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Café At Home Coffee Machine Shop
All About Coffee
Coffee is a beverage in every country in the world.
Granted, the coffees of different countries vary in
taste (and strength), but every country has coffee of
some kind. The history of coffee is long and storied,
and coffee is called by many names in many lands. The
Spice Islands' name for it was Java. Ancient Portuguese
explorers called it café. That word is often used to
mean a gathering place in many countries now. It stands
to reason because coffee is most often a shared
experience between friends.
Scientists believe that coffee was born in Ethiopia and
was a food rather than a beverage in the beginning.
Coffee was actually used as a replacement for wine.
Coffee was first used in religious ceremonies in place
of wine and the plants were considered so valuable that
removing even one was punishable.
Turks pulverized coffee beans and mixed them with water
and spices like cinnamon, cloves and cardamom back in
the thirteenth century to make what we call Turkish
coffee. It is believed that Venetian traders may have
brought coffee plants out of the East and into Italy.
Over the centuries we have learned a lot about coffee,
especially how important it is to store it in air tight
containers. Air is the biggest thief of coffee flavor,
whether the beans are whole or ground. Coffee should
always be stored in an air tight container in a cool
dark place but not in a refrigerator. Correct storage
is one of the major secrets of producing a great cup of
coffee with every brewing.
Amazing Coffee Tips That You Can Try Out Today
Think back -- which coffee cup do you remember the
most? Maybe you brewed it on your own or perhaps you
purchased it from a coffee shop. There are as many ways
to make coffee as there are types. The below article
contains some helpful knowledge on coffee.
If you are camping, coffee is a great item to bring.
Brewing coffee using a percolator is a more complex
process than typical brewing, so be sure to follow the
instructions carefully. Give the coffee extra time to
steep after brewing it before you drink it.
If a single brew doesn't have your preferred flavor
profile, try a blended brew made from a mix of various,
but complimentary flavors. Shops specializing in coffee
will be happy to assist you in selecting the right
blends to suit your individual taste and they may also
let you sample prior to purchasing.
Serve coffee immediately after brewing it. When coffee
sits on a burner or warming plate it continues to cook
and it gets bitter. For the best results and taste,
make just enough coffee for what you will drink right
A container that does not allow any air in is the best
kind to store coffee in. Air makes coffee beans stale.
Don't use square bags since they won't be able to keep
the air out once you break the seal. They allow air to
escape after roasting while cooling.
Before pouring a cup, let the coffee finish brewing. If
you pour yourself a cup of coffee mid-brew, it will
lack flavor, as the flavor is added as the cycle
progresses. Brewing coffee does not hit its maximum
flavor until the drip cycle nears its end.
Grind your own coffee beans. Coffee will taste better
if it has been freshly ground. Burr mill coffee
grinders do the best job of grinding beans. Burr mill
grinders do a good job of making the grind size
uniform, which contributes to the overall taste of the
When you buy beans in bulk, you should take extra
precautions to keep them fresh. Fresh beans absorb
other flavors and lose their own if they're exposed to
heat and light. That is why your beans need to be
stored in a non-transparent, sealed container.
Only grind your coffee right before brewing it. Once
coffee is ground it begins to lose flavor. Blade
grinders are your best bet. This will create a less
powdery substance with your grinds, which can improve
the taste.
After buying coffee beans and opening the bag, don't
leave them in that bag as your storage solution. The
container should be air tight and able to keep out
damaging light. Your beans will stay fresh for longer
this way.
Iced coffee gets watery when the ice melts. Pour
leftover brew into ice cube trays to make iced coffees
that taste great to the very end. Frozen coffee cubes
melting in your hot coffee just boost the taste while
they melt.
Purchase and grind coffee beans yourself. A cup of
coffee from your own freshly ground beans are hard to
beat. There are many different places to buy coffee,
and your local grocery store will usually carry a large
variety to choose from. Give yourself plenty of time to
explore all the different varieties and find one that
truly speaks to you.
Freshly roasted beans make the best coffee. If you
insist on buying whole beans, make sure they haven't
expired and check the roasting date. Instead of buying
your coffee beans in a grocery store, it is a good idea
to get them at a coffee shop, specialty store or
If you prefer to make your own coffee, consider mixing
the coffee pot right after you brew it. A simple quick
stir can help you get the most from your coffee. You'll
enjoy better coffee this way.
