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S. Shabat
T. Gefen
M. Nyska
Y. Folman
R. Gepstein
The effect of insoles on the incidence and
severity of low back pain among workers
whose job involves long-distance walking
Received: 26 June 2004
Accepted: 16 September 2004
Published online: 25 January 2005
Ó Springer-Verlag 2005
Abstract The prevalence and inci-
dence of low back pain in general
society is high. Workers whose job
involves walking long distances have
an even higher tendency to suffer
from low back pain. A positive effect
of insoles in reducing low back pain
was found in professional sports
players. This was not examined on
people whose job involves walking
long distances. In this double blind
prospective study we examined the
effectiveness of insoles constructed in
a computerized method to placebo
insoles in 58 employees whose work
entailed extensive walking and who
suffered from low back pain. The
evaluation was performed by the
MILLION questionnaire, which is
considered as a valid questionnaire
for evaluation of low back pain. We
calculated the differences of the pain
intensity before and after the inter-
vention, in the employees using the
insoles manufactured by computer in
comparison to the users of the pla-
cebo insoles. In each group, the
analysis was performed in compari-
son to the baseline. A total of 81% of
the employees preferred the real in-
soles as effective and comfortable in
comparison to 19% of the users of the
placebo insoles (P<0.05). The results
of this study indicate a substantial
improvement in the low back pain
after the use of the true insoles. The
average pain intensity according to
the MILLION questionnaire before
the use of the insoles was 5.46. How-
ever, after the use of the real insoles
and the placebo insoles, the average
pain intensity decreased to 3.96 and
5.11, respectively. The difference of
the average pain intensity at the start
of the study and after the use of the
real insoles was significant: )1.49
(P=0.0001), whereas this difference
after the use of the placebo insoles
was not significant: )0.31
(P=0.1189). The reported severity of
pain also decreased significantly: a
level 5 pain and above was reported
by 77% of the subjects at the start of
the study. After the use of the real
insoles only 37.9% of the subjects
reported a similar degree of pain
severity, and 50% of the subjects did
so after the use of the placebo insoles
(P< 0.05). We did not find a link
between low back pain and other
variables such as gender, age, number
of offspring, work seniority, smoking,
previous use of insoles and previous
medication. This study demonstrates
that the low back pain decreased sig-
nificantly after the use of real insoles
compared to placebo ones.
Keywords Low back pain Æ Work-
ers Æ Insoles Æ Long distance walking
Eur Spine J (2005) 14: 546–550
DOI 10.1007/s00586-004-0824-z ORIGINAL ARTICLE
S. Shabat Æ T. Gefen Æ M. Nyska
R. Gepstein
The Orthopaedic Surgery Department,
Spine Unit, Sapir Medical Center,
Tel-Aviv Sackler Medical School,
Kfar-Saba, Israel
Y. Folman
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Hillel-Yafe Medical Center,
Hadera, Israel
S. Shabat (&)
The Orthopaedic Surgery Department,
Spine Unit, Sapir Medical Center,
Tel-Aviv Sackler Medical School, 48
Tchernichovsky Street,
Kfar-Saba, 44281, Israel
E-mail: drshabat@hotmail.com
Tel.: +972-9-7472549
Fax: +972-9-7410596
The prevalence of low back pain in the general pop-
ulation is estimated to be between 60 and 80% [28].
Low back pain is considered to be the second com-
plaint of patients arriving to their primary care phy-
sician, only following upper respiratory tract infection
[7], and is one of the most common causes that every
occupational physician faces each day in his/her daily
practice [8]. The prevalence of low back pain is 25
times higher in the industrial countries [11], and it is
common during the second and fifth decades, which
means it creates a heavy financial burden on society
One of the common causes for low back pain is
walking long distances [5, 18]. This is common in some
professional workers such as post-office deliverers, nur-
ses, etc. It is assumed that there is a connection between
the anatomical shape of the foot and foot pain or low
back pain during walking. There is a physiological
connection between the feet and the back muscles. The
thoracolumbar fascia is a very important link between
these two structures, and it transmits the loads from
the upper extremities, to the back, and from the back to
the lower extremities and the ground [29]. Therefore, the
assumption is that unbalanced pressure over the feet will
cause low back pain due to a compensatory spasm on
the quadratus lumborum muscles. This assumption was
not validated so far.
