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Business Etiquette
V. Madhusudhan Goud
When in Rome, do as the
Romans do
• Etiquette is code that governs the
expectations of social behavior, according to
the contemporary conventional norm within
the society.
• Definition: It is conducting yourself
respectfully and courteously in the office or
workplace-first impressions are important!
• You are the ambassador/s of the business.
• Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is
excellent in one society may shock another.
The etiquette of business is the set of written
and unwritten rules of conduct that make
social interactions run more smoothly.
It implies to how do you interact in your office, with your
co-workers, your behavior and your attitude in the
Body Language speaks louder than
• Body language is nonverbal communication that
involves body movement.
• Body language alone comprises of 55% of total
communication whereas
• spoken words comprise of 7% and
• tone of voice comprise 38%.
• A movement of part of the body, especially a
hand or the head, to express an idea or
• Gesture of a person convey much more than
what he speaks
Waving of hand to indicate good bye
or draw the attention of a person
Shaking Hands display the friendship
Business Etiquette
Shrugging of shoulders indicates
indifference & unconcern
to push
Thumbs up sign indicates wishing
“Good Luck”
Pointing index finger indicates
allegation or charge
• The position in which
someone holds their body
when standing or sitting.
• Means “an attitude or
position of body”
• Each movement of body
has expressive & defensive
• The way, in which we sit or
stand, walk in walk out tells
a lot about us.
• A good posture indicates
confident attitude.
Business Etiquette
Upright posture, open arms, and a genuine
smile convey ease and confidence.
Depressed posture
A body’s
forward and
Evaluating what your own
posture says about you
• To determine what your own posture reveals about
your self-image or mood, follow these steps:
1. Stand in front of a full length mirror and take a
good, long look at yourself.
2. Turn away for a moment. This time decide how
you want to be perceived.(Dominant, submissive,
bored, angry, surprised?)
3. Turn back towards the mirror, having adopted
the image you want to portray.
Facial Expression
• All facial organs on
human face indicates
facially expressive
• These are hair,
forehead, eyebrows,
eyes, mouth, chin,
nose, lips, ears, teethe,
tongue etc.
• Facial expressions
comes naturally hence
it is beyond the control
of speaker.
A Smile expresses friendliness & affection
Raised eyebrows convey surprise
Furrowed forehead expresses worries & anxiety
Frown shows dislike or suspicion
A genuine smile pulls back both the mouth and the
Insincere people use only their mouths when smiling
A fearful person’s face is tense
a smile
away from
you can
indicate a
lack of
Raising the
brows and
the lids
shows a
promise of
things to
Business Etiquette
More Body Language Examples and
Their Meaning
Arms Crossed in front of the
This is one of the body language
examples that indicate that one is
being defensive. The body
language meaning of crossed
arms may also show disagreement
with opinions and actions of other
people with whom you are
Biting of nails
Nail biting demonstrates
nervousness, stress, or
insecurity. Many people bite
nails without realizing they
have the habit.
Hand on cheek
This body language example indicates that
one is lost in thought, maybe considering
something. When your hand is on your
cheek and your brows are furrowed you
may be in deep concentration.
Finger tapping or
This action demonstrates
that one is growing tried
or impatient while waiting.
Touching the nose
Touching or rubbing the nose
signifies disbelief, rejection, or
lying about something.
Prisk rubbing of the hands
This may show that the hands
are cold, which may mean that
one is excited about something,
or waiting eagerly.
Placing Finger tips together
This is called “steepling,” or
placing fingertips together to
demonstrate control or
arrogance Showing disapproval
for comfort
Fig Leaf position:
Looking secureCrossed arms and thumbs up
Dress Appearance
• The kind of dress we use & the way in which
we groom ourselves shows our status &
• We influenced how others look & clothes they
• Physical attractiveness plays an important role
in our assessment of people.
