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Pain perceived as arising in a limb or
the trunk wall caused by ectopic
activation of nociceptive afferent fibers
in a spinal nerve or its roots or other
neuropathic mechanisms. (IASP
Neurological state in which
conduction is blocked along a spinal
nerve or its roots => muscle weakness
& sensory changes
(Vervest, 1988; Bogduk, 2009)
• Radiculopathy and radicular pain commonly occur together
• Radicular pain may or may not occur with radiculopathy
Cervical radiculopathy
Typical cervical vertebra
Facet Joints (Zygapophyseal Joints)
 Vx C3 - C7
 Pillars at Pedicle –
 Posterior to exiting
nerve root
 Synovial with capsule
 Medial branch of dorsal
primary ramus
 Directional stability and
prevent translation of
Intervertebral disc
 six
 Each named after vx
above it
 annulus fibrosus +
nucleus pulposus + 2
cartilaginous endplates
 Thicker anteriorly than
posteriorly – lordosis
Uncovertebral articulations (joints of Luschka)
Lateral aspect of lower Vx
body has superior
projection (uncinate
process) &
lateral part of inferior
surface of upper vx body
facing it is slightly concave
On posterolateral border
of disc & anteromedial
portion of IVF
Not true synovial joints
Can hypertrophy
associated with disc
degeneration, and result
in narrowing of IVF
Intervertebral foramina
• There is no C1 dermatome marked on the skin
The sensory fibers entering are from the meninges around the
cerebellum and medulla, not from the skin
• The C1 spinal nerve sends motor axons to a few muscles in 3
locations, the mouth, the front of the neck and the back of the skull.
Unique - 2 joints form boundary
Allows to dynamically change
configuration according to
roof – inferior
aspect of notch
of pedicle
floor - superior
notch of pedicle
Posterior aspect of vx bodies, disc,
lateral expansion of PLL, venous
superior and
process of ZP
joint ,lateral
of LF
 Spinal nerve root
 Spinal artery of segmental artery
 Communicating veins
 Recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerve
 Transforaminal ligament
 Fat
skin & muscles of backremaining ventral parts of the
trunk and the upper and lower
(cervical and brachial plexus)
ligaments, dura, blood vessels,
discs, facet joints, periosteum
Recurrent m. N
Cervical radiculopathy
Cervical radiculopathy
hypertrophy of ZP
joint or
uncovertebral joint
Disc herniation
Spinal instability
Disc herniation
hypertrophy of ZP
joint or
uncovertebral joint
Herniation of an intervertebral disk may be caused by degenerative processes or trauma.3 Disk
herniations may occur centrally or laterally. Central disk herniations may compress the cervical
cord directly; lateral disk herniations result in compression of a cervical nerve root. - See more
at: http://www.rheumatologynetwork.com/articles/identifying-musculoskeletal-causes-neck-
Irritation of the spinal dorsal ramus system
- a potential source of pain
Each spinal dorsal ramus arises from the spinal
nerve and then divides into a medial and lateral
Medial branch supplies the tissues from the
midline to the ZP joint line and innervates two
to three adjacent ZP joints and their related
soft tissues.