Insoles have been used for many years. They make
the person feel more comfortable [2]. This phenomenon
is achieved by decrease in the point pressure by 30–50%
(depends on the material the insole is made of) [16]. It
was also proven by electromyographic studies that in-
soles decrease the fatigability in the back muscles [14, 19,
Not many studies have looked into the agronomic
physiological aspects of insoles [4, 9, 12, 13, 20, 24].
Brown and co-workers concluded that more research is
needed to explain the clinical success in using insoles
The Foot Support Anterior Posterior (FSAP)
(TekScan, Inc., Boston, Mass., USA) is one of the
methods to make insoles. This is a computerized
method, which shows an individual map of the foot
with the various pressure points, and therefore enables
to make insoles with maximal support to the foot.
This method was used for searching pressure points in
diabetic patients in order to prevent chronic ulcers
[22]. After a comprehensive search in Medline, we
found only one study that examined the relation
between the use of insoles to low back pain during
long distance walking in military recruits [15]. The
purpose of this work was to examine if such a con-
nection exists.
Materials and methods
A total of 105 postmen whose job includes walking long
distances (walking for many hours a day) were asked if
they suffered from low back pain. Of these 105 persons,
75 (71.4%) answered that they did. Out of these 75
(80%), 60 persons agreed to participate in this pro-
spective double-blind study. The feet of these 60 subjects
were fitted before the beginning of this study for the
insoles, and after randomization they received, either a
true FSAP insole or a placebo insole for 5 weeks, and
then it was switched to the other insole for the next 5
weeks. Either the true or the placebo insoles were made
from a commercially available and widely used visco-
elastic polymeric material for shoe inserts (Sorbothane,
Sorbothane Inc., Kent, Ohio, USA). Both the caregiver
and the subjects were blinded and both shoe insoles
looked the same when used. The participants were per-
mitted to put the insoles during work time, or non-work
time (including home use).
Demographical parameters which included age, sex,
marital status, smoking habits, height and weight,
number of years at work and number of children were
recorded. Each patient filled a MILLION questionnaire
[21] to assess his/her back pain intensity before receiving
insoles and after each period of using either the true or
placebo insoles. The questionnaire was distributed and
collected by another person not connected with this
study. This questionnaire is widely used in the spine
literature for assessing the changes in the back pain after
a certain procedure or treatment and is considered as
valid [3, 21]. In addition, each patient filled a question-
naire after each period with questions regarding the use
of insoles, timing of pain in relation to walking distance,
feeling of being tired after work and if at all so and
preference for one of the insoles.
Statistical analysis was done using the SAS statistical
program. Due to a normal distribution we used the
Student’s t-test. A P value of less than 0.05 was con-
sidered as statistically significant.
A total of 60 patients (25 men and 35 women) agreed to
participate in this study. In the first round, 41 patients
received the true insoles (FSAP) and 19 received the
placebo. After the first period of 5 weeks, two patients
(one from each group) dropped from the study. One
patient from the true insoles group was hospitalized for
a non-related reason, and another patient from the
placebo group refused to continue in the study because
the insoles were inconvenient for him. Therefore, in the
second round 40 patients received placebo insoles and 18
patients received true insoles. A comparison between the
groups in terms of the demographical parameters did
not reveal statistical difference in any of the examined
parameters (P>0.05) (Table 1).
A constant use with the insoles was reported by 49
patients (84.5%) from the true insole group and by 45
(77.6%) of the placebo group. Of these patients, four
(6.9%) and six (10.3%), respectively, reported that they
used it often, while five patients from each group (8.6%)
reported only part-time use. Two patients from the
placebo group (3.5%) did not use it at all.
The frequency of low back pain that was found in
relation to the type of insole is presented in Table 2. This
frequency was found to be lower after the use of true
insoles relative to placebo (P<0.05). A total of 54 pa-
tients (93.1%) from the true insoles group and 46
(79.3%) from the placebo group would have liked to
continue with the use of the insole (P>0.05). However,
47 patients out of the 58 (81%) would have preferred the
true insole (P<0.05). This shows that the patients were
satisfied with both insoles including the placebo (placebo
effect), but were much satisfied with the true insoles.
The average back pain according to MILLION was
5.46±1.8 before the study, 3.96±1.74 after the use of
the FSAP insoles and 5.11±1.85 after use with the
placebo insoles (P<0.05). This led us to examine if there
is an influence on the results according to the first insole
that was used by the patients. Such an influence was not
found (Table 3).