If your morning coffee does not taste right, keep in
mind that bad-tasting water will produce bad-tasting
coffee. If the water from your tap has a consistently
bad taste, attach a filter to the tap. You can also use
bottled water when you make your coffee or filter your
water with a pitcher.
Don't toss out unused coffee. Don't reheat it either.
What you should do is store it in your refrigerator
inside of a plastic container. The leftover coffee is
perfect for making iced coffee and you will always have
a supply on hand to fix that craving.
Replicate those coffees you see in shops at home. You
might be surprised by how easy it is to make seemingly
fancy coffee drinks. Not only is this a more cost-
effective way to enjoy premium coffee, but it also lets
you calibrate each recipe to your own tastes.
As you can see, there are many different varieties of
coffee. Now you want to purchase your next batch of
coffee don't you? You will want to keep these hints and
tips in mind when you are at the store looking for
coffee to buy. Enjoy your coffee!
How to Make the Best Delicious Decision
Many people assume that it is easy to make a pot of
coffee. Coffee is a powerful thing and ought to be
treated accordingly. No matter whether you have just
taken up the coffee habit or are a devoted coffee
connoisseur, reading this article will enrich your
coffee drinking experience.
Buying a cup of joe from a coffee shop might seem
expensive, but it's an occasional luxury. There are
many wonderful choices and you may give yourself a
topping of chocolate curls or whipped cream or simply
have an espresso that is full of froth.
Re-use your old coffee grounds. Go green and don't
throw out your old grounds. Be kind to the environment.
Start a compost pile. Coffee grounds are the perfect
addition to your compost heap. Your plants will enjoy
the added nutrients. Old coffee grounds can deter pests
and small animals.
Make sure you drink your coffee in moderation. Drinking
excessive amounts of coffee can lead to dehydration.
You need at least a few glasses of water for each
coffee cup to maintain a balance. When drinking more
than a single cup, you are going to boost your
dehydration level. Exercise caution because of this.
Try replicating your favorite coffee shop drinks at
home. Fancier coffee drinks, such as cafe mocha, are a
good place to start. You can save money and flavor them
to your liking.
Determine the amount of cups you desire to create in
advance before you brew. A typical cup contains six
ounces and a measuring cup contains eight. The best
ratio is about 2 tbsp of coffee to 6 ounces water.
Using an official measuring cup makes for a weak blend.
It can be rather easy to not get the optimal taste from
your coffee by under or over-brewing it. The optimal
length of time for brewing is four to five minutes.
Over-brewed coffee tastes bitter. But under brewed
coffee will produce a bland and weak cup of coffee.
Brew a plain pot of water before brewing your coffee to
get the ideal performance out of an old coffee machine.
You want to add the grounds first and then pour the hot
water into the machine. This will help you get the best
tasting coffee.
Know what different coffee grinds have to offer you by
way of strength and flavor. For example, espresso is
made with the finest grind of beans while a medium
grind is best for brewing with a coffee maker. A French
press uses coarse beans, so it is important that you
use the right grind.
If iced coffee appeals to you, think about making a pot
of strong coffee in the evening and letting it chill
overnight. This allows your coffee to chill the proper
way. To properly sweeten your iced coffee, add
sweetener before placing in the refrigerator. This will
produce an ideal iced coffee drink by morning.
It is imperative that you utilize good water if you
want to brew coffee that tastes good. You might want to
use bottled water. Even though you might not want to
spend money on water, it will have a positive impact on
the taste of your coffee. If you don't want to go the
bottled route, think about buying a purifier for your
To help a fresh carafe of coffee retain its flavor,
take it off the heating source after ten minutes at the
most. If it stays on longer than that, the coffee will
not taste right. If you want to keep your coffee warm,
place it in an air tight thermos that will keep in the
Coffee subscription clubs are available for those who
want to purchase coffee at a discount. You can get all
kinds of discounts through these clubs. Not only that,
there are clubs which only send beans when you are
almost out of them. By doing this, you ensure that you
will never be short on beans or have coffee that is
Taste the water you are using before you use it to brew
your coffee. It makes sense that your coffee will taste
funny if your water does. Don't use distilled water
though, because is lacks the necessary minerals that
coffee needs for flavor.