Lateral branch innervates the tissues lateral to
the ZP joint line
Clinical pain presentations follow these
anatomic distributions, which can be used for
localizing involved ramus
Diagnosis can be confirmed by performing a
single dorsal ramus block that results in relief of
Treatment - spinal dorsal ramus injection
1. Dermatomal testing
2. Myotomal testing
3. Special tests
Classic Patterns
C5 Deltoid, elbow flexion Lateral arm Biceps
C6 Biceps, wrist extension Lateral forearm, thumb Brachioradialis
C7 Triceps, wrist flexion Dorsal forearm, long
C8 Finger flexors Medial forearm, ulnar
C5 Neck, shoulder, lateral
C6 Neck, dorsal lateral
(radial) arm, thumb
C7 Neck, dorsal lateral
forearm, middle finger
C8 Neck, medial forearm,
ulnar digits
Distribution of Pain
Spurling test/ Foraminal compression test/ Neck
compression test/ Quadrant test
◦ Neck extension + Rotation +
Downward pressure on head
◦ Positive finding eliciting
reproduction of radicular pain into
ipsilateral arm of head rotation
◦ 92% sensitive, 95% specific
Low sensitivity but high specificity-
not useful as a screening tool, but it
does help confirm the diagnosis
Shoulder abduction test/ Shoulder abduction relief
sign/Bakody’s sign
◦ Active/passive abduction of
ipsilateral shoulder
◦ Relief of radicular symptoms
◦ takes stretch off of the affected
nerve root and may decrease or
relieve radicular symptoms
Cervical spine tests
Neck distraction test/ Manual traction
Lhermitte sign/ Barber chair phenomenon
◦ Flexion of neck producing electric
shock like sensations that extend
down the spine and shoot into the
◦ Usefulness is limited
◦ Indicates spinal canal stenosis, disc
impingement, multiple sclerosis, or
Anterior doorbell sign
•Indicates nerve root
•Deep palpation over C5
segment produces pain in
superior scapulovertebral
border that radiates to upper
(for nerve root compression)
Manual compression of the jugular
veins bilaterally
An increase or aggravation of pain or
sensory disturbance over the
distribution of the involved nerve root
confirms the presence of an extruded
intervertebral disk or other mass
Deep breath and hold it while
attempting to exhale for 2-3
Positive response - reproduction of
The pushing increases intrathecal or
intraspinal pressure revealing
presence of a space occupying mass
such as and extruded intervertebral
disc, or narrowing due to
Hoffman sign
◦UMN sign indicating
pyramidal tract
◦Indicates myelopathy
1. Plain Radiographs
2. MRI
3. Cervical myelogram
4. Cervical myelogram + CT
Plain radiography
Role somewhat limited in evaluation
of nerve roots
Initial study to rule out instability or
pathologic changes in bone
Oblique views can show narrowing
of the neuroforamina secondary to
degenerative changes
MRI has become the method of choice for imaging the neck to detect
significant soft-tissue pathology, such as disc herniation.
The American College of Radiology recommends routine MRI as the most
appropriate imaging study in patients with chronic neck pain who have
neurologic signs or symptoms but normal radiographs
Sagittal T1 - Hypointense signal is common for herniated degenerative disks,
calcified ligaments, and bone spurs, making differentiation of these structures
more difficult
Axial T1 - Insight into both intraspinal and extraspinal disorders, as well as the
intrathecal nerve root anatomy
T2-weighted sequence or variants - “myelo-graphic” view
Cervical myelogram
Outlines SC and exiting nerve roots
with radiopaque dye
Water-soluble agent may be injected
via the C1-2 interval, allowing the dye
pool to gravitate caudally
Accuracy has been estimated 67% to
92%. For this reason, cervical
myelography is often accompanied by
Excellent visualization of nerves in
relation to surrounding osseous
Electrodiagnosis plays a critical role
Referred to as an extension of neurologic examination, as it is able to
provide physiologic evidence of nerve dysfunction
1. EMG
2. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies
3. Late responses
EMG is the most useful test
Localize lesions to a particular root level
The goal -- find a pattern of spontaneous and/or chronic motor unit changes in a
clear myotomal pattern
Limitations –
◦ can only detect change in the motor nervous system
Diagnostic Criteria for Needle EMG
To diagnose radiculopathy electrodiagnostically, needle study of 2
muscles that receive innervation from the same nerve root,
preferably via different peripheral nerves, should be abnormal.
Adjacent nerve roots should be unaffected unless a multilevel
radiculopathy is present
The primary role -- determine if other neurologic processes exist as
an explanation for a patient’s clinical picture, or if another process
coexists with a root level problem
In pure radiculopathy, the sensory nerve studies should be normal.
Pathologic lesion in radiculopathy typically occurs proximal to the
DRG. Since the DRG houses the cell bodies for the sensory nerves,
the sensory nerve studies should be normal.
common nerve entrapments such as median neuropathy at the
wrist or ulnar neuropathy at the elbow
The utility of late responses such as F-waves and H-reflexes in
diagnoses of cervical radiculopathy is debated.