The relation between insoles, feet pain and low back
pain was examined mainly on professional sports players
[4, 9, 12, 16, 20] and on people whose their job involves a
lot of standing [2, 19, 27]. In the latter, it was found that
74% of the examinees found the insoles to be comfort-
able and reported decrease in their feet and lower back
pain [2]. However, none of these papers examined the
relation between insoles and low back pain in patients
whose job includes walking long distances. Only one
study examined the relation between insoles and low
back pain in military conscripts who are supposed to
walk relatively long distances and found a positive
relation between the use of insoles to reduction of low
back pain [15].
There is evidence that the frequency and severity of
low back pain is related to heavy loading of the spine [1,
25, 26]. It was also shown that walking, a regular daily
activity produces heavier loads on the lumbar spine [6].
This increase in the loads is transferred from the foot
during heel strike to the lower extremity and then to the
The most crucial factor for the development of shock
wave related injuries is not the absolute value of the
force at heel strike but the loading rate [23]. Our study
group consisted of postmen who used to walk regularly
for long distances each day, which means a high loading
rate. In this group of examinees, we could have antici-
pated a high rate of low back pain. The fact that the
insoles reduced the low back pain rate proves its po-
tential to absorb some of the force, which is generated
by repetitive walking. Windle and co-workers have
shown that the insoles placed in shoes would attenuate
the peak pressure at heel strike during running and
marching compared to a ‘‘no insole’’ condition [30]. A
decrease in the shock-wave amplitude transferred to the
tibia in subjects who had insoles was reported by Light
et al. [17]. This decreased load, which in turn transfers
less energy towards the upper part of the lower extremity
and the lumbar spine, is probably the cause for the de-
crease in low back pain.
This study was designed as a double blind study. To
our knowledge, this is the only study reported in this
subject which utilizes a double-blind technique. This is
Table 1 Demographic data of
the 60 patients
Eighteen subjects, 9 females, 9
Forty subjects, 24 females, 16
Parameters Mean±SDa
placebo first use
true first use
Age (years) 39.14 37.8± 9.07 39.7±7.67 0.415
Weight (Kg) 69.74 69.2±10.6 70.0±12.1 0.494
Height (cm) 167.98 166.8±7.7 168.5±8.9 0.821
BMI (kg/cm2
) 24.67 24.8±2.8 24.6±3.6 0.857
No. of children 2.21 1.66±1.8 2.45±1.8 0.123
No. of years at work 8.59 8.3±6.7 8.7±6.6 0.847
Shoe size 40.71 40.5±2.3 40.8±2.6 0.675
Table 2 Frequency of low back pain according to type of insole
(MILLION questionnaire). M0 ‘‘Basic’’ Million questionnaire
(before enrollment), M1 million questionnaire after use of true
insoles, M2 million questionnaire after use of placebo insoles
Frequency of LBP M0 M1 M2
Never 0 (0%) 6 (10.3%) 2 (3.4%)
Seldom 15 (25.9%) 34 (58.6%) 26 (44.8%)
Often 37 (63.8%) 15 (25.9%) 24 (41.4%)
Every day 6 (10.3%) 3 (5.2%) 6 (10.3%)
Total 58 (100%) 58 (100%) 58 (100%)
superior to other methodologies which do not use dou-
ble blind techniques.
In this study, it was shown that the patients reported a
greater reduction in their low pain when used the true
insoles, in comparison to the period that they used the
placebo insoles. It was found that the contribution of the
true insoles to the improvement in the low back pain, after
reducing the placebo effect, is 79.2%. We did not find any
correlation between improvement of low back pain to
other measured criteria such as age, sex and marital status.
Evaluation of back pain is a subjective evaluation.
For this evaluation we used the MILLION question-
naire that was proven to be valid in this subject [3, 21].
This work also contributes to the validity of this ques-
tionnaire as there was a good correlation between the
different times that the subjects filled out this question-
naire, in terms of their low back pain.
Reduction in pain intensity by about 2 points in a 10-
point scale, or more than 30%, has been reported to
represent a clinically important difference in pain be-
tween treatments [10]. In our study we found this
reduction in the patients when they used the true insoles
and not when they used the placebo.
In conclusion, it was proven that insoles causes
improvement of low back pain for subjects with repeti-
tive loading such as walking long distances every day.
