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Google Design Sprint
Vijf daagse pressure cooker waarin aan een challenge wordt gewerkt
door middel van vastgelegde stappen & doelstellingen.
Google Design Sprint?
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Snelle methode om nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen te ontdekken & toetsen
voor reeds bestaande processen & producten
Waarom Google Design Sprints?
Innovatieve manier van werken waarbij “bedrijfs-silo’s” worden doorbroken en
problemen vanuit verschillende perspectieven worden bekeken.
Door betrokkenheid vanuit verschillende bedrijfstakken is steun voor uiteindelijke
toepassingen en of uitvoering van learnings groter
Innovatieve product development manier waarbinnen vijf dagen realistische
oplossingen en concepten worden bedacht
Set the stage
Een goede voorbereiding is key!
Samenstelling team
Bestaande uit:
beslisser, marketing,
service & techniek
Challenge statement
Duidelijke omschrijving
waar het team aan gaat
Wat is er al?
Verzamel voor dat je
begint alle informatie
over de challenge
Set the stage
Een goede voorbereiding is key!
Samenstelling team
Bestaande uit:
beslisser, marketing,
service & techniek
Challenge statement
Duidelijke omschrijving
waar het team aan gaat
Wat is er al?
Verzamel voor dat je
begint alle informatie
over de challenge
Challenge statement
First steps
• Interview key stakeholders
• Identify or review use cases
• Review all relevant user research
• Review current designs
Should be …
• Purposeful
• Concise and inspiring
• Targeted to users
• Aligned and timely
Create (what) (for whom) (by when) (in order to…).
Design a mobile app that helps a visitor plan and find the most
relevant, personalised and exiting activities to do in a city if the
visitor has only one day to for the visit.
Tijdens de sprint
Follow the proces
Wijk niet af van het proces, dat krijg je later in
de sprint anders terug.
100% aanwezigheid
& betrokkenheid
Elke stap heeft een
vaste duur
Zorg ervoor dat er
gezonde snacks zijn
Possible outcomes
Wat leer je er van?
Betere bestaande
New concepts
De eerste stappen in
een nieuwe richting
Usabillity input
Een optimale
Dag 1: Understand
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Start assumptions board
• Review research
• Problem statement
• Critical path
• 360 lightning talks
• Needs/wants/desires
• Recap
Dag 1: Understand
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Start assumptions board
• Review research
• Problem statement
• Critical path
• 360 lightning talks
• Needs/wants/desires
• Recap
The assumption board - Wherefor is it?
To collect assumptions during the proces regarding
the problem statement which have a great impact
on your prototype.
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
The assumption board
Assumption Validated ifTest with
Customers will
understand what we
do after they’ve seen
the landingspage
customers are
able to explain
what we do
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
The assumption board - When to use it?
Day 1: understand Day 3: decide Day 5: testDay 4: prototypeDay 2: define
Collect Test plan Validate
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Review research
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Quickly identify existing research to determine what research
should be shared throughout the day (10 minutes)
• Define the business & the customer (1 hour)
• Define the problem, the value proposition, Success (1 hour)
• Lightning demos of any existing product or competitors sites (45
Dag 1: Understand
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Start assumptions board
• Review research
• Problem statement
• Critical path
• 360 lightning talks
• Needs/wants/desires
• Recap
Dag 1: Understand
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Start assumptions board
• Review research
• Problem statement
• Critical path
• 360 lightning talks
• Needs/wants/desires
• Recap
Critical path
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
User visit Receive & Love
Search View Product Buy
Edit order
Dag 1: Understand
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Start assumptions board
• Review research
• Problem statement
• Critical path
• 360 lightning talks
• Needs/wants/desires
• Recap
Dag 2: Diverge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Value proposition
• Mind mapping
• UI elements
• Crazy eights
• Storyboard
• Group critique (Zen voting)
• Recap
Dag 2: Diverge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Value proposition
• Mind mapping
• UI elements
• Crazy eights
• Storyboard
• Group critique (Zen voting)
• Recap
Crazy eights!
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Pak een a4
Vouw hem zo, dat je een
vel krijgt met 8 vlakken
Nu heb je 5 minuten
om 8 schetsen te maken
Dag 2: Diverge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Value proposition
• Mind mapping
• UI elements
• Crazy eights
• Storyboard
• Group critique (Zen voting)
• Recap
Group critique (zen voting)
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Dag 2: Diverge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Value proposition
• Mind mapping
• UI elements
• Crazy eights
• Storyboard
• Group critique (Zen voting)
• Recap
Dag 3: Converge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Identify conflicts
• Create assumption / test table
• Create testing plan
• Whiteboard the final storyboard
• Recap
Dag 3: Converge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Identify conflicts
• Create assumption / test table
• Create testing plan
• Whiteboard the final storyboard
• Recap
Identify conflicts - What is a conflict?
