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Metaverse Enterprise
Platform Development
ConnectCon Presentation
October 29, 2021
Alex G. Lee
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
Speaker Metaverse Conference
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
Present and Future of Metaverse
Why Metaverse Now?
Metaverse Use Case: AI Innovation Platform
Metaverse Enterprise
Metaverse - Gartner Emerging Technology Mapping
Applications for ESG Sustainability Imperative
Metaverse for Sustainable Smart City
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
Present and Future of Metaverse Infographics
Metaverse = Physical + Virtual Converged Augmented World
Virtually Augmented
Physical World
Physically Augmented Virtual World = Interoperable Interconnected (To Be) Virtual 3D Spaces
Constructed on the Internet; Physically Persistence (To Be)
Digital Me (Avatar)
You Digital You
Mixed Reality
Virtual Reality
Reality Technology Innovation
Wearable Devices HCI Digital Senses
Augmented Reality
Extended Reality
AI Digital Human Innovation
People can interact freely in a variety of ways
and forms with one another, digital objects
and environments for a variety of virtual
Physical Earth:
Digital Twin Earth:
ICT/Digital+ Digital Twin Innovation
IoT Sensors
AI Predictions
Digital Twins
Metaverse is a collection of fully
connected interoperable physically
augmented digital worlds with
physical persistence that are
converged with the virtually
augmented physical world in which
people and digital representations of
people (digital people) can fully
interact with one another and digital
objects/environments (including
digital twins) with full reality.
Metaverse is the converged world of
augmented physical world and
virtual world that is hyper-
decentralized, hyper-connected,
hyper-visualized, hyper-interacted,
and hyper-reality enabled.
Metaverse can create economic
values without space/time/resource
Metaverse NFT Projects AT A Glance:
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Why Metaverse Now?
The metaverse concept is not a new one. Back in 1992, Neal Stephenson's novel Snow
Crash coined the term metaverse for the first time. My recent patent research about the
metaverse technology innovation also showed a long history of the metaverse
technology innovation. My patent research also showed that there were active
innovation activities around 2007-2010. Why, then, the metaverse revives now?
HBS Professor Marco Iansiti , the author of “The Keystone Advantage,” suggested
technological assimilation as a new engine for technological innovations in his article
“Creative Construction.” In the technological assimilation frameworks, a core innovation
that once provided stand-alone products or services for a specific market can be the
building blocks for mass market generating innovation through assimilation to broader
platforms and exploitation of innovation infrastructures that were not existed at the time
of innovation.
Therefore, if we consider the integration of broader platforms such as smartphones, 3D
computing, XR devices, digital twins, cloud computing and innovation infrastructures
such as AI, blockchain, IoT and 5G into the metaverse, we can give an answer about
the “why metaverse now” based on the technological assimilation.
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Metaverse Use Case: AI Innovation Platform
US20210004076 illustrates an AI innovation platform that provides a virtual AI
development and testing environment. In the metaverse virtual AI development
processes, AI model training data, system validation, system deployment, and system
testing can be performed within a real-time 3D virtual environment incorporating objects,
camera systems, sensors and digital human avatars representing the collaborating
developers (who can interact using AR/VR/MR devices). The virtual 3D spatial
environment can be networked with external computer resources and their digital twins
to simulate the end-use environment of the AI system. This environment can include
various sub-systems that feed data into the AI system. This data can be captured and
utilized to train and validate the AI system, which can then itself be deployed into the
same real-time virtual environment. Finally, real-time motion capture techniques and
human actors can be used to drive humanoid avatars within the virtual environment.
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
Metaverse Enterprise
A metaverse enterprise is consist of a physical enterprise and virtual enterprise which is
a realistic digital representation (digital twin) of the physical enterprise. Physical and
digital enterprises are connected through real-time data.
Business resources can be used on demand without limitation in the digital enterprises
Based on actual real-time data in the physical enterprise, the virtual enterprise is
created, and then, tested using simulation models, big data analytics, and scenario
analysis to obtain meaningful insights regarding businesses of the physical enterprise.
Digital world decisions based on the obtained meaningful insights are transferred back
towards the physical enterprise to improve businesses of the physical enterprise.