Table 3 The efficiency of the insoles (according to MILLION questionnaire). P–T placebo insoles were used prior to the true, T–P true
insoles were used prior to the placebo
Questionnaire Delta D P–T (18 patients) P value T–P (40 patients) P value
M1–M2 Between true insoles and placebo )1.30 0.0008 )1.16 0.0001
M1–M0 Between use of true insoles to ‘‘basic’’ MILLION )1.91 0.0001 )1.31 0.0001
M2–M0 Between use of placebo insoles to ‘‘basic’’ MILLION 0.61 0.146 )0.17 0.4443
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  • 1. S. Shabat T. Gefen M. Nyska Y. Folman R. Gepstein The effect of insoles on the incidence and severity of low back pain among workers whose job involves long-distance walking Received: 26 June 2004 Accepted: 16 September 2004 Published online: 25 January 2005 Ó Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract The prevalence and inci- dence of low back pain in general society is high. Workers whose job involves walking long distances have an even higher tendency to suffer from low back pain. A positive effect of insoles in reducing low back pain was found in professional sports players. This was not examined on people whose job involves walking long distances. In this double blind prospective study we examined the effectiveness of insoles constructed in a computerized method to placebo insoles in 58 employees whose work entailed extensive walking and who suffered from low back pain. The evaluation was performed by the MILLION questionnaire, which is considered as a valid questionnaire for evaluation of low back pain. We calculated the differences of the pain intensity before and after the inter- vention, in the employees using the insoles manufactured by computer in comparison to the users of the pla- cebo insoles. In each group, the analysis was performed in compari- son to the baseline. A total of 81% of the employees preferred the real in- soles as effective and comfortable in comparison to 19% of the users of the placebo insoles (P<0.05). The results of this study indicate a substantial improvement in the low back pain after the use of the true insoles. The average pain intensity according to the MILLION questionnaire before the use of the insoles was 5.46. How- ever, after the use of the real insoles and the placebo insoles, the average pain intensity decreased to 3.96 and 5.11, respectively. The difference of the average pain intensity at the start of the study and after the use of the real insoles was significant: )1.49 (P=0.0001), whereas this difference after the use of the placebo insoles was not significant: )0.31 (P=0.1189). The reported severity of pain also decreased significantly: a level 5 pain and above was reported by 77% of the subjects at the start of the study. After the use of the real insoles only 37.9% of the subjects reported a similar degree of pain severity, and 50% of the subjects did so after the use of the placebo insoles (P< 0.05). We did not find a link between low back pain and other variables such as gender, age, number of offspring, work seniority, smoking, previous use of insoles and previous medication. This study demonstrates that the low back pain decreased sig- nificantly after the use of real insoles compared to placebo ones. Keywords Low back pain Æ Work- ers Æ Insoles Æ Long distance walking Eur Spine J (2005) 14: 546–550 DOI 10.1007/s00586-004-0824-z ORIGINAL ARTICLE S. Shabat Æ T. Gefen Æ M. Nyska R. Gepstein The Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Spine Unit, Sapir Medical Center, Tel-Aviv Sackler Medical School, Kfar-Saba, Israel Y. Folman Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hillel-Yafe Medical Center, Hadera, Israel S. Shabat (&) The Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Spine Unit, Sapir Medical Center, Tel-Aviv Sackler Medical School, 48 Tchernichovsky Street, Kfar-Saba, 44281, Israel E-mail: drshabat@hotmail.com Tel.: +972-9-7472549 Fax: +972-9-7410596
  • 2. Introduction The prevalence of low back pain in the general pop- ulation is estimated to be between 60 and 80% [28]. Low back pain is considered to be the second com- plaint of patients arriving to their primary care phy- sician, only following upper respiratory tract infection [7], and is one of the most common causes that every occupational physician faces each day in his/her daily practice [8]. The prevalence of low back pain is 25 times higher in the industrial countries [11], and it is common during the second and fifth decades, which means it creates a heavy financial burden on society [28]. One of the common causes for low back pain is walking long distances [5, 18]. This is common in some professional workers such as post-office deliverers, nur- ses, etc. It is assumed that there is a connection between the anatomical shape of the foot and foot pain or low back pain during walking. There is a physiological connection between the feet and the back muscles. The thoracolumbar fascia is a very important link between these two structures, and it transmits the loads from the upper extremities, to the back, and from the back to the lower extremities and the ground [29]. Therefore, the assumption is that unbalanced pressure over the feet will cause low back pain due to a compensatory spasm on the quadratus lumborum