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Because learning changes
Chapter 4
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Sleep Biology 1
Sleep is divided into distinct stages characterized by
different patterns of electrical brain activity.
• This architecture changes over the course of the life span.
Brain activity is typically monitored with an
electroencephalogram (EEG).
• Wakefulness pattern is the alpha rhythm, characterized by
regular brain waves 8 to 10 times per second.
• Brain waves change and different parts of the brain are
activated or suppressed in three stages of sleep.
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Sleep Biology 2
Non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep:
• Stage I: the lightest stage with slower brain waves and varying
brain activity.
• Stage II: deeper but still light; heart rate slows and body
temperature drops.
• Stage II: slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep; the most necessary
for feeling well rested upon waking.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: the final stage of
sleep, in which most dreaming occurs.
• Some regions of the brain are more active than when awake;
while body muscles completely relax, in a form of paralysis.
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Figure 4.1 EEG patterns change
with each stage of sleep.
The alpha rhythm of wakefulness gives way to a theta
rhythm in Stage I, characterized by varying brain activity.
In Stage II, the EEG shows different kinds of brain waves
bursting in synchrony. In the slow-wave pattern of Stage III, brain
waves are synchronized and slow. Finally in REM sleep, the brain
exhibits electrical activity that is indistinguishable from the alpha
rhythm of relaxed or drowsy wakefulness or even the beta rhythm
of a fully aroused person engaged in complex thinking.
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Sleep Biology 3
In sleep, people go through repeating cycles of the
three stages of NREM sleep followed by periods of
REM sleep.
• One cycle lasts about 90 minutes.
• Slow-wave periods (Stage III) are longer in the first part of
the night.
• REM periods are longer in the last part of the night.
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Figure 4.2 Sleep stages and cycles.
During one night of sleep, the sleeper typically goes through four or five
cycles of NREM sleep (three stages) followed by REM sleep.
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SOURCE: Krejcar, O., J. Jirka, and D. Janckulik. 2011. Use of mobile phones as intelligent sensors for sound input analysis and sleep state detection. Sensors 11(6): 6037–6055. 6
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Natural Sleep Drives 1
Circadian rhythm: the sleep-and-wake pattern.
• Coordinated by the brain’s master internal clock, the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
Circadian rhythm disruptions, such as occur with jet
lag, can cause a person to feel unwell.
• Zeitgebers: phenomena such as light that can influence and
reset the body’s master clock.
• Light has a direct connection the SCN via specific eye cells; and
exposure to light can reinforce unhealthy behavior.
• Melatonin: a hormone that helps control sleep-and-wake
cycles and circadian rhythms.
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Figure 4.3 The circadian clock of a person who
wakes up in the morning and sleeps at night.
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SOURCE: School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Matthew Ray/EHP 8
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Natural Sleep Drives 2
Homeostatic sleep drive: pressure to sleep that builds
the longer one is awake.
• Mainly driven by the neurochemical adenosine.
Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain.
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Changes in Sleep Biology
Across the Life Span
Sleep rhythms and needs change throughout our lives.
• Requirement depends on the individual, with genetics playing
a role in how much we need.
One prominent change is in circadian rhythm.
• Children need to go to bed quite a bit earlier.
• During adolescence and young adulthood, there is a delayed
sleep phase—leading many to not feel sleepy until late at
night and to sleep longer in the morning.
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Figure 4.4 Sleep needs change over the course of the life span.
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SOURCE: National Sleep Foundation
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Sleep Cycles, Age, and Gender
With age, the duration and quality of sleep decreases.
• Older adults lose a lot of the deep sleep stage and often wake
during the night.
• In contrast, children are hardest to rouse.
Women generally report more sleeplessness and
insomnia; while men are more likely to snore and to
have sleep apnea—involuntary pauses in breathing
during sleep.
• Women may experience disruptions due to menstrual
hormones, pregnancy, and the symptoms of menopause.
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Sleep and Its Relation to Health 1
Sleeping difficulty is often present in people struggling
with depression or mood disorders.
• Lack of sleep can cause irritability and affect emotions.
• Sometimes sleep problems are correlated with suicide risk.
Better sleep may help prevent the development of mild
cognitive impairment and dementia with age.
Sleep habits can also affect athletic performance.
• Amount of sleep, circadian rhythms, and the hormones
released during sleep all appear to be factors.
• Sleep is vitally important to intense skills training.
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Sleep and Its Relation to Health 2
Poor sleep can increase risk of developing body pain
and create a lower pain threshold.
Attention to sleep is also helpful for maintaining a
healthy weight.
• Sleep affects appetite-regulation factors such as the
neuroendocrine substances ghrelin and leptin.
Limited or poor-quality sleep affects the risk of both
cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
• Sleep apnea in particular is linked to hypertension and to
problems with glucose regulation.
