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journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 19 
Patients with low back pain 
(LBP) represent the cohort 
most commonly treated 
by physical therapists.44 
Although recent refinements in 
treatment approaches are en-couraging, 
15,17,30,34,63 LBP remains 
the most frequent cause of lost work time 
and disability among working-age adults 
in industrial countries.13,68 Unfortunately, 
the overall economic and societal impact 
of LBP is not improving and appears 
to be worsening.32,66 Numerous factors 
within the biopsychosocial model likely 
contribute to the difficulty of current 
treatment approaches to prevent the poor 
recovery and growing disability rates that 
affect a substantial subset of people with 
LBP.23,32,46,64-66 One of the primary barri-ers 
to developing more effective interven-tions 
is a lack of knowledge regarding the 
physiologic mechanisms by which LBP is 
propagated and sustained.6,12,14,20,40,53 Spe-cifically, 
there is a paucity of research that 
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Single-group, prospec-tive, 
repeated-measures design with responder 
TTOBJECTIVE: To determine differences in the 
changes in diffusion of water within the lumbar 
intervertebral discs between participants with low 
back pain who reported a within-session reduction 
in pain intensity following a single treatment of 
spinal manipulative therapy and those who did not. 
TTBACKGROUND: There is a paucity of research 
that describes the physiologic events associated 
with analgesia following intervention for low back 
pain. Postintervention increases in the diffusion of 
water within various soft tissues of the spine may 
be one of many potential mechanisms linked to 
pain reduction. 
TTMETHODS: Nineteen adults between 20 and 45 
years of age participated in this study. All partici-pants 
reported low back pain of at least 2 on an 
11-point (0-10) verbally administered numeric pain 
rating scale at the time of enrollment. Participants 
underwent T2- and diffusion-weighted lumbar 
magnetic resonance imaging scans immediately 
before and after receiving a single treatment 
of spinal manipulative therapy. Individuals who 
reported a decrease in current pain intensity of 
more than 2 following treatment were classified as 
“within-session responders,” and the remainder 
were classified as “not–within-session respond-ers.” 
The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), 
representing the diffusion of water in the nucleus 
pulposus, was calculated from ADC maps derived 
from the midsagittal diffusion-weighted images. 
TTRESULTS: Two-way, repeated-measures analy-ses 
of variance indicated significant group-by-time 
interactions. Participants in the within-session-responder 
group (n = 12) had a postintervention 
increase in ADC at L1-2 (P = .001), L2-3 (P = .002), 
and L5-S1 (P = .01) compared to those in the 
not–within-session-responder group (n = 7). Large 
effect sizes in ADC between responder groups were 
observed at L1-2 (d = 1.74), L2-3 (d = 1.83), and L5- 
S1 (d = 1.49). No significant group-by-time interac-tions 
were observed at the L3-4 and L4-5 levels. 
TTCONCLUSION: Changes in the diffusion of 
water within the lumbar intervertebral discs at the 
L1-2, L2-3, and L5-S1 levels appear to be related to 
differences in within-session pain reports following 
a single treatment of spinal manipulative therapy. J 
Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(1):19-29. Epub 21 
November 2013. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.4967 
TTKEY WORDS: lumbar spine, magnetic 
resonance imaging, manual therapy 
1Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. 2Palmetto Health-University 
of South Carolina Research Physical Therapy Specialty Clinic, Columbia, SC. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Carolina. The 
authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed 
in the article. Address correspondence to Dr Paul F. Beattie, Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of 
South Carolina, 1300 Wheat Street, Columbia, SC 29208. E-mail: pbeattie@mailbox.sc.edu. t Copyright ©2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® 
The Within-Session Change 
in Low Back Pain Intensity Following 
Spinal Manipulative Therapy Is Related 
to Differences in Diffusion of Water 
in the Intervertebral Discs of the 
Upper Lumbar Spine and L5-S1 
[ research report ] 
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® 
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20 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapydescribes the physiologic events associated with analgesia following intervention for people with LBP; that is, it is unclear why some patients report symptom reduction following a given treatment and other clinically similar patients do not. This inability to clearly determine the mechanism by which a treatment yields a favorable outcome makes it impossible to provide a basis on which to develop new treatments and to refine current treatments.49 
Recently, advances in brain and spine imaging have begun to yield encouraging findings of a number of central and peripheral mechanisms thought to be important components of the generation and propagation of LBP.12,20,23,41,51-53,65 Among these hypothesized mechanisms is an increase in diffusion (rate of movement) of water within various soft tissues of the spine, occurring in response to treatment, that may be linked to pain reduction.7-9,24 Relative to LBP, the lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) is a key soft tissue structure in which this phenomenon may occur.4-6,8,14,42,51,53,58 For example, histochemical and biomechanical analyses performed on animal models have suggested that increased diffusion of water within the lumbar IVD is a favorable event that may (1) enhance gas and nutrient transport,3,28,60 (2) aid in the removal of metabolic waste products that may be associated with pain,3,28,42 and (3) have a positive effect on internal and/or external pressure gradients acting on the disc.3,57 Establishing the extent to which increased diffusion within the IVD occurs in vivo in people who receive treatment for LBP and describing the extent to which this event may be associated with a reduction in reported pain intensity would provide important information regarding the mechanisms by which interventions influence symptoms. 
A new application of lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) known as diffusion- weighted MRI allows diffusion of water within the IVD to be quantified by providing an estimate of the rate at which water moves within preselected tissue slices.5 This event is represented by the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC).4,5,52 The ADC is obtained by averaging the signal intensity from several diffusion- weighted images of the same tissue slice obtained over time to generate an “ADC map,” from which estimates of the ADC may be calculated by specialized software (FIGURE 1).11 The authors of the present study have conducted a series of studies examining the relationship of the ADC within the nuclear region of the lumbar IVDs to intervention and pain reports.8,9,11 In 2 initial studies,9,11 we developed a procedure to obtain measures of the ADC from the nuclear region in the lumbar IVDs that have an acceptable balance of diffusion weighting and signal intensity, while providing excellent reliability of the measurements (FIGURE 1). As a result, we observed that the ADC of the L5-S1 IVD was significantly increased following a 10-minute application of posterior-to- anterior (PA) manual pressures applied to the lumbar spine of people with a prior history of LBP.9 Furthermore, when the same individuals had lain prone for 10 minutes during a separate session, this finding was not present. Based on this finding, we concluded that PA pressures may generate a stimulus that results in a rapid measurable increase in diffusion of water within the nuclear region of the L5- S1 IVD, and that changes in ADC were not simply due to prolonged recumbency. Many of the study participants were not symptomatic at the time of testing, thus the linkage between this finding and pain was unknown. 
In a subsequent study8 of individuals who currently had LBP, we compared differences in changes in the ADC within the L5-S1 IVD between 10 participants who had a within-session positive response (reduction of pain of 2/10 or greater) and 10 participants who did not have a within-session positive response (reduction of pain of less than 2/10) following a single application of PA pressure and prone press-up exercises.8 Our results indicated that those participants with a within-session positive response had a significant increase in ADC, whereas those who did not have a within-session positive response demonstrated a decrease in the ADC at this level. 
These findings from our previous research suggest that postintervention changes in the ADC of lumbar IVDs may be linked to patient reports of LBP. This has led to our central hypothesis, which is that individuals who have a reduction of pain intensity following intervention will also have increases in the rate at which water travels within the lumbar IVDs. Conversely, we believe that those 
FIGURE 1. (A) Measurement of the ADC obtained from an ADC map that was calculated from midsagittal images (b-factor, 400 s/mm2). The circular area (arrow) represents the region of the L4 intervertebral disc from which the ADC was sampled. (B) Midsagittal, T2-weighted image that depicts the same anatomic “slice.” Abbreviation: ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient. 
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journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 21 
patients who do not have a reduction in 
pain intensity following intervention will 
have no change in, or a reduction of, the 
rate at which water travels within the 
lumbar IVDs. To further test our hypoth-eses, the current study examined spinal 
manipulative therapy (SMT). We chose to 
investigate this treatment because SMT 
is frequently used by physical therapists 
and others to treat patients with LBP, 
it has a low risk of adverse events, and 
some (but not all) patients are likely to 
have favorable within-session responses 
to this treatment.12,16,25,31,36,37,39,45,47,62 SMT 
is performed by applying 1 or more short- 
amplitude, high-velocity thrusts at vari-ous angles to the spine and/or pelvis of 
a prepositioned patient.47 It is hypothe-sized, but not definitely proven, that these 
thrusts create a stimulus to spinal tissues 
that may result in analgesia.12,20,22,50 A 
large body of research has generally sup-ported efficacy and effectiveness of SMT 
for the treatment of LBP, with overall 
effect-size improvements in pain follow-ing SMT that are typically modest when 
compared to placebo treatment or to no 
treatment at all.16,19,33,36-38,42,55,59,62 These 
findings suggest a heterogeneous re-sponse between patients receiving SMT. 
One cause for this variation may be ex-plained by differences in water diffusion 
within the lumbar IVD. There are cur-rently no data that describe changes in 
diffusion within this structure that are 
associated with SMT. 