A conflict is a place where there are two or more
different approaches to solving the same problem.
Conflicting approaches are super helpful because
they illuminate the choices for your product.
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Identify conflicts - The conflicts board
Sign up
Facebook &
Identify conflicts - Battle Royal or Best Shot
Battle Royale
Prototype several different approaches and test them against each other.
Takes more time since you have to make several prototype
Especially interesting for new spaces where there are not that many conventions
Best Shot
Go with a single approach which everybody agrees on is the best approach.
You can put a lot more time into one approach (or just finish it faster)
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
Identify conflicts - The conflicts board
Sign up
Facebook &
Identify conflicts - The conflicts board
Sign up
Facebook &
Dag 3: Converge
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Identify conflicts
• Create assumption / test table
• Create testing plan
• Whiteboard the final storyboard
• Recap
Dag 4: Prototype
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Data & copy
• Prototype
• Recap
Dag 5: Validate
Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate
1 2 3 4 5
• Standup
• Interview & observe
• Decide on next steps
• Implentation plan
• Impact on IT
• Recap
• Looking Back – Fire and hot air: What helps us go higher?
What are the things that push us forward?
• – Looking Back – Forces pulling down: Which are the
forces pulling us down?
• – Looking Ahead – Storm: What is the storm ahead of us?
What will have our trip turbulenta?
• – Looking Ahead – Sunny day: What could we do to avoid
the storm and turn towards sunny days? What shall we do
to overcome the possible challenges ahead of us?
Case: Zilveren Kruis
Sprint 1 - Churn reduction
Sprint 2 - Verdieping op
sprint 1
Tijd: 1 week
Direct toepasbare learnings & visuele getoetste concepten die een grote invloed hebben gehad op
het opzetten en invullen van de zorgcampagne 2017.
Sprint 3 - Customer
journey optimisation
Sprint 4 - Churn reduction
Sprint 5 - Retention
Churn reduction
Customer journey

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Google Design Spint Fundamental Guide

  • 1. You either win or learn something Google Design Sprint
  • 2. Vijf daagse pressure cooker waarin aan een challenge wordt gewerkt door middel van vastgelegde stappen & doelstellingen. Google Design Sprint? Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 3. Snelle methode om nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen te ontdekken & toetsen voor reeds bestaande processen & producten Waarom Google Design Sprints? Innovatieve manier van werken waarbij “bedrijfs-silo’s” worden doorbroken en problemen vanuit verschillende perspectieven worden bekeken. Door betrokkenheid vanuit verschillende bedrijfstakken is steun voor uiteindelijke toepassingen en of uitvoering van learnings groter Innovatieve product development manier waarbinnen vijf dagen realistische oplossingen en concepten worden bedacht
  • 4. Voorbereiding Set the stage Een goede voorbereiding is key! Samenstelling team Bestaande uit: beslisser, marketing, service & techniek Challenge statement Duidelijke omschrijving waar het team aan gaat werken Wat is er al? Verzamel voor dat je begint alle informatie over de challenge
  • 5. Voorbereiding Set the stage Een goede voorbereiding is key! Samenstelling team Bestaande uit: beslisser, marketing, service & techniek Challenge statement Duidelijke omschrijving waar het team aan gaat werken Wat is er al? Verzamel voor dat je begint alle informatie over de challenge
  • 6. Challenge statement First steps • Interview key stakeholders • Identify or review use cases • Review all relevant user research • Review current designs Should be … • Purposeful • Concise and inspiring • Targeted to users • Aligned and timely Create (what) (for whom) (by when) (in order to…). Design a mobile app that helps a visitor plan and find the most relevant, personalised and exiting activities to do in a city if the visitor has only one day to for the visit.