While H-reflexes can be useful in diagnosing S1 radiculopathies,
there is less evidence to support use of late responses in the upper
F-waves are not sensitive
tend to be abnormal in severe disease
only tests motor fibers
not well tolerated by patients(supramaximal stimulation)
Cervical radiculopathy
Myofacial pain
 No dermatomal distribution
 Has tender points
Cervical spondylotic
 Changes in gait
 Falls
 Bowel, bladder, sexual dysfunction
 Difficulty using the hands
 UMN findings like spasticity
Facet joint
 Axial pain
 Tenderness over facet joints or
paraspinal muscles
 Pain with cervical extension or
 No neurologic abnormalities
 Pain and tenderness of the
extremity, out of proportion with
examination findings
 Skin changes, vasomotor
fluctuations, or dysthermia
 Limited ROM, stiffness
 For example, carpal tunnel
syndrome (median nerve) and
cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar
syndrome (neuralgic
 Acute onset of proximal upper extremity
 Usually followed by weakness typically in
the C5–C6 region and sensory disturbances
 Typically involves upper brachial plexus
 (unlike in cervical radiculopathy, in which
pain and neurologic findings occur
Herpes zoster
 Acute inflammation of DRG
 Painful, dermatomal radiculopathy
 Followed by appearance of typical
vesicular rash
Rotator cuff
 Shoulder and lateral arm pain only
rarely radiates below the elbow
 Aggravated by active and resisted
shoulder movements, rather than
by neck movements
 Normal sensory examination,
Thoracic outlet
 Median and ulnar nerve (lower
brachial plexus nerve roots, C8 and
T1) dysfunction
 Compression by vascular or
neurogenic causes, often a tight band
of tissue extending from first thoracic
rib to C7 transverse process
Cardiac pain
 Radiating upper extremity pain,
particularly in the left shoulder and
arm, that has possible cardiac origin
1. Immobilization
2. Traction
3. Pharmacological management
4. Spinal manipulation
5. Epidural Steroid injection
6. Surgery
Some advocate short course (one week) of
neck immobilization may reduce symptoms
in the inflammatory phase
Cervical collar has not been proven to
alter the course or intensity of the disease
Adverse effects - especially when used for
longer periods of time. It is feared that a
long period of immobilization, can result in
atrophy-related secondary damage
Distracts neural foramen and
decompresses nerve root
Typically, 8 to 12 lb of traction at
approximately 24 degrees of
flexion for 15- to 20-minute
Most beneficial when acute
muscular pain has subsided
Not be used in patients who have
signs of myelopathy!
Neck traction
Physical therapy
A graduated physical therapy
program -- restoring range of
motion and overall conditioning
of the neck musculature
As the pain improves, a
gradual, isometric strengthening
program may be initiated 
active range-of-motion and
resistive exercises as tolerated.