The purpose of the current study was 
to determine differences in the changes 
of diffusion of water in the 5 lumbar 
IVDs between individuals with nonspe-cific LBP who reported a within-session 
reduction in pain intensity and those 
who did not report a within-session re-duction in pain following a single treat-ment of SMT. An observation that only 
the within-session responders to SMT 
demonstrated increased diffusion would 
support the hypothesis that the postintervention change in the diffusion of 
water within the IVD is one mechanism 
by which manual therapy influences 
Study participants were recruit-ed from the local community and 
were eligible for enrollment if they 
were between 20 and 50 years of age 
and reported an LBP intensity of at least 
2/10 on the 11-point (0-10) numeric pain 
rating scale at the time of testing.26,43 A 
reported pain intensity of 2/10 was used 
as the lower bound for entry criteria be-cause this value is equal to the minimal 
detectable change on an 11-point nu-meric pain rating scale and would pre-vent a floor effect when using this scale 
for postintervention classification.26 Po-tential participants were excluded if they 
had any contraindications to undergoing 
MRI and/or SMT.47 In addition, individu-als were excluded for signs of nerve root 
compression, visual evidence of a lateral 
shift of the spine, possible pregnancy, or 
a history of inflammatory joint disease, 
osteoporosis, discitis, or neoplastic dis-orders of the spine. Additional exclusion 
criteria included a history of invasive pro-cedure to the lumbar spine or evidence of 
any of the following abnormalities visible 
on T2-weighted imaging: lumbar disc 
extrusion, severe nerve compression,10 
spondylolisthesis of greater than 4 mm, 
or sacralization of a lumbar vertebra. Pri-or to enrollment in the study, participants 
underwent standard safety screening for 
MRI and provided written informed 
consent as approved by the Institutional 
Review Board at the University of South 
Carolina. The procedure used in this 
study is illustrated in FIGURE 2. 
Intake Measures and Patient 
Following screening and informed con-sent, participants completed a pain 
diagram, the Roland-Morris Disability 
Questionnaire,61 and a questionnaire 
that sampled the effects of sitting, walk-ing, standing, and bending on their 
Participants with nonspecific low back pain reporting current intensity of >2/10 
No contraindications for spinal 
manipulative therapy or MRI 
Pretreatment pain assessment 
Pretreatment T2- and diusion-weighted MRI 
Treatment with spinal manipulative therapy 
Posttreatment diusion-weighted MRI 
Posttreatment pain assessment 
Classification based on pain response 
Within-session responder Not–within-session responder 
FIGURE 2. Flow chart of participants through the study. Abbreviation: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. 
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22 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 
[ research report ] 
current symptoms. At this time, par-ticipants 
provided a verbal estimate of 
their pretreatment current pain inten-sity 
using the 11-point numeric rating 
scale, with 0 as no pain and 10 as the 
worst pain imaginable. Participants 
then underwent a physical examination 
performed by the first author (P.F.B.) in 
a room adjacent to the scanner. This ex-amination 
began with visual assessment 
of standing posture to exclude individu-als 
who presented with a lateral shift. 
This was followed by a visual assessment 
of 1 repetition of active lumbar flexion 
and lumbar extension. Participants 
were then positioned supine, where ac-tive 
range of motion of hip flexion, hip 
internal and external rotation, and a 
straight leg raise were determined by 
visual assessment. Passive overpressure 
was applied at the end of each of these 
motions. Participants who had distal 
lower extremity pain during the passive 
straight leg raise at less than 45° were 
excluded. Following this, participants 
were positioned in prone, and 2 passive 
PA-directed pressures were applied to 
the spinous processes of the L1 through 
L5 vertebrae to the end of the available 
range of motion, as perceived by the ex-aminer. 
The examiner classified the mo-bility 
of each motion segment as normal, 
hypermobile, or hypomobile.35 Partici-pants 
who were classified as hypermo-bile 
at any segment or who reported a 
peripheralization of symptoms during 
these procedures were excluded. The 
remainder of the participants were clas-sified 
as candidates for SMT and were 
enrolled in the study. 
Imaging Procedure 
Participants were imaged in supine, with 
their hips and knees maintained at 30° 
of flexion by a bolster positioned under 
the knees. Brief “scout series” including 
sagittal, axial, and coronal images were 
obtained prior to each scanning session 
to ensure consistent positioning of the 
participant within the scanner. Spin-echo 
techniques, using multielement spine 
coils, were used to obtain T2-weighted 
sagittal views. These images were used 
to assist in ruling out contraindications 
for SMT and to classify the L1-2 to L5-S1 
IVDs based on the presence or absence 
of degeneration.54 Immediately following 
this procedure, participants underwent 
a diffusion-weighted MRI scan using a 
single-shot, dual spin-echo, echo planar 
imaging acquisition with multi-element 
spine coils and abdominal coils. Auto-matic 
shimming was used for all image 
acquisition. Based on previous work,7,9,11 
we used a diffusion-weighting b-factor 
of 400 s/mm2 as the best combination of 
diffusion weighting and signal intensity. 
The specific parameters used for imaging 
are listed in TABLE 1. Images were obtained 
using a MAGNETOM Trio (Siemens AG, 
Munich, Germany) 3.0-T MRI scanner 
at The McCausland Center for Brain Im-aging, 
Palmetto Health Richland Heart 
Hospital, University of South Carolina, 
Columbia, SC. 
Spinal Manipulative Therapy 
Upon completion of the pretreatment 
scan, the second author (R.B.) under-went 
an MRI safety screen and entered 
the scan room, where he removed the 
participant from the scanner and assisted 
the participant to roll into the sidelying 
position. This author, a certified manual 
therapist, was blinded to all subject in-formation. 
The therapist performed the 
intervention by placing the participant in 
the left sidelying position, with the MRI 
table adjusted to the height of the thera-pist’s 
knees. This allowed the therapist to 
provide the typical clinical positioning 
for SMT. The therapist passively flexed 
the participant’s right hip and knee to 
approximately 90°, then placed the par-ticipant’s 
right foot over the popliteal 
fossa of the left knee. To achieve upper-trunk 
flexion and rotation, the therapist 
then gently pulled the participant’s left 
arm in an anterior and caudal direction. 
The participant’s left shoulder was then 
abducted and placed under a pillow for 
support of the participant’s head. The 
therapist then applied slight anterior 
and cephalad-directed pressure, with 
the therapist’s right hand contacting the 
participant’s right shoulder. From a di-agonal 
stance, the therapist transferred 
his weight from his posterior (left) leg 
to his anterior (right) leg, before rolling 
the participant under him and bringing 
the participant’s superiormost (right) 
thigh in contact with the therapist’s left 
thigh. The therapist’s left hand was then 
positioned 2 finger breadths from the 
L5-S1 interspinous space, with his fin-gers 
pointing in the cephalad direction. 
The target contact for the therapist’s hy-pothenar 
eminence was the superior ar-ticulating 
process of S1. A high-velocity, 
short-amplitude thrust was then applied 
by the therapist, who used the forces ap-plied 
by his left and right hand, respec-tively, 
that were generated by flexing his 
front (right leg) and leaning back onto 
TABLE 1 Imaging Parameters 
Abbreviations: ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; EPI, echo planar imaging; FoV, field of view; TE, 
echo time; TR, repetition time. 
T2-Weighted Images Diffusion-Weighted Images 
• Slice thickness, 4 mm 
• FoV read, 280 mm 
• FoV phase, 98.4% 
• TR, 3200 ms 
• TE, 79 ms 
• Flip angle, 120° 
• Fat and water suppression were not used 
• Base resolution, 512 
• Bandwidth, 257 Hz/pixel 
• b-factor, 400 s/mm2 
• Voxel size, 2.3 × 2.3 × 2.3 mm 
• TE, 76 ms 
• TR, 6000 ms 
• EPI echo spacing, 0.73 ms 
• Bandwidth, 1628 Hz/pixel 
• 10 averages were acquired to compute the ADC 
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the rear (left) heel (FIGURE 3). Follow-ing 
this procedure, the participant was 
asked to roll from the left sidelying posi-tion 
back to the right sidelying position, 
where the procedure was repeated. Upon 
completion of SMT, the participant was 
returned to the supine position and re-entered 
into the MRI scanner for the re-peat 
scans. The time from the completion 
of SMT to the start of acquisition of the 
postintervention diffusion-weighted im-ages 
was approximately 5 minutes. Upon 
completion of the repeat scans, the par-ticipant 
left the scan room and reported 
a posttreatment estimate of current pain 
intensity on the 11-point numeric pain 
rating scale, which was collected by the 
first author (P.F.B.). The time between 
this report and the completion of SMT 
was approximately 30 minutes. 
Evaluation of Images 
Classification of T2-Weighted Signal A 
modification of the rating scale developed 
by Pfirrmann et al54 was used to identify 
the presence and extent of IVD degen-eration, 
based on the intensity (bright-ness) 
and homogeneity of the T2 signal 
in the nuclear region. The criterion for 
normal IVD is the appearance of a ho-mogeneous, 
bright-white nucleus, with 
a clear distinction between the annulus 
and nucleus, and that of degenerative 
IVD is the appearance of a nonhomoge-neous 
and gray or black nucleus. Each of 
the T2-weighted, midsagittal images ob-tained 
during the initial scanning of all 
participants was evaluated independently 
by 2 of the authors (P.F.B. and D.M.L.) 
to classify the L5-S1 IVD as normal or 
degenerative. Consensus between the 2 
examiners was used to address any dis-agreements 
in classification. 