Digital twins combined with extended reality (XR) devices provide a feeling of a real
physical presence in virtual space for remote workers to operate digital twin models
collaboratively as if remote workers feel that they are at the same place (Realistic
Immersion and Sense).
Gamification is a process of using game mechanics, elements, and principles and
applying them to non-game contexts to engage people better. Gamification can be used
in a metaverse enterprise for providing remote collaborative working operations as a
means to keep the workforce engaged and to drive productivity.
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Metaverse - Gartner Emerging Technology Mapping Infographics
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Applications for ESG Sustainability Imperative
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
Metaverse for Sustainable Smart City
Source. Smart Cities Technologies and applications : BIM-GIS- IOT-AI@udemy
BIM (Building Information Modeling for 3D digital
representations of infrastructure to get proper design,
construction, operation, and maintenance
GIS (Geographic Information System) to map and
analyze geographic features
IoT (Internet of Things) monitoring for real-time
data sensing of smart city components
Smart City Digital Twin
Metaverse Project Management Platform
Design Team Construction Team Management Team
City of the future
Metaverse City Living Lab
metaverse platform for
public–private–people partnerships
for city-wide circular economy
public–private–people collaboration
for sustainable city management and
co-creation of eco-friendly city
test-bed for innovation
commercialization of new business
Metaverse City Service Portal
metaverse platform for city
government services: call center;
citizen portal; utility management;
waste management; license/permit
management; asset/land
management; public security and
health management; mobility and
parking management; job search
Metaverse Commerce Portal
metaverse platform for digital
billboards/shops/showroom where users
can access products/services from
companies based on brand reputations and
try them virtually; market place for direct
transaction among people; active marketing
campaigns; real/virtual property
renting/sales; land sales
Metaverse IR/PR Portal
metaverse platform for
linking investors and
investees; virtual fund raising
events; virtual public-private
investment partnerships
platform; virtual PR event
with tour of cities for global
investors and tourist
Metaverse NFT
based DeFi
DeFi Platform
Design and
Metaverse Store
©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved
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Metaverse Enterprise Platform Development

  • 1. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved www.techipm.com Metaverse Enterprise Platform Development ConnectCon Presentation October 29, 2021 Alex G. Lee
  • 2. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Speaker Metaverse Conference
  • 3. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Present and Future of Metaverse Why Metaverse Now? Metaverse Use Case: AI Innovation Platform Metaverse Enterprise Metaverse - Gartner Emerging Technology Mapping Applications for ESG Sustainability Imperative Metaverse for Sustainable Smart City Agenda
  • 4. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Present and Future of Metaverse Infographics Metaverse = Physical + Virtual Converged Augmented World Virtually Augmented Physical World Physically Augmented Virtual World = Interoperable Interconnected (To Be) Virtual 3D Spaces Constructed on the Internet; Physically Persistence (To Be) Me Digital Me (Avatar) You Digital You Digital People/Objects/Environments Mixed Reality Virtual Reality Reality Technology Innovation Wearable Devices HCI Digital Senses Augmented Reality Extended Reality AI Digital Human Innovation People can interact freely in a variety of ways and forms with one another, digital objects and environments for a variety of virtual experiences. Physical Earth: Space/time/resource limitations Digital Twin Earth: Space/time/resource limitations ICT/Digital+ Digital Twin Innovation IoT Sensors AI Predictions Digital Twins Metaverse is a collection of fully connected interoperable physically augmented digital worlds with physical persistence that are converged with the virtually augmented physical world in which people and digital representations of people (digital people) can fully interact with one another and digital objects/environments (including digital twins) with full reality. Metaverse is the converged world of augmented physical world and virtual world that is hyper- decentralized, hyper-connected, hyper-visualized, hyper-interacted, and hyper-reality enabled. Metaverse can create economic values without space/time/resource limitations Metaverse NFT Projects AT A Glance: https://www.slideshare.net/alexglee/metaverse -nft-projects-at-a-glance NFT
  • 5. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Why Metaverse Now? The metaverse concept is not a new one. Back in 1992, Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash coined the term metaverse for the first time. My recent patent research about the metaverse technology innovation also showed a long history of the metaverse technology innovation. My patent research also showed that there were active innovation activities around 2007-2010. Why, then, the metaverse revives now? HBS Professor Marco Iansiti , the author of “The Keystone Advantage,” suggested technological assimilation as a new engine for technological innovations in his article “Creative Construction.” In the technological assimilation frameworks, a core innovation that once provided stand-alone products or services for a specific market can be the building blocks for mass market generating innovation through assimilation to broader platforms and exploitation of innovation infrastructures that were not existed at the time of innovation. Therefore, if we consider the integration of broader platforms such as smartphones, 3D computing, XR devices, digital twins, cloud computing and innovation infrastructures such as AI, blockchain, IoT and 5G into the metaverse, we can give an answer about the “why metaverse now” based on the technological assimilation.