Do not let air get into the container that you use to
store your coffee. If your container leaks air, you
risk refrigerator odors being absorbed into your
coffee. Storing coffee for a period of weeks in the
wrong container can lead to moist beans or grounds.
From Latte to Cappuccino, Better Coffee Starts Here
Coffee is a fantastic way to begin the morning! Maybe
you enjoy a cup of iced coffee on a hot day? Coffee can
be enjoyed in so many ways. The following tips will
help you better enjoy all that coffee has to offer.
Do not think that you just have to keep your coffee
stored in the freezer. Coffee sometimes absorbs flavors
or odors from neighboring foods. Your best choice is to
store coffee in an opaque, air tight container in an
area at or near room temperature. If you wish to put it
in the refrigerator make sure it's kept in sealed
freezer bags.
To get a stronger and more flavorful cup of coffee,
consider investing in a French press. The purpose of
this press is to produce more oil from your coffee
beans. In regular machines, these oils are often lost
when they are absorbed into paper filters.
If you're using a drip coffee brewer, make sure the
water you put into it is cold. Never use warm or hot
water in drip style coffee pots. As the water brews, it
is heated. If you start with hot water, you will
probably burn the coffee. This leads to poor tasting
coffee and can be a safety issue as well.
When you buy your coffee machine, experiment with it.
This means running a brewing cycle as if you are making
coffee using only water. That way, any dirt and dust it
may have accumulated while sitting on the store's shelf
will be removed.
If you are going camping, you should try perking coffee
over a campfire using a metal pot. Using a percolator
creates a wonderful atmosphere and results in a unique
experience. Remember to allow your brewed coffee a
chance to steep before consuming it.
No matter what type of coffee is being brewed, you must
quickly take the pot off the burner so that the
coffee's flavor is not ruined. That's how coffee gets
scalded. Scalded coffee is nasty.
To make your coffee have a mix of tastes, buy creamers
or syrups to pour in after the brewing is done. This
ensures that you get the cleanest and purest brew from
your coffee machine. It also lets you give guests
exactly the choice they want. Add any additional
flavors prior to the milk. This gives them a chance to
dissolve entirely.
A lot of people believe that drinks with caffeine, like
coffee, can assist with weight loss. Caffeine can give
you a jolt of energy and help metabolism. Weight loss
is possible if you mix these with a higher activity
level, yet it is far from being the better way to lose
There are so many types of coffee from which to choose.
Some people like more mild flavors; others like a full
dark roast. You can also get flavored coffees such as
hazelnut or raspberry. Drinking flavored coffee is not
as popular as simply adding a flavored creamer to
regular coffee.
Always take the coffee off of the heat after it is done
brewing. The coffee will cook and its flavor will be
ruined if you leave it on the maker. Put it inside an
insulated container if you're not going to drink all of
Add a small pinch of salt to reduce an acid flavor in
your coffee. Take care not to use too much, however.
This simple trick only works if you go easy on the
salt. Many enthusiasts recommend sea salt, which
possesses a less intrusive and more natural taste.
In order to reduce your expenditures on coffee, think
about exploring subscription clubs. You can take
advantage of many discounts, which can be profitable.
The best clubs will even allow you to receive the beans
when you actually need them. If you do this, you will
never face the situation of having no beans or being
stuck with stale coffee.
Add your favorite online coffee shop to your social
networking profile. You will get the most up-to-date
information this way. You may also be able to find
deals that are available online only.
Pour flavor syrups right into your hot coffee; then
stir it prior to adding creamer or milk. Syrup will
dissolve faster in warm coffee. When you do it this
way, the syrup’s taste and smell will be far stronger.
Dissolve your flavored syrup in your cup of coffee and
finish with cream and sugar if you wish.
Grinding coffee beans on your own can be a very
practical and fulfilling solution. Many coffee
enthusiasts will tell you that freshly ground coffee
beans make the greatest tasting coffee brew. Burr mill
grinders give you the maximum quality grind you could
hope for. Using a burr mill grinder will ensure that
your coffee grounds are all an even size.
People around the world enjoy drinking coffee. If you
are among this group, then you understand how important
and delicious this can be. This report offers up some
of the best and boldest pointers for turning out the
most flavorful, delicious coffee beverages out there.
Which Espresso Maker is Right for You?