Determination of ADC Values Maps of 
the mean ADC were calculated by the 
main computing system with an im-aging- 
analysis program known as US-CLEO 
(Siemens AG). After the images 
were obtained, the coded files were saved 
and transferred to a remote work station 
for analysis. The midsagittal ADC maps 
were used to obtain measures of the ADC 
from the central nuclear region of L1-2 
to L5-S1 IVDs for all scans. This image 
slice has been shown to provide reliable 
measures and allowed direct comparison 
to our previous studies. Prior to analy-sis, 
the ADC maps were compared to the 
diffusion-weighted images to rule out the 
presence of the “T2 shine effect,” which is 
a false ADC value that may occur in ag-ing 
IVDs due to elevated T2 decay time 
rather than diffusion.56 
The ADC values were calculated using 
standard software available on the work 
station that assessed signal intensity with-in 
the pixels selected by examiners using a 
circular region of interest (FIGURE 1). Care 
was taken to restrict the region of inter-est 
to the exact center of each IVD and to 
avoid the “partial-volume effect,” that is, 
the heterogeneity of tissue that may occur 
when the vertebral bodies or end plates 
are included in the region of interest. 
Measures obtained using this technique 
have been shown to be reliable, with in-traclass 
correlation coefficients ranging 
from 0.95 to 0.99 and the standard error 
of measurement ranging from 0.006 to 
0.026 × 10–3 mm2/s (0.1%-5.5%).9 
To reduce measurement bias, the 
fourth author (D.M.L.) obtained all mea-sures 
of ADC, while blinded to all partici-pant 
information (participant code, date, 
test condition, and T2 findings). Consis-tency 
of slice location between preinter-vention 
and postintervention images was 
ensured by careful participant placement 
within the scanner and by making sure 
that the evaluated image represented the 
true midsagittal slice of the lumbar spine 
by including the spinous processes of all 
5 lumbar vertebrae. 
Classification of Within-Session and 
Not–Within-Session Responders 
Participants whose posttreatment pain 
intensity showed a pain reduction of at 
least 2/10 when subtracted from the pre-treatment 
pain intensity were classified 
as “within-session responders”; all oth-ers 
were classified as “not–within-session 
responders.” The change score of at least 
2/10 was chosen because previous re- 
TABLE 2 Participant Characteristics* 
*Values are mean  SD except for gender. 
†Significant difference between groups (P = .02). 
Characteristics Within-Session Responders Not–Within-Session Responders 
Age, y 26.0  8.2 24.9  7.2 
Gender (female, male), n 9, 3 4, 3 
Body mass index, kg/m2† 21.0  2.3 23.9  2.6 
Roland-Morris score (0-24) 2.6  2.0 2.0  1.7 
Pretreatment pain (0-10) 3.3  1.1 2.6  1.7 
Average pain on a typical day (0-10) 3.7  1.6 3.1  1.6 
Highest pain on a typical day (0-10) 6.0  1.7 5.1  2.3 
Lowest pain on a typical day (0-10) 1.2  1.3 1.1  1.1 
FIGURE 3. Subject and therapist positioning for the 
performance of the spinal manipulative therapy on 
the magnetic resonance imaging table. 
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[ research report ] 
search has suggested that this represents 
a likely minimal detectable change on 
this scale.26,43 Considering this, all partici-pants 
enrolled in the study had a prein-tervention 
pain intensity measure equal 
to or exceeding the minimal detectable 
change on this scale. 
Data Analysis 
Characteristics of Within-Session 
Compared to Not–Within-Session Re-sponders 
Differences between the char-acteristics 
of the participants classified 
as within-session responders and those 
classified as not–within-session respond-ers 
were assessed using an independent t 
test for continuous variables (age; body 
mass index [BMI]; Roland-Morris Dis-ability 
Questionnaire score; pretreatment 
pain intensity; as well as average, high, 
and low pain on a typical day). A Pearson 
chi-square test was used to determine 
between-group differences for frequen-cies 
of categorical variables (duration of 
current symptoms, history of prior back 
problems, anatomic locations of symp-toms, 
and the presence or absence of 
decreased T2 signal at 1 or more IVDs 
between L1-2 and L5-S1). 
ADC Values of Within-Session Com-pared 
to Not–Within-Session Respond-ers 
Pretreatment and posttreatment 
ADC values of the nuclear regions in the 
L1-2 to L5-S1 IVDs for participants in 
both groups were summarized and evalu-ated 
after their distributions were tested 
for assumptions of normality using the 
Shapiro-Wilk test. The presence of sig-nificant 
differences in the ADC values 
within the central nuclear portion of the 
IVD as a function of group assignment 
(within-session and not–within-session 
responders) over time was investigated 
using a general-linear-model, repeated-measures, 
2-by-2 analysis of variance. 
The preintervention and postinterven-tion 
ADCs at each level were entered as 
the within-subject factor and the group 
assignment (within-session responder or 
not–within-session responder) was en-tered 
as the between-subject factor. This 
statistical approach allowed us to exam-ine 
the main effect of treatment and the 
presence or absence of significant inter-action 
between group assignment and 
the preintervention-to-postintervention 
change in ADC. Separate analyses were 
performed for each spinal level from L1-2 
to L5-S1. To control for the potential of 
experimentwise error that may result 
from the application of multiple tests, 
we arbitrarily chose an alpha value of .01 
To provide an estimate of the strength 
of the differences in the within- and be-tween- 
group comparisons in ADC values, 
we calculated effect size using Cohen d: 
[mean ADC postintervention – mean 
ADC preintervention]/pooled standard 
deviation. The magnitude of effect size, 
as calculated with this equation, was clas-sified 
as follows: 0.2 to 0.5, small; great-er 
than 0.5 to 0.8, medium; and greater 
than 0.8, large.48 All analyses were per-formed 
with SPSS Version 20.0 (SPSS 
Inc, Chicago, IL). 
A total of 19 participants were 
enrolled in this study between 
January 2012 and March 2013. 
Thirteen were women and 6 were men. 
At the time of the study, all participants 
were working full-time or were full-time 
students. Twelve participants (3 men, 9 
women) had a reduction in pain inten-sity 
of at least 2/10 following treatment 
and were classified as within-session re-sponders. 
The remaining 7 participants 
(3 men, 4 women) were classified as not– 
within-session responders. Participants 
in the within-session-responder group 
had a mean  SD BMI of 21.0  2.3 kg/ 
m2, whereas not–within-session respond-ers 
had a significantly higher BMI of 23.9 
 2.6 kg/m2 (P = .02) (TABLE 2). 
Between-group variation in the fre-quencies 
of T2 signals was observed 
in the IVDs prior to treatment. Those 
participants classified as within-session 
responders had a greater than expected 
frequency of normal-appearing IVDs, 
whereas those participants classified as 
not–within-session responders had a 
greater frequency of at least 1 IVD with 
a decreased T2 signal (χ2 = 5.4, df = 1, P = 
.02). There were no other pretreatment 
differences in self-report measures or ex- 
Frequency Counts of Subject 
Characteristics for the Immediate and 
Nonimmediate Responder Groups 
*P = .04, χ2 = 5.43, df = 1. 
Subject Characteristic/Description 
Immediate Responders 
(n = 12) 
Nonimmediate Responders 
(n = 7) 
Duration of current episode 
2 mo or less 4 1 
More than 2 mo, less than 6 mo 1 1 
Longer than 6 mo 7 5 
Lifetime history 
No back problems before current episode 5 4 
Previous back problems before current episode 7 3 
Anatomic location of symptoms 
Low back only 9 4 
Low back as well as buttock and/or thigh 3 3 
Decreased T2 signal intensity at 1 or more 
intervertebral discs 
Yes* 1 4 
No* 11 3 
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journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 25 
amination findings between these groups 
(TABLE 3). 
Within-Group Comparisons 
of ADC Values 
Following treatment, a significant in-crease 
in the mean ADC was observed 
in the within-session-responder group 
at the L1-2 level (mean increase in ADC, 
0.10 × 10–3 mm2/s; 95% confidence inter-val: 
0.04, 0.16 × 10–3 mm2/s; effect size, 
d = 0.41; P = .004). The mean ADCs for 
each of the 4 remaining lumbar segments 
(L2-3 to L5-S1) in the within-session-responder 
group were higher following 
treatment; however, the differences in 
those values were not significant at the 
.01 level. In the not–within-session-re-sponder 
group, the mean ADC following 
intervention was lower at all lumbar lev-els 
except L3-4; however, the differences 
in those values were not significant at the 
.01 level. 
Between-Group Comparisons 
of ADC Values 
Two-way, repeated-measures analyses of 
variance indicated significant group-by-time 
interactions, with participants in the 
within-session-responder group having a 
postintervention increase in the ADC at 
L1-2 (F = 16.36, df = 17, P = .001), L2-3 
(F = 13.91, df = 15, P = .002), and L5-S1 
(F = 7.82, df = 15, P = .01) compared to 
participants in the not–within-session-responder 
group. The point estimates 
of the percentage of change in the ADC 
indicated that at the L1-2 level the mean 
value of the ADC for the within-session-responder 
group increased by 5.9%, 
whereas the mean value of the ADC for 
the not–within-session-responder group 
decreased by 7.0%. At the L2-3 level, the 
mean value of the ADC for the within-ses-sion- 
responder group increased by 4.3%, 
whereas the mean value of the ADC for 
the not–within-session-responder group 
decreased by 6.7%. At the L5-S1 level, the 
mean value of the ADC for the within-session- 
responder group increased by 
7.3%, whereas the mean value of the ADC 
for the not–within-session-responder 
group decreased by 3.4% (FIGURES 4 and 
5). These values exceed our previously de-scribed 
degree of measurement error in 
obtaining the ADC. Using the classifica-tion 
described by Cohen, large effect sizes 
were observed at L1-2 (1.74), L2-3 (1.83), 
and L5-S1 (1.49). No significant group-by- 
time interactions were observed at the 
L3-4 and L4-5 levels. Moderate effect siz-es 
were observed at L3-4 (0.70) and L4-5 
(0.67) (TABLE 4). 