Pharmacological management
NSAIDs - effects on pain and inflammation
In general, 10-14 days of regular dosing is all that is needed to
control pain and inflammation
Oral steroids - reduce the associated inflammation from
No controlled study exists
Longer-term use is not recommended
Tricyclic antidepressants - adjunct in controlling radicular pain
Opioid medications - generally not necessary for pain relief, but can
be used when other medications fail to provide adequate relief
Descrbed as external force applied to the patient by the hand, an instrumental
device or furniture  resulting in movement and/or separation of the joint
articular surfaces with high or low velocity of joint movement
Evidence low in quality
Epidural Steroid injection
Principle- steroid decreases pain and
inflammation at the site, decreases PG
Indication –
◦ Radicular pain unresponsive to non-
interventional care for 1-2 months
◦ Patients without progressive neurological
deficit or cervical myelopathy can be
considered before sx
◦ Dural puncture, vasovagal reaction, facial
flushing, fever, nerve root injury,
pneumocephalus, epidural hematoma,
subdural hematoma, stiff neck, transient
paresthesias, hypotension, respiratory
insufficiency, transient blindness and
Persistent or recurrent unresponsive to nonoperative
management for at least 6 weeks
Disabling of 6 weeks’ duration or less (i.e., deltoid palsy, wrist
Static or referred pain
or deformity of functional spinal unit +
Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy, Todd J. Albert, MD, and Samuel E. Murrell, MD, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999;7:368-376
Posterior lamino-foraminotomy (with or
without diskectomy)
◦ Burr thins lamina over nerve root
◦ Nerve root exposed
◦ Angled curette can remove
additional bone & expand
◦ Disk material can be exposed &
Anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion
◦ Most widely used
◦ Removes ventral compressive lesion
WITHOUT need for retraction of SC
◦ Disc removed and iliac crest bone
autograft placed to ENCOURAGE
◦ Nowadays, allografts (no donor site
◦ In 1990s, cervical plates were added
to INCREASE stability and decrease
post op bracing
Anterior cervical diskectomy without
◦ Because of high incidence of
pseudarthrosis after ACDF
◦ Reported outcomes comparable
◦ Disk-space collapse and osseous fusion
◦ There is stress on removal of PLL (buckling
of ligament as disk space collapses
produces compression of the neural
elements) but removes another stabilizing
Post anterior cervical diskectomy without fusion Lateral cervical radiograph shows
increase in kyphosis. T2-weighted MRI - stenosis, ligamentum and disk bulging,
spondylosis, and cord compression
Cervical Disc Arthroplasty
Bryan cervical disk (Medtronic, USA)FlexicoreProDisc-C (Synthes
Spine Company,

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Cervical radiculopathy

  • 2. RADICULOPATHY RADICULAR PAIN Pain perceived as arising in a limb or the trunk wall caused by ectopic activation of nociceptive afferent fibers in a spinal nerve or its roots or other neuropathic mechanisms. (IASP taxonomy) RADICULOPATHY Neurological state in which conduction is blocked along a spinal nerve or its roots => muscle weakness & sensory changes (Vervest, 1988; Bogduk, 2009) • Radiculopathy and radicular pain commonly occur together • Radicular pain may or may not occur with radiculopathy
  • 5. Facet Joints (Zygapophyseal Joints)  Vx C3 - C7  Pillars at Pedicle – Lamina  Posterior to exiting nerve root  Synovial with capsule  Medial branch of dorsal primary ramus  Directional stability and prevent translation of vx
  • 6. Intervertebral disc  six  Each named after vx above it  annulus fibrosus + nucleus pulposus + 2 cartilaginous endplates  Thicker anteriorly than posteriorly – lordosis
  • 7. Uncovertebral articulations (joints of Luschka) Lateral aspect of lower Vx body has superior projection (uncinate process) & lateral part of inferior surface of upper vx body facing it is slightly concave On posterolateral border of disc & anteromedial portion of IVF Not true synovial joints Can hypertrophy associated with disc degeneration, and result in narrowing of IVF
  • 8. Intervertebral foramina GATEWAY OF THE SPINAL NERVE TO THE BODY C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
  • 9. Note • There is no C1 dermatome marked on the skin The sensory fibers entering are from the meninges around the cerebellum and medulla, not from the skin • The C1 spinal nerve sends motor axons to a few muscles in 3 locations, the mouth, the front of the neck and the back of the skull.