• Persons dress & physical appearance conveys
great deal of information about him
Business Etiquette
• Women, in particular, believed that dressing
the part was a vital factor in attaining success:
53% of them felt aspiring female execs needed
to toe a very conservative line, avoiding flashy
make-up, plunging necklines, too-short or too-
tight skirts, and long fingernails — exactly the
sort of sartorial no-nos UBS spelled out.
Indeed, half the women surveyed and 37% of
the men considered appearance and EP to be
intrinsically linked; they understood that if you
don’t look the part of a leader, you’re not
likely to be given the role.
Business Clothing Essentials
• People will ask me, “Can I wear this outfit?” My
answer is, “I don’t know unless you have paid
attention to the FACS.”
• F stands for fit
• A stands for accessories
• C stands for color
• S stands for style
F stands for fit: Your
clothing needs to fit
properly. You can spend a
fortune on an item, but if it
is too big or too small, it
isn’t going to look good. One
man bought shirts a size
larger in order to have a
fitted neck. But there was all
this extra fabric hanging at
his sides. He looked like he
was wearing his big
brother’s shirt
Gents Ladies
A stands for accessories: You need good quality
accessories that complete your outfit without
overpowering it. They are the finishing touches for your
clothes, and they can be a good way to add color to your
outfits. All accessories should be of good quality and in
good condition.
C stands for color: Pay attention to your color
choices. Darker colors usually convey a stronger
impression than lighter ones. Lighter colors may
not be as powerful, but they can be very
appropriate, especially in warmer climates.
S stands for style: Clothing styles can range from very
formal to very informal. You generally want to be at the
same level, or one step above the level, of the people
with whom you are interacting. It builds your credibility
reveals the
whole you.
The Etiquette of Talking to Your Phone
• Be considerate of others. This is the main
etiquette suggestion to keep in mind, and of
course, it is applicable to all types of phones.
When you are in public, you are sharing space
with others, and your use of your phone
should never disturb others. People
sometimes forget where they are, or they
don’t pay attention to their surroundings.
• Don’t keep trying. If Siri doesn’t understand
your request, try alternative wording. Simply
talking louder won’t change her response.
After two or three failed attempts, use the
• Don’t yell. Use a quiet, conversational voice.
Barking commands to a phone in public is
disruptive and annoying to others.
• Respect quiet zones. If talking on your phone
is not allowed, neither is talking to your
What you must not to do
• Don’t try and find the best friends among your
• Don’t try and get up, close and personal with your
• Don’t try and seek audience from the next cubicle
when talking on the phone.
• Don’t keep ringtones of your mobile very loud when
at work.
• Don’t peep over your colleague’s shoulders to read
their emails.
• Don’t entertain jokes that have sexual overtones.
• Don’t comment on people’s sense of dressing.
• Don’t try and seek unnecessary attention by
constantly talking about your achievements.
What you must do
1. Do reply to office mails and try to use lower
cases while typing as bold letters signify a
2. Do keep you voice low while talking.
3. If you have a problem that may force you to stay
away from work, keep your boss in the loop.
4. Do congratulate a colleague on his/her
achievements even if you do not approve of
his/her ways.
5. Do not forget to shut you mobile phone during
Tips on office etiquette
• Brrring, brrring– Ringtone may irritate others
• Empathy
Monitor your speaking volume
Be sensitive
Be tidy in the
Stay home with the sniffles
Avoid taking part in
office gossip
Avoid office
• Ask before borrowing
• Be on time
Don’t be a whiner
Don’t party like a rock star
• Be mindful of others needing the printer
• Keep your music to yourself
• Do recover gracefully
1. Address the issue directly and don’t ignore it or
try to cover it up.
2. Apologize to the appropriate individuals and
acknowledge that you made a mistake.
3. Make any necessary amends or take any action
needed to remedy the situation.