muscles. This assumption was not validated so far. Insoles have been used for many years. They make the person feel more comfortable [2]. This phenomenon is achieved by decrease in the point pressure by 30–50% (depends on the material the insole is made of) [16]. It was also proven by electromyographic studies that in- soles decrease the fatigability in the back muscles [14, 19, 27]. Not many studies have looked into the agronomic physiological aspects of insoles [4, 9, 12, 13, 20, 24]. Brown and co-workers concluded that more research is needed to explain the clinical success in using insoles [20]. The Foot Support Anterior Posterior (FSAP) (TekScan, Inc., Boston, Mass., USA) is one of the methods to make insoles. This is a computerized method, which shows an individual map of the foot with the various pressure points, and therefore enables to make insoles with maximal support to the foot. This method was used for searching pressure points in diabetic patients in order to prevent chronic ulcers [22]. After a comprehensive search in Medline, we found only one study that examined the relation between the use of insoles to low back pain during long distance walking in military recruits [15]. The purpose of this work was to examine if such a con- nection exists. Materials and methods A total of 105 postmen whose job includes walking long distances (walking for many hours a day) were asked if they suffered from low back pain. Of these 105 persons, 75 (71.4%) answered that they did. Out of these 75 (80%), 60 persons agreed to participate in this pro- spective double-blind study. The feet of these 60 subjects were fitted before the beginning of this study for the insoles, and after randomization they received, either a true FSAP insole or a placebo insole for 5 weeks, and then it was switched to the other insole for the next 5 weeks. Either the true or the placebo insoles were made from a commercially available and widely used visco- elastic polymeric material for shoe inserts (Sorbothane, Sorbothane Inc., Kent, Ohio, USA). Both the caregiver and the subjects were blinded and both shoe insoles looked the same when used. The participants were per- mitted to put the insoles during work time, or non-work time (including home use). Demographical parameters which included age, sex, marital status, smoking habits, height and weight, number of years at work and number of children were recorded. Each patient filled a MILLION questionnaire [21] to assess his/her back pain intensity before receiving insoles and after each period of using either the true or placebo insoles. The questionnaire was distributed and collected by another person not connected with this study. This questionnaire is widely used in the spine literature for assessing the changes in the back pain after a certain procedure or treatment and is considered as valid [3, 21]. In addition, each patient filled a question- naire after each period with questions regarding the use of insoles, timing of pain in relation to walking distance, feeling of being tired after work and if at all so and preference for one of the insoles. Statistical analysis was done using the SAS statistical program. Due to a normal distribution we used the Student’s t-test. A P value of less than 0.05 was con- sidered as statistically significant. Results A total of 60 patients (25 men and 35 women) agreed to participate in this study. In the first round, 41 patients received the true insoles (FSAP) and 19 received the placebo. After the first period of 5 weeks, two patients (one from each group) dropped from the study. One patient from the true insoles group was hospitalized for a non-related reason, and another patient from the placebo group refused to continue in the study because the insoles were inconvenient for him. Therefore, in the second round 40 patients received placebo insoles and 18 547
  • 3. patients received true insoles. A comparison between the groups in terms of the demographical parameters did not reveal statistical difference in any of the examined parameters (P>0.05) (Table 1). A constant use with the insoles was reported by 49 patients (84.5%) from the true insole group and by 45 (77.6%) of the placebo group. Of these patients, four (6.9%) and six (10.3%), respectively, reported that they used it often, while five patients from each group (8.6%) reported only part-time use. Two patients from the placebo group (3.5%) did not use it at all. The frequency of low back pain that was found in relation to the type of insole is presented in Table 2. This frequency was found to be lower after the use of true insoles relative to placebo (P<0.05). A total of 54 pa- tients (93.1%) from the true insoles group and 46 (79.3%) from the placebo group would have liked to continue with the use of the insole (P>0.05). However, 47 patients out of the 58 (81%) would have preferred the true insole (P<0.05). This shows that the patients were satisfied with both insoles including the placebo (placebo effect), but were much satisfied with the true insoles. The average back pain according to MILLION was 5.46±1.8 before the study, 3.96±1.74 after the use of the FSAP insoles and 5.11±1.85 after use with the placebo insoles (P<0.05). This led us to examine if there is an influence on the