Do you love espresso coffee so much that you spend too
much money every week at your local favorite coffee
shop? Okay, maybe it is time for you to consider
buying your own espresso maker so that you can make
espresso at home and save yourself a lot of money in
the process.
Granted, the price of an espresso machine is going to
put a dent in your wallet but it really won't take very
long for you to recover the investment when you start
making your own delicious coffee at home rather than
buying it already made for you at café’s and coffee
The first thing that you will need to decide about the
espresso coffee maker that you will buy is what size
machine will best serve your needs. Espresso machines
are sized by the number of cups of coffee that can be
made at a time. For example, there are 4-cup espresso
coffee makers and there are 12-cup espresso coffee
makers. A word of information: the cup size of an
espresso coffee maker is of the 4-ounce variety and not
the larger regular coffee cup size of 7-8 ounces.
Your next consideration before purchasing your own
espresso coffee maker is whether you want the machine
to be manual, semiautomatic or fully automatic and also
you will need to decide how many "added features" you
want or need. There are a lot of choices out there. You
will need to know exactly what your espresso coffee
maker will and will not do before you buy.
Additionally, there are a lot of different brands. A
good way to determine which espresso coffee maker will
best serve your particular needs is to talk to your
friends who already own them and see what they like and
or dislike about their own machines. Check out our
espresso machine product reviews for more espresso
coffee machine information!
Pumpkin Pie Latte
Serves: 2
4 heaping tablespoon canned pumpkin 3 tablespoon
Vanilla syrup
1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
use 1 tablespoon of Pumpkin Spice Syrup 2 cups milk
3 to 4 shots espresso
In a small saucepan, stir pumpkin puree into milk. Add
vanilla syrup and pumpkin pie spice. Heat gently;
continuing to stirring occasionally just until steaming
and foam begins to appear. Pour pumpkin flavored milk
into a tall glass and pour espresso over. Top with whip
cream and a dash of pumpkin pie spice. Note: If you
like it slightly sweeter add a bit of vanilla flavored
coffee cream.
Caramel Vanilla Latte
Serves: 1
3/4 cup hot coffee 1/4 cup hot milk
2 teaspoons Vanilla Flavoring
1 tablespoon caramel flavored sundae syrup 1 teaspoon
packed dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon whipped cream (optional)
Combine coffee, milk and vanilla in large mug; stir
until coffee is dissolved. Stir in caramel syrup and
brown sugar. Top with whipped cream. Serve immediately.

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  • 1. This Report Is Brought To You By Café At Home Coffee Machine Shop
  • 2. 2 All About Coffee Coffee is a beverage in every country in the world. Granted, the coffees of different countries vary in taste (and strength), but every country has coffee of some kind. The history of coffee is long and storied, and coffee is called by many names in many lands. The Spice Islands' name for it was Java. Ancient Portuguese explorers called it café. That word is often used to mean a gathering place in many countries now. It stands to reason because coffee is most often a shared experience between friends. Scientists believe that coffee was born in Ethiopia and was a food rather than a beverage in the beginning. Coffee was actually used as a replacement for wine. Coffee was first used in religious ceremonies in place of wine and the plants were considered so valuable that removing even one was punishable. Turks pulverized coffee beans and mixed them with water and spices like cinnamon, cloves and cardamom back in the thirteenth century to make what we call Turkish coffee. It is believed that Venetian traders may have brought coffee plants out of the East and into Italy. Over the centuries we have learned a lot about coffee, especially how important it is to store it in air tight containers. Air is the biggest thief of coffee flavor, whether the beans are whole or ground. Coffee should always be stored in an air tight container in a cool dark place but not in a refrigerator. Correct storage is one of the major secrets of producing a great cup of coffee with every brewing.