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Sleep and Its Relation to Health:
Public Health Impact
Recovering from missed sleep is not as simple as
enjoying a few good nights’ rest.
• Signs of sleep debt include difficulty waking, ability to fall back
asleep later in the morning, grogginess, and a tendency to fall
asleep while reading or watching a movie.
Auto and workplace accidents can result.
• Sleep deprivation and alcohol are exponentially lethal.
• Microsleep, a momentary lapse in concentration is time
enough for a fatal crash to occur.
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Getting Started on a
Healthy Sleep Program 1
Step I: Take an inventory.
• Use a sleep diary for a closer look at your sleep habits.
Step II: Identify sleep disruptors—factors that interfere
with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
• Common physical disrupters include sleep apnea; reflux; nasal
congestion and coughs; the need to urinate; anxiety and
stress; and pain.
• Common environmental disrupters include bedroom
conditions and too much caffeine.
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Figure 4.5 A sleep diary can help you discover your sleep pattern.
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SOURCE: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 17
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Table 4.1 Caffeine Content of
Common Beverages and Chocolate
Coffee, Starbucks, brewed 8 fl. oz 160
Coffee, regular, brewed 8 fl. oz 130
Frappuccino beverage, Starbucks 9.5 fl. oz 115
Red Bull 8.3 fl. oz 80
Ice cream, coffee 8 fl. oz 50--80
Espresso, Starbucks 1 fl. oz 75
Vault 12 fl. oz 70
Mountain Dew 12 fl. oz 55
Tea, regular, brewed 8 fl. oz 50
Tea, latte, Starbucks Tazo Chai 8 fl. oz 50
Espresso, regular 1 fl. oz 40
Coca-Cola/Pepsi, regular, flavored, diet 12 fl. oz 35--40
Tea, fruited, Snapple 8 fl. oz 20
Dark chocolate, Hershey’s 1.45 oz 20
Milk chocolate, Hershey’s 1.55 oz 10
Sprite/7-Up 12 fl. oz 0
SOURCE: Insel, P., et al. 2021. Nutrition. 7th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 18
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Getting Started on a
Healthy Sleep Program 2
Step III: Improve sleep fitness.
• If lack of sleep is causing drowsiness, reconsider your baseline
sleep needs.
• Take steps to get the sleep you need.
• Consider the effects of “social jet lag,” especially from later
nights on weekends.
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Sleep Disorders 1
Insomnia: a sleep problem involving the inability to fall
or stay asleep.
• Considered chronic insomnia if sleep disruption occurs at least
three nights per week and lasts at least three months.
• Intervention and treatment address sleep disrupters or
circadian rhythm factors.
• Changing one’s sleep routine can bring relief.
• Environmental factors, exercise, and caffeine can be
• If sleep problems persist, visit your physician.
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Sleep Disorders 2
Restless leg syndrome (RLS): a feeling of discomfort or
body tension, often affecting the legs.
• Common and treatable.
• Simple measures that help include more exercise, avoiding
caffeine, stretching muscles, and ensuring appropriate levels
of iron.
• Medications are sometimes needed.
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Sleep Disorders 3
Sleep apnea: involuntary, repeated interruption of
normal breathing during sleep.
• Caused by blocked airways or faulty brain signaling.
• Probably the most common disrupter of sleep.
• Major medical problems are associated, including high blood
pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
• Treatments range from lifestyle adjustments to medical
devices—such as the continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) nasal mask.
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Figure 4.6 Sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea occurs when soft tissues surrounding the
airway relax, “collapsing” the airway and restricting airflow.
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Sleep Disorders 4
Narcolepsy: a rare neurological disorder characterized
by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and
sudden loss of muscle control.
• Caused by a gene mutation in the brain.
• Daytime sleepiness can come as an overwhelming urge to
sleep while driving, working, or eating.
• After sleep, the paralysis of REM lingers.
• Cataplexy, a sudden loss of muscle control, may cause slurred
speech, a jaw dropping, or legs buckling.
• Treatments are few and often ineffective.
Because learning changes
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• Identify the three stages of sleep.
• Understand how to apply good sleep habits.
• Explain the health-related benefits of sleep and the
consequences of disrupted sleep.
• Understand changing sleep needs throughout the life span.
• List common sleep disorders, their symptoms, and their
• Understand your patterns of sleepiness and alertness
throughout the day.
• Understand sleep disrupters and how to reduce their effects.
Because learning changes everything.®
© 2022 McGraw Hill LLC. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill LLC.

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  • 1. Because learning changes everything.® Sleep Chapter 4 © 2022 McGraw Hill LLC. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill LLC.
