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2 Grade News
                        Mrs. Ealy’s Class
                        November 2, 2012
      Letter from Mrs. Ealy                                                           Next Week’s Specials
 Dear Parents,
            Thank you to each and every one of you who came in to           Monday –             P.E. (Wear Sneakers)
 help with our Halloween party or donated something to go along with        Tuesday –            No School!
 it. The kids had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute of it! I        Wednesday –          Music and P.E. (Wear Sneakers)
 hope that you all had a wonderful time trick or treating and you           Thursday –           Library and Music
 weren’t too cold or wet!                                                   Friday –             Wellness
            We have had a lot of students out this week due to the flu.
 We are working very hard in class to remember to wash our hands,               What We’re Learning About!
 sneeze in our elbows, and other things to keep our germs from
                                                                            Math – This week in math we started off by reviewing telling time. We
 spreading. Please remind your child to do these things at home!            worked on telling time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour.
            We have started out book n bag program today! However,          We also made clocks in class to take home to practice with! Please look for
 there are still many students who have not sent in a document              these in your child’s binder today! Students also had their first exploration
 portfolio yet. If your child did not bring home a book, it is because      day this week. The students were placed into groups of six and had the
 they don’t have a portfolio to put the books in. This helps keep my        chance to rotate through 4 different stations. They were able to work in
 personal books in good condition when traveling back and forth             their math journals, explore with geoboards to make different shapes, use
                                                                            base 10 blocks to help with trading, and make clock booklets. They did a
 between home and school. A detailed note about the program is in           great job working together! We also spent a lot of time working on
 your child’s portfolio  If you have not sent in a portfolio yet, please   collecting data and graphing our results. We made picture and bar graphs.
 send one in by next Friday so your child can start the program. If you
 are unable to get one please let me know and I can make other              Reading – Reading groups have been running very smoothly. The kids are
 arrangements.                                                              establishing a great routine during reader’s workshop. Students are taking
                                                                            off with their reading and giving their best effort! We continued to work on
            Thank you to everyone who read with their child and filled
                                                                            our fluency this week. We discussed how we change our voices in a book to
 out the October reading log. If your child turned it in and read each      match the punctuation. We talked about what our voice should sound like
 day, they received a certificate and pizza coupon today! Look for it in    when we see a period, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end of a
 their OWL binder  We also added our new November reading logs             sentence. We also learned how to change our voice when we see
 today to our binders today.                                                quotation marks and someone in the book is talking. The students are
            We have been working very hard in class lately on               doing a wonderful job with this!
 producing quality work. Hopefully you have seen a change in
                                                                            Writing – In writing, we added our final copy from the last writing unit to
 assignments that are coming home!                                          our data binders. We graphed our progress and talked about ways in which
            If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.      we can improve our scores in each of the four graded areas (content/ideas,
 Remember you can reach me by our folder, by email, or by phone.            organization, style/voice, and conventions). We also continued reading
                                                                            books written by Jonathan London and noticing some of the different
           Sincerely,                                                       elements that he includes within his stories. So far we've noticed his use of:
           Mrs. Ealy                                                        ellipses, a variety of punctuation marks, bold words, italicized words,
                                                                            colored text, rhyming text, capitalized words, onomatopoeia (sound words),
                                                                            dialogue, and much, much more. We started writing new stories this week
     •     Please remember to return library books every Thursday!          as well. Next week we'll dive into the reasons behind Mr. London use of
     •     Please remember to send your child to school with a coat!        these elements.
     •     REMINDER: No school on Tuesday, November 6th!
          Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember                             Social Studies – This week we finished out social studies unit on what is a
                                                                            community. We spent time comparing different types of communities such
                                                                            as cities, suburbs, and countries. We also brainstormed as a class what
                                                                            make White Lake special to us. Thank you to everyone who helped with
Nov. 6                       No School                                      the social studies homework. The kids did a wonderful job sharing who
Nov. 12                      OPC Meeting @ 6:30                             they interviewed and what they said about our community. The kids really
                                                                            enjoyed listening to what each other discovered! We will start our first unit
                             Market Day Pick-Up                             in science next week which is on physical properties.