  • 10. Unique - 2 joints form boundary Allows to dynamically change configuration according to movements roof – inferior aspect of notch of pedicle floor - superior notch of pedicle Posterior aspect of vx bodies, disc, lateral expansion of PLL, venous sinus superior and inferior articular process of ZP joint ,lateral prolongation of LF
  • 11.  Spinal nerve root  DRG  Spinal artery of segmental artery  Communicating veins  Recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerve  Transforaminal ligament  Fat skin & muscles of backremaining ventral parts of the trunk and the upper and lower limbs (cervical and brachial plexus) ligaments, dura, blood vessels, discs, facet joints, periosteum VENTRAL RAMUS DORSAL RAMUS Recurrent m. N
  • 14. Degeneration, spondylosis, hypertrophy of ZP joint or uncovertebral joint Disc herniation Spinal instability Trauma Tumors Disc herniation Degeneration, spondylosis, hypertrophy of ZP joint or uncovertebral joint
  • 15. Herniation of an intervertebral disk may be caused by degenerative processes or trauma.3 Disk herniations may occur centrally or laterally. Central disk herniations may compress the cervical cord directly; lateral disk herniations result in compression of a cervical nerve root. - See more at: http://www.rheumatologynetwork.com/articles/identifying-musculoskeletal-causes-neck- pain#sthash.r7bQLpXS.dpuf
  • 16. Irritation of the spinal dorsal ramus system - a potential source of pain Each spinal dorsal ramus arises from the spinal nerve and then divides into a medial and lateral branch Medial branch supplies the tissues from the midline to the ZP joint line and innervates two to three adjacent ZP joints and their related soft tissues. Lateral branch innervates the tissues lateral to the ZP joint line Clinical pain presentations follow these anatomic distributions, which can be used for localizing involved ramus Diagnosis can be confirmed by performing a single dorsal ramus block that results in relief of pain Treatment - spinal dorsal ramus injection therapy
  • 17. 1. Dermatomal testing 2. Myotomal testing 3. Special tests
  • 18. Classic Patterns ABNORMALITIES NERVE ROOT MOTOR SENSORY REFLEX C5 Deltoid, elbow flexion Lateral arm Biceps C6 Biceps, wrist extension Lateral forearm, thumb Brachioradialis C7 Triceps, wrist flexion Dorsal forearm, long finger Triceps C8 Finger flexors Medial forearm, ulnar digits NA
  • 19. C5 Neck, shoulder, lateral arm C6 Neck, dorsal lateral (radial) arm, thumb C7 Neck, dorsal lateral forearm, middle finger C8 Neck, medial forearm, ulnar digits Distribution of Pain
  • 20. Spurling test/ Foraminal compression test/ Neck compression test/ Quadrant test ◦ Neck extension + Rotation + Downward pressure on head ◦ Positive finding eliciting reproduction of radicular pain into ipsilateral arm of head rotation ◦ 92% sensitive, 95% specific Low sensitivity but high specificity- not useful as a screening tool, but it does help confirm the diagnosis
  • 21. Shoulder abduction test/ Shoulder abduction relief sign/Bakody’s sign ◦ Active/passive abduction of ipsilateral shoulder ◦ Relief of radicular symptoms ◦ takes stretch off of the affected nerve root and may decrease or relieve radicular symptoms
  • 22. Cervical spine tests Neck distraction test/ Manual traction test
  • 23. Lhermitte sign/ Barber chair phenomenon ◦ Flexion of neck producing electric shock like sensations that extend down the spine and shoot into the limbs ◦ Usefulness is limited ◦ Indicates spinal canal stenosis, disc impingement, multiple sclerosis, or tumor
  • 24. Anterior doorbell sign •Indicates nerve root tension/radiculopathy •Deep palpation over C5 segment produces pain in superior scapulovertebral border that radiates to upper limb
  • 25. Others NAFFZIGER'S TEST (for nerve root compression) Manual compression of the jugular veins bilaterally An increase or aggravation of pain or sensory disturbance over the distribution of the involved nerve root confirms the presence of an extruded intervertebral disk or other mass VALSALVA MANEUVER Deep breath and hold it while attempting to exhale for 2-3 seconds Positive response - reproduction of symptoms The pushing increases intrathecal or intraspinal pressure revealing presence of a space occupying mass such as and extruded intervertebral disc, or narrowing due to osteophytes
  • 26. Hoffman sign ◦UMN sign indicating pyramidal tract involvement ◦Indicates myelopathy
  • 27. 1. Plain Radiographs 2. MRI 3. Cervical myelogram 4. Cervical myelogram + CT
  • 28. Plain radiography Role somewhat limited in evaluation of nerve roots Initial study to rule out instability or pathologic changes in bone Oblique views can show narrowing of the neuroforamina secondary to degenerative changes