4. Learn from your mistake and don’t repeat it
Top 6 ways graciously meet and greet
people in your office
1. Stand up whenever you meet or greet someone.
2. Smile
3. Make eye contact
4. Proper introduction
5. Handshake
6. Pay attention to names of people whom we
Thank Q

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Business Etiquette

  • 2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
  • 3. • Etiquette is code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the contemporary conventional norm within the society. • Definition: It is conducting yourself respectfully and courteously in the office or workplace-first impressions are important! • You are the ambassador/s of the business. • Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is excellent in one society may shock another.
  • 4. The etiquette of business is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more smoothly.
  • 5. It implies to how do you interact in your office, with your co-workers, your behavior and your attitude in the workplace
  • 6. Body Language speaks louder than words • Body language is nonverbal communication that involves body movement. • Body language alone comprises of 55% of total communication whereas • spoken words comprise of 7% and • tone of voice comprise 38%.
  • 7. Gesture • A movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning. • Gesture of a person convey much more than what he speaks
  • 8. Waving of hand to indicate good bye or draw the attention of a person
  • 9. Shaking Hands display the friendship
  • 11. Shrugging of shoulders indicates indifference & unconcern
  • 13. Thumbs up sign indicates wishing “Good Luck”
  • 14. Pointing index finger indicates allegation or charge
  • 15. Posture • The position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting. • Means “an attitude or position of body” • Each movement of body has expressive & defensive functions. • The way, in which we sit or stand, walk in walk out tells a lot about us. • A good posture indicates confident attitude.
  • 17. Upright posture, open arms, and a genuine smile convey ease and confidence.
  • 20. Evaluating what your own posture says about you • To determine what your own posture reveals about your self-image or mood, follow these steps: 1. Stand in front of a full length mirror and take a good, long look at yourself. 2. Turn away for a moment. This time decide how you want to be perceived.(Dominant, submissive, bored, angry, surprised?) 3. Turn back towards the mirror, having adopted the image you want to portray.
  • 21. Facial Expression • All facial organs on human face indicates facially expressive message. • These are hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, chin, nose, lips, ears, teethe, tongue etc. • Facial expressions comes naturally hence it is beyond the control of speaker.
  • 22. A Smile expresses friendliness & affection
  • 24. Furrowed forehead expresses worries & anxiety
  • 25. Frown shows dislike or suspicion
  • 26. A genuine smile pulls back both the mouth and the eyes.
  • 27. Insincere people use only their mouths when smiling
  • 28. A fearful person’s face is tense
  • 31. Raising the brows and lowering the lids shows a promise of things to come
  • 33. More Body Language Examples and Their Meaning Arms Crossed in front of the Chest This is one of the body language examples that indicate that one is being defensive. The body language meaning of crossed arms may also show disagreement with opinions and actions of other people with whom you are communicating.
  • 34. Biting of nails Nail biting demonstrates nervousness, stress, or insecurity. Many people bite nails without realizing they have the habit. Hand on cheek This body language example indicates that one is lost in thought, maybe considering something. When your hand is on your cheek and your brows are furrowed you may be in deep concentration.
  • 35. Finger tapping or drumming This action demonstrates that one is growing tried or impatient while waiting. Touching the nose Touching or rubbing the nose signifies disbelief, rejection, or lying about something.
  • 36. Prisk rubbing of the hands This may show that the hands are cold, which may mean that one is excited about something, or waiting eagerly. Placing Finger tips together This is called “steepling,” or placing fingertips together to demonstrate control or authority. Open
  • 38. Cradling for comfort Fig Leaf position: Looking secureCrossed arms and thumbs up
  • 40. • The kind of dress we use & the way in which we groom ourselves shows our status & attitude. • We influenced how others look & clothes they wear • Physical attractiveness plays an important role in our assessment of people. • Persons dress & physical appearance conveys great deal of information about him
  • 42. • Women, in particular, believed that dressing the part was a vital factor in attaining success: 53% of them felt aspiring female execs needed to toe a very conservative line, avoiding flashy make-up, plunging necklines, too-short or too- tight skirts, and long fingernails — exactly the sort of sartorial no-nos UBS spelled out. Indeed, half the women surveyed and 37% of the men considered appearance and EP to be intrinsically linked; they understood that if you don’t look the part of a leader, you’re not likely to be given the role.