  • 6. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Metaverse Use Case: AI Innovation Platform US20210004076 illustrates an AI innovation platform that provides a virtual AI development and testing environment. In the metaverse virtual AI development processes, AI model training data, system validation, system deployment, and system testing can be performed within a real-time 3D virtual environment incorporating objects, camera systems, sensors and digital human avatars representing the collaborating developers (who can interact using AR/VR/MR devices). The virtual 3D spatial environment can be networked with external computer resources and their digital twins to simulate the end-use environment of the AI system. This environment can include various sub-systems that feed data into the AI system. This data can be captured and utilized to train and validate the AI system, which can then itself be deployed into the same real-time virtual environment. Finally, real-time motion capture techniques and human actors can be used to drive humanoid avatars within the virtual environment.
  • 7. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Metaverse Enterprise A metaverse enterprise is consist of a physical enterprise and virtual enterprise which is a realistic digital representation (digital twin) of the physical enterprise. Physical and digital enterprises are connected through real-time data. Business resources can be used on demand without limitation in the digital enterprises (Dematerialization). Based on actual real-time data in the physical enterprise, the virtual enterprise is created, and then, tested using simulation models, big data analytics, and scenario analysis to obtain meaningful insights regarding businesses of the physical enterprise. Digital world decisions based on the obtained meaningful insights are transferred back towards the physical enterprise to improve businesses of the physical enterprise. Digital twins combined with extended reality (XR) devices provide a feeling of a real physical presence in virtual space for remote workers to operate digital twin models collaboratively as if remote workers feel that they are at the same place (Realistic Immersion and Sense). Gamification is a process of using game mechanics, elements, and principles and applying them to non-game contexts to engage people better. Gamification can be used in a metaverse enterprise for providing remote collaborative working operations as a means to keep the workforce engaged and to drive productivity.
  • 8. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Metaverse - Gartner Emerging Technology Mapping Infographics
  • 9. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Applications for ESG Sustainability Imperative
  • 10. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Metaverse for Sustainable Smart City Source. Smart Cities Technologies and applications : BIM-GIS- IOT-AI@udemy BIM (Building Information Modeling for 3D digital representations of infrastructure to get proper design, construction, operation, and maintenance GIS (Geographic Information System) to map and analyze geographic features IoT (Internet of Things) monitoring for real-time data sensing of smart city components Smart City Digital Twin Metaverse Project Management Platform Design Team Construction Team Management Team City of the future Metaverse City Living Lab metaverse platform for public–private–people partnerships for city-wide circular economy development public–private–people collaboration for sustainable city management and development co-creation of eco-friendly city environment test-bed for innovation commercialization of new business ideas Metaverse City Service Portal metaverse platform for city government services: call center; citizen portal; utility management; waste management; license/permit management; asset/land management; public security and health management; mobility and parking management; job search service Metaverse Commerce Portal metaverse platform for digital billboards/shops/showroom where users can access products/services from companies based on brand reputations and try them virtually; market place for direct transaction among people; active marketing campaigns; real/virtual property renting/sales; land sales Metaverse IR/PR Portal metaverse platform for linking investors and investees; virtual fund raising events; virtual public-private investment partnerships platform; virtual PR event with tour of cities for global investors and tourist Metaverse NFT based DeFi Financing DeFi Platform Design and Development: https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v =onsUBhWBrfU& t=1629s Metaverse Building Metaverse Home Metaverse Office Metaverse Store
  • 11. ©2021 TechIPm, LLC All Rights Reserved Thank you!