in gossipWhen you choose not to gossip or participate in gossip sessions, you send a clear message to others thatsessions, you send a clear message to others that gossiping is a negative attribute in the workplace. Also,gossiping is a negative attribute in the workplace. Also, you do not want to be part of spreading informationyou do not want to be part of spreading information that might be false and or hurtful about anotherthat might be false and or hurtful about another person.person.
  • 14. Five Steps for Discouraging EmployeeFive Steps for Discouraging Employee Gossip from Sabotaging ProductivityGossip from Sabotaging Productivity 1.1. Encourage workers to be open, creative and to respectfullyEncourage workers to be open, creative and to respectfully speak the truth, especially in group settings.speak the truth, especially in group settings. 2.2. Realize, treasure and honor your greatest assets, yourRealize, treasure and honor your greatest assets, your people.people. 3.3. Do whatever possible to dissuade cliques from takingDo whatever possible to dissuade cliques from taking over.over. 4.4. Communicate and take charge of rumors.Communicate and take charge of rumors. 5.5. Use power, influence and peer pressure to perpetuate self-Use power, influence and peer pressure to perpetuate self- enforcement.enforcement.
  • 15. Combating Gossip inCombating Gossip in the Workplacethe Workplace  Be proactive.Be proactive.  Companies and managers who have an open door policyCompanies and managers who have an open door policy tend to enjoy enhanced communication with their staff; theytend to enjoy enhanced communication with their staff; they tend to be aware of what goes on outside their door andtend to be aware of what goes on outside their door and therefore have an opportunity to speak out against negativetherefore have an opportunity to speak out against negative behavior.behavior.  Enhance your policies.Enhance your policies.  Let employees know that the company has a strict policyLet employees know that the company has a strict policy against gossiping and the spread of rumors. Most companyagainst gossiping and the spread of rumors. Most company handbooks include a misconduct policy and prohibitinghandbooks include a misconduct policy and prohibiting disrespectful behavior such as gossiping should be added todisrespectful behavior such as gossiping should be added to the list of policy violations.the list of policy violations.
  • 16. Cont.Cont.  Build a culture of mutual respect.Build a culture of mutual respect.  Part of a manager’s role is to set a positive example forPart of a manager’s role is to set a positive example for the team. If the manager displays respectful behaviorthe team. If the manager displays respectful behavior and treats others equally and consistently, he/sheand treats others equally and consistently, he/she displays an example of what is expected.displays an example of what is expected.  Encourage staff to work as a team.Encourage staff to work as a team.  People tend to gossip about others if they do not knowPeople tend to gossip about others if they do not know or associate with them. Allow your employees theor associate with them. Allow your employees the opportunity to get to know each other throughopportunity to get to know each other through teamwork and team building activities.teamwork and team building activities.
  • 17. Gossip in IslamGossip in Islam  Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatuWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatu puak lelaki / perempuan itu mencemuh dan merendah-puak lelaki / perempuan itu mencemuh dan merendah- rendahkan puak lelaki / perempuan yang lain, (kerana)rendahkan puak lelaki / perempuan yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripadaharus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka dan janganlah kamu menyatakan keaiban yangmereka dan janganlah kamu menyatakan keaiban yang lain dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antaralain dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antara satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk.satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk. (Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang(Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang yang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlahyang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlah buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang)buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang) sesudah dia beriman dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidaksesudah dia beriman dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidak bertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) makabertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim. (11)merekalah orang-orang yang zalim. (11) Al-Al-HujraatHujraat
  • 18. Cont.Cont. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakanWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaandari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dariyang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintipsangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang,atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang, dan janganlah kamu mengumpat orang lain. Adakahdan janganlah kamu mengumpat orang lain. Adakah kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telahkamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudahmati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan- larangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepadalarangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi MahaAllah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.mengasihani. (12)(12) Al-Al-HujraatHujraat