  • 3. 3 Amazing Coffee Tips That You Can Try Out Today Think back -- which coffee cup do you remember the most? Maybe you brewed it on your own or perhaps you purchased it from a coffee shop. There are as many ways to make coffee as there are types. The below article contains some helpful knowledge on coffee. If you are camping, coffee is a great item to bring. Brewing coffee using a percolator is a more complex process than typical brewing, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Give the coffee extra time to steep after brewing it before you drink it. If a single brew doesn't have your preferred flavor profile, try a blended brew made from a mix of various, but complimentary flavors. Shops specializing in coffee will be happy to assist you in selecting the right blends to suit your individual taste and they may also let you sample prior to purchasing. Serve coffee immediately after brewing it. When coffee sits on a burner or warming plate it continues to cook and it gets bitter. For the best results and taste, make just enough coffee for what you will drink right away. A container that does not allow any air in is the best kind to store coffee in. Air makes coffee beans stale. Don't use square bags since they won't be able to keep the air out once you break the seal. They allow air to escape after roasting while cooling. Before pouring a cup, let the coffee finish brewing. If you pour yourself a cup of coffee mid-brew, it will lack flavor, as the flavor is added as the cycle progresses. Brewing coffee does not hit its maximum flavor until the drip cycle nears its end.
  • 4. 4 Grind your own coffee beans. Coffee will taste better if it has been freshly ground. Burr mill coffee grinders do the best job of grinding beans. Burr mill grinders do a good job of making the grind size uniform, which contributes to the overall taste of the coffee. When you buy beans in bulk, you should take extra precautions to keep them fresh. Fresh beans absorb other flavors and lose their own if they're exposed to heat and light. That is why your beans need to be stored in a non-transparent, sealed container. Only grind your coffee right before brewing it. Once coffee is ground it begins to lose flavor. Blade grinders are your best bet. This will create a less powdery substance with your grinds, which can improve the taste. After buying coffee beans and opening the bag, don't leave them in that bag as your storage solution. The container should be air tight and able to keep out damaging light. Your beans will stay fresh for longer this way. Iced coffee gets watery when the ice melts. Pour leftover brew into ice cube trays to make iced coffees that taste great to the very end. Frozen coffee cubes melting in your hot coffee just boost the taste while they melt. Purchase and grind coffee beans yourself. A cup of coffee from your own freshly ground beans are hard to beat. There are many different places to buy coffee, and your local grocery store will usually carry a large variety to choose from. Give yourself plenty of time to explore all the different varieties and find one that truly speaks to you.
  • 5. 5 Freshly roasted beans make the best coffee. If you insist on buying whole beans, make sure they haven't expired and check the roasting date. Instead of buying your coffee beans in a grocery store, it is a good idea to get them at a coffee shop, specialty store or online. If you prefer to make your own coffee, consider mixing the coffee pot right after you brew it. A simple quick stir can help you get the most from your coffee. You'll enjoy better coffee this way. If your morning coffee does not taste right, keep in mind that bad-tasting water will produce bad-tasting coffee. If the water from your tap has a consistently bad taste, attach a filter to the tap. You can also use bottled water when you make your coffee or filter your water with a pitcher. Don't toss out unused coffee. Don't reheat it either. What you should do is store it in your refrigerator inside of a plastic container. The leftover coffee is perfect for making iced coffee and you will always have a supply on hand to fix that craving. Replicate those coffees you see in shops at home. You might be surprised by how easy it is to make seemingly fancy coffee drinks. Not only is this a more cost- effective way to enjoy premium coffee, but it also lets you calibrate each recipe to your own tastes. As you can see, there are many different varieties of coffee. Now you want to purchase your next batch of coffee don't you? You will want to keep these hints and tips in mind when you are at the store looking for coffee to buy. Enjoy your coffee!
  • 6. 6 How to Make the Best Delicious Decision Many people assume that it is easy to make a pot of coffee. Coffee is a powerful thing and ought to be treated accordingly. No matter whether you have just taken up the coffee habit or are a devoted coffee connoisseur, reading this article will enrich your coffee drinking experience. Buying a cup of joe from a coffee shop might seem expensive, but it's an occasional luxury. There are many wonderful choices and you may give yourself a topping of chocolate curls or whipped cream or simply have an espresso that is full of froth. Re-use your old coffee grounds. Go green and don't throw out your old grounds. Be kind to the environment. Start a compost pile. Coffee grounds are the perfect addition to your compost heap. Your plants will enjoy the added nutrients. Old coffee grounds can deter pests and small animals. Make sure you drink your coffee in moderation. Drinking excessive amounts of coffee can lead to dehydration. You need at least a few glasses of water for each coffee cup to maintain a balance. When drinking more than a single cup, you are going to boost your dehydration level. Exercise caution because of this. Try replicating your favorite coffee shop drinks at home. Fancier coffee drinks, such as cafe mocha, are a good place to start. You can save money and flavor them to your liking. Determine the amount of cups you desire to create in advance before you brew. A typical cup contains six ounces and a measuring cup contains eight. The best ratio is about 2 tbsp of coffee to 6 ounces water. Using an official measuring cup makes for a weak blend.