  • 43. Business Clothing Essentials • People will ask me, “Can I wear this outfit?” My answer is, “I don’t know unless you have paid attention to the FACS.” • F stands for fit • A stands for accessories • C stands for color • S stands for style
  • 44. F stands for fit: Your clothing needs to fit properly. You can spend a fortune on an item, but if it is too big or too small, it isn’t going to look good. One man bought shirts a size larger in order to have a fitted neck. But there was all this extra fabric hanging at his sides. He looked like he was wearing his big brother’s shirt
  • 45. Gents Ladies A stands for accessories: You need good quality accessories that complete your outfit without overpowering it. They are the finishing touches for your clothes, and they can be a good way to add color to your outfits. All accessories should be of good quality and in good condition.
  • 46. C stands for color: Pay attention to your color choices. Darker colors usually convey a stronger impression than lighter ones. Lighter colors may not be as powerful, but they can be very appropriate, especially in warmer climates.
  • 47. S stands for style: Clothing styles can range from very formal to very informal. You generally want to be at the same level, or one step above the level, of the people with whom you are interacting. It builds your credibility
  • 49. The Etiquette of Talking to Your Phone • Be considerate of others. This is the main etiquette suggestion to keep in mind, and of course, it is applicable to all types of phones. When you are in public, you are sharing space with others, and your use of your phone should never disturb others. People sometimes forget where they are, or they don’t pay attention to their surroundings.
  • 50. • Don’t keep trying. If Siri doesn’t understand your request, try alternative wording. Simply talking louder won’t change her response. After two or three failed attempts, use the Internet. • Don’t yell. Use a quiet, conversational voice. Barking commands to a phone in public is disruptive and annoying to others. • Respect quiet zones. If talking on your phone is not allowed, neither is talking to your phone.
  • 51. What you must not to do • Don’t try and find the best friends among your colleagues. • Don’t try and get up, close and personal with your boss. • Don’t try and seek audience from the next cubicle when talking on the phone. • Don’t keep ringtones of your mobile very loud when at work. • Don’t peep over your colleague’s shoulders to read their emails. • Don’t entertain jokes that have sexual overtones. • Don’t comment on people’s sense of dressing. • Don’t try and seek unnecessary attention by constantly talking about your achievements.
  • 52. What you must do 1. Do reply to office mails and try to use lower cases while typing as bold letters signify a scream. 2. Do keep you voice low while talking. 3. If you have a problem that may force you to stay away from work, keep your boss in the loop. 4. Do congratulate a colleague on his/her achievements even if you do not approve of his/her ways. 5. Do not forget to shut you mobile phone during meetings.
  • 53. Tips on office etiquette • Brrring, brrring– Ringtone may irritate others • Empathy
  • 56. Be tidy in the kitchen
  • 57. Stay home with the sniffles
  • 58. Avoid taking part in office gossip
  • 60. • Ask before borrowing • Be on time
  • 61. Don’t be a whiner Don’t party like a rock star
  • 62. • Be mindful of others needing the printer • Keep your music to yourself
  • 63. • Do recover gracefully 1. Address the issue directly and don’t ignore it or try to cover it up. 2. Apologize to the appropriate individuals and acknowledge that you made a mistake. 3. Make any necessary amends or take any action needed to remedy the situation. 4. Learn from your mistake and don’t repeat it again.
  • 64. Top 6 ways graciously meet and greet people in your office 1. Stand up whenever you meet or greet someone. 2. Smile 3. Make eye contact 4. Proper introduction 5. Handshake 6. Pay attention to names of people whom we meet.