  • 19. Evidences from QuranEvidences from Quran and Hadithand Hadith  Dari Abu Hurairah, meriwayatkan “ Rasulullah SAW bersabda:Dari Abu Hurairah, meriwayatkan “ Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Tahukah kamu, apakah ghibah itu?, mereka menjawab: Allah“Tahukah kamu, apakah ghibah itu?, mereka menjawab: Allah dan RasulNya lebih tahu. Sabdanya Iaitu engkau menceritakandan RasulNya lebih tahu. Sabdanya Iaitu engkau menceritakan tentang seseorang yang dia tidak suka (apabila mendengarnya).tentang seseorang yang dia tidak suka (apabila mendengarnya). Seorang bertanya, Bagaimana jika yang saya cakap itu betulSeorang bertanya, Bagaimana jika yang saya cakap itu betul berlaku padanya? Sabda Nabi: Jika yang apa yang dicakapkan ituberlaku padanya? Sabda Nabi: Jika yang apa yang dicakapkan itu benar maka ianya adalah mengumpat, jika yang dicakapkan itubenar maka ianya adalah mengumpat, jika yang dicakapkan itu tidak betul maka engkau telah melakukan fitnah. (Muslim)tidak betul maka engkau telah melakukan fitnah. (Muslim)  ““Sabda Nabi SAW:Barangsiapa menutup rahsia sesama Muslim,Sabda Nabi SAW:Barangsiapa menutup rahsia sesama Muslim, maka Allah akan menutup rahsianya pada hari kiamat nanti.”maka Allah akan menutup rahsianya pada hari kiamat nanti.” (Muslim )(Muslim )
  • 20. Punishment toPunishment to slanderer / backbiterslanderer / backbiter  Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.” (104:1) al-HumazahWoe to every slanderer and backbiter.” (104:1) al-Humazah  ““Firman Allah yg bermaksud: Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg inginFirman Allah yg bermaksud: Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg ingin menyebarkan keburukan dikalangan orang ramai, mereka akanmenyebarkan keburukan dikalangan orang ramai, mereka akan menerima azab yang sangat pedih di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allahmenerima azab yang sangat pedih di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allah maha Mengetahui dan kamu tidak mengetahui.”maha Mengetahui dan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (An-Nur:19)(An-Nur:19)  Mereka yang suka mengumpat, bibir dan lidah mereka akanMereka yang suka mengumpat, bibir dan lidah mereka akan digunting hingga putus hingga menyembur darah keluar dengandigunting hingga putus hingga menyembur darah keluar dengan rasa kesakitan yang amat sangat. Kemudian bibir dan lidah iturasa kesakitan yang amat sangat. Kemudian bibir dan lidah itu akan pulih semula. Bila pulih digunting lagi, kemudian pulih danakan pulih semula. Bila pulih digunting lagi, kemudian pulih dan digunting lagi.digunting lagi.
  • 21. How to avoid slander inHow to avoid slander in IslamIslam We should always remember the following:We should always remember the following: 1.1. Not incite the Anger of Allah and His Wrath andNot incite the Anger of Allah and His Wrath and Punishment by talking about others.Punishment by talking about others. 2.2. Think of the great corruption of hearts and friendshipThink of the great corruption of hearts and friendship caused bycaused by slanderslander.. 3.3. Remember the Verses and Hadith aboutRemember the Verses and Hadith about slanderslander and holdand hold our tongue.our tongue. 4.4. Spread love amongst Muslims. We should mention theirSpread love amongst Muslims. We should mention their good qualities and honor them in their absence.good qualities and honor them in their absence.
  • 22. Cont.Cont. 5.5. Know that safeguarding his tongue is one of theKnow that safeguarding his tongue is one of the means for entering Paradise.means for entering Paradise. 6.6. Know that anyone who looks for the faults ofKnow that anyone who looks for the faults of people, Allah will expose his faults even if hepeople, Allah will expose his faults even if he hides within his home.hides within his home. 7.7. Be with righteous companions who command theBe with righteous companions who command the good and get together for good.good and get together for good. 8.8. Be certain that those he talks about andBe certain that those he talks about and dishonors today, will be his opponents on the Daydishonors today, will be his opponents on the Day of Judgment.of Judgment. 9.9. Remember death and that short life within thisRemember death and that short life within this world. Death is very near, and the Second Life isworld. Death is very near, and the Second Life is so close.so close.
  • 23. ReferencesReferences  Holy QuranHoly Quran  Al-hadithAl-hadith  Al- Ghazali, Muhammad ibn Muhammad (1987).Al- Ghazali, Muhammad ibn Muhammad (1987). BahayaBahaya lesanlesan Jakarta:Bintang Pelajar.Jakarta:Bintang Pelajar.  al- Mawardi, 'Ali ibn Muhammadal- Mawardi, 'Ali ibn Muhammad (1998).(1998). Jalan-jalan mendidikJalan-jalan mendidik hati (mengenal sifat-sifat mahmudah dan mazmumah sertahati (mengenal sifat-sifat mahmudah dan mazmumah serta cara merawatnya),cara merawatnya), Seri Kembangan: Al-Hidayah.Seri Kembangan: Al-Hidayah.  WikipediaWikipedia  http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1528164/why_gossihttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1528164/why_gossi p_is_important_in_the_workplace_pg3.html?cat=17p_is_important_in_the_workplace_pg3.html?cat=17  http://www.ehow.com/how_2134104_avoid-gossip-http://www.ehow.com/how_2134104_avoid-gossip- workplace.htmlworkplace.html  http://www.hrtools.com/staffing/five_steps_for_discouraging_http://www.hrtools.com/staffing/five_steps_for_discouraging_ employee_gossip_from_sabotaging_productivity.aspxemployee_gossip_from_sabotaging_productivity.aspx  http://www.nationalpeo.com/about/articles/gossip_article.htmhttp://www.nationalpeo.com/about/articles/gossip_article.htm