  • 7. 7 It can be rather easy to not get the optimal taste from your coffee by under or over-brewing it. The optimal length of time for brewing is four to five minutes. Over-brewed coffee tastes bitter. But under brewed coffee will produce a bland and weak cup of coffee. Brew a plain pot of water before brewing your coffee to get the ideal performance out of an old coffee machine. You want to add the grounds first and then pour the hot water into the machine. This will help you get the best tasting coffee. Know what different coffee grinds have to offer you by way of strength and flavor. For example, espresso is made with the finest grind of beans while a medium grind is best for brewing with a coffee maker. A French press uses coarse beans, so it is important that you use the right grind. If iced coffee appeals to you, think about making a pot of strong coffee in the evening and letting it chill overnight. This allows your coffee to chill the proper way. To properly sweeten your iced coffee, add sweetener before placing in the refrigerator. This will produce an ideal iced coffee drink by morning. It is imperative that you utilize good water if you want to brew coffee that tastes good. You might want to use bottled water. Even though you might not want to spend money on water, it will have a positive impact on the taste of your coffee. If you don't want to go the bottled route, think about buying a purifier for your faucet. To help a fresh carafe of coffee retain its flavor, take it off the heating source after ten minutes at the most. If it stays on longer than that, the coffee will not taste right. If you want to keep your coffee warm, place it in an air tight thermos that will keep in the heat.
  • 8. 8 Coffee subscription clubs are available for those who want to purchase coffee at a discount. You can get all kinds of discounts through these clubs. Not only that, there are clubs which only send beans when you are almost out of them. By doing this, you ensure that you will never be short on beans or have coffee that is stale. Taste the water you are using before you use it to brew your coffee. It makes sense that your coffee will taste funny if your water does. Don't use distilled water though, because is lacks the necessary minerals that coffee needs for flavor. Do not let air get into the container that you use to store your coffee. If your container leaks air, you risk refrigerator odors being absorbed into your coffee. Storing coffee for a period of weeks in the wrong container can lead to moist beans or grounds.
  • 9. 9 From Latte to Cappuccino, Better Coffee Starts Here Coffee is a fantastic way to begin the morning! Maybe you enjoy a cup of iced coffee on a hot day? Coffee can be enjoyed in so many ways. The following tips will help you better enjoy all that coffee has to offer. Do not think that you just have to keep your coffee stored in the freezer. Coffee sometimes absorbs flavors or odors from neighboring foods. Your best choice is to store coffee in an opaque, air tight container in an area at or near room temperature. If you wish to put it in the refrigerator make sure it's kept in sealed freezer bags. To get a stronger and more flavorful cup of coffee, consider investing in a French press. The purpose of this press is to produce more oil from your coffee beans. In regular machines, these oils are often lost when they are absorbed into paper filters. If you're using a drip coffee brewer, make sure the water you put into it is cold. Never use warm or hot water in drip style coffee pots. As the water brews, it is heated. If you start with hot water, you will probably burn the coffee. This leads to poor tasting coffee and can be a safety issue as well. When you buy your coffee machine, experiment with it. This means running a brewing cycle as if you are making coffee using only water. That way, any dirt and dust it may have accumulated while sitting on the store's shelf will be removed. If you are going camping, you should try perking coffee over a campfire using a metal pot. Using a percolator creates a wonderful atmosphere and results in a unique experience. Remember to allow your brewed coffee a chance to steep before consuming it.