  • 7. Tijdens de sprint Follow the proces Wijk niet af van het proces, dat krijg je later in de sprint anders terug. Focus 100% aanwezigheid & betrokkenheid Timebox Elke stap heeft een vaste duur Snacks Zorg ervoor dat er gezonde snacks zijn
  • 8. Uitkomst Possible outcomes Wat leer je er van? Optimization Betere bestaande processen New concepts De eerste stappen in een nieuwe richting Usabillity input Een optimale klantbeleving
  • 9. Dag 1: Understand Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Start assumptions board • Review research • Problem statement • Critical path • 360 lightning talks • Needs/wants/desires • Recap
  • 10. Dag 1: Understand Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Start assumptions board • Review research • Problem statement • Critical path • 360 lightning talks • Needs/wants/desires • Recap
  • 11. The assumption board - Wherefor is it? To collect assumptions during the proces regarding the problem statement which have a great impact on your prototype. Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 12. The assumption board Assumption Validated ifTest with Customers will understand what we do after they’ve seen the landingspage Interview customers are able to explain what we do Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 13. The assumption board - When to use it? Day 1: understand Day 3: decide Day 5: testDay 4: prototypeDay 2: define Collect Test plan Validate Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 14. Review research Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Quickly identify existing research to determine what research should be shared throughout the day (10 minutes) • Define the business & the customer (1 hour) • Define the problem, the value proposition, Success (1 hour) • Lightning demos of any existing product or competitors sites (45 minutes)
  • 15. Dag 1: Understand Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Start assumptions board • Review research • Problem statement • Critical path • 360 lightning talks • Needs/wants/desires • Recap
  • 16. Dag 1: Understand Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Start assumptions board • Review research • Problem statement • Critical path • 360 lightning talks • Needs/wants/desires • Recap
  • 17. Critical path Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 User visit Receive & Love Search View Product Buy Browse recommendations Edit order
  • 18. Dag 1: Understand Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Start assumptions board • Review research • Problem statement • Critical path • 360 lightning talks • Needs/wants/desires • Recap
  • 19. Dag 2: Diverge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Value proposition • Mind mapping • UI elements • Crazy eights • Storyboard • Group critique (Zen voting) • Recap
  • 20. Dag 2: Diverge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Value proposition • Mind mapping • UI elements • Crazy eights • Storyboard • Group critique (Zen voting) • Recap
  • 21. Crazy eights! Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 Pak een a4 Vouw hem zo, dat je een vel krijgt met 8 vlakken Nu heb je 5 minuten om 8 schetsen te maken Challenge:
  • 22. Dag 2: Diverge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Value proposition • Mind mapping • UI elements • Crazy eights • Storyboard • Group critique (Zen voting) • Recap
  • 23. Group critique (zen voting) Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 24. Dag 2: Diverge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Value proposition • Mind mapping • UI elements • Crazy eights • Storyboard • Group critique (Zen voting) • Recap
  • 25. Dag 3: Converge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Identify conflicts • Create assumption / test table • Create testing plan • Whiteboard the final storyboard • Recap
  • 26. Dag 3: Converge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Identify conflicts • Create assumption / test table • Create testing plan • Whiteboard the final storyboard • Recap
  • 27. Identify conflicts - What is a conflict? A conflict is a place where there are two or more different approaches to solving the same problem. Conflicting approaches are super helpful because they illuminate the choices for your product. Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 28. Identify conflicts - The conflicts board Product page Single photo Video Diagrams Sign up Facebook only Email Facebook & E-mail Onboarding Overlay tutorial Wizard Nothing Problems Approaches
  • 29. Identify conflicts - Battle Royal or Best Shot Battle Royale Prototype several different approaches and test them against each other. Takes more time since you have to make several prototype Especially interesting for new spaces where there are not that many conventions Best Shot Go with a single approach which everybody agrees on is the best approach. You can put a lot more time into one approach (or just finish it faster) Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 30. Identify conflicts - The conflicts board Product page Single photo Video Diagrams Sign up Facebook only Email Facebook & E-mail Onboarding Overlay tutorial Wizard Nothing
  • 31. Identify conflicts - The conflicts board Product page Single photo Video Diagrams Sign up Facebook only Email Facebook & E-mail Onboarding Overlay tutorial Wizard Nothing Battle Royale Best Shot
  • 32. Dag 3: Converge Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Identify conflicts • Create assumption / test table • Create testing plan • Whiteboard the final storyboard • Recap
  • 33. Dag 4: Prototype Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Data & copy • Prototype • Recap
  • 34. Dag 5: Validate Understand Diverge Converge Prototype Validate 1 2 3 4 5 • Standup • Interview & observe • Decide on next steps • Implentation plan • Impact on IT • Recap
  • 35. Retrospective • Looking Back – Fire and hot air: What helps us go higher? What are the things that push us forward? • – Looking Back – Forces pulling down: Which are the forces pulling us down? • – Looking Ahead – Storm: What is the storm ahead of us? What will have our trip turbulenta? • – Looking Ahead – Sunny day: What could we do to avoid the storm and turn towards sunny days? What shall we do to overcome the possible challenges ahead of us?
  • 37. Case: Zilveren Kruis Sprint 1 - Churn reduction Sprint 2 - Verdieping op sprint 1 Tijd: 1 week Resultaat: Direct toepasbare learnings & visuele getoetste concepten die een grote invloed hebben gehad op het opzetten en invullen van de zorgcampagne 2017. Sprint 3 - Customer journey optimisation Sprint 4 - Churn reduction Sprint 5 - Retention Churn reduction Customer journey optimisation Retention