  • 29. MRI MRI has become the method of choice for imaging the neck to detect significant soft-tissue pathology, such as disc herniation. The American College of Radiology recommends routine MRI as the most appropriate imaging study in patients with chronic neck pain who have neurologic signs or symptoms but normal radiographs Sagittal T1 - Hypointense signal is common for herniated degenerative disks, calcified ligaments, and bone spurs, making differentiation of these structures more difficult Axial T1 - Insight into both intraspinal and extraspinal disorders, as well as the intrathecal nerve root anatomy T2-weighted sequence or variants - “myelo-graphic” view
  • 30. Cervical myelogram Outlines SC and exiting nerve roots with radiopaque dye Water-soluble agent may be injected via the C1-2 interval, allowing the dye pool to gravitate caudally Accuracy has been estimated 67% to 92%. For this reason, cervical myelography is often accompanied by CT Excellent visualization of nerves in relation to surrounding osseous structures
  • 31. Electrodiagnosis plays a critical role Referred to as an extension of neurologic examination, as it is able to provide physiologic evidence of nerve dysfunction 1. EMG 2. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies 3. Late responses
  • 32. ELECTROMYOGRAPHY EMG is the most useful test Localize lesions to a particular root level The goal -- find a pattern of spontaneous and/or chronic motor unit changes in a clear myotomal pattern Limitations – ◦ can only detect change in the motor nervous system
  • 33. Diagnostic Criteria for Needle EMG To diagnose radiculopathy electrodiagnostically, needle study of 2 muscles that receive innervation from the same nerve root, preferably via different peripheral nerves, should be abnormal. Adjacent nerve roots should be unaffected unless a multilevel radiculopathy is present
  • 34. NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES The primary role -- determine if other neurologic processes exist as an explanation for a patient’s clinical picture, or if another process coexists with a root level problem In pure radiculopathy, the sensory nerve studies should be normal. Pathologic lesion in radiculopathy typically occurs proximal to the DRG. Since the DRG houses the cell bodies for the sensory nerves, the sensory nerve studies should be normal. common nerve entrapments such as median neuropathy at the wrist or ulnar neuropathy at the elbow
  • 35. LATE RESPONSES The utility of late responses such as F-waves and H-reflexes in diagnoses of cervical radiculopathy is debated. While H-reflexes can be useful in diagnosing S1 radiculopathies, there is less evidence to support use of late responses in the upper extremity. F-waves are not sensitive tend to be abnormal in severe disease only tests motor fibers not well tolerated by patients(supramaximal stimulation)
  • 37. Myofacial pain syndrome  No dermatomal distribution  Has tender points Cervical spondylotic myelopathy  Changes in gait  Falls  Bowel, bladder, sexual dysfunction  Difficulty using the hands  UMN findings like spasticity Facet joint arthropathy  Axial pain  Tenderness over facet joints or paraspinal muscles  Pain with cervical extension or rotation  No neurologic abnormalities CRPS  Pain and tenderness of the extremity, out of proportion with examination findings  Skin changes, vasomotor fluctuations, or dysthermia  Limited ROM, stiffness Entrapment syndromes  For example, carpal tunnel syndrome (median nerve) and cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve) Parsonage-Turner syndrome (neuralgic amyotrophy)  Acute onset of proximal upper extremity pain  Usually followed by weakness typically in the C5–C6 region and sensory disturbances  Typically involves upper brachial plexus  (unlike in cervical radiculopathy, in which pain and neurologic findings occur simultaneously) Herpes zoster (shingles)  Acute inflammation of DRG  Painful, dermatomal radiculopathy  Followed by appearance of typical vesicular rash Rotator cuff pathology  Shoulder and lateral arm pain only rarely radiates below the elbow  Aggravated by active and resisted shoulder movements, rather than by neck movements  Normal sensory examination, reflexes Thoracic outlet syndrome  Median and ulnar nerve (lower brachial plexus nerve roots, C8 and T1) dysfunction  Compression by vascular or neurogenic causes, often a tight band of tissue extending from first thoracic rib to C7 transverse process Cardiac pain  Radiating upper extremity pain, particularly in the left shoulder and arm, that has possible cardiac origin
  • 38. 1. Immobilization 2. Traction 3. Pharmacological management 4. Spinal manipulation 5. Epidural Steroid injection 6. Surgery
  • 39. Immobilization Some advocate short course (one week) of neck immobilization may reduce symptoms in the inflammatory phase Cervical collar has not been proven to alter the course or intensity of the disease process Adverse effects - especially when used for longer periods of time. It is feared that a long period of immobilization, can result in atrophy-related secondary damage
  • 40. Traction Distracts neural foramen and decompresses nerve root Typically, 8 to 12 lb of traction at approximately 24 degrees of flexion for 15- to 20-minute intervals Most beneficial when acute muscular pain has subsided Not be used in patients who have signs of myelopathy!