  • 10. 10 No matter what type of coffee is being brewed, you must quickly take the pot off the burner so that the coffee's flavor is not ruined. That's how coffee gets scalded. Scalded coffee is nasty. To make your coffee have a mix of tastes, buy creamers or syrups to pour in after the brewing is done. This ensures that you get the cleanest and purest brew from your coffee machine. It also lets you give guests exactly the choice they want. Add any additional flavors prior to the milk. This gives them a chance to dissolve entirely. A lot of people believe that drinks with caffeine, like coffee, can assist with weight loss. Caffeine can give you a jolt of energy and help metabolism. Weight loss is possible if you mix these with a higher activity level, yet it is far from being the better way to lose weight. There are so many types of coffee from which to choose. Some people like more mild flavors; others like a full dark roast. You can also get flavored coffees such as hazelnut or raspberry. Drinking flavored coffee is not as popular as simply adding a flavored creamer to regular coffee. Always take the coffee off of the heat after it is done brewing. The coffee will cook and its flavor will be ruined if you leave it on the maker. Put it inside an insulated container if you're not going to drink all of it. Add a small pinch of salt to reduce an acid flavor in your coffee. Take care not to use too much, however. This simple trick only works if you go easy on the salt. Many enthusiasts recommend sea salt, which possesses a less intrusive and more natural taste.
  • 11. 11 In order to reduce your expenditures on coffee, think about exploring subscription clubs. You can take advantage of many discounts, which can be profitable. The best clubs will even allow you to receive the beans when you actually need them. If you do this, you will never face the situation of having no beans or being stuck with stale coffee. Add your favorite online coffee shop to your social networking profile. You will get the most up-to-date information this way. You may also be able to find deals that are available online only. Pour flavor syrups right into your hot coffee; then stir it prior to adding creamer or milk. Syrup will dissolve faster in warm coffee. When you do it this way, the syrup’s taste and smell will be far stronger. Dissolve your flavored syrup in your cup of coffee and finish with cream and sugar if you wish. Grinding coffee beans on your own can be a very practical and fulfilling solution. Many coffee enthusiasts will tell you that freshly ground coffee beans make the greatest tasting coffee brew. Burr mill grinders give you the maximum quality grind you could hope for. Using a burr mill grinder will ensure that your coffee grounds are all an even size. People around the world enjoy drinking coffee. If you are among this group, then you understand how important and delicious this can be. This report offers up some of the best and boldest pointers for turning out the most flavorful, delicious coffee beverages out there.
  • 12. 12 Which Espresso Maker is Right for You? Do you love espresso coffee so much that you spend too much money every week at your local favorite coffee shop? Okay, maybe it is time for you to consider buying your own espresso maker so that you can make espresso at home and save yourself a lot of money in the process. Granted, the price of an espresso machine is going to put a dent in your wallet but it really won't take very long for you to recover the investment when you start making your own delicious coffee at home rather than buying it already made for you at café’s and coffee shops. The first thing that you will need to decide about the espresso coffee maker that you will buy is what size machine will best serve your needs. Espresso machines are sized by the number of cups of coffee that can be made at a time. For example, there are 4-cup espresso coffee makers and there are 12-cup espresso coffee makers. A word of information: the cup size of an espresso coffee maker is of the 4-ounce variety and not the larger regular coffee cup size of 7-8 ounces. Your next consideration before purchasing your own espresso coffee maker is whether you want the machine to be manual, semiautomatic or fully automatic and also you will need to decide how many "added features" you want or need. There are a lot of choices out there. You will need to know exactly what your espresso coffee maker will and will not do before you buy. Additionally, there are a lot of different brands. A good way to determine which espresso coffee maker will best serve your particular needs is to talk to your friends who already own them and see what they like and
  • 13. 13 or dislike about their own machines. Check out our espresso machine product reviews for more espresso coffee machine information! Pumpkin Pie Latte Serves: 2 INGREDIENTS 4 heaping tablespoon canned pumpkin 3 tablespoon Vanilla syrup 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice use 1 tablespoon of Pumpkin Spice Syrup 2 cups milk 3 to 4 shots espresso PREPARATION In a small saucepan, stir pumpkin puree into milk. Add vanilla syrup and pumpkin pie spice. Heat gently; continuing to stirring occasionally just until steaming and foam begins to appear. Pour pumpkin flavored milk into a tall glass and pour espresso over. Top with whip cream and a dash of pumpkin pie spice. Note: If you like it slightly sweeter add a bit of vanilla flavored coffee cream. Caramel Vanilla Latte Serves: 1 INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup hot coffee 1/4 cup hot milk 2 teaspoons Vanilla Flavoring 1 tablespoon caramel flavored sundae syrup 1 teaspoon packed dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon whipped cream (optional) PREPARATION Combine coffee, milk and vanilla in large mug; stir until coffee is dissolved. Stir in caramel syrup and brown sugar. Top with whipped cream. Serve immediately.