results according to the first insole that was used by the patients. Such an influence was not found (Table 3). Discussion The relation between insoles, feet pain and low back pain was examined mainly on professional sports players [4, 9, 12, 16, 20] and on people whose their job involves a lot of standing [2, 19, 27]. In the latter, it was found that 74% of the examinees found the insoles to be comfort- able and reported decrease in their feet and lower back pain [2]. However, none of these papers examined the relation between insoles and low back pain in patients whose job includes walking long distances. Only one study examined the relation between insoles and low back pain in military conscripts who are supposed to walk relatively long distances and found a positive relation between the use of insoles to reduction of low back pain [15]. There is evidence that the frequency and severity of low back pain is related to heavy loading of the spine [1, 25, 26]. It was also shown that walking, a regular daily activity produces heavier loads on the lumbar spine [6]. This increase in the loads is transferred from the foot during heel strike to the lower extremity and then to the spine. The most crucial factor for the development of shock wave related injuries is not the absolute value of the force at heel strike but the loading rate [23]. Our study group consisted of postmen who used to walk regularly for long distances each day, which means a high loading rate. In this group of examinees, we could have antici- pated a high rate of low back pain. The fact that the insoles reduced the low back pain rate proves its po- tential to absorb some of the force, which is generated by repetitive walking. Windle and co-workers have shown that the insoles placed in shoes would attenuate the peak pressure at heel strike during running and marching compared to a ‘‘no insole’’ condition [30]. A decrease in the shock-wave amplitude transferred to the tibia in subjects who had insoles was reported by Light et al. [17]. This decreased load, which in turn transfers less energy towards the upper part of the lower extremity and the lumbar spine, is probably the cause for the de- crease in low back pain. This study was designed as a double blind study. To our knowledge, this is the only study reported in this subject which utilizes a double-blind technique. This is Table 1 Demographic data of the 60 patients a Total—58 b Eighteen subjects, 9 females, 9 males c Forty subjects, 24 females, 16 males Parameters Mean±SDa Mean±SDb , placebo first use Mean±SDc , true first use P-value Age (years) 39.14 37.8± 9.07 39.7±7.67 0.415 Weight (Kg) 69.74 69.2±10.6 70.0±12.1 0.494 Height (cm) 167.98 166.8±7.7 168.5±8.9 0.821 BMI (kg/cm2 ) 24.67 24.8±2.8 24.6±3.6 0.857 No. of children 2.21 1.66±1.8 2.45±1.8 0.123 No. of years at work 8.59 8.3±6.7 8.7±6.6 0.847 Shoe size 40.71 40.5±2.3 40.8±2.6 0.675 Table 2 Frequency of low back pain according to type of insole (MILLION questionnaire). M0 ‘‘Basic’’ Million questionnaire (before enrollment), M1 million questionnaire after use of true insoles, M2 million questionnaire after use of placebo insoles Frequency of LBP M0 M1 M2 Never 0 (0%) 6 (10.3%) 2 (3.4%) Seldom 15 (25.9%) 34 (58.6%) 26 (44.8%) Often 37 (63.8%) 15 (25.9%) 24 (41.4%) Every day 6 (10.3%) 3 (5.2%) 6 (10.3%) Total 58 (100%) 58 (100%) 58 (100%) 548
  • 4. superior to other methodologies which do not use dou- ble blind techniques. In this study, it was shown that the patients reported a greater reduction in their low pain when used the true insoles, in comparison to the period that they used the placebo insoles. It was found that the contribution of the true insoles to the improvement in the low back pain, after reducing the placebo effect, is 79.2%. We did not find any correlation between improvement of low back pain to other measured criteria such as age, sex and marital status. Evaluation of back pain is a subjective evaluation. For this evaluation we used the MILLION question- naire that was proven to be valid in this subject [3, 21]. This work also contributes to the validity of this ques- tionnaire as there was a good correlation between the different times that the subjects filled out this question- naire, in terms of their low back pain. Reduction in pain intensity by about 2 points in a 10- point scale, or more than 30%, has been reported to represent a clinically important difference in pain be- tween treatments [10]. In our study we found this reduction in the patients when they used the true insoles and not when they used the placebo. In conclusion, it was proven that insoles causes improvement of low back pain for subjects with repeti- tive loading such as walking long distances every day. Table 3 The efficiency of the insoles (according to MILLION questionnaire). P–T placebo insoles were used prior to the true, T–P true insoles were used prior to the placebo Questionnaire Delta D P–T (18 patients) P value T–P (40 patients) P value M1–M2 Between true insoles and placebo )1.30 0.0008 )1.16 0.0001 M1–M0 Between use of true insoles to ‘‘basic’’ MILLION )1.91 0.0001 )1.31 0.0001 M2–M0 Between use of placebo insoles to ‘‘basic’’ MILLION 0.61 0.146 )0.17 0.4443 References 1. 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