Nov. 13                      Picture Retake Day

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Newsletter nov 2, 2012

  • 1. nd 2 Grade News Mrs. Ealy’s Class November 2, 2012 Letter from Mrs. Ealy Next Week’s Specials Dear Parents, Thank you to each and every one of you who came in to Monday – P.E. (Wear Sneakers) help with our Halloween party or donated something to go along with Tuesday – No School! it. The kids had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute of it! I Wednesday – Music and P.E. (Wear Sneakers) hope that you all had a wonderful time trick or treating and you Thursday – Library and Music weren’t too cold or wet! Friday – Wellness We have had a lot of students out this week due to the flu. We are working very hard in class to remember to wash our hands, What We’re Learning About! sneeze in our elbows, and other things to keep our germs from Math – This week in math we started off by reviewing telling time. We spreading. Please remind your child to do these things at home! worked on telling time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour. We have started out book n bag program today! However, We also made clocks in class to take home to practice with! Please look for there are still many students who have not sent in a document these in your child’s binder today! Students also had their first exploration portfolio yet. If your child did not bring home a book, it is because day this week. The students were placed into groups of six and had the they don’t have a portfolio to put the books in. This helps keep my chance to rotate through 4 different stations. They were able to work in personal books in good condition when traveling back and forth their math journals, explore with geoboards to make different shapes, use base 10 blocks to help with trading, and make clock booklets. They did a between home and school. A detailed note about the program is in great job working together! We also spent a lot of time working on your child’s portfolio  If you have not sent in a portfolio yet, please collecting data and graphing our results. We made picture and bar graphs. send one in by next Friday so your child can start the program. If you are unable to get one please let me know and I can make other Reading – Reading groups have been running very smoothly. The kids are arrangements. establishing a great routine during reader’s workshop. Students are taking off with their reading and giving their best effort! We continued to work on Thank you to everyone who read with their child and filled our fluency this week. We discussed how we change our voices in a book to out the October reading log. If your child turned it in and read each match the punctuation. We talked about what our voice should sound like day, they received a certificate and pizza coupon today! Look for it in when we see a period, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end of a their OWL binder  We also added our new November reading logs sentence. We also learned how to change our voice when we see today to our binders today. quotation marks and someone in the book is talking. The students are We have been working very hard in class lately on doing a wonderful job with this! producing quality work. Hopefully you have seen a change in Writing – In writing, we added our final copy from the last writing unit to assignments that are coming home! our data binders. We graphed our progress and talked about ways in which If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. we can improve our scores in each of the four graded areas (content/ideas, Remember you can reach me by our folder, by email, or by phone. organization, style/voice, and conventions). We also continued reading books written by Jonathan London and noticing some of the different Sincerely, elements that he includes within his stories. So far we've noticed his use of: Mrs. Ealy ellipses, a variety of punctuation marks, bold words, italicized words, colored text, rhyming text, capitalized words, onomatopoeia (sound words), dialogue, and much, much more. We started writing new stories this week • Please remember to return library books every Thursday! as well. Next week we'll dive into the reasons behind Mr. London use of • Please remember to send your child to school with a coat! these elements. • REMINDER: No school on Tuesday, November 6th! Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember Social Studies – This week we finished out social studies unit on what is a community. We spent time comparing different types of communities such as cities, suburbs, and countries. We also brainstormed as a class what make White Lake special to us. Thank you to everyone who helped with Nov. 6 No School the social studies homework. The kids did a wonderful job sharing who Nov. 12 OPC Meeting @ 6:30 they interviewed and what they said about our community. The kids really enjoyed listening to what each other discovered! We will start our first unit Market Day Pick-Up in science next week which is on physical properties. Nov. 13 Picture Retake Day