  • 2. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Biology 1 Sleep is divided into distinct stages characterized by different patterns of electrical brain activity. • This architecture changes over the course of the life span. Brain activity is typically monitored with an electroencephalogram (EEG). • Wakefulness pattern is the alpha rhythm, characterized by regular brain waves 8 to 10 times per second. • Brain waves change and different parts of the brain are activated or suppressed in three stages of sleep. 2
  • 3. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Biology 2 Non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep: • Stage I: the lightest stage with slower brain waves and varying brain activity. • Stage II: deeper but still light; heart rate slows and body temperature drops. • Stage II: slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep; the most necessary for feeling well rested upon waking. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: the final stage of sleep, in which most dreaming occurs. • Some regions of the brain are more active than when awake; while body muscles completely relax, in a form of paralysis. 3
  • 4. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.1 EEG patterns change with each stage of sleep. The alpha rhythm of wakefulness gives way to a theta rhythm in Stage I, characterized by varying brain activity. In Stage II, the EEG shows different kinds of brain waves bursting in synchrony. In the slow-wave pattern of Stage III, brain waves are synchronized and slow. Finally in REM sleep, the brain exhibits electrical activity that is indistinguishable from the alpha rhythm of relaxed or drowsy wakefulness or even the beta rhythm of a fully aroused person engaged in complex thinking. 4
  • 5. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Biology 3 In sleep, people go through repeating cycles of the three stages of NREM sleep followed by periods of REM sleep. • One cycle lasts about 90 minutes. • Slow-wave periods (Stage III) are longer in the first part of the night. • REM periods are longer in the last part of the night. 5
  • 6. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.2 Sleep stages and cycles. During one night of sleep, the sleeper typically goes through four or five cycles of NREM sleep (three stages) followed by REM sleep. Access the text alternative for slide images. SOURCE: Krejcar, O., J. Jirka, and D. Janckulik. 2011. Use of mobile phones as intelligent sensors for sound input analysis and sleep state detection. Sensors 11(6): 6037–6055. 6
  • 7. © McGraw Hill LLC Natural Sleep Drives 1 Circadian rhythm: the sleep-and-wake pattern. • Coordinated by the brain’s master internal clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Circadian rhythm disruptions, such as occur with jet lag, can cause a person to feel unwell. • Zeitgebers: phenomena such as light that can influence and reset the body’s master clock. • Light has a direct connection the SCN via specific eye cells; and exposure to light can reinforce unhealthy behavior. • Melatonin: a hormone that helps control sleep-and-wake cycles and circadian rhythms. 7
  • 8. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.3 The circadian clock of a person who wakes up in the morning and sleeps at night. Access the text alternative for slide images. SOURCE: School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Matthew Ray/EHP 8
  • 9. © McGraw Hill LLC Natural Sleep Drives 2 Homeostatic sleep drive: pressure to sleep that builds the longer one is awake. • Mainly driven by the neurochemical adenosine. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain. 9
  • 10. © McGraw Hill LLC Changes in Sleep Biology Across the Life Span Sleep rhythms and needs change throughout our lives. • Requirement depends on the individual, with genetics playing a role in how much we need. One prominent change is in circadian rhythm. • Children need to go to bed quite a bit earlier. • During adolescence and young adulthood, there is a delayed sleep phase—leading many to not feel sleepy until late at night and to sleep longer in the morning. 10
  • 11. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.4 Sleep needs change over the course of the life span. Access the text alternative for slide images. SOURCE: National Sleep Foundation
  • 12. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Cycles, Age, and Gender With age, the duration and quality of sleep decreases. • Older adults lose a lot of the deep sleep stage and often wake during the night. • In contrast, children are hardest to rouse. Women generally report more sleeplessness and insomnia; while men are more likely to snore and to have sleep apnea—involuntary pauses in breathing during sleep. • Women may experience disruptions due to menstrual hormones, pregnancy, and the symptoms of menopause. 12
  • 13. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep and Its Relation to Health 1 Sleeping difficulty is often present in people struggling with depression or mood disorders. • Lack of sleep can cause irritability and affect emotions. • Sometimes sleep problems are correlated with suicide risk. Better sleep may help prevent the development of mild cognitive impairment and dementia with age. Sleep habits can also affect athletic performance. • Amount of sleep, circadian rhythms, and the hormones released during sleep all appear to be factors. • Sleep is vitally important to intense skills training. 13