  • 42. Physical therapy A graduated physical therapy program -- restoring range of motion and overall conditioning of the neck musculature As the pain improves, a gradual, isometric strengthening program may be initiated  active range-of-motion and resistive exercises as tolerated.
  • 43. Pharmacological management NSAIDs - effects on pain and inflammation In general, 10-14 days of regular dosing is all that is needed to control pain and inflammation Oral steroids - reduce the associated inflammation from compression No controlled study exists Longer-term use is not recommended Tricyclic antidepressants - adjunct in controlling radicular pain Opioid medications - generally not necessary for pain relief, but can be used when other medications fail to provide adequate relief
  • 44. SPINAL MANIPULATIVE THERAPY & MOBILIZATION Descrbed as external force applied to the patient by the hand, an instrumental device or furniture  resulting in movement and/or separation of the joint articular surfaces with high or low velocity of joint movement Evidence low in quality
  • 45. Epidural Steroid injection Principle- steroid decreases pain and inflammation at the site, decreases PG Indication – ◦ Radicular pain unresponsive to non- interventional care for 1-2 months ◦ Patients without progressive neurological deficit or cervical myelopathy can be considered before sx Complications ◦ Dural puncture, vasovagal reaction, facial flushing, fever, nerve root injury, pneumocephalus, epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, stiff neck, transient paresthesias, hypotension, respiratory insufficiency, transient blindness and
  • 46. Surgery RED FLAGS!!! Persistent or recurrent unresponsive to nonoperative management for at least 6 weeks Disabling of 6 weeks’ duration or less (i.e., deltoid palsy, wrist drop) Progressive Static or referred pain or deformity of functional spinal unit + Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy, Todd J. Albert, MD, and Samuel E. Murrell, MD, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999;7:368-376
  • 47. Posterior lamino-foraminotomy (with or without diskectomy) ◦ Burr thins lamina over nerve root ◦ Nerve root exposed ◦ Angled curette can remove additional bone & expand foraminotomy ◦ Disk material can be exposed & removed
  • 48. Anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion (ACDF) ◦ Most widely used ◦ Removes ventral compressive lesion WITHOUT need for retraction of SC ◦ Disc removed and iliac crest bone autograft placed to ENCOURAGE FUSION ◦ Nowadays, allografts (no donor site morbidity) ◦ In 1990s, cervical plates were added to INCREASE stability and decrease post op bracing
  • 49. Anterior cervical diskectomy without fusion ◦ Because of high incidence of pseudarthrosis after ACDF ◦ Reported outcomes comparable ◦ Disk-space collapse and osseous fusion ◦ There is stress on removal of PLL (buckling of ligament as disk space collapses produces compression of the neural elements) but removes another stabilizing structure Post anterior cervical diskectomy without fusion Lateral cervical radiograph shows increase in kyphosis. T2-weighted MRI - stenosis, ligamentum and disk bulging, spondylosis, and cord compression
  • 50. Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Bryan cervical disk (Medtronic, USA)FlexicoreProDisc-C (Synthes Spine Company, USA)