The findings from this study sug-gest 
that differences in an indi-vidual’s 
change in reported pain 
intensity following a single treatment of 
SMT are related, in part, to changes in 
the rate of diffusion of water (ADC) in 
the IVDs of the upper lumbar spine and 
the lumbosacral junction. The results of 
the current study are consistent with our 
previous observation of a significant in-teraction 
between subject responses to a 
single treatment of PA-directed manual 
pressures followed by prone press-ups 
administered to patients with flexion-sensitive 
LBP.8 In that previous study, 
subjects who reported a within-session 
FIGURE 4. Midsagittal apparent diffusion coefficient maps calculated from images obtained from a 27-year-old 
woman with recurrent low back pain who was classified a within-session responder. (A) Pretreatment image and 
(B) posttreatment image. Following treatment, this participant’s apparent diffusion coefficient values increased by 
8.2% at L1-2, 10.5% at L2-3, and 23.8% at L5-S1. 
FIGURE 5. Midsagittal apparent diffusion coefficient maps calculated from images obtained from a 22-year-old 
woman who was classified a not–within-session responder. (A) Pretreatment image and (B) posttreatment image. 
Following treatment, this participant’s apparent diffusion coefficient values decreased by 15.7% at L1-2, 7.7% at 
L2-3, and 0.01% at L5-S1. 
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[ research report ] 
reduction of pain intensity of at least 2/10 
demonstrated an increase in ADC at the 
L5-S1 level, whereas those subjects who 
did not report a within-session reduc-tion 
of pain intensity of at least 2/10 had 
a reduction in ADC. Interestingly, in our 
current study, we observed nearly identi-cal 
effect-size (d) differences in ADC at 
the L5-S1 level between responder groups 
following a single treatment of high-ve-locity 
lumbar manipulation, compared to 
that observed in our previous study using 
a 10-minute session of mobilization and 
prone press-ups. The effect size at L5-S1 
was 1.46 in our previous study and 1.49 
in our current study. Because our previ-ous 
study analysis was limited to the L5- 
S1 level, we cannot make between-study 
comparisons of ADCs for other lumbar 
segmental levels. 
An interesting finding of this study 
was that the significant interactions with 
large between-group postintervention ef-fect 
sizes occurred in the upper lumbar 
spine and at the lumbosacral junction. 
No significant interactions, however, 
were noted in the mid-lumbar spine at 
L3-4 and L4-5. To guard against the pos-sibility 
of a type II error, we performed 
a power analysis that revealed a statis-tical 
power of 0.97 to detect significant 
between-group differences (effect size, F 
= 0.6; α = .01; n = 18). Considering this, 
it is likely that within our sample there 
was significant regional variation within 
the lumbar spine, rather than in the en-tire 
lumbar spine, in the change in ADC. 
The reason for this is unknown, but it 
may be that the “junctional” motion seg-ments 
of the lumbar spine (ie, those re-gions 
that border more rigid portions of 
the osteocartilaginous spine, such as the 
thoracolumbar junction and the lumbo-sacral 
junction) are affected differently 
by SMT than are those segments in the 
middle portion of the lumbar spine.14 
Another possible explanation is that in-creases 
or decreases in “muscle guard-ing” 
of the paravertebral muscles that 
may occur within session following SMT 
may influence external forces acting on 
the lumbar IVD, which may in turn affect 
diffusion gradients and pathways within 
the IVD.29,57 
There are many theoretical explana-tions 
for our findings. Diffusion of water 
within the IVD is influenced by pressure 
gradients and chemical forces acting on 
it, as well as by structural barriers such as 
dense regions of collagen fibers within the 
nucleus (ie, a nuclear “cleft”).1,2,28,29,51,57,58,60 
Internal pressure gradients are likely to 
be influenced by externally applied forc-es, 
2,29 such as those generated by SMT, 
that are believed to act on the disc; how-ever, 
all participants received similar ap-plied 
forces during the intervention, and 
only those in the within-session-respond-er 
group had increases in diffusion. This 
suggests an additional interplay involv-ing 
biochemical events that might have 
occurred within the IVD in response to 
SMT. Because increased diffusion was 
associated with analgesia, it is possible 
that this increase led to, or was triggered 
by, some combination of central and/or 
peripheral chemical activity that influ-enced 
pain-regulating neurotransmit-ters 
and/or inflammatory mediators.41,42,69 
We hope to address these issues in future 
Another possible explanation for our 
findings is that the increased diffusion 
observed in this study was coincidental, 
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values for Both 
Groups Preintervention and Postintervention 
*Values are mean  SD in units of ×10–3 mm2/s. 
†Values are mean (95% confidence interval) in units of ×10–3 mm2/s. 
Segmental Level/Responder Group Preintervention* Postintervention* 
Change Score† 
Effect Size (d) 
Change Score† 
Effect Size (d) 
L1-2 0.27 (0.13, 0.41)‡ 1.74 
Within session 1.70  0.25 1.80  0.24 0.10 (0.04, 0.16)‡ 0.41 
Not within session 1.87  0.16 1.70  0.26 –0.17 (–0.40, 0.07) 0.60 
L2-3 0.21 (0.10, 0.33)‡ 1.83 
Within session 1.87  0.23 1.95  0.17 0.08 (0.00, 0.15) 0.40 
Not within session 1.94  0.10 1.80  0.17 –0.14 (–0.30, –0.02) 0.93 
L3-4 0.06 (–0.03, 0.18) 0.70 
Within session 1.95  0.12 2.01  0.13 0.06 (0.01, 0.12) 0.48 
Not within session 1.96  0.16 1.97  0.12 0.01 (–0.07, 0.07) 0.07 
L4-5 0.07 (–0.03, 0.18) 0.67 
Within session 1.95  0.16 2.01  0.10 0.06 (–0.01, 0.13) 0.45 
Not within session 2.01  0.12 2.00  0.18 –0.01 (–0.07, 0.10) 0.07 
L5-S1 0.21 (0.05, 0.37)‡ 1.49 
Within session 1.93  0.17 2.07  0.07 0.14 (0.02, 0.26) 0.47 
Not within session 2.08  0.12 2.01  0.07 –0.07 (–0.10, –0.01) 0.52 
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that is, an epiphenomenon similar to the 
cavitation or “pop” often associated with 
SMT.21 However, we believe that this is 
unlikely, because one would expect to ob-serve 
increased (or decreased) diffusion 
independent of changes in pain intensity. 
Limitations to the external validity of 
our findings should be acknowledged. 
Our sample was one of convenience and 
was composed primarily of young adults 
with low levels of disability and pain in-tensity. 
It is not known if our findings 
would be reproduced in an older sample 
of individuals and/or those with nerve 
root entrapment, medical comorbidi-ties, 
obesity, or biobehavioral factors.46,66 
Although there were small differences 
in BMI between responder groups, both 
groups had BMIs within the “ideal range.” 
It is not known whether the between-group 
difference in BMI is a meaning-ful 
predictor of treatment response. An 
additional concern is that obesity may 
influence the rate at which energy from 
the MRI signal is absorbed by the body 
(ie, specific absorption rate); therefore, 
it is unknown if our results would be re-produced 
in a group of obese individuals 
seeking care for LBP. 
Previous work has suggested that 
there may be important gender differenc-es 
in pain reporting and response to care 
in individuals with LBP.18 We performed 
a post hoc analysis to investigate this and 
found that, although women had higher 
intensities of pain than men for reports 
of pretreatment pain, as well as reports 
of high, low, and average pain on a typi-cal 
day, there were no gender-based dif-ferences 
in the changes in pain or in the 
relationship between change in pain and 
change in diffusion. 
The longitudinal validity of our find-ings 
is unknown. Our results are limited to 
within-session responses to treatment.38 
We do not know how each participant’s 
perceived pain level changed over time 
and, therefore, we can make no judgments 
regarding the long-term relationships be-tween 
changes in ADC and changes in 
reported pain intensity following inter-vention. 
Finally, it is important to note 
that our measures of ADC are limited to 
the central nuclear portion of the IVD. We 
are currently unable to make judgments 
regarding the relationships of SMT and 
pain reports to events occurring in the 
other portions of the IVD and/or within 
other structures that are associated with 
pain perception.12,14 It should be noted 
that the current use of diffusion-weighted 
imaging of the IVD is most valuable as a 
research measure and is not likely to have 
immediate impact on clinical decision 
making; that is, we do not recommend its 
routine use in the management of patients 
receiving physical therapy care. 
Although our findings are prelimi-nary, 
the similarity of the results of the 
current study to our previous studies sup-ports 
the hypothesis that variations in 
water diffusion occurring in the lumbar 
IVDs may be one of the mechanisms as-sociated 
with differences in pain reports 
following manual therapy and/or exer-cise 
interventions for people with LBP. 