  • 14. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep and Its Relation to Health 2 Poor sleep can increase risk of developing body pain and create a lower pain threshold. Attention to sleep is also helpful for maintaining a healthy weight. • Sleep affects appetite-regulation factors such as the neuroendocrine substances ghrelin and leptin. Limited or poor-quality sleep affects the risk of both cardiovascular disease and diabetes. • Sleep apnea in particular is linked to hypertension and to problems with glucose regulation. 14
  • 15. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep and Its Relation to Health: Public Health Impact Recovering from missed sleep is not as simple as enjoying a few good nights’ rest. • Signs of sleep debt include difficulty waking, ability to fall back asleep later in the morning, grogginess, and a tendency to fall asleep while reading or watching a movie. Auto and workplace accidents can result. • Sleep deprivation and alcohol are exponentially lethal. • Microsleep, a momentary lapse in concentration is time enough for a fatal crash to occur. 15
  • 16. © McGraw Hill LLC Getting Started on a Healthy Sleep Program 1 Step I: Take an inventory. • Use a sleep diary for a closer look at your sleep habits. Step II: Identify sleep disruptors—factors that interfere with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. • Common physical disrupters include sleep apnea; reflux; nasal congestion and coughs; the need to urinate; anxiety and stress; and pain. • Common environmental disrupters include bedroom conditions and too much caffeine. 16
  • 17. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.5 A sleep diary can help you discover your sleep pattern. Access the text alternative for slide images. SOURCE: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 17
  • 18. © McGraw Hill LLC Table 4.1 Caffeine Content of Common Beverages and Chocolate FOOD SERVING SIZE CAFFEINE (MG) Coffee, Starbucks, brewed 8 fl. oz 160 Coffee, regular, brewed 8 fl. oz 130 Frappuccino beverage, Starbucks 9.5 fl. oz 115 Red Bull 8.3 fl. oz 80 Ice cream, coffee 8 fl. oz 50--80 Espresso, Starbucks 1 fl. oz 75 Vault 12 fl. oz 70 Mountain Dew 12 fl. oz 55 Tea, regular, brewed 8 fl. oz 50 Tea, latte, Starbucks Tazo Chai 8 fl. oz 50 Espresso, regular 1 fl. oz 40 Coca-Cola/Pepsi, regular, flavored, diet 12 fl. oz 35--40 Tea, fruited, Snapple 8 fl. oz 20 Dark chocolate, Hershey’s 1.45 oz 20 Milk chocolate, Hershey’s 1.55 oz 10 Sprite/7-Up 12 fl. oz 0 SOURCE: Insel, P., et al. 2021. Nutrition. 7th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 18
  • 19. © McGraw Hill LLC Getting Started on a Healthy Sleep Program 2 Step III: Improve sleep fitness. • If lack of sleep is causing drowsiness, reconsider your baseline sleep needs. • Take steps to get the sleep you need. • Consider the effects of “social jet lag,” especially from later nights on weekends. 19
  • 20. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Disorders 1 Insomnia: a sleep problem involving the inability to fall or stay asleep. • Considered chronic insomnia if sleep disruption occurs at least three nights per week and lasts at least three months. • Intervention and treatment address sleep disrupters or circadian rhythm factors. • Changing one’s sleep routine can bring relief. • Environmental factors, exercise, and caffeine can be significant. • If sleep problems persist, visit your physician. 20
  • 21. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Disorders 2 Restless leg syndrome (RLS): a feeling of discomfort or body tension, often affecting the legs. • Common and treatable. • Simple measures that help include more exercise, avoiding caffeine, stretching muscles, and ensuring appropriate levels of iron. • Medications are sometimes needed. 21
  • 22. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Disorders 3 Sleep apnea: involuntary, repeated interruption of normal breathing during sleep. • Caused by blocked airways or faulty brain signaling. • Probably the most common disrupter of sleep. • Major medical problems are associated, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. • Treatments range from lifestyle adjustments to medical devices—such as the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) nasal mask. 22
  • 23. © McGraw Hill LLC Figure 4.6 Sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when soft tissues surrounding the airway relax, “collapsing” the airway and restricting airflow. 23
  • 24. © McGraw Hill LLC Sleep Disorders 4 Narcolepsy: a rare neurological disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and sudden loss of muscle control. • Caused by a gene mutation in the brain. • Daytime sleepiness can come as an overwhelming urge to sleep while driving, working, or eating. • After sleep, the paralysis of REM lingers. • Cataplexy, a sudden loss of muscle control, may cause slurred speech, a jaw dropping, or legs buckling. • Treatments are few and often ineffective. 24
  • 25. Because learning changes everything.® © McGraw Hill LLC Review • Identify the three stages of sleep. • Understand how to apply good sleep habits. • Explain the health-related benefits of sleep and the consequences of disrupted sleep. • Understand changing sleep needs throughout the life span. • List common sleep disorders, their symptoms, and their treatments. • Understand your patterns of sleepiness and alertness throughout the day. • Understand sleep disrupters and how to reduce their effects. 25
  • 26. Because learning changes everything.® www.mheducation.com © 2022 McGraw Hill LLC. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill LLC.