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http://sg.com.mx/mobileday #mobiledaysg
Design Sprint Workshop
Luis López, Cesar Salazar - Partners, 23 Design
¿Qué es diseño?
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
¿Cómo creamos productos exitosos
colaborativamente, en un tiempo y a un costo razonable?
¡Diseño por comité!
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
1. Business Strategy
2. Innovation
3. Behaviour since
4. Design Thinking
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Why sprint?
•Create a shared vision
•Get unstuck
•Better incorporate user feedback
•Focused, time-boxed and intensive
•User-centered and validated
•Cross-functional but UX-led
•Creates stakeholder buy-in
•Can unify teams in trouble
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Why Sprints are different
PM & Marketing
Sales, Strategy
What supports
User Experience
What is desirable?
What is possible?
Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Hoy viviremos la experiencia de un Sprint,
como participante, como Sprint Master
Close your laptop
Put your phone away
Be present and give this full commitment
No slipping out for meetings
We will move fast, be prepared for me to
cut you off to stay on schedule
Diseñar una app de Android que mejore
la manera en que los viajeros
internacionales intercambian moneda
local y extranjera, apuntando a lanzarse
en Agosto 2016.
Sketches y user flow.
Questions > Solutions
As you listen to the upcoming Lightning
Talks, capture your ideas on post it
To do that we use a note taking method
called How Might We’s.
How: assumes opportunities exist.
Might: says we don’t have to find
We: is all about doing this together
Write with a thick dark sharpie.
Be succinct.
One idea per sticky note.
Not too broad, and not too narrow.
If you don’t write it down it can’t be
voted on.
Make people
Make the buy
button blue?
Use location to
show relevant
Too broad Too narrow
Lightning talks
•User Research
•Business Opportunities
•User Painpoints
•Customer feedback, etc…
User research: How do you currently
exchange currency?
Credit Card
ATM Cash
Home Airport Exchange
Foreign Airport Exchange
Travelers check
My own currency
Home Bank Currency
Leftovers Cash
* Speculative graph of currency exchange
methods based on finding
User research: How many
different kinds of currency do you
currently have in your wallet?
Home Currency Euros Pounds Japanese Yen Chinese Yuan
LHR by the numbers
73 million
AVG of unique travellers per
1.5 million
AVG of US traffic annually in
People arriving and
departing from LHR daily
split 50/50 between arriving
and departing
$5 Trillion
People exchanging money
worldwide per day
User pain points
• Going to the bank is inconvenient
• Fees are very high at the airport
• Don’t know how to locate nearest exchange kiosk
• Long wait for my turn
• Lack of transparency around fees & exchange rates
• Many countries don’t accept CCs and require local
• Currency Exchange Services only exchanges cash (not
• User doesn’t feel comfortable using my DEBIT card in
another country
Technology pain points
• Airport wifi sucks, so it may require an offline
• No international data plan on their mobile
• Self serve exchange kiosks may be out of service
• CHIP-AND-PIN problem in Europe
• Hard to get access to accurate exchange rates
Business opportunities
• Differentiation
Why use our product and not the existing
• Savings
Reduce exchange currency fees by 50%
• Satisfaction
Receive an average 4.5 out of 5 stars
• Speed
Reduce exchange time
Find a match within 1 minute
Personas and Behavioural Types
AGE: 33
STORY: Software engineer working
for a non-profit in San Francisco
Travels frequently for fun.
Loves the outdoors and goes hiking
at least once a month.
Next adventure Backpacking across
UK to visit, cities and small towns.
User Interviews
Users are the ultimate judges of whether a product is good or
not and it can be useful to start a sprint by finding and
interviewing users.
Today we will be interviewing each other
• One volunteer from each team to be the interviewee
• One volunteer to be the interviewer
• Take 5 min to Prepare Questions
• 10 min to conduct Interview
15 min
Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
User Journey
20 min
Individual person Searching for an Apartment
Step 1:
Need to move:
• rent has been
• relocating
• new job
Find a place
Contact to
Schedule viewing
Visit appt
Apply or not
Step 2:
Talk to friends
HMW Sharing
Each team member places
their stickies on the board -
describing the idea while
placing them.
5 minutes for each person
Affinity mapping
Start grouping ideas into
categories. Don’t worry if the
categories aren’t immediately
apparent. Look for overlaps or
duplicates to get started.
For example:
• Pricing
• Payments
• Location
10 minutes
•Speed and silence are critical
components in this step.
•Affinity mapping helps visualise
popular themes
•Voting helps prioritize the most
important opportunities
•The best idea, not the best
salesperson, will be selected
Zen Voting
Each team member gets 3 dots.
• It’s ok to vote on your own.
• It’s ok to put more than one dot on the
same note
• We’ll pay more attention to notes that
have multiple votes, so think
• We are not trying to get to one
direction at this point in time
10 minutes
Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
Crazy 8’s
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Crazy 8’s
Fold your paper into 8 rectangles.
Sketch 1 idea in each rectangle
rather than a storyboard.
Go for quantity, don’t worry about
making these beautiful, these are
just for yourself.
Try to get beyond your initial idea.
8 ideas in 8 min
8 ideas in 8 min
Diseñar una app de Android que mejore
la manera en que los viajeros
internacionales intercambian moneda
local y extranjera, apuntando a lanzarse
en Agosto 2016.
Sketches y user flow.
Share and Vote
Each person takes 3 minutes to
present their ideas. Then provide
each person with 3 dots to vote
on the sketches
10 minutes for voting
Valor para el usuario
Dificultad técnica
Difícil &
Fácil &
¿Para qué
10 minutes
5 minutes
Choose a direction
5 minutes
If you have more than one winning
solution, involve the whole team in a
short discussion about whether to
prototype two concepts separately or
combine the winners into a single
It is possible one prototype will
encapsulate the best ideas, but if not
a Sprint is a great place to test out two
competing ideas.
Choose a direction
Storyboard - 10 minutes
Mobile Day - Design sprint
Prototypes should be “real-enough”
1. Falla eficiente:

aprende y continúa investigando.

2. Éxito con fallas:

¡más sprints!

3. Éxito rotundo:

muévete a producción.
http://sg.com.mx/mobileday #mobiledaysg
23 Design

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Mobile Day - Design sprint

  • 1. http://sg.com.mx/mobileday #mobiledaysg Design Sprint Workshop SG MOBILE DAY Luis López, Cesar Salazar - Partners, 23 Design
  • 8. ¿Cómo creamos productos exitosos colaborativamente, en un tiempo y a un costo razonable?
  • 13. 1. Business Strategy 2. Innovation 3. Behaviour since 4. Design Thinking
  • 16. Why sprint? •Create a shared vision •Get unstuck •Better incorporate user feedback •Focused, time-boxed and intensive •User-centered and validated •Cross-functional but UX-led •Creates stakeholder buy-in •Can unify teams in trouble
  • 19. 19
  • 21. Why Sprints are different PM & Marketing Sales, Strategy What supports growth? User Experience What is desirable? Engineering What is possible?
  • 22. Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
  • 24. Hoy viviremos la experiencia de un Sprint, como participante, como Sprint Master
  • 25. REGLAS Close your laptop Put your phone away Be present and give this full commitment No slipping out for meetings We will move fast, be prepared for me to cut you off to stay on schedule
  • 26. SPRINT CHALLENGE Diseñar una app de Android que mejore la manera en que los viajeros internacionales intercambian moneda local y extranjera, apuntando a lanzarse en Agosto 2016. DELIVERABLES Sketches y user flow.
  • 28. HMW’s As you listen to the upcoming Lightning Talks, capture your ideas on post it notes To do that we use a note taking method called How Might We’s. How: assumes opportunities exist. Might: says we don’t have to find something We: is all about doing this together
  • 29. HMW’s Write with a thick dark sharpie. Be succinct. One idea per sticky note. Not too broad, and not too narrow. If you don’t write it down it can’t be voted on. HMW… Make people happy? HMW… Make the buy button blue? HMW… Use location to show relevant results? Too broad Too narrow
  • 30. Lightning talks •User Research •Business Opportunities •User Painpoints •Customer feedback, etc… UNDERSTAND
  • 31. User research: How do you currently exchange currency? 3%6% 1%1% 9% 21% 28% 32% Credit Card ATM Cash Home Airport Exchange Foreign Airport Exchange Travelers check My own currency Home Bank Currency Leftovers Cash * Speculative graph of currency exchange methods based on finding
  • 32. User research: How many different kinds of currency do you currently have in your wallet? 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 Home Currency Euros Pounds Japanese Yen Chinese Yuan
  • 33. LHR by the numbers 73 million AVG of unique travellers per year 1.5 million AVG of US traffic annually in LHR 201,000 People arriving and departing from LHR daily split 50/50 between arriving and departing $5 Trillion People exchanging money worldwide per day
  • 34. User pain points • Going to the bank is inconvenient • Fees are very high at the airport • Don’t know how to locate nearest exchange kiosk • Long wait for my turn • Lack of transparency around fees & exchange rates • Many countries don’t accept CCs and require local currency • Currency Exchange Services only exchanges cash (not CC) • User doesn’t feel comfortable using my DEBIT card in another country
  • 35. Technology pain points • Airport wifi sucks, so it may require an offline exchange • No international data plan on their mobile • Self serve exchange kiosks may be out of service • CHIP-AND-PIN problem in Europe • Hard to get access to accurate exchange rates
  • 36. Business opportunities • Differentiation Why use our product and not the existing solutions • Savings Reduce exchange currency fees by 50% • Satisfaction Receive an average 4.5 out of 5 stars • Speed Reduce exchange time Find a match within 1 minute
  • 37. Personas and Behavioural Types AGE: 33 STORY: Software engineer working for a non-profit in San Francisco Travels frequently for fun. Loves the outdoors and goes hiking at least once a month. NEXT ADVENTURE Next adventure Backpacking across UK to visit, cities and small towns. Jean
  • 39. Users are the ultimate judges of whether a product is good or not and it can be useful to start a sprint by finding and interviewing users. Today we will be interviewing each other • One volunteer from each team to be the interviewee • One volunteer to be the interviewer • Take 5 min to Prepare Questions • 10 min to conduct Interview 15 min
  • 40. Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
  • 42. 20 min Individual person Searching for an Apartment Step 1: Need to move: • rent has been rasied • relocating • new job Find a place Contact to Schedule viewing Prepare Application documents Visit appt Apply or not Apply Step 2: Research neighborhoods, Talk to friends
  • 43. HMW Sharing Each team member places their stickies on the board - describing the idea while placing them. 5 minutes for each person
  • 44. Affinity mapping Start grouping ideas into categories. Don’t worry if the categories aren’t immediately apparent. Look for overlaps or duplicates to get started. For example: • Pricing • Payments • Location 10 minutes
  • 45. •Speed and silence are critical components in this step. •Affinity mapping helps visualise popular themes •Voting helps prioritize the most important opportunities •The best idea, not the best salesperson, will be selected
  • 46. Zen Voting Each team member gets 3 dots. • It’s ok to vote on your own. • It’s ok to put more than one dot on the same note • We’ll pay more attention to notes that have multiple votes, so think strategically • We are not trying to get to one direction at this point in time 10 minutes
  • 47. Understand Define Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
  • 50. Crazy 8’s Fold your paper into 8 rectangles. Sketch 1 idea in each rectangle rather than a storyboard. Go for quantity, don’t worry about making these beautiful, these are just for yourself. Try to get beyond your initial idea. 8 ideas in 8 min 8 ideas in 8 min
  • 52. SPRINT CHALLENGE Diseñar una app de Android que mejore la manera en que los viajeros internacionales intercambian moneda local y extranjera, apuntando a lanzarse en Agosto 2016. DELIVERABLES Sketches y user flow.
  • 53. Share and Vote Each person takes 3 minutes to present their ideas. Then provide each person with 3 dots to vote on the sketches 10 minutes for voting
  • 55. 55 Valor para el usuario Dificultad técnica Difícil & importante Fácil & importante ¿Para qué molestarse? Puede esperar 10 minutes Prioritise
  • 57. 57 5 minutes If you have more than one winning solution, involve the whole team in a short discussion about whether to prototype two concepts separately or combine the winners into a single prototype. It is possible one prototype will encapsulate the best ideas, but if not a Sprint is a great place to test out two competing ideas. Choose a direction
  • 61. Prototypes should be “real-enough”
  • 64. 1. Falla eficiente:
 aprende y continúa investigando.
 2. Éxito con fallas:
 ¡más sprints!
 3. Éxito rotundo:
 muévete a producción.