Further investigation is needed in popu-lations 
with a wider range of pain and 
disability. Diffusion-weighted imaging 
of the spine will be of great value to pro-vide 
dependent measures that help clarify 
pain pathways, map the geography of the 
internal disc environment, and assess 
physiologic changes in response to a wide 
array of interventions, including exercise 
approaches, injection treatments, and re-generative 
medicine procedures.27,67 
In a group of participants with LBP 
who were considered to be candidates 
for SMT, there were significant differ-ences 
in the postintervention changes in 
diffusion of water within the IVDs of the 
upper lumbar spine and at the L5-S1 level 
between those who did and did not report 
a reduction of pain intensity within the 
treatment session. At these spinal levels, 
within-session responders demonstrated 
increased diffusion, whereas not–within-session 
responders had either a reduction 
in diffusion or no change. This finding is 
consistent with previous studies using 
joint mobilization and suggests linkages 
between the application of manual ther-apies 
and physiologic events within the 
lumbar IVD and back pain intensity. t 
FINDINGS: Participants who reported de-creased 
LBP intensity of at least 2/10 
within the same session following a 
single treatment of SMT also had in-creases 
in the diffusion of water within 
the lumbar IVDs at the L1-2, L2-3, and 
L5-S1 levels. Participants who did not 
report a within-session decrease in LBP 
of at least 2/10 had a reduction or no 
change in the diffusion of water within 
the lumbar IVDs at the L1-2, L2-3, and 
L5-S1 levels. 
IMPLICATIONS: The results of this study 
support previous research that suggests 
a linkage between changes in the dif-fusion 
of water within the lumbar IVD 
and changes in pain following manual 
therapy treatment to the low back. 
CAUTION: The participants in this study 
had low levels of pain intensity and back 
pain–related disability. These data may 
not be generalized to populations of 
people with high pain intensity or high 
levels of disability. 
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69. Wuertz K, Haglund L. Inflammatory mediators in 
intervertebral disk degeneration and discogenic 
pain. Global Spine J. 2013;3:175-184. http:// 
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Terapia manual e hidratação dos discos

  • 1. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 19 Patients with low back pain (LBP) represent the cohort most commonly treated by physical therapists.44 Although recent refinements in treatment approaches are en-couraging, 15,17,30,34,63 LBP remains the most frequent cause of lost work time and disability among working-age adults in industrial countries.13,68 Unfortunately, the overall economic and societal impact of LBP is not improving and appears to be worsening.32,66 Numerous factors within the biopsychosocial model likely contribute to the difficulty of current treatment approaches to prevent the poor recovery and growing disability rates that affect a substantial subset of people with LBP.23,32,46,64-66 One of the primary barri-ers to developing more effective interven-tions is a lack of knowledge regarding the physiologic mechanisms by which LBP is propagated and sustained.6,12,14,20,40,53 Spe-cifically, there is a paucity of research that TTSTUDY DESIGN: Single-group, prospec-tive, repeated-measures design with responder analysis. TTOBJECTIVE: To determine differences in the changes in diffusion of water within the lumbar intervertebral discs between participants with low back pain who reported a within-session reduction in pain intensity following a single treatment of spinal manipulative therapy and those who did not. TTBACKGROUND: There is a paucity of research that describes the physiologic events associated with analgesia following intervention for low back pain. Postintervention increases in the diffusion of water within various soft tissues of the spine may be one of many potential mechanisms linked to pain reduction. TTMETHODS: Nineteen adults between 20 and 45 years of age participated in this study. All partici-pants reported low back pain of at least 2 on an 11-point (0-10) verbally administered numeric pain rating scale at the time of enrollment. Participants underwent T2- and diffusion-weighted lumbar magnetic resonance imaging scans immediately before and after receiving a single treatment of spinal manipulative therapy. Individuals who reported a decrease in current pain intensity of more than 2 following treatment were classified as “within-session responders,” and the remainder were classified as “not–within-session respond-ers.” The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), representing the diffusion of water in the nucleus pulposus, was calculated from ADC maps derived from the midsagittal diffusion-weighted images. TTRESULTS: Two-way, repeated-measures analy-ses of variance indicated significant group-by-time interactions. Participants in the within-session-responder group (n = 12) had a postintervention increase in ADC at L1-2 (P = .001), L2-3 (P = .002), and L5-S1 (P = .01) compared to those in the not–within-session-responder group (n = 7). Large effect sizes in ADC between responder groups were observed at L1-2 (d = 1.74), L2-3 (d = 1.83), and L5- S1 (d = 1.49). No significant group-by-time interac-tions were observed at the L3-4 and L4-5 levels. TTCONCLUSION: Changes in the diffusion of water within the lumbar intervertebral discs at the L1-2, L2-3, and L5-S1 levels appear to be related to differences in within-session pain reports following a single treatment of spinal manipulative therapy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(1):19-29. Epub 21 November 2013. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.4967 TTKEY WORDS: lumbar spine, magnetic resonance imaging, manual therapy 1Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. 2Palmetto Health-University of South Carolina Research Physical Therapy Specialty Clinic, Columbia, SC. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Carolina. The authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the article. Address correspondence to Dr Paul F. Beattie, Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, 1300 Wheat Street, Columbia, SC 29208. E-mail: pbeattie@mailbox.sc.edu. t Copyright ©2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® PAUL F. BEATTIE, PT, PhD, OCS, FAPTA1 • RAYMOND BUTTS, DPT, PhD2 • JONATHAN W. DONLEY, DPT, ATC2 • DEREK M. LIUZZO, DPT1 The Within-Session Change in Low Back Pain Intensity Following Spinal Manipulative Therapy Is Related to Differences in Diffusion of Water in the Intervertebral Discs of the Upper Lumbar Spine and L5-S1 [ research report ] Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 20 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapydescribes the physiologic events associated with analgesia following intervention for people with LBP; that is, it is unclear why some patients report symptom reduction following a given treatment and other clinically similar patients do not. This inability to clearly determine the mechanism by which a treatment yields a favorable outcome makes it impossible to provide a basis on which to develop new treatments and to refine current treatments.49 Recently, advances in brain and spine imaging have begun to yield encouraging findings of a number of central and peripheral mechanisms thought to be important components of the generation and propagation of LBP.12,20,23,41,51-53,65 Among these hypothesized mechanisms is an increase in diffusion (rate of movement) of water within various soft tissues of the spine, occurring in response to treatment, that may be linked to pain reduction.7-9,24 Relative to LBP, the lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) is a key soft tissue structure in which this phenomenon may occur.4-6,8,14,42,51,53,58 For example, histochemical and biomechanical analyses performed on animal models have suggested that increased diffusion of water within the lumbar IVD is a favorable event that may (1) enhance gas and nutrient transport,3,28,60 (2) aid in the removal of metabolic waste products that may be associated with pain,3,28,42 and (3) have a positive effect on internal and/or external pressure gradients acting on the disc.3,57 Establishing the extent to which increased diffusion within the IVD occurs in vivo in people who receive treatment for LBP and describing the extent to which this event may be associated with a reduction in reported pain intensity would provide important information regarding the mechanisms by which interventions influence symptoms. A new application of lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) known as diffusion- weighted MRI allows diffusion of water within the IVD to be quantified by providing an estimate of the rate at which water moves within preselected tissue slices.5 This event is represented by the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC).4,5,52 The ADC is obtained by averaging the signal intensity from several diffusion- weighted images of the same tissue slice obtained over time to generate an “ADC map,” from which estimates of the ADC may be calculated by specialized software (FIGURE 1).11 The authors of the present study have conducted a series of studies examining the relationship of the ADC within the nuclear region of the lumbar IVDs to intervention and pain reports.8,9,11 In 2 initial studies,9,11 we developed a procedure to obtain measures of the ADC from the nuclear region in the lumbar IVDs that have an acceptable balance of diffusion weighting and signal intensity, while providing excellent reliability of the measurements (FIGURE 1). As a result, we observed that the ADC of the L5-S1 IVD was significantly increased following a 10-minute application of posterior-to- anterior (PA) manual pressures applied to the lumbar spine of people with a prior history of LBP.9 Furthermore, when the same individuals had lain prone for 10 minutes during a separate session, this finding was not present. Based on this finding, we concluded that PA pressures may generate a stimulus that results in a rapid measurable increase in diffusion of water within the nuclear region of the L5- S1 IVD, and that changes in ADC were not simply due to prolonged recumbency. Many of the study participants were not symptomatic at the time of testing, thus the linkage between this finding and pain was unknown. In a subsequent study8 of individuals who currently had LBP, we compared differences in changes in the ADC within the L5-S1 IVD between 10 participants who had a within-session positive response (reduction of pain of 2/10 or greater) and 10 participants who did not have a within-session positive response (reduction of pain of less than 2/10) following a single application of PA pressure and prone press-up exercises.8 Our results indicated that those participants with a within-session positive response had a significant increase in ADC, whereas those who did not have a within-session positive response demonstrated a decrease in the ADC at this level. These findings from our previous research suggest that postintervention changes in the ADC of lumbar IVDs may be linked to patient reports of LBP. This has led to our central hypothesis, which is that individuals who have a reduction of pain intensity following intervention will also have increases in the rate at which water travels within the lumbar IVDs. Conversely, we believe that those FIGURE 1. (A) Measurement of the ADC obtained from an ADC map that was calculated from midsagittal images (b-factor, 400 s/mm2). The circular area (arrow) represents the region of the L4 intervertebral disc from which the ADC was sampled. (B) Midsagittal, T2-weighted image that depicts the same anatomic “slice.” Abbreviation: ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient. [ research report ] Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 3. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 21 patients who do not have a reduction in pain intensity following intervention will have no change in, or a reduction of, the rate at which water travels within the lumbar IVDs. To further test our hypoth-eses, the current study examined spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). We chose to investigate this treatment because SMT is frequently used by physical therapists and others to treat patients with LBP, it has a low risk of adverse events, and some (but not all) patients are likely to have favorable within-session responses to this treatment.12,16,25,31,36,37,39,45,47,62 SMT is performed by applying 1 or more short- amplitude, high-velocity thrusts at vari-ous angles to the spine and/or pelvis of a prepositioned patient.47 It is hypothe-sized, but not definitely proven, that these thrusts create a stimulus to spinal tissues that may result in analgesia.12,20,22,50 A large body of research has generally sup-ported efficacy and effectiveness of SMT for the treatment of LBP, with overall effect-size improvements in pain follow-ing SMT that are typically modest when compared to placebo treatment or to no treatment at all.16,19,33,36-38,42,55,59,62 These findings suggest a heterogeneous re-sponse between patients receiving SMT. One cause for this variation may be ex-plained by differences in water diffusion within the lumbar IVD. There are cur-rently no data that describe changes in diffusion within this structure that are associated with SMT. The purpose of the current study was to determine differences in the changes of diffusion of water in the 5 lumbar IVDs between individuals with nonspe-cific LBP who reported a within-session reduction in pain intensity and those who did not report a within-session re-duction in pain following a single treat-ment of SMT. An observation that only the within-session responders to SMT demonstrated increased diffusion would support the hypothesis that the postintervention change in the diffusion of water within the IVD is one mechanism by which manual therapy influences pain. METHODS Participants Study participants were recruit-ed from the local community and were eligible for enrollment if they were between 20 and 50 years of age and reported an LBP intensity of at least 2/10 on the 11-point (0-10) numeric pain rating scale at the time of testing.26,43 A reported pain intensity of 2/10 was used as the lower bound for entry criteria be-cause this value is equal to the minimal detectable change on an 11-point nu-meric pain rating scale and would pre-vent a floor effect when using this scale for postintervention classification.26 Po-tential participants were excluded if they had any contraindications to undergoing MRI and/or SMT.47 In addition, individu-als were excluded for signs of nerve root compression, visual evidence of a lateral shift of the spine, possible pregnancy, or a history of inflammatory joint disease, osteoporosis, discitis, or neoplastic dis-orders of the spine. Additional exclusion criteria included a history of invasive pro-cedure to the lumbar spine or evidence of any of the following abnormalities visible on T2-weighted imaging: lumbar disc extrusion, severe nerve compression,10 spondylolisthesis of greater than 4 mm, or sacralization of a lumbar vertebra. Pri-or to enrollment in the study, participants underwent standard safety screening for MRI and provided written informed consent as approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Carolina. The procedure used in this study is illustrated in FIGURE 2. Intake Measures and Patient Classification Following screening and informed con-sent, participants completed a pain diagram, the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire,61 and a questionnaire that sampled the effects of sitting, walk-ing, standing, and bending on their Participants with nonspecific low back pain reporting current intensity of >2/10 No contraindications for spinal manipulative therapy or MRI Pretreatment pain assessment Pretreatment T2- and diusion-weighted MRI Treatment with spinal manipulative therapy Posttreatment diusion-weighted MRI Posttreatment pain assessment Classification based on pain response Within-session responder Not–within-session responder FIGURE 2. Flow chart of participants through the study. Abbreviation: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 4. 22 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy [ research report ] current symptoms. At this time, par-ticipants provided a verbal estimate of their pretreatment current pain inten-sity using the 11-point numeric rating scale, with 0 as no pain and 10 as the worst pain imaginable. Participants then underwent a physical examination performed by the first author (P.F.B.) in a room adjacent to the scanner. This ex-amination began with visual assessment of standing posture to exclude individu-als who presented with a lateral shift. This was followed by a visual assessment of 1 repetition of active lumbar flexion and lumbar extension. Participants were then positioned supine, where ac-tive range of motion of hip flexion, hip internal and external rotation, and a straight leg raise were determined by visual assessment. Passive overpressure was applied at the end of each of these motions. Participants who had distal lower extremity pain during the passive straight leg raise at less than 45° were excluded. Following this, participants were positioned in prone, and 2 passive PA-directed pressures were applied to the spinous processes of the L1 through L5 vertebrae to the end of the available range of motion, as perceived by the ex-aminer. The examiner classified the mo-bility of each motion segment as normal, hypermobile, or hypomobile.35 Partici-pants who were classified as hypermo-bile at any segment or who reported a peripheralization of symptoms during these procedures were excluded. The remainder of the participants were clas-sified as candidates for SMT and were enrolled in the study. Imaging Procedure Participants were imaged in supine, with their hips and knees maintained at 30° of flexion by a bolster positioned under the knees. Brief “scout series” including sagittal, axial, and coronal images were obtained prior to each scanning session to ensure consistent positioning of the participant within the scanner. Spin-echo techniques, using multielement spine coils, were used to obtain T2-weighted sagittal views. These images were used to assist in ruling out contraindications for SMT and to classify the L1-2 to L5-S1 IVDs based on the presence or absence of degeneration.54 Immediately following this procedure, participants underwent a diffusion-weighted MRI scan using a single-shot, dual spin-echo, echo planar imaging acquisition with multi-element spine coils and abdominal coils. Auto-matic shimming was used for all image acquisition. Based on previous work,7,9,11 we used a diffusion-weighting b-factor of 400 s/mm2 as the best combination of diffusion weighting and signal intensity. The specific parameters used for imaging are listed in TABLE 1. Images were obtained using a MAGNETOM Trio (Siemens AG, Munich, Germany) 3.0-T MRI scanner at The McCausland Center for Brain Im-aging, Palmetto Health Richland Heart Hospital, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Spinal Manipulative Therapy Upon completion of the pretreatment scan, the second author (R.B.) under-went an MRI safety screen and entered the scan room, where he removed the participant from the scanner and assisted the participant to roll into the sidelying position. This author, a certified manual therapist, was blinded to all subject in-formation. The therapist performed the intervention by placing the participant in the left sidelying position, with the MRI table adjusted to the height of the thera-pist’s knees. This allowed the therapist to provide the typical clinical positioning for SMT. The therapist passively flexed the participant’s right hip and knee to approximately 90°, then placed the par-ticipant’s right foot over the popliteal fossa of the left knee. To achieve upper-trunk flexion and rotation, the therapist then gently pulled the participant’s left arm in an anterior and caudal direction. The participant’s left shoulder was then abducted and placed under a pillow for support of the participant’s head. The therapist then applied slight anterior and cephalad-directed pressure, with the therapist’s right hand contacting the participant’s right shoulder. From a di-agonal stance, the therapist transferred his weight from his posterior (left) leg to his anterior (right) leg, before rolling the participant under him and bringing the participant’s superiormost (right) thigh in contact with the therapist’s left thigh. The therapist’s left hand was then positioned 2 finger breadths from the L5-S1 interspinous space, with his fin-gers pointing in the cephalad direction. The target contact for the therapist’s hy-pothenar eminence was the superior ar-ticulating process of S1. A high-velocity, short-amplitude thrust was then applied by the therapist, who used the forces ap-plied by his left and right hand, respec-tively, that were generated by flexing his front (right leg) and leaning back onto TABLE 1 Imaging Parameters Abbreviations: ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; EPI, echo planar imaging; FoV, field of view; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time. T2-Weighted Images Diffusion-Weighted Images • Slice thickness, 4 mm • FoV read, 280 mm • FoV phase, 98.4% • TR, 3200 ms • TE, 79 ms • Flip angle, 120° • Fat and water suppression were not used • Base resolution, 512 • Bandwidth, 257 Hz/pixel • b-factor, 400 s/mm2 • Voxel size, 2.3 × 2.3 × 2.3 mm • TE, 76 ms • TR, 6000 ms • EPI echo spacing, 0.73 ms • Bandwidth, 1628 Hz/pixel • 10 averages were acquired to compute the ADC Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 5. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 23 the rear (left) heel (FIGURE 3). Follow-ing this procedure, the participant was asked to roll from the left sidelying posi-tion back to the right sidelying position, where the procedure was repeated. Upon completion of SMT, the participant was returned to the supine position and re-entered into the MRI scanner for the re-peat scans. The time from the completion of SMT to the start of acquisition of the postintervention diffusion-weighted im-ages was approximately 5 minutes. Upon completion of the repeat scans, the par-ticipant left the scan room and reported a posttreatment estimate of current pain intensity on the 11-point numeric pain rating scale, which was collected by the first author (P.F.B.). The time between this report and the completion of SMT was approximately 30 minutes. Evaluation of Images Classification of T2-Weighted Signal A modification of the rating scale developed by Pfirrmann et al54 was used to identify the presence and extent of IVD degen-eration, based on the intensity (bright-ness) and homogeneity of the T2 signal in the nuclear region. The criterion for normal IVD is the appearance of a ho-mogeneous, bright-white nucleus, with a clear distinction between the annulus and nucleus, and that of degenerative IVD is the appearance of a nonhomoge-neous and gray or black nucleus. Each of the T2-weighted, midsagittal images ob-tained during the initial scanning of all participants was evaluated independently by 2 of the authors (P.F.B. and D.M.L.) to classify the L5-S1 IVD as normal or degenerative. Consensus between the 2 examiners was used to address any dis-agreements in classification. Determination of ADC Values Maps of the mean ADC were calculated by the main computing system with an im-aging- analysis program known as US-CLEO (Siemens AG). After the images were obtained, the coded files were saved and transferred to a remote work station for analysis. The midsagittal ADC maps were used to obtain measures of the ADC from the central nuclear region of L1-2 to L5-S1 IVDs for all scans. This image slice has been shown to provide reliable measures and allowed direct comparison to our previous studies. Prior to analy-sis, the ADC maps were compared to the diffusion-weighted images to rule out the presence of the “T2 shine effect,” which is a false ADC value that may occur in ag-ing IVDs due to elevated T2 decay time rather than diffusion.56 The ADC values were calculated using standard software available on the work station that assessed signal intensity with-in the pixels selected by examiners using a circular region of interest (FIGURE 1). Care was taken to restrict the region of inter-est to the exact center of each IVD and to avoid the “partial-volume effect,” that is, the heterogeneity of tissue that may occur when the vertebral bodies or end plates are included in the region of interest. Measures obtained using this technique have been shown to be reliable, with in-traclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.95 to 0.99 and the standard error of measurement ranging from 0.006 to 0.026 × 10–3 mm2/s (0.1%-5.5%).9 To reduce measurement bias, the fourth author (D.M.L.) obtained all mea-sures of ADC, while blinded to all partici-pant information (participant code, date, test condition, and T2 findings). Consis-tency of slice location between preinter-vention and postintervention images was ensured by careful participant placement within the scanner and by making sure that the evaluated image represented the true midsagittal slice of the lumbar spine by including the spinous processes of all 5 lumbar vertebrae. Classification of Within-Session and Not–Within-Session Responders Participants whose posttreatment pain intensity showed a pain reduction of at least 2/10 when subtracted from the pre-treatment pain intensity were classified as “within-session responders”; all oth-ers were classified as “not–within-session responders.” The change score of at least 2/10 was chosen because previous re- TABLE 2 Participant Characteristics* *Values are mean  SD except for gender. †Significant difference between groups (P = .02). Characteristics Within-Session Responders Not–Within-Session Responders Age, y 26.0  8.2 24.9  7.2 Gender (female, male), n 9, 3 4, 3 Body mass index, kg/m2† 21.0  2.3 23.9  2.6 Roland-Morris score (0-24) 2.6  2.0 2.0  1.7 Pretreatment pain (0-10) 3.3  1.1 2.6  1.7 Average pain on a typical day (0-10) 3.7  1.6 3.1  1.6 Highest pain on a typical day (0-10) 6.0  1.7 5.1  2.3 Lowest pain on a typical day (0-10) 1.2  1.3 1.1  1.1 FIGURE 3. Subject and therapist positioning for the performance of the spinal manipulative therapy on the magnetic resonance imaging table. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 6. 24 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy [ research report ] search has suggested that this represents a likely minimal detectable change on this scale.26,43 Considering this, all partici-pants enrolled in the study had a prein-tervention pain intensity measure equal to or exceeding the minimal detectable change on this scale. Data Analysis Characteristics of Within-Session Compared to Not–Within-Session Re-sponders Differences between the char-acteristics of the participants classified as within-session responders and those classified as not–within-session respond-ers were assessed using an independent t test for continuous variables (age; body mass index [BMI]; Roland-Morris Dis-ability Questionnaire score; pretreatment pain intensity; as well as average, high, and low pain on a typical day). A Pearson chi-square test was used to determine between-group differences for frequen-cies of categorical variables (duration of current symptoms, history of prior back problems, anatomic locations of symp-toms, and the presence or absence of decreased T2 signal at 1 or more IVDs between L1-2 and L5-S1). ADC Values of Within-Session Com-pared to Not–Within-Session Respond-ers Pretreatment and posttreatment ADC values of the nuclear regions in the L1-2 to L5-S1 IVDs for participants in both groups were summarized and evalu-ated after their distributions were tested for assumptions of normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The presence of sig-nificant differences in the ADC values within the central nuclear portion of the IVD as a function of group assignment (within-session and not–within-session responders) over time was investigated using a general-linear-model, repeated-measures, 2-by-2 analysis of variance. The preintervention and postinterven-tion ADCs at each level were entered as the within-subject factor and the group assignment (within-session responder or not–within-session responder) was en-tered as the between-subject factor. This statistical approach allowed us to exam-ine the main effect of treatment and the presence or absence of significant inter-action between group assignment and the preintervention-to-postintervention change in ADC. Separate analyses were performed for each spinal level from L1-2 to L5-S1. To control for the potential of experimentwise error that may result from the application of multiple tests, we arbitrarily chose an alpha value of .01 (.05/5). To provide an estimate of the strength of the differences in the within- and be-tween- group comparisons in ADC values, we calculated effect size using Cohen d: [mean ADC postintervention – mean ADC preintervention]/pooled standard deviation. The magnitude of effect size, as calculated with this equation, was clas-sified as follows: 0.2 to 0.5, small; great-er than 0.5 to 0.8, medium; and greater than 0.8, large.48 All analyses were per-formed with SPSS Version 20.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). RESULTS Participants A total of 19 participants were enrolled in this study between January 2012 and March 2013. Thirteen were women and 6 were men. At the time of the study, all participants were working full-time or were full-time students. Twelve participants (3 men, 9 women) had a reduction in pain inten-sity of at least 2/10 following treatment and were classified as within-session re-sponders. The remaining 7 participants (3 men, 4 women) were classified as not– within-session responders. Participants in the within-session-responder group had a mean  SD BMI of 21.0  2.3 kg/ m2, whereas not–within-session respond-ers had a significantly higher BMI of 23.9  2.6 kg/m2 (P = .02) (TABLE 2). Between-group variation in the fre-quencies of T2 signals was observed in the IVDs prior to treatment. Those participants classified as within-session responders had a greater than expected frequency of normal-appearing IVDs, whereas those participants classified as not–within-session responders had a greater frequency of at least 1 IVD with a decreased T2 signal (χ2 = 5.4, df = 1, P = .02). There were no other pretreatment differences in self-report measures or ex- TABLE 3 Frequency Counts of Subject Characteristics for the Immediate and Nonimmediate Responder Groups *P = .04, χ2 = 5.43, df = 1. Subject Characteristic/Description Immediate Responders (n = 12) Nonimmediate Responders (n = 7) Duration of current episode 2 mo or less 4 1 More than 2 mo, less than 6 mo 1 1 Longer than 6 mo 7 5 Lifetime history No back problems before current episode 5 4 Previous back problems before current episode 7 3 Anatomic location of symptoms Low back only 9 4 Low back as well as buttock and/or thigh 3 3 Decreased T2 signal intensity at 1 or more intervertebral discs Yes* 1 4 No* 11 3 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 7. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 25 amination findings between these groups (TABLE 3). Within-Group Comparisons of ADC Values Following treatment, a significant in-crease in the mean ADC was observed in the within-session-responder group at the L1-2 level (mean increase in ADC, 0.10 × 10–3 mm2/s; 95% confidence inter-val: 0.04, 0.16 × 10–3 mm2/s; effect size, d = 0.41; P = .004). The mean ADCs for each of the 4 remaining lumbar segments (L2-3 to L5-S1) in the within-session-responder group were higher following treatment; however, the differences in those values were not significant at the .01 level. In the not–within-session-re-sponder group, the mean ADC following intervention was lower at all lumbar lev-els except L3-4; however, the differences in those values were not significant at the .01 level. Between-Group Comparisons of ADC Values Two-way, repeated-measures analyses of variance indicated significant group-by-time interactions, with participants in the within-session-responder group having a postintervention increase in the ADC at L1-2 (F = 16.36, df = 17, P = .001), L2-3 (F = 13.91, df = 15, P = .002), and L5-S1 (F = 7.82, df = 15, P = .01) compared to participants in the not–within-session-responder group. The point estimates of the percentage of change in the ADC indicated that at the L1-2 level the mean value of the ADC for the within-session-responder group increased by 5.9%, whereas the mean value of the ADC for the not–within-session-responder group decreased by 7.0%. At the L2-3 level, the mean value of the ADC for the within-ses-sion- responder group increased by 4.3%, whereas the mean value of the ADC for the not–within-session-responder group decreased by 6.7%. At the L5-S1 level, the mean value of the ADC for the within-session- responder group increased by 7.3%, whereas the mean value of the ADC for the not–within-session-responder group decreased by 3.4% (FIGURES 4 and 5). These values exceed our previously de-scribed degree of measurement error in obtaining the ADC. Using the classifica-tion described by Cohen, large effect sizes were observed at L1-2 (1.74), L2-3 (1.83), and L5-S1 (1.49). No significant group-by- time interactions were observed at the L3-4 and L4-5 levels. Moderate effect siz-es were observed at L3-4 (0.70) and L4-5 (0.67) (TABLE 4). DISCUSSION The findings from this study sug-gest that differences in an indi-vidual’s change in reported pain intensity following a single treatment of SMT are related, in part, to changes in the rate of diffusion of water (ADC) in the IVDs of the upper lumbar spine and the lumbosacral junction. The results of the current study are consistent with our previous observation of a significant in-teraction between subject responses to a single treatment of PA-directed manual pressures followed by prone press-ups administered to patients with flexion-sensitive LBP.8 In that previous study, subjects who reported a within-session FIGURE 4. Midsagittal apparent diffusion coefficient maps calculated from images obtained from a 27-year-old woman with recurrent low back pain who was classified a within-session responder. (A) Pretreatment image and (B) posttreatment image. Following treatment, this participant’s apparent diffusion coefficient values increased by 8.2% at L1-2, 10.5% at L2-3, and 23.8% at L5-S1. FIGURE 5. Midsagittal apparent diffusion coefficient maps calculated from images obtained from a 22-year-old woman who was classified a not–within-session responder. (A) Pretreatment image and (B) posttreatment image. Following treatment, this participant’s apparent diffusion coefficient values decreased by 15.7% at L1-2, 7.7% at L2-3, and 0.01% at L5-S1. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 8. 26 | january 2014 | volume 44 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy [ research report ] reduction of pain intensity of at least 2/10 demonstrated an increase in ADC at the L5-S1 level, whereas those subjects who did not report a within-session reduc-tion of pain intensity of at least 2/10 had a reduction in ADC. Interestingly, in our current study, we observed nearly identi-cal effect-size (d) differences in ADC at the L5-S1 level between responder groups following a single treatment of high-ve-locity lumbar manipulation, compared to that observed in our previous study using a 10-minute session of mobilization and prone press-ups. The effect size at L5-S1 was 1.46 in our previous study and 1.49 in our current study. Because our previ-ous study analysis was limited to the L5- S1 level, we cannot make between-study comparisons of ADCs for other lumbar segmental levels. An interesting finding of this study was that the significant interactions with large between-group postintervention ef-fect sizes occurred in the upper lumbar spine and at the lumbosacral junction. No significant interactions, however, were noted in the mid-lumbar spine at L3-4 and L4-5. To guard against the pos-sibility of a type II error, we performed a power analysis that revealed a statis-tical power of 0.97 to detect significant between-group differences (effect size, F = 0.6; α = .01; n = 18). Considering this, it is likely that within our sample there was significant regional variation within the lumbar spine, rather than in the en-tire lumbar spine, in the change in ADC. The reason for this is unknown, but it may be that the “junctional” motion seg-ments of the lumbar spine (ie, those re-gions that border more rigid portions of the osteocartilaginous spine, such as the thoracolumbar junction and the lumbo-sacral junction) are affected differently by SMT than are those segments in the middle portion of the lumbar spine.14 Another possible explanation is that in-creases or decreases in “muscle guard-ing” of the paravertebral muscles that may occur within session following SMT may influence external forces acting on the lumbar IVD, which may in turn affect diffusion gradients and pathways within the IVD.29,57 There are many theoretical explana-tions for our findings. Diffusion of water within the IVD is influenced by pressure gradients and chemical forces acting on it, as well as by structural barriers such as dense regions of collagen fibers within the nucleus (ie, a nuclear “cleft”).1,2,28,29,51,57,58,60 Internal pressure gradients are likely to be influenced by externally applied forc-es, 2,29 such as those generated by SMT, that are believed to act on the disc; how-ever, all participants received similar ap-plied forces during the intervention, and only those in the within-session-respond-er group had increases in diffusion. This suggests an additional interplay involv-ing biochemical events that might have occurred within the IVD in response to SMT. Because increased diffusion was associated with analgesia, it is possible that this increase led to, or was triggered by, some combination of central and/or peripheral chemical activity that influ-enced pain-regulating neurotransmit-ters and/or inflammatory mediators.41,42,69 We hope to address these issues in future studies. Another possible explanation for our findings is that the increased diffusion observed in this study was coincidental, TABLE 4 Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values for Both Groups Preintervention and Postintervention *Values are mean  SD in units of ×10–3 mm2/s. †Values are mean (95% confidence interval) in units of ×10–3 mm2/s. ‡P<.01. Segmental Level/Responder Group Preintervention* Postintervention* Within-Group Change Score† Within-Group Effect Size (d) Between-Group Change Score† Between-Group Effect Size (d) L1-2 0.27 (0.13, 0.41)‡ 1.74 Within session 1.70  0.25 1.80  0.24 0.10 (0.04, 0.16)‡ 0.41 Not within session 1.87  0.16 1.70  0.26 –0.17 (–0.40, 0.07) 0.60 L2-3 0.21 (0.10, 0.33)‡ 1.83 Within session 1.87  0.23 1.95  0.17 0.08 (0.00, 0.15) 0.40 Not within session 1.94  0.10 1.80  0.17 –0.14 (–0.30, –0.02) 0.93 L3-4 0.06 (–0.03, 0.18) 0.70 Within session 1.95  0.12 2.01  0.13 0.06 (0.01, 0.12) 0.48 Not within session 1.96  0.16 1.97  0.12 0.01 (–0.07, 0.07) 0.07 L4-5 0.07 (–0.03, 0.18) 0.67 Within session 1.95  0.16 2.01  0.10 0.06 (–0.01, 0.13) 0.45 Not within session 2.01  0.12 2.00  0.18 –0.01 (–0.07, 0.10) 0.07 L5-S1 0.21 (0.05, 0.37)‡ 1.49 Within session 1.93  0.17 2.07  0.07 0.14 (0.02, 0.26) 0.47 Not within session 2.08  0.12 2.01  0.07 –0.07 (–0.10, –0.01) 0.52 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Dot Lib Information on June 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
  • 9. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 44 | number 1 | january 2014 | 27 that is, an epiphenomenon similar to the cavitation or “pop” often associated with SMT.21 However, we believe that this is unlikely, because one would expect to ob-serve increased (or decreased) diffusion independent of changes in pain intensity. Limitations to the external validity of our findings should be acknowledged. Our sample was one of convenience and was composed primarily of young adults with low levels of disability and pain in-tensity. It is not known if our findings would be reproduced in an older sample of individuals and/or those with nerve root entrapment, medical comorbidi-ties, obesity, or biobehavioral factors.46,66 Although there were small differences in BMI between responder groups, both groups had BMIs within the “ideal range.” It is not known whether the between-group difference in BMI is a meaning-ful predictor of treatment response. An additional concern is that obesity may influence the rate at which energy from the MRI signal is absorbed by the body (ie, specific absorption rate); therefore, it is unknown if our results would be re-produced in a group of obese individuals seeking care for LBP. Previous work has suggested that there may be important gender differenc-es in pain reporting and response to care in individuals with LBP.18 We performed a post hoc analysis to investigate this and found that, although women had higher intensities of pain than men for reports of pretreatment pain, as well as reports of high, low, and average pain on a typi-cal day, there were no gender-based dif-ferences in the changes in pain or in the relationship between change in pain and change in diffusion. The longitudinal validity of our find-ings is unknown. Our results are limited to within-session responses to treatment.38 We do not know how each participant’s perceived pain level changed over time and, therefore, we can make no judgments regarding the long-term relationships be-tween changes in ADC and changes in reported pain intensity following inter-vention. Finally, it is important to note that our measures of ADC are limited to the central nuclear portion of the IVD. We are currently unable to make judgments regarding the relationships of SMT and pain reports to events occurring in the other portions of the IVD and/or within other structures that are associated with pain perception.12,14 It should be noted that the current use of diffusion-weighted imaging of the IVD is most valuable as a research measure and is not likely to have immediate impact on clinical decision making; that is, we do not recommend its routine use in the management of patients receiving physical therapy care. Although our findings are prelimi-nary, the similarity of the results of the current study to our previous studies sup-ports the hypothesis that variations in water diffusion occurring in the lumbar IVDs may be one of the mechanisms as-sociated with differences in pain reports following manual therapy and/or exer-cise interventions for people with LBP. Further investigation is needed in popu-lations with a wider range of pain and disability. Diffusion-weighted imaging of the spine will be of great value to pro-vide dependent measures that help clarify pain pathways, map the geography of the internal disc environment, and assess physiologic changes in response to a wide array of interventions, including exercise approaches, injection treatments, and re-generative medicine procedures.27,67 CONCLUSION In a group of participants with LBP who were considered to be candidates for SMT, there were significant differ-ences in the postintervention changes in diffusion of water within the IVDs of the upper lumbar spine and at the L5-S1 level between those who did and did not report a reduction of pain intensity within the treatment session. At these spinal levels, within-session responders demonstrated increased diffusion, whereas not–within-session responders had either a reduction in diffusion or no change. This finding is consistent with previous studies using joint mobilization and suggests linkages between the application of manual ther-apies and physiologic events within the lumbar IVD and back pain intensity. t KEY POINTS FINDINGS: Participants who reported de-creased LBP intensity of at least 2/10 within the same session following a single treatment of SMT also had in-creases in the diffusion of water within the lumbar IVDs at the L1-2, L2-3, and L5-S1 levels. Participants who did not report a within-session decrease in LBP of at least 2/10 had a reduction or no change in the diffusion of water within the lumbar IVDs at the L1-2, L2-3, and L5-S1 levels. IMPLICATIONS: The results of this study support previous research that suggests a linkage between changes in the dif-fusion of water within the lumbar IVD and changes in pain following manual therapy treatment to the low back. CAUTION: The participants in this study had low levels of pain intensity and back